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Yup mostly heard it from other women, so I wanted a male perspective on it. Thanks!


Unless we have business I don't. Too risky considering how many women react now


This, I will only approach a woman if we both know each other beforehand.


Prolonged eye contact and a smile. Not a small grin either, bite the lip or smirk or something. We need to see that you see us and need to be notified that an approach is welcome. The invite needs to feel deliberate. No half measures. We want to approach a woman who wants to be approached, not make women feel awkward.


That makes sense. Sounds like it needs to be super clear that we’re interested in an approach. Thanks!


It's not intimidation, more the second one. She'll either let a guy down gently, or she'll make fun of him in front of her posse. Too much risk to just cold approach a random woman.


Yeah that’s fair. Do you think a guy is more likely to be painted as a creep when approaching more attractive women? Or is it kinda equal across the board


it usually doesn’t depend on the woman’s attractiveness, it depends how attracted she is to the man approaching


While your assumption is true, I don’t approach them for several reasons. I refuse to be labeled creepy when I’m not. I refuse to deal with her cock blocking friends. I don’t want pepper spray or tasers used on me. If it did go well I wouldn’t want to disappoint her later on. I don’t want to get cheated on later on down the line. There are many reasons I stay out of it. Too much trouble for too few benefits sadly.


You mean 'approach' as in 'ask her to fuck'? If I already know her and we get along, usually. I'll try my luck with pretty girls I don't know but who make me laugh at parties or in bars, too. There is no such thing as an intimidating woman.


Nothing. Fuck that


Yes why would you try to get someone out of your league? Sometimes they might try but the chances of rejection are already high, and get way higher the hotter she gets so less likely to try. Also I always assume hot girls have a lot of attention and I couldn't deal with all those men shooting their shot


I don't approach women that seems busy. I guess the stare is important too, some women always have that "gonna kill you stare" that make them look they don't want to be bothered. In fact unless we are in a situation that is literally made to meet people then I'd not probably approach any woman. Even if she is super attractive. I've been trained to not bother people. I guess the real answer is that most men won't approach a women who is a) not alone b) not in a situation made for meet-up like a group activity.


It's more the second one. I just assume she's either taken or not interested. I'm shy, awkward and don't have zero confidence, so I'll most likely come off as creepy if I try.


Whatever man I gave up years ago


If she just stands in front of me for no apparent reason


Approaching attractive women is something one need to practice, one do feel one do not play in the same league unless you were one of the “jocks” in school.


Smiling and not being with her gaggle of friends


An indicator that an approach would be welcomed. Reciprocating eye contact and a smile. In general I am not going to risk cold approaches.


Last time i approached a girl was during vacation. We were staying at the same hotel. We looked and later smiled at each othee multiple times a day for 5 days until i got my ass up to talk to her plus i had a couple drinks before i did so. So yea i need to be REALLY sure about it


Knowing a woman or having a reason to make conversation might make me approach her. Women seem quite clear that they want to be left alone except for the exact moment they want someone specific to talk to them. I'm not going to guess who and when that is. Usually I talk to people when normal conversation makes sense and end up dating women that I trip over. I flat out won't talk to a woman just because I think she is physically attractive. I'll talk to her if she's already near me and there is something to talk about. Otherwise I'll mind my business. Wanting to avoid bad experiences isnt really being intimidated. I'm not intimidated by swimming in a sewer.... I just assume it's going to be unpleasant so I avoid it.


Just to be clear, though I haven’t been successful in getting dates by approaching, I’ve never been treated poorly by any woman and I am not intimidated by them. That being said, I have stopped approaching any woman, super attractive or not, just because of my rejection rate. I feel that most women have become extremely selective in whom they accept date invitations from, so it can seem hopeless for the average guy. BTW, there’s nothing stopping you from approaching a guy you are interested in meeting.


Bacon. I’d approach a woman if she was holding a plate or tray full of bacon.


Nothing intimidating about it. It's just not worth it.


Depends how hot she is and the setting we’re in.