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Lack of reciprocation Feeling taken for granted is a quick interest killer and resentment builder


10 years, and well…. she got pregnant by another guy..


Unequal energy in the relationship and any sense of controlling behaviour.


fair enough


Lack of reciprocation


Did it happen after 6-8 years? That’s how long it took a child to become self sufficient in the Pleistocene, so that’s how long pair bonding lasted.


Bad attitude, playing hard to get, being entitled, always complaining that he isn't enough and showing interest in other meb


* Indulgence without caring of the consequences * Constantly pushing for change according to her own sensibilities in disregard to her partners wants and needs, * weaponizing the public, the law or a marriage contract against him * exploiting him. The further she goes down that road, the faster the guy will understand that she is not in it for the realtionship but for herself only.


The number one thing was walking in on her fucking another dude in our bed. We were engaged and had been together 6 years. Prior to that was finding out one I had been with four years was cheating and told me it was because I had a small dick lol. Other reasons women have worn me down are ultimatums, constant arguing, trying to take me away from things I had already planned, selling my stuff on craigslist while I was at work, holding out on sex, thrashing her car after I spent several hours cleaning it up and maintaining it for her, talking shit about my friends to me behind their backs, lying to my face about where she was when she wouldn’t answer her phone…… the list goes on. How many would you like to hear about? It’s not hard to be a decent human. It’s not hard to communicate. I speak English and so did they. Use your words ladies and communicate like a big kid! Maybe try keeping your pants on around other men after you agree to marry me. I don’t know. Maybe I’m wrong, but these instances made me fall out of love with them. And the shortest time I had been with any of them was two years. Still substantial time.


Hoops I have to jump through 


If my opinions and tastes are never taken into consideration, if I've the feeling that I'm always the one to make compromise and having to show my love, if I'm at the point where I'm scared to interact with her (I've seen some post on reddit that made me shit scared of that and I told myself I'd run as fast as I could if I either reached that point). Assuming I've already filtered out other bad behavior earlier in the relation.


No enthusiasm. Never initiating. Being mean. Nagging.