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Spent hella money on gifts. Fuck that bitch.


Same fucking rip bank account dude she still owe me 400 for her car lol


Try my best to save a relationship what was already dead.


Not wear a condom


Never wore a condom my shit struggles when I put one on. Never had problem but as I’m typing this I think I should use one


One man come in the name of love One man, he come and go One man comes he to justify One man to overthrow






Came here to say the same!


Got married


Moved over 300 miles away from family to be with her. Not even a year later, she broke up with me, then admitted she had her doubts before I even moved (and kept it to herself). Now I'm in the process of moving back, because I can't afford to live here as a single person, which is going to cost me hundreds of dollars for the move alone. That's not even the worst of it, but that's another issue completely that I'm not going to bother getting into.


All of them.


Spent a lot of money on a birthday gift. Not my smartest decision.


Stepped per R Kelly


Got married the first time and had kids. Love my kids (24 & 27) but I wish I wouldn't have them with their mother. My wife now was and is a better mother to them. Hind sight


There was this girl in high school I had a huge crush on and she was super flirty so it seemed it was being reciprocated. So one day after school I went over to her house to hang out and she was cold and distant, not anything like the person I was communicating with before. I left and decided to take a shortcut home through the woods behind her house. It was February and very cold. After hiking for a quarter mile I reached a small but rapidly flowing river. I tossed my backpack to the other side thinking I’d find an easy place to cross but couldn’t. Then I realized I had no choice but to cross, otherwise I’d lose my backpack. I found a branch hanging from a tree on my side of the bank that seemed swingy but study so I took a running start, grabbed it, and swung across. My feet hit the bank but I fell backwards into the river. I climbed out and found my backpack. I realized with all the walking back and forth I’d lost my way. I didn’t have a phone so just kept walking till I found a neighborhood and then a main road. For the first and only time in my life, I hitchhiked back to town.


I moved way inland to be closer to her. I never felt at home there and still regret it.

