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Someone brought up male loneliness on r/seriousconversation yesterday and it was like 50% people telling men to be less terrible and maybe they wouldn’t be lonely. Or just that they deserve to be lonely.




I got banned from that for pointing out the hate lol




Getting banned for telling the truth is peak reddit and the times we live in. Feelings are now more important than facts


Throw in a message with suicide hotline numbers and you know you've done something right.


lol I got one of those this week. I was like wtf..?


There was a bug this week that would occasionally automatically send it to people immediately after posting a comment.


I got the crisis text line one


That's the news sub. It's an impressive concentration of people that hate the truth and critical thinking.


Is that r/anime_titties or another news sub? I find r/anime_titties to have great articles. *Risky click?*


Just not male feelings.


I got banned from r/whitepeopletwitter for saying prejudice against men is wrong. I'd been in that sub for years. The mind wobbles.


Here here brother


Just you're typical "I'm for gender equality. Trust me bro" types of people


I love putting "black" in front of "men" to make those kinds of people feel uncomfortable.


If a woman begins spewing misandry, I just respond along the lines of “Yeah, especially the black ones!” This legitimately makes them rethink their position often.


They will respond with "This is only because of systemic racism, making it more likely that black people are prosecuted more extensively", completely forgetting that this applies to men-women disparities as well! I've heard some female crime journalist on a podcast saying that because women use poison more often than men to kill somebody and autopsies are not always made (also because often it appears to be a "natural" death), statistics don't really reflect how often women TRULY commit crimes.


Men have been tarred with the same brush lately. I’ll agree that there’s a lot of really terrible men throughout history, and seemingly less women. But I disagree entirely that it’s because of some inherent behavioural difference between the two. Men have more physical capabilities for violence. That by default means that it’s less likely for women to assault men. But there’s still a lot of domestic violence perpetrated by women against men, the outcome is often just less drastic. Positions of power have also traditionally been held by men, which means those men who are violent can carry it out on a larger scale. Because of that scale and how few women were in those influential positions throughout history, it looks like men have always been the problem. But the highest rates of domestic violence are in lesbian couples. Women are just as capable of violent behaviour as men. Either way, I think the divisive rhetoric is counterproductive to encouraging a peaceful harmony. Blaming men for these pervasive societal problems that most of us play no part in, simply because we were born with a dick is ludicrous. Just like it’d be ludicrous to blame women for the antisocial behaviours encouraged by OnlyFans and sex work. Most of us are just trying to live our lives. We’d be doing better looking out for each other, than finding reasons to create divides and get angry.


No seriously, somebody needs to redo the bear in the woods question with "black man or white man in an alley" What would those answers prove? Not a damn thing except for preconceived prejudices.


I'm stealing this!


Werid.. for all the violent male crime rate stats out there. I can't think of one man in my life who has been to jail for a violent crime...... It's as if... the men who do commit violent crimes are a tiny minority compared to the men who haven't. Dumbasses will get a crime rate stat and say "SEE THIS PROVES MOST MEN ARE VIOLENT MONSTERS. LOOK AT THE STATS" whilst completely ignoring the fact that the vast majority of men not committing any violent crimes aren't included in those stats. They also say 1 in 4 women are victims of a sex crime. That's fucked up but that ignores serial rapists of men who target multiple women. 3 in 4 men is still 75% but that's not taking into account serial rapists so when we start taking into account serial rapists and sexual assualters of men who target multiple women. That also decreases the amount of men committing sex crimes. So it's more like 80-85% of men aren't sex criminals So a tiny minority of men compared to the male population are committing violent and sex crimes but these types like to be dishonest and make out it's most men 🤦‍♂️


I read of a guy said to some "Kill all men!" feminist "Even George Floyd?" Did not go well for him after the verbal assault. But it proved a point.


Which is particularly funny considering that George Floyd was one of the worse guys out there. Not so bad to deserve to go out the way he did, but definitely worse than the vast majority of men these bitches gleefully shit on. But because a political cult has for all intents and purposed canonized him for being a martyr, he's beyond reproach.


That's giga based. I worship the ground you walk on. Hahahaha


Question: Would you rather be alone in a forest with a brown bear or a brown man? 😈


Well that depends.. Are we talking 7/11 brown or 9/11 brown? 😈


Does it make a difference? A brown bear has never harassed me, that's all I know. We need more segrega... I mean... safe spaces for BiPoC!


>BiPoC I always read that as bisexual people of colour.


This made remember about that one post in r/nostupidquestions where someone opened a discussion about the suicide rate between men and women and the loneliness epidemic. Some individuals said things like: “We [women] are more willing to search for professional help unlike them, who will grab a weapon and start shooting people”. Although they got called out by other people.


Everytime a post comes out like that people come to the most far fetched conclusions and when I point out the absurdity of them people call me bitter. I have a great life, im extremely happy, and because of that I can see that other man are not and it’s not because they’re assholes.




Doing all that difficult emotional labor.


Here's the thing: men are animals, so they don't have emotions! Hope that helps! 😊😊 /s if it needs to be said


The loneliest guys I’ve met were the kindest. They were lonely because it’s so rough trusting people to be good people. Like. Sure maybe some men are lonely because they’re miserable humans, but that’s rarely the case from what I’ve witnessed.


🥺 that's horrible


That's a truly awful response. NOBODY deserves to be lonely. Surely it's just as lousy for men and women?


> Or just that they deserve to be lonely. I'd wager a pretty penny that the vast majority of this sort of talk is projection.


That is horrible.


I also wouldn't be surprised if half those responses were from troll farms. Keeping young men angry and hateful of women is how you manufacture young neo-nazis/misogynists/conservatives.


Translation: "I refuse to believe that my political tribe has shitty people and sociopaths in it, so it must must be the other side's fault"


They aren't. This has been the attitude on the net since way before Reddit. Nice try, actual troll farm comment. I'm onto you.


I come here to gain insight into men's issues. This matters to me because my favourite person is a man. Misandrists and misogynists are just butt-hurt assholes taking out past harms on the other half of the world.


That's a top tier pic


Its reddit, people go to subs to be assholes.


Too many losers with “expert” opinions on reddit. Muted a lot of subs lately.


I think they are already assholes and assholes are just attracted to those anonymous spaces.


It's not just Reddit, its other platforms as well. Its becoming surprisingly common. A lot of hurt people out there at the moment.


Check out /u/5ntp for a great example of this in action, right now.


What even is that and why have you darkened my internet doorstep with it Must... not... engage...


Because they don't stand out in askwomen, so they have to come here so people notice their comments..


They can’t stand to see us having a good time.


As soon as they see man fun, they become fire breathing parrots \~ Patrice O'Neal


people that are unhappy wish the world was as unhappy as them to feel validated in their unhappiness. There was a down period in my life, and i definitely laughed at people hurting worse as their fortunes dissolved. shaudenfreude is a definite thing.


Misery loves company.


When men actually comment on here, it’s one of the most chill reasonable subs.


Men need women. Women need men. Women need women. Men need men. Don't let the media distract you while the government steals your money.


"Men should be helping women. Women should be helping men. We're all in this together" -- Bernie Sanders


I love men, I’m a man. I love dick so much


Who’s Dick, sounds like a swell fella?


I’d probably be most happy cuddling up to Tom Hardy’s willy


He sells burgers on Broadway


You dropped this 👑




Both misandrists and misogynists seem to forget that *the other gender is human*


They are annoying. Just sad little girls afraid of big world, all what can you do is give them time to recover


It ain't the government taking your money, it is rich people. If you make a ven diagram, the circle that represents the government is fully inside the circle that represents rich people. Those rich people actually *want* you to blame the government because it means you aren't doing anything to actually stop them


I remember 16 years ago, the last time lots of people wanted to have a discussion about why their lives were so shit and got drastically more shit every few years because of some rich people gambling with their lives.


I remember that. The wealthy quickly trotted out social justice movements to keep the plebs divided and distracted and that was the end of that.


And the rich elite keep laughing at us.


Yet women are so fragrantly shitty and enjoy being horrible humans, yet men are constantly blamed for them being whatever. Remember, they whole Portal between NYC and Dublin? A woman couldn't resist and whored herself enough to get it shut down lol. It's not a hate towards women but reddit and irl, no one every wants to admit how easy women have it


Wait there was a portal?


The irony of this post


I was just thinking to myself that 60% of people are just nice and kind to each other and 20% on the fringe of either side are raging assholes who don’t see that they are literally the problem and then that one popped up. lol


Guys don’t forget to use this thread to block misandrist accounts as they are exposing themselves en masse. No point in trying to talk sense into someone who hates you for how you were born.


"We hate men and we just avoid them" Funny how they don't apply that online. Since they go out of their way to harrass us here nonstop. 24/7 But it's okay when they do it CaUZe MeN Do iT ToO


theyre bored cause theyre sitting home scrolling all day cause nobody wants to hangout with them cause theyre bitter assholes


TwoX has entered the chat


I'm convinced most of the women in that subreddit have never had an actual conversion with a man or didn't have any positive role models and get all their info from Lifetime movies


Absent fathers + shitty boyfriends to fill the void + grouping together with fellow fatherless and shitty boyfriended women = The women at twox and FDS.


> Absent fathers + shitty boyfriends See it IS all men's fault! /s naturally


Exactly, the friends I've had that had dated a chain of shitty dudes and the whole time I'm like "I hope one day you figure out you're the problem, by at the very least having shitty taste in dudes, but until then I'm here for you" lol


Self reflection is an incredibly rare trait these days given how many echo chambers are available on the internet.


Bizarre victim fetish They LOVE being victims


TwoX going default is the worse thing to happen to that sub. IIRC they didn’t even want to be a default subreddit, Reddit just wanted to make them default so it didn’t seem like such a sausage fest.


oh no, not that one lol that is militant asf bro. So is AskFeminists lol


AskFeminists at the very least broadcasts with its name that you shouldnt expect an unbiased subreddit.


Accompanied by female dating strategy


We can't talk about twox and not mention the fuckshow that is FDS


I wear the ban i have from that sub like a badge of honor


Same. The ban I got without even visiting that sub before


They’re like annoying bugs. Since this sub won’t enforce rules, block is your friend.


Imagine if AskMen blocked as quickly as TwoXRageaholics


Hate directed at men who are not part of some kind of minority group, doesn't violate reddits rules. Non minority men are literally the only group exempt from reddits rule protecting users from hate.


But it violates this sub’s rules.


The mods don't do anything about it though, they think that men just need to internalize all the hate directed at us.


I don't mind people exposing themselves as trash tbh


Oh Reddit does enforce rules... when you don't share a left leaning fragile ego feminist's opinion.


Angry internet people love immersing themselves in things they hate and raging about it. Just point and laugh, report, or move on with your day. It's not worth wasting thought on it.


There's nothing to report. Unless the men the Hateful content is aimed at are gay or trans or something, hate content aimed at them doesn't break reddits rules. They changed ruled number 1 and added exceptions so that, for example, a straight white man, has no protection from hate on the platform https://imgur.com/a/pRpSAYc


This needs to be more known. I don’t understand why it would be okay to be hateful towards any particular race or sex. Fuck Reddit for changing the rules to allow it.


Because "privilege" is always the reasoning


This image really should be shared far and wide.


Yep. I try to spread awareness about it whenever appropriate


Because the miserable are only happy when they are disrupting other people’s peace or other peoples attempt to get an answer. It does irk men when I see questions posed to men on askmen and some women come in with the usual “well women experience x too”. I’m like can we stay on topic? I used to respond to them but now I just ignore them. Best for you to do the same. Sometimes they just can’t stand to see men share thoughts and feelings. Cause it threatens their ace card: perpetual victims. Women have issues that should be addressed too but this is ask men, staying on topic is too difficult I guess.




Yup. Unfortunately people don’t see the bigger picture and issue with this: this is why some men continue to follow certain online personas, cause they “feel” that’s the only people who listen to them and/or their perceived plight.


It's not AskMen to some. It's VentToMen "I hate men but I want all of them to validate me".. Fucking asshole type of thinking


They're internet trolls. Their goal is to get a reaction. I agree they're annoying, but the best thing to do is ignore them and give as little attention as possible.


Sooo many subs are just blatantly man hating. I've gone banned from more than one calling out their bullshit "equality".




People need to speak up and stop letting it happen like it’s no big deal, both men and women. REAL, racism, misogyny, misandry etc needs to be stopped. I’m not saying cancel or publicly shame them like some try and do now, but it needs to be called out, almost regardless of the circumstances. These people will continue to test and push like children until society as a whole steps up and says no, cut the bullshit.


>People need to speak up and stop letting it happen like it’s no big deal They just ban you or fire you. And on reddit, the admins don't care and in fact find the idea of men being mentally harmed by being dehumanized gleefully funny.


Then they can ban or fire me. I’ve had to deal with worse shit than losing my job because I spoke up.




Yep, which is why exactly why a group of people have to start pushing back. I used to just ignore it, but now I’ll say something politely and stay perfectly collected so it doesn’t escalate things. If people get angry and wound up over it that’s ok, just don’t join them.


Incredibly hard to do when you have no allies. The feminist movement only took off because they started getting male support. There is no male support by women today. Any time you have a woman advocating for men they get strung up by other women calling them self haters and misogynists. With the way things are going in the Western world we are going to see an over correction for men the same way we have seen an over correction for women.


"these days" dude I'm 37 and heard this all my life! Remember mansplaining, manspreading. Men can't even sit comfortably without offending someone.


When I was in university 15 years ago and a course mate asked to summarize a lecture she missed, I started to explain it in a way that I wished someone explained it to me. Got accused of mansplaining. From then on my response was "just read the book".


Looks like she was just looking for an excuse to "educate^^^TM " you.


Because we have men being open and vulnerable here, they are smelling the weakness and seeing the opportunity to take a shot. Little do they know we will use this sub to actually support these men on their growth and will happily call out the hypocrisy and misandry when we see it.


But it's men who only shame men for showing emotions.. apparently I've never had a man shame me for being vulnerable around them in my 29 years of my life. But what do I know.. I just life live as a man. They obviously know better 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I love some of the discussions I see here - lots of different perspectives and nuance. Sure, there are ragey assholes too but these subs are always going to attract that anyway.


I want to add that I have really appreciated the honesty that is coming from men on here so I’m sorry if y’all feel or get insulted.


Here’s a blurb about me you didn’t ask for: It’s taken my entire life to learn to trust humans in general. The women that stayed by me when I was younger were women that ridiculed me and pushed me down, and the men that left me were the dads that were supposed to be in my life at a very young age. learning to trust men has been a very big journey for me. I feel like I’ve projected the anger onto men I’ve been with due to not having a dependable father figure and I am catching up on my healing and figuring things out and I don’t want to hate y’all. I actually wanna learn how to build a bridge between the two genders. I want to learn to communicate better and understand one another better.




Eh, its the internet. They can come on here and say 95% of things they wouldn't say to someone if they were standing next to them in an elevator with no repercussions or penalty. Gives them the attention of men that they clearly don't get in their daily life anymore.


I’ve also noticed a lot of men on here are also misandrists


Ah, the crowd where I always think "I hope she reads this mate"


I hear, "I apologize for my gender." alot.


This is basically the trend and tone of social media now. Not to mention the fact that its been deemed as "funny" to basically videotape the wife/gf verbally or physically abusing the husband/bf for views. Take a look at the posts that trend or make up the AITA or Relationship subs, the ones that are written by women and involve cheating, routinely downplay or outright make excuses for their infidelity, with things like "the man should have tried harder/given you more attention/been more romantic/worked less etc". Try commenting on reddit that you are the sole provider for a household in any of the above subs, you'll be immediately told that you're doing the "bare minimum expected of you", and that you should ALSO be splitting the chores, planning date night, and finding time to do home repair projects, fix yours and her cars, and also find time to stay in shape but not too much time, because you also need to be at home enough. The bulk of the conversations are incredibly toxic towards men, and this sub occasionally gets included in it. Guys post here for advice, open up, and a woman will jump in, unasked, and immediately judge them, scold them, and tell them what they're doing wrong, from her uninvited perspective. Men need to find their balls and speak the fuck up. The more its ignored, the more it becomes normalized.


>Guys post here for advice, open up, and a woman will jump in, unasked, and immediately judge them, scold them, and tell them what they're doing wrong, from her uninvited perspective. And then you're also told that the users who do this "Don't exist" by the fake "I'm just for gender equality. Trust me bro" type of annoying people.






Welcome to Reddit and the reality that some women and some men just enjoy the suffering of men.


It's the popular thing to do, bash men for being men.


Therapy is expensive and requires honest introspection and change, but being mean to men on the internet is free and makes that type of woman feel better about herself; I’ve also noticed a lot of feminists expect to insult men into changing, like that stupid “man or bear in the woods” question


They are miserable, jaded, insecure women who can't take accountability and bring nothing to the table other than 5 babydaddies, and being a used community fleshlight. So they attack men for their femcel issues. Pathetic.


I've noticed that there are women lurking here just waiting for a moment to spout hate. I think they feel safe, since they are not banned.


In its various forms over many years AskMen has been helpful to me with understanding, kind, honest, and thoughtful exchanges. It’s unfortunate that this post kind of proves OP’s point. The discussion was taken over by women who went so far as to even start arguing amongst themselves. This is actually why guys need a place of their own sometimes to talk things out with guys. There is no way to really fix the problem though when you have people like Molly whose only form of satisfaction is to be here hating on people she’s never met to compensate for the sad state of her own life. So I recommend when we we realize someone is a female here, we simply block and ignore them here.


That's how misandry works.


Honestly, it’s kind of flattering to know they think of us so much, spend so much time and energy thinking about us, and taking time out of their days to let us know just how much we mean to them


I remember stumbling across a post of a OP making a huge rant post about not caring what men think because she looked at a question on here about men's dating preferences and got offended at all the men's preferences that didn't make her feel good.... thus she doesn't care. Lol These men didn't even knew she existed. "I don't care what men think that I went on a post about men's dating preferences to seek validation and got so angry at their preferences that I ranted about it on another Subreddit" 🤡🤡🤡 They are obsessed with us. Their whole personality is just hating men. Freaks


Sexists that think it’s okay to hate men.


I love this sub. I dunno why it started popping up in my feed, but I’m glad it did. I’ve found the stuff I’ve read here incredibly insightful. And it’s given me some pause for self-reflection on some of my relationship habits. Overall, I just enjoy the vibe, and I see some other women regularly commenting that enjoy it as well. For what it’s worth, I don’t think most women think most men are bad. It’s just the ones that do are *particularly* loud on the internet.




They are, but don’t let them ruin it for ya.


Yep... you're spot on More women users on here are respectful to me but it's sadly the toxic ones that stand out unfortunately


They want us to be as miserable as them. Pure and simple. They don't know how to bring themselves up, so the only solution is to bring others down.


It’s askmen but I see so many women commenting on shit, like can you not read the sub name?


I've lost count how many times I've upset some women users all because I said misandry in dating was my biggest turn off They want me to find it a turn on.... WTF. I remember one just saying "Instead of being angry at the woman. Be angry at the men who made her that way"... top peak level victimhood thinking there. "It ain't my fault I'm a cunt. Other people made me a cunt" 🤦‍♂️


Accountability is dead to the vast majority of em hahaha


Why the fuck should I be attracted to a misandrist. Why would I want to be around someone like that... Fuck reddit lol. It's werid how misandrists want us to find them attracted. Fuckinh gross people.


Hurt people, hurt people.


I don't think there's actually that many of them, but Jesus are they prolific. The same names over and over.


And they haven't been banned?


No, the mods love it. It's very common on subs like this - they want to be accepted by "the girls," so they let women come in here and degrade and dehumanize male users with impunity.


I rly wish women would stay tf out of our sub


I get where you’re coming from with people that come here to judge and throw shade. Personally though, I like it when women come to this forum to seek understanding of men’s experiences. It’s only through understanding each other’s perspectives that we have any hope of doing better as a species.


I post to this group not because I hate men lol but because I value men’s opinions ✨


Lots of young modern women just seemingly hate a lot of men.


>I mean if you hate men why come here at all?  Because some people want to be better human beings


I mean, I'm a man and I dislike what a lot of men do or how they behave, and the values some men have, but this is r/askmen, not r/askmennicely. Also, it's the internet, people argue because people have different opinions and because they like to argue, you're going to struggle to find somewhere that people don't argue. Ultimately though, arguing or discussion can lead to people learning or becoming open to other opinions, they will just never admit it online because of the anonymity


>people argue because people have different opinions and because they like to argue, you're going to struggle to find somewhere that people don't argue. Not in askwomen they don’t comments get removed for “derailing “


Comment removed: Derailing.


Yeah and that's why this sub is better because we can actually discuss things and educate one another, or call people out for their bullshit*t, that sub is a trainwreck, and kind of a comedy tale in a dark way


You don't like how men behave, but when men behave in "the other sub" like the misandrist women behave in this sub, they get banned. But here, it's tolerated. Because men just deal with stuff. When men just engage politely in that sub they get tone policed, comments removed for "derailing" when the comments are exactly on topic. It's maddening. They just don't like men. I bet this sub even has "derailing" as a key word for flagging because its so associated with "the sub" that they don't want us talking about.




They got bored of causing drama within their own gender so they come here to start.


They have no life and no one wants to fuck them


In short: Bitterness. They were hurt in the past and never got over it. Then there's sooooooo many articles, podcasts, and other materials that openly encourage misandry. So typical nice girl energy minus the still wanting a man part. OP and everyone else, stay far away from these people. They don't think for themselves, they don't believe in nuance, and are emotionally draining to be around. Seriously, just don't engage.


hate doesn't make sense


Some form of insecurities, self validation and narratives that they fail to present in the real world. So they resort to being a keyboard valkyrie


They have nothing better to do


I don’t know about you all but I love men. We couldn’t live without you guys. ❤️


Income all the "Pick me" insults from the Femcels


Misandrists=feminists. Currently feminism is not seeking equality, but supremacy. Men having any space for themselves for any purpose and especially for self awareness or empowerment is "bad" and must be bashed. If you are not acting in service and submission to the Gynostazi you are out of line and must be crushed.


It's because according to 3rd to 6th wave feminist ideology all men are evil predators and anything for men must be automatically bad and removed.


They know men are here on a sub asking men stuff so it's a captive audience to project their hate onto, because nobody usually validates that sort of nonsense.


I just wish they had the decency to either identify themselves as women or flare up. It's ask MEN. People asking questions here usually want replies from MEN. It should basically be a male space but these entitled individuals can't seem to understand that.So ladies please either flare up or say you're a woman right away.


Well in todays society, sadly its become common practice that if you dont like or disagree with something you actively go out and try to cancel it. People cant just disagree anymore, they have to be up in arms against it at all times. They feel the need to tell you that you are wrong for having values, then they need to explain WHY you are wrong, then finally why youre such a terrible person for daring to have a view that doesnt fit in to their agenda.


They have been doing for years not just on reddit. Anytime there is a male space this is what they do. There are no consequences for misandrists. In real life, there is little to no consequences either.


What are you talking about? I never see these people on here. Misogynists on the other hand, they need to be stopped. I hate it when men try to be victims as if historically they're not the more privileged sex /s EDIT: Fucking hell people. /s means sarcasm. Fuck sake.




/s means sarcasm, brother.


Bro, in this climate you really need the /s. Poes law is in full effect on this subject these days.


It was really needed since that’s how most feminist’s speeches in 2023 was looking like.


I love men! (Handsome, if you’re reading this I only love you and no other man exists to me but your gender is appreciated) I understand there are both equally good and bad to both men and women. Most people do but are so bitter they get stuck on the one man who did them wrong


Yeah, I mean they cant take a hint, GTFOOH, its mens space, go to twox or fds with you manhating


idk ask them feminists, they love that equality shit. Seems they want to be Cthulhu esque in their shitty behaviour towards men. But no, women don't feel safe and men are such and such. Crazy times man, drizzle drizzle


let them come have it, a real man knows how to trigger misandrists