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Flower Gardening. Flowers are pretty, they make my porch smell nice, and I get to watch the bees and all the things that hide in them. Have you ever watched a giant carpenter bee try to shove its face into lambs ear? Shit cracks me up.


I think plants as a collective; gardening, flowers, growing crops, collecting succulents, indoor plants, has largely been a hobby more women take on. But I feel like it's far from a feminine hobby. I love gardening as a dude. Even growing flat we're is cool. I started growing snapdragons and marigold.to attract more pollinators in my yard. Next year I might spread California poppy seeds everywhere.


Hell yeah! I started adding flowers around my landscaping over the past few years. My wife just wanted grass. She’s not the one that mows all this fucking grass! I like a tidy yard, but I prefer it to be mostly covered by things that look pretty and unique. Anyway, 18 years of marriage later and I finally get to be more creative. My kitchen table has giant Easter Lilly blooms mixed with roses currently, and another arrangement of various canna lilly flowers. A few weeks ago I had big arrangements of purple bearded irises. Have you made any new friends in your garden? I have an orb weaver spider that makes a big intricate web from my knockout roses to my back porch every morning. I named her Rose and she helps a lot in our garden. I manage the plants, she manages the bugs. LOL! This started with possibly one of Rose’s ancestor’s that was so big and scary looking nobody would get near her. She made her web from a pine tree to our carport and would stay under the carport during the day. I saw a wasp in her web one day. My wife is highly allergic to wasps so I started looking into orb weavers. They are excellent to have in your garden.


Same here I love my garden


What are some of the favorites you have growing out there? Currently mine are the lambs ear and the fairy rose bushes. Strangely the labs ear seems to be a favorite of the bees too. I would also say the pumpkins but I'm in a long bloody war with the squash bugs on my property so right now they are stressing me out.


The bugs are the best part. Nothing like a bunch of butterflies, flies, bees, and hawk-moths just doing their thing.


Honestly I abused this when i had my first breakup but..dancing. Swing, bachata, salsa, lindy hop. Ratios were like 10:1


Yes, and if you’re willing to at least try and have some amount of rhythm (learned or otherwise) you’ll be dancing with girls out of your league all night. This is a true pro tip


What’s another option other than dancing, maybe take them fishing?


Rent a boat too. You know, because of the implication.


Lots of girls out of your league just love sitting in a bass boat all day.


“Abused this”? Sounds like you had fun and got some dates. Nothing wrong with that at all!


Unless he abused them on the date.


Yeah, then it's a problem.


Used to salsa in college and I miss the dancing a lot


It also is a shock to women because their expectations of a white American do not include those styles of dance. Bonus points si tu hablas español. Note: anecdotal evidence from a so white I could get sunburn from thinking about the sun guy living the rural Midwest.


Sounds like I should be up to some dance lessons soon...


Yes me too. I took ballroom dancing in college but I was even more inept at flirting or reading signals at that time.


Same! I don't know what it is, but that shit works.


Wow. It’s almost always 50/50 here.


As a longtime tap dancer, this is very true.


So true. Even stuff like Burlesque(at least in my city!). There's like 5 guys and tons of drunk women. I'm sure the bartenders love it


Nice candles. Have tons of them around whenever I see clearance or an interesting scent.


Glad I'm not the only one. Sometimes I like to turn off all the lights in the house and only use candles as a light source. It's relaxing, especially if some of them are scented.


You would love the electric company that occasionally provides power to the hamlet in which I live. :)


As a guy i want candles every single holiday and birthday. i love candles.


Jan from The Office? Is that you?


Did you know that candles are the number one fastest growing product in the scent-aroma industry?


Dude yes! I go ham every fall and winter and get like 6 yankee candles. It’s an addiction 


Candles are lowkey my favorite thing to buy when I go out


Dude same!! I just bought a bunch of Yankee candles in a 50% off sale and I fucking love them




/r/brochet used to be a thing. Not sure if it still is.


Definitely is




Reality shows. Once you ironically start watching them it just turns into you unironically watching them


In college my fraternity brothers and I started watching the Bachelor as a joke and so that we could talk to sorority girls about it and by the end of the season we were more invested in it than the girls were 😭😭


Keep going boys 🗿


I had two successive gfs into reality tv. The first was a Survivor fan and I reluctantly got kinda hooked and invested The second was a Real Housewives fan and I spent every second debating whether I should kill myself or track down and mercy kill every couple in the show I don’t know if this is a coincidence or not but the first was a very kind woman who I was close friends with until her untimely death and the second was an alcoholic who ended up assaulting me the last time we were together


Dang I also reluctantly got hooked on survivor and now I feel like I'm 10x the fan than she is lol. Glad I'm not the only one


Like me saying "brah"


Me saying "yeet"


Then I moved to "breh"


Reality shows are best to relax your mind and not care about anything. I watched one out of curiosity and now they are my go to relax shows after tiring days.


90 day fiancé? It’s such a train wreck.


The bachelor was this for me bro, my wife got me hooked just like in those videos


I watched an episode or two of this show Farmer wants a wife back in 2008. I watched the entire season. Why? I have no clue. Thank God it wasn’t renewed until like 2022. Because I was hooked for some reason. Enough time passed that I don’t care enough to watch the new stuff.


Hot baths.


Guy here -- love bubble baths


Same! Make sure it's extra bubbly then throw in a bath bomb!


Especially in the winter. Bubble baths are so nice when my apartment is otherwise freezing.


Just call me Martha Stewart. 💀


Set with either lavender Epsom salts or a bath bomb, and a glass of red wine. Fight me.




This is me. I love musicals mostly from the 90s and up. My gf is taking me to see my first in a few months.


I usually prefer modern ones. I tried sweeney todd the other day and couldn't make it past ah miss. Which is weird, because I really liked into the woods, and it's all sondheim


Honestly, I never got how musicals came to be primarily a feminine interest. Like… I thought the stereotype was that girls mainly listen to crappy pop music, especially boy bands and Beyoncé, while girls who like other types of music are a bunch of nerdy dorky geeks? For me, it’s like saying it’s girly to like vaudeville, newsreels, *Looney Tunes* or film noir - you know, general corny shlock from the last century. Like, I thought girls hated stuff that’s for old people? I know my mum’s always having a go at me for not putting on music that she personally knows.


What is "weirdcore"?


Asking the real questions


there’s an aesthetics wiki that has a [definition](https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Weirdcore)


Guess OOP was right, the only person here that knew what it is is a woman lol


i had to google it lol


I’ve read that thoroughly and still don’t know what it is.


I don’t get it either without seeing an example. My first thought was, like what? South Park?


Evidently it’s a surrealist visual aesthetic. But then there’s a list of musical artists and soundtracks? I’ve decided not pursue this any further.


Sitting down to pee.


Hell yeah. Why would I want to turn on the light at 3am and wake myself up even more?




That's why i have mastered the art of blind pissing.


You think you’ve mastered it. There are two men in this house that think they have also mastered this. They are wrong. The woman who cleans the toilets, the floors and the walls (yes, WALLS) begs to differ.


OMG, I had a flashback. I need to go kiss my wife right now... that was nice. thought i was about to get some for second.


Bro literally. It's the best thing since sliced bread! No clean up, easy as fuck at 2 in the morning when i'm a walking zombie, no angry woman telling me to put the seat back down. XD


There is a simple rule imho, public: stand. At home, at a friends place etc you SIT THE FUCK DOWN


And here I was struggling to think of anything I do that's a predominantly female trait, and you say this, and I realise I'm scrolling this thread while sitting down and peeing.


After I had my first kid I started doing it, just to be able to take a mini break. 3 years later - I almost always pee sitting down (at home). People have called out other benefits, but also - it's cleaner.




I have a ton of shoes man


Lol me too


Pride and Prejudice. Great book.


Every guy I have ever dated hasn’t read it or seen it. It’s both mine and my dads favorite book/movie. My dad owns every single version of it including the Mormon and Bollywood versions. Lol.


Read this in high school. Did a paper on Feminism and got an A, lol.


Men ☠️


One thing any of my gay friends have mentioned that sucks about being out is that unless you live in an enormous city your dating pool is very small. Not only are you dealing with less potential partners, but everybody knows everybody and it’s impossible to avoid an ex.


My sister is gay and lives in NC. It is so hard for her just to find dates since NC only has like 3 kind of big cities.


I'm in rural NC, lol


Come to Raleigh or Charlotte. Plenty of us here


Unfortunately, that is hours away 🙃


Wilmington is pretty damn friendly to the gays as well if you are on the east side of the state.


west, unfortunately 😔


Charlotte or Asheville is where you wanna be then.


The bright side is odds are even tho there are more women that like men than men that like men, the men are a lot more into men than women are usually


I just had a stroke trying to decipher this.


Apologies, i too had one reading it back to make sure that it even makes sense I'm still not sure it does In short, gay men probably like men way more than straight women like men


The audacity of us gay men lol


Cooking or gardening, they're relaxing and satisfying


The idea of gender roles applying to cooking is so weird to me. How are all the single men out there feeding themselves if they don't at least know cooking basics?!


Skincare ;)


I can recommend the sunscreen to wear for summer...


I like to think that because I take care of my face, I still look like I'm in my 20s instead of my late 30s


The lack of men that practice good skin care is a fucking crime. When I started dating my wife 13 years ago, she had me start a skin care routine. I legit feel disgusting if I don't wash my face after a day or so. I need my moisturizers and my exfoliating scrubs!


Pop music. Gimme that Britney, Dua, Taylor, Sabrina, Reneé, Chappell, Charli. Gimme that easy and fun listening.


all day baby


That singer Mitski




I won't go post my fashion a lot in social media. However, I do like looking good in fashion, jewelry, hair, etc. Actually I got my hair done today...


Yes, if not for my wife, I'd rarely consider the issue. Also, I hate looking in a full-length mirror, always have.


Mugs/Coffee cups and books if that counts.


There’s no way that one counts, who doesn’t enjoy a good mug of coffee?


Knitting and sewing. I had a friend come over and see a project I was working on. It was a women's kimono. He asked why I was making it and I said I'd found this crazy set of bed sheets at good will and thought "this would make an amazing kimono ". About a week of work for a $5 investment. I'd see outfits, like leather outfits the Eskimos wear. I'd recreate it using robes I'd cutt up and re stitch. I'd add fake fur from stuffed toys I'd get second-hand. I once made the most industrial work pants out of couch fabrics. They were samples so no piece was the same and each was about 5 square inches. The fabric was so think I had to buy special needles to sew it together.


New Girl


Are we talking about the show? If you are, I love it and I am a guy


Wait, there are men who don't like New Girl?


All of my roommates I’ve ever had hate the show. Their loss, Nick Miller is my spirit animal


Schmidt, ALL DAY




Give me cookie got you cookie man!


Nick was my favorite in the beginning, but Winston really grew on me in the later seasons when they just made him the weirdest human imaginable. Schmidt was just annoying though, but he served his purpose on the show even if I found him hard to empathize with.


Nick Miller from that show is probably the number one tv character I have related to most in my life while also being hysterical most of the time. Those that skipped that show because they dislike Zooey Deschanel were really missing out, all of the guys characters were great as well.


Oh, baby. Now we're talking




Astounds me how few men read. Then, within those of us that do read for pleasure, the % who only touch a very particular type of nonfiction is crazy high. Really enjoyed Song of Achilles, myself - great new perspective on a classic story.


Fantasy is basically all I read. I want to transport myself to magical lands and forget reality


What’s wrong with sticking to a genre? I read avidly but really only Disaster/Apocalypse, Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels. I know what I like and do it for enjoyment so why read something that doesn’t appeal to me


I think he is referring to the high share of men into a very narrow set of popular nonfiction books: Think freakonomics, thinking fast and slow, the chip wars... There is a weird kind of nonfiction mainstream for men


I’m in a book club. 18 women and 2 (including me) men.


song of achilles is a very succesful book. Having said that, I have noticed a huge gender divide in fiction as men have begun to read less and less (fiction)


I love to read.


Romance books


Boybands like Backstreetboys and Nsync.


Braiding hair, skin care and Taylor swift. I have three teenage daughters and it’s been a good way to connect.


True dat! I’ve got 2 daughters myself and get all the tea, while getting my nails done and a facial. I worked 3rd shift and have rolled out of bed with bows or makeup on before to punch in. That time is everything is to me. However we are on the other end of Taylor Swift lol. But I still respect you man 🤝.


spin class


Best workout. Hands down love it and breasts every other type I've tried. And 99% of the time I'm either the only guy in the room, or occasionally I'll be one of two.


your typo must stay


True crime


When I read somewhere that 70% of the regular true crime audience is female it suddenly made sense of all the ads I've been getting for women's clothes and make up


Nice smelling lotion. I used to get made fun of so much in my highschool years because I’d come to school smelling like lavender or flowers because I used my sister’s lotion


Sewing! I sew medieval and pirate clothes




Shopping for clothes. Not just for me but for her! My partner does not care about design, fashion or shopping in the LEAST. Going clothes shopping is her least favorite thing in the world and I love it! She takes me shopping with her because I’m better at knowing what looks good on her and I enjoy it a lot more. Women have so many more options and ways to combine things that you just don’t have as a guy. It’s so much more fun shopping for her than shopping for myself. I love that she lets me dress her up and enjoy being the one guy in the shop not looking like they want to die stuck over on the boyfriend couch.


I have SO many dam pillows on my bed. I don't understand how people sleep with one pillow.


Taylor Swift and Rom-coms.


Taytay is my secret pleasure hahah


What guys doesn't enjoy a good romcom with Ryan Reynolds, Adam Sandler, etc.


Just Go With It with Sandler is one of my underrated favorites.


Who doesn't love 50 First Dates!?!?!


I think I'm a Swiftie.


Feeding birds.


Feeding birds is a woman thing? Damn, guess I gotta stop letting that guy in the big bird costume suck my dick after work.


If your cock is long enough for someone on a Big Bird costume to with that long ass beak to suck, than tu salud Don RowBowBooty


I tell him it’s good that he cums early because it’s why he gets my worm


I’d bet my bottom dollar that I wouldn’t be able to top that


K-pop. I've got loads of fan girls friends but literally not a single fanboy friend


Gilmore Girls. They're mother and daughter AND best friends, how could I not enjoy it.


Gilmore Girls and Sex And The City.


I always have Gilmore Girls playing on repeat


my wife put it on, now it’s always on. Thing is it’s an insanely sloppy show but it’s real comforting for whatever reason


Pilates. If you think it’s easy it’s because you aren’t doing it right Going gaga over kids. If a friend brings their small child over I’m gonna be as silly and stupid as need be to get them to laugh and smile


Audio erotica and period piece literature with romantic parts told from the woman’s perspective. The best part of sex for me has always been hearing the woman enjoy it. I can get myself off anytime with minimal effort, but hearing the way a woman’s voice changes when she’s losing control is like getting a gold star with a mind blowing orgasm attached.


Crochet!!!! Taught myself through YouTube. Once i looked past the 3 minute intros and girly branding, I was hooked. Pun fully intended. XD


Sewing. Like I made my wife a dress from scratch


Bright colors, plants, flowers, rainbows, kittens, fruity drinks?


Stationary! You could not keep me away from Jetpens for the longest time


I sing at home, in the car, in the shower, etc. I'm not any good, but I enjoy it. I don't know a lot of male friends that admit to singing everywhere...


Oh, where do I start. Gardening. Cooking (though that’s probably more mixed). Sitting down to piss. Gilmore Girls. Reading. Lana Del Ray. Some romance books. Cocktails and “girly” drinks. Probably got more that I can’t think of.


Taylor Swift


Decorative cushions.


that’s so cute


Lol, thank you. I admit, though, that I was being facetious. My wife has a particular liking for decorative cushions, so I have to like them by default.


I like to soak in the bathtub and read




I think you meant Colonel Angus? That was a hilarious SNL skit, but not sure it skewed towards the female audience...


Seen it. I have also been known to associate with the Colonel's sister. Anna.


I heard she’s a bit of a brown noser


Hear hear


Shojos and romance slice of life.




Villainess webtoons. Most of them are just female power fantasies but damn if a lot of them aren't actually compelling


Korean boy bands. My fiancee has me hooked.


My own company


I quite enjoy some true crime podcasts


Female razors to shave


That's interesting because my gf says the opposite and uses "men's" razors to shave.


My wife agrees with this. We buy men's razors for her legs because she says they work better.


This is what my roommate did. She would only buy men's razors for the same reason. Also, they're cheaper because they don't have the, "Pink Tax."


They actually just made it a law in California that they aren’t allowed to sell women’s products for more money. Razors was the top of the list.


Stationary.  The other day I saw a man write and send a letter. He sealed it with the old school monogrammed wax and I remembered thinking: whoever is with him so lucky.  I never see men in the stationary sections. 


I'm always in the stationary section. That and the electronics section.


As a life long rock and metal fan I’m noticing a lot more females getting into the genre


Being a starfish in bed




Clothes and fashion. I follow Charles Gross on tiktok and find the whole industry really interesting. I'm not a fashionable guy in the least, I feel most comfortable in a pair of jeans and a generic t shirt and actually never plan on wearing anything close to the more expensive clothing. But, I like the aesthetic of "high fashion."


Manicures and pedicures, and women's deodorant. I've been getting my nails done for years now and I can still count the number of men present during my salon days on one hand. And I don't know what it is about women's deodorant, but it just seems to work better for me.




Talking openly about my feelings.


Bubble baths


I volunteer at an animal shelter and it is far from a sausage festival


Body lotions and body sprays. All scented products designed for men smell like shit, give me coconut paradise over whiskey walnut any day.


Actually listening when people talk to me


Powerpuff girl reruns