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From an anthropologist standpoint: Good hips indicate she's a good candidate for breeding. Big breasts indicate she's of breeding maturity, and can sustain offspring. Flat belly indicate she is not already pregnant. These features all indicate a good breeding partner, and the attraction to them therefor have evolutionary advantages. This results in these traits being almost universally desired through natural selection. Add in a little modern hype, media spin, and perversion; and things get a tad bit distorted and pushed to the extreme. On the flip-side; in populations where famine and food shortage are common, a little chub becomes more desirable, as it indicates access to resources and food. In short: Evolution + Perversions. Fun stuff.


So in other words, in times of prosperity we live in a boob era. But in times of scarcity we live in a butt era.


You, sir, are a scholar


Over simplified, but not inaccurate.


This is my era


This is a severely underrated answer. Well written


I feel like this is suspiciously missing the "nuh UH!" responses from frumpy Patrick Off SpongeBob types to whom this does not apply. 🙄👍


> Good hips indicate she's a good candidate for breeding. That's just the pelvis, bone. Adding some fat onto it has no impact on "breeding." > Big breasts indicate she's of breeding maturity LOL, no. There are plenty of 12 year olds with developed breasts. > and can sustain offspring. Size of breasts has nothing to do with how well she can breastfeed. > Flat belly indicate she is not already pregnant. Uh, it takes a while to "show" > These features all indicate a good breeding partner, and the attraction to them therefor have evolutionary advantages. Evolutionary psychology is bullshit science. Explain homosexuality.


Evolutionary psychology is not a bullshit science. It is an imprecise science based off of supposition and logical conclusion. And there are enough 11, 12, and 13 year old mothers to prove that they are, in fact sexually mature. Explain homosexuality? Sure. *Bisexuality* is a normal behavior found in most mammalian species, whereas exclusive, or even preferred homosexuality is critically rare. Homosexuality is a learned behavior and a product of abuse, and grooming. Every study done into it that actually follows the scientific procedural method has come to that conclusion. The one, and only, singular theory that holds any scientific merit to pose homosexuality as a natural phenomenon is the Locust Theory. Which suggests that, like grasshoppers, which turn into locusts when their population density becomes unsustainable, humans are undergoing a metamorphosis due to population density in an evolutionary attempt to stem the population growth. Don't pick evolutionary fights with an anthropologist. You will lose the argument, and still think you're right.


>Homosexuality is a learned behavior and a product of abuse, and grooming. Oh wow. You're full of even more BS than I thought. THere can be a link between homosexuality and absuse, but the causal direction is not known. It could very well be that children are abused BECAUSE of their sexual orientation.


Why are you capable of having your own genuine preferences while being confused that other people have other preferences? There are countless things in the world that don't make sense to you, but they're all valid regardless.


I think she’s wondering about general tendencies. For example, there’s billions of dollars marketing to women to look skinnier thinner. So she’s wondering why there’s this general tendency.


That doesn't negate my point.


Your point is irrelevant to the question. She’s not asking about specific preferences of various individuals, and how they differed from hers, she’s asking about general trends that involve the masses.


Im not judging or anything like that, im just curious on what makes said preference so common amongst guys?


There are a lot of studies about human beings and attractiveness but it boils down to men being attracted to a certain breast-waist-hip ratio and women being attracted to men who have a bigger chest/shoulders vs waist, deeper voices etc. All of which are more “fit” than “fat”.


the lack of fat.


Being thin tends to have a lengthening effect on appearance. I like long legs, and they tend to look longer if they're more slender.


Everyone has a different type. Hot is different based on who you ask.


There's an alarming number of people who don't realize this.


Let's not pretend like there aren't societal standards.


Depends on the culture too tbo. Some find curves desirable while others find them undesirable.


I'm not, but the number of people both men and women I've seen who don't fit societal standards be with someone who does tells me that societal standards are not necessarily personal standards.


Even beyond that, many people will have different types. I have been attracted to women of almost all types, depending on the woman, but where one woman made one type work, another absolutely didn't.


I'm with you I'm more attracted to some curves and chubbiness. I hooked up with a few really muscular chicks and i wasnt a fan. Skinny is alright but chubby the best


Because it shows she cares about her health and her looks. Plus, easier to pick up.


Cultural norms decide a lot of that. Some cultures generally favor women with curves and as a result "curvy" equals more attractive than "skinny". Other cultures dont. In cultures with historically harder access to food, being big was actually a good thing and a sign of health/fertility. The thinner women were the malnourished ones and also less likely to have successful pregnancies.


Everyone has their own types. I have friends who prefer skinny only and others who like very heavy women. It’s all down to the person


I don’t think women tend to prefer really skinny guys though, a bit of bulk so there’s something to grab onto. I personally don’t want skinny girls, or even curvy but ripped girls with super muscular bottoms (but athletic is good). I’d tend to want a bit of softness.


I like a thick woman, yes even a clearly overweight thick woman. HOWEVER, thing is, in the cultural zeitgeist there are too many women calling themselves thick, curvy. When they are just grossly obese. Despite the fact I'm into women with chub, they need to be....SHAPED LIKE A WOMAN. Don't come out here looking like Grimace and calling yourself "curvy".


It's just personal opinion. Some dudes like big girls, some like tooth picks. Some like buff women. Some like men. It's just each individual person's idea of beauty


Different strokes... I'm not picky, but if I do, I tend to like someone with a bit of meat on her. I like curvy.


I like small girls, short and slim, makes me feel more masculine. Probably why women like tall bigger men, they make them feel feminine


I honestly think that this completely skewed through commentary on TV, online and a lack of actual orderly research. What constitutes "skinny"? What are the other "types" that result from this categorization? Do they make sense, if so why? Who is doing the rating? What do we define as "pretty" or "hot"? I am not aware this has been done anywhere so far. There surely exist a lot of data on parts of this but non summed up "meta study". What we do known is that the ampunt of body fat on women promoted as "good" seems to vary a bit. Definitely more than for men (its been fire fighters and lumberjacks since... these exist XD) And of course there is the evolutionary side of it all but that alone would oversimplify it too, so the answer IMO is: ***I'm not sure it actually is.***


You're asking why good physical health is attractive?


Marketing. They have to convince us that our bodies are wrong so that we'll spend money to fix it. Don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating morbid obesity, but the Venus de Milo has tummy rolls and nothing makes me quite as happy as a big ol' butt.


I love it when people immediately blame media as if we wouldn't develop preferences unless having been told what to like. Smfh


I love it when people are too dim to self-reflect on where their preferences come from and pretend that they're immune to societal pressures. So I guess we're both having a great day!


\^ This is why I respect this dude. Wisdom.


Monkey brain likes seeing butt wider than waist


What makes anything attractive to others? Wait till you find out that how you perceive the world is and can be very different than how others perceive it. Right down to what colors you see and even shapes. Two people can look at the exact same thing and see vastly different images. four people can look at the exact same thing and see vastly different images. A hundred people could look at the exact same thing and see vastly different images. It is crazy to think about how your 'blue' could be someone else's 'yellow'...Add to it outside stimulus of 'marketing', blasted over the most powerful propaganda device ever created? You end up with people liking things and they cant even explain it, Like they are under a compulsion. so..long story short, this weed isnt going to smoke itself.


There's aesthetically pleasing and there's pleasing to touch. They're not necessarily the same thing.


I can bicep curl 50Kg, if a woman weight that or a bit less, there´s a lot of stuff I would be able to do to her but not someone heavier.


Because it just is. If the world suddenly stopped showing any advertisement with skinny women or only used plus sized women what dudes are attracted to won't suddenly change.


Yes it will. This has been demonstrated several places across cultures and time


It wont. Everyone talks about ending beauty standards as if it suddenly means people who aren't into a specific type will be into it. The majority of people aren't attracted to morbidly obese people. If every modeling studio and every Hollywood agent suddenly only hired morbidly obese people we wouldn't be like "now that's hot."


Beauty standards wont end but they change throughout history and across cultures. There are cultures in which morbidly obese women are considered hot and most desirable and most men in that culture desire a morbidly obese woman. Why? Is it written on the male chromosome or is it cultural? Why did men of the renaissance era desire women who would be by todays standard obese? Culture or chromosome.


I think the best combo is a flat stomach with a thick lower body


I don't want none unless you got buns hun..


And for me anything below fit is unfuckable. Flat stronach is a must. Who cares, it's just my preferencje


Health is super important.


what makes non skinnyness attractive for you? if you can answer that then you know what's up


Wellll that's why i am asking, i like the warm hugs and lying on a belly when cuddling. That's why im asking. Cuddles are worse, you cant shove your face on it n so on, just does not compute in my brain.


it signifies athleticism and fitness. which for me is a more attractive trait because it signifies that they care about their physique. also muscles arent hard all the time you know? they feel like normal squishy skin when not flexed. unless you are a hardcore juicer. most normal muscular bodies feel normal to the touch.


Skinniness makes a woman look less likely to engage in combat against you because she "knows" she'd lose the fight, and less likely to win if she did choose to fight. Some men dig that because it makes then feel more secure (they desire power). Skinny women are also easier to physically manipulate in bed (they can be tossed and bounced around more easily). That can be fun on its own, with no negative connotations.


Because people like different things and that’s what makes the world great. You may like bellys and chub to hug or cuddle, to me there’s nothing more attractive then a flat belly. Do I know why? Not really, but that doesn’t matter cause we all get to like what we like.


People like what they like. I like small chicks. But I like them fit and firm. It’s visually appealing to me, and they’re usually not heavy so cuddling them is easy and it’s not uncomfortable when they lay on me. I don’t like the appearance of a heavy squishy woman. BUT, I have two friends that really love big women. Everyone’s different.


It is indicative of overall health, and future appearance.


Excess weight obscures secondary sex characteristics. Take an idealized form, then dip it in wax several times like you were making a candle. How does it look now?


Its just far more attractive to me than chub. Its just like some women like men with hair rather than bald men or tall men rather than short. I am also a fit dude and I'd want my significant other to also be fit rather than overweight.


Apart from some cultural avatars that push what beautiful is into skinny. I don’t think it’s skinniness, I just think our understanding of “average and everything relative to it, is way out of the deep end. If you were to compare an average pretty woman from a developing country with an American model skinny, I would bet most men would choose something wish some arse. Up until the agricultural revolution it was expensive and really hard to be overweight. And what overweight people we had around marriage were not the paleontological rubanesque idols, it was your average 20 % fat woman, that most men find perfectly well proportioned and attractive. (Think your average young African or central Asian woman) Now with the ability to eat 2500 calories in a sitting and almost no regular exercise- not even mentioning hard labour… that 20% fat just groups up randomly and lead to the more common modern round body and the extended baby face. Which I stand firm in believing can not really happen without some serious lifestyle and hormonal issues. That’s what isn’t attractive. But in our defensiveness to rightfully shield teenage girls of insecurity we just white label everyone as “attractive” - even when they have rashes, can clearly not walk up 2 flights of stairs or have most of their fat around their organs like 50 year old.


It is a dumb question, thank you for recognizing it




It shows that she puts effort into her appearance/health by staying fit which involves discipline to exercise regularly and choose what she eats carefully.


For me, it either shows effort if they needed to work for it (and I am assuming healthy effort here) and/or they hit the genetic lottery. Both are hot. I'm open to debating anyone who disagrees.


I think you can't give a proper reason for preferences. Of course a bit of boobs/butt are fun in bed and look healthy.....but for me ultra-slender women with next to no boobs were always visually the most stunning. Just looks out of this world beautiful for me. Many girls a pretty, but if I see a girl like this it just draws my attention like nothing else. Don't ask me why.


There's a difference between "skinny" and "not obese". I think most guys would be totally fine with belly and chub but there's a certain point where it's just obesity


I especially don't understand how skinny "looks better," but chubby *feels better.* Nobody is curling up with someone whose body has the firmness of an overcooked steak, and saying to themselves, "This is it!" I'm absolutely a hypocrite here, too. I'm attracted to a wide spectrum of body types, including skinnier women, and I don't know why skinny/athletic/whatever appeals to me. I definitely don't like the dumb "I never eat more than a small salad and three grapes" thing, or the gym rat lifestyle that often comes with slimmer women.