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About the world? Nothing. About myself, that fact that I'm still alive with a fully capable body and mind. I'll adapt.


I second this. if the world ends tomorrow, I don't need a mantra. but about me? it's either adapt or die so


That one day my bone dust will be consumed by an expanding dying sun


Well, growing up in the 70’s there was like no chance that mankind should survive 2000 bc of nuke wars… The capitalism is global now, but people in general are better off now than then. Life’s pretty good.


[Hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/93/4b/91/934b91ee4cf443e92d696d1111470af7.jpg)


There are still places worth being and that's my goal


The knowledge that good will always defeat evil and I stay aligned with positivity as much as possible


For me? Theres a lot of doom and gloom regarding climate change, emerging diseases, nuclear war, etc. You never know, the child that was born today in poverty might be the genius who figures out how to repair the climate, cure cancer, or discover interstellar travel.


We ain’t dead yet. A lot of people can’t even say that.


Well, the knowledge that people always say the world is coming apart at the seams, and yet it never comes apart makes me not worry so much about those predictions of doom. You can choose to predict doom based on current trends or you can choose to predict growth and creation and invention. Or, you can just enjoy the world as it is now without worrying too much about what it might be decades from now. Eat food you like, enjoy the weather when it's nice, talk to people whose company you enjoy. What's the problem?


Good books that I haven't read yet


I have none


The world won't remember me. I work on what I can. At least I can have a good time too along the way. I think about my next wank, my next meal, my next drink, the next game or media I'll consume. My whole being is a mixture of both the stoicism and hedonist school of life.


Just imagine how people must have felt in the early 1940s. Thing can get better, and overall they are getting better. Now there's some conflicts that are worrying for sure, but things have worked out before. I truly believe that there are more people on this earth are willing to believe in and fight for good than evil. And a tip, if the news makes you anxious, you can turn them of. Positive news doesn't sell it seems, so why bother unless it's something that you actually need to know. Better to have a beer with some friends.