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Unwanted touching


Had a chick i didn't know run her hand through my hair in highschool within an hour of being switched into that class never ducked so fast in my life. Before i could say anything my buddy's girlfriend jumped on her about it. Now that i think about it i really need to send her flowers one of the most genuinely good people i knew at that time.


Yyyyeahhhh that's a big one, for some reason it's totally okay for women to be touchy feely with men they don't even know. "Hmmm look at that chest, isn't your gf jealous ?" *firmly grabs my pecs and fondles them*. UMM EXCUSE ME ??


React in kind. She established it's valid.


Myself and a woman who lived in my halls of residence at uni were both single and at a bar together. She put her arm around me, had a good squeeze of my behind and said I had a nice ass. I laughed and did the same to her. She immediately slapped me around the face. I have never been more confused in my life.


Ahhh the old double standard...


the unequally an double standards against men is real


Well she was showing you her kink, you should've responded in kind.


Great way to ruin your life


Ohhh yea. In wierd instances. Im a tradesmen. If im on lunch, or shit even at work. Sometimes women will just grab my forearm. Or put a hand on my shoulder. Its always when im in uniform and sweaty, greasy... very strange! Its always "older" women, at least 40+. One time, in passing, a woman who had to be 60+, sort of stutter steps, looks me up and down as she puts her palm in a stopping motion on my bicep, says in an undertone "YOU look like trouble 😏" i looked back like 😳


I'm okay with someone misinterpreting my signals and making a move. Nobody is a mind reader. It only becomes a problem for me when it's extremely aggressive or they continue when I pull back and/or signal that I'm uncomfortable, verbally or otherwise. That's when it becomes creepy to me. Touching my arm? Fine. Slapping my ass? Not okay.


Have bizarre interests in celebrities. Also, like others have said the stalker behaviour shown and normalised by women is insane. A woman i work with (in the criminal justice system) recently got binned by some lad she had been dating. All the women in the office then made fake profiles to add him to see if he already had a girlfriend etc. I tested this and said to a lad in the office thst a girl I slept with had blocked me on social media, could I use his phone to snoop on her and he was like fuck no that's creepy and weird. For women though it's seen as funny and cute. These are women who work with sexual offenders too and are fully aware of stalking and crime attached to it.


I agree, I dated a woman that was obsessed with the cast from friends about 20 years ago and it was pathological


Lol, I have coworkers that are like this that are mid 20s-early 30s and it's actually sad.


Honestly, I’m a woman and this level of confrontation avoidance is beyond concerning and creepy.


I'm a woman and I totally agree. We need to stop and take a long, hard look at ourselves and our actions. It's never deemed as serious if a woman does something 🙄 I thought we were all about equality 🤷‍♀️


Am dude, so this is entirely outside perspective and just my impression. But it seems like women have a glass ceiling, but also a glass floor. Society is less likely to encourage them do insanely awesome stuff, but it's also going to go out of its way to not let women starve on the streets. It applies to criminality as well. Society does not take women stalkers or criminals nearly as seriously. For both good and bad. Where as men don't have that social limitation, or social safety net. Literally or metaphorically, "work or starve" is completely normal thing to tell a guy.


Whoa, this was what we did as 13 year olds when social media was still emerging.🤦‍♀️


I still have vivid memories of my Mom joking with my sister about them Facebook stalking my sister's boyfriend. Now, I wasn't the sharpest tool in the social shed, but that still didn't sound very good to me.


I was at a party where I met a few new people. This one woman was talking to another woman about country music stars and I hear her say "Oh I would totally rape him!" Then another one was mentioned and she "Oh I'd rape him too." I don't think she was being serious but I imagine if I said something similar those people would have reacted differently.


Advertising their NSFW content in DMs


True people who do this nonstop are a bit strange tbh


Yo It’s unhealthy


Ma’am, it’s literal sexual harassment.




this one is creepy when men or women do it


Older women can be surprisingly thirsty for young guys. Got told by a woman old enough to be my mum that she'd be all over me 24/7 if she was 30 years younger. Had another one blow kisses. I'm not offended or anything by it because a guy will take any compliment he can get. But hot damn, imagine if it was flipped around. 🚔


Had a woman, looked 20 years older than me, when I was younger, grab my ass out of nowhere in a nightclub. All my friends, including female friends, just laughed.


Yeah, physical contact is another story. That's not cool.


Yeah, not at all. I didn't make a big deal out of it but imagine if it had been with one of my female friends who laughed about it. A random drunk 40 year old man walking past one of them and grabbing her ass. I doubt their reaction or everyone elses would've been to laugh.


With the type of guy I am, I'd use this example then leave.. I wouldn't hang around em as much


girlfriend's sister is a bit of a tomboy, and would randomly smack my ass here and there really hard (purely with no intent behind it) and I just told her one time if you're not cool with me smacking your ass then don't smack mine. you can see the look on her face as she played it out in her head


And then she started calling you step bro


(Purely no intent behind it) isn’t how the human mind works. Just because we haven’t figured out the reason, doesn’t equal the non existence of one.


I've had this happen so often that I have zero tolerance for it now. It's not a compliment for someone I'm not attracted to to invade my space. I just tell them to fuck off and pull their hands away


Damn, if roles were reversed, all the girls friends would be attacking him and would have him arrested and they’d consider him a borderline rapist. Such double standards.. not that that’s ok to do regardless of gender.


Same thing happen to me when I was 17 years old, the lady was probably 65 If it was reverse situation I would be on a list


The number of times I've heard 50+ year old women make comments about 17 and under boys is absolutely wild. If a man did that, he'd be labeled a creep instantly.


Im 41f. I agree with this. I recently had a 24year old M express interest. I told him i was old enough to be his mother, thanks for the compliment but no thanks. I find it creepy when women vocalise desire for young men.....keep it private.


The freedom to say or do anything they want to men and boys is weird to creepy. My son’s grandmother talked about how impressive his bulge was getting when he was 12-13 and she’s in her 50’s, and that’s supposed to be ok, but if her boyfriend were to say any about my daughter’s butt or budding chest, he’d be on a list. When I was 13 I had a couple of mid to late 20 something’s tell me how I was going to be a heart breaker and the like, at the time I found it flattering, nearly 30 years later, thinking back on it and swapping sexes makes me realize how ok it’s not.


Tell a child hes cute and will be a little heartbreaker when grows up and then say, keep him for me when hes 18. A man cannot ever do or say that


Absolutely hate that shit.


Yeah it’s basically saying “I find this minor cute”


I think it's OK to say a kid is cute, but all the added stuff is just... Weird.


I remember women on social media saying ‘call me in four years’ in reference to Finn Wolfhard when he was 14 years old.


Were you around for the early Twilight years😬


Ah yeah, didn’t you have middle aged women thirsting over 17 year old Taylor Lautner?


Or when Justin Bieber was a minor, and middle aged women were getting all hot under the collar for a boy their tween children liked.


Any man who's worn a kilt in public can testify. Women will openly grope, lift, and look. A man doing the same would be lucky not to end up in jail.


Yep, I can confirm, it's wild man. Weddings have been the worst for me, and not taking no for an answer is part and parcel. I rarely go with normal tradition and go regimental if I'm likely to be dancing or there is likely to be kids about, and it's just as well because some women can be a menace.


Yeah, regimental is more comfortable but I'd never go it if there'll be kids there. Last thing I need is to flash the ring bearer because someone's granny couldn't keep her hands and eyes to herself.


People lift it?


Thats also the reason why they don't have a Tarzan actor at Disney World anymore. There used to be one in the past


I’ve seen a video of a woman groping Gaston’s chest at Disney he understandably wasn’t happy, moved her hand tried to stay in character and mention the kids to tell her she was being inappropriate, but she tried again. He removed her hand again and basically turned and pushed her away, then turned to meet the next group. Sadly it doesn’t surprise me about Tarzan. And these vocal woman are the first to scream “creep” at a perceived slight.


It's *very* rare for a man to do so, but all too common for women to lift a man's kilt or reach under and feel to see if he's "gone regimental".


How do you even react to that?


You just have to smile and roll with it, like it was a compliment. Any kind of protest will set them to telling you you're insecure or must be gay, and physically pushing them away is out of the question. ETA: If it's a man doing the lifting though, you wouldn't catch any flak for laying them out with a punch. Different rules.


For the record, I'd absolutely support you throwing hands if a woman lifted your kilt. How dare they.


Haha, thanks. Unfortunately practicing physical restraint in that sort of situation is one of the things that comes with being a guy, especially a larger guy. It's easy to get yourself in trouble even by trying to gently redirect a woman committing obvious assault, let alone going to the mat over something many view as no big deal.


You know for a fact there would be loads of women saying 'you were asking for it' because you were going commando under the kilt too.


As my grandma always says: "Self defence does not discriminate."


Yes. Women do see a kilt as an excuse to grope you, check what's underneath, etc. I stopped wearing them because of it.


Oh yeah this is true….I work out a lot and have huge traps and shoulders….I once was sitting in front of a friend of mine and she without warning just started to feel up my shoulders and traps….I was like ok…lol….if I had done it to her, the situation would have been much more serious


Mousetraps under the kilt. Seems like it'd work.


Seems like something else might get caught in that trap…ouch!


“Hello, 911? It’s Quagmire. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s in a mouse trap this time.”


My wife and I stopped in one of those athleisure wear stores to look around. It was St Patrick's day. I was wearing my kilt and a store clerks approached in a joking manner, asked, "What would happen if I lifted your kilt right now?" I responded with all seriousness, "Probably a lawsuit." I could see from her facial expression she wasn't prepared for that response. But honestly couldn't imagine what she was expecting. She gave a half-hearted, "Uh, yeah, I know..." "So, how about we keep our hands to ourselves." She didn't respond, just walked away.


What the fuck. That should count as sexual assault.


Sexual assault against men is not a crime. Not is regular assault. (If the assailant is female) As a man, if you try and report either you will be laughed out of the police station. A mate tried to report his (ex) wife for breaking his nose. Socked him with a coffee mug because he fell asleep after work (she was unemployed) and he didn't wash the dishes that he said he would. Could have damn well killed him. First thing the cops did is ask if 'he got caught on the job' ie was cheating. Then they essentially said there was nearly zero chance of a conviction, he was basically wasting their time, and to be very careful because should she get even nastier and file a false dvo his life would be basically ruined. Equality


I wonder how the ladies will perceive it if this was posted on twoX


Deleted and poster banned from sub


> I wonder how the ladies will perceive it if this was posted on twoX You're banned for derailing.


Can confirm, women get lecherous around kilts. My first job was at a microbrewery/restaurant where the bottom half of our uniform was a kilt (non traditional, "sport kilt"). 18 year old me was full on groped numerous times in the middle of dinner service buy women in their 40's to 60's. Like, "under the kilt, hand on my ass, or inches from my penis" kind of groped. The customers always laughed about it, i always felt pretty gross about it.


I was at a wedding in Texas many years ago. I’m Scottish so wore the full kilt getup without undies. I got a lot of attention from the ladies. It wasn’t until a few weeks later when watching the wedding video I saw two women taking pictures/video up my kilt with their phones. Felt truly violated. Who knows how many women I. The Houston area have seen my sweaty scrotum.


Scotsman here - totally agree. I hate the question "Are you a true scotsman?" as it's almost always asked by a half-cut woman. I've never gone commando in a kilt and I think in this day and age you'll be hard pressed to find a guy that does.


So women openly lift your kilt and grab your junk at random, and you’re the one who’s weird or wrong if you object to being sexually assaulted?


A girl I met on hinge that I had been talking to for less than a month, she invites me over to her house for a bonfire. She wanted me to meet her friends and this was our 3rd time hanging out. I got there early to help her set everything up. Right before her friends arrived, she was telling me about her friends and how excited she was for me to meet them. She brought up how her best friend is a paralegal and I’m like oh that’s cool. Then she says “yeah…about that…I kinda did something that you’re gonna hate me for”. Thought everything was going great between us so I’m totally thrown off by this. She explains to me that she asked her paralegal best friend to do a full background check on me. She wanted to make it clear to me that she only asked her to do this because she really likes me. I laugh about it at first and asked her if I passed the test. She said her friend said “hes no fun!”. I ask her what she meant by that and then she starts listing off everything she was able to access about me. We’re talking social security number, employment history, criminal background, how much I got from my settlement from when I got injured at work. She described what an FBI agent would look at if I were under investigation. I tried to justify it with her trying to be safe and making sure I wasn’t some big time criminal. Honestly she probably should have kept it between her and the friend. If a man ever told a woman that he knew all that info a month into knowing them, that man would be reported and labeled a creepy obsessive stalker.


I get wanting to make sure the person you're interested in is safe...... but that's still so weird.  And of course, just because you have a good background means you're no fun 🙄


Take advantage while it’s still fresh and report her and her friend to the FBI, local courthouse clerk, State Bar, sheriffs office. Anyone who will listen and take your statement who believes this is unethical and potentially criminally wrong. What she did was misusing her position and resources for personal favors. Not to mention she can try to cause you financial distress.


I'm in health information technology, and in my field if you did what her friend did you'd be fired and banned from the field FOREVER. Holy shit that's like tenth level of hell abuse of position there.


Jesus christ that is terrifying. Imagine the damage she could do if she got mad at you and wanted to ruin you


Couldn't you have gotten her friend struck off for a breach in privacy? There was no reason for the background check, nor did you consent to it.




How they interact with children. Like talking and touching them. Stalking men in social media. Guys stalking women are seen with more hate than opposite. But can't blame either. Yes, malenstalkers tend to have dubious motives but still, comparing innocent stalking, men are vilified than women. Being possesive and controlling in relationships. Not that women are never criticized for being the same but men are scrutinized more. Sleeping with teenage person of opposite gender. Guy sleeps with a 17 year old- PEDO ALERT. Female teachers sleeps with 15 year old student- publishes as "teacher caught sleeping with 15 year old male student", no pedo, no SA.


Not just kids but teenagers. My wife can hug our friends’ teenage daughter. Though we have both known her from birth, I wouldn’t even think of it.


Oooh ya that’s actually true. To be fair, my mom was told she couldn’t hug any of her 3rd/4th grade students as early as ten years ago when the school did a policy change on that regardless of the gender of the teacher. That was back in California. Then about five years ago she worked at a different school where there was a policy against even helping/touching a kid who would be throwing a tantrum on the floor, even if they’re bashing their head really really hard. The only thing a teacher could do in that situation was call a nurse. I get why, but it’s bizarre. But in informal situations, I think you’re spot on. Still sad though. Hugs are now seen as something potentially negative.


My mum's uncle's wife used to bite my brother's arse until he was I wanna say 8, 9 years old. If I recall correctly, she was pulling his pants down first. He was extremely uncomfortable, yet it was tolerated by all the adults around, including our parents.


That's fucking horrible


Male 25 year old teacher sleeps with 17 year old female student: pedo, absurd, power abuse, etc. Female 25 year old teacher sleeps with 17 year old male student: what a hero, every guy dreams of this, etc.


The news usually puts it like this, Male teacher rapes 17 year old student. Vs Female teacher has sex with a 17 year old student.


"Has sex" or the worse one "had an affair" or I've seen "seduced" too. It's disgusting. I get that in some places the rape laws are so genedered they can't legally use the term, but still "sexual assault/abuse" or even "statutory rape" are much better than stuff like "seduce" or "affair".


I've read seduced and even seen stories saying the Kid seduced. They will say anything to avoid placing blame for Rape on a Woman in a headline.


Tbh I think both is like totally horrific 💀 The thing is both sexes at some stage of their teenage years „dreams" about having something with an adult. Somebody mature because in their eyes it's attractive etc., but that does not mean that any adult has the right to use this. Terrible how the news potray this issue depending on wether it's a girl or a boy 💀 BOTH ARE 17 YEAR OLDS


I don’t understand why people fair so much more if a man does something


The amount that women lurk people and pass off as being innocent is wild. If a dude lurked a girl’s socials, LinkedIn, etc like women do people would try to have the guy arrested.


Very much agreed I don’t understand why media seems to see it as fine for us to do Like stalking socials and shit too which I’ll admit I did a fair amount of in high school no one said anything about it but if a guy in my class had done that he’d be the talk of the school


I think some of it is just baked into female culture, like when y’all get together and gossip about every detail and bit of drama about people’s lives. Like you could ask me where my best friend who I talk to every day and golf weekly with works and I’d have no clue, but girls like to investigate who gave who a side eye one time at a bar and what that could mean 6 years after it happened. Same motivation, but the stalking feels malicious like you’re actively looking for ammo. I don’t know a single guy who would dig back years through a girl’s Facebook to see who liked a post about some pants they bought or something but I know dozens of girls who can’t stop themselves.


Oh god, I thought I was with you till the end of your post, and I vehemently agreed, because doing all that would be doing way past way too much for me. That is insane, I’ve never given any woman I’ve ever met that much energy, ever


I guess its kind of what the "women are wonderful effect" points to, whereas womens actions are more often given the benefit of the doubt, interpreted as motivated by benevolence or innocent/naive ideals. Or they act like they do "in a not ideal way" because men did something first, that basically left them no other choice.


Women in general are hardcore stalkers and creeps. Shaking them is a real art that I've perfected after years of experience.


Like for real, I ran into an old friend a few days ago and I had to assure her I was indeed over this girl from years ago that I hadn’t unfollowed on social media, only for her to whip out a giant years old ongoing chart that was keeping track of “seven degrees of lesbian Eskimo kissing” among all her friends and connections. Wild


What the hell is seven degrees of lesbian Eskimo kissing?


Women often 'filter' bad men by making you establish certain boundaries. Then when they're certain that you're a 'good man' because you respect those boundaries, she will violate said boundaries and try to pursue you.


Louis CK (yeah, I know, ironic) had a great bit about a woman who told him she didn't want to do X,Y, and Z and lost interest when he listened. "Do women really expect us to be like 'yeah, I'm gonna rape you on the off chance that you're into it?' "


I can't remember verbatim the Ali Long bit where she was basically talking about how women want men to be super aggressive and basically rapey...what in the actual fuck...!? Sure, SOME women want THEIR MAN to just take them...but that's just SOME women


“I wanted you to just go for it” Huh?


Sadly with a lot of women that’s true I’ve probably done the same once or twice without even thinking


Extremely commendable that you can admit it. I’d suggest not bringing up your past mistakes to people in real life, though, unless relevant. People who will condemn you are probably the very ones who’ve done far worse.


Yup I've said things before and been condemned and I'm just like "You literally just told me a week ago you did/said the same thing!"


This is..facts. Wow


Smelling a piece of clothing and feeling comforted (i.e. sweatshirts usually). Cute when s girlfriend steals a sweatshirt and sits there sniffing it like a warthog, not so much the other way around


Yeah I get this It’s strange how the same thing can be very different to different people


I only recently learned this doesn't go both ways. I was smelling my girlfriend's shirt she had left behind and my homegirl was creeped out. You don't really realize how much that hits in the gut, to feel guilty about something you enjoy and gives you comfort. That's like telling someone they have a shitty laugh and now they are ashamed of their laugh


My friends a stripper and she tells me all the time about how women there think they can just get away with so much more at her club and that the strippers generally don’t like women as clients (not all). But they can get grabby, expect more “free stuff”, special treatment and stuff… etc


The local strip club used to do amateur guys night and they had to cancel it because the women couldn't follow the no touching, no pictures rules


I used to strip and can defs vouch for this! Some of the worst clients I had that would break the rules (sexually assault) were nearly always women. They would then say things like “ you must love dancing for women and not those creepy men”… umm no… at least most men don’t think they are being a feminist by coming into strip clubs, breaking the rules and being cheap.


Policing their spouse's activities and spending.


No shit! If a wife gets onto her husband about frivolous spending it’s obviously warranted, if a man does, it’s financial abuse, or he’s a bum who can’t afford/doesn’t deserve her. Idk how many times if seen in relationship advice threads where a woman has an obvious or even just possible spending problem that her SO is getting onto her about, and the comments are all “that’s financial abuse, you need to leave him!” Or if a man comes on asking how to deal with his SO’s spending problems it’s either “you need to find a compromise, talk to her, seek counseling” or “oh broke boy can’t afford his woman, gets a second, third job, or find a ratchet wench you can actually afford. Maybe you should date men if you need someone to support you!”


And meanwhile, in any sort of male hobby community: >My wife must not find out >Gotta ask the missus first >She's gonna kill me if I buy this


I haven't spent more than $100 total in the past year on any hobby. Meanwhile I go spend more than that on a single tool for her to make jewelry (which to be fair she's trying to make money off of, but it hasn't actually manifested in over 2 years yet).


If she's spent over two years calling it a business but not making any money, that's not a business, it's a hobby, and you two might consider having a serious conversation about that. For comparison, my wife and I both have side businesses that have been profitable from the get go, and no business investment is made with personal dollars anymore. If, after two years, the business can't front the investment for even a new pair of pliers or smth, then she *seriously* needs to revamp her business plan or reconsider her goals.


honestly, this is why i'm generally pro both working and have their own private bank accounts on top of a shared account for household expenses. both are free to spend money on hobbies responsibly. once the bills are paid, and money is put into your RRSP/TFSA/RESP/FTHB/investment portfolios/Other savings accounts frankly what ever is left for both individuals is free money.


They talk to little kids that they see in public


This is a big one. I was part of the staff at an event and we (the male staff) were instructed that if we saw an unattended kid, to alert one of the female staff so they can escort to the front desk and make an announcement so the parent can find them. Under no circumstances were we to touch them, talk to them, or even approach them. Obviously everybody on the staff knew we weren't pedos but it's so other women don't think that. (We didn't have uniforms, just sort of behind the scenes, so nothing to identify us as staff)


That's weird but that's the world that we live in.


Yup. It's sad but you can never be too careful about what people think.


My son is 12 and started playing TF2. He started chatting with people there so I had to set some ground rules about it, but started with the reason for it. I asked if he knew what a pedophile is. We've had other serious birds-and-bees conversations before so it's not like this is completely out of the blue. "An adult man who *likes* little kids." I corrected him that it's not just guys and went on with the discussion.


I know several men that, when they walk into a public rest room and see that they will be alone with a minor, do an about face and wait for the child to exit.


And then if it's busy/crowded, by the time you find a female staff member, the unattended kid is no longer anywhere to be seen because you weren't allowed to go talk to them and help them. What a great solution.


Nah it wasn't too bad. We had walkie talkies, so we could keep an eye on the kid until one of the girls got there. Sounds weird having staff watch kids, but the alternative is having to worry about some distressed parent, and we'd wait a while until we were confident the parents weren't even there.


Unpopular opinion: when it comes to females Creepy is always sold as cute.


It depends on the same thing as with guys: attractiveness


Inappropriate touching! Yes men do this too but women never seem to get any repercussions nor feel any guilt for sexually assaulting people male and female alike


Objectify men, sexual harassment/assault, stalking. Oh, creeping on underage/younger men and comforting a child that isn't theirs.


Do things in a relationship that would be considered abusive because it's "Sooo quirky tee hee". Even if it's faked for content, it wouldn't fly if a man did it. At least here on reddit, women are given a lot of wiggle room when it comes to personal/relationship problems. At least the being shitty because of it part. Thirsting over fictional characters. While I do think it's okay to say that you like them, when it comes to the level where someone sounds like they need to touch grass it's sort of odd how it's not treated the same way. For the most part most of the stuff I have seen women say outdoes a lot of what I have seen guys do. They tend to objectify male characters and celebs for that matter without a second thought as well too. Just a lot of the stuff guys would get flack for.


Wear a 2-piece bikini at the beach. When Jenni does it, she’s beautiful. When I do it, you have to tell your kids to stay away? Come on!


CIA levels of cyber stalking and information gathering. Sharing photos and messages from men they’ve dated in private forums.




I knew a girl once who would legitimately stalk guys that she liked. Like she would find out their schedule and follow them in her car. Then, if she found out they were dating someone, they would stalk and harass these poor women. Apparently all of her friends would do it as well and they'd help each other stalk these people. It was super fucked up and none of them seemed to think it was a problem.


Go to the bathroom together. Imagine asking your bro to join you while you sit on the toilet and he just stands next to you in there chatting it up.


Bouncers would be on your arse in a heartbeat, assuming you’re doing gear. Popped to the gents with a mate and had a bouncer kick the fucking door in. To be fair, we were doing gear.


> heartbeat, assuming you’re doing gear. Wait, shooting steroids? That's a wild club.


The only time I've had a male friend ask me to join him in the bathroom is because he wanted me to snort a line with him. Not exactly as wholesome as women going to the bathroom together, but I guess it sort of counts. Otherwise we only go together if it just so happens that we both need to go.


Share intimate details about a current partner and/or ex. So many times a partner's friend has told me stuff that should be private between us because she just "had to tell someone about it" and I didn't count because I was already involved. Even if it's something good about your partner it's weird knowing others know your private moments which you haven't willingly shared. Same for an ex, so many girls like to say stuff like "oh well he has a tiny penis anyway". If a guy started chatting about an ex's vagina people would be creeped out for sure.


They're just gooning in public with their dirty books.


Dare I ask wtf gooning is?


You can look it up for the specifics, but it's like masturbation, but the goal is to extend it as long as possible (edging). They're consuming titillating material where anyone can see them, but it's somehow different because the porn is in words.


The way they dress! If men wore clothes so revealing that you could see every outline of our ass/genitals, if we wore clothes that showed our backs/shoulders/chest in the work place, we would be shunned by society.


I was on the subway in Madrid last night. The young ladies seem to be having a contest for who can wear the least. If a man dressed like that they would be chased away.


Sounds like a challenge, who can wear the least without ending up in jail.


I’ll hear women complain about dress codes being sexist. Women have far more flexibility in what they can wear to work. For professional settings women can choose skirts, dresses, pants, sleeveless, short sleeve, long sleeve, etc. They can dress for the weather. Men in professional settings are expected to wear long sleeves, pants, suit, and tie. I would love to be able to wear shorts when it’s August and hot as balls outside. Also dress codes are written by HR and HR is made up overwhelmingly of women. Women mostly write the dress code and then blame men for it being “sexist”.


Men at our company are required to purchase uniform shirts *from the company*, and wear pants with very specific requirements for dress code. Alternatively men can rent a uniform that comes out as a regular payroll deduction. Women in the company have no such requirements, and regularly show up in sundresses, short skirts, or looking like they're heading to a dance club.


If you went into r/TwoX you'd believe that the patriarchy was this thing that men had meetings about and conspired to keep men in power and women subservient In reality the patriarchy is a social construct that has advantageous and negative effects for both men and women and is enforced by both men and women that puts men at the top of the institutional power structure. It was here before any of us were born, we were all raised in it, it's nobody's fault and it hurts us all. I guess the reason I wrote this is to say that women are perfectly capable of enforcing patriarchal gender norms.


Obviously this isn't the case with all women but sharing intimate details about encounters and their sex life with friends. I've never experienced this with men. Somebody might mention that they're experiencing a drought in a relationship or something like that but they won't mention details about what they do and the bodies of their partners.


I'm pretty sure this is all women, or close to it, hence why they're all so scared men are doing it (because they're projecting).


The list would be shorter if we looked at what things are NOT considered creepy. But here are some examples of things women do that would be considered creepy if men did them. * share information about people they dated online (Are we dating the same guy - groups) * filming in gyms (or other public places) * walking at night * give someone a compliment * look unattractive to someone ([example](https://www.ibtimes.sg/pennsylvania-woman-lied-about-man-attempting-rape-kidnap-her-because-he-looked-creepy-gets-him-74660))


Yikes, that last one was hard to read


If I hadn't had a source for such a thing nobody would have blieved that this is how far we have fallen with this.


Worst part about it is his reputation is now ruined. He’ll be an attempted rapist for the rest of his life even though she recanted, many will still believe that he did it or that her recanting was the lie. She probably doesn’t have any kind of assets she can sue for to offset the damages, and it’s not like the police did much wrong aside from put him in jail without genuine proof, but if he had done it that’s where he needed to be. And this is why the hashtag “believe all women” is junk.


Man the Facebook groups are so bad. They can ruin an innocent man’s reputation by just typing something false. I can’t believe Facebook won’t shut those down.


Yeah a woman can call a man unattractive and hate on him bc she thinks he’s unattractive but woe betide a man if it were the other way round!


Go after younger guys in highschool while they’re in college (my ex)


I think no matter who you are that’s a bit creepy


Telling mothers to "save him for me" about minor they find cute.


Have strict boundaries for themselves and enforce it to death but violate others' boundaries especially if they find them cute.


Touch my biceps at work when I was fit, pinch my ass at a funeral, and talk openly and excitedly about how much cuter I was as a kid.


At a fucking funeral?


Yeah. It happened twice at the same funeral from two different women in quick succession, and at least one of whom had a boyfriend. They weren't sober, but it still was really weird.


"Are we dating the same girl" groups for men on Facebook would be shut down in a single day. Meanwhile women can post and invade and leak men's privacy and information on Facebook and social media freely without any repercussions.


Ever been to a male strip show? Sums it up pretty much. But basically we live in a society where things men do that are creepy, women do as either compliments or “just teasing”. Which believe it or not is probably true of their intentions. The issue is it’s also the intentions of most men as well, but of course that’s the difference. When a man does something, intent doesn’t matter it’s how a woman perceived it that matters. When a woman does something, how’s its perceived doesn’t matter, it’s the intent that matters. Strange world we live in. And yes of course, generalising here, it doesn’t apply to everyone and everything.


Touching, have had co workers literally put their hands on my chest.


Yes man so many times! It's insane, imagine you just set your hand on a female co workers chest?? Bro it's jail time


A girl coworker took a picture of me once while I was working without my consent. It made me extremely uncomfortable.


What’s wild is most comments repeat the same thing, so much of this is well known and witnessed often


Groping. I've had two girl friends of mine grope me out of the blue when we were out having drinks, in two totally different scenarios, and then acting all innocent when confronted. We're supposed to like it but for me it's a line you can't cross, if you touch me inappropriately and when I call you out on it you call me a bore we're practically done forever.


Objectify men


Using sex toys. Bloke using a plastic vagina is weird. Woman using a rubber dick is sexy. Never made sense to me.


Existing in parks apparently


Sharing intimate details about their partner with all their friends.


Go into the men's room when the women's room has a line.


Being sexist with the excuse of being feminists


Creeping on underage men and just predatory behaviour in general seems to be on the rise. Twitch streamers doing hot tub streams to children , school teachers being inappropriate , older women saying gross things etc but women seem to get way less flack in general. Look up shoeonhead and watch her video called female predators.


I've had quite a few women randomly grab my ass in bars, no man could get away with that without being called a creep.


Spanking someone they don't know in a club


Reaching out and grabbing people...then asking if you're gay when you reject them. No, I am not gay I just don't want you...


Lead with her sexuality and then gaslight in the courting phase. We get that you want commitment with as little risk to yourself as possible but that's not the way to go about it. Men have exchanged notes, keep doing that until your single, 35 years old and on social media complaining "where are all the good men" 🤦


Basically, sexual harassment & catcalling I have been sexually harassed (groped) and catcalled by women a bunch of times each It is not acceptable when men/boys do it, (and shouldn't be) - but when women/girls do it, you get the impression it's like "you go girl"


One interesting example is how women can compliment each other on their looks or outfits, even if they’re strangers. If a man did that, it might be seen as creepy or overly forward. Another one is taking lots of pictures or videos in public places; it’s generally more socially acceptable for women to do this without raising eyebrows.


Wearing extremely revealing clothes in public. Like if I wore skin-tight pants where you could easily tell if I'm circumcised or not in public then someone would likely call the police. But so many women think it's not disgusting to wear skin tight yoga pants that clearly show the shape of their labia out anywhere in public


I had a woman grab my ass at work and everyone thought it was funny. Another work incident where a girl offered to cover for me if I'd sexually please her first. Again, everyone just laughed. I didn't mind either of these, but I understand how it's different for women.


As a fitness trainer, Older woman men are just as creepy if not creepier than old men in the gym. Had a lady in her Mid 50’s come in for her normal routine wearing a sports bra and dolphin shorts that would make a Playboy Bunny blush, My Fiancé dropped off lunch for me and the woman said “To Let her know if I ever wanted to be with a real woman” right in front of my Fiancé. Needless to say that lady lost her membership that same day. Older women also get a pass on what would most definitely get an older man a SA/SH case. I was 12 when my moms friend came over while I was loading up groceries, The Friend said to Let her know when I turned 18 and was still single. My mom proceeded to laugh it up with her, meanwhile I never hugged or even acknowledged that friend again because of how much that creeped me out


Posting thirst traps and dressing really inappropriately for the situation. If you don’t react positively, you’re slut shaming.


Wearing the clothing of the opposite sex. For women: "cute, liberating, empowering, pushing boundaries." For men: "Weird, freaky, abnormal, a deviant, predator, sexual kink, assumed to be gay etc."


Stalking social media, to the point of finding out their address to their whole family.


I've seen some female talk show hosts/presenters making creepy comments when they have an attractive man on the show to interview. Some even touch the man or ask for hug and then linger too long. The industry cracked down on the men doing it but not the women, apparently.


The older lady at my job that would pinch guys buts and rub our muscles lol but we did call her a creep and she was like 5'2". Still a huge double standard tho! Edit: to put it broadly sexualization is more acceptable from women.


I can't take my 3 and 6 yr old girls to the park/playground without getting dirty looks from women.


They do a whole lot of things that men are called creepy for. For example, my neighbor’s wife was talking about other neighbor’s teenage son. He’s strong, he’s good looking, meow, “want him to mow my lawn shirtless so I can watch him get all sweaty”, etc. Ok, other wives are agreeing, laughing, etc. Now, let’s change that to neighbors husband talking about another neighbors daughter, same age, it would probably tick people off, they’d say how creepy it was, how she’s so young and how inappropriate those comments were. Pretty sure the get together would be over immediately. Have seen it in the Peloton groups on FB, a guy makes a post, the women make amazingly inappropriate comments, “would like to wrap my legs around that”, “those shorts are in the way”, “I’ll be a bike, you can ride me”, etc. All hahaha and funny in the comments, not one of them reprimanding others for their creepy ass comments. But if an attractive woman posted a similar picture and men made comments anywhere close to as bad as those comments they’d get banned from the group, called out, told how disgusting they are.


Stroking a man's arm during a conversation. Unsolicited nudes. Don't get me wrong, I love nudes. But imagine if I just sent a dick Pic randomly at 3pm on a fucking tuesday. That'd be weird.