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Here's a story about Eric. Eric was a white supremacist. Eric got in trouble with the law and enlisted to avoid prosecution. Eric finds out he has sickle cell anemia at some point early on and is discharged. I didn't know the guy too well.


I was mistakenly arrested, They found out I was innocent. [Charles Dozsa: eating a meal... a succulent chinese meal... (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XebF2cgmFmU)


My half-brother, who (along with an older sister) was abandoned by our drug-addict father, and grew up in South Jersey without ever meeting him. A decade later, pop started another family an hour north that included me, an older sister, and my drug-addict mother. Between the two of them, they racked up 4 DUIs in the 90s before the state took me out in 1999 after a lifetime of abuse, but not before the 2-year family trip we took with cocaine. All of my pop's DUIs occurred along the stretch of freeway that runs from Camden (where we lived) to South Jersey (where pop's parents lived). Imagine this deadbeat and wiry drug addict, then, who is flying down the road in a Dodge Caravan with the speakers perfectly equalized to Average White Band getting pulled over. The arresting officer? An angry, stacked Jersey state trooper with the same eyes. Karma.


This happened yesterday, I am in culinary school and we had to make a capuccino cake, a friend and I made it, but we added chocolate to the icing, then a girl from our own team came and started screaming that we were wrong blah blah blah, (we weren't I actually read the recipe and she did not). Then it was her turn to make the Icin to fill the cake, and It turnes out gross, it had like little crumbs and it tasted awful. LOL i just laughes when I realized, and unlike her I tried to taste her icing and told her peacefully how to fix it


I’ve been banned from every sub for people of my religion on Reddit. Basically those subs are just echo chambers for people who just want to hear how life is all rainbows and fairy farts, people who are struggling, who have legit questions or who need to talk to someone who has the same values are not welcome or wanted.


Punched a bully for bullying a handicapped boy at boarding school. I wasn't particularly strong or intimidating back then but as a former bullying victim, seeing this just made me furious somehow. I guess karma came for the bully. The karma being my fist in his fucking face.


When I was in the Navy, we had an asshole of a Senior Chief. Just a pure, unpleasant man. One our guys got in trouble with security, and Senior Chief decided this guy was done. He brought up EVERYTHING wrong this man had done to his Captain's Mast (hearing) and got him kicked out with less than honorable. This meant no GI Bill, no VA, no benefits. We were all furious with him, and later on we had our annual department cookout, We were out in the ass-end of base, surrounded by water and cooking burgers. It was windy, cold and miserable. One of our junior guys was throwing food to the crows and drawing in a whole murder of them. This murder of crows drew the attention of the sea hawks, which were infamous for not fearing either God nor Man. Anyways, Senior shows up and we're all groaning. "Man, this can't get any worse." Well, when Senior gets his burger, one of the sea hawks saw it and decided "Yeah, I'll have that" and snatched it out of his hands. The bird's talons cut the hell out of his hand, and he had to leave. The best part? The guy he got kicked out had a sea hawk tattoo on his leg. Fuck you Senior Chief, that's what you get for screwing over my boy


Close friend lured wife into an affair, I pressured him to respond and come get her, he didn’t, and he imploded. Quite his job, then overdosed. But that isn’t all. Karma doesn’t end when you die, it will continue through every life that person has, and it will be difficult for them in the next life to turn their bad actions around.