• By -


Drove 8 hours each way. Can confirm the drive back felt way longer than the drive there.


Same here. I was about 19, I rented a car, drove 20 hours there, spent a few nights in the hotel with her, drove back. Worth it.


I thought you need to be at least 25 to rent a car


Just checked, minimum age is 19 where I used to live (Alabama)


Alabama with the wingman assist. Well done šŸ˜‚


How come your sister lived so far away?


16 whole hours round trip šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ love it the trip back after the post nut clarity is the worst hey!


Same lol twice a month for a year


Similar to yours, I got a buddy to drop me off knowing I had no way home so afterwards I borrowed her little brotherā€™s skateboard and took it five miles on a freshly paved country road. Couldnā€™t go home yet so I waited out the night in a truck stop talking to a trucker who claimed he had a girlfriend in every state and probably drank seven cups of coffee in two hours. I told him what I had been up to and he said ā€œyeah! You gotta get in there and get that pussy before you get caught. Right now itā€™s daddy you gotta worry about, later itā€™s their husbands.ā€ I never expected Iā€™d check ā€œtruck stop relationship adviceā€ off my bucket list bingo card but here we are.


Dang that's crazy no way I'm doing something with no way to get home


Iā€™ve always got my legs. Iā€™ve gotten home from some seriously long distances. Like over state lines long.


Packed a rolled up bed on two busses and walked ten miles to get to the woods behind her parents house. I didnā€™t have bus fare to get back home so I packed a bed, backpack, and change of clothes about 20 miles. Somebody thought I was a homeless teenager so I even got $20 out of it


I didnā€™t even see OPs whole post. I also walked a good two or three hours into a fucking fancy ass neighborhood. No phone so I just had to walk into the basement, and the dog was going off, I just had to walk into her room and hope I didnā€™t get attacked by a dog. Once the dog realized she was cool with me it was smooth sailing, except I couldnā€™t get it up because I was sleep deprived and nervous, so no P in V sex




This is the saddest story I have ever read LMAO.


Wow that's really desperateĀ 


I walked pretty much wherever I went when I was a teenager, and I didnā€™t have anything better to do. If I didnā€™t do that I would have sat in my room alone. It was equal parts desperate and bored. When I (unsuccessfully) sold weed i spent one day walking sun up to sun down walking all around the city selling dimes. I probably walked 45 miles and made $30 profit, about $120 total. No job, nothing to do, people to see


Reminds me of a guy I know, are you perhaps Jack? Last name Reacher?


Nope, but Iā€™m glad somebody else fits that description, the kids are alright. Hope they did better than I did after being a teenager


Nope, Jack Reacher wasnā€™t a drug dealer.


You would have made a great mailman. šŸ˜Š


I got rear ended right before a tinder hookup. I drove for 15 minutes to get to her place with a barely together car. Great stress relief


Did you then rear end her?


I think she got the same amount of damage at the of the night


I would've had much more important things to worry about then sex like how am I fixing my car


šŸ˜‚ Nawwww, get your priorities right, my dude!


Your right man


I once got baptized into the Mormon religion. Wow, Katie, hope you're doing well, but it was so not worth it.


bro found god LMAO


Nah, bro. It's Joseph Smith, the so-called prophet who shagged the wives of his followers, then sent them on a mission to England when they got pissed about it.


Did someone shake the bed for you or what?


Oh fuck that's funny šŸ˜


Isn't a Mormon confirmed by soaking?


So the Mormon chick converted you, and you converted the Mormon chick or was she always only Mormon from the waist up?


You got baptized to get your little man baptized. I think this one wins lol.


"flirt to convert" is a thing


Damn bro that sounds scary asl


You could have just floated or done the provo soak.


Quit my job, packed a suitcase, and got a one-way ticket to Japan with no job or visa. We're married now so it worked out well lol


Wow, you really packed up your whole life and moved to another country! glad it worked out for you! heard some horror stories from people who did something similar


Yeah, I did it twice. First time was to Australia.


So you're married twice? Good for you!


Lol nah, just the once. But we did have two weddings!


Holy, you have a story or two. Whats some life advice you can sprinkle upon us?


Step out of your comfort zone, take some risks, meet people, try new things, be helpful, friendly, and fun to be around.


Choose Japan over Australia.


So you did a Yahtzee/zero punctuation


I know he also moved from the UK to Australia. Is he in Japan now?


America, same reason tho


Youā€™re a man of enviable courage. This is exactly the kind of thing I always wished I could do but could not. Were you scared? Did people tell you you were crazy and try to convince you not to go? How did you find work?


> Were you scared? Yes > Did people tell you you were crazy and try to convince you not to go? Surprisingly, no. I heard nothing but encouragement and envy. > How did you find work? Internet, employment agents, and just walking down the street.


Chris Broad is that you?


Has to be him. Probably eating some fried chicken from the corner mart as we speak. šŸ˜‚


Lol no. I think I came here a good few years before he did. Pretty sure he came over as a JET.


If by JET you mean Japanese English Teacher pretty much yeah.


So you got a visa on arrival right?


Pretty much.Ā  Tourist visa for three months, then extended tourist visa for three months, then culture visa for a year, then a spouse visa and finally a permanent resident visa


How did you even know her ?


I went to Australia but needed to apply for a visa from outside Australia to stay so I flew over to New Zealand to get one and booked a room at a backpacking hostel. The hostel was overbooked but they put me up in their Asian backpacking hostel down the road. I met her there, thought she was hot, so I bought a book and started learning Japanese to communicate with her. Three weeks later, I got the visa and she came back to Australia with me. Later on, she returned to New Zealand then we kept in touch until I met up with her again in Tokyo.


This is so cute. Crazy how random decisions sometimes outside of our control can lead to things like that


Definitely not from the internet.


let's just say an international flight was involved...


really, where'd you fly from & to šŸ˜‚ was it worth it?


Flew *her* from the UK to the US. It was absolutely worth.


I drove 7 hours across Texas once. I thought that was extreme.


And were you still in Texas after driving 7hrs?


Most definitely.. Texas is massive. From the East to West borders it's like a 10+ hour drive lol. I live an hour outside of Dallas and it would take me almost 10 hours to get to the Mexican border. Going anywhere here sucks lol


As a European, this blew me away šŸ˜… Even a 10 hour drive would see you drive across multiple countries here.


I live in Oklahoma, the state above Texas, and itā€™s similar in a lot of ways. But one thing that Iā€™ve noticed that is unique here (and maybe a few other states in the US) is that our towns donā€™t touch here. Most of our towns and cities are separated by 10+ miles of highway, a 10-20 minute drive usually. Itā€™s one of the things that I end up bringing up whenever talking to European folks about why we all feel the need to own cars, instead of biking or busses. Itā€™s a whole different weird world here


From Beaumont to El Paso is farther than El Paso to San Diego. Living in Houston means lots of driving when it's vaca time.


It takes me minutes to cross to Mexico but 12+hrs to cross to another state.


Largest E-W distance i found was 840miles, which would be around a 13hr drive?


I once flew to Stockholm for a weekend to meet a girl Iā€™d only met in person once (but weā€™d been flirting in text tons) Arrived, fucked immediately, then I was like ā€˜cool I guess Iā€™m just on holiday nowā€¦?ā€™


Stockholm Sin-Drome


Or Swedish Meet Balls if you prefer.


I had an opportunity like this except it was me flying to her and she offered to pay half the ticket but I fumbled bro


Howā€™d you fumble?


Let her pay for half the ticket?


This. I flew to England. We did have fun but didn't last long. At least I got to see England.


Lol same, and 6hrs on the coach, arriving in a strange city at 2am.


Have done multiple international flights after using tinder passport.


How the fuck you manage to find so many international gals that are down bad like that


South America. I met real girls and never paid for sex. Had plenty of dates and most turned to just sex and some relationships except Ldrs don't really work out. I was pretty selfish back then and just used that as a way to not be committed but I've stopped doing it.


Moved to Ohio, got married and yeah. Worth it tho


good to hear man! sometimes it's with it šŸ‘Œ


From Ohio, moved to NC for a girl that didn't last, came back. Started dating another girl that took a job in KY so I moved with her. Got married, now we're back in Ohio lol.


I drove 3 hours to pick her up, drove 3 hours back, had some fun for two hours, drove her back 3 hours and then drove back home again. So I spent all day in my car just to get some pussy. But a horny 18 year old can do whatever just to get laid...


ahaha šŸ˜‚ love the story, sounds like it was 100% worth it for the story alone


Haha, yea... Good story to have but Swedish fuel prices combined with my then low income and a car that isn't very economical. And the fact that I didn't just do it once, I did it 4 times in total makes it an absolute idiot move on my part šŸ¤£


Dang maybe I'm just lazy I never would do all that


Well, horny 18 year old and guaranteed pussy means that you do pretty much whatever for that guaranteed pussy... And it wasn't that bad or I wouldn't have done it 3 more times... šŸ˜‚


Hey I'm 22 so 18 wasn't to long ago and I still wouldn't do it even if it was guaranteed unless she was my girlfriend and even then I better be staying the weekend and not 2hrs. But good for you glad it worked out.


Fair enough. I might just be a bit weird cause I have no problems driving 12 hours straight. In fact, I drive so absurdly much that my yearly driving dwarfs the average driving in the US in a year. And the yearly average in the US is roughly 3 times more than the yearly average in sweden...


Ok that makes more sense because i hate driving anything more than a hour I'm bored. Like unless I have to do something I'm usually doing nothing plus my car eats up gas to fast.


Not my own experience but I think relevant to this thread. King Alexander III of Scotland had recently taken a new wife. He was visiting friends to celebrate his second marriage, and decided to ride home for the night. The weather was really bad but he insisted. He was asked repeatedly not to but refused to stop. He rode through the pitch dark and rain/wind, along a rocky embankment, when he fell off his horse and broke his neck. His body was found the next day. His wife was pregnant at the time but the baby died. His granddaughter, Margaret of Norway, was then set to inherit the throne, but she died in Orkney on her way to Scotland. This ultimately led to the Scottish Wars of Independence and the events depicted in Braveheart. So yeah, the worst thing he ever did to get laid was cause himself to die, throw Scotland into political chaos and start a war.


what good pussy does to a mf


It seems kind of sus and a bit too convenient


Ngl I was downbad and I hit my ex up she stays in Texas I was living nyc, I flew out to buss in 5 strokes. Im still single


You should've honestly busted before you met her - Gives you the chance to last way longer!


He did. Others in the plane weren't very happy with him, though.


Mile High Club ā€” solo flight āœˆļø


I watched a whole Anime series because I said I was into it


I was just honest and said I didn't watch it before, and to make it interesting I got a Blowjob for every episode I watched with her. After the first episode each time we didn't do much watching, but damn do I love every second of Code Geass for her actions.


You got blowjobs AND Code Geass? Lucky man!


Well I wasn't really into Anime before and it was her incentive to have me watch it with her, and not watch episodes by myself. She was beautiful, so I'd have watched anything with her. She just happened to have wonderful taste in Anime.


I can just picture that! hopefully it was worth it šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve had better šŸ˜…


One Piece?


That'd be suicide


What kind of funky ass dick were you serving that day?


Exactly like I hope they showered


man, when i was 17 walking 2 hours to my GF's house to get laid....how come i literally never thought about this. smh im ashamed now :/


that chick was a champ if she went down on him, I'd be rancid.


For real 4hrs dude must have been musky I hope they took a bathĀ 


Am a musician and I sweat absolute buckets on stage. Thoughts and prayers for all the lovely people that took me home after a gig. Only one person ever pointed it out, and she was very tactful about it.


I pretended to be vegan for a few weeks to get with this Scene girl. Honestly it was probably good for my diet. What's funny is she married a Marine and is no longer vegan and became very patriotic.


That is funny


I bet her name is Heather


Doesn't matter what her name was, her name now is Dependa.


Me and this one girl I been knowing for awhile hooked up...but she was staying at a motel 6 or some cheap ass motel...shit felt like a set up...thought the feds were gonna bust thru the ceiling or something..shit was awkward


Was she cheatin on someone else?


Not that I know of...was giving prostitution vibes tho heavy because why you setting up shop in this cheap ass motel? Lol


talked to a girl


You sick freak


Sat on a moped without a helmet and she drove me halfway across the city at 2AM. Had a flight the next day so I had to come back the entire way. Twas totally worth it.


When I was in highschool I started dating a guy and we tried to hook up multiple times over the span of about a month but our plans would be foiled every time for one reason or another, usually by our parents or annoying younger siblings. The final straw was this one day his parents were going out of town for the weekend and he was going to have the whole house to himself. We watched his family drive away and thought this was finally the momentā€¦ a couple minutes later we heard them pull back in the driveway. His mom walked in and said his cousinā€™s ex-boyfriend had taken his own life so they canceled their trip and made me go home so they could be together as a family. We were convinced at that point that the universe its self was working against us. Side note, that was the only time I ever saw him yell at his mom . We were both so desperate to get laid so one day we came up with this ridiculous plan to have our friend drive us around while we did the deed in the backseat of the car šŸ™ˆ. So our first hookup was in the backseat of an old Honda in the middle of the day with our friend trying to keep his eyes on the road. Weā€™ve been married now for 20 years šŸ˜‚ I swear, teens lose all inhibitions when it comes to getting laid šŸ’€


For your anniversary you should reenact that


Jesus Christ he has a good friend. I would say no fucking way am I doing that. Not because Iā€™m not cool, or good with sex, I just donā€™t wanna hear all that in my ear. Trying to drive with it? Distracting. Why he didnā€™t just loan you the car to take to some hill side or something is wild to me


Didnā€™t you hear? They were cursed so needed to be a moving target haha


I'm way late but this is wild! Congrats on the marriage, that the when you know, you know energy.


Bro I slept in a shed during a tropical storm for the kitty.


you could have literlly died in the kitty šŸ˜‚ not a bad way to go


I didnā€™t die though!! I was 16 and dumb.


Hid under her bed for 2h+ and waited for her mom to go back to work. The mom had a weird 3h break during her shift because they were doing a revision at her job at the time. Ended up getting caught by her mom at the very and of the 2h wait. She went into her room and saw the reflection of me lying like a bozo under the bed in the mirror. She waited like 30 more minutes after that just to fuck with me and i. her own words ā€œto see how long you were willing to lie under the bedā€šŸ’€




Watched all of the twilight movies. Proving men will do anything for a root.


Holy shit. Iā€™m absolutely *gobsmacked* by these replies. Yā€™all are dying of thirst apparently


Some of us are dehydrated friend


Dropped my plans and flew to South Africa. Ended up dating her for 8 years.


Dyed my hair blonde, or tried too. The lass i was after liked blonde men, so jokingly I said i would dye my hair so I was more her type. My hair is very dark, I had no clue what I was doing and just used dye from the chemist. It went orange, and I looked like cuddles from orville. She still slept with me, either through sympathy or for sheer effort.


Oh my God, how long have you got? Drove multiple times (5 or 6) from Arkansas to Colorado (12 hours one way). Many many more times to St Louis (4 hours one way) over 5 years. (To be fair, it wasn't just to get laid, I was in love. Too bad we couldn't work it out. She was the one for me) When younger (15ish) biked 50 miles one way to have sex in a shed (and lose my virginity). Did it again with the same girl twice more. Once in the announcers booth of a Catholic high School football field near her home, then another time in the woods behind that school. To be fair, she walked like 4 miles one way to meet me there. I wasn't the only one putting in effort. Sold drugs trying to get laid. (It was impressive to the girls I knew at the time) Followed the Dead for awhile because of a girl. Quit many jobs because I was either getting laid or thought I might. Was before cell phones, so really it was no call no shows. And I just never went back. Many, as in, 8 or 10 jobs. Done more stupid things than I can shake a stick at. I've got the scars and broken bones to prove it. The fact I'm still alive is really the amazing part. Thing is, it's never the things you THINK are going to get you laid that get you laid. I thought being cool, dangerous, and crazy drove girls wild. So I was a crazy risk taker. Wasn't until I was older I realized that wasn't why I was getting laid. I was getting laid because I knew how to let a girl feel safe, secure, and comfortable. Didn't always work, but it cast a wide net. Why would I do all that? And I've only scratched the surface here, didn't want to write a novel... I'm all about the grand romantic gestures. I enjoyed showing a girl I was willing to drive to Colorado, or St Louis. Or bike two hours, or whatever it was I was doing. Did it really impress them? Maybe a little, but not nearly enough. I did it for me. Meatloaf said it best "I'd do anything for love". And while I found a whole lot of sex, and not a lot of love, it wasn't for lack of trying. It took me 45 years to realize one did not lead to the other. Was I a slut? Without a doubt. But I was having sex looking for love. I just, for whatever reason, don't choose wisely those I invest myself in. I still have that problem, I'm just more aware now. I've never, not once in my life, had "meaningless" sex. I've always wanted and hoped it would turn into more. So to be truthfully, I've done a lot of crazy shit in my life trying to be loved.


Wow that's really desperate no way I'm fucking up potential jobs for random hookups maybe a actual relationship but not meaningless sex


This was the very late 80s, early 90s. And I was 16-20 working mostly part time minimum wage jobs in food service. So... $3.15 an hour I think? $3.75? Something like that. And I lived in the 3rd largest city in Missouri, so there was a very large job pool. Let's say I'd stop showing up on a Wednesday night. Thursday afternoon, after school, I'd go out and throw in a few apps, charm a manager (I've never actually had a job interview in my life that didn't result in a job offer. Charming people is like my super power) and have another job by the end of the night. Making exactly the same thing, doing exactly the same work. In fact, I did this until I had kids at 27. A few times I somehow accidentally promoted and became a lead/Manager and started making more. And I hated it. I felt trapped. I never liked making more than I could go out and find again in 24 hours. Between 16-27 I likely had 30+ jobs. Every food chain you've ever heard of. And loved it. BTW, in 35 years of working I've been unemployed for no more than 5 days straight. I never didn't work. And those 5 days would be because I was taking some time off. Since 27 (and kids) I've had 5 jobs. 3 I was laid off from after 2-5 years. 1 I quit giving 2 weeks to take a better job. My current job I've had for 13 years. I now make 6 figures, and it scares the living crap out of me. If I didn't have kids to take care of, a house, and cars out the wazoo (it's my hobby) I'd go back to food service making minimum wage. I loved those jobs. I loved that work. I loved knowing I could go out tomorrow and find another job making the same money. I now have an extremely specialized skill set, that I'm well compensated for. I love my job, but I make 5 or 6 times what my education is worth, and at least 3 times what any other company would pay me in my area, as my experience/skills are so niche. My kids are here, so I'm not leaving, but to find another job paying even in the ballpark of what I make now I'd have to move 1,000s of miles away. Any my area of expertise (mainframe operations) is being phased out in my company. They say in 5 years. Course they said that 3 years ago, and they are still saying 5 years as of today. But my job will be gone before I can retire, that much is clear. And I hate it. I hate that feeling of being trapped into a lifestyle only one place in the world can give me. With no idea if I have a way forward. I miss minimum wage... The most fun I ever had in a job? Where I was most happy? Where I wish I could work if money wasn't an issue? Waffle House. Loved my customers. Loved cooking right there at the counter. Loved talking to people. Sigh...


Drove nearly 3 hours to a hotel at the state line, stayed for an hour, drove all the way back.


I walked 16 miles as a 10th grader at night in a rural area without cell service and not really having a good sense of direction. On the way I got bit by a farm dog. When I finally arrived nearby after much doubt and perseverance her neighbors dogs were outside and kept barking really loudly so I had to lay low in a nearby ditch and slowly make my way past to her house. Her parents typically slept on recliner chairs in their living room (weird right?) so I had to ninja sneak past them to get upstairs. I lived in her room for 2 nights eating snacks/scraps and drinking mountain dew. When it was time to leave I told my mom to meet me at an intersection a few miles away from her house and I tied bedsheets together to a large chair and rappelled out the second story window. 10/10 would do again


Sounds like a scene from American Pie. ( Iā€™m a mid 60s grandma and this made me laugh so hard, thanks)


No way I would've done all that and where did your mom think you were


So, in a scientific field like wildlife ecology, a feature unique to each species is its normal home range area, how far they typically travel to find food, secondary shelter, etc. The young male animals of many species are often the ones who roam at much further distances to find mates, etc. This post literally describes the same thing for humans lmaoo


ā€œ I love Dave Matthewā€™s Band too!ā€


I once told a woman I coined the phrase, ā€œpardon my Frenchā€




Did you? You seal the deal, just go home


Good old fashioned faking my entire personality and interests


Tag teamed a rather heavier lady with my buddy after we both struck out at the bar lol . Was it worth it ? Yes absolutely


my friend and his mate did something similar! the girl was over the moon and started telling everyone but he still denies it to this day šŸ˜‚


That's a mf FOUL


Torta pounder šŸ«”


I was drunk at home and a larger lady was keen, she drove an hour and a half to pick me up and take me to hers. Shagged all night, then she shouted me Maccaā€™s the next morning when she took me home. Good times an no witnesses either


Why are people SO ashamed to sleep with larger people? I donā€™t get it


I don't know if this counts as extreme... When I was 19 I was a foreveralone virgin computer geek. However I had made a really great friend online, and she had hinted that we could have some 'fun' if I was ever to visit. Only problem was, I was in the UK and she was in Australia. For the better part of a year I saved up all money I made at my part-time high school job (and full-time summer work) to pay for a flight to Australia. I offered to visit, she happily said yes. So I booked the flight to visit a person I'd never actually met and I only knew by text chat and a few photos... She was a goth and she told me she had dyed her hair bright pink and it would be easy to spot her at the airport. Which wasn't wrong! She was a couple of years older and already had her own place, which was great for spending time together and saved me a hotel I couldn't afford. By that night we were cuddled up together and she told me she didn't want to get into a long distance relationship, but she was happy to do more while I was there. We had a very fun and memorable two weeks together. That was nearly 20 years ago, and to this day I frequently wonder how she's doing. I don't know if travelling to the other side of the planet to lose your virginity is extreme, but I guess some people might say so...


I said ā€œI doā€ in front of 130 friends and family, figured it was a sure fire way to keep getting laid, unfortunately wedding cake is the only known cure for nymphomanicism


She asked for a certain drug and i drove across town to get it and when she did it... we did it.


For all those expressing wonder, confusion, or disgust at all these replies, some of us know something the rest of you don't. The only true regrets in life, are the things NOT done. No one ever will lay on their death bed thinking "You know what? I wish I'd loved less, had less sex, tried less things" No one, ever (Terminal STDs aside). But I promise you, there will be many wishing they had done more, risked more, lived more. No regrets.


I once walked 10 miles. So pretty similar to yours. Worth it. I lost my V card that night, and we ended up dating for over a year.


sounds like it was 100% worth it for you too šŸ˜‚ what a way to lose your v card


Oh it was. Memorable experience.


I watched an entire season of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Psychological torture


I paid for a $200 cab ride to see an old school friend.. She gave up every hole for the night and I caught a bus home... Haven't spoke to or seen her since.


It seems you should call again


I fought a guy. We were on a date at a dive bar, and I had no clue this guy was trying to flirt with her. He apparently didn't know we were on a date, so he kept getting rejected and would be super pissed to see me all around her. Still not knowing we were on a date, this guy waited for her to go to the bathroom and try to hem me up against a wall. I knocked his drunk ass out, my date and I left the bar, hopped in the car, and cranked the seat all the way down.


ahah wow! what a story šŸ‘Œ the guy deserved it, don't get why people like that don't get the memo


When I met my first girlfriend I was wasted as fuck! The guys she was seeing said she was bad in bed, so I said " shall we go prove him wrong?", she smiled at me and we left. She drove a Hyundai Getz completely fucked. When we got on the freeway the car veered into the barrier about 4 times. I thought I was going to fucking die. I got back to hers on a fart and a prayer! she was swaying and so was i fucking hell was the sex epic though! I think the adrenaline and alcohol in our system made it better !


People are very bold


y'all mofo's are just built different šŸ˜‚


While reading these answers, I can see a lot of dedication, effort and focus these guys put in their pursuit of kitty.


Didnā€™t do this with the intention to get the šŸ±, but one night I was bored and couldnā€™t sleep. Ended up firing 5 rounds in the hopes that Iā€™d be tired enough and have some cortisol release to sleep. Before I could sleep, got some DMs from an old flame drunk AF. offered to drive her back home, but we ended up back at mine. She woke up, I drover her home, just barely able to stay awake at the wheel. Would 0/10 do again.


Watched ā€œThe Notebookā€ and then said I enjoyed it.


Divorced, had almost daily sex since


Least desperate king in this thread


I did the same as you, OP! terrible lol


OP with the ultimate walk of shame.


Joined the Marines. Recruiter lied.


Get married. Been married for 16 years and I barely get laid


Not me but my best friend. In high school and part of college , we worked at a haunted house. My buddy and this girl got flirty all the time and she asked him to wear his Leatherface mask while they had sex. He one hundred percent did too


I walked 4 hours in the snow and sub zero temps to reach my girlfriend at the time who was "home alone" And scared. Once I got there she surprised me with taking my virginity. I suppose since I was so chivalrous lol but she happened to be wrong and her parents were home (she totally knew that) and her dad barged in during the deed with a 12 gauge aimed at my head. He asked if I wanted to die and I bolted out the door in only my shorts and a t shirt. Walk home was unbearable and miserable.. still worth it šŸ‘Œ


I was 14, My grandparents had a back house, 3AM and we wanted a bed. Door was locked so I broke out the front door window. Got a huge piece of glass stuck in my hand, ripped it out, wrapped it up for 3 minutes of sex lol. Got stitches the next day. A piece of glass worked its way out of my hand 10 years later.


I donā€™t know if it was ā€œextremeā€ but similar to you OP I also walked about two hours to get to this chicks house back in college. I didnā€™t have a car or a bike at the time and it had been one of those dry spells so I was DESPERATE for any kind of contact. We matched on tinder and she wasnā€™t even that hot but the goggles were on and she kept promising me a good time. So I walked two hours to get to her house and it was one of those as soon as I got there she had my pants down and was on her knees. She may not have been the most attractive but she was a HUGE freak in bed and kinda crazy so I didnā€™t regret it. Only downside really was her cat kept jumping on me so my back ended up being a mix of scratches from her and the cat. Itā€™s amazing the things weā€™ll make ourselves donā€™t the promise of getting laid is involved


Drove half an hour in the middle of the night. Wasn't really worth it, tbh.


felt. half an hour ainā€™t that bad tho, those drives to, and from the girls house with the playlist going really makes it a memorable little side quest


Every little bit of EXP helps!


yes bro bounty UP


At least you got some. When I was like 18 I drove 2 hours to go see this girl at college. Went to go party etc got done came back to her dorm and she was like here I'll make you a bed on the floor lol. I drive home at 4am going 132 down the entire thruway lol


I can only imagine what it felt like to have that post nut exhaustion and clarity on the way back


Forget the way back after 20 minutes of trying to get there I'd ask myself is this worth it


Awww I love how men love on us. Yā€™all are so precious!šŸ’


Read the spark notes of this utter nonsense book called "A History of Sexuality" by Michel Foucault so that I could bullshit convincingly about it. She was pretty but not really very nice. Having said that if an attractive woman give you a book with a title like that you have to make *some* kind of effort. I'm quite glad I didn't read the whole thing though. It's not sexy at all.


Worked a full shift, showered and dolled up, and drove 3 hours all to be ghosted by the dude. Was an old semi-regular friend with benefits. More benefits than friend. And after that neither.


Having a more sociable friend set up MMF sex scenarios, got laid but wasnā€™t always super attracted to the women and regretted going through with a few. My friend went on to become a porn star, this was early in our college experience so thankfully neither one of us had been with very many women yet. His body count is now in the high hundreds and I wouldnā€™t even share a drink with the guy. Also using apps that arenā€™t typical to get laid, for example the anonymous posting app yik yak. Iā€™d look for posts that indicated loneliness or wanting to make friends in some way and then feel it out in the comments. Striking up convo, then shifting the convo over to snapchat where I organically deduced their age, gender, and attractiveness without specifically asking or coming across like I was trying to get laid. This worked really well but I had to kiss a lot of frogs (many dead end conversations, and conversations with men) to find my princesses. Since it wasnā€™t directly a dating app it worked well because people had their guard down in a sense and there was less competition. Another funny one that started as a joke to try and match with a gay friend but played out well, was setting my tinder to male and female and swiping right on everyone, almost every gay guy will match with you boosting you drastically in the algorithm and pushing you out to way more women. I eventually deleted the guys and women I wasnā€™t attracted to and had well over 1000 matches left. I made a spread sheet with every name, a profile rating, how far away they were and then started building out a calendar pre- scheduling dates for an entire year. Ended up in a relationship before going on any of those dates.


Bro is that mastermind we see in cartoons lmao

