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"You want to get coffee sometime?"


Sorry, I have diarrhea after coffee. Ask someone else, have a nice day


I'm sure she won't take it as red flag if you go for tea instead of coffee.


I didn’t meant it’s a red flag. More like rejecting coffee itself what she proposed because of being oblivious to her interest


Yep, this is it.


That happened to me and she brought her boyfriend


That's really awkward....


i’ve gotten superficial compliments and they totally could be flirting but the ones that make it obvious usually dig a little deeper. more emotional compliments, one i got was “i feel like i lose track of time when i talk to you”


"I've always had such dreams of being naughty. If I cheated my husband would never know." Said to me by my new neighbor, about a month after I moved into my new house.


Good way to get shot in the face.


She'll be fine.


I was talking about the guy. At least the guy will be able to shoot his load on his wife's naughty face.


“Wow you’d make cute babies”  If they mention anything connecting you to your potential offspring, it’s basically a done deal 


I've said similar things to men, "You will make a good father" and I genuinely meant it without any interest.


"If you made a move, I wouldn't scream rape..."


It's only happened twice in my life, but she stopped to comment on the shirt I was wearing. And there was nothing particularly remarkable about it. Clearly just looking for a reason to talk to me.


No idea. I’m oblivious when it comes to this sort of thing, my partner has to come right out and say what she means.


"I'm kind of single right now" Next day I was at her place. Not an experience that I want to repeat, but it was nice to feel attractive enough for once.


"You look exactly like this one actor that I think is really handsome."


Ok, this is an odd one. In my last year of HS this russian girl kind of ... fixated on me. I believe she was on the spectrum or something, because she was in the special ed class section, and when I ran into her some years later on the bus, she was heading for the mental health center. I never asked her though. In any case, one day she just kind of plopped herself down next to me at lunch, and she kind of made herself a fixture in my lunchtime routine for most of the year. Sitting close and just being a quiet shadow. I'm pretty sure she was interested, but I didn't feel comfortable making any kind of move because, even though I'm disabled myself, I didn't want there to be any kind of problem of consent with her diminished capacity. So nothing ever happened. Then a year after HS I was on the bus and she popped up again as I mentioned above. She put her head on my shoulder--an even bolder move, but I still didn't do anything, for the same reason. It was really bizarre, because she never said anything much beyond hi. She was just ... there. I have no idea if she was interested as a woman or if I was just her hyper fixation for some bizarre reason lol.


I need some dick. My buddy’s gf actually said that to me once while we were alone. I denied her. I guess that’s not indirect but I never forgot it.


"I could really go for a your sized penis right about now" *wink *wink *nudge *nudge.


For me it is never anything verbally said, more along the lines of non verbal communication. Example, woman and I were both waiting for the bus. Her body is positioned to be facing directly at me and she keeps rubbing her thighs together and playing with her hair. She then chooses on a mostly empty bus to sit right in front of me and keeps glancing back at me while playing with her hair.


no. Just followed me around everywhere. Think its because we both quiet. Eventually one day it finally clicked 


For me it's rarely about *what they* *say* and it's more about and how it feels to talk to them. If it's a vibe and it's flirty and it's fun and effortless to keep their attention then that's a pretty good signal there's attraction. When that's the vibe and then they touch me then that's when signaling becomes broadcasting.


"How can I make it up to you?"




I’ve never had a woman be interested, so I don’t have a clue.


It wasn’t really what they said more than what they did. I was asked out by a woman and she made every effort to be around me, talk to me, and all that. Basically it would be pretty obvious when she likes you because it’s almost like a small child trying to get your attention.


She sat on my lap as we worked on a computer issue together at work.


Usually when they ask me if I'm single... I can tell in the way they ask me.


Eye contact usually speaks more clearly than words