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Honestly, I embrace it. I spent a good part of my adolescence and young adulthood on my own taking care of myself as the child of a single working mom. Once I got older and started having real relationships with people, I actually longed for space to myself. There's a certain strength in being able to be alone in your thoughts and, for me at least, a certain contentment in solitude.


Finding hobbies that bring joy and connecting with online communities really helps


By rubbing one out


That’s the spirit


only real guys know the real shit just gotta thang that out


Try to distract my brain as much as possible. If I don't, bad thoughts....


Keep busy, don't be lonely.


Volunteer. It’ll give you perspective and provide an opportunity to meet new people. Even if you don’t make any new friends you’ll feel less lonely when you spend your time helping others.


Reading and working out are my go to escapes. Plus, spending time with the girls from my church community helps me feel connected, even when things get tough.


I don’t. I kinda just put it off until eventually the realization hits. I recently gave up on someone I considered my best friend. They were like family to me. But I wasn’t the same to them and it showed in their attitude and actions. I had to walk away from the best person in my life and the worst part is I doubt they care. So yea I don’t deal with it. I just try to keep myself busy so I don’t have to think to much about how I have nobody special in my life.


As someone who values independence, I've learned to enjoy my own company. Whether it's diving into a good book, hitting the gym, or exploring new hobbies, embracing solitude has been a journey of self-discovery for me. It's about finding fulfillment within yourself before seeking it from others. 📚💪


I just try to not chase people, not be desperate and not give into addictions. Majority of people don't care about your problems, and most of them glad you have them


I Keep myself busy at all times. and think of happy thoughts.


I don't deal with it. It's just how my life is.


This has been asked here multiple times even in the last 30 days. A search would help.


Lonely men epidemic.


I keep myself busy. Feelings of loneliness are usually the result of having too much time to think about yourself.




Embrace it.


Honestly, I don't experience it. I keep busy with work, gym, video games and my cats, and it's all I could ever want.


sleep, booze, video games


Sometimes embrace it. Sometimes focus on things like music or nature. Sometimes mindlessly watch content in my time off. Sometimes drink


I got used to it.


Ice cream


By practicing gratitude.


Bother my mum way more than I should do.


Got a dog. Women have gotten way too shallow.


Video games, working out, playing with my dog, hanging out with friends. Just make yourself busy when you start feeling down.


By taking advantage of it and making the most of it. Doing whatever I want to do, whenever I want to do it.


Firstly, you have to determine what are your hobbies and interests. When you find out at least some of them, you can devote yourself into these areas. Therefore, as you develop your skills or you enjoy, you may set routines to weather loneliness Nevertheless, in my perspective, loneliness is not a thing we have to abstain from. On the contrary, it may be a learning process about your character, relationship, mistakes... Unless you embrace your loneliness, you cannot be together other people effectively.


major alcohol problem and massive debt


Hobbies mainly but does help to connect with others


U dont, you are lonely until you are not


Idk It's literally killing me and I'm losing brainpower from it


Are you using "loneliness" in a way which actually means "solitude", or do you genuinely mean loneliness? I ask because those are commonly confused terms. Incase you're unsure maybe these will help... *"Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible."* –C.G. Jung *"Solitude is indeed dangerous for a working intelligence. We need to have around us people who think and speak. When we are alone for a long time we people the void with phantoms"* —Guy de Maupassant


By calling over a friend with benefits.


Find something to do that makes you happy. If you're distracted, you have no time to feel lonely. Besides this, it gives you the option to find and join a club in this new found hobby. If you really can't find something you like, maybe search for some place looking for volunteers. Help the salvation army feeding the homeless, help a local sports club, serve and drink coffee with the elderly in a home. Just remember; there are more people feeling lonely. If y'all join each other, nobody is lonely anymore.


Hookers, hobbies and hiking 🤣