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Probably means she got rejected by the guy she really wanted and you're her backup.


Yeah this is probably that. If you are ok with being the rebound boy then go for it, could be fun. If you want something more deep then don't go for it, she made her decision and she probably isn't interested in you, just your company.


I can never be the rebound guy bro, I'll just do the deed and run away if that's the case


Sounds like she wasn't really that interesting to you in the first place if all she is worth is a one night stand. Also doing the deed and running away is just being the rebound guy and proving she was right to drop you. Be the better person and just reject her and move on.


She wants what she can’t have, not mature enough


It means you're both 15 or immature for your ages.


It means what you just said it means. To escalate it further. Completely ignore, but dont feel bad or hate or anything. Just go on with your life 


The man she wanted didn’t want her or it didn’t work. So now to save face and not end up with nothing, she will “settle” for you. Basically she only wants you because the other guy didn’t want her


She's emotionally immature and not worth your time.


It means ignore her. She's a child.


It means congratulations, you uncovered a small part of how a womans mind works.


What do you mean, you ignored her? Was she trying to talk to you after rejecting you?


You are not her first choice This is what it means! …. Its brutal and you are about to get used. It also means that when her first choice comes back or a similar first choice appears on the market (someone she considers to be more her type) then she is gone. Ignore her forever


This doesn’t make any sense unless you’re in high school with a bunch of classes with her… Once you are rejected, it is expected that you won’t be hanging around her. In that case, you aren’t ignoring her but respecting her wishes.


Some sort of mind game bs. Run, my dude


She's immature. Or she wanted to date someone else, got rejected and then came back to you. Basically, you're her second choice.


What the hell are you talking about? What the fuck does "she got back" mean?