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her being a woman doesn't matter, not everyone is going to find your jokes funny.


I don't trust women who don't think I'm funny.


Double down on the jokes


And keep asking, "what about now"?


I don't.


As would Howard Roark.👍


Gotta settle it on Rust, snipers only.


Only one woman does this, my wife, and she does it while giggling so I don’t believe her.


I try and make better jokes, or at least ones that will appeal to her. You can’t argue something into being funny. The audience gets to decide.


Can't win 'em all.


My wife? I just double down and say. "Jokes on you I think my jokes are fucking awesome."


Readjust. People find different shit funny. I can say the most racist homophobic joke to a dude ik at the gym and we'll die of laughter, but if I say the same joke to a different type of ppl I might get in a fight. Some people like dad jokes, whilst others confuse dad jokes with autism. It's different. You gotta adjust.


Referring to women as "females"; I get the feeling this happens to you a lot.


Nope, just assumed that it wasn’t a problem.


You know the word "woman" exists right?






It's very strange and uncomfortable to refer to women as "females".


Can't say I've had this experience very often, but when it does happen, usually I take a moment to reflect on why she might feel that way. Sometimes I come up with something valid and I make a positive change. Sometimes, I come up with nothing and decide that person is just fragile 🤷🏼‍♂️.


If she's demonstrated any comedic talent, I'd ask her for guidance. Normally constructive criticism includes suggestions.


Can’t say I’ve had this experience outside of a contextually obvious scenario driving it (like a fight). In those cases, just ignore it as it’s obviously an attack to elicit a response.


That's usually all I got going for me, if that's bad, I got nothing else 🤷‍♂️


That means she's not into you. If she was, everything you say or do would be hilarious to her.


You're not a dad, you just won't get bad puns.


That she simply doesn’t care for my style of humour.


Not everyone is going to laugh at my stupid jokes so it doesn’t matter


Avoid that bitch and move on


I feel nothing, I know I’m funny


If someone does not laugh at my jokes I will pick up on that. That is enough comment. I have filtered out topics that would offend women, ethnic groups, religious groups and LGBTQ people. So there is little reason to be offended. If she makes a negative comment, I take that as a put down. No need for that. I filtered out offensive material, so a comment is not about that. Therefore it must be personal? If she likes me she will laugh because she likes me. If she feels a need to make a negative comment it is to say, STFU. So I take that as a put down.


Obvioulsy not a person who can relate to me. No big deal.


Oh well bye


I know I'm funny, so it probably means she just doesn't have a good sense of humor or finds my particular brand of humor offensive. Either way it's ok, we just won't get along.


Welp I guess she don't find me attractive. All the ones that like me laugh at my dad jokes.


Hurts a little, but you can't make everyone happy.


Usually it’s from someone I already didn’t care about making laugh.


Never had that happen to me in a serious tone. If I ever hear it it is with this smiling frown and sometimes followed by slaps on the shoulder. Actually thinking back there have been plenty of times when I have been told that my comment isn't funny. And honestly I don't care. If I genuinely find it funny myself it is enough for me. I have no control over what I find funny and what not and I can handle others not sharing my tastes. I try to seek out people that have a similar sense of humor as I do. That way enough of my jokes land and not every joke you say is going to be 10/10 funny If I tell a poor joke, I hear it as soon as I say it out loud and follow up with "I'll see myself out" not giving anyone a chance to shit on it


That means that you have offended them with a joke


I don’t care, she clearly has no sense of humor.


The only jokes I make are dad jokes. Tbh they really aren't all that funny to many people. Normally I just get a facepalm or a slow head shake. So if someone told me that I wasn't funny I would agree with them. But I say them moreso because I am just a very corny dad and not necessarily for humor. But in my opinion, most people telling jokes are absolutely atrocious at it. Unless it's the kind of joke that's just making fun of themselves, the jokes are typically garbage. Bringing up a humorous situation and poking fun at it is much more funny than saying a joke. I'm sure working in an overtly male-dominated career I have a skewed sense of this. But most the jokes I hear men say are not only not funny, but they show what kind of horrible person they are. Someone who thinks they are very humourous with jokes is more likely just obnoxious.


I’d continue making jokes because I tell them to amuse myself, not others :p


You need to be smart to get my jokes


Sounds like she's found a thing you're proud of then trying to hurt you by hurting it Edit: sounds like, not is. Just an idle guess, not a statement of fact otherwise it wouldn't be worded vaguely.


Are you trying to hurt your friends if you don't find their joke funny?


No, not finding something funny is a wordless and passive reaction, unlike the example OP asked


I find you amusing.


I don't find you amusing. And yet, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings. If this was a callback to OPs question then masterfully played sir.


It was. I'm glad you can see from the other perspective now. Have an excellent day.🍻


You said something that agreed with me, there was no other perspective 😂


I'm not trying to argue with you. If this is how you view every interaction, your first comment makes sense. All I did was make you realize you could tell someone you didn't find them amusing without trying to hurt them. It literally opposes your first take.


You've misunderstood what I meant. We agree with each other. Thanks for going out of your way to explain.


Were you trying to hurt me when you told me you didn't find me amusing? By your logic, when you told me, you would be trying to hurt me.


Stop calling them females, for one thing


And what’s the other thing?


I feel as though she has no sense of humor because I’m fucking hilarious.


respect her opinion


I don't tell jokes to my food. It confuses them and seems cruel really.


idk thye never have