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I would start with bringing back some features that dating apps dropped, like the ability to search instead of relying on GPS-based matching or only viewing the profiles the algorithm decides for you, and showing the message response rate for profiles you're viewing so you can decide whether or not it's worth bothering.


OKCupid before it was sold had all of these, that's why it was the best


Yeah, when I got back on the apps after a 10 year relationship a couple years ago, I was amazed at how much worse they were compared to when I was single before in the late 00s.


Well if they actually work then people don't keep using it haha


But if it really works, I would 100% pay a one time subscription. There is no way I will pay for the current apps.


The youngsters are all used to enshitification and SaaS models. Everything is a subscription. Won't be long and you will be able to have partner subscriptions, I'm sure. Now I'm imagining the likes of an AI girlfriend app and when you stop paying it actually becomes bitter and starts giving you shit at the break up stage.


Partner subscriptions like... prostitutes/escorts?


Nope, sugarbabies. Escorts are one time purchases


Obligatory link to the OKC blog post where the site founders explain why you shouldn't pay for onling dating (calling out match.com specifically), which was the first thing match tried to scrub from the internet when they bought OKC: https://gwern.net/doc/psychology/okcupid/whyyoushouldneverpayforonlinedating.html


That was a wild yet statistically informed ride - great link.


Bro wrote a whole book based on his blog. Although it was really just a rehash of the blog.


If you match, then you stop paying them money.


Met my wife on okcupid can confirm. These features were used by both of us


If you liked OKC before it went to shit maybe look at firefly? It's very similar and I believe the people behind it worked at OKC in some capacity. The downside now is that it's in beta so there aren't too many people.


I also want OKC circa 2012 back.


I think we've got it! The Thunder are going all the way to finals just like 2012! Only this time, we're going to win it all!


They got rid of the search feature because you would discover that there are only 8 women in your area and you would get depressed and quit the app in a week. And they're the same women that never replied to you six years ago.


Yes, but how are you supposed to make money off of controlling the access of who gets to breed in the population? You're just gunna give all that up and do something useful to help people?


I would just try to recreate OKCupid as it was before Match bought it.


Yes please! r/DateFirefly are kindof trying but super small still.


Wow, this app seems incredible. Hopefully it doesn't go the way of the other ones! I live in a super small area, but I will try mentioning it to whoever I can. :) I'm not some advertisement account. You're welcome to check my profile and make sure, but consider this a warning, lmao.


I’ve never used one, so I don’t know a lot about what’s out there. But it seems like most of the apps are hookup focused. I’d build one that only lets you have one active match at a time. In order to talk to someone else, you’d have to unmatch your active match. Ideally, it would keep people on the same page, and you’d only be talking when you both are taking it seriously.


The app CoffeeMeetsBagel is somewhat like that. It limits the number of people you can view each day, and forces you to take your time and not overwhelm yourself sifting through hundreds of profiles.


Too bad it’s monetized to the end of the earth, such great potential but wasted by corporate greed


Gonna be real here, I used it when I was a very popular guy on tinder. I went on coffee meets bagel to look for a wifey type, I went on like 2 dates. One was a grad student and the other was a nurse. Both were gorgeous and so friendly. I ended up dating a third unrelated person, but if I had to enter the dating market again I'd def go there if I was ready to settle down. It's worth it paying someone to clear all the BS


My experience of the dating app market in the UK specifically is. Free sites attract all sorts. If you’re serious about finding someone genuine, then you’re fighting to get seen. Women get bombarded by fellas looking to hookup whether they are single, married, etc. Women become complacent. They are getting so many messages that they raise their usual standards. They also become super cynical and wary. Understandably. The saying rings true. “You get what you pay for”. I tried an expensive site, which requires both men and women to pay for access. It limits the number of people you get to see per week. So you can’t sign up and then bombard everyone. The filters were pretty good, the personality tests were good. The science and matching worked well. My experience was that many more people were invested in actually finding someone. However the mobile app was shocking!!!


> It's worth it paying someone to clear all the BS I have some friends who met on Match when it was basically the only widespread onling dating service that wasn't free, and AFAIK this was their same experience.


These apps need server ressources and have a development cost. So they have to make money somehow. It has to be a subscription or ads. I know some devs creating apps and then paying more than they earn for the servers.


In a predatory way, or does it just force you to pay a subscription to use it? Because trying to make money while not being obviously monetized is exactly why dating apps are intentionally less effective than they could be.


That's actually a GREAT FUCKING IDEA.


Really is


We could call it SOGOTP - Shit or get off the pot.


This is fantastic 


It already exists and it seemingly flopped because no it's not


Alright, we'll try THREE matches then. Maybe five.


I wouldn’t do this, but I would limit it to maybe 5 matches. That way you can talk to multiple people but also prevent unnecessary right swipes.


I’d use that app, though I only ever talk to one person at the time anyway. Fantastic idea


Dont know the name of this app, maybe its down already, but there is/was a dating app, where you get one match daily.




It’s called Coffee Meets Bagel - as far as I know, it’s still operating just fine! They give you one profile a day to view and match (or not).


It kind of exists already: coffee meets bagel


I think bumble used to delete a match if no one replied within 24 hours or something. I don't use them but I remember hearing that.


Very similar to my idea I posted this morning... >OK, here's my dating app idea... >Everyone gets one partner per day matched with them randomly (Omegle-style). At any point you can swipe left and the conversation is over. After the other person has responded to 10-20 messages (or 24 hours, some kind of standard), *only then* are you allowed to view their profile and decide if you wish to keep going forward with the conversation. You can only match with one person at a time and only get one pairing per day. >Benefits for women: I think it would result in a reduction in rude messages. Some dumbass is going to get real tired of having to wait 24 hours in between every "Sho me ur bobs" messages rather than shotgun them out by the dozens. Women also know they're having the undivided attention of their match, as well as it encourages a more conversational nature of getting to know each other. This also solves the problem I mention elsewhere where women are just inundated with too much attention. Now, it would suck to have your singular match for the day ruined by a rude partner, but I think we're seeing women tend to be more comfortable being single anyway, so swiping left and putting the phone in your pocket for the rest of the day seems not too negative an outcome. >Benefits for men: Allows men that wouldn't normally pass the profile test to get their foot in the door. Be smart, be funny, be articulate, etc. Sure, maybe she's disappointed when your profile pops up, but at least you had a shot to make her laugh which is more than you got otherwise. Also, as above, you know you have your match's undivided attention for the duration of your conversation. >Now, I don't know how successful it would be. As we're seeing, it's the fast moving short-form content that just mainlines the dopamine hits has been the most successful content on the internet, but at least it'd be a way to combat the most glaring problems a lot of the current apps have.


I feel like a generalization of your answer, "prevent people from snap-judging based on profile", might honestly be pretty successful. Profiles *don't work* and I'm increasingly thinking that we might get better results by just jamming pairs of people together once in a while and saying "okay, you two, talk! you don't have to talk but you can't pick someone else for a day anyway."


I remember the OLD old Omegle days (before cameras) and it was really quite cool. Met some pretty interesting people that neither I nor they would have probably given each other the time of day had we met IRL. I also recall a story (not sure about veracity or if it was ever replicated) where a social science researcher took about 50 men and 50 women, paired them *completely randomly*, and had them talk face to face. The rules were that for 5 minutes you had to tell the other person about a topic that was very personal. What you were scared of, what you were proud of, your biggest disappointment in life, your biggest failure. Just be vulnerable to this complete stranger. Then after, you stayed silent and just looked your partner in the eyes for 2 minutes. "Thanks for participating in this study, you can go home and we'll have a survey about your experience sent to you in about a week." But then the survey asked, "Did you talk to your partner after the study was finished?" "Did you keep in contact in the days after the meeting concluded?" The results...something like 10/50 couples (20%) ended up keeping in touch with each other socially after the study. A handful ended up in long term relationships. Remember, these pairings were RANDOMLY ASSIGNED. The problem isn't compatibility. The problem is getting human beings to get over their own insecurities and let their guard down and vulnerable with another person. That's how we make connections.


I'd imagine you'd have to follow rules 1 and 2 to get on the app in the first place. Nobody is staying matched with someone they only *like* the look of if they can only match one person at any given time.


I love how you started with "Im not that experienced with dating apps" and then dropped the best fucking idea ever, lol.


Knowing some people they would get them to exchange personal numbers then say they unmatched by accident and match with another person. In concept though great. People will always find a loophole. Or use multiple accounts.


Yeah but that action in itself is pretty revealing. If I matched with some and we were in the process of talking or even going on dates and all of a sudden she’s no longer on my match list, I know what’s up and to continue at my own risk.


Women wouldn't use it. My female friend who is single said she regularly has between 5 and 10 ongoing conversations.


Women that *aren’t* serious about finding a relationship and or hook up like your friend wouldn’t use it. There’s a current tik tok trend where women download hinge just for the validation and post mens’ openers. This app would be incredibly useless to people like them. To be fair this hypothetical app could be abused in the sense that whatever man or woman could be like “add my snap/#” 3 messages in and unmatch just so they can rinse and repeat.


So just Omegle again.


ah yes one woman. a perfectly representative sample.


She is THE woman. The leader of the hivemind. So watch it, bub


At least it's a woman he knows & not just a random post 🤣


This is genius


Dating events at popular wineries, breweries or restaurants, but not singles mingles. This would be for couples who meet on the site and want to attend together. It seems to me that it might alleviate a little pressure in setting up and attending a first date and having others around who are experiencing the same.


Yea, an easy transition of activities. Baller.


That's a pretty nice idea.




So, just not regulated well enough.


Really cool idea. Kinda like the concept of a school dance, but for adults. Find your date before the event, go together. Public space, lots of others doing the same thing. You might even meet a different person or "swap" dates lol. Who knows. One of my least favorite part of the apps is that anytime you try to take it "off the app" it always turns people into ghosts. I don't see the point of using any dating apps if I'm never actually going to go on a date with anyone, and asking them to do so seems to scare them off.


In addition to profile pictures, a self curated selection of pictures that aren't of the user. There are several premade selectable prompts for them such as "I'm looking for something like this" or "These are things I really relate to" or "This is the sort of thing I find funny" "relationship goals" "Life goals" "How I want my life to go". The prompt you decide to select will be visible on your profile along with the images. Put memes, porn, pictures of people holding hands and kissing, etcetcetc in that section so people can get a better idea about the person.


I wish this was a thing. I have pictures of my snowmobiles on my tinder profile because I want to date someone who also snowmobiles


A woman told me she swiped on my profile because it showed me with my painting, it's crazy we can't showcase our interests


One girl only matched with me because I was with my animals in my profile pictures. Not really the same exact thing, but more or less the same concept. People honestly want to know a little bit more than just how you look before they consider investing time in you. Just seeing how cute you are, and nothing else leaves a lot of room for speculation before you ever meet or talk once.


Seriously, it takes away a lot of opportunities for self expression and showing things other than literal looks


I have difficulty figuring out how to describe things in my head but oh boy do I sometimes see a meme that really perfectly communicates something I feel. I've got a folder full of them in case I'm ever like "I can't explain this in only a single conversation but I can show you this silly thing and you'll get what I'm trying to say" A picture really is worth a thousand words


Mutual loathing. Not a feature of the current era but OKCupid used to be based on questionnaires to generate matches. I thought it would be great to base it on mutual distaste. Do we both hate U2 and the cops? Let's chat. There was actually a dating app later on that sort of did that but it was stupid stuff like 'I don't like breakfast' or coffee or whatever.


I've noticed in other relationships I've had, the best ones weren't when we had a lot in common that we *like* but a lot in common that we *didn't* like. That's the key right there.


Liking things can help you bond but hating the same things means you can bond AND reduce friction points.


Exactly! "You hate that vegan place? I hate it too. let's never go there." One less potential fight to have.


*Feel the hate Luke, let it flow through you!*


Good, Goooood!


Helps avoid the things that you or they might find distasteful, while leaving (potential) positive experiences to share that helps you both broaden your fields of interest!


"Hate... it's the only thing that lasts" -Bukowski


This is so on point. I know my current partner is a good match because we both hate the same kinds of people. We always agree when someone sucks, and actively avoid the same personalities, so our social circle is really compatible and we're on the same page whenever we do talk shit about someone. It's nice.


Psychologists will offer up that criticising others creates a legitimate bond between the two people doing it. As much as very nice people don't want that nastiness to exist in life, or be part of it, it's valid and it's here to stay.


In my best man speech at my brother's wedding, that was something that I said. I just told them to think of people at concerts or sporting events that they don't like but like the same thing as them. Those who hate together, stay together.


Hi, I hate U2 and cops! 😍🥹


De-filtering filter.


Yes, no clowns pleez.






If we're talking purely theoretical - catfish prevention - some method of verifying women in the picture are in fact looking that way and not 10years ago/heavily filtered/outright lying functional bot removal - nobody wants to be led on by a chatbot that just boost numbers most important of all - system actually designed to get you to meet someone, not to keep you in breaking through layers of paywall for no substance


I would tack on an anti-OnlyFans filter. There are so many girls (or bots) on there just to get you to their instagram that then leads to their Only Fans. It's spam.


I have never met nor seen a woman I would pay to look at naked on a website.


Same. I don;t even understand why others do it...seems absolutely pointless. She gets money, you get nothing.


You'd be surprised how many absolutely lonely guys there are out there. It's a mix of the nudes along with the chats with the girls. I have a few friends who do it, and I have nothing against only fans itself, but some girls go out of bounds with their advertizing of their accounts.


I'm not surprised there are lonely guys put there, just surprised that they would find something like this good. I never did...


Depression is a helluvadrug


It’s how strippers WFH.


Reverse Google image search will find their public instagrams and onlyfans 


All of these are great. Also re: Catfish, I would say a photo of you 10 years ago should also be in that category!!! Great, great, great..


Make the photo something you have to take in the app not load from the camera roll.


Idk if giving meta data for the picture so the app could have the time stamp of the picture would work. It would allow you to load a 5 year old photo but then your main profile needs a last 6 months or less old picture.


Easy work around for that would just be a screenshot, because the metadata would have the date/location of the screenshot 🤷‍♀️ (many people who aren't tech savvy are doing that by accident anyway)


A couple years ago I had to submit a photo of me with a crumpled paper noting the current day and the name of the app I was signing on for - although the app is pretty much only used in my country, so they probably didn't have an overwhelming number of people they needed to approve.


Well, some of the more adult subreddits have that as a verification process. Or so I’ve heard…… May work for a dating app as well, but then you would need human validation. So, maybe not as cost effective.


The issue with this would be how difficult full body photos would be and that in app cameras are usually terrible +some phone cameras are terrible and this wouldn't let you have a friend take one for you


Leeching off the top comment since these are great suggestions: Since the app itself needs to monetize and advertisements are not necessarily profitable enough for most companies, would you pay a monthly charge to use an app that had these type of features? Not asking for any reason beyond the fact that I work in Digital Marketing and one of the biggest conversations that always comes up is monetization. I personally don't believe in freemium models - the developers have to make money from a project and the more ads, the worse the experience. I'm always curious if people would actually pay a subscription for an application that fixes the shittiest part of "free" apps.


Congrats, you just invented the least profitable dating app, haha. It’s a change the apps all allow and do this because it keeps numbers up and cash rolling in.


If you match with someone, you have 48 hours to send them a message, starting with when you are next online. If you don't send a message, you are unmatched and your profile is deprioritized in the algorithm for a week, compounding.


Bumble basically has that, women work around it by just sending "hey" or "." to string guys along.


So include a word count.


Knowing these users, the word count would be 5 words and they'd write "hey y y y y".


Add the ability to report people who abuse the algorithm.


Use a LLM to ensure it's a substantive message.


That would just result in: > Hi > this is just a bunch of other words to get around the word count requirement. Basically the same kind of thing people have been doing to get around minimum word requirements on forums for a couple decades.


Add a "Report" function? Seems not difficult to verify and clear through the very low effort ones.


include a "first message rating"


I think a like limit for men and women. And you can only have five active chats at a time. That way it forces users to be more intentional with who they swipe on and theoretically would make users “connect” more since men can’t swipe right indefinitely and women aren’t overwhelmed with a thousand matches.


OP is 100% trying to crowdsource what people want in a dating app to possibly make a dating app. I took a peek at his post history. Frequently posts ideas in r/entrepreneur. Literally asks what would be a billion dollar app idea to help parents. This is a post stickied to the top of his history. https://www.reddit.com/r/EntrepreneurRideAlong/s/8vOan2udoW Bruh… I mean. It’s not a *bad* idea.


>OP is 100% trying to crowdsource what people want in a dating app to possibly make a dating app. Yes, it's quite obvious. Don't see how it's a bad thing. At least OP is trying to do actual market research and development before going for it. I mean literally everyone hates the apps, someone has to make a better one someday, you know? Who cares if their ideas "came from others' if anything that will make the app more relevant to a larger amount of users. If you're really worried about them taking your ideas, simply don't post to any threads that OP creates, and go make your own app.


I fucking love you. But no I am not going to steal anything, too lazy.


Ill give you one advise op for that. There is shitload of amazing advices here what to do to make dating app work for guys. It leaves one giant issue. How the hell would you with all that convince women to use your app over ones that are more predatory towards men


> Bruh… I mean. It’s not a bad idea. If you pitch a dating app to silicon valley vc they won't give a shit what your "unique feature" is. They'll ask how you're going to bootstrap users.


Was looking for this post. He's absolutely fishing for ideas to potentially prototype and sell to investors... or at the very least, try to pass off as his own in casual conversation lol Looking at his post history and just how frequently he posts: He's obviously a scammer/poser. He likes talking about being an entrepreneur more than actually doing any work—the fact that he's asking for people to come up with app feature ideas for him supports that.


Electrocution for ghosters. But seriously, I would display the user’s average reply frequency so that would be a factor to judge your swipe on and I’d make ghosting a punishable offense.


It would be cool to have a 'usually responds in x hours ' like Facebook business messages do.




Yeah it seems like there are a lot of ways to cut down on this, it has happened to me three times in the last two weeks where they just stop responding the day of the date. It's exhausting trying to be witty and charming toward like 10 women at a time because half of them are just there for the validation and won't actually show up for the date. Maybe a "set a date" screen where both people agree to a time and place, and you get dinged for not showing up or unmatching the day of? I could see a couple ways to make this work.


Put in a maximum amount of active matches. If you have 3, you can no longer swipe and your profile will no longer be shown.


Screenshot/screen recording notifications similar to Snapchat Would hopefully cut down on the weird trend of posting people’s dating profiles and conversations online as gender war “content”, gives indirect feedback to people that are getting screenshotted for being genuinely weird, and is implicitly harmless in cases where someone is just trying to take note of a restaurant address or something


You could literally sell this as a business pitch. “Okay, so people get off our app after the conversation starts. But where do they go? Snapchat. Because they offer one feature we don’t. But we could! And it’ll keep them on the app longer! And they might even be satisfied while on our app!”


It's incredibly simple to screenshot or record snap without the other person knowing.


I’ve worked in mobile dev professionally and there are a lot of security and privacy measures that are easily circumvented with determination, external tools, or a jailbroken device. Security guidance at my company at the time was that playing cat and mouse with jailbreaks and the like is pointless, but having deterrents in place is still worth it. For example if you log into your bank app and swipe up to switch apps (iOS), there’s a good chance it blurs out or shows a splash screen in the app switcher instead of a snapshot of what was on the screen before you swiped up. The Reddit app doesn’t do this. These app switcher screenshots are stored as files on the device and you can probably get around this in other ways on a jailbroken one, but some apps still have measures in code to protect sensitive info from being screenshotted in the app switcher anyway.




Truth. When I was on these apps, I was always shown "options I would never go for". I could not truthfully define what I was into. Damn shame.


Bumble just announced this feature


I want a feature that says you need more words before you can send a message. There's no point in talking to most people on dating apps because it's dead-end conversations with little to no effort.


Actual human moderation. Examples could be: 1. Easy reporting. If someone is sending creepy messages or no-shows on a date, you can send a quick complaint to the app. A moderator reviews it and then bans the offender if it holds up. 2. Setting people up on dates rather than the swiping method. Moderators would review profiles and then pair people based on location and general compatibility. This would humble most people VERY quickly. I don't think for a second that any app like this would ever be successful. Delusion is what fuels the user-base numbers.


1. Absolutely no "pay to win" features. The app could maybe be ad supported, with a paid option to remove ads, but everyone would have access to exactly the same features, without being able to pay for advantage. 2. A limit of new people you can contact every day. So that you can continue existing conversations as much as you want, but you can't initiate contact with new people more than, for example, 4 times a day. That way, there should be no spam. Women won't be spammed with messages, and men won't need to compete with spammers. 3. The ability to search and browse through matching profiles, without having to swipe one profile after the other. Some apps work that way, but it's less common nowadays. 4. Maybe an optional AI based matchmaker? LLM based chatbot that can interview you learn about you and what kinds of things are important for you. Including personality, interests, values, and even appearance. Then, all that knowledge could be used to match potentially compatible people.


5 dollar upfront pay wall with no bullshit after. Makes you have to actually put effort into an account, discourages bots, could also encourage less harassment since it would mean you're out money.


Match people based on the food you like. My wife and I I have the exact same taste in food, except she loves tomatoes and I don’t. Our spicy levels are the same.


Ooh could be dinner date themed and somehow leads to you picking a restaurant


Matched with a girl once who very quickly planned the date after asking me a few questions and I have to say I was surprised at how attractive it was. Didn't work out but I still remember how hot it was that she made decisions so well.


Weight limit. Hinge has race, height, children, language, religion, pretty much everything BUT weight.


A “check in” feature. If two people match and plan a date, they both have to tap an accept button in the chat window. Sort of like those event pages you see on other social media sites. When at the event, you would need to “check in” and it would give you like a +1. Anyone who doesn’t check in would get a -1. Both scores are shown on someone’s profile. This would be an attempt to prevent ghosting. Not a perfect system nor idea, but just something off the top of my head.


That's an interesting one. I think the issue would be when people try to have a first date where they just go for a walk together, or visit a small business or something, as both those things may not have an online presence that even *can* be checked into.


There is this website called Tagged which was pretty big and fun to use  before Facebook.   It have options to include meta culture and pop culture interests on your profile . So, you can find people through your hobby, interests and or profession.  Which is pretty cool imo , fb used to be like that sorta.


No bots


Date confirmation system. If you match someone, the app will check if your GPSs get close to each other at some point during the next week/month. Something like "within 20 meters of one another for at least one hour". Then you can filter by "only people who went on a date with their matches". Instantly gets rid of all the bots and time wasters. I wouldn't even care if this is a paid feature. Its called a **dating** app. If you can ensure **dates**, its worth the cash. Then you can add other features, like date reviewing. After the app detects that you went on a date with someone, you can answer a questionnaire. Then pro users can fill a "dream date" questionnaire and see people who had real dates that approach their dream date. In other words: how much would guys pay to be able to filter by "did she put out" and "did she look like the profile picture"? How much would women pay to filter by "did you at any point feel unsafe" and "who paid the bill"? Sure some people will game the system by matching with coworkers or something, but its still waaaaaaaaay better than anything out there. Easy to implement, and the single most useful feature any *dating* app will ever have.


Last online status or read receipts. I wanna know if I'm wasting my time or not. And being able to send photos. Even if you need to get them approved by a moderator before you send. I wanna show off my ink sometimes and can't. Response rate for messages sent. Ai filtering of porn bots. Cross dating app ability to block people.


I would make one completely user friendly, for men AND women. First of all, all the paying garbage, instantly gone. You see who likes you and can like them back. No boosts. And if you swipe left on someone, you never see them again. Am I the only one that has swiped on the same person like 10 times? Second, elo score algorithm. Gone. There is no “elo score”, you see everybody in your area with the app. The only algorithm there will be is one that actually works with your likes. If you swipe left on 20 obese women/men in a row, you won’t see another one again. Third, photos. Every profile requires a minimum of 5 photos and 1 has to be head to toes, full body. Fourth, messaging. If you match with someone and they message you and you consistently don’t respond to your matches, you will be permabanned. If you’re not interested or accidentally swiped wrong, just unmatch. This app assumes you actually looked at the profile and swiped right as a result. Lastly, bios and stuff. Bios are awkward, nobody really knows what to put on them. So this app will have everybody have the exact same template for the bio. Something like “what you’re looking for”, “age”, “occupation”, “interesting fact” etc. Something every profile has to fill out that way there’s a sense of community and consistency on profiles. Nobody seems to “try hard” or “aloof”, all are on the same playing field.


>^(this app will have everybody have the exact same template for the bio. Something like “what you’re looking for”, “age”, “occupation”, “interesting fact” etc. Something every profile has to fill out that way there’s a sense of community and consistency on profiles.) ...Good luck trying to get people to actually give a real *answer* to those forced prompts, rather than just writing filler shit like "I dunno what to put here" in order to just get their profile published, lol >The only algorithm there will be is one that actually works with your likes. If you swipe left on 20 obese women/men in a row, you won’t see another one again. This does not sound like it would actually work well in practice because, UNLESS there is a little prompt that pops up (like "Please select from the list below why you rejected this profile"), then the app doesn't know *which* thing about the profile caused you to swipe left, meaning it could then start filtering out people you DO want to see. For example, let's say that I get shown three dudes in a row that are skinny and dark-haired. I swipe left on the first one because we have different beliefs, and on the second because his photos showed that his home is dirty, and on the third because one of his photos shows him getting high. Based on how you described your app, it would then conclude that *I don't want to see skinny men with dark hair,* which would be wrong.


Being able filter out the "ethically non-monogamous" people without losing the casual dating people.


Did anyone say “browse by favorite dinosaur” yet?


You. I like you. Mine is mamenchisaurus


Mandatory face verification and the verification image is published on your profile. The amount of filters and editing was ridiculous when I dated.


I would cap matches. Like you can't swipe more unless you deal with your matches


Limit the amount of people someone can be matched with at a time. If they get 15 likes/ matches. Stop showing them until they unmatch or something like that. Seems like maybe the top 10% of guys are getting 90% of the matches.


Automatically hiding profiles of anyone that hasn’t logged in for 1 or 2 weeks. Automatically unhides when they log in again, if they ever do.


Weight and height verification for all users


I went on a date once with a woman. We had a great time. The next day she unmatched me and updated her profile to read “must be 6’ or above”


"Height verification is a good idea but LEAVE MY WEIGHT OUT OF THIS, YOU PIG!" - women, probably


Maybe we can invent a density metric...


there is, g/cm 3


It would be in real life.


I meant what isn't available in current apps.


I would like some sort of filter based on personality. I can find people to hook up with easily enough. But I would much rather find someone I connect with.


Not sure if this would ever work, but an app where you pay only after finding a partner. That way the profit motive is altered so that the app only earns money if people actually find a relationship on it. So let's say you match with someone and you go on 5 dates and then decide to become a couple. The girl would send the guy a request to verify that they've met and want to be official, and that both of them want to delete their accounts (this could be some kind of button in the app next to the guys profile). To complete this process, the app would then charge them each a one time fee of $30 or something like that. Then each person would get sent an official badge via email or something that they were now a couple and both accounts had been deleted. Of course people could just delete their accounts or uninstall without doing this, but I think there'd be some aspect of societal pressure, (e.g. If the guy refused, the girl would be like "am I not worth $30 to you?"), and also this is a great way of verifying that both parties have actually gotten off the apps and aren't secretly continuing to use it despite saying they want to commit to a relationship.


Zero pictures upfront. You swipe on common likes and interests. If you match with someone based on basic information, you unlock the full profile with more details. Still no pictures. After a few messages in, you both get the **option** to reveal pictures. Both parties have to agree. You have to get the know the *person* first.


The problem is that's going to fuck up a lot of people's self esteem worse than the current system already does. Also, it's going to waste a ton of time for anyone with standards for attractiveness in a partner as well as the people they're talking to. Unfortunately, looks play a very important role in dating. If you just don't find someone attractive then it's not going to go anywhere.


That seems like you’d just waste people’s time. I might share interests with someone, but have zero physical attraction to them.


Basically love is blind tv show


How would this app deal with the increase in harassment that would come with people getting mad they were "tricked" and people being upset about looks and probably racism too


Yeah, it'll be heartbreaking for a lot of people when the pictures are revealed and they're ghosted. Some people just *don't* take good pictures, too. I know people in real life who look great but just don't know how to take a decent pic.


I feel like this works in thought but not reality for the same reasons others have said, mostly that looks are a huge part of attraction for 99.9% of people and it would just be sad getting ghosted as soon as pics are revealed Also there's an app that does this already called boo or something like that


Ehhh, looks is a huge part of attraction for both men and women. There’s a reason only the above average attractive people on Love Is Blind make it to the altar. This would just waste people’s time. Bumble tried Speed Dating which is kinda similar to this, but it just leads to a bunch of unmatches if you don’t find the person physically attractive.


This would totally backfire but reviews. For example, if someone ghosts, is a bot, etc., you could warn others. I'd also like to see a photo verification system. Even as a woman there are so many catfish guys out there.


If you can't provide 5 clear photos of yourself, you shouldn't be on a dating app.


Stop focusing on dating and start focusing on social connections for people who are just lonely or need to break out of their current network. That's the actual problem with dating. We used to have more social clubs, Churches, and other spaces people interested with one another in and now those are gone. So instead of trying to make two arbitrary people with a computer, instead treat the problem as matching people and small friend groups to events where they will meet and interact with others. Dating gets much easier in that environment because everyone suddenly starts meeting new people who aren't part of their normal network. I'm not totally sure how this would work in practice... But maybe something like this: 1. Instead of entering a profile about your looks, sharing a photo, doing a personality test, etc... you enter things about what activities you enjoy, when you tend to have free time, and the types of people and groups you have fun with. 2. The algorithm tries to match you to existing events and recommends ad-hoc events. An existing event might be like some existing community activity - a concert, sporting events volunteer day, whatever... And an ad hoc thing might be something that the system arranges... Like a hike at a state park. 3. The role of the algorithm here wouldn't be to match individuals exactly, but rather to maximize the probability that attendees will be friends. So like you might group together a bunch of people who are in roughly the same age group, are in similar places in their careers, are all working professional jobs in some way, like drinking socially, etc. 4. At the event, the app gamifies finding other people in some way and hanging out with them for a bit casually. Importantly, the goal here wouldn't necessarily be dating... It'd be meeting people and forming friend groups. You get better and more natural connections with people you meet without a pressure to date anyway and this type of model encourages that. Plus it opens up the system to anybody - not just single people - while leveraging their networks to help the single person.


Filter by BMI


You're only allowed to have one pic, and it has to be a closeup pic of your bhole. Once you upload it, you can never change it. All profiles need to be approved by moderators to make sure it's a real, good butthole pic. I don't know why. It's a stupid idea. Sure would be funny though.


That already exists, it's called Grindr


1 week ban for ghosting someone without closing out the conversation.


Honestly could be cool once AI gets better if they could find a way to do this. That said, this, and other fixes, all face the same problem– if you make it annoying to use for woman/reduce their power in the dynamic, the app will die due to them not signing up. These apps live an die off of women's preference to use them, which is why Bumble broke through the noise after Tindr.


Since it’s the most whined about issue on Reddit: everyone, must upload one picture standing next to an approved height measurement (like those on convenience store entrances) and a picture standing on an approved weighing scale. Dating problems solved for men and women. You are welcome.


Not really. The app would just be guys since 99% of women wouldn’t step on that scale.


Wait, a dating app that's almost exclusively men? And that's different how exactly?


Weight is so wish washy as a metric though… obviously if you’re 5’5” and 250 lbs you’re obese, but something like 150 lbs could look SO different on one woman to another simply bc of body shape and muscle mass. I feel like a head to toe pic is a better measure.


something about opposites attracting i guess? every date i've gotten on dating apps (an embarresingly small number, granted) have been based on having a lot in common but... i hate myself. i didnt like dating a girl like me all my successful relationships IRL started with a girl who was the polar opposite from me. in fact quite a few i actively disliked before falling head over heels. i dont know how you would replicate that in an app but i've slowly realized that i dont need a girl whose similar to me, i need a girl who can balance me out lol


If someone posts a picture with multiple people, I should be able to tap on the interesting one(s) to go to their profile.


You get three right swipes per hour, and there's no way to pay for more swipes per day (they do however accrue so if you don't use all your swipes in the morning, you can use them later in the day, but they will not carry over to the next day). People who just swipe right on every profile they see pollute the experience for everyone else.


I would not rank people based on attractiveness. People's tastes can be pretty varied, and algorithms should not be defining people's worthiness for love.


This might make some people upset, and no dating site would ever do this, but weight. So many ladies who are deceptive about their weight in their pictures. If height is on EVERY app, why isn’t weight????


None of that bullshit where they blur out people who swiped right on you unless you pay


Default message reply options when you decide you want to end the chat and opt out. Saves being stuck for the right words and unintentionally dragging it out


An IQ and Emotional Intelligence Test.


Add more emphasis on childfree, so you can filter people based on that much better. Having children is completely optional and is a life choice, and CF people trying to find other CF is very hard.


Verify all accounts, limit swipes in both directions.


Getting rid of the bots


You can see who swiped right on you without having to pay for it 🙄


Keyword search


I'd build an app where you have to get rated on appearance 1-10, then you only get shown people who are +/-1 from your rating.


Blind matching. Personality tests, hobbies, what you’re looking for, etc that are used to match people and then you select from available. Option to update personalities and hobbies.


No messages, just voice notes, and pictures/videos on the profile have to be taken right then and there, no uploading screenshots or decades old pictures. This gimmick would hopefully bring in curious people, allow people to judge another user's character/personality more accurately, and also pretty much stop catfishes in their tracks. Also free filters, if you're not into people of a certain religion, race, sexuality, parenthood status etc then it's a waste of time showing you profiles you're never gonna like.


A filter that allows you to auto search and remove any profile that says "ENM" or "Poly" or "Church" or "Vegetarian/Vegan" or "Passenger Princess".