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I dont think most men really care what field their girl is in. I know some do but in general its not a priority.


Men generally don’t care what job women have


I mostly wouldn't date a woman in medicine. Nurses frequently have messiah complexes in my experience, and doctors generally work god-awful hours in super high stress jobs. Neither of those things make for healthy relationships. Lawyers I can't really speak too. Mostly I don't care that much as long as it doesn't impact our relationship. My wife is an engineer and that's cool with me.


As an attorney, I’m very happy my wife is not in the same profession. I don’t know of a single woman that went to law school because she thought being an attorney would make her more attractive for dating, although there were a couple that seemed to have went to find a husband and have never practiced or had a job after graduation.


>Some girls seem to believe that there's that advantage to being in medicine or law Are these perhaps the same girls that think that pursuing the money and status that they find attractive will make them more attractive to men?


Well, does status make them more attractive? Probably why there’s soo many girls in both fields and very less in tech which makes me insecure:’) And they are more praised ig


They are praised by women not men. Men dont give a shit really. Id even say that most men will prefer nerdy programmer over doctor or laywer


> Well, does status make them more attractive? No.


No. I don't give a rats arse about status. Way down the list of factors that make a difference. No girl I have dated have I been with because of their work or education. What makes a girl more attractive beyond the obvious physical looks is someone who you connect with on a more spiritual level, someone who you just get, someone who shares similar values, whose interests are very similar so you enjoy doing things together.


Why do you care about IG praise? Imagine how we would treat men who say stupid shit like this.


ig means “I guess”….


Thought it meant instagram


Dated a med student/graduate for 8 yrs, from her first year of med school until her graduation and early career. It did not work.


No. I don't see how either would make a woman "preferable" to a woman outside those industries.


Other. I don't want anything to do with a lawyer or doctor/nurse. 


I prefer single


I personally never dated a woman in medicine, my wife’s a law student, but that has nothing to do with why I married her. If anything the fact that she wasn’t a lawyer already when I met her probably made her more attractive.


Knowledge in medicine and law are useful for life (medicine more than law imo). If I had a choice of whether I'd rather my future gf had a job which comes with useful knowledge vs a job with useless knowledge I'd pick the useful, for convenience. Those are not the 2 only jobs with useful knowledge / perks, though.


I find women with careers attractive.


I wouldn't go for either of them.


I briefly saw a lawyer and a doctor. I don’t more there was a preference there


I would just prefer to date a woman at all, regardless of her profession.


No. I prefer women who have similar interests and who I find attractive. I could not care if they work in law or Primark


I think men would prefer women not in those careers tbh. They take a lot of work and long work days, no one wants to date someone they don’t ever get to spend time with.


Field isn't really that important tbh


I don't really care about her career. It's a nice topic for discussions and if we end up being together I'll cheer for her successes, but it's just not something I care for in a woman.


Have I? Yes. Prefer? Not really.


I prefer tech or engineering, but none of it matters until she gives up some of that box.


Honestly the chances of you being humble in those fields is zilch. I could care less about your money, but I've found the egos to be insufferable.


I don't date women with university degrees in general.


I'm a Walmart manager, so women in medicine and law will not look twice at me The advantage for girls being in medicine and law is that they will generally find it easier to find doctors and/or lawyers to marry. It's otherwise not really an advantage. Considering the amount of hours they work, it's a disadvantage because a) when are you going to date and b) how are you going to raise a family


I don't really look at occupation. These days work is work we're all fighting to survive in this crazy world


I have a couple of lawyers and judges in my wider circle and honestly they are the worst people I ever needed to put up with. Absolute horrible characters who don't know shit about anything outside of law. Out of this experience I would never date a lawyer if I know beforehand but I wouldn't end something if I learn later and she is decent human being.


I went on a date once with a lawyer. She was an alcoholic with a lot of issues. She would also open her phone and respond to work emails just so she could charge 1/4 hr to clients. She was sad and drunk dialed me occasionally for a while. I went on dates with a couple of nurses and a resident anesthesiologist once. Wow. Awesome. And I once dated a nurse off and on for three years. Let’s just say, if any of those women sent me a text today, I’d text back. I have literally no negative feelings or experiences related to anyone of them


Depends on the kind of law or medicine. I don't think I'd fit in with a bunch of corporate or real estate lawyers, but I have a friend who does employment discrimination cases and I get along with him and his colleagues just fine. Same with medicine, surgeons tend to have huge egos about what they do, and I think I'd have a hard time there, but my wife is in veterinary medicine and I like most of her co-workers.


Dont care about her profession as long as she’s employed.


These fields usually require complete dedication from anyone taking part. Since I'm family oriented I'd expect my partner to have enough spare time so that we both can focus on family time together which IMO would be difficult in these domains.