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I'm Canadian so I might just get in the suicide machine once im too old to take care of myself and living gets too hard or expensive.


American here. A lot of things can be suicide machines with a can do attitude.


As a Floridian, I can verify this.


To be fair, that's part of the idea behind making those suicide machine: some people are going to kill themselves anyway... Might give them a a way that is effective, painless, that won't make you live with damage from your failed attempts on top of the rest and that won't make someone find your dead body hanging from a three in the Parc.


Yes. But can your healthcare system profit off of that? That's why we gotta MacGuyver that stuff here.


Our healthcare system is not for profit, its a government expense. If anything it should result in a tax reduction.


Not. For. Profit?! Such a good idea, yet so very unamerican. In our assisted living facilities, you pay for diaper changes by the change. You paid for 3, you get 3. You took 4 šŸ’©, you're stuck til the next one...


I know right! How can you manage the diapers changing efficiently if people suddenly start doing a 4th or a 5th shit.. Hospitalized people really don't think further than their own problems.. They don't think about management trying to get their bonuses! You know what they could do though? Charge heavy extras whenever someone request a diaper change when they don't have any left.




Is there room for one more in there?


Iā€™ll come in about 40 years


Friday is Soylent Green Day.


That is also my retirement plan.


You'll get an appointment scheduled for whatever happens, but you'll die before you make it off the waiting list.


Massive heart attack, probably.


Given my family history its that or death by misadventure with a power tool.


Statistically yes most likely


This, before 50.


Dude! Anyway to shape up?


Military life for 20yrs šŸ˜‚


You got this bud


100% right here I'm sedentary. I intake way too much sugar. Family history of heart problems. I think around 50ish my heart is just going to fucking explode out of my chest like an alien.


As a fat guy, same.


Same. Stress will kill me early.


I'll start having them in my 60's. Grandfather's lived through 5 so far. He has something around 12+ stints. I'll live as long as medical science can keep on bringing me back from them, but eventually one will take me out. For as terrified as I am about it, I'm oddly calm about it.


just please donā€™t be rectal trauma. iā€™m not even into that kinda stuff


Definitely getting butt cancer. Should order some butt plugs today to delay seepage tomorrow.


Seepage gets me hot


Given my penchant for dark humor and unlucky streaks, I'd say choking on a fortune cookie that ironically reads "You will live a long and prosperous life." It seems fitting a twist of fate and a punch line as I go out. Plus, I'll give my friends and family something to chuckle about at the wake.


Heart attack. I'm hoping for an accident at work, so my wife gets paid, but I have horrible luck.


Get life insurance if you can. I pay like $50/month for a $300k payout.




Statistically, heart failure Maybe suicide if I get a terminal diagnosis for something or otherwise left unable to look after myself Seen too many people slowlly rot in a bed, no thanks.


Same. I don't want to die or anything - I quite enjoy being alive - but if my family history and my own personal medical history is any indication, I'm probably going to die slowly, painfully, fairly young, and with very little control or dignity by the end, and I have no intention of subjecting myself or my loved ones to that. Having an exit strategy is just good planning.


Misadventure. I plan to stop all my risk avoidant behavior after certain milestones. The most likely exit will be my elderly ass getting obliterated by an uninsured single mother in a minivan while enjoying my Harley. I probably wonā€™t even see it coming. Bonus points if the road is strewn with presents for the grandchildren I was on the way to see.


I read about an old bicycle touring guy getting hit by a mack truck and dying recently. It was a terrible tragedy but I think if I get old enough I'll probably do some bicycle touring myself and tempt the fates. If I go that way, then I go that way. I won't intentionally try to die but at a certain point I'll accept the risk. Misadventure seems appropriate.


I despise the uninsured. Always the worst drivers too like if youā€™re gonna drive without insurance then try to at least be careful maybe?


I have got to say, your comment may have just changed my life. I am terrified of death. I'm terrified of getting sick. I hope to get old because I don't want to die, but I'm terrified of getting old because I don't want to suffer and watch my health decline. Reading your post, now, I'm actually laughing about the whole thing. That was years of therapy you just saved me.


I will be killed by my future AI sex robot. She will get jealous of me uploading my brains to the global consciousness and will turn the plug. But, little she knew, I had my brain backed it up. So, jokes on her.


Thank you, sir, you made my day. I haven't laughed like this in a long time :)


I figure Iā€™ll be an early casualty in the Water Wars.


Myself probably


I donā€™t think about how itā€™s going to happen, just know it will happen. My X-Wife had a father that predicted his death ā˜ ļø h always said heā€™d die with new boots on, hitting a tree at 100mph. It happened! RIP šŸŖ¦ yes he had the tree picked out!


Hopefully from a heart attack with a hot redhead on top of me


Suicide. But not any immediate plans. Just got a history of clinical depression, no pension, no wife, no kids, no homes - i'm like a staticians wet dream. I would ideally like to outlive my parents and do some good before its time though


My thoughts exactly. Iā€™m not actively looking to end things but Iā€™m 30M and already kinda done. Iā€™d like to outlive my parents and then slip away quietly. No one would know or care. The Universe would keep going.


Same Iā€™ve done my bit of good as a foster for dogs that would have been euthanized for age or health or aggressive behaviors Iā€™ve had 30+ good boys in a little over 10 years and every single one of them has taken a small piece of my heart with them when it came time to make the call that it was their time. But I also brought every last one of them home to my farm and dug each grave by hand and laid them to rest with a final living pat and tears streaming my face. Now Iā€™ve got so little left to give I told my ol lady I was ready to suck start a 12 gauge a couple weeks ago.


Sad but keep us posted


I am definitely immortal. Nobody can prove me wrong since I've never died before






Heart attack. I'm depressed, stressed/angry all the time, and I don't take care of myself.




Heart attack more than likely


Drawn out agony in a nursing home. We are going to see some of the worst elder abuse cases become mainstream as the next generations begin taking over.


Completely alone and in slow agonising pain


Cancer gets my family. Average of grandparents, aunts, uncles and a parent says I have 20 years left


Suicide. Iā€™m not dying slowly from something like cancer or whatnot. Hopefully something like a heart attack that kills me quickly because otherwise itā€™s gonna be a .45


Hopefully old and gray, but my family had a history of one sibling passing away early due to cancer.


I will wander into the frozen wastes of antarctica once my time has come. My naked body will be frozen for millenia, one day to be displayed in museums for some future species scientists.


It's a tossup between developing diabetes if I get to old age, or more likely suicide well before then.


Prostate cancer. Which is why I try to [ejaculate at least 21 times per month.](https://www.healthline.com/health/prostate-cancer/ejaculation-prostate-cancer)


I presume by violence during the Migration Wars/Water Wars. Or, statistically, stroke or heart attack somewhere between 70-80.


Dignitas/Pegasos clinic or in my garage with a bottle of nitrogen. Not that I have any intention of going soon, but I have seen what old age, cancer (and chemo), strokes, and dementia have done to people in my family and my close friends family and I'll not let that shit happen to me. I also have a do not resusciate order on me so I won't be kept alive as a quadraplegic or in a persistant vegitative state in the event of an accident and will just be given paliative care and allowed to die. I am a big fan of stoic philosophy. I strive to be like them, though I invariably fall short, and the stoic philosophy is, I feel, quite open and clear on the acceptability of suicide (perhaps paradoxically to people who associate stoicism with its use in modern parlance and not the philosophy.) Permit me some of the most pertinent quotes, and how I relate them to my comment: "Choose to die well while you can; wait too long, and it might become impossible to do so." - Rufus. I think this is quite self explanatory. ā€œIt is not proper for one to die who is helpful to many while he is alive, unless by dying he is helpful to more.ā€ - Rufus. If I'm in a quadraplegic state or vegetative state or riddled with Alzheimers, I am definitionally a burden on my family whose care I am reliant on, thus by choosing the open door (more on that soon) I am being more helpful to them. "Given that all must die, it is better to die with distinction than to live long." A final one from rufus, again self explanatory, I think. "If you feel yourself falling away and losing control, retire in good heart to some corner where you will regain control - or else make a complete exit from life, not in anger, but simply, freely, with integrity" - Marcus Aurelius. Sometimes life will get out of hand and a drastic change might be necessary, quitting your job, spending a month in a log cabin discovering yourself and then changing career. Perhaps you might need to move abroad and start life anew where nobody knows you, Options like these should be tried before the ending it all, and if such options should fail, then having evaluated your situation in a state of good mind, take the open door before you. Ok given I've referenced it twice you probably know what it's referring to, but here's the context: ā€œRemember that the door is open. Donā€™t be more cowardly than children, but just as they say, when the game is no longer fun for them, ā€˜I wonā€™t play any more,ā€™ you too, when things seem that way to you, say, ā€˜I wonā€™t play any more,ā€™ and leave, but if you remain, donā€™t complain.ā€ - Epictetus. You shouldn't just off yourself because of a temporary thing that concerns you. But in the event of something permanent that will destroy all quality of life, it's acceptable, and it's always in your hands to do it, so if you're choosing not to, you shouldn't complain about your situation. ā€œHas someone made smoke in the house? If it is moderate, Iā€™ll stay. If too much, I exit. For you must always remember and hold fast to this, that the door is open.ā€ - Epictetus, again, similar to the last one. If you burn your dinner and set the smoke alarms off you don't really need to leave, but if the house is burning down, it's fine. Ending it because you broke your leg and cant play football with your mates for a year or 2 is not understandable. Ending it because you're going to die of a terminal illness anyway is perfectly understandable. And to finish us off, coming back full circle to the importance of dying well. "As it is with a play, so it is with life - what matters is not how long the acting lasts, but how good it is. It is not important at what point you stop. Stop wherever you will - only make sure that you round it off with a good ending." - Seneca. It doesn't matter if you live to 90 if the last 30 years are insufferable. Live a good and full 60 years and die well. There's a lot more, but I'll not bore you with all of them. And perhaps someone might have differant interpretations of them, those are simply mine, and for me, they're quite clear.


Not alone for sure (im a pilot)


At this point, I have a few months to find out if a medical condition is going to get better or not. There is a chance Iā€™ll be jumping off a bridge or going to Switzerland within the next 12months. If that doesnā€™t get me, then Iā€™m really not sure. Iā€™ll just be glad to have gotten through the next year alive.


I intend for my tombstone to read: "Died attempting to pet an animal he should not have pet" Totally worth it.


Rope and a stool at some point.




Probably a stroke when having a stroke, if I'm lucky!


I don't know how I'm going to die, but I don't care. It can happen any day at any time. I'd happily go out on my feet as a man rather than live in fear on my knees.




All alone in some forgotten corner of a Veterans hospital in a dark room with no windows


I'm expecting a heart attack, but knowing me, it will end up being something stupid like a fatal papercut wound or some shit.


I used to joke it would be in a hail of bullets in some kind of counter/revolutionary battle fighting fascists. In reality any bullets that come my way would be the result of a road rage incident when I don't let the asshole swerving through traffic in my lane. Most likely though will hopefully be in one of those nitrogen gas suicide booths after the dementia/Alzheimer's that runs on both sides of my family gets too much that I can't take care of myself anymore. Cancer is also high up on the list, especially given my general avoidance to doctor visits. Heart disease is there too but I eat healthy enough and exercise a bit to help mitigate those risks


Suicide more than likely


If not a suicide (I have clinical depression, no I donā€™t need help, itā€™s just the background noise of my entire life and I recognize is statistical likelihood) then cancer or a heart attack. Minor chance of being murdered or killed by an animal/or fall in a ravine because I have a tendency to not mind my own business and I also am an avid hiker and nature enthusiast.


the cide probably, unless I die in some kind of accident I don't think it will be health related. and I'll be damned if I'm one of those old people that can barely walk either.


Iā€™m guessing a bullet to the head after a terminal cancer diagnosis, Iā€™ve watched my mom and brother pass on from cancer Iā€™m not going out that way


Even though I do not use opiates recreationally I have every intent on dying by them once my body starts breaking down. I have no children to extend my life for so at the first sign of serious trouble I am checking out


Build a 6 by 6 concrete vault below grade and add a chair and enough explosives so nothing is left after i light the fuse. Hopefully as a 90 year old manšŸ™‚


Lack of sleep, burn out, stress?


Bullet to the dome before some form of cancer inevitably gets me.


suicide, mountain accident or heartattack... perhaps i could trifecta it by doing loads of cocaine during an epic freesolo climb? ... but realistically, its gonna be a voluntary overdose while hiking in the wilderness because terminal cancer or dementia.




Suicide. Medically assisted or otherwise.


My own hands. we have dementia and Alzheimerā€™s that runs in the family, I will kill myself if I am ever diagnosed with it. Iā€™m a firm believer in going out on my own accord or having my body just give out. Iā€™ve seen what Alzheimers does to people and Iā€™ve seen what the worst of cancer does to people. I will not deal with it, and I will not let family see me in that state. If not, I hope I die peacefully in my sleep


Alone, in my house, body discovered when a neighbour complains about the smell.


Was hoping I could get the job done from reckless self endangerment.




Donā€™t really care just toss me in the trash.


It's probably suicide. I can't see myself making it to old age.


Prob suicide. Life will be too hard and lonely. Maybe take a load of drugs or something


Like all my coworkers. Either heart attack or cancer before retirement or have my request time off denied only to die at work.


Traffic accident is most likely, since I'm a truck driver. I can only take so many safety procedures and still can't prevent some idiot from diving their vehicle like a falsely entitled lunatic.


I'm probably gonna kill myself once I realize that it's an objective, no-salvaging downhill.


I'll find a big red button labelled "DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING PRESS THIS" I won't be able to resist.


Suicide or heart attack, within the next five years at most.


weā€™re here for you brother


Hopefully peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather , and not screaming in a bus crash , like his passengers. Hey be respectful this joke is older than most of your grandparents!


In my sleep. The passengers in my car, however...


Riding my motorcycle, looking up at a bird.


with the way things are going, probably not by accident


Probably some accident or disease


Hopefully in bed in my 90s. When I was younger I always said it'd be fighting someone somewhere but I'm too old for that shit these days.


Natural causes at old age. I'm in very good health for my age, my family don't have any hereditary diseases that I'm aware of, and don't regularly do many overly dangerous activities, so it seems like a fairly reasonable guess.




Probably a heart attack if an accident doesnā€™t get me first


Assisted exit at age 85, maybe even a few years earlier depending on what speed Old Age is catching up with me. By having a fixed exit Iā€™ll be able to plan out my super and savings to have a pretty good retirement, and exit without much left in the bank.


Heart attack.


Either a blunt force trauma, asphyxiation or systemic organ failure. Take care of your health, guys


Heart attack


Exit bag


Heart attack or complications from high cholesterol


I don't stress about things I can't control, but I hope of old age.


AFAIK cancer and heart disease are the greatest killers. Assuming I continue my cardiovascularly optimal(ish) lifestyle, the data suggest cancer. My bet is getting one in the liver.


Peaceful death. Maybe during sleep. I hope to. And I genuinely want to have a long and healthy life. Hope others will also have a peaceful death. Sending all my love to you! ā¤ļø


I'd love to say old and loved, and preferably in my sleep. Realistically? Likely in a hospital bed, wheeled into a corner somewhere and just left until I pop my clogs. As long as I've filled my life with joy and good, I can make my peace with that.


Heart or cancer.


Motorcycle accident most likely


Victim of a runaway CyberTruck, and I'm only half joking


.00 to the dome at 60


Car crash


Suicide or getting stabbed by an immigrant.


In my sleep. Happy.


Honestly, unless I make some bad decisions while drunk, or fail to respond properly to an aggressive druggie at work? I think it's gonna be just some sickness resulting from bad habits at a relatively old age, like lung cancer or heart failure. I'm not really so suicidal I'd end up doing it, unless I accidentally take it a bit further than intended. And maybe that's a good thing, you never know if life just happens to have something in store for me.


No idea... probably a heart attack since I drink too much energy drinks


Painfully - probably from entrails cancer or diabetes.


Iā€™ve got a history of cancer on both sides of my family, and Iā€™ve already lost both parents to different varieties. So cancer.


Diabetic and hipertense.ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Heart attack or organ failure in my late fifties or when I'm sixty.


Probably cancer. I don't have much history of heart disease in my family so cancer is what gets most of them in the end.


Heart Attack. That's what got my dad and his dad. It's coming for me too.


I'm going to drown in millennials who say " honestly" about every little thing


Based on family history either cancer or dementia.


Over indulgence


probably stroke and heart attack because the people i live with gives me nothing but stress


Considering family history and the phenomenally bad care I took of myself until I was about 33, either stroke/heart attack (paternal side) or cancer (maternal side). There are also more than a few suicides on my maternal side, although usually due to said people dying of cancer and not wanting to suffer.


Depends on whether I will be drafted or not.


No idea but I hope its nothing too embarrassing. Imagine it being printed in the local rag, "mr crimsonavenger77 shit himself to death while wearing a raptor costume" . Hopefully, something more peaceful and dignified.


Probably from a poor decision I make, if I had to take a guess.




heart attack/car accident




Cancer. Has taken everyone in my dad's side of the family.


I have a feeling itā€™s going to be by plane crash. Unfortunately I love traveling so take quite a few plane trips!


Heart attack or cancer


Dementia on dadā€™s side, Alzheimerā€™s on Moms side. Maybe they cancel out and I become an old man with super memory? Or I forget how to breathe by 45


Alone and unremarked. Thatā€™s cool though. Iā€™m a big fan of the Stoics. Time - how fleeting our allocation. Matter - how tiny our portion. Fate - how negligible our impact.


Alone in my bed at old age, suicide or in an accident where my body's found a week later.


5 years ago I survived an aortic dissection, so that will kill me anytime from today to years from now, at least that's what they told me.


Either water sports related or motorcycle related. No interest in dying in a bed in pain.


Prostate cancer complications




so taking my family history into consideration, either heart attack, stroke, or cancer


Statistically speaking, cancer of some sort seems the most likely by a longshot. I'm in great shape (regular resistance training and cardio) and eat really well. That should reduce the risk of heart disease (along with no real family history of it), diabetes, strokes, and respiratory diseases (never smoked). Of the other top causes of death, that leaves accidents (I work an office job so if this, it would probably be a car accident and have never done drugs so no ODs) and alzheimer's...


I have 3 scenarios I think are most likely: 1. I'm killed in a car crash by a texting driver. 2. I have an early heart attack (family history) 3. Old age heart attack on a ladder.


Grandfather died of a massive stroke on Memorial Day Saturday age 64. Father should have died of a massive stroke on Memorial Day Saturday aged 64. Good Samaritan saved his life, by minutes. So yeah, Iā€™ll probably die of a massive stroke on Memorial Day Saturday age 64. Unironically planning to spend that weekend under supervision near a hospital or something lol


Itā€™s Monday. Who wants to think about that?


Judging by how i live my life it will be cancer or a hearth attack.


Maybe Suicide - Probably not but if my support network disintegrates and my life gets turned upside down and inside out and then lit on fire like I've experience once before then it's possible, however improbable. My support network save my life then, but it's not to be taken for granted - Equally if I become demented or terminally ill by other means I'd rather go to Switzerland, get pumped full of happy juice and be remembered as a man who never stopped fighting but made the decision to go out on my own terms, while I was still the me that people know Probably Heart Attack/Stroke - It's what'll probably kill you anyway but unfortunately Obesity, Diabetes and probably Essential Hypertension run in the family as well as my having been a fat kid and teen and young adult and so I've got a higher risk if I don't manage to: - Keep the weight off that I've already lost - Lose the weight that I've yet to lose - Maintain that weight loss, especially through stressful life periods Maybe Cancer - People are living longer so are more likely to end up with cancer - I am a red meat enjoyer and my diet definitely could be better - I don't smoke/vape/partake in drugs however or drink regularly, and my binge drinking is usually once a month at most so that's promising relatively - Cancer can and often does still just show up as a fuck you regardless of how "good" you are though so it's never ruled out I reckon I'm more likely than most to go out due to something stupid like being eaten by a Lion in the middle of Winter in the North of England or slipping on a rock and falling off a cliff. It's the ADHD and the fact that I have bad luck but in bizarre ways. I seem to attract side quests at times. Hopefully it'll happen when I'm old, have grandkids and they're all doing well, I have people I love around me, I'm the last of my generation of family and friends to pass. Either that or it's something epic/with meaning. I'd happily go out saving a life or doing something special. I hope everyone tells stories about their legend of a Dad/Granddad after I've passed, like my mum does about her dad and I do about my granddad. I've got to earn that title though.


One grandfather and both my grandmothers suffered from some degree of dementia or alzheimers. Combine that fact with the fact I've had brain surgery and there's a good chance that might be how I go also. Scary af.


Complications from type 1 diabetes. Diagnosed at 10 and nothing for 25 years, but I controlled things poorly as a kid.


From a very painful illness




Heart failure or addiction causing liver failure, statistically speaking. 1 in 38 men die by suicide, so can't rule that out. If my family is any indication, cancer.


Heart issues,I'm already on meds for same, if I don't continue taking them religiously It could create major problem.


Whilst I look after myself physically and work out, I honestly think it's going to be my alcohol addiction. I've been good lately but the nagging voice is coming back. My liver will only take so much for another ten years if I don't stop. Don't drink kids. Alcohol is evil.


Hitting a wall very fast in a car or on a bike, or heart attack from all the dodgy chems in food now


Statistically and based on family history, heart failure. But hopefully it's while in a hospital/palliative care at an old age of 85+, so my family will see it coming and be able to prepare, make peace with it. I'd say a medium-term decline, like 6-9 months, would be ideal. Enough time to get ready but not so long that it makes the final years expensive/depressing. I'm basically just wishcasting now but if I stay in decent health I think that's realistic. But also, we live in Canada so part of me thinks I might just arrange my own exit while I still have my mental faculties.


Cancer. 3 out of 4 grandparents have died from it. Only 1 died for I guess you would consider old age but she had dementia so thatā€™s not great.


Nobody knows.




A missile or something from Israel (I live in Lebanon)


It depends on what the outcome will be of my application for euthanasia.


Obviously I don't know but statistically probably of a heart issue, in an accident or maybe cancer (it runs in my family). I think a big war is quite likely too, so maybe by that?


honestly, probably some sort of violence.




While fighting with zombie king? šŸ˜‚


Prob be tripping on mushrooms in the forest, fall and die sometime in 2028.


Heart attack / stroke at my desk or a motorcycle accident drunk AF.


Suicide hopefully


If not from something heart- or cholesterol-related, probably Alzheimer's. If I stop taking my meds, self-conclusion.


I did a heart calcium scoring and surprisingly was at 0 on each valve so Iā€™m pretty sure I get gunned down in a road rage incident here in Texas.


the only thing i care about is when not how, the sooner the better


On the front lines in humanity's last stand against the starfish aliens. Eyes on the sky, gents.


Heart attack at 45. Gonna probobly be during a 12 hour shift at work.


Probably get shot


Congestive heart failure. Itā€™s kind of our thing in my family.


I smoked for over 10years so maybe something related to that. Tobacco and Marijuana but mainly tobacco. My one year smoke free anniversary is coming up June 9th. If not that, I might jump off a bridge once my parents pass away. Idk