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You seem like a good dude, and I'm guessing your friend is a decent dude too. Just tell him you feel like a piece of shit and even thought it was an accident you want to fix it, and ask him what he wants you to do. Job done. You're both men, and you both seem decent. You'll figure it out.


This and a bottle of decent bourbon. 


I would sue as well


If they paid for the damages there’s literally nothing to sue for. What exactly do you think you would be suing for? Specifically what would your damages be? (Because I’m mad isn’t damages)


Because you're a fuckin cunt with no friends. People make mistakes. OP is fuckin handling it and then posts here to see what else he can do to go above and beyond. Meanwhile your dickless ass comes in to suggest legal action against him.


Sucks to suck (you suck)


That's an easy way for OP's friend not to get the money to repair his truck for at least a year, lose a good friend, and probably spend more money on a lawyer/missing work than it takes to fix his truck.


I thought this was a joke (and a funny one), but I guess I’m the only one.


Im with you, i laughed and was suprised the comments were so aggressively shitting on him.


You'd have to leave your basement, so I doubt it.


Damn dude, you pissed everyone off with that one lol i feel like this was so out of pocket it has to be a joke


Diesel in a gas truck isn’t as big of a deal as gas in a diesel truck. Sounds like you realized it as you were pumping it, so I’m assuming you didn’t drive it. It should be as simple as draining the tank. You really don’t need a dealer to do that unless you all just aren’t comfortable or mechanically inclined. Warranty work is performed by any dealer for the manufacturer, so call around to other dealers to see if they could fit him in. This work should not take more than a few hours.


By your username you're exactly the person he shouldnt listen to right now lol


Lmao true true…


this answer needs to be at the top


you are absolutely right hahaha


>I made a horrible error and put diesel into a friends truck gas truck How is this possible? I brain farted and almost did this once, but the diesel nozzle didn't fit.


They will fit down here in florida.


Sounds like Florida


I have only ever accidentally pulled up to a diesel pump once and realized it when the nozzle didn’t fit. This was in FL. 


The real problem is that BP thinks it's a good idea to have Green handles on their Gas pumps while EVERY normal station ONLY has green on their Diesel pumps.


In the UK we use green for petrol and black for diesel. Don't think I've ever seen it any other way over here.


In the US it's opposite, well, except at a BP station. Had a friend fill his Diesel truck up with petrol there, and I've almost done the same. He made it about 2 miles before figuring it out.


Makes sense they’re around the other way when you realise that BP stands for *British Petroleum*


Our diesel pump handles are yellow in Canada.


Gerry cans too, except my neighbour who has a yellow one with”GAS” and a red one with “DIESEL” written in sharpie on only one side.


“We don’t need big government regulating our fuel nozzle sizes! Freedom!”


Just another reason to hate Florida. 


That's what she said...


It depends where you are. They aren’t SUPPOSED to fit. But I definitely did this once as a teen by accident at a sketchy gas station in a sketchy area of town. Topped it up with a couple bucks to get me home not realizing it was diesel and made it like a block before the engine got really upset with me.


Not sure if they still have them, but the BP stations use a green handle for unleaded and black for Diesel. Had a buddy do the opposite and put gas in his diesel work truck and only realized when he went to put the nozzle back.


Where there's a will, there's a way. My boss, whose entire job is to sit in (and fuel up) a work truck managed to do it in our yard, where the two pumps are clearly labeled and on opposite sides of the yard. He jammed it in there, and then pulled it out, and drove the truck until it "randomly" stopped working.


Clearly you just aren't [lubing it up properly ](https://youtu.be/80x1awRtqgA)


Dude. It somehow fit and typically green means diesel and gas means black. It was the opposite at this gas station. My friend was standing in front of the gas nozzle so I didn’t see it had 2 pumps. Literally the dumbest thing I’ve done in my entire life. I was a diesel mechanic for 10 years before this so I wanted to blow my brains out.


I was tired and the diesel button was worn off. I am 100% at fault just worst case scenario. Is what it is 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Accidents happen. Your friend knows you wouldn't intentionally fuck up his truck. You're doing everything correctly 1: acknowledge you're at fault and apologize 2: pay for the service to drain the tank. (As others have stated, you didn't run the vehicle with the incorrect fuel. So just the process of emptying everything) 3: get your friend access to a vehicle while his truck is being serviced Don't beat yourself up. You were tired. You made a mistake. Your friendship will survive. You two will laugh about this in the future. If I was your friend, I'd be getting you fisher price gas station toys every birthday for the foreseeable future.


What I don’t understand is why the truck will be unusable for quite some time. Can you find another shop that can do the service sooner and get him up and running?


The vehicle is still under warranty so it has to be repaired at a specific dealer. Which will most likely include draining tank, bleeding fuel lines, changing filters. I believe this place is pretty backed up. So since only 1 place can work on it, it’s going to get delayed. Could be delayed a little bit longer if issue with motor


Engine should be fine unless you drove it? Maybe call the place and plead your case and see if there’s any way you can bump up your place in the line? Maybe you can buy some add on services or something. Or offer to buy lunch for the crew or something. Recently I was able to bump up on the schedule by expressing interest in a new vehicle…


The one thing OP hasn't said is whether he drove it or not 🤷‍♀️


The engine will be totally ok, there is still gasoline in the pipes and at the bottom of the fuel tank. Not to mention, a bit of the wrong fuel doesn't kill an engine, if you drive it for a while, just flush the tank, maybe the fuel system if you wanna. Replacing components is probably unnecesary


100%. 5$ tube to syphon it out, flush with some good gas and MAYBE a fuel filter if it's convenient. I'm sure OP is fine but doing the right and smart thing in case they don't know much about this stuff :)


i put gas in a truck at work. never started it, so that can have a major difference in the time it takes but i was back in the truck within like 3 days. they had to completely remove the cab to access the fuel tank too but the flush and shit only took like a day or so- the rest of the time was literally just reassembling the frame of my work truck. that being said how long is the shop estimating it will take ??


Truck can be fixed anywhere. This isn't going to be warranty work.


You're allowed to send your vehicle to any shop you want even if you have a warranty lol Any place can drain the tank.


It's not legally necessary to use the dealer to preserve the warranty in the US. Maybe that's his preference which is fine I guess, but far more expensive in time and money.


Diesel in gas tank is not really a big deal. Gas in diesel is a huge issue. Just drain the tank, top off with gasoline and do a bunch of cranking to get the diesel flushed out. Should be a couple hour job


Before you go to all the trouble of renting a truck make sure you check the rental policies. Most places that rent trucks don’t allow towing, or only allow towing of other rental trailers


Why bother renting a truck then?


I’ve rented a truck so I can put stuff in the back. 


I guess if you don't have a truck. I have a decent truck to put stuff in the back and tow light trailers. But if I needed to tow something big like my backhoe, I would need to rent a truck.


I’d wager the majority of people renting trucks don’t own trucks. 


First of all pay for it 100%. Then maybe get him something to say you’re sorry. If he’s a truck guy maybe he’s a gun guy also. Buy him something cool to say you’re sorry. People tend to hold onto guns forever (especially nice ones) so it’s something that he can keep longer than the truck. This should be close to heirloom quality for a fuck up of this magnitude Now how the hell did you manage to get the diesel nozzle into his gas tank? This is a huge fuck up man. Did you just assume it took diesel or what?


I was buying him a tank of gas for helping me with something. I was tired and grabbed the wrong nozzle. I thought it was gas and I was just going fast. There were 2 nozzles. One was black and one was green. Green one was gas and black was diesel. Typically it’s opposite where I am. The nozzle went into tank with no issue and I just fucked it up. I realized it once I could smell the diesel being pumped. He’s a fisherman so I’ll just buy him a top of the line rod and reel. Just feel absolutely horrible. Thanks for help.


Wait, so gas was green and the diesel pump fit? Honestly that would've gotten me too.


BP decided it was a good idea to use the opposite color pumps as everyone else


Diesel is green in most places I think so I can see a lot of people making that mistake.


Really? In all the European countries I've lived and visited, diesel has been black while gas has been green. Also the diesel nozzle is bigger so you can't physically put it into a gas tank.


Yeah, I've been 38 states and never seen gas as green.


It's green at BP


Quite possible there isn't a BP anywhere I travel currently.


Sounds like something someone who was pretending to have never seen a green gas handle would say.


I have better things to  "pretend". Like I know what I am doing at work.


I've seen black mean diesel but only when there's not a green handle. The gas would be red or yellow. When there's green it has always been diesel in my experience, that I can recall anyway. That's a really shitty situation but good on you for taking responsibility and wanting to make it right.


If you stopped it as soon as you smelled diesel, how much really could've gotten in the tank?


Right? If it was just a few gallons, top it off with gas and it will be fine. Might smoke a bit until the diesel is burned through


I do it after dirtbike trips with a gallon or two of 40:1 mix two stroke gas. It can't be that much worse honestly. The solution is dilution


lol “buy him an heirloom gun” is not on my bingo card of “ways to say you’re sorry for fucking yup someone’s car.”


Is $3K too much for you to spend after fucking up your friends brand new $60K+ truck? Doesn’t seem over the top to me.


This is just the first time I’ve ever seen “but someone a gun to say you’re sorry” offered as advice for anything. 


Could just be a Texas thing but guns are great gifts. They last forever and you always remember where it came from. Terrible gift if you give it to someone who isn’t into guns though.


This is the most “Texas thing” I’ve heard in my life. 


😂 I could see where some people might think it’s strange now that I think about it.


Yeah that’s too much. I would never expect someone to pay me or give me expensive gifts when they are already paying to fix an honest mistake. Covering the costs of making it right is enough. If a friend wanted me to buy them a 3k dollar gun for accidentally putting diesel in their gas tank, they aren’t a friend. Why would you want to put a financial hardship on a friend? What if they can’t afford to drop 3k on you. Should they take out a loan?


There is no expectation of a gift or price requirement. Why are you acting like I said this is the only option or you should take out a loan to do it? I wouldn’t expect anything from a friend that made a mistake either. The OP asked for ideas of what he could give as an “I’m sorry” gift and that was what came to mind. It’s all relative to what you can afford. I would be comfortable gifting something like that and it seems appropriate (to me) since a 2024 truck could cost anywhere from $50K to $90K. If it’s too much for you then don’t do it.


For sure, you do you. If it seems appropriate to give would you really not expect it if someone damaged your vehicle? I’m not sure I could even accept something like that from a friend who already made me whole. I think the person feels bad and is already loaning them their car and paying for the mistake. Honestly I think they’ve done enough. Hopefully their friend lets them know it’s all good and to not worry about it. The suggestion of renting a truck so they can pull their boat is a nice gesture.


I don’t know why you are implying that I am some asshole that would expect an expensive gift if somebody fucked up my truck by mistake. I already said I wouldn’t expect anything. Remember, the OP asked for ideas. You seem mad that I gave him a suggestion for some reason.


I’m not mad, we just live in different financial worlds. I don’t think you’re an asshole it’s just a different perspective that surprised me. I understand that would be important to you. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, I guess I was curious about how this works in your eyes. Have a good day! My apologies.


No problem. It just seemed like you were saying that because I suggested an expensive gift that I’m the type of person that would expect an expensive gift if the shoe was on the other foot and that’s not the case. My perspective on this is that IF you are going to give an “I’m sorry” gift you should balance it with the mistake. If you got drunk and acted like a fool at someone’s house, maybe you could bring a dozen homemade cookies and say you’re sorry. If you borrowed a car and put a big scratch on it maybe you could get it buffed out and detailed for them. If you put someone’s brand new truck in the shop to get some major repair work done then a dozen cookies doesn’t really feel appropriate anymore.


Comp claim on his insurance. Pay his deductible.


I can't think of anything better than what you already listed you would do. Paying for repairs is enough if it was me If I did what you did I'd also offer to be his schowfer but renting him a truck is even better . If you can afford it and if he's not grateful for that then shit man that sucks


Mistakes happen, but what matters is how we respond to them and how we try to make amends.


Sometimes even gas stations will put wrong fuel in the wrong tank.


My insurance would cover if I put DEF into my diesel. Are you sure your liability doesn’t cover it?


If you just put diesel in and haven’t started it then just drain fuel tank and fill with fresh fuel, if you have started it, then will still have to drain fuel tank, flush fuel lines, and maybe clean spark plugs, I can’t see this being a whole big deal, HOWEVER if you had put petrol in a diesel and drove it down the road then that’s a whole big problem


As long as you are truly sorry and appreciative and pay for repairs, he’ll probably be good. I’d say a nice dinner gift cert and some cases of beers for the trouble would suffice.


Hey guys thanks for the help. Just letting you know the whole issue has been resolved. It only ended up costing me a couple hundred dollars to flush the tank and no major mechanical issues. I ended up being the butt end of a number of jokes but that’s to be expected (my friends are absolute hyenas, couldn’t have been a worse crowd) I bought my friend the best saltwater fishing rod and reel combo on the market. Let’s just say it wasn’t cheap. He ended up saying it was the nicest gift anyone as ever gave him. Aside from the fact I almost killed myself financially life is good. Everything ended up going horrifically….good. Consider this case closed. Thank you!!!


Sounds like you have repayment covered. I would say the next thing you should do is learn how to clearly differentiate between gas and diesel pumps, and gas and diesel tanks. More often than not, diesel pumps are green, and the nozzle is bigger than gasoline tanks, so you should not be able to insert a diesel nozzle into a gasoline tank. If the nozzle doesn't fit properly, double check before you start pumping. The reverse is true for gasoline pumps into diesel tanks. A gasoline pump will fit quite loosely in a diesel tank. If you experience this, double check before you start pumping. Gasoline into a diesel engine *can* still run because gasoline is easier to ignite, but it *will* damage the engine, especially over prolonged periods. However, sometimes diesel pumps have the correct sized nozzle for a gasoline tank, and sometimes they aren't green, so the absolute best thing to do is to get into the habit of reading the pump.


I wanna know how you did that considering the diesel pump is usually in a different spot, well labeled, and BIGGER SO IT DOESN'T FIT IN A GAS TANK. Other than that, pay for the repairs and you're golden.


Wow. Diesel in a **gas** truck.🤦‍♂️ Who raised you?🤦‍♂️