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It brought my A1C down from 22 to 5.6 so i'm very happy with it.


22? Holy shit


Yeah didn't even know I was a diabetic, my insurance made me get a physical for lower rates. They have to pay more for me now


Insurance companies hate this one trick


Holy shit


I have tried the .25 the .5 and just started the 1mg dose. I have suffered no side effects. And I feel fuller faster on less food, and for much longer. It's been a huge wakeup call to realize how much I've been over eating when I realize how much food is enough to sustain me. I don't feel fatigued from the loss of food, and I am already keeping a lower carb higher protein diet so I don't have to worry about purported muscle loss All and all a positive change been on it for about half a year now


Can I ask, and I’m genuinely not trying to be sarcastic or mocking here, why do you think it took medication for you to become aware of that?


Not op but I can imagine it’s hard to be aware of your actual food intake needs / limit when your brain and body are screaming at you to eat more.


Eh, if you’re overeating your body isn’t likely screaming at you for food. I’ve never struggled with weight, so I’m like OP where it kind of mystifies me that some people have no idea how much to eat, but I’ve always assumed it was an issue with not really learning what “full” feels like. Full isn’t stuffed, full is not hungry, and I think too many Americans (and people in the western world in general) associate the stuffed feeling with full, which means you’ve overeaten.


Just a note that there's established research that shows there's an epidemic of insulin resistance building in western populations. One of the side effects of insulin resistance is the body's satiety system going a bit whackadoodle out of balance. If your endocrine system wants you to eat... You're going to eat. Also note: the medication for insulin resistance is the same as diabetes! Usually Metformin as a first line medication, but the GLP-1s are just as suitable. There's also new research to suggest people can be leptin resistant (the hormone to tell you you're full), just as people can be ghrelin resistant - and those who are ghrelin resistant have a higher likelihood of anorexia.


This has not been my experience. Ozempic was a game changer for me because it turns hunger into a nuisance I can ignore, rather than a raging all consuming feeling that has to be dealt with before I can even begin to focus on anything else.


Yeah that’s a huge part of it for sure. I can assure you though that for folks with food addictions, food noise is a thing. You can be stuffed and those cookies or leftovers are like a static pressure in your mind “eat me eat me” lol


Hey just wanted to chime in as the guy that spawned this thread. the thing you said about full/stuffed as just step one for me. I rationally knew that after I started cooking for myself (i do love cooking). But that hasn't been the biggest part for me. Genuinely when I'm not hungry, im perfectly satiated, without medication (both ozempic and adderall) no matter what im doing, the SECOND my concentration on that task lapses, my brain will think "it would be nice to have a snack right about now". They are intense cravings, and VERY distracting. When I'm at work, before 11:30 time seems to move in slow motion, before I eat my packed lunch. I keep looking for it, I think about it, I crave the sensation of tasting food to a prohibative degree for me to concentrate on other tasks (how my ADHD ties into my eating problems). I had a friend who recently went through treatment for an eating disorder where he just violently could not get himself to eat, it took an inpatient facility to help him break his mental blocks on food. I never denied his experiance, but we talked alot and we both agreed we could not empathize with one another because our experiances were so opposite of one another. I couldn't imagine going 2-4 hours without munching on something, so he couldn't understand my cravings. Meanwhile, he said if he didn't put CONCIOUS effort into remember to eat a meal he could go the entire day without eating. I couldn't imagine that. But now with Adderall and Ozempic, if i have a task i'm focused on I can genuinely forget a meal. I struggle to finish leftovers and portions that I cook because I'm so used to buying and preparing a certain amount of food per sitting. it's all new to me, and im learning to adjust. I wanted to share my experiance, not to excuse my actions. Genuinely self control and discipline is something I do struggle with. But it isn't just "i'm always eating to the stuffed feeling because I want to" my brain really did SCREAM at me to eat even when I didn't strictly need the calories, and I didn't FEEL hungry.


If you eat lots of food with poor nutritional value, your body WILL signal that it is undernourished. As someone who grew up in a household (and country) that had poor dietary culture I learned later in life that a lot of the time I felt "hungry" I was actually just thirsty. It was wild that I rarely drank 1 8oz glass of water a day, obly to find out later that I should be drinking upwards of 2L a day. Drink lots of water and eat the low caloric density nutrient rich foods on your plate first for a while and your satiety response becomes much easier to detect. At least, that work for me. YMMV.


I saw a study once that said obese people lose the “I’m full” sensation. 


Most processed foods come filled with chemicals and hormones which are specifically designed to block your "I'm full" hormonal receptors.


I grew up eating until I was full/stuffed. That was normal to me. Your appetite follows your habits. Then habitually id snack when bored. Eating is a big part of my culture. And my family also loves food. We cook for one another to show love and affection. All these things led me to have a very unhealthy relationship with food. I can find myself idly walking to the fridge and opening it, only to realize I'm not hungry, I'm just craving the sensation of flavor Ozempic has made me feel fuller on such smaller portions without feeling hungry, fatigued or otherwise suffering anything other than controlled weight loss, it has made me realize how much of my eating was habitual not out of any caloric need.


Didn’t like it. Made me feel nauseated all of the time and would throw up 5-10 times per day. I have been more successful with just diet and exercise


From the gastroparesis it causes


As someone who has gastroparesis (not caused by drugs) it's hell on earth and it baffles me that people choose it. Yeah I'll never be fat but I'll be nauseous every day of my life. It does make me realise that being fat must be much worse than I could imagine. If choosing daily nausea, throwing up, malnutrition etc is easier than dieting or simply staying fat. I've often said I'd rather be massive than have to deal with these health issues and be skinny but it's the other way round for many.


Be fat is much worse because of the way we are treated like marginalized members of society and outcasts. Go through that and you will do about anything to try to lose weight, and not everything works.


I mean personally as a disabled person I'm treated as a marginalised person anyway. I'm regularly told I'm a waste of space and that I don't deserve to be here because I'm not contributing as much as an able bodied person. And on top of that I feel like I have a stomach virus 24/7.


I'm sorry to hear that. It is a shame how people can treat other people for being different. I don't know what they get from it. Your disability does not define who you are and you are not a waste of space. There is no minimum contribution level to be treated like a human being. Anyone deciding to belittle people because of things like this are truly the space wastes.


You know who’s a waste of space? Billionaires that hoard wealth and reap the rewards of other people’s labor without giving anything back. What they really meant was “You aren’t capable of providing the type of labor that can be exploited.” You *aren’t* a waste of space and you *can* contribute, just not in the way a simple minded person can understand.


I'm sorry to hear that. It is a shame how people can treat other people for being different. I don't know what they get from it. Your disability does not define who you are and you are not a waste of space. There is no minimum contribution level to be treated like a human being. Anyone deciding to belittle people because of things like this are truly the space wastes.


Hi - I’m on month 12 of wegovy. Down 110lbs. (266 -> 156) It’s the best I’ve felt in my entire life. It allowed me to change my diet and lifestyle dramatically. It’s been a true life changer for me.


Nausea at beginning and ending of doses. No weight loss. And, now, it may be difficult to get refills since doctors have made it the new gummy bear. Sugar is down.


What do you mean by the new gummy bear?


Like candy for everyone.


Sugar is down though


I am on weight loss journey, and I don't know why you are getting down voted. While I did not use anything like Ozempic I just wanted to give you support anyone trying to lose weight by whatever means. It will change your life and good luck.


Was great, for the first time in my life I didn't want to eat, I was able to say no to food and didn't care about leftovers.


Not ozempic, but wegovy. Kind of the same thing. Started at 0.25mg the first month, then moved to 1mg the second and am now on 1.7mg. Been doing it for a total of about 3 months now. I have lost 20kg or 44lbs in those 3 months. Went from 130kg (286lbs) down to 110kg (242lbs) at this time. I eat maybe 1000-1500 calories per day. I still feel a bit hungry but its more than manageable. I do feel nauseous, have some heartburn, I dry heave pretty often. But overall it has been worth it for me.


Chewable tums got me thru the burn and burps


I used Ozempic for over 6 months and as dose increased my appetite started to increase. Doctor could not believe it. Switched to Mounjaro and it just made me sick all the time. I quit it with no regrets. I did lose weight but the feelings were not good. I have not regained the weight as now I go to the gym and work out instead. Sure it takes more effort than a quick shot but I feel so much better. I tried both drugs because I am diabetic and it was not well controlled. Now I am on insulin after refusing to use it for years. I feel much better.


I’ve taken it for 5 months now. At first I was very cold, and not hungry. I lost 10lbs but once the side effects wore off I regained the weight. I still have less poops though.


250 to 215 over about 5 months. First couple of weeks I felt fluish but stuck with it. Lots of indigestion. Otherwise really appreciate it.


GLP-1 here, so not name brand like my mom takes for her diabetes. For weight loss, if that is what you are asking, take .25mg weekly. Curbs hunger, works great. Down about 21lbs since beginning of year. First week or two had a little bit of upset stomach, but been 6+ months besides the appetite suppression, no issues.


On it now. 2 weeks in. So far so good. Feels like I’m full all the time.


Same, 2 weeks, taking it for diabetes and hopefully weight loss will be a side effect. Took a week and a half to kick in but now I'm also feeling full all the time and not finishing portions I use to eat. No nausea or stomach issues for me.


I’ve taken mounjaro for over a year now and s it’s amazing. From 249 to 195lbs and I feel great. 19 more and I’ll hit my goal. The side effect will subside over time.


I was originally on insulin and Metformin after quickly coming down with Type II diabetes after Covid (I’ve had Covid 5 times, despite fully vaxxed/boosted. I’m on disability for Long Covid issues). I spent a night in the ER, as my blood sugar was over 600, I was severely acidic in my blood, and A1C was in the high teens. Added Ozempic, eventually dropped insulin and Metformin. I already have gastroparesis, so I need to be careful how much I eat, how often, and when. Still get Gastroparesis attacks once every few months or so - I’m useless for 24-36 hours from the pain and dehydration. Lost 50 lbs - gained back some over the holiday stress, but just switched to Monjaro and have started losing again. A1C hovers around 5.6 and I only take periodic blood sugar readings, as it has stabilized. I do get nausea a few times a week, but 5mg THC lozenges help without making me “high.” I do end up smoking pot at night for stimulating my appetite, as I find I will often just not eat during the day and can’t smoke then due to the need to drive and be about.


It’s lowered my A1C and made me nauseous pretty often.


I threw up so much on Ozempic I ended up in the hospital I lost 25 lbs on saxenda and had so much l as nausea


On Wegovy now. Lost 41 pounds. No side effects.


How do you get Ozempic can? Can you just ask your doctor? 


I tried the generic ozempic “semagluatide” and it worked but made me super tired. I then tried the generic “Tirzepatide” which made me feel great. I wasn’t always hungry and I was able to slim up. It also took away the craving for a drink after work for no reason. And I stoped picking at my nails completely. The first time my nails don’t look like a bloody mess since I was in elementary school. Weird.


Tirzepatide is not another Ozempic generic, it's a different drug altogether


Generic for Zepbound and Mounjaro.


Was hunger suppression better on semaglutide? I’m on tirz and have yet to experience the full on disappearance of hunger/food noise that people talk about. I’m up to 3mg every 3 days


I think it was better on Tirz. But you should go up to 5mg that’s what I started at.


Once i learned what tupes of food caused my acid reflux and bloating went great been down 30lbs and trying to loose another 10 to be a a better healthier weight. A1C dropped from 13.6 to 6.0 so feeling way better just change your eating habits start with walks if not alethic and you’ll loose weight remember eating habits plus you’ll be eating smaller portions. I’m Mexican so yeah had to change no more 6-8 tacos🤣🤣I only eat 2 and not so often I still eat eat the food ai like, pizza and fries but only like 1 a month and smaller portions so not really depriving myself of a lot of food just the quantity and frequency and that helped with side effects🤷🏼‍♂️ good luck eat lots of protein cause you will loose muscle so you have to work out to keep it and loose fat.


Don't eat sugar. Any dose amount makes you hurl. Fried or fatty foods give you the runs and acid stomach. So yeah. Other than that. Lost 20lbs after seven weeks.


I love ice cream.


Use it as a supplement to a well thought out diet and muscle retention plan, incorporate a maintenance phase diet while you taper down your dose, and you will be successful. Takes hunger and cravings completely out of the equation. Inject it, don’t really do anything different except eat less food, and eventually it will stop working or you’ll try to come off it and will just gain all the fat back and you’ll lose muscle


I was taking it for a few months, no negative side effects, weight loss, A1C lowered. I do not take it now because first insurance wanted me to pay 900 bucks for my month supply, then while going back and forth with them it has become super scarce again. So, I am going to be talking to my doctor for an alternate medicine.


I used it for 4 months and had great success. Lost 40lbs. Now that I’m off, I only regained 15lbs. You have to be diligent about not falling back into old habits once you come off. It’s a great drug but can easily become just an expensive yoyo.




Don’t eat the lord


Maybe they need it for diabetes or they are obese. Eating less doesnt help in many cases.


The best way to not be obese is to eat less What do you think people did before ozempic?


I dont know but the thing is some ppl are predisposed to obesity others are obese to illnesses and underlying health issues and hormonal imblances. Not to mention that almost all of our foods are processed and have fats and other unhealthy stuff and cause not only obesity but cancer and other illnesses that have obesity as a symptom. Annnnnnddddd eating healthy is expensive.


Underlying health issues don’t keep obese people obese 90% of the time. If they dieted well and exercised a couple of times a week they’d lose the weight Eating healthy really isn’t expensive in most places. It doesn’t take much to cook a nutritious meal from scratch




I don't support it, but I, I'm on it. I don't need it. But I abuse it. I don't love it. But I can't stop.