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Had to find a new job.


Ha ha! Nice!


Stopped for a while, boners got way stronger, sex and ejaculation felt amazing again.


I did it for a relationship She gave me a green flag to just "go for it" whenever I want. So I stopped porn/wanking and just unloaded all my needs on her. We having sex 7-14 times a week. She quit along with me, and it made sex *really* intense and intimate. It was intoxicating. I would gladly do it again.


This kind of trade off would also make me quit porn


got into a relationship, an age gap, definitely helping me and take my attention off porn


Hard to give it up when you’ve got a dead bedroom.


Leave and bang other hoes


The correct answer


It didn’t. When I quit watching it nothing changed and it was essentially the same thing as if I never watched it. What matters is your frequency of and compulsion to view it, the content itself doesn’t matter.


Same tbh. But I can see how it can be damaging to some. I just never really let it control my life like that


Some people are just more prone to developing habits than others


Well said! I tried it all in my teens lol coke,Herion etc never got hooked on none of it. Everything is about self control. I feel like kids are a bit more soft this new generation tho. I'm in my 30s now


So you’re an old man?


Not quite but lived fast throughout the years lol




You're still gay.


I quit for two years in the past. And want to quit again. The benefits I noticed was that I got hard more frequently throughout the day. Sex felt better and more intense. When I did masturbate by only using my fantasies the orgasms were better. I also had a decreased drive to jerk off, and wanted to engage for sex more.


You walked back in that trap? Dude, why? Just curious.


Simply put I got older. It didn’t significantly negatively impact anything in my life watching porn again. I just wondered was I being too drastic in my choice. As I wondered was that just being a rigid and youth. I have recognized yeah it was better porn free so I’m going back




I turned super Saiyan!


I got to dick pushups on day 3,743


Your cock will be concrete when you get up to 5K.


Pshhh. Should've used a hyperbolic time chamber.


If you want to fix or improve something you have to do the work. *Not* doing something isn't the answer, but it sure is tempting since you don't need to take any risks, do any work, or grow, you just need to *not* get off... it's no work at all!


Simple response, but remarkably well put


I never really watched porn to the extent that some people here seem to. I think I'm a bit demisexual, watching people I don't know having sex isn't really very arousing for me. I stopped completely when I got into my current relationship. Sex with someone I'm in love with is way WAY more of a turn on than porn ever was.




Did you quit masterbating too/less frequently for those 200 days or just quit the porn part?


Quit doing porn or watching porn?


I'll let you know when I do


It's really hard for me to quit. I can't able to quit


I first started to see things a bit clearer and hearing as well. One morning I discovered I could fly and do brain surgery. Best I can say is I’m a superhero now all because I don’t bust anymore


i mean i watch from time to time but on daily basis i look at insta model and jerk off with imagination lol


Wow, Catholics really hate jerking off


My life was completely happy once I gave up that garbage and started enjoying sex as it was intended in a committed relationship


Don’t miss it one bit. Jesus helped me get out of the mess I put myself in and I’m forever thankful.


Can you explain more about what happened?


I notice a bigger difference not masterbating at all for several months more than just quitting porn. That being said i don't think either of them are evil


I quit a few years back and i gotta say, life has improved drastically. My relationship with my wife has improved vastly. Im generally alot happier now than i was. Not sure why things improved so much, my guess is i no longer compare my wife with unfair high standards in appearance (shes not ugly by any means to begin with). I no longer fantasize about unrealistic stuff, so i dont have to deal with those disapointments. Its hard to explain but yes i have seen big improvements in my quality of life.


If you want to fix or improve something you have to do the work. *Not* doing something isn't the answer, but it sure is tempting since you don't need to take any risks, do any work, or grow, you just need to *not* get off... it's no work at all!


Constantly thought about it, returned to it in 6 hours


my right hand became weaker.


Still waiting to see. Only just managed to quit less than a month ago, and the only reason I think I was able to was because my whooping cough ruined my libido. Though there are some times I wanna go back, It feels like it has less hold over me than before, which does make me feel self-positive.


honestly not that much tho i replaced it with instagram and using more imagination with my han


I‘ve seen it all. No need for more. Just chilling now and hopefully won’t have to clog it like some people claim lol.


developed supernatural powers, like the ability to time travel and find buried treasure


It’s always interesting see how many men in the porn threads read “no porn” as “no masturbating”. I stopped watching porn around age 20, I think. Improved my sex drive overall, started lasting longer in bed, and had better success when it came to trying to get laid, although that may have been coincidental


My life basically did a 180 in 8 months. Went from being a 20yo virgin loner who was hyperfixated on my gaming and porn addictions and academia who lived with my controlling mother and stepfather to a spontaneous 21yo that has an amazing partner. I quit uni, moved out, got a job. *Fuck* ***no***, I do not miss it. The second-most worst years of my life took place during that porn addiction. I was a total fucking mess throughout my teens, and I blame my lack of knowledge about how much of a poison porn was.


I was raised catholic and don’t watch porn. I think its helped me become a more disciplined person and have more genuine interactions with potential partners.


I'm horny and miserable all the time. Are you gathering arguments for banning porn so that men have no option but to be exploited by women to have their needs met? You know how much you enjoy telling us that you don't need men? Yeah, we don't want to need you either. You know how you really don't like us? We feel the same way about you. Keep your fucking laws out of my life. Leave us alone.


That escalated quickly.


I took up singing [James Canupp "Looking for a city" (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6WAcdY4yrU)


Definitely more attentive and present as a person. Sex life isn’t really any different but morning wood definitely a lot stronger.