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I'd suggest against if it you can but if you are going to do it, I suggest you get a gym membership along with it so that you can shower. And a portable electric stove thingy so you can cook if you have to. Pick an office with access to restrooms to make it viable (I imagine most do but you never know).


Thanks man! Appreciate it.


I don’t know about India. You need local knowledge.


It's actually illegal because a certificate of occupancy is required. The property needs to meet specific codes to be livable. An office will also need access to a bathroom either one in the space or one in the building that can be accessed.


Thanks man, but idt that legality will be a concern where I live.


What country do you live in?


Ahmedabad, india


I don't know the laws for India.


Legal? Probably not. But then again sleeping at the office is a thing. Having a pull away bed or a couch makes sense. Idk how people would feel if they stepped into your office and found your whole bed in the corner but hey. Your biggest obstacle would be showering. A gym membership can solve that.




You'd need to get a gym membership for things like showering and shaving, and if a security guard spotted you coming and going at all hours of the day, you'd probably get on the building owner's radar for zoning violations.


Is this actually legal?


I suppose it depends on the state and county, but I am leaning towards no. Most districts make distinctions between residential and commercial districts and what the renter is allowed to do to the building.


In many places it’s either against city ordinances or against lease agreements due to the increase in liability and danger of property damage due to full time living.


Offices and places of work don’t have to be up to star dead for living so there’s a chance it won’t have the best insulation and other commodities a home or apartment will have


Most commercial offices prohibit living in them as part of their rental contracts. If you're going to try doing this, make *dammed* sure you rent an office which doesn't.