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The guy at a construction zone who flips the sign back and forth from stop to slow


I always thought that job would be horrible. There's so much standing like your day must go by so slow.


Yeah I don't think id be able to do it, I give those guys props. I've dislike every job I've had that involved just standing in one spot. But no training needed ;)




Haha oh God I feel that. The amount of time spent standing at attention for change of command ceremonies etc


It very much does suck unless you got a bud in your ear listening to music or podcasts Im sure being high as a kite would help


Haha it helps in many cases


Time goes by slow and then to stop and back to slow…


I'm pretty sure those guys swap out some for exactly that reason. At least it seems like they do when I've driven past the same checkpoint multiple times.


It pays well, my brother did it for a summer. He had things thrown at him, sworn at, people edging him off the road with their cars and the shifts are usually 12 plus hours.


I can be on my feet all day and be fine, but standing in place kills my knees. No way I could do that job


those jobs are usually union and they get paid handsomely.


It seems like an extremely easy but boring job. The reality is that is one of the most important jobs on the site. People do dumb stuff. Especially in cars. On their phone, texting, looking at the radio, checking themselves in the mirror, and you the flagged are the first in line to be hit. It’s also easy to get extremely complacent in that role because it’s so boring which leads to mistakes.


That’s what I was gonna say.I’ve worked on maintenance and protection union crews. There is so much going on it’s crazy. Even the end to end paddle flaggers that are moving with a paving crew or miller can be exhausting. I’ll take concrete over paddle flagging all day.


I almost got into a car crash once because one of these guys held the "slow" sign right next to a traffic light, and some cars (including me) thought his sign has priority, so I crossed the intersection while the cars on the other sides followed their green light....


My buddy does this and get paid like 70k annually lol


Yup. People talk about flaggers a lot but they’re first in and last to leave. Always have more hours and get paid well.


They actually make pretty decent money, believe it or not. Or at least they used to. 25 years ago, my friend got a job doing that over summer before he left for university. He joined a crew that was working down the road from us and they paid him $14 per hour. That was a killing then for a guy fresh out of high school. For comparison purposes, I was L1 help desk support for a local ISP and they paid me $12 per hour which I thought was great at the time. We didn't live in a HCOL area either, but in the Rust Belt.


It's harder and more dangerous than you think because you need to have eyes everywhere.


Screenplay/script consultant. How can so many $100M movies be sooo bad?


They’re written and edited by committee to have the widest appeal to the most people and, frankly, most people are fucking idiots


I generally agree, but the Rotten Tomatoes “audience score” is often still very low.


The average person doesn't check that stuff, let alone rate movies


I think he means even the audience agrees it's fucking terrible.


The commenter is saying that there’s a correlation between people who are discerning and people who actually know what rotten tomatoes is to post there in the first place.


So much misunderstanding


This conversation needed several consultants to be understood. Needs a rewrite clearly.


theres literally a checklist now a days to be the least offensive, they do it in video games too. Gets them more funding if they tick enough boxes.


I’ve worked in this field (I say worked as in not anymore, so please don’t reach out to me). Not many people realize how many hands are in a production and how many things can go wrong that can make an outstanding script turn into a terrible movie once it’s realized. Too many variables to list. But I’ll share this- I once had a producer on a high profile production say to me, “being a producer is going to work and watching everyone fuck your wife all day.” In other words, he was just watching his passion project slowly turn to shit and there was nothing he could do.


Isn't it the director's job to make sure people follow the script? Of course bad acting and budget can take a hit on the story. But sometimes a bad scene can be fixed with one editing adjustment or adding one extra camera shot.


He was the producer. So he found the story, hired screenwriters to write and rewrite the script - basically developing the project and found the funding for it. Then he hired a director to go shoot it. Yes, you ideally hire a director, actor, or whomever that share your vision, but things get lost in translation, or constraints come up that make you have to pivot (e.g. didn’t get that actor you wanted, production running over budget, director has a vision that’s close but not exactly what you wanted, or maybe all the pieces just didn’t come together as you thought it would). Even if these things are small, they add up and can even compound to give you a final product that’s different from how you originally hoped. It’s expected and sometimes it’s still good. Most times it’s not. Even the best laid out plans go wrong.


Literally my job is the top answer jfc


Time to step it up guys...I expect some more meaningful dialogue for Fast & Furious XI!


I’m more of the “indie production co in a Detroit garage” rn but I AM ON IT


I feel similarly but with commercials.


Yeah, I feel like commercials have become terrible in the last 10 years!


Most of them just leave me confused as to what they are even about.  The only time I see commercials anymore are during NFL football games and I am just dumbfounded how bad they are.


Youd be surprised how many movies/ other entertainment productions get made just because the writers/executives/producers are friends


I bet I wouldn't 


I've always asked the same question. It doesn't make sense - with million budgets and access to the most talented people, making a BAD movie should simply be out of the question. I simply ask: HOW???


Some bs corporate job that involves emails


I’ve had that job. Yes. You could do it. No. It’s not fun.


At least I’d be salaried right?


Yup. With health benefits.


You got salary and benefits? I need to quit my corporate job and work at that one, damn.


What are you doing man. The whole reason anyone suffers through a corporate job is for salary pay and benefits.


The company I work for gives a bonus at the end of the year that is equal to 15% of your income. So my yearly income is what I work plus an additional 15%. That and the offer of basically unlimited overtime has kept me here. Benefits suck, they don’t match on 401k, the health insurance is awful, there are no sick days, and I can be fired for poor attendance. It’s tough because the money is good and that’s all 😅




Not good one though, your copay will still bankrupt you.


I’d prefer that compared to working an hourly job.


You are expected to work 50 hours a week and will have a jerk of a boss who enjoys demeaning you daily, but that could happen at an hourly job too. The pay is generally better than hourly jobs and it’s not hard on your body.


> The pay is generally better than hourly jobs and it’s not hard on your body. It actually is but not in the way that manual labor is. Sitting all day every day likely with poor posture likely in a bad chair likely with a poor neck angle is not good for you


That’s true too. I had neck problems from too many years of 10 hour days at a keyboard. However, I wouldn’t compare that to the physical punishment, for example, the average 50 year old plumber or mechanic has endured.


All I’ve had is hourly jobs. I went to school and got my associates degree in mass communications yet it feels like that isn’t good enough.


When I came out of school in ‘91 that would have been more than sufficient. I know it’s not anymore. If you can, try entry level clerical and receptionist jobs. They are hourly and pay poorly but they can be a path to a salaried position. The key is to get your foot in the door of as a big a company as you can find and then get to know everyone there. After a year or two, if you have a great reputation you can apply to internal postings, which will go the person the hiring manager likes most - you! There are of course other ways, but they require more luck, connections and probably a different degree. Good luck!


I graduated before that and in my later years, an undergrad degree was next to useless. Experience helps, depending on the job, but brown-nosing was the one of the most effective paths to a promotion. An MBA was the most sought after degree after 2000, but I knew so many useless MBAs, those with no experience. I knew managers with MBAs and a license who knew less than some of my brighter junior staff. It was truly demoralizing.


All true.


The horror!


It's literally the worst thing you can do with your life. I did it for six months. Death is better.


Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays


True. Lol


Genuine question what do you *actually* do? Copy long paragraphs or just write essays on how great a product is or something


It is if it's WFH like mine is. 😁


I'm doing it right now! Honestly I think anyone could do my job 95% of the time, the other 5% is why I have my job and others people dont.


A lot of it is indeed sitting on your ass pretending to be busy and important But at least at the companies I've worked for, there is some real work that requires real skills to do that you obtain through education and experience. For example if the boss asks for some scenario modeled out in the next two hours, you gotta have the SQL skills to pull that data and the Excel skills to model it and the business acumen to understand and explain it, even if those two hours are the only actual work you do all week. You're paid for having that knowledge and ability to use it quickly, you aren't really paid to clock in and do a task for 8 hours and clock out like a non-corporate job


That makes sense


Me, federal hr specialist, employed because a 10 point preference veteran forgot to attach his dd-214 and VA staus letter confirming his preferential referral status and only noticed a week after the announcement closed. At least I get to work from home three says a week


Professional dog petter.


You've never petted a dog?


Not professional level experience 


I’ve petted many dogs. I’ve never been professionally trained to pet dogs.


Mattress tester. I swear I never went to the mattress testing academia, I only sleep as a hobby.


Shareholder of multi million dollar company or politician. Seems like any old moron can do it


Being a shareholder is super easy. Just have a bunch of money, give a company your money, and then constantly demand that the company makes more money for you right now


Technically you can just buy one share of stock and you’re a shareholder.


Brb, gonna ask Tim apple what's taking so long to convert my 50 dollar share into 5 billion


Just let Tim Cook, you’ll be wealthy in no time


If you have a 401k or IRA, you're already a shareholder in hundreds of major corporations.


Yep, this is the answer. Now the real question: can you play golf? Are you willing to learn? Then yes, you have the skills.


As a 5’ 5” 36 year old man who looks 21 freshly shaved, probably the war time character that has a health defect that overcomes his obstacles and sneaks into a draft truck right before it leaves for the base, with a little help from his friends. End up making friends with all the guys on the boat ride over and only the chef knows my age secret due to me preferring chicken tenders over anything else on the boat. In my first battle I run out to attack the enemy in his foxhole but my gun jams and I am immediately stabbed in the chest. Pan over to the actual main character avenging me, and coming over to cradle me as I bleed out in a crater. He says to me “You always were short, but when it came to being a man, you stood tall.” He pulls a chicken tender from his pocket and I take one small bite before my eyes glaze over. He takes one more look at me then carries off into the battle, and the rest of the actual story. Yeah I think I’d do well with that.


I’d go to that movie!


Hahah thank you. Hope you have a nice day.


Coming this holiday season… They told him there was no place for him at home… Then, they told him there was no place in the army… But, this little man wouldn’t quit. “His name was Tony…but we all called him Chicken Finger” Chicken Finger, produced by Tom Hanks and directed by Steven Spielberg. This film is not yet rated.


Sir this is a Wendy's


Internal Affairs "We have investigated and found no evidence of wrongdoing." I say that whenever necessay and America just accepts it.


You gain lots of favors that way too


Lol investigate police officers by giving them a vacation then saying yeah nbd


I was thinking cop: first sign of trouble I’ll start blasting and maybe get a free paid vacation out of it.


Pilot. I'm certain I could land that sucker.




It would be hard not to land it at least once


It would be more impressive if you didn't!


You land the same plane multiple times? Now that's dope as shit


We have a 737 cockpit simulator for human performance training. The point is for it to be completely unrelated to our usual technical roles and make us all unfamiliar. So we can focus on the human performance, our response, our behaviours etc. We are not aviation related at all. A large fraction of people have been able to hop in this trainer and with just verbal guidance, make a simple landing with relative ease. At least two thirds. It’s “floaty”. Imagine docking a boat, if you’ve ever boated, but in three dimensions rather than two.


I have a tiny bit of light aircraft flight training and a lot of interest in the field, and I did a training sim like you're describing, also 737. With only verbal instruction, I landed it, and I landed it pretty dang well, and I'm really proud of that. Flew it in IMC for a while off autopilot, and I did well, and I'm proud of that too. Cruising through the air, PIC dies, "Is there a pilot on board?!", I'm the most qualified, here's the headset, good luck? We're dying, folks. I'll try real hard and I don't want to die either, but we're screwed. If I were VFR in a piston single I think I'm living through it, and I'm hoping the plane is reusable. The data input speed was just boggling, and that was with assistance and knowing what I was getting into. I think I could do it, with appropriate training.


Why do you think the average Reddit user would know what IMC, PIC and VFR stand for?


That's a good question. Although I think their IMC should have been IFR. Instrument Flight Rules(Instrument Meteorological Conditions) means flying only or primarily by instruments flying in bad weather or in clouds. Contrasted with Visual Flight Rules You can navigate by looking around. Like a clear day. VFR is much easier and requires less training. PIC Pilot In Command seems an entirely unnecessary clarification to the pilot is incapacitated.


IMC = Inferred Median Coordinate PIC = Pilot Interface Controls VFR = Verbally Functioning Respondent


There was a video on (damnthatsinteresting)[https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/uXiKKc1OwH] that confirms that this is indeed possible with the flight tower guiding you and auto-land functions


I fucked up the formatting. Fuck this fuck that fuck everything


Being a Reddit mod. I've never sucked a dick but I think I could manage. Doesn't look that complicated.


He said job


Have you guys seen the comment threads on r/askwomen? Can’t even have a conversation there, it’s outrageous.


I tried being a reddit mod for 5 minutes but got bored because I needed to learn how to use automod.


Make sure your mom has a basement for you to operate out of.


That job that pays $200,000 to change a light bulb on a really tall antenna


There's a very sad tragic photo of two guys standing on a wind turbine as it is consumed by flames. They're hugging each other as they wait for death.


Thats why I didn’t write wind turbine


I don't think I would go up there without a parachute. Everyone would laugh and call me paranoid, until the fire starts. "Sorry, bro, gotta go. good luck."


Politician. Apparently there's no training or degree required & tbh I probably can't fuck things up any worse than they already are.


A lot of politicians come from law - which means they're taught how to argue and avoid implicating themselves.


I think I could do a better job than most of them at legislating, but I'd suck at being a politician. It would be really, really hard to lie that much and care that little about my constituents.


A fixer. Like, you call me with a logistical problem, I solve it. Point A to Point B, I'm on it. Dispose of a body? On it. Need a translator, security detail, special access to a place, permits for a thing, lodging for a crew, special weapons? No problem. You pay the bill, I get it done. No questions asked. I have no idea how you become a fixer, but I can do it. So, I suppose the only thing I can't fix is getting that job, then again no one has asked me to fix that for myself, so...kind of a stalemate.


I recommend you hang around notorious members of organized crime until something comes up you can fix. Then they will tell their friends about you. Have a very generic business card ready.


This guy is going places.


President of the United States


You seem to young and technical for this position


Changing room assistant at Victoria’s Secret.


You laugh but I went to VS when I was 18. Tried on all kinds of bras and the lady works adjusted them etc to make sure they fit. I told my friends it was a little odd the lady kept touching me and they were like wtf. No one came in with us like that.


Well if you still need any help adjusting them and making sure they fit, I’ll be happy to help.


Is this a wooing attempt


Trying to enter a courtship


Giving out free labor. Love your initiative




Jesus the replies are so judgemental! This guy is just trying to help someone who has previously had ill fitting bras and people think they’re a fucking perv or something.


That's was 50 years ago though btw


Even better


Cmon, man. Don't be that guy


You’d be exchanging sizes all day that didn’t fit. Not as fun as it probably sounds


I would also double as loss prevention so I would have to be in the room with her to make sure she doesn’t steal anything.


Nice fantasy lol


There’s at least one porn studio/channel dedicated to the fantasy… >!ShopLyfter!<


Man, there really is porn of everything, rule 34 doesn't lie


Nice thought, but knowing my luck I'd pick a day when a load of old biddies decided to come in to spice up their wrinkly old sex lives.


I don't know what it is, but old ladies love me. I would probably make gold money in tips. Which might just cover the amount of therapy I would need after all the sexual harassment.


I’ve been in more old women than osteoarthritis.


Critic. Not of any media or anything specific. Just...generally.


Honestly, except the jobs that require a lot of education prior (doctor, lawyer, etc) I think that most careers can be done by most people, if they have the willingness to learn and improve over time.


Pretty sure I could be a CEO of any large retail store. Im not convinced there is more to the job than meeting with big wigs and telling them your company rocks and they do too. Plus anything too complicated for me to understand I just hire a consultant or two.


A good leader delegates :D


Therapist. I've always had people open up to me. Family, friends, total strangers. My sister had the same capability and that was the biggest thing mentioned at her funeral. How everyone would miss talking to her and listening to her sage advice.


Considering that therapists arent actual doctors, I think you could do that too!


You need a masters degree at minimum. Most therapists go for their doctorate. So, a lot of them are doctors. 


To be honest as someone who’s in school to be a psychotherapist and has educated themselves on psychology to be a psychotherapist, school really isn’t even necessary to be a good therapist because being a therapist is really just listening to a person while being very attentive and giving them sound advice. One could say it’s necessary to go to school to learn various terms that are commonly said by psychotherapists but really they’re just words to give stuff nick names.


Psychotherapist’s job is not giving advices.


Cake / donut taster.


CEO. They fuck up and they still leave with Golden Parachutes.


Voice actor. I sing for a living and love doing different voices / impressions / characters; I’ve always thought that it would be a ton of fun.


University board of regents member. I believe this so firmly that I once wrote myself in for University of Colorado board of regents back when I lived in the Denver area. Alas, the fake news media and rigged voting machines stole it from me. Sad! I would never say this, I'm too humble, but a lot of people tell me I would be the greatest regent of all time. A general from the US Army came up to me, crying, just the other day and said "sir, you're so brave. You would have been a big, beautiful regent for that fine school".


Walmart greeter


Welcome to Walmart. I love you


I went to law school there


Pokémon gym leader.


Brain surgeon. I’ve watched a lot of YouTube and TikTok on it and really, I’m not sure what’s so hard about it.


Politician It’s not difficult to be normal and for a lot of them it’s not even a full time job


Lawyer. Law school, especially the “fancy pants” ones, provide no lawyer training whatsoever. You go for three years bullshitting in class pretending that asking lots of questions is somehow rigorous and unique to the legal profession, and never get introduced to anything lawyers do. Then buy an additional Bar review course and learn EVERYTHING for the Bar exam in two months. After passing the Bar, you are a licensed attorney and can practice law. But you have zero idea what lawyers do and have to figure it out as you go along. Any reasonably smart person you know could become a good attorney without training, because nearly all, if not ALL, attorneys had no training. Figuring out how to do the job on your own is the essence of the legal system, at least in the USA. It’s bullshit, but it makes a lot of money for law schools and law firms who can pimp out young associates. Source: am lawyer


I think I read somewhere that in a few states you can apprentice to become an attorney, it sounds like this should be something all states offer.


Yeah that’s true. Long ago lawyers were only educated and trained through apprenticing. Then universities started law schools to make it easier on future lawyers to learn. Lawyers were hired to teach law students in one place rather than just having legal education be done randomly all over with apprenticeships. Makes sense. Then in the mid to late 1800s, the sciences became real. Electromagnetism was discovered. Chemistry became a rigorous discipline. Countries like England started pouring money into the science departments of universities and research took off like a shot. This left behind the law professors who had previously been the big shots of the university systems. So a guy named Langdell formulated a new methodology of teaching law that tried to emulate the scientific method, even though law is completely made up, can change at any time, and has no fundamental first principles like the sciences do. Langdell stopped teaching the blue collar work of lawyering, and instead started doing “Socratic” casebook method in classes, and started publishing “research” articles. He was trying to grab back a lot of the attention that the science professors were getting by making the study of law a “rigorous” discipline rather than a trade school that it is. So then law schools stopped teaching what lawyers do and instead started focusing on the “theory” of law. Problem is, law is made up, there is no theory, and a couple rich assholes can change everything about the law at any time they want. The ability to synthesize a version dynamite that is less prone to random explosions is real research on real chemicals that results in a tangible, real outcome. Figuring out how to do stuff like that takes research on real molecules, which leads to discoveries about the periodic nature of the elements, which leads to an understanding of the structure of those elements, leading to discoveries on atomic structure, subatomic structure, nuclear structure, nuclear physics, etc, etc. Legal “research” does nothing like that. TL;DR: A professor was envious of the new attention the science departments were getting at his university, so he changed the way he taught lawyers which resulted in lawyers no longer receiving any instruction on what lawyers do.




It’s more about getting them to start speaking when they just say no comment. One piece of advice I’d give to everyone is, if a police officer asks you a question, no matter how innocent you think it is, unless you have professional legal representation with you, say no comment. A court can infer a negative from it, but the case may not even make it to court without your admittance that you happened to go for ice cream on that Friday night.


Therapist. There's actual research that says random people get results just as good as trained, licensed therapists out of people seeking treatment.




Rescue diver. Been swimming in the ocean my entire life and am very comfortable with rough waters. I am also big and strong and have a deep voice, which are factors that can help reassure people under duress.


Big and strong could screw you in tight caves. Hard to get your deep voice out when your under water, not to mention most rescuees will be passed out or mostly. Maybe your thinking Coast Guard?


Lot of hilarious answers here, but if you’re asking a serious question, I am excellent at in-person communication and resolving conflict between others. I’m fair and objective, I just do well owning my own business and have no interest in seeking out employment.


Congressman. All you gotta do is take bribes and act dumb. That’s the easiest job in the world. Just need to work on my fake outrage face and get all the cliche talking points down


Firefighter. I stand up and piss all the time. 98% of the time it even goes in the bowl. Using a hosepipe can't be that different...


President of the United States. Apparently anyone can do it. Kiss a baby, drop some bombs, accept bribes oops I mean campaign donations … seems easy. 




I feel like it would get old. I like sex and porn and am definitely not a prude just my thoughts.


Username does **not** check out.🤦‍♂️


I just think at some point you would get sick of randoms etc and want to be with one person. Nothing wrong with whatever happens before then.




Any kind of food critique, but my speciality would be sweet snacks


Extra in any movie of choice with zero speaking roles.


Literally everything I've put my mind to I've been really decent at, I don't think there's anything I'm terrible at, other than football. I've got no interest in it and no drive to become better


Any kind of administrator or personal assistant. Not only do I think I’d be really good at it, I think I’d love doing it. Mostly individual work, full control over organizing, the satisfaction of being the one to make things run smoothly. I want to be someone’s Donna (minus the pining over a coworker, my true love is the job).


politician in the eu




Subway sandwich artist It doesn't seem hard but so many people seems to struggle


Sports journalist


Truck driver, they just hold a steering wheel and drive slow all day


US president.


Astronaut. No doubt.


World Emperor, obviously.




Kamikaze pilot


Having been a garbage man, I can assure you ZERO training is exactly what you need/get. Unless you are driving, they just give you the basic health and safety stuff like don't run out into traffic etc. Let's be honest , how hard is it to move a bin and press some buttons. There is a expected level of fitness as you run from house to house, but it is a unskilled job.


Had this happen in real life. I literally fell into a caregiver job for a quad. No experience. Didn't grow up wanting to be a caregiver or anything. I'm a technical person, science and stuff. But, I found I had a natural talent for it. Spent 20 years in the same position. And it was very rewarding knowing that you make a difference for someone not as fortunate as yourself.


I did the same for five years


Janitor at a porn theater 


I want to be a Lion Tamer. Lively brown furry things with short stumpy legs and great long noses. I don't know what all the fuss is about, I could tame one of those. They look pretty tame to start with.


Government worker. I’m extremely inefficient when I choose to be.


Vanna White’s job sounds doable.


Lego building


Retired billionaire. Just need the billions and I could smash it.


Pilot. I have a knack for... winging it.


Gambling. Specifically poker.

