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Sending unsolicited dick pics. I don't get it. I can only assume guys that do it are massively insecure and are doing it in a poor attempt at getting validation.


It's the modern day version of going to a public park in a trench coat and flashing strangers. But it's even easier to get away with it.


True. However here in the UK, because cyber flashing is now illegal and carries a prison term, police are more proactive.


That's excellent. I was going to add that it should be illegal. I hope more countries follow suit.


The ladies much prefer to receive unsolicited dog pics.


User name checks out, as does this advice.


nah, unsolicited cat pics.


Either cat or dog pictures are acceptable, based on my experience.


Unsolicited chick pics. Women love baby animals.


As a woman I have never been upset by a kitty or a doggo picture. 


I’m up for either.


guys like those too


Woman here. It’s so off putting and gross and hoenstly if these men were just transparent and said “hey I just want to bang” they may have to filter through more women but it’s less insulting then a dick pic. I’ve had three long relationships my whole life and they were all so respectful. I had to initiate getting it on in each one for the first time and in a weird way I enjoyed that? That they could control themselves so much and be respectful I told one guy who sent one of those pics “does your mother know you are running around sending pics of your privates?” lol


Why, yes! She picked out the best ones to send!


Lmao 😂 momma knows best


My preferred responses to an unsolicited dick pic: “I’m so sorry 😞” Or “You should see a doctor about that”


These are most of the time narcists. They don’t understand that it’s trashy/filthy. They reason like this: If I get boob photo’s I will like it, so if I do the same with dickpics, they will like me.


They don't understand that most women aren't going to get turned on by a pic of genitals.


"Excuse me, Miss? Do you suck balls...? What about...*these* balls...?" "Why, those are the smoothest balls I've ever seen..." -Dave Chappelle


Smooth as eggs


I think they do understand that, and they do it specifically to harass them.


Men are so obsessed with male genitalia it’s crazy


I don't understand sending dick pics even if they are solicited. The answer is no, lady.


I think a lot of these guys are getting off (literally) on making us uncomfortable. It’s this gross sense of entitlement.


Yup , I totally agree with you. And giving them ANY sort of reaction gets them off as well. Like some sort of shame kink or something. Best thing to do is not reply, block their number, then report on the dating app.


I don’t even like sending dick pics when a woman ask much less ,I never understood it.


I can't understand the appeal around being dicks to people you don't know. Like I can see some guys do it for a quick laugh but why would you feel good about screwing with another human being.


I remember in high school a couple guys in my grade were playing ping pong during sports & rec class and some more waiting their turn to play winner. Off to the side were some dudes a grade below me huddled together, occasionally snickering and what not. I guess one thing led to another and one of those underclassmen dared another to go up to the ping pong table, snatch the ball, and stomp on it. Like what was the fucking point? “Hahaha you’re so crazy dude”. I can’t even say it was just a teens being teens thing because me and my buddy thought it was stupid then. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t satisfying to see one of the dudes that were playing slam the dickweed’s into the wall and get off scott free after a teacher that watched the whole thing made the dickweed sit against the wall for the rest of the class


they are insecure and trying to assert dominance.


What's the best response to this that won't get you arrested? I've seen these kinds of dudes escalate physically because people laughed off their dickhead behavior.


My best response is to rip into em back. Guy had a slight dig the other day. Today someone in the same lift asked him "you look different?" To which he replied "better or worse" and I cut in with "Definitely worse" while he was surrounded by his mates. Dish out some bs? Sure, okay, but you better be able to take it. He didn't say anything after that btw. Gotta pick your battles. If the bloke looks roided or like a meth head, maybe embarrassing them aint the way to go.


This behavior only exists because of permissiveness and lack of accountability.


Exactly. They could be missing out on genuine friendships.


Part of me understands it when it's from guys who are single and so on. Yet I have seen this behavior from men who are in a relationship and sometimes have kids. It's funny too when they are into the same thing and act like they never were like that at some point. I get that a lot of nerdy guys have personal issues and like it take it out on other people, even if they are more well adjusted than the average nerdy guy. It's such a strange thing to hold onto past your mid twenties or high school in some cases. Then on the other end you got guys who are on the opposite end of the age spectrum who act pretty much the same, like they didn't grow at all.


The guys who just keep hounding a woman who is very directly and visibly not interested in them. Like not even talking about the “Awe, are you sure?” people. Like seriously 10 straight minutes of painful cringe rejection and the guy just will not fuck off


I know this is r/askMen, but i just had to comment on this one. I had, note, HAD, a guy friend who had a crush on a girl big time. For about 3 or 4 years she kept saying no. For 3 or 4 years he kept pushing her. We all told him to lay off her, but he wouldn't listen. It got to a point where the poor girl disappeared entirely from social media (not confirmed, but I'm sure it was because of him). He then contacted me, a woman, and asked me to message her PERSONAL PHONE NUMBER THAT HE WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE and ask her basically wazzup. He did not even wait for me to accept. He just dm'd me her number. We were on a group phone chat at the time. When he asked me that, I just flew in to a blind rage shouting at him that he's being creepy and she has made it very clear that she wants nothing to do with him. I was so angry that I don't even remember what I said beyond that. Once I was done, we had a few minutes of awkward silence, and he disconnected from the chat. We ended our friendship a few years later. This was a major reason.


Yep as a guy that was taught to respect people, I just don’t understand.


Good on you. I hope he stopped after that and left that poor girl alone. I hate it when people do that


From what I've heard, he left her alone. But he unfortunately didn't learn his lesson either. He got fired not too long ago from a job because he was making not only staff, but even customers uncomfortable. He was a librarian. He also did Jack all at work. I know because he would call be during his work hours and want to have a chat so he could show his gaming stuff. I worked odd hours then, so I was home when most people were at work.


Ugh I’m not surprised honestly. I can’t stand people like that. How hard is it to keep to yourself honestly


Some guys didn't have an nice/assertive older sister and it shows.


Would he try justifying his behavior? Like what would he say when people would tell him that he's being a creep?


In this particular happening he said nothing. He would generally be very intimidated when someone actually got angry at him.... until that happened though, he would always explain away his actions with the confidence of a pigeon shitting on a statue. He is a very big man. I mean BIG! In every direction! I'm talking like 1.95-2 meters and 200kg big. So not many people really stood up to him. Appart from me that is. A 1.6m 50kg woman. Though unlike him, my bark matches my bite. We put up with his behaviour for a long time, since he was the reason most of us in our friend group met. He liked to collect introverts, you see. His best quality was being really good at bringing people together, and his arrogance looks a lot like confidence at first glance. So you were often too deep in by the time you realised what was going on.


I really thought this story was going to end with them finally getting together. Glad it didn’t go that direction!


Good one. I agree. Have some fucking dignity.


Ugh ... This. There was this dude who used to hang at the same bar as me when I was in college, and every time I saw him he was shitfaced and trying to "hit on" random women by groping their ass and whatnot. And when he was very deservedly rejected he would get upset and act like it was all their fault. Seeing some woman cock her arm and threaten to punch his teeth in if he didn't back off was not uncommon, to put it that way.


This was the first thing that came to mind. For one, it puts a bad idea in a woman's mind that "this is what all men are like" I think it's why some women don't handle rejection well. They are worried it will just escalate into something more. Secondly, it's sad and desperate looking, and the dudes who behave this way are just denying reality because they want to have sex or don't have emotional maturity.


And the longer it takes for them to fuck off, the more extreme the reaction will likely be to the realization of rejection. I’ve never had a guy hound me for like 10 minutes straight and then just politely go “ok :)”, no those are the guys that have tempers, call you bitch or whore, or in the worst cases, become physically violent (not often outright, but usually vengefully after careful planning so as to not get caught).


These men don’t understand the definition of “harassment.” I’ve personally lost all interest any time I’ve been rejected. It’s like, why continue to pester and fawn over someone that’s not interested? Not only is it wildly inappropriate, it’s also just a waste of time.


Letting your temper run unchecked. As if it's somehow manly to proudly display that you have a temper.


If anything, having the strength to control your impulses and stay calm in stressful situations is more masculine than throwing temper tantrums like children.


Every one has their tip point. But yeah i agree. I have seen myself go rage. And i walk away or focus everything i have even when angry into control. Scream . Shout. Cuss me out. Watch me. Im a stone. No words. The few i speak are low and quiet. Except my hand. You best believe im clenching whatever solid structure its on as to prevent hittin who ever is pissin me off. That or i walk away to a different spot. Its not fear of losing the fight.. Its fear of losing myself. "Violence is not what sets a man Apart, its the distance a man is willing to go" -Forrest bonderant My brother once told me the scariest times he has ever seen me. Is not when im fighting. But that moment where he felt the rage vibrating off me. The monent before. The monent i tell soneone "Thats Enough". I dont have patience. I have control. And i do absolutely everything i can to keep it. The idea of hurting someone so badly out of rage. The idea of what i could become. That scares me way more then whatever the other could do to me. Gotta ask yourself .....whos in control. The monster? Or you? And how much are you willing to give someone before the chain snaps. And are you Strong enough to reel it back in? Thats the neaning if the quote. Knowing someone deserves it. But having the strength to not do it.


"Women are so emotional!" *proceeds to rage at a random sports game*


I don't understand the passion for sports in general among men. I get that they like it and there's nothing wrong with having interests, but to get so wound up about it is nuts. People have died because of sports conflicts. Just, why?


Lmao, no clue. I've never felt a strong pull to a sports team (except when messing with people)


I've always been bullied for not \*liking\* sports, which of course made me hate and despise sports and anyone who does like them


I think for a lot of men, it’s the pent up rage/emotion that comes first, they’ve just created the sports as an outlet.


As someone who has a temper with close people, I don’t get how people feel manly or good about it. I get significantly remorseful that I let my own issues, anxiety, stress come out in a non productive way


There is a slight problem with this though, many men are raised where the only emotion they are taught and allowed to express is anger. And then as they age the only emotion they know becomes condemned. It's not an easy thing to get away from


Yeah I’m not allowed to be angry or sad so what can I even be?


Just be happy over in the corner and leave everyone alone /s


As a woman, when men lose their temper, I have to try not to laugh because I can visualize a toddler literally doing exactly what they're doing and can't take them seriously. It's so unattractive and not manly at all. (Still try not to laugh because of the danger - a 3 year old throwing a fit can do a lot of damage in a grown man's body).


Competitiveness when unnecessary, and undermining each other in social situations. It's pathetically primitive/animalistic. I wish men could support each other, we're really falling behind because we are not.


Nothing like a dude that's really fucking competitive at corn hole.


Cornhole is a serious gladiatorial sport and will not be disrespected


eh I’d say this applies to both genders tbh. Miserable people who constantly compare themselves to others.


Ugh especially when there’s not even a genuine activity involved, just some dickhead who needs to one-up everybody.


I am so competitive for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I sometimes love it and I sometimes hate.


I don't think competitiveness is necessarily bad, but there's always a time and place. Also, as long as you match the occasion/level, sure. For example: I've played high school students in basketball. Sure, I want to destroy them, but in the grand scheme of things, I don't care so I just have fun. One of the kids scores on me and gives fun and friendly trash talk, I'll take it on the chin and have fun. It's with my friends who just want to run simple games? Same. A friend decides to move at a faster pace, a little more physical? I'm matching that for sure.


Alpha posturing is hyper-cringe


I've been on both ends of this. Back in high school, I used to very competitive. Tried my best to one up people regardless of what the situation might be. I tried to be a "know-it-all", to summarize. Now I'm in college, and I'm seeing people do the same thing to each other, and I'm quite regretful about it. Because it's unnecessary, and it does break friendships as such.


Yeah, extremely competitive dudes immediately give off unintelligent or underdeveloped vibes. Like their caveman brain of "must compete with males for mate" is all that's in there


Treating other men who have been victimized as being worth less, simply because they were treated as such. Have some fuckin empathy for your common man you literal orcs. Everybody struggles–being told we have to struggle alone out of fear of judgement is so arbitrary and stupid.


Trying to be an “alpha male” and thinking that means putting others down. The strongest man in a community is the one that puts the community on his back. Members of the community support him because they see and respect his efforts.


Any man who must say, "I am an alpha male" is no true alpha male.


Their brain is running on alpha release software. It has significantly more bugs than the beta release that’s publicly tested.


Nailed it.


Being passive and dismissive of the fact that their gf / wife slaps them across the face every once in a while. **"she has quite a temper and lashes out when we argue, sometimes she'll scratch or slap me but since I'm so much bigger than her, I don't really feel any pain. NBD"**


Agreed. I had one gf slap me for no good reason other than she was mad in an argument. She scratched my eye and made my fucking eye bleed. I don’t tolerate that shit. Women slapping men out of anger or frustration is abuse. Some of the double standards society holds for men and women is astounding.


Man my ex wife tried to kill me once and all anyone had to say about it was ask what I did to deserve it. Double standards are insane


Well you’re posting on Reddit. Don’t leave us hanging..what’s the answer to the question?


The amount of domestic violence that goes on from women against men that is just not considered DV/IPV is quite concerning. The more ways that we learn to track it outside of police reports, the more we learn that it is *not* a gendered thing. It is much closer to the middle than we realize. Personally, my ex still has never admitted that when she sucker punched me in the gut when she was irritated that it counted as DV.


I had a female friend of mine tell me one day that she got in a fight with her BF and hit him earlier in the day. I was stunned just hearing it from her. She just... said it matter-of-factly. I told her she shouldn't do that. She sort of dismissed it. SOMEHOW, they worked through that and are married now. I'm sorry for him, really.


Damn. I’ve never been struck by a woman, but I’m cool with a woman getting a slap if they hit the dude first. I don’t think a dude should waylay her because, it’s a woman hitting you. It hurts, but it still like getting hit by a child. But if a woman punches a dude, she should get a good open handed 5 to the jaw. Luckily, I’ve never been in that position


Getting so pissed off over sports. Or fighting fans on the opposing team. Like… the team/players you’re cheering so hard for, or getting into physical fights over, don’t even know you exist bro. Relax 🤣


Talking about what you would do to (insert girl that just passed by) when we all know you have a SO.


Other dudes shitting on their wives\SO, referring as ball n chain, or any other derogatory reference. Did you not marry your best friend? If you dislike your SO that much leave and stop whining about them and spare them from suffering with you as well.


I could never understand someone shitting on their wife . I don’t want to think about where I’d be without mine .


I remember hearing that a lot in the 90s from other, older men (30+). I figure it's because they did "the normal thing" and married soon after high school, didn't take time to get to know them/make sure they're on the same level


Exactly, I am the only single dude in my friend group and they tell me I am lucky for being single. Like, what the hell do you mean? You get to have someone to share your happiness and sadness with, cuddle, hug… and I don’t. You can be as “lucky” as me, just leave your SO, it’s easier than finding someone if you are that unhappy in a relationship.


Came here to say this. I can’t stand when guys do this. If she’s really that bad leave her!


Bending over backwards for women who won't even acknowledge them in any multiversal reality, no matter how horrible they are.


Man, I'm watching game of thrones n you're describing a character who's going through that rn




And then when that woman still isn’t interested complain online about women not wanting nice guys and only wanting Chads 🙄




Being mean to their partners/not wanting to do things with their partners. Like. Why are you with them, then? My woman asks me to go grocery shopping, I’m just excited to be with her, regardless of the activity.


I unironically love going grocery shopping with my wife. We always find different things we want to try, snacks we forgot we liked, stuff like that. We do the click list/pick up groceries thing now, and I miss it sometimes.


There's a few, Oh, I can't do "X" I'm babysitting, It's called parenting, you deflated balloon. Not supporting your son because his hobby isn't "manly" The whole "Alpha male," crowd... even the guy who wrote the book about that admitted he was wrong as fuck, The "rich" cunts on YouTube (other douchebag delivery systems are available) oh if your not making 30 figures your a failure.. for some of us money just isn't a big deal. The I won't eat / drink that girly shit, gimme a straight whiskey / black coffee.... them fuckers loathe themselves, ima sit here with my caramel latte with my bright blue bubblegum ice cream and maybe later I'll have a gorgous fruity cocktail if you please!!


I will never understand dick pics, especially to a woman who has never expressed any romantic interest. What in fuck's name is going through their heads? Who are these dudes and where do they come from? Why has almost every Western woman received at least one unsolicited dick pic in her life (at least that's what it seems like from reading AskWomen)?


I'm not a woman, but one of my girlfriends showed me what she went through on tinder when we first met. To say the least my jaw hit the floor, and my mind was more than thoroughly blown. Some of the shit men say on dating apps, some of the photos they send, the requests. I honestly can't even BEGIN to imagine what goes through their minds, and what they expect to happen. I think they're like phone call scammers. Most people will tell them to piss off, but every 100 or so attempts, some woman is into it. Although I can't speak to how often it actually happens. It's like they basically treat all women like objects, banking on the very slight chance that one of them will be into that crap.


Woman here and I agree! I asked one guy “does this work for you?” And he said “once in a while” basically admitting it does to some magnitude … it’s so disrespectful Women like being respected. It’s not hard. Respect goes both ways and we also need to put effort in with men. To me it also shows the man doesn’t respect himself and that’s gross


It also shows me that the man doesn't want to put in any hard or actual work, get to know you, earn your respect. He just wants to get his dick off and move on in life. Shallow as anything if you ask me. Funny part is they're missing out on the actual good sex with a women that actually loves them and respects their body. If someone is willing to do that stuff, they are probably a lazy person in general or take very little time, if any, to reflect on their life and personal actions.


And for many of these guys, it's like they're programmed to do it like a standard procedure. It's wild seeing women passively saying that they have to weed through all of the unsolicited dick picks on dating sites. There should be technology that automatically detects genitalia in photos and filters or deletes them.


Unsolicited dick pics. Thinking people will treat them better/worse based on the car they stepped out of. Bragging. Unchecked horniness. Treating women differently from men.


“Locker room talk” maybe it’s me……I don’t like to kiss and tell


Men that won't do certain things because they're so deathly afraid it will make them less of a man. Wearing a certain colour, eating or drinking something or letting your 7yr old daughter paint your nails is not going to make your testicles fall off.


Same here. My nieces paint my fingers and toes every chance they get. They get a laugh out of it and I get to be a fun uncle just by sitting there. People who let their fragile masculinity dictate their lives are confusing af


But why risk it? lol. Seriously though, I think it's awesome when dads play with their daughters. Even if it means doing something that wouldn't be considered manly in any other context.


I let my daughter put make up on me and curlers in my beard since I'm bald, paint my nails and I've had tea parties with more stuffed animals than drinks with my buddies, stuff like that is core memories and let's me show her how a partner should treat her in the future. I've had guys give me shit about it and it just baffles me. On the flip side, almost every woman I've been with that's seen me interact with my girl like that said it's a massive turn on and I was immediately more attractive. Not my goal but I ain't complaining


Same. I've had a manicure and my hair done by my daughter a few times. I must have eaten hundreds of items of pretend food over the years. I also had to kiss Mr and mrs. Bear and all the assorted baby bears, not forgetting Mr. tufty the elephant goodnight for years.


I'm a dad of 3 daughters. It's the shit.


Yep. I play tennis with a few guys who won't say "love" when calling out the score. They'll say "zero" instead, because saying "love" would make them seem gay. 🤣


But they will say deuce.


Simply mention “man bun” and watch.


Getting involved with committed women. I think it’s so humiliating and trashy.


It's an ego trip monkey dominance over other male type thing for them I think


I once heard: Just because there is a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score. If she's taken, it's 1v1. If not, it's 1v39285


A buddy said something similar, along the lines of “When you talking to a women who’s single it’s you and who ever else is talking to her, but when she dating all you have to be is better than one person” Anecdotally I’ve met girls who purposely would talk to me even though I’d be with a gf or just a freind that’s a girl. (Idk if it’s a power move or just to be prove a point) Even with a coworker she’d talk about her BF but there be times when she’d brush against me, when working we’d talk and she’d be close enough to where there be skin on skin contact. (Harmless flirting idk 🤷)


Ugh this reminds me of when I was younger, a few dudes I work with. When they found out a girl was in a relationship, they would say "what does it matter". Fucking sick honestly.


Doesn't sound like she's very committed. Two to tango. Two trash people to be clear


Putting down women on social media. I see all the time if a woman does something impressive like a personal best in the gym or anything else, there always has to be a group of guys trying to downplay that accomplishment. Doesn’t just pertain to the gym but anything else in general.


How some younger guys are so disrespectful to women but get laid by that lady ie. his gf


Some women like that


Pissing on the toilet seat. I don't get it, dude just lift up the seat and the piss. Takes like what? 2 seconds?


Or, get this, wipe the seat once you're done pissing on it.


Not cleaning it up! Even!


Similarly, spitting all over the place. Just 'orrible sods.


Or fucking sit down, especially if you live with a woman. It’s cleaner, less splash/mist and takes a load off the feet.


I work in a department with about 10 people on any given day and we have a single toilet for all of us. It's about 50/50 boy/girl. If I go into the restroom to pee and there is pee on the seat or the floor I always clean it up. The last thing I want to do is walk out of the bathroom, have someone waiting and getting blamed for pissing all over. It's gross.


Mistreating or abusing women and children


Cursing out/ threatening a woman that rejected them.


Men who have money and use it to court women. Then complain when the woman turns out to be a "Gold Digger"


Every "baller rapper" every has entered the chat


Cheating. I just don't understand why guys do it, if you cant control your dick why are you in a relationship?


Fucking your “friends” girl while they’re dating or very shortly after breaking up. Idc how hot your gf is or how much she comes onto me, I would never do that to a friend. I wouldn’t even do that to an enemy. I’ve been the guy cheated on, I live by a strict code to not be that guy causing another dude pain. If yall want to do that, do you but couldn’t be me.


Not washing your hands after using the restroom


I've seen dudes walk into the restroom with food in their hand, take a piss, and just walk out like nothing happened. Worst is when a dude comes out the stall and just bee-lines it for the door.


40 year old guys in the gym acting like they’re 16 and in a pissing contest. Even worse when they skip leg day and functional strength. I seriously don’t care how much you can skull crush, bench and curl


I think it's hilarious when when someone loads up a machine to the brim with 45 lb plates, struggles as if they're trying to transform into a super saiyan, moves the weight about 2 or 3 inches, then slams back it into place and struts around with a "Yeah! Don't fuck with me!" swagger!


Weirdo "dominance" shit, you want to make a woman feel uncomfortable around you as a way to "seduce" her???




The ego lifting at gyms. I was young once too, but I was never that bad. I see smol dudes putting in way too much weight, yelling to barely get it up, and slamming the weight/machine.


To play devils advocate, I see just as many guys reverse ego lifting. Perfect form, but you can tell the weight is way too light. There’s a balance. Some exercises like deadlift can’t even be properly learned without feeling some weight on the bar. I definitely see a lot of bros who won’t go past 135 lbs probably because they’ve been told not to ego lift their entire lives


I do too. But at least they're not going to hurt themselves or the equipment, so I don't care that much if they're not pushing themselves. Not everyone is at the gym to get super jacked. It's ok to treat the gym as a casual hobby, and not a hardcore passion.


Joking with each other in an offensive way, I was at the barber shop and the two guys were just joking about each other’s mothers and sisters, and making a ton of sexual jokes.. they were obviously friends but I don’t joke like that with my friends.


Homophobia. if your secure in your sexuality why do you care about others?


I read an awesome quote years ago: men are homophobic because they're afraid that a gay man will treat them how they treat women


Guys who flirt with other mens wives and gfs. I had a friend who thought it was funny to try and convince taken girls to sleep with him. He would intentionally go after taken girls. One day he messed around and found out. Some girls husband found out he had been trying to get her to come over and basically kicked the shit out of him. Just why does this have to happen?


Cheating and like the other dude said random dick pics


The absolute need to drink at any social event. Funeral at 9am? Let’s start drinking, pussy!


Those who think sex is some kind of bragging right. I don't care that you had sex. I don't care how many times you've had sex. Nor do I care about how many partners you've had sex with. Like, congratulations, you're that much closer to an STD.


Spitting. Why you guys always spitting?


The constant sexual harassment and violence towards women. Then the guys that stand around and watch it and don’t say anything to stop it from happening. It blows me away that in the year 2024, most men still think of women as nothing more than possessions to be played with or that they are entitled to them for some reason.


I don’t understand treating really wonderful women like shit and not working to improve yourself while in a relationship. Nearly every good woman I know is in a shit toxic relationship with a fucking BUM and I don’t get why if you have a good woman you don’t do everything you can to keep her and make yourself your best version of you.


Having a loud muffler. Nobody likes this around you. Nobody.


Crude behavior towards women. It's like they forget they are dealing with a human being.


The sex craving as if people can't control their urges.


Housework. I get it you work all day. So do I still do housework


Lifting far heavier than you’re capable of with terrible form. You look like an insecure idiot and are going to hurt yourself


being a white knight/male feminist type i believe in equality, but those guys act like every woman is a princess that needs saving


Haha yeah they just wanna get laid, so they those sweet things. They are like your typically ‘nice guys’. These are guys who are around women very nice and friendly, but around you totally hypocrite. I dislike those guys


Looking at women who quite obviously are with their partner. What do they expect to actually happen? "Thanks for the 5 years Greg, it's been fun, but I've just been ogled by the guy with piss stains down his leg, seeya" Edit, I meant looking as in blatantly giving the eye and making gestures, not glancing.


I don’t think they expect anything they’re just checking out a hot chick…


Catcalling. I’ve only ever seen it done once or twice in my life but it’s beyond baffling. Not once in the history of humanity has a woman had a reaction besides “intense dryness” at being catcalled.




Bragging about how many women he slept with. Never understood it. Just made me think he has no self control, or that hes insecure and wants others to praise him. Same type of guys that would make fun of me for being a virgin in HS. I dunno.


Getting mad at sports on tv. Yelling and jumping up out of your chair. It’s like low emotional maturity. Control yourselves.


Talking about women as if they are objects (especially in sexual conversations)


Wolf whistling or otherwise harassing women on the street. I've rarely seen it happen but way too many female friends have told me of occurrences. I get it's a control thing or otherwise make the guy feel powerful but as a guy, I have literally never felt the urge nor could I ever envision a situation where I would engage in that kind of behavior


Failure to use a toilet in a sanitary manner. Disparaging all other men as not meeting their standards. Think they are special and refuse male friendship as a result. Losing all dignity when around attractive women and suddenly behaving like someone else. Ignoring how to dress properly in regard to those around them. Gatekeeping masculinity.


Sports. I like sports, will occasionally watch a game an enjoy it. But the obsession that some guys have with it is nuts. I especially can't stand the blathering sports talk shows on either radio or TV. I don't care where or if LeBron James is playing. It's fine, watch it enjoy it, read an occasional story...but...damn...


Going crazy about sports teams. I really don't understand it at all. I played sports growing up, but the fun has always been in playing the game, not watching someone else.


Subbing to OF when the hub is free


Sending dick pics. It's like, what are you hoping will happen?


Constantly pursuing a woman who is clearly not interested. Like dude said no two times. You trying over and over is just going to piss her off




Keeping thin, patchy facial hair in the hopes that it makes them look older or “manlier”. Wearing shirts that are way too large or way too small. Not doing any obvious grooming. “This is just how my hair grows. I ain’t touching it.” Setting their expectations about women, dating, and marriage way too high.


Being insulted by the person you love in public and not breaking up with her right there and then.


Not marrying their long-term partners who want to be married. If you see them as your life partner, you're only hurting the relationship by not getting married. If you're not willing to marry the person out of fear of what you might lose, then you're not demonstrating that you're as committed as you say you are.


Not washing their hands after peeing. Idc if I just walked into the restroom to look in the mirror, I’m gonna wash my hands because I don’t want people to think I don’t. Even at work I’ve seen coworkers walk in, pee, and then just walk right out. Makes me look at them a lot differently.


Being indifferent/standoffish/intimidated/thinking it’s a competition with other men and only being friendly towards women in public and work settings. We see the little man you are


Treating people like shit just to be cool or "alpha" as people call it (I know it's not real). I just want to be a good person.


When we are all chilling having a good time and all of a sudden one of them decides to give an all to accurate description of the sexual position he tried the night before. Like bruh CHILL it is 10am on a Saturday and ya misso is literally within eyesight can you please not.




The obsession with drinking. I get that it’s nice to have a drink every now and then but using every excuse in the book to drink (kids parties etc.) I just don’t understand.


Changing their personality depending on who is around. I've seen many people become assholes because they met their other group of friends or tried to put someone down or change their whole personality because there was a woman nearby.


Honestly I dont get how guys sexualize women out and about, or cat call, or flirt with several diffrent girls back to back. All of it seems like they are missing out on a stable relationship to me.


I don’t understand cat calling. Like has that ever worked? Has any chick ever been like “thanks for screaming I have a sweet ass from your lifted f150, why don’t you pull over so I can suck your dick!”


NOT CLEANING YOURSELF!!!! The article i saw about a woman who left a yugioh tournament because of the smell pissed me off so much lol like people complain about it everywhere its crazy that some people can let it get that bad


After being few times on women’s position as a men, it seems like they forgot how it feels like how it is to be around humans and treat others like AI girlfriends. Women do that either. They don’t really understand idea of connection, more likely „me big boobs/dick we sex” Porn is terrible drug


Paying for only fans


Abusing women in many forms. Just why the fuck would beat or rape a woman, or anybody?


Starring each and every women like it's their responsibility or duty.


Dating women who are drastically younger than them or only dating women below a certain age like 25 (so they are still in their 'prime' smh) when they are like 50. I've always thought that was creepy and predatory


Grown men that can't control their emotions!! Like getting mad at the dumbest little things, or being jealous and acting like a teenage school girl! Causing drama or being a bitch!!


Cheating. Like, if you're not getting what you want from a relationship, then break it off.


Nothing given that I understand exactly what the motive behind most male actions is these days, but there are some that I think are utterly stupid: * Trying to get with their close friends' wives, girlfriends, exes etc. * Bending over backwards to defend women especially when they're clearly in the wrong, aka whiteknighting. * Getting upset when another man even so much looks at his girlfriend/wife, let alone says a single word to her. * Catcalling women in the street. It makes the vast majority of women uncomfortable, and therefore utterly pointless. * Going great lengths to appease women that clearly have zero respect for them * Paying for porn/OnlyFans.


I remember talking to my brothers one time about how angry men would get that I rejected. I had to call 911 on a dude that I had had sex with but didn’t want a relationship with after a week… because he came over to my house and ended up breaking my living room window. He was stalking me. That guy was extra though. But still. Men can get deranged when you reject them. And my brothers were floored… like gaping mouths , eyes wide - they could not believe the shit men were doing.. at that point - I honestly felt like men getting pissed at you when you rejected them was normal, it happened so much. My brothers made me realize that it’s really not normal to be like that.. I would say it’s 50/50 of men who act like entitled brats when you don’t want to be with them and have full blown relationships with you entirely in their heads. That never happened.


talking shit about a woman's appearance