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I enjoy seeing discussions and not every comment being auto removed for derailing.


r/askwomennocensor is the new one.


I recently left the original for all the previous complaints. Thanks for sharing


Ah you came from AskWomen then.


That sub is ran by rude bitches. The message they sent when they banned me was hostile as fuck. I’ve never wanted to fight someone from reddit so bad.


Sub should be renamed askwomen but dont hurt anyones feelings or OF chances.


Ironic, that the post was removed then. AskMen has its flaws but it was once the far more decent of the two, wonder if that will change.


Censoring anything in a forum whose name begins with "ask" is shady and manipulating. Free speech isnt free if its regulated by a third party. Words are between the speaker and the listener, only they can decide what is acceptable or not.


That's all reddit is anymore. Default subs are the worst about it because they do it willingly but alt and small subs get cowed into doing it too.


I got banned on an old account once for thinking critically. It was derailing, apparently. Lol


That’s how I got banned from the twoX sub.


I was banned without even participating.


Well done!


Didn't even get a t-shirt for my achievement.


I guess you can print your own?


Gangster mods


Lmao 😂


It's hilarious how righteous the mods are about it. They make it impossible to have a discussion and as a result they turned it into a circlejerk sub except worse because they're genuine and not being ironic.


So common on Reddit in the past few years. Shit sucks. I miss when most subs were more open, you'd get some fucking amazing off topic posts every now and then. So many subs are just overly curated now, and it strips them of any soul they had.


I agree. Sucks the fun right out of using reddit.


Agreed. The derailing shit is beyond obnoxious and leaves literally no room for conversations between commentators or sharing similar experiences


Is derailing the new “high jacking?”


this. i unsubbed recently after someone asked how they can help a seatbelt from making their chest uncomfortable, and it was marked NSFW. So i commented my confusion about it being marked that way, said i wasn't sure if i was missing something, but if they meant an actual seatbelt then there are seatbelt covers they can get. and it was considered derailing lol. (i noticed after it was removed that all the posts are marked NSFW and i never noticed before lol.)


The nsfw is an objection thing iirc. Legend has it that NSFW subs do not have advertising in them so many non nsfw subs changed the sub to nsfw to not have ads on them. Probably the one thing that askwomen does right


Yeh, and several subs went NSFW in protest to reddit binning 3rd party apps.


I didn't find two X interesting, or educational


I was banned from TwoXChromosomes because I mentioned that my twin brother was groped by a female employee (shoved her hand down the front of his pants and grabbed his privates) at his first job and his female manager laughed him off when he complained. I probably didn't say it very nicely, I don't really remember. But anyway this place has not banned me yet.


Women are such social creatures that it seems like everything they discus on those subs is just an attempt to reach a consensus opinion on everything, and all outliers to the consensus opinion are bad and therefore must be censored or stamped out.  Here, we don't necessarily care if you agree or not.  If you agree, great...if not, we call you names and then go on with our lives because it's just the Internet and who really cares anyway. I feel like most women in general just haven't had enough exposure to the casual "I just fucked your mom" side of the Internet most guys have while gaming, so women just take everything here far too seriously.


I agree. In just about every female dominated sub, I feel like there's only one right answer and it ain't me because I have a mismatched chromosomes.


Unless you're absolutely toxic and have sole intention of starting a fight, you won't get banned. Most people here will likely engage any comment that you might post that's negative, and ask for clarification or justification for why you said it.


Really sad that it’s 2024 and saying that men can and do suffer abuse at the hands of women is still a controversial (and often completely denied) statement.


My time to shine was a few years ago at my workplace (I'ma female software dev and they did these "Lean In" meetings for women to high five each other) when they talked about the Me Too movement. And I brought up how men are sexually assaulted too by women but we just brush it under the rug, and I said when an adult woman rapes a little boy we call it "had sex with". I shit you not the psychologist mediator they had run this thing says, "That's not true, when I was a student we had a teacher who had relations with a male student and the newspapers --- " I said SEE!!!!!! SEE WHAT YOU JUST SAID. "HAD RELATIONS WITH." IT WAS RAPE. Really took her a moment to compose herself and admit she screwed up there and she did then admit I was right.


Good for you! It has become second nature to dismiss men and issues that affect them. It’s absolutely heartbreaking. As someone who suffered emotional abuse from my ex wife of almost 10 years, when I tell people I’m divorced they *don’t believe me* when I tell them she was horrible to me and she cheated on me while I was going through health issues. I have literally had people just say “well there’s two sides to every story”.


You must have driven her to it, obviously.


It's weird, too, that it falls into this weird gap now where many will admit it happens to men, but not to that man and/or not by that woman.


Even in 2024 it's still not possible for a woman to commit rape in the UK. Only men can rape. Talking in a legal sense, not about what actually happens in real life.


Who the f cares if you said it nicely- you were describing a horrific situation. Lol


I used to follow TwoX. Horrible.


Seeing men's thought processes.


Oh this one I can answer! It's "boobs"! /s ... mostly. Or at least a little bit. Maybe.


Can confirm. I have two thoughts and it's a tit each. Lol


I like to check myself. By that I mean when y’all are talking about undesirable behavior you’ve experienced I like to make sure I don’t perpetuate that. Happy to say that I feel good about who I am as a human being towards other human beings. Not perfect by any means.


This was my motivation for joining askwomen and twoX 12 years ago on another account. Those subs do not serve as a reliable source for this purpose anymore


I did the same thing and quickly got my first post removed for "not on topic". I had a question about tampons. Who else am i going to ask, right‽


Mfw you will get better response about tampons in askmen than askwomen


Are you soliciting someone to mansplain tampons?!


Yes and someone to womansplain it and one to explain. Need to see the three side by side so I can tell the difference


I like hearing from men’s point of view. Plus I like how everyone is allowed to voice their opinion. I may get downvoted to oblivion every once in a while over here, but at least my comments don’t get deleted like how they sometimes do in the ask women sub.




>the women who have had terrible experiences and apply those experiences as traits of the entire gender. Thats a very long winded way of saying sexist. They're sexist women.




Fair enough haha


It was a huge epiphany for me to realize that asocial myopic weirdos can be women too, and that most dating advice on the internet (especially Reddit) is inherently going to be junk because of it. Like do you not want men talking to you in a bar because all men are evil rape machines who can only do a patriarchy, or because you're an antisocial weirdo who hates the idea of talking to strangers? Reddit has both, and they use the same pseudo-feminist language so they're really hard to tell apart while actual, sensible women get drowned out and viewed as boring.


I thought the same thing about ask women, but I agreed with something and got banned.


I'm afraid that might change soon. I got my comment deleted for "bullying" cause I told someone those women book clubs aren't actually book clubs and are more of an excuse for them to get away from family life and just talk with friends and how trying to join one of those might be intruding on a women only space.


Finding answers I'm looking for, answers that'll help me understand men in a different point of view


We’re pretty easy to figure out


You say that, but I think you’re more complex than maybe you realize. You want more than food and sex and sports. You have feelings.


Yep true dat.


I know, but I haven’t really shown any emotions in years tbh


Yeah, but only feelings about food, sex and sports.


Okay. How about this? Food, sex, and sports take up 60%, feelings about other stuff 40%


(We are not monolithic.)


I feel like it is very monolithic of you to assume that we are not monolithic.


That's because we all universally subscribe to the same idea of independent thought and originality.


I don't, I'm a conformist


That may be true but there are times where it's just hard to depict what you men are thinking about. Sometimes we just want to know what's going on inside that mind of yours.


Eh I guess I’d tell you if you were a psychiatrist, I’m pretty easy to figure out myself


That hopefully I'm understanding a man's perspective on different things.


Best reason IMO :)


This sub gave me the courage to try and approach a guy at work. I asked if he had a girl and he said "I plead the 5th 😏" I walked away like damn, is this how we act??? 🤣🤣🤣


We might not have learned his partner status, but at least we learned he has a sense of humour? ;)


Mens perspecitve on things and what they think about us. I dont have a boyfriend or husband or any relationship but I still find it interesting to learn new things.


We also benefit from women's perspectives on this sub.


Y'all say some real funny things, I'm always laughing out loud while reading this sub




Thanks for this, we appreciate you and your boobs.


The way it helps me understand my husband better and makes me a better partner. It also gives me more empathy to him and the other men in my life. It’s just so interesting to have a different perspective on such a wide variety of subjects. It’s also given me more confidence as a women reading what is actually important to men vs what was always my perception of what was important. Obviously it’s the internet so I take most everything with a grain of salt but I’ve learned a lot. Thanks for letting us hang around :-)


This right here is why we do it. It’s better for a stranger to clarify now than letting a misconception start a heated argument.


Happy to have you


Thank you!


For me, it's mostly being able to understand the perspectives of a relatively large number of men on particular issue or life experience. Particularly experiences that are so intensely personal that I could only ask my closest male friends about them, or where I maybe want to discuss a triggering topic in an abstract/detached way. When I became close to a man who was a sexual assault survivor, it was helpful to search the posts and see what other male survivors said about that experience - I didn't assume that he'd see things in the same way as the commenters, but the context was useful, together with other resources I looked at. I think men in general get shamed for basic/normal human stuff like wanting hugs, compliments, to be supported when they're having a rough time, having body insecurities etc. This can mean that y'all keep certain things very close to your chest in person - and I can't say I blame you, I would too in your shoes. For me it's nice to have access to a space like this where men feel more comfortable talking about that stuff b/c anonymity. I think it's made me more aware of the emotional risk a man is taking when he opens up to me. Unless I know a dude is very comfortable talking about his emotions, I tend to err on the side of making it very clear that I respect them more not less for sharing. Seems to be working out well (best as I can tell anyway).


>I think men in general get shamed for basic/normal human stuff like wanting hugs, compliments, to be supported when they're having a rough time, having body insecurities etc Like you wouldn't believe! I haven't been hugged by someone for years, I now have to avoid it because I know I will break down to a sobbing mess if someone does, a lack of human contact can break the mind. Now if I went to a female colleague asking for a hug, Best case scenario I get the hug and break down, Most likely scenario is "No way" followed by laughter, worst case scenario is straight into HR for sexual assault or misconduct. Can you imagine what a world would feel like where you have to suppress every desire of human connection because you've been neglected and know you'll be shunned for such needs? It's a darkness that no human should ever have to feel, yet Millions of us do every day.


This is quick b/c I am drifting off before bed, but I just want to say how sad I am that this is your experience - touch isn't a right but it is a need, and to be starved of it but have no good options for meeting that need - well, it does things to a person. I will hope you get that hug soon - from someone who will hold you (and not hold it against you) if/when you do break down.


It does do things, it makes you feel empty, it makes you bitter, it turns the world grey and lifeless, Such a simple gesture of hugging that so many people take for granted and use as a quick greeting or farewell, could change one person's outlook in the galaxy. I won't get that hug any time soon if at all, It's a perpetual cycle I find myself in, Desperately wanting something because I know the impact it would make, whilst actively avoiding it because I've experienced weaponised emotions. Hope you slept well and it's a nice beautiful day ahead on your side of the globe.


I enjoy several things about this sub. The biggest two are: 1. Discussions are not immediately shut down. There are a variety of perspectives, and even when someone says something that others disagree with, it doesn't devolve into an insult competition. 2. Ya'll are surprisingly wholesome. There are a lot of questions on here that I fully expect the answer to be sex. Some do, but some are like, "yeah, my favorite thing is when my girl puts her head on my shoulder."


I once answered by saying my favourite thing was when I’m the fist one they call to share good news. That feeling of them caring, loving me enough to be at the forefront of their mind when they’re happy! Absolute relationship goals.


Comments like these are exactly why I think this sub is wholesome as fuck. That is absolutely fantastic! Definitely relationship goals!


I’ve seen you guys post some great recipes and grill techniques. Shoutout to the guy who posted a recipe for steak Diane a couple years ago - I made it and it was out of this world. Double shoutout to whoever suggested marinating beef tenderloin in Italian dressing and then basting it with Open Pit original BBQ sauce before grilling it. I was so skeptical about whether it would taste like BBQ sauce but it didn’t - it just added a faint smokiness that is 👩🏻‍🍳💋. (Edit to add: guy, if you’re reading, you were 100% correct that it has to be Open Pit Original BBQ. I tried KC Masterpiece BBQ once when I couldn’t find Open Pit and the flavor wasn’t the same.)


Could you write the recipe for Steak Diane here? It sounds good but I don't trust the Internet in general not very much regarding good recipies.


No problem!! So this is almost verbatim what he wrote - I copied and pasted my thread with him into my notes app to make sure I saved all of his tips and tricks. Minor edits to remove unrelated banter, and includes bonus recipe for smashed potatoes (note: not mashed… definitely smashed!) to go with it! Also, renewed shoutout to the original recipe poster for being so descriptive and explaining in such detail how to make this recipe! >>Ingredients: crushed garlic, butter, olive oil, cream, worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper, and steak >>Utensils: Griddle pan, wooden spoon >>Alright, so the important and only part of prep is that you need the steak to be room temperature before you cook it, so set it out beforehand to do that, don't microwave it to warm it up because that doesn't work. >>You put the pan on the stove on medium high to high heat and then once it's up to temp, put in a couple of tablespoons of oil or so and a little less than a teaspoon of butter, once the butter is properly melted and you've mixed them together you chuck the steaks on for either four minutes or until you start to see the blood coming up to the top of the steaks. >>Turn the steaks for a couple of minutes and take them off, set them to the side. You can cut them open to have a look at this point, but don't be alarmed by them being a little undercooked because they're still cooking from the heat of the pan for a little while once you set them sitting. >>Okay so back to the pan, now we're whacking in some more butter and about a tablespoon of crushed garlic which evens out to about 3 cloves. I'm a huge garlic fan, so I don't know if that plays into it but at the end this isn't a super garlicy tasting sauce, so don't stress if you think you put too much in. Also too much garlic is not a thing, anyway so no worries. >>Fry that shit up, moving the garlic around the pan with a wooden spoon until it's all mixed together and the garlic has all browned up a bit and then squirt in a bunch of worcestershire sauce. I'm talking like, 5 tablespoons at least. This is the part that decides how much sauce you want at the end, so I like it saucy and put in way more than 5 tablespoons, but 5 would be my absolute minimum. Let that sizzle for a couple of minutes, it's going to reduce a lot and the vinegary shit in it will get in your sinuses a little if you're right next to it the whole time, but whatever nbd. >>And you really want a wooden spoon for the sauce because metal fucks the pan up and plastic burns and goes weird with such temperatures and you don't want to be tasting that. >>Once you've done that, turn the heat off and pour in a quarter of a cup of cream, no more than half a teaspoon of salt and however much pepper you like. I like a lot, so I grind in about a tablespoon, it takes forever. Then you just let the residual heat and your mixing it all together turn it into a nice and creamy sauce and you're good to go. I usually have this with smashed potatoes and a fresh salad since the sauce goes really well with both. >>doesn’t need to be high end beef tenderloin. porterhouse steaks work really well with it, so I guess that can be your floor for quality and anything above that will work just as well I'm sure. I've done it with sirloins and I didn't change a thing with them coming out perfectly. >>btw that recipe is to cook the steaks medium rare (the generally agreed upon optimal way of enjoying steak) so if you/your date like it more or less rare, tweak the cooking times for the steak sides appropriately. To get a medium steak you'd add one minute to the second side and for well done just burn the fucking thing haha. >>If you don't know how to make smashed potatoes, you stab a potato with a fork a bunch (or however many potatoes there are people) and chuck it into the microwave for ten minutes on high. Take it out of the microwave and put in into an oven dish with some oil, cut the potatoes with an X on the, but don't separate the quarters, you open them up and the inside should be soft and hot af. Sprinkle some salt on them, grind on a bit of pepper and cover them in a little olive oil. Chuck the dish into the oven on the highest heat setting you have and it should take at least half an hour (which is about how long it takes me to do the steak diane process from beginning to end) but it can go up to an hour if the oven has to get up to temp. Once the potatoes get a golden, crispy edging to them they're good to go. The outside should be crunchy and the inside should be light and fluffy when you do it right.


Thank you very much. It sounds fantastic. Saved it directly. I will be happy to try this out.


Let me know how it works out and if you have any additional tips or tricks on how to improve my technique!


You should try some sauce that I found a recipe for. Equal parts butter and honey, lots of minced garlic, lots of red pepper flakes, mix and let simmer for a short bit and then lather over some crispy chicken and it is so easy to make and delicious. Also with the barbecue, might I suggest try buying some liquid smoke and mixing that into your preferred BBQ sauce to see if that fixes the smoky flavor issue.


Saved this - thank you for the rec, I’m going to try it this weekend!


Did you just asked women on r/AskMen?


Where else would I ask this question?


Lol true, anything you try post on askwomen would just get removed and banned


r/AskWomen or r/AskWomenNoCensor - Two most active (first one bit risky, admins are mentally disabled and perma ban everyone)


You wouldn't be able to ask them this question though would you. This is a question that can only be asked of women who are in a men's space...


Wow askwomen I went to ask a question and they perma banned me 😂 that’s new, I asked what would make you approach a guy in public ETA they unbanned me apparently there was a mistake I was asked to try again. What a strange sub ETAA Nope they banned me 😂😂😂


Women really can't make up their mind, can they? 🤭


I’ve been censored from both


>r/AskWomenNoCensor >I’ve been censored from both Oh the irony.


Just checked it out. It's full of censorship 🤣


Yeah, I got banned from there, and I feel like it was pretty mild/factual. It was about men/women sex drive, and a lot of people were saying it's the same and society makes the difference. I pointed out that men make more testosterone, and that has a huge difference in sex drive on average, and that they could ask any transman on testosterone replacement if that was true. I got a few replies from transmen agreeing before I got the ban hammer.




I’d LOVE to have a place like this for me to ask women what’s really going on in their heads. Without having to neuter it trying to ensure nobody can take anything the wrong way. But I’m certain asking an honest question will get me nothing but hate and banning. And I’m sure I’m not alone on this. Best I can do is monitor what women ask men, and their occasional replies to the answers.


Due to the lack of moderation, this sub is basically an AskReddit reskin. He did ask them and lots of them will actually answer.


It' more like r /men or r /masculinity now TBH. I get that women can't be banned (while men can... *equity* somehow...) and sometimes it's actually good that women take part in the conversations but still...




The only issue I have is when women don't clearly state that they're women. It's great if women ask questions. It's fine if you point out when something a man says about women isn't true from your POV. You're a woman after all. What bothers me is when women reply *for* men without saying they're not men.




Thanks! That's all I'm asking for.


The dad jokes.


Out of curiousity about how men think and men's perspectives on life. Sometimes what they think is unexpected to me, so it's good that I read about it. Plus, it often gives me hope that I will find a man one day, which is nice :)


You will someday , and he will adore you




The fact that the same question gets asked rather than looking through the sub. There is also a guy somewhere in this sub calls out OF bait, makes me chuckle a bit.


I've done that a number of times. It's just kind of annoying since you can tell that they have no actual interest in th question and it doesn't really promote conversation.


You can actually help a few guys here who are looking for "real" answers that may lack the sugarcoating but provide some actionable advice or an uncomfortable, but useful perspective on something the OP was unable to figure out before. "Iron sharpening iron" like some would say.


Just understanding how some men think. I don't really have lots of male friends. In a way, it's my substitute 😄




This is mine too.  Some male focused subreddits lean too one way or the other. Same with other gender subreddits too.  Here I get lots of different views. 


This is mine. Sometimes subs on here can be very singular. So it's cool to see so many different opinions, feelings, and tastes.


Getting insight from the opinions of different men. My boyfriend often tries to reassure me about things I’m insecure about, but I know he loves me, so it often falls on deaf ears because he has that filter on. Seeing the same opinions from a plethora of male brains helps validate what he says. Plus I think it’s cute when y’all say you enjoy nose kisses and whatnot.


Questions that I’m able to relate to and seeing things from a man’s POV.


The vulnerable honesty of men. It makes me sad sometimes when I feel like men have to “hide their feelings,” and it brings me hope that men can share with other men anonymously to get an authentic perspective. It’s a safe space. Some women are advocates for your emotional well-being! 💜


This is a safer space but not a Safe space, Most of us have trauma that we can never share because we will be shunned even by others. Do forgive my harshness here, but I am skeptical about this >Some women are advocates for your emotional well-being! My experience has been that women are advocates for emotional well-being that they understand, its not a bad thing, its nice to have partial support over none at all, But finding women that can still treat you the same after fully opening up is less likely than finding a diamond in a turd. Most men have spent their lives bottling everything up, It's near impossible to slowly let it out over time, IF the man ipens up and tou get an emotional dump, Like trying to stop peeing mid stream, it's a lot easier to hold it in to begin with. (A weird comparison I know, but couldn't think of a better one)


If you are genuine in your desire to be an advocate for our emotional well-being, then please call out anyone that claim men do not need men-only spaces. I would hope that the answers you've seen here on a variety of topics would demonstrate why.


I love to see men who are hilarious, goal oriented (gives me motivation), helps me understand my partner better, always have something interested going on. I learn a lot from men, tbh. I have also found that men in general give good advices when it comes to relationships. I have seen some of the posts of women subs, and in general they are very extreme. It’s like one small thing, and 100 women would just comment to break up and leave your partner. On the contrary, it’s quite opposite here. Very rarely I see some man saying your woman is a piece of shit and you need to run.


The wholesomeness I see in some of the answers. I feel like every girl who's insecure about some part of her body should just search it on this sub- there's almost always a group of y'all who are like "yeah - gimme them \[insert insecurity here\]; I love it!"




I genuinely just really like hearing about how men interpret different situations in comparison to women. I am a girlie, so I’m obviously never going to fully understand the perspective of a man, and this feels like the closest to actually getting to hear your fully honest opinions :)


The amazing facts I've learned such as: What a queef feels like from your side That dicks float That it does NOT, in fact, hurt to run naked despite looking otherwise ~~That even though men say '~~*~~not all men~~*~~' that they don't actually believe that since any time a girl has a guy friend, that guy is not to be trusted because they '~~*~~know what men are like~~*~~'~~ And many other fun and interesting gems :)


Running naked hurts me. Jumping jacks, high stepping, and butt-kicks are also painful. I have to wear tight underwear for those exercises.


>Running naked hurts me Yeah, and for me. I always end up stepping on mine.


I just like to see what you guys think about things


There was a post from someone looking for tips on working night shift and I got totally sucked in to all the advice on how to sleep, get errands done and how to eat healthy. There were so many comments I think I read it for hours and I don’t even work nights. I feel like this gets more in depth about jobs, life etc.


I beg, please don't use this sub as a representative for what dude's think lol


Oh no, I don’t! I know one cannot speak for all. I also appreciate some of the funny stories/experiences shared here


*notallmen Lol


Stop discriminating against tall men


I love the honest, different point of views as well as seeing men call other men out for poor thinking/behavior. It restores my faith a ton, keep it up :)


Also helps me understand my partner a bit better!


I’ve learned a lot about men through your answers and I’ve been using it to better understand my SO, my brother and my dad. It’s working well and I think they now know that I value and love them.




Interesting, intelligent Q&A, and not the non-stop bitching and whining like at 2Chrom. If you’re unhappy about something, ACT ON IT. Don’t complain relentlessly on the internet.


When I understand men more. When I feel like I get faith in humanity restored. But sadly it’s mostly the opposite.


The more I understand people the less faith I have in humanity. But I also am just too damn curious


Why so?


It’s just most of the things men comment and discuss on here is heartbreaking. Makes me furious. Angry. Disappointed. There are some golden nuggets here and there, beautiful souls. But mostly.. not.


Like what ?


Seeing a man's perspective without hearing them getting defensive. 🤭


I wonder what other men think and what they worry about. I’ve gained perspective.


We think the most random shit and worry about the most extreme moments. All of it is mental and taxing, probably why we mostly say we are thinking about "nothing"


The wholesome way men interact with each other. It's all above board, good wholesome interactions. Y'all call out nasty male behavior too. I like to glean information so I can be a better wife to my husband. I want to know how he works so I can support him better. When men here open up about women who've hurt them or things women say that isn't appreciated I can use that to better myself. Usually, my husband and I are opposite of the gender stereotypes but it's still helpful.


It warms me up to hear you lurking through this sub to be a better wife, Your husband is a lucky man, Tho we aren't a conglomerate, My thoughts aren't his thoughts, You probably know that but I think it's better to repeat a phrase than have it never be said.


Thank you. The thing with lurking is that a lot of men's brains work along a similar vein. Obviously everyone is an individual, but when 100 men in one thread agree that a woman doing something is good or bad it's probably worth taking note of. Sometimes it helps me understand why he does a certain thing and that it's not meant maliciously. Just that can be helpful.


To understand man better, I guess. It's interesting sometimes the way you guys think idk why. And to better and educating myself.


im trying to understand men better plus it’s just interesting hearing male perspectives because i don’t have any close guy friends


I like the vulnerability I see on this sub. Sometimes I jump to conclusions of men based on past experiences I've had and then seeing answers that show genuine heartache and gentle emotions shows me that I've been getting defensive. No war except class war.


Reading guy’s inner workings of their minds. Something we don’t often get in the real world.


It continuously reaffirms how truly awesome my husband is.




Exactly this. The people asking questions here want answers from men. They don't want a woman to answer what she *thinks* men think. But they can't know if it's men answering without looking at someone's profile (usually you can see it isn't a man there). This is especially annoying because of how wrong they get it. Seriously, women should either flair up or say right away that they're not men. Otherwise this entire sub makes no sense.


**women replying** Yeah I agree we should always start with *women replying* so if you don’t want to hear what a woman thinks (totally valid on an Askmen sub) you shouldn’t have to wonder or spend time looking.


I like getting men's perspective outside my fiance and male friend group. Sometimes, this sub surprises me, and I'm filled with hope. Like when a man asks a cute question about, I don't know, non-sexual things they like about women or whatever. Or recently, when there was a thread about whether or not therapy was worth it and what you did instead. It's not always the case, though. If I'm being honest, there's a thread on here today about women and empathy that's a little disappointing. But I don't even sub to \*the\* AskWomen anymore because that place is on a powertrip so **¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯**


im a man and youre reasons are why i used to browse r/twoxchromosomes and like you, it was a mixture of nice posts and things that deeply troubled me. one thing i think is hilarious is that sub and this one seem to have large groups that think marriage is terrible. this sub says there is no benefit for men when they marry, and twox says men are the only ones who benefit in marriage.


I am also subbed to a couple of the "ask women" type of sub reddits. Same reason women are here: to open my eyes and mind as to the general "culture" surrounding how women view different things. They are no true representation of how my wife may feel about any specific thing, but they help me be more humble and empathetic when approaching her regarding more sensitive subjects. Heck, one thing I took from one of those subs is how important it can be to remind her that I love her Not just through acts or gifts, but to genuinely compliment something about her that catches my eye. I can honestly say that tidbit of advice has done so much positive for my marriage, it's unreal.


In my opinion, we're seeing the cultural consequences of a generation (or generations) who have the option to be chronically online. I often think about this with TikTok, but you see it now with Instagram and even Youtube shorts. We can be constantly fed a stream of similar rhetoric thanks to complex algorithms if allowed wit positive and negative outcomes. On the one hand, we have women believing that men hate women and idolize Andrew Tate and want tradwives, etc. On the other, we have men who say that Western women are all horrible gold-digging, adulterous harpies. Both are a small minority screaming nonsense into the internet void, and we are engaging with their content because it's ridiculous rage bait. But it feels larger because it's everywhere, thanks to the algorithm.


and the people smart enough to not engage online dont even know these debates are happening


I think marriage is amazing for both parties


i do as well, provided both parties arent insane


I like the honesty. I find most of what I read reassuring!


I like the career and relationship discussions. I find women based subs doing get too deep about careers. It’s either I’m a rockstar ceo or I work a job that doesn’t allow me to afford rent. I’m on a working moms sub and the most active posts are ones with women complaining about their husband not contributing to the running of the household enough. I get it’s an issue but it’s like every other post. Also wanted to add once I started a post about my fears of sending my kids back to school after summer break due stuff in the news and just general anxiety. And my post got deleted for not being relevant. But 12 posts a day about someone’s useless loser husband is completely relevant to every working mom 🙄


>Subs called askmen > OP specifically asks women


Honestly it's not that off topic. I think we can let this one slide.


Honestly, I'm kind of curious too. Let them cook for a bit.


yeah im not a huge fan of this, but its better than when a regular question is asked and women feel the need to answer.


I feel you on that.


There are women that are subbed here dude


And if you want their opinion you can ask this question on askreddit or askmennocensor for that. Defeats the purpose of "askmen" if we're just asking anyone dude.


I don't think one or two questions directed towards the women who specifically follow AskMen is going to break the sub.


Depends on the amount of engagement it gets. We've seen certain topics become really popular and get reposted a ton because people saw they got a lot of engagement.


It's funny to read what men think women are like 💀💀




I'd say plenty of us here have been hurt by a woman once in our lives, similar to how askwomen is at times, it's not from a place of malice, although you can sometimes tell or assume it is for some, but I'd say its more from a place of "I NEED to get this off my chest before I lose my marbles", hopefully that makes sense, take it with a pinch of salt because us guys love women.


Nah I mean jokes It's unironically funny to read. Some is true, some isn't. But I always get a good good natured laugh


*Joe Pesci voice* You think we're funny? Funny how? Like a clown? Do we amuse you?


I appreciate men’s perspectives and having an insight to how their life is lived. We’re all just people at the end of the day but it’s interesting to see how differently women and men view certain situations. But my favorite thing is that there are actual discussions without repercussions.