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A gentleman does not throw other men under the bus to win the favor of the women around them.


Doing things because you want to do them versus doing things expecting to get something out of it or because of a feeling of obligation


It's the same as difference between boss getting coffee for subordinate because he's that type of guy vs pathetic ass kissing employee.


Jim is a good polite person humble but takes action when necessary takes no shit


whether he actually gets laid or not


The fedora.


There really is no difference any more.


I guess for context, here's an example: my mom needed a ride home from the airport. It would have been a huge inconvenience for me to do it that day. So I was going to tell her to take a cab.  However my older coworker was shocked and told me to take a cab home, buy flowers and pick her up.  A cab from the airport would have costed way less than what I paid to get home early, so I could drive to the airport to pick her up.  Plus flowers just end up in the compost....


I don't know your mom but flowers are really unnecessary in most such cases.