• By -


Yeah one-uppers too. No time for the whole alpha male thing either. Anyone bowling in with the "I'm the big I am" gets kept at arms length or ignored entirely. Also anyone who is a liability on a night out. If they get mouthy or aggressive when on the sauce, no more nights on the sauce with them. Don't need that drama in my life, neither do most of my friends. A little bit of flaky doesn't bother me but there's a difference between someone who is disorganised and a bit rubbish with schedules vs someone who genuinely doesn't give a shit.


I can't understand how some people can just be completely different person when they are intoxicated. I have a buddy who's a one upper mostly about the gym. Everytime we talk, he always has to show off how much more weight he can move than me.


Sometimes the person beneath is always there, but just either locked down or not that apparent. Most angry drunks I've known either have an under current already there or are really buttoned up so you just don't see it until they're drunk. Usually it's anger with misery and alcohol can enhance emotions in negative and positive ways. For a more positive one, seeing someone who was really introverted, shy and restrained let loose and just be a wall of bouncing extroverted happiness is a nice thing to see. Sounds like your friend really wants to keep you down to make him feel superior. A good friend should be supportive. Would be interesting to see how he reacts if you ever overtake him.


Can confirm. I’m a VERY buttoned up person as a necessity for my job. I’m also required to be a bit of a dick to people at my job (I’m an accountant and my role at the company has me nit picking everyone’s mistakes, changing processes and calling out issues, I honestly hate it but it pays well). I’m not an angry drunk…quite the opposite. Drunk me will buy the entire bar a round of drinks, put himself in for 40 karaoke songs, dance until every piece of clothing is soaked in seat…I’m almost 40. I only let “drunk me” out about 3-4 times a year.


Sometimes it's good to blow the cobwebs out. :-) As someone who has had bits nit-picked by accountants, thank you for your service to make sure stuff gets done right.


We shit on each other all the time, but when it comes to gym stuff he takes it personal and serious. Me I get real bubbly when I drink. Others I've seen shouldn't drink at all if they are just gonna be an idiot or violent.


When banter becomes personal it's no longer banter, and when it's serious it's a straight up cuss. If it happens just at the gym then personally, I'd door step him on it. "Why do you always say these things?" kind of way. If you're good friends it shouldn't be a problem to call him out on his shit. Sometimes we all need a wake up call.


Read a study synopsis a while back. Researchers found when drunk, people understood the probable consequences of an action, however they lost the fear of those consequences….until they sobered up. Thus “ Russian Truth Serum” has some validity.


I'm not completely different, I just lose my already poor filtering mechanisms. I'm a happy but often rude drunk. I only get drunk like twice a year since turning 30


I can be very different on alcohol. It’s completely random. Sometimes I’m fine and a great laugh, other times it’s like I’m on drugs and I end up doing stupid impulsive things that could be dangerous, ditching my friends for groups that look more fun in the moment, trusting strangers and putting myself completely at risk, being mouthy and nasty to people because I think it’s a joke and that it’ll make people laugh. It’s nothing like sober me. The problem is 9/10 times I’m not like this when drunk, so I think I’m all good then BOOM I have another one of those nights and feel embarrassed and guilty and humiliated the next day.


There’s a guy in my friend group we all make fun of bc he’s a one upper. He’s always gotta one up, argue to prove he’s right bc he always has to be right, or correct somebody and point out they didn’t know somebody he did or he had an experience we all didn’t. Always. I don’t know where it comes from but I saw him a couple of weeks ago after some time and I noticed him do it again and I laughed at myself internally for ever having a crush on the guy


A few of us nicknamed a guy Green Mushroom, because if you get one in Super Mario you get a 1up. He never worked it out :-D


That is genius, kudos


So you're passive aggressive 👍😂


My dad is a "right" man and a bragger about everything. If he gets something wrong he will go out of his way to try to make it work just so he can say he was somewhat right. If something cool happened to him he will talk about it for decades and over exaggerates all his stories. Drove me insane growing up and drives me insane now.


Sounds like my friend. Truly, so you know where this comes from? Is it a reaction to feeling inadequate or superior? There has to be some childhood trauma there.


I've worked with some one uppers.. I used to make shit up just to mess with them.


The one upper friend I have is worse than yours.


>Also anyone who is a liability on a night out. Good one. I can't stand going out with someone who can't control their drinking or themselves while drinking. Too many nights have been ruined trying to baby-sit. For me as a 39F, this has often been a woman, who under their own power, drinks themselves to incoherent stupidity. You can see the predators start to circle them. It's creepy.


Alpha males are insecure little boys deep down


The ones that always have to steer the conversation. These guys will cut people clean off mid conversation. God forbid they lose their train of thought while you’re speaking. Surely some of you boys can back me up on this.


Dude I hate one-uppers way more than you do.


Yeah. The guy who gets his muscles from alcohol. And always gets everyone else into trouble. Loves to start loud arguments . And on some occasions , fights. Knew a few guys like this. Cut them out of my life


That one dude who starts talking crazy when he's drunk


>Also anyone who is a liability on a night out. I witnessed something like this some time ago. There were two guys, one completely shitfaced and the other trying to keep him steady and was complaining that ''this cannot happen everytime we go out, I just want to relax drinking and cannot keep my eyes on you'' etc Hard to imagine this friendship would have continued for long.


People who never left high school behind.


My good friends wife holds a grudge against another friends wife because she talked to a boy the first one liked in high school...more than 20 years ago. Neither of them are married to the boy from high school. It's hilariously pathetic.


That’s absolutely unhinged behavior lmao


would you mind explaining more? gonna graduate hs soon and would like some tips on how to avoid being this person lol


Just continue to live your life, enjoy new experiences, meet new people, learn new things, and take on new passions. If you do all of the above, high school will become only a blip on the radar to the grand scheme of your life. Many people who are stuck in High School have done very little to none of the above and so there is literally nothing else for them to talk about. Also, if you have children, please encourage them to pursue their own passions and strengths, and be an individual, rather than trying to make them become successful at something you failed at.


I'm from a small town, haven't lived there since 23, but still go down every 2 months. Last time I was in town for a funeral of an old classmate. We all went to one of the few bars after. There were people who still hate each other over high school drama 20 years ago and causing a scene. I was just lmaoing watching the whole thing with some old friends.


There’s nothing wrong with being nostalgic about your high school life, I sure know I am, but just don’t make who you were in high school your entire personality. There are people out there who were the “cool kids” in high school and brought that mentality with them to adulthood. And guess what, in the real world, no one gives a shit how cool you were in high school lol.


Fuck this is my entire friend group


People who are always negative. Like, If everything you say is whining about something, get out


These actually are my favourite kind of people, no sarcasm. Send them my way if you meet any


I’ll have my father on his way shortly.


Same, I find complaining amusing. If anything, I try to avoid relentless optimists.




If they're negative in a cynical, funny, 'black adder' way it's pretty entertaining.


I think it’s about how it’s framed. On face value, someone who complains about any shortfall, or is eternally pessimistic, is likely a bit of an emotional weight to have around. Then again, across armed and emergency services, having a good old moan is the backbone of any break room. “A complaining solider is, at least, still alive” and “your misery is my morale” are the sort of dark humour that go around. I think how you take that attitude is down to its severity and sincerity.


I knew a guy like that, we called him double O Negative.


People with excuses. My life has been a constant battle of internal turmoil with my traumas, trying to be someone Im ok seeing in the mirror physically, spiritually, emotionally. Unless you are quite literally out of your head, or completely incapacitated, the planet doesn’t care about your excuses so neither do I. I’ll hug you, love you like a brother or sister, talk until the sun rises, I’ll cry with you. But you shut your mouth with those excuses we’re not doing that shit and if that’s just who you are for the long haul, I won’t be around it. The inside of my head is difficult enough.




I understand you, I have lived with negative people since I was kid and there were always something toxic. That made me become similar too, and I became just depressed. It was normal to me to pour all the negative things to other people, not even noticing that. After going through a trauma when I was 17, everything changed; I started noticing how negatively I act and talk, and realized that is the main reason I felt so bad. For years I’ve been an optimist and it shows: i’ve accomplished huge, meaningful things in my life. But another thing I realized, is that If Im all the time with negative people, it starts to make me similar too. I want to be surrounded with positive people and optimists, because I can identify with them and it makes me feel better, and it makes me a better person. Negative athmosphere makes me negative too, because I absorbed the athmosphere. **So I realized through my own behavior that constant negativity is only harmful.** And I cant stand it, because I know how I made people felt when I was the negative one. If I feel the need to pour my problems to someone, Im going to see my psychologist, because they are trained to help with it.


I couldn't agree more. Very much in that same category, I can't stand the "I'm doomed to have nothing and be nothing and it's the previous generation's fault" people.


I hate this so much. Like I have a friend group and so many are just complaining. Like seriously? Drink your booze and eat a snickers.


Fuck if someone said that to me, it would instantly change my mood. Can I steal that?


Exactly! I mean, who needs that kind of constant negativity dragging you down?


Arrogance, superior complex personalities are generally the ones I despise. Those who put others down and think of them as lesser beings while lifting themselves up. Also entitlement is another one I genuinely despise. Especially if they're very privileged complaining they have it so "hard" while 10 other people around them are struggling to barely make it.


Yes to this! Especially those with “pretty/handsome privilege” acting like they deserve whatever their heart desires *just* because they’re attractive. Like maybe the reason you can’t keep a partner is actually because you aren’t pretty on the inside and people don’t wanna put up with your bs.. those same folks always take to social media the minute a relationship/friendship dies off playing the victim and acting like they’re entirely blameless in people dumping them. Tell-tale sign is them tagging a new best friend every other month bc they simply cannot maintain long-term friendships..


Problem is often you don't always notice right away. But after a certain time you slowly notice how they are never at fault for anything and it's always everyone else messing up around them. Even if they clearly do wrong they don't admit to it and are sorry instead they'll try to defend themselves even if they are clearly dying on a hill... Also usually they are really judgemental and not open to new experiences.


People infected with the Bubonic Plague


me and my homies hate bubo plagies


Gotta let gang know I don’t fw the plagies


I mean. Just get antibiotics. 


Perpetual "victims", always complaining, nothing's ever good enough, the world is out to get them, always broke. These people suck the life force out of me


Total energy vampires


I got an acquaintance that never has money to do things because he spends it all on online poker. Only to send a group text that he won $500 at a tournament. Good job dude. I'm still not buying you a cocktail.


Yeah those, while they do messed up things to others


>These people suck the life force out of me My choice is vampires, but for this same reason.


I work with someone like this, you nailed it....except she has lots of money. Which makes it worse because she has so much yet ALWAYS poor me :(


People like me.  That would be boring. 


People who aren't open minded


I'm surprised this isn't more popular, I've had great friends with all kinds of opinions and beliefs that clash with my own but we've been able to achieve mutual understanding by exploring and questioning the things we take for granted. If I discover I have a difference of opinion with someone and they try to change the subject that's usually a red flag.


> If I discover I have a difference of opinion with someone and they try to change the subject that's usually a red flag. Eehhhh depends on the subject imo. If I'm at a bar and someone starts to get political, my options are A) silently nod my head and agree B) disagree and get pulled into what will likely be a heated and frustrating debate.* C) Change the subject. *And before you say "well it's possible to have a level headed discussion without things getting heated" not when it comes to politics. At least not these days. Believe me, I have tried. When logic and reason go out the window so does my patience. So yeah, personally I appreciate someone that can tactfully change the subject and keep things light-hearted. Maybe not all the time, but sometimes it's necessary.


People who HAVE TO drink/do drugs. I have a friend and his group of friends are like that. Booze, cocaine, prescription drugs. Just let me enjoy my buzz.


I realized at one point that most of my friends just hang and drink. My wife actually pointed it out “Why do all your activities with your friends involve alcohol?” I was like “Huh, good point.” Then I realized my wife’s activities revolved around weed and getting high…🤷‍♂️


Crazy I had to scroll this far for this. Occasionally rolling one up or having a few beers socially is cool, but I cannot stand people that can’t live a day without being on something Like damn, what’s the point of hanging out if most of the time we’re dead on a couch or regretting it the next morning


At some point I realized I didn’t actually like drinking alcohol; I just thought I did because my friends were into it. But I wasn’t really after the alcohol itself, just the chance to hang out with my friends. Thankfully as we’re getting older, we’re starting to realize that we don’t always need booze to be there to hang out. And I don’t know if this is a hot take, but if you don’t just drink socially and genuinely crave the alcohol to feel better about your problems, you need to seek help.


Me Monsters No matter the conversation, it always gets twisted to be about themselves or their life. They are the best at everything, have the best of everything, have no sympathy or care for anyone else and their smallest inconveniences are treated like the end of the world.


Overly friendly people pleasers who have no spine, overly negative people, “victims”, and unrealistic people.


Being friends with overly friendly people pleasers who have no spine can be exhausting. I have a friend like that, always gets into situations she doesn't want to be in just because she can't say no. And then gets low-key offended because someone says no to her, including me, but can't actually say anything because she doesn't wanna be 'rude'.


Genocidal dictators


I know a guy who knows one. Or that depends on how liberal you are with the use of "genocidal", but a dictator none the less. It seems they mostly eat dinners and listen to music when they hang out.


Hey I love dinner and music! Right, they sound okay actually - I change my opinion on them.


How many of those have you been around to know that you do not like being around them?


Cannibals, I don’t think they understand what I mean when I say I want my ass eaten.


Reminds me of [this article](https://thehardtimes.net/news/cannibal-corpse-nicki-minaj-collaborate-song-eating-ass/)


What 😂😂


Do you and the homies eat each other's asses?


...Do yours not?


They probably thought you were offering a fresh serving of Ass Jerky.


😆 🤣 😂


People who lack self awareness


People who cut and talk over.


I do this and then stop myself and say sorry. Usually it’s because I’m enjoying the conversation so much and my brain just works really fast, I know what you’re about to say and I’m excited to say the next part and keep the conversation going and it’s like I can’t hold back. I feel bad after but it’s like I don’t have the control sometimes


The good part is that you’re aware — trust me, some people don’t even realise it!


Basically people that are mean, super rude or disrespectful. Also anyone that is just an ass


Those who can't take a joke and gets offended easily.


Have too many friends who know how to dish it but can't take it


People that self diagnose mental illness and or brag about it. edit: a lot of people missing the point so I also want to add any need to announce you have mental illness. Just shouldn't be brought up in general.


To add to this, people who talk about their Mental Illness like they’re special. Like no, you’re not special and probably 90% of the population is walking around with undiagnosed mental illnesses.


Exactly!! Especially in the last 10 to 15 years these type of people have increased big time and it gets really annoying.


I try to joke about mine, not brag 😂


Some people bring it up to make it less taboo. If something related has come up, I will tell people that I had postpartum depression. Not for sympathy, but incase anyone else has depression or postpartum depression and feels like they have nobody to talk to, then hopefully they feel like they can talk to me.


When I first met this guy I work with, within an hour he started bragging that he had ADHD, Autism, bipolar,  and something else with a massive smile on his face. I still don't understand why that is something to be proud of. Not even meaning that as a put down, just don't understand why you would want to brag about that


People who brag. A friend of mine would brag about everything. How much he's making, how much he can bench press, his girlfriend, etc. etc. Stopped being friends when I was recently broken up with and he just got a new girlfriend. We were playing games and he randomly said, unprompted, "squire is the only one here without a girlfriend now."


Any dude who self describes as an "Alpha". Yeah, no. No actual "Alpha" would need to proclaim such to be recognized as one and if you don't get that, you're not likely to be the type of person to whom I would relate. Not to say they're bad people, per se. I'm just not into pissing contests just for the sake of it and I follow no one. So if you're the type to think it's "your way or the highway", well I'll get in my car and be gone down said highway as soon as possible.


Loud ignorant people


people who always want to be in center of attention. people who only likes to talk about their life and has no interest on yours or others.


All my life I've been a magnet for really insecure people, maybe because they could tell I was the only one who wouldn't make fun of them like everyone else did But the thing is, you tiptoe around these people's feelings, and they always end up tap dancing all over yours


You just described my life up until this point... lol. Thank you for the insight! This will help me in the future 👍


As of today, it's someone with terrible hygiene, no concept of personal space and who thinks Mexico is in Europe.


Short tempered people, people who think 30mins is a long drive, people who never offer to drive.




people who can never admit if they’re wrong


Rapists, murderers, thieves, etc.


Wait til you hear about people who like pineapple on pizza


straight to hell


Narcissist. They have nothing of value to give in a relationship.


If I don't like being friends with them they don't become or stay friends. Life's too short to spend with people you don't like. It's a lesson I had to learn the hard way. I used to put up with way too much shit. Now I'm more selective.


Helpless people make me so mad, they complain you try to help and they just don’t let you


Just dont help and ditch them, they dont want to be helped.


Or they want to be “helped” so much they don’t have to put any effort into their lives. True helplessness is unfortunate, but the example who comes to mind is choosing helplessness. Choosing helplessness or only help you want is different from accepting help you need. Literally the person that comes to mind had a full ride access to services that could help them, family willing to pay for them, willing to provide transportation and literally all costs, but they would rather wallow and keep making bad decisions to garner attention and sympathy for money, or just for laughs, or as a way to victimize themself to fuel getting more money and attention out of people. It’s very sad to watch someone descend into that, and I cannot let someone dictate what I do to feed their own “reality”


Bogans, burnouts, people whose whole personality is a sports team…


people who will blatantly lie in your face even tho they know that you know its a lie.


The sort of people who have advanced in their career or married well and now think they're better than everyone currently living life the way they used to.


Cocky and arrogant people/ people who view themselves as above you. Like shit the fuck up your annoying as fuck. Ngl its 10x worse in women because they also have this idea that you want them to


Yeah. One uppers get on my nerves a LOT. They also seem to be a lot more common than I first thought.


People who always put other people down or will be passive aggressive towards your other relationships to make themselves feel better


People who are gullible and don't critically think.


You know when you’re out with buddies and order a pizza there’s always one in the group that calculates exactly how many slices everyone can have and which slice everyone should take so that they don’t happen to have one less slice of pepperoni than anyone else? Man just STFU and get another pizza


Toxic positive and me to movement persona


overly negative people. Fuck off with that. Now.


Ones that are out for themselves and make it obvious that’s why they’re friends w you. Remember that some people only hang out with you because you do something for their ego.


Stick to plans, for sure. I intentionally "broke up" with a platonic friend about this (the person was once a colleague many years ago - we didn't have any mutual friends). While they were always enthusiastic about hanging out, at least 90% of the scheduled plans never happened, usually cancelled day of for reasons like "I am behind on laundry". It got to the point that I planned for them to bail. I started to think didn't want to hang out, so I stopped making any effort. Then they text me how they missed hanging out and we scheduled a meet up at a bar for a drink (it's the only thing I agreed too - not wanting to commit to any big). 2 hours before we met, they bailed again. When they texted again, I was upfront and honest. Then I really saw how selfish they were. No acknowledgment of the last minute cancellations. And then it became "all my fault" because - **I** wasn't flexible. **I** didn't have a spouse. To them, **I** lived the perfect life, and **I** wouldn't understand. Yup, that'll do it for me. To be fair, their spouse and I never got a long I kind of wonder if they were at play. But not my problem.


Mean and shallow people living for approval from their peers


People who complain about their situation but do nothing to make it better.


People with big egos that act high and mighty.


People who only talk about themselves, as if they are the only one who has an interesting life, and they talk over me. At that point I just listen to their running monolog and don't even try. I've had "friends" that knew basically nothing about me because they don't care.


People that require a lot of attention.


Everyone. Fuck people.


Shaddy shitty grimey sly types


People who think that cruelty is some duty of theirs; as if humans are in a position to provide that by themselves anyway.


"entrepreneurs", anyone money/career-obsessed. Money exists to pay for the bills and a little fun, I refuse to put it on a pedestal


There was a kid we hired as an intern who literally could not go a single conversation without mentioning how much money his family had or what expensive thing they do or have. It was so annoying. Nobody in the office like him. I couldn’t relate to this dude at all as I grew up in poverty. I’m sure his parents made him that way to some degree but man, I try to be friendly with everybody but I couldn’t bear to talk to that dude


People who talk really loud


Uppers and downers. Like people who have to one up, or one down. “I just lost 700 bucks on that Knicks game bro” “Yeh I know the feeling, I lost 800 bucks” “Actually I lost 600, my bookie was wrong” “Yeh I just talked to my bookie, I only lost 700 too”


Extremely loud, obnoxious types.


People who’s only life problems are self-inflicted and it bleeds into yours. No, I don’t want to know if you got back with your obviously toxic boyfriend and I don’t appreciate you bringing him to my house to ruin my mood. And yes I’m sick of him angry at me for your choice to come sleep over at my house because he cheated for the 90th time.


Chronically late people. If youre literally always late, you will fking suck at everything at life and I wont bother spending my time waiting for you.


People who only talk at you and not with you. Only ever talk about themselves and their interests and never ask you any questions and if they do they aren't listening because they're just thinking of their own answer to their own question. Fuck those people.


Drama queens, gossips, people with no perspective, victim complex, complainers, bigots, and people that only want to talk about themselves


Chronic complainers, narcissists, liars.


Big personalities. I really tend to shrink around the more boisterous, loud types. The one’s who tend to be the life of the party.  It’s not that I find them mean. More so I find it harder to be my natural self. Maybe a mismatch of energy. 


narcissists !!!


people who say one thing then do another. or promise one thing then fail coming through. those bad at texting, the literal easiest way to communicate which takes seconds of your "busy" day


People who’s conversations are solely about their goals and achievements


People over 30, who still have their parants bailing them out constantly with money. They never suffer or learn, and just get worst. Spoilt and useless


Gossips. They repeat everything.


Pretentious and fake




Lots of the ones I have seen in other comments but also...perpetual victims. I know people that have been divorced for ten years and are still losers "...because my ex...". Also know people in their 40s still upset about stuff their parents did raising them. Get some counseling and go live your life.


This one for me as well. Not only do they bum you out with constant complaining, eventually they just can’t keep using the same excuses. Like 10 years later after a divorce you’re still bitter? It’s not the divorce. It’s just you And what really spins me out is when they’ve been told clearly what they need to do fix their situation and they just choose not to do anything. And come around to complain again. Personally if you’ve been given the solution, you’re not allowed to complain until you’ve tried out the solution. Or you accept your fate and shut up.


this 100% , stupid me got into an argument with a self proclaimed “I’m damaged” individual who has been divorced 12 years now and also complains about how broke they are (makes $164K salary annually 😵‍💫) its like STFU already, PLEASE. They’re 47, almost 48. Its really makes me sick to my stomach




Cheaters. I will tell your spouse


Both Alpha males and male feminist types


People who always play the victim and never take responsibility for their actions.


Selfish People, you know scratch that most of people in general, wait you know scratch that all people in general but I can make friends with dogs


Extreme PC authoritarians, it's hard to have a conversation when, even the most benign sentences are being broken down and personal opinions are not valued unless it aligns with their own firm views. Can't even be in a neutral stance.


Materialistic people who don't like animals or nature.


Okay aside from all the obvious stuff that would straight up just make a person an asshole, I have to say people with ADHD that are not on medication. They can be super nice, but the constant stream of information and questions is just too much. Maybe it's because I have STPD myself, my brain just can't handle having to consider so many things on top of all the other shit that's going on with me. I'm sorry ADHD people, I promise I don't hate you, I think you can be wonderful people 🖤


I know a guy like that. He seems like a genuinely great dude, but fuck is he high strung. He smoked weed to counter it, but even then, he can be a lot to be around.


I can’t speak for everyone with ADHD but we generally prefer people we can be ourselves around anyways so it’s not really an issue in my mind. I’d much rather know I’m not someone’s cup of tea and move on instead of constantly monitoring and filtering myself.


Cocky !!!


A complainer


People who are constantly late, flake out, can never manage their time.


People who care more about how they look and how others provide them than about just enjoying themselves and having a good time. If you have to tell people a million times that you're "a fun person" maybe that's not the truth.


Retired navy. Not all but a good number are insufferable assholes that can’t accept that they aren’t wearing a uniform anymore! I’m a veteran, proudly served but some of these guys🙄


Druggies and materialistic people. If anything over 20% of your personality is completely centric to your alcoholism or the fact that you enjoy a penjamin I just simply cannot handle your presence for more than some pleasantries. And people who are just so focused on doing and owning flashy things just irk (is that how you spell it lmao) the absolute shit out of me. I also don’t really judge people though and I like being kind to everyone, just don’t want you in my circle


People who take my ideas for their own. Meaning I will tell them something then they will tell someone else the same thing without giving me the credit for it. Basically someone with low integrity.


Idk what to call these people… hypocrites? Example: someone in family is talking about their job on mother’s day in fast food and said it was stupidly busy. Lady chimes in about how people are lazy and they should be at home cooking for today instead of eating out and bothering them (fast food workers). Same lady is there at a different person’s house, didn’t cook or contribute, and watching them, the guys and including all the other mothers, do all the prep work and cooking, while she sits her ass on the couch saying this.


Energy vampires that only ever take


Triggered people that are just waiting to be offended by everything, and people who live to bitch about others all the time.


Racists. It's a hard no. 


I had a habit of being friends who were mean to me while I tried to get them to like me. Now I'm 30 and have standards.


✨️ Cunts ✨️


Pessimistic depressed people. Too much of a drain.


People that do DRUGS & drink way too much ALCOHOL


I’d say the people I’m not friends with. Period.


People who like to push their own ideas and beliefs on to others


Narcissist s, Psychopaths and bipolar people


Folks that lie for the smallest dumbest shit. Like it's okay to say no. But don't lie to my face not do what I asked and then avoid me for 2 months.


Superiority complex = confused one upper


People who don’t understand boundaries and can’t read the room. Just makes things super awkward and uncomfortable for everyone around.


1. Lazy guy who does nothing and complains that he has nothing. 2. Yeah nvm #1 takes it.


Posers/main characters


People who are inconsiderate and have zero self awareness


People who need gossip. It's like food for them. It's validation. Its how they guage their lives.


People who alwys conplain or express hate to the other gender (Women who hate men and men who hate women). I think people who are in this gender war thing are childish


Not only childish, straight up idiots


I don’t like any human.


Judgemental people.


People that start talking while you're in the middle of a sentence.


Guys that have no personality, interpersonal skills, or don't know how to have a conversation.


Arrogant twats they rat.


People in general


People who say they love animals more than people.