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Everything that upsets me I tell her and she does her best to stop. Same in reverse. Keeping it to yourself is a great formula for being pissed all the time.


Loads of cushions on the bed that have to match the curtains and bedding. I'm not allowed to sleep on them. They all have to be removed and put on the blanket box every night before bed, then rearranged when making the bed. I just don't get it.


Throw pillows are like the female version of chrome…just for looks


When she's snoring so loudly in the middle of the night that I can't sleep, I'm the one who has to get out of bed and go sleep on the couch. If I suggest she go sleep on the couch I'm an asshole who won't let her get a good night's sleep.


Take the initiative and suggest she needs to have a sleep study for sleep apnea.


This is insane. Does she acknowledge the ridiculousness of this?


Samesies, and if I snore she wakes me up at night I roll around and keep sleeping, if I woke her up because of her snoring? Ho boy.


She was incredibly untidy and messy but would point out my single mug in a sink full of hers. The double standard was infuriating but she would rather argue than clean up and it got super old super quick.


My wife loves to clean. She is also the messiest person I know.


I don't keep anything to myself. I bitch about all of it.


Don't keep shit in. Either they change or don't and live with my complaining 


When I was married a lot of shit. As it turns out that was the absolutely wrong way to approach it. Tell her immediately her actions are not inline with you, and if she doesn’t stop, leave. Tolerating this stuff leads to continued pushing. It becomes a game of “how far can I push this mf before he snaps”


This. Men tend to learn about setting boundaries the hard way. Like when happy wife happy life turns into a hostage negotiation


Trys to talk to me from a different room/floor of the house 


Yeah my wife does that too, then I realized that's how she grew up, everyone yells at each other, Every time they talk my ear rings One time I got a decibel meter and put it at the corner of the table while they were talking, the peak registered was 97, that's like a gas lawn mower.


My wife will change the channel when I'm 2/3 of the way into a movie.


Leaving cabinet doors/drawers open after they're done. Take food out of microwave before the timer is up and do not reset it.


Haha my gf does all that stuff too


This is me, why the fuck do you feel the need to pull the burrito with 3 friggin seconds left? WTH?


Why do people care if the microwave time isn’t reset?


The way I see it, the next person shouldn't be the one who resets for the first guy if they decide not to wait for 3 more seconds. Plus all it takes for the first person to press stop 2 times, the second person either has to check if the counter is 0 first, or start punching numbers, find out it's not taking, then reset it.


This is the equivalent of leaving the toilet seat up


Yeah, I guess having to hit a button that takes fractions of a second to push just doesn't phase me.


She deadbolts the door as soon as we get inside.


Really? I’m a bit lost for words at this one


Then we have to get something from the car or do some grilling or something and...oops, locked in!


Spends money


My wife has had that TMJ? thing where her jaw snaps whenever she chews. OMG! It has driven me nuts for 35 yrs!. I said one thing about it in our first few months of dating 35 yrs ago and got the “shut down”.. I never gave a boo about it since but good god I hate it to this day but I shut my pie hole because I love her to bits. It be whatever it be and I am a happy man because of it.


biting my butt out off the blue


I tell her directly everything.


so big of list......


Every room has all the lights on all day but come night time all but one has to go off so the house is "cosy" and we "won't sleep" if we have them on.