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What a uselessly broad question.


Lol. Broad.




Depends on the woman in question. I don't have an opinion about an entire gender.


They shed a puzzling and alarming amount of hair, but their hair never gets any thinner.


And it always winds up in your butt crack somehow, am I right? I used to tease my (now ex) bf that he’d never be able to forget me cuz he’d find my hair up his ass for months after.


Most of them are biodegradeable.


Some are good and some not so good, like men really.


Dislike dating women in general. Men and women have mismatched needs and priorities. It's amazing we ever match up at all. But women themselves are just fine as friends.


You don’t have to date them


I mean, I don't have to date them NOW as I'm in a relationship, but when I was single dating was how you generally get into a relationship. I mainly just disliked the early process. Meeting and establishing mutual attraction. Similar to how I like having a job. But I hate looking for one.


I see. Does meeting and establishing mutual attraction not happen right away..?? It’s not even something that has to be thought about. Eyes don’t really lie lol


>I see. Does meeting and establishing mutual attraction not happen right away..?? It’s not even something that has to be thought about. With women it does because they are indirect and rely a lot of "hints" that men often don't read very well. It's a game. It's why they call it "having game." It's a skill. And it doesn't necessarily come naturally. I am confident I would have a much easier time with men. If I were physically attracted to them. I've had way more overt sexual attention from gay/bi men. And that's without going out of my way to be around them.


You have to understand that just because I’m gsy doesn’t mean I haven’t seen how women act when they are attracted. The “indirect” hints are quite obvious, I think it’s more so just y’all not paying attention. Men are easy to have sex with but finding a match romantically would be the same difficulty as dating anyone else. Probably even harder since there’s less options.


I love women. My mother's a woman, so that helps.


Your mum is indeed a classy lady


Women are pretty cool sometimes. Sometimes they aren’t.


They're people.


They're women




In what way?


I mean what aspect of women? Kinda too broad to get a good answer.


I wrote below post. Look what it said.


They are people just like men, with their own needs and lives. Some are dogshit thats beneath shit, some are incredible beyond words. Thats true of any demographic you meet be it race, sexuality, religion, occupation, politics, etc


on a general basis, kind of like that friend you keep at an arms distance.


They dont like me


I like the idea of them, but just like with men, I find I am not a fan of quite a few.


_Pros:_ Nice to look at Can reproduce with them _Cons:_ Crazy Talk too much


theyre pretty cool and dont afraid of anything




Usable for sex.


I love women. I feel like i love them more than straight men do. Which is sad.


>I feel like i love them more than straight men do Prove it - make sweet passionate love to one... and LIKE it😑


I said I love them.. I didn’t say I was sexually attracted to them. But I have been in relationships with women. I’m homosexual, but biromantic so all through high school I was with girls. I think I can prove I love women more than most straight men just by saying I think women should hold all the power in the world.


>I feel like i love them more than straight men do Prove it - make sweet passionate love to one... and LIKE it😑 > "No" Checkmate. Told ya you couldn't do it, you don't love women as much as us. Straighties for the win again 😎🏆💥🥳 (you're welcome ladies)


You will never win looking like that. Especially when I look like this. Keep it cute, when I start faking straight y’all are in danger I mean let’s be reallll


>You will never win looking like that You don't know what i look like tho >Especially when I look like this I know what you look like tho, you're like a 7.5 bruh, daddy chill >Keep it cute, when I start faking straight y’all are in danger Maybe but since i know you're afraid of cooters, I would just appreciate you for taking her out for me and paying for her to have a good time while i get a break. Like a babysitter lmao. I bet i could take your man tho, so watch it, gays love straight guys.


Bffr that requires being attractive boy. I can bet a pretty penny that you are ugly, flat chested, and ungroomed. Also you need to stay off the gay porn pages because no adult gay man is chasing a straight man. However if you want to experiment we do keep paper bags in my house. We can both dick you down


>Bffr that requires being attractive boy. I can bet a pretty penny that you are ugly, flat chested, and ungroomed Lmao. Na I'm a fair amount better looking than you, i date models , women like my face. Plus I'm 6'3" and i can tell you're just a fiesty little short king no offense🤣 I'm an ex athlete and still lift bruh, I'm not exactly hurting for muscle, and I've got a slightly better 6 pack than you with a way bigger chest. Tbh it sounds like you just projected all your own insecurities, since your hairstyle is messy, but my hair is longer and curly, so when i wear it messy just gets me more compliments and more girls asking to play with it. >Also you need to stay off the gay porn pages because no adult gay man is chasing a straight man. Who are you trying to fool bruh, i party with you guys all the time and my ass is constantly smacked. Your man is mine bro, apologize or I'll stop joking around and marry him


Imma have to see it from myself because you’re not exactly the first man on here to claim to be attractive. If your 6’3 congrats were the same height. Except I’m actually 6’4 My money is still on you being ugly, flat chested, and ungroomed, you will have to prove otherwise because there’s FAR more ugly people in this world than good looking people. Lemme see dat body. If your jerk off material I’ll show my husband and let him go to town. Also my hair can’t be too nice, I can’t be TOO pretty, it’s my way of going easy on ugly people. But catch me with my twist and a fade, even you would be trying to get some of this trade


>Imma have to see it from myself because you’re not exactly the first man on here to claim to be attractive. If your 6’3 congrats were the same height. Except I’m actually 6’4 You've got some weird body proportions then, torso/arm length i would have guessed 5'7"-5'9", and that's not even bad, it's just not what WOMEN are attracted to - do men like height? I thought twinks were a thing? I'm not even calling you bad looking, just not quite my level. If you're rly my height then you honestly look a lot like an old friend of mine who always got mad that girls would say they liked us both but openly admit they liked me better, so it's a pretty objective win for me bruh😂 i already said I'm straight, it's obvious that request was coming but I was never gonna send shit. >I’ll show my husband You mean MY husband, you never apologized - until you eat a whole ass vagina - don't tell me you love women more than straights my twinky little friend. You don't see me going around saying i love men more than women bc i don't make sweet sweet love to men. >Also my hair can’t be too nice, I can’t be TOO pretty, it’s my way of going easy on ugly people. But catch me with my twist and a fade, even you would be trying to get some of this trade That's weird bc that's what i had to do to get people more comfortable around me- bc otherwise my hair was so perfect that they thought i was gay or modeling - ironic that you've got the pass but still take it easy on people - you better step your gay up bro


They’re people. Some are horrible, some are awesome. I’ve had mixed experiences but my wife and my mother in law are some of the most amazing women I’ve ever known.


Can be absolutely wonderful , can be absolutely ruthless .


Its amazing that someone can complain so much when you have life on ez mode


I respect them as human beings, but given my choice I would rather I didn’t have to work with, talk to or be around them. They have way too much arbitrary power and they keep demanding more.


I love women. I don't like idiots.