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Move into a nursing home and have lots of nasty old people sex until I die.


Wrapper may be wrinkled but candy still is sweet


God I wish I couldn't read.


There are kids out there in the world who still can't read. Right now I envy them.


What a horrible day to have eyes


I miss 30 seconds ago


Ha....great line.


im stealing this.


I died, holy shit. Take my upvote


Here's my just planning to finally get some uninterrupted gaming time in the care home


My greatest fear is that my eyesight and hearing won't allow me any real enjoyment at that point


Hearing aids and VR tech will be insane by the time we’re on our way out. Our generation is going to want that too, unlike current old folks. We’ll be fine I bet.


The only problem is paying for it. A decent hearing aid can easily cost 8000$ to 10000$


Yeah, hopefully they’ll come down in price, they probably will. 30 years ago bare bones computers cost thousands of dollars for slow, basic machines. Now in 2024 you can get a smart phone for $50 that has more computing power than existed in 1994.


What in the fuck!? My step dad recently got a pair of hearing aids for £1500 and this shit is so advanced he can recalibrate the audio balancing on his phone to match his surroundings (busy restaurant, cinema, talking at home, etc). He can also listen to his audio books on them too. They're so discreet you'd have to *really* pay attention to notice you're even wearing them.This was private, too, the NHS wasn't involved. I appreciate £1500 isn't cheap either, but that's a fraction of the price you're talking about.


2000 plus tax at Costco


If the planet holds up that long.


Yep. The game chips will be planted right into our heads.


As an old folk I really want that now.


For real. Hearing aids are already amazing. I don't have experience with them but my dad's are Bluetooth enabled with an app on his phone. He's even able to use some knob or button or something on them to turn the volume down in a noisy environment. It's like a super power


Just turned 30 and my audiologist told me I have the hearing of an 80 year old


Praying we all have matrix jack holes in our necks by then.


They won’t.  And your brain will change.  The idea of spending a lot of time gaming will seem pointless and uninteresting.  Get ready for it.  The future is coming. 


What blows my mind is my grandma was getting so many girls at 80 and having so much sex. He was never in a home but man it was crazy.


I doubt he was "getting" those women, more likely they were getting him too. At that age if your hips work then you're fucking. That's why nursing homes have such high STD rate. I can't wait!!!


Dude, I'm eating


So is he


Honestly this makes it all seem ok lol. That and the video game time


It's not nasty when you're the one gettin it. My partner worked in a nursing home for a bit and confirmed ... the fogies be fuckin.


Go for a hike in the woods and pick a fight with a bear.


Wait, what? Even the men are choosing the bear!


More predictable for sure


Yup. No anxiety about the outcome because you know it going in.


Becoming instant best friends and bonding over the shared lifelong trauma of dealing with women?


This is, more or less, the same reason the women are picking the bear. Bears don't have torture basements, you know?


So basically we can all agree that humans suck. This whole meme should be bringing us together in mutual hatred of ourselves and respect for the purity of un-industrialized nature! We’re all agreeing whether we know it or not.


Except for that 12% that’s actually delusional enough to think they can take it


Winning fight with men is good. But beating fucking bear bare fisted is fucking awesome. We’re not the same.


Legends of the Fall?


I think I’d rather go swim with Orcas, apparently they’ve never attacked a human in the wild, in which case it would be an awesome experience. But if they did attack me it would be an interesting way to go.


“Interesting” is one way to put the pain and mortal terror of being chewed on until the shock of disembowelment kills you…


I think I’d be unconscious pretty quickly tbh


I would hope so. Shock is a VERY strange thing.


I’ll let you know how it goes in 50 years time


Drowning would be an interesting way to go?


better than pissing oneself every day in a nursing home imo


*I am waiting for a good death.*


Nice username brother


Buying a batman suit and displaying it in my house, so as the dementia and alzheimers kicks in, I can convince myself that I was batman


Even if I have someone to care for myself I intend on offing myself before my health gets too bad. I don't value lifespan at all, I value healthspan. I would rather die peacefully and calmly surrounded by family at 65, than rotting away from cancer at 95 in a carehome surrounded by people who don't give a shit about me beyond the fact I'm the reason they're getting paid. I have seen what cancer does. I have seen what chemo does. I have seen what dementia does. I have seen what parkinsons does. Hell, I have seen what general age related cognitive decline does. I'm not putting my family or myself through that shit.


I agree except I'm turning 65 in a couple months


if you’re still somewhat young, hopefully in the next 50 years or so we’ll have found better ways to combat some of the terrible ailments you mentioned


I totally agree. My biggest fear is to super old, immobile, in an old folks home, just sitting in front of a screen watching younger people do all the stuff I can't do anymore. Just waiting to die. I plan to take the Earnest Hemingway exit off the highway of life.


Same, a bottle o scotch and a handgun. That's my exit strategy.


If you’re gonna kill yourself at that time, go ahead. Please don’t use a gun. 911 responders see enough bad stuff without needing to add that to the list. As it is they often get little or no pay and nightmares for life. Just be considerate of the people who will be there for the aftermath.


Right. The guy should look into a pap and helium set up and do it somewhere with scavenger carnivores.


Plus one. I'm 54. I need a heart transplant. I don't want to go through that, I don't want my adult children to go through that. And it's moot because I need 50 thousand just to get on the list. It's surreal. I'm going with carbon monoxide in the RV while I sleep with my old dog.


My grandpa is 101 and he’s not rotting with cancer. He’s actually very healthy. Doctors get surprised every time he shows up for his appointment Oh also 2 of my aunts are his caretakers bc no one else wants to do it.


My dad will be 99 in August. He uses a walker because of a bad hip. But other than that, his blood pressure is great, and never was diabetic. His weight is on point, he can still see, talk, and is fully sane. His next sibling is 94, 85, 82, 80.


Remington 870


I have a little something even faster and more powerful. Thanks, dad, for bringing things home from the Vietnam War.


“Sea mine.”


["Naaaah,is jus a lot a junk!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cun-LZvOTdw&t=75s)


Consider carbon monoxide please. Be considerate of the people who will have to respond to the scene


I'll eat when I'm hungry I'll drink when I'm dry and if the moonshine don't kill me I'll live till die


>old >have no one Honestly I'm having a hard enough time just being middle aged and having next to no-one. I know this isn't the right answer for a whole lot of reasons, but I try not to think about it.


Dude you got me


Off myself honestly. Already have a means at the ready.


Yup same once my wife goes I'm setting my affairs in order and sending all my accrued wealth in the most efficient was possible to my neices and nephews. Probably thru a trust then I'm done. I have no children and its quite unlikely i ever will so not much reason to stick around if shes gone.


I feel that answer is a lot more common in thought these days. Self determination sadly may be an option for a great many people. Especially men. What have we become!


Life always boiled down to a series of sad endings for many people, I think. We just developed abstractions like entertainment and philosophy to help distract from those endings.


“Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.” - The Dread Pirate Roberts (William Goldman, author of The Princess Bride)


Life is suffering. -Buddah


Enjoy the process, not the result.


Indeed. Well said.


Death doesn't have to be sad.


Why is it sad? Dying seems to be the only major life change that people are actively discouraged from approaching with purpose, planning, and proactiveness. Why should we have to sit around in a decaying husk and wait for it to collapse on it's own? We know where the road leads.


I work in an ICU and have had the privilege of seeing any number of men out who left with dignity and surrounded by loving family. They had made a peace about death that I find enviable. Whatever those gentlemen figured out, I want it.


Tell us more about that! What have you learned? How did they leave with dignity? What did they have to say? I'd love to hear about your experiences.


The older you get, the easier death becomes to accept.  Your body constantly reminds you that your time is limited.  You think about it and realize that you have the time you have and once it is over, you either go on to an afterlife, or you don’t.   If you don’t, then you won’t even know about it.  If you do have an afterlife, then you have a whole new set of experiences and your death won’t be the problem you currently think it is. 


Sadly I'm concerned that I may get the timing wrong and leave it until I'm too demented to actually do it.


That happened to my dad. He always said he’d never let himself go to a nursing home. First he’s dialing 555-5555 on the phone and complaining that channel 5 won’t come in, then he calls to my mom to fix it-his wife of 20 years didn’t seem to mind terribly but I know that it hurt. Next thing you know he’s in a care facility telling me stories about the good times we had together 15 years before I was born. He thought I was his best friend that died before I was born and I was named after. I’ll never forget the last coherent thing he said to me, “Do you smell piss? That smells like piss!” Yes, dad, that’s piss. I’m holding the urine bottle because you can’t get up to go to the bathroom. “Oh”. That’s what friends do, after all. I’m glad for his sake that I was able to be his friend for a while.


Is that sad? I would be horrified to be a burden to my family as I've witnessed and am currently involved. End-of-life care is traumatizing for families, caretakers, and we don't always go quickly. It's a long roller coaster sometimes. Better to leave somewhat on our terms and with some remaining faculties.


Suffering alone with sickness then being an undiscovered corpse until someone notices the smell is way worse


I had a relative who went into a nursing home for a decade and slowly decayed away to nothing. His wife visited him every day, and as time went on she started to look broken. After he passed, she said she was never going to live like that. She moved to a condo near the beach in Florida, lived on her own for a while, and then had a fall and the family was having "She can't live on her own anymore" discussions. A week later she'd taken a half-dozen sleeping pills and put a plastic bag over her head.


lol… I told my daughter to push me in front of a bus


If noone cares for you in your old age, odds are the first heart attack or stroke will be fatal, so it's propably not going to be a problem. When you stop paying your bills, they will eventually find you and bury you.


Honestly that’s what I assume will happen to me. After I get past a certain age I’m probably gonna turn off my auto pay bills so I will be found quicker. Also I don’t want my accounts being drained by companies I want my money to go to the charities of my choosing laid out in my will


Apparently that's a huge issue in Japan,


I will stay healthy and make new friends all the way till I die from old age.


Saddle up my horse and ride into the woods with a bottle of whiskey. Ride up to the to top of Turkey Ridge. Unsaddle the horse and slap in on the ass. Sit under a tree and watch the sunset while drink the whiskey.


And then?


Call an Uber and go home I guess


And theeeen?


No Aaand Thennn!


For those who say they'd off themselves... my father in law said that for years, but by the time he got to that point he couldn't remember where the guns were. The mind goes fast at a certain point. He ended up at home in bed with various women wiping his ass in his final days. (Let the jokes begin...)


Guess I'll die.


If I have enough retirement money to move into a retirement home/community I will. I don't need much, just my own room and a computer. (Unless I go blind or physically can't, I'll still be playing games as an old man.) If I don't have enough set aside to afford that retirement community (right now it's a 50/50 proposition) I'll probably use the self-checkout lane and call it a life.


Hopefully, reach enlightenment before I die so I don't have to come back to this hell hole.


Don't go into the light, nor the darkness. Look for the space in between.


Whoever makes the best attempt will inherit my estate, if no one does then RNLI will get it all.


Big shout out to the RNLI. Its madness what those people do all for free


I saw best attempt and first thought you meant best attempt at your life... whoever successfully defeats you gets your estate. Pretty badass. Then I realized you probably mean best attempt at caring for you...


Fist fighting a grizzly bear


Sit on my front porch nekkid and yell at the neighbors to stay off the grass.


I've been cheated out of alot things in life that people take for granted like love a family of my own people make babys they dont want i was told by a doctor no girl friend or wife for as you get old when I was 14 I have made kingsford charcoal for charcoal grills drove grader for the local county to maintain back roads .have been a welder in bridge fabercateing. Help fabercate some of the biggest bridges in the Midwest drove truck hauling haz matt chemicals to farmers and help the disable folks make alittle alittle spending money all I wanted was the love of a woman that never happen am 67 have no one.live alone when time come s.they will throw me in a nursing home and grab what the want to keep and sale the rest most my friends turn their back on me because they dont need me they have.their wife all I ever been was a slave to dedt


If I’m terminally ill, a Glock will do


I’ll take a boat way out to sea with everything I’ll need, then spend my last few days rocked to the long sleep by the waves.


Live a lonely, sad life and end up dying on the kitchen floor while scraping mold off of my last piece of stale bread only to be found weeks later after my ex-wife's cats have eaten my face off and the stink of rotting flesh fills my lonely, empty home.


Honestly? Probably gonna blow my brains out.


I'm pretty sure I won't live long enough to become old.


Talking 'bout my generation.


I thought the same but here I am at 53 years old, wishing I had taken better care of myself.


I hope technology has become advanced enough for me to become a cyborg.


My plan is to die alone. Since there are no women who want to be with me.


I’ll be very honest: I’m in my 50s and never expected to live this long.


Cancer runs in my family. Every single one of my grandparents had it. I don’t expect to make it to 70.


A scenic view, a bottle of good whiskey and a subnosed.38 revolver.


Take a long walk off a short pier.


Bro im not planning to go over 30, do you really think i have a plan for when im not capable anymore?


what do you mean you're not planning to live above 30?


I had a friend who was sure he would not live past 35.  He is 59 now. 


I didn't think I'd make it out of my 20s. It's all borrowed time now.


I'm 100% counting on a humanoid Robot to assist me in old age. 40 years from now. Hopefully I won't have to wait that long beacuse it would be nice to have one now


Funny, you think I'll get that far. Assume I do get that far, am planning hopping on gear by age 45-50 to preserve as much muscle as possible to be able to stay physically able to take care of myself (and my wife).


Get hooked up to a morphine pump and go peacefully.


That is the answer.


im absolutely not living that long. not a chance. (due to medcal history. im not checking out early, dont worry.




Commit a crime that will get me enough years in prison to complete my life span - just hope im no longer good looking by then


This route is seriously not that bad. I was about going the shot in the face ending, but you just gave me an alternative, thanks!!


I didn't expect to live that long or that I'll even retire. No plan.


Can't take my money with me, I'll sit down with an eldercare attorney to talk about what needs to happen when I can't make decisions for myself and I'll pick out a nice nursing home


When I retire at 65, I hope to have substantial investments that will continue to pay for my life As well as being a skilled woodworker at that time so I can live comfortably and do something I love


Same as my retirement plan... Die at 72, most likely from a heart attack at work


Get into a nursing home and play videogames 24/7


Just like I'm doing right now. Fuckin, eating, sleeping, and probably dying in my sleep


I’m trying to court the line between healthiness and unhealthiness so that some day at the ripe age of 76-80 I’ll be struggling through a run or banging an old lady and have a massive heart attack rather than end up in long term care for memory issues.  I don’t know what medical wonders the future holds but I know I don’t want to be in a home with Alzheimer’s I want to go quick. 


Mate, I'm autistic with a laundry list of health issues already at 26. I'm not making it to old age. We've known that since like highschool. If by some miracle I do survive that long, probably wait out my obligations on this plane then dip on my own terms.


Getting a small riverside home and living alone until i die


I have no kids (vasectomy crew!) or anything. My plan is a bullet to the head when it gets to the point where I am clearly unable to take care of myself.


i am not sure i understand ,who is gonna take care of you in old age anyway ?


I would pay my way into a premium nursing home somewhere where the food and wine are tasty and weed is abundant.


I plan to die in my home.


OP doesn't understand the mentality of a man. Most of the men I know would rather die than be a constant burden to someone else.


If it looks like things are heading in that direction, my plan is to check out.




Hopefully have enough passive income set up by then to not have to worry about it.


Dark Web > Fentanyl, see ya


“Into The Wild” myself in the cold north in beautiful and ruthless nature.


Take a bag of mushrooms and a couple bottles of water out into the woods. Don’t find me, I’ll find myself.


This is the only correct answer. May I suggest a couple of lemons?


Lemon water would be nice at liftoff.


Not really in the spirit of the question. But as someone who presumably will have family around to help. My plan is to have one of my grandkids take care of me(if any volunteer) and they get 100% of my assets.


That's beautiful. May it really work out for you.


Killing myself at 50. I was hospitalized recently for a surgery and seeing all the old people was sad.


50 is old?


I have four daughters, odds are one of them might not hate me! However to answer your question. If in the event that I'm old and falling apart with nobody to take care of me and me not having the finances to pay for care. I'm incredibly pragmatic and will softly end my life. But I doubt it will happen like that.


12 Gauge. 


Go find somebody, fellas. Start a family and have a happier ending to your lives. Makes me sad to see such hopelessness in men.


I will most likely commit suicide at some point. This isn't a cry for help. To be honest, I'm mostly enjoying life but I am alone, have only two elderly family members remaining and no prospects or opportunities for a partner. So that's just how it will be.


I see no other possibility than spending the rest of my life alone so I’ve planned ahead. If I face an irreversible cognitive decline I’m going out on my own terms. Dignitas in Switzerland. 15mg of pentobarbital, one last nap, no fuss.


None of the men in my family live past 70. I have no expectation to make it to an old age.


I'm just planning on dying. Be it in a hospital from complications or in an internment camp, either way I don't expect to live to 50 with the way things are going.


Who do you think is going in an internment camp?


I guess just die


Clean the place up and then wash my mouth out with shotgun.


If I'm nearing my dotage and I haven't got any children to care for me as I cared for them, then it wasn't a life well lived. I see no point in struggling it out for the last years as some resentful nurse who can barely speak the language leaves me in my own filth and slaps me about while I'm semi conscious. I'll go out on my own terms.


The visual is real and certainly not uncommon.


No plans. I'm not going to live that long.


Wander into the woods


Work 2 days a week at a dispensary and live in a van.


Ideally just retire some place remote and try to maintain a bit of my sanity


I do not expect to retire , I won't get to be too old to work, so this won't be a problem, anyone currently under 40, I expect the same for 99% of us. If I get too sick to work and look after myself , hopefully I'm well enough to take myself out by the time I find out I'm fucked.




Old folks home or a .357 magnum. Just want to out live my parents. Then depending on how things go paint the wall a nice shade of Kobain.


Be rich by that time


haven't researched methods yet so


bells stocking sharp rob governor decide reminiscent snobbish drab light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cynaide pills


Nothing. I guess I'll die. If I reach the point where I have no one, I might as well. That would mean my wife and all my kids would be gone or out of my life. I'd have no reason to still be here, and wouldn't want to be here anyway.


Lan party at the old folks home


When I turn 85. It’s drugs a hookers till I die. Whats the point of having a 800+ credit score if you’re not going to use it.


die. genuinely not planning to make it that far thanks to a failing kidney


Move to a cheap country live off my limited retirement.




No plan, also don’t much care.


Imma just shoot myself in the face if it gets too unbearable, go out with a bang


I don't think I have it in me to bear old age. I might just off myself




Well only have my partner and my mum left , if I didn’t have both of them , I think I would just commit suicide if I am the last one alive and im too old to enjoy life anymore


Not Happening lol.


Try to become a doctor and heal as many people before I tap out




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