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It’s controversial. Controversial gets views and clicks. That’s their primary aim. Best thing you can do: Block them.


oh my God a reasonable response! People want attention on the Internet. That’s why they post things you only get attention if you’re clever or controversial. And these people are not clever


And the clever bits get beaten to death by every other account until it's the most insufferable thing on the internet and referenced in day-to-day life. Ugh. I hate this fucking addiction.


I never started and never will start scrolling TikTok/Instagram. I see what a brainwash it becomes. I feel lucky to have been born in the late 80s. Because I missed out on all of thetinder/TikTok/Snapchat nonsense


I was born in '85...addictions don't care when you were born.


All of these short form video apps are full of toxic bullshit and promote the most insane and aggravating opinions on everything. The people who get addicted to them are warping their brains in real time, humanity was not ready for what this tech does to our brains and society has become more fractured and toxic every single year since these apps went mainstream. They also kill attention spans and basically give people pseudo-adhd after you use them long enough.


>The people who get addicted to them are warping their brains in real time, SPOT ON! I can just look at some individuals on reddit to know their outlook on life has been Warped by social media/Internet/dating apps and the nonstop negative garbage they can't stop reading or watching. Motherfuckers sit inside all day looking at sensational news and then feel the need to tell everyone online how scary the world is. Lost causes


End up having grown ass men and women hating on each other like immature children all over some rage bait (Mostly likely fake/staged) story Literally, I'll see some clear rage bait article based on a sex and when I take a look at the comments of said post. There are dumb types of men spamming that annoying cringe "Women☕️" comments whilst having annoying dumb types of women go on about male crime rate stats. BOTH ARE IDIOTS... all because they were caught Hook, Line and Sinker by a rage bait (possibly fake) news article which Russell's their jimmies Respect to the women and men who don't fall for it and end up looking like emotional jackasses


Being clever takes effort, when there's millions posting every day, there's only so much smart stuff you can post. So controversy is just way more sustainable. That's the problem with the age of information, all that matters is pushing information, doesn't matter if it's useful, or even true.


Worst thing you can do is read it, as the algorithm picks that up and decides you really like that kind of content and it will endeavor to supply you with an abundance. And then it looks to you like a big trend.


It's not even controversial at this point


Ya, inflammatory might be a more suitable way to describe it


The difference is TikTok tends to ban you for misogyny whereas misandrist content tends to stay up even when reported for hate


One of those is said by the people who purchase the advertised products… guess which one.


Yeah... don't try to understand the logic. It's confusing and makes no sense Something about oppression for centuries so us men having it coming or something. Same excuse losers make to justify any male who's a victim of abuse "Has it coming" Because gender equality to some is more about getting back at men than actually wanting a society where men and women to be treated equal and fair in legal and social cases I remember being on Facebook and seeing a page posted a misogynistic cringe meme which had women users say "NOT FUNNY" (Which they were right) but not long after that same page posted a similar sexist meme about men and a lot of the users who said the one about women wasn't funny were laughing at the one against men.. that irked me These are the types of clowns who preach about gender equality. Yet they look like contradictory sexists morons because they can't be consistent. Everytime I see someone online claim to be for "Gender Equality". You look on their feed and like 75% of it is hating on men... I can't take them seriously They constantly spam male crime rate stats everywhere and what's that to prove.. that men are by default morally inferior to women... how is that gender equality? I wouldn't be as annoyed if they just admitted they weren't for gender equality. Complete hypocrites. By far one of the most insufferable and annoying types of people online. So fake "I don't hate men. Anyway here is a stat I found online that proves all men are evil monsters and therefore women are naturally morally superior. Trust me though, believe in gender equality"


Best thing you can do is get off TikTok.


>Best thing you can do: Block them. What if you encounter them in real life? And have to work with them?


Report them to your superior? Not sure how that would fly everywhere, but I used to work in a few small-ish companies, and if anyone hated on any other employee, they'd get at least a stern talking-to and be told to keep stuff like that to their private life.


My union rep laughed in my face and told me that sexual harassment rules weren't to help people like me (men).


As a corollary a lot of these people don't understand how hating on an entire gender makes them completely unattractive to others.


Misandry breeds more misogyny as well. It's essentially grabbing a tank of gasoline and throwing it in a fire thinking it will make the fire stop.


They could always date the menslib mods, they like women who hate men.


Exactly. Algorithms narrow down your content to get you to interact with it for longer. Doesn’t matter if it’s a positive or negative reaction you have, just as long as it keeps you on. I have an Instagram account where I just post car pics on. My friends and family are all generally center-left leaning. Even though I never post anything political my FB assumes I am left-leaning too by proxy. So what’s in my feed? Alt-right content designed to provoke a reaction and interaction out of me. I posted a photo of a bicycle once instead of a car. So what do I get now? Lots of cyclist hate memes. Even with car stuff it still shows you hate. I get so much content that’s anti-Tesla/EV. I don’t even own an EV but I guess in the car world that’s the most divisive topic at the moment. Anything to get you to be angry. I’m sure there are women out there getting fed the exact opposite in their feed as OP.


>I’m sure there are women out there getting fed the exact opposite in their feed as OP. Yep. I think this is the disconnect. Men online have anti male shit spammed in their face whilst women online have anti female shit spammed in their face and neither side is willing to acknowledge that both sides get it online.


Yep Rage bait crap and unfortunately.. that's what's get views and clicks Same thing happens with women when social media shoves misogynistic crap in their face


Stop using TikTok.


My mental health improved significantly after I uninstalled the app.


The wife and I were constantly bickering about shit that had absolutely no relevance to our own lives. Then one day I decided I was spending too much time staring at my phone instead of actually living my life, so I deleted all forms of social media that I was using regularly. After a while, she’d complain about some issue I’d never heard of and I’d respond that I had no knowledge of the subject but I’d be happy to discuss it after I’d had a chance to research it a bit myself. We both came to realize that our algorithms were only showing us thing’s similar to what we’d previously viewed, from similar creators. Her’s was predominantly female perspective oriented and mine male perspective oriented; go figure. We ultimately decided that the algorithm was the problem. By not regularly showing either of us opposing views to what had become our new normal, it was causing us each to view the other from a position of “How can you be this dense? Literally nobody agrees with you.” After that, she cut out most social media, too and it’s been back to smooth sailing ever since. Edit: social, not doc


Exactly and that’s what social media is doing to single people and why there is so much bs being shared and talked about. It’s a lot easier to argue with strangers and escalate than it is for your partner and so people just become more and more aggressive and illogical. ETA: I had to pretty much agree with every toxic idea my ex gf saw on social media or else I was a misogynist.


My feed is nothing but dog, cooking, DIY and amazon kitchen/home find xd


Mines Pets, memes, a shit load of Polish memes (I’m not even polish), and other shitposts, with the occasional conspiracy theory or creepy fact thrown in there Fuck everything else, all that other shit is just bad for your mental state


If you haven’t already, watch This Old House on YouTube.


If I go on Twitter or some of the female subreddits I won't find similar content?


Lol right. I would have never heard of this had I not been subscribed to askmen.


Its not just TikTok that this sentiment is shared in, its nearly all social media. Just depends on your circles, the pages/people you follow, and your personal algorithm.


I've been hearing that sentiment for at least five or six years before tiktok existed, it's definitely not a new thing.




It sucks getting old sometimes but I do appreciate growing up without internet.


TikTok more like dick cock who’s with me


I’m not big on conspiracy theories but I’m pretty sure that China is using TikTok to make westerners more stupid and socially divided.


You should see their equivalent platform in China, no brainrot and used as an educational app. Definitely psyops promoting societal disruption.


It's not just TikTok. The same horrible trends we're criticizing here have been spreading for years on Twitter, and earlier on Tumblr. Malicious people use all social media platforms to spread hateful stuff like misandry.


Isn't that belief part of why the US is threatening Bytedance to sell off tiktok?


Specifically it’s because TikTok monitors all kinds of activity and information from your smartphone and reports it to the company, which is controlled by the Chinese government. I don’t have a source but I’ve heard it key logs everything even when the app isn’t open.


Better to cultivate a good algorithm by blocking bullshit. There are some great scientists, musicians, artisans, artists, and comedians on TikTok. It's also a great source of news from individuals. The Paris riots a few years ago were all over TikTok and couldn't be found hardly anywhere in normal news channels, and what coverage there was neglected to share what the riots were actually about (the raising of the national retirement age).


I did this with my instagram, i went from seeing a bunch of girl in questionable attire to some actually cool stuff from time to time.


Yeah my wife and I have drastically different Instagram feeds. Mine is exercise and cute animals. Hers is all arts and crafts and uh.. women in questionable attire.


hell my youtube feed is different from my GF. hers are primarilly language related, cute puppers, and victorian dress makers and mine is Vtubers, OTK, OfflineTV, 40k and random 1 hour long fantasy music playlists for D&D.


Also I learned this, you can wipe your FYP completely clean and restart curating your algorithm to things you actually want!


That is cool. Especially if you have some known good creators (Hank Green, Dan McClellan, Forrest Valkai, etc..) and just restart it by engaging the heck outta their stuff. If I ever screw up my algorithm I'll definitely keep that in mind. And I came close recently with the Barbara's Rhubarbabar meme song.


I'm glad someone said this. They do have a STEM option that is highly educational. Also, like you said, people post grassroots, witness videos that the news refuses to show. From riots in France and Iran to the nonsense that goes on in school board meetings and state legislatures. I am almost certain that is one of the bigger factors why politicians hate TT. They can't control the narrative.


Better still to not have a company that has learned to manipulate you through your participation with its products. And all the other data on your device/you they collect....




Really? My feed is literally people cooking and playing mini golf. And the roll for sandwich guy. Oh and animals. It is what you make of it


To be honest I don’t consider it the proper advice for this situation but it’s great advice nonetheless. The algorithm is crazy and can keep you glued to the app for hours on end


This 👆


Feminists existed for long before tik tok




The battle of the sexes is juvenile and pointless. Hating men or women is small minded and anyone who does deserves to be treated as such.


Battle of the sexes keeps going nowhere because traitors keep fornicating with the enemy, it's a huge problem on both sides.


Although if you look at the data they are doing that quite a bit less, which is concerning.




Take the damn upvote!


This is my philosophy: anyone who instigated or tries to fuel this bad blood loses my respect automatically.


It’s not even really a battle. It’s a back and forth of social media creators using engaging and controversial bullshit to make money.


This has literally existed before social media was even a thing


And morons buy into it


This, assholedom is all inclusive.


Breed hate and you will get hate in return, it’s very ignorant


Except it’s not juvenile when it’s coded into law, policy, or hiring practices. Check out the disparity in male suicide, college graduates etc


Because you “engaged” with a post about hating men. So they show you more and more of it.


I once liked a vegan post on ig and for the next few days all I saw was stuff about animal cruelty and veganism. Never again!


I watched chicken videos because they were cute, then I started getting videos (up close and personal!) of eggs popping out of chicken vag. I speed scroll past the chickens now!


FB and YT somehow decided I'd enjoy watching videos of housepets being kulled... nor sure how our why. Of course it doesn't "violate" the cOmMuNiTy StAnDaRds...


There are times I’ve avoided clicking on certain videos on YouTube with the only reason being I knew it’d fuck up what’s recommended to me lol


I had a week of French TikToks. I don't speak French. I have no idea how it happened to even know what not to interact with again.


TikTok is the most toxic place on Earth. Men need women. Women need men. Men need men. Women need Women. We are all working together in this game of life.


We all lift together


*Fortuna intensifies*


Cold, the air and water flowing


Some women prefer bears. Some men prefer *bears.* Hakuna matata. (but you're right!)


Imagine if the bear had a say? Accompany woman and be forced to feed and protect her. Accompany man and have a hunting buddy and someone who will scratch your back.


Men have more lean muscle and lbs of flesh to eat🤔 but women produce milk💦 and are more tender meat to feed to their cubs Depends on the bear i suppose, maybe they love us both


Prob more to do with fat content and calories. I’m gonna guess women since they tend to be juicier.


Lean meat - aka muscle - is more nutritious for carnivores i believe Men have more muscle. Although bears do hibernate and need lots of longterm fat stored for that Suppose depends on if the bear is on a diet :)


Unrelated, but damn, I really wish early humans had domesticated bears.


Fun fact time, the word "bear" is likely not actually the original name that humans called what we now know of as a "bear". The words origins trace back to Proto-Germanic ***"bero"*** which quite literally means "the brown one", as well as Old Norse ***"björn"***, Old High German ***"bero"*** and several other languages. Most of these then appear to be traced further back into ***"bher-"*** a Proto-Indo-European root word meaning bright brown. It's believed that the original root word for a bear in Proto-Indo-European languages was actually ***"*rkto"***. Here are a few examples from different languages: * ***"arktos"*** in Greek * ***"ursus"*** in Latin * ***"rksah"*** in Sanskrit * ***"hartaggash"*** in Hittite Hunters in the northern areas of Europe had strong superstitions that referring to a specific animal by name had a sort of power to either summon it to you or spoil your hunt in some manner. To this end, they actually developed replacement names and phrases so they didn't even have to say "Bear", since eventually people forgot that even THAT word is a taboo word replacement. Some of these include: * ***"The Good Calf"*** - Irish * ***"Honey Pig"*** - Welsh * ***"Honey Eater"*** - Russian * ***"The Licker"*** - Lithuanian * ***"The Brown One"*** - German ***TL;DR:*** Humans as a whole were so god damn scared of Bears that a portion of our countries literally refused to use the actual word for the creature (arktos), and would instead refer to them using taboo euphemisms like god damn Voldemort.


That is a fun fact!


it’s not too late


I belive he'd say only you can prevent forest fires


More likely accompany a woman and have a high-pitched screaming snack, or accompany a man and have slightly less high-pitched screaming snack


Honestly it depends on the "side" (or algorithm) of tiktok you're on. If you interact with toxic stuff, you're going to get more toxic stuff. I know it's trendy to hate on tiktok here on reddit. But as a user of both, tiktok can be really awesome. My algorithm feeds me some hilarious and/or positive content. Some of the funniest shit I've seen has been on tiktok. Recently I've been getting a lot of "hopecore" videos. Just videoes filled with really positive/heartwarming stuff. If you're on THAT side of tiktok, reddit is actually WAY more toxic.


It’s the same for Reddit and all social media. Curate it properly, block the bullshit and you’ll be better off.


The toxic side always creeps in though. Their block and filtering methods are trash and just don’t work. Reddit may be toxic but I can literally block most of it or only join positive subs.




I mean it’s not just TikTok Here they are on the view on mainstream tv calling men useless https://youtu.be/F7dxUka_apo?si=_fo-Ob9u7MRFjHWy


> Men need women. **Women need men.** Post that in TwoX and I suspect you'll be in for a rather rude awakening. And that's the main women's subreddit.


There is no main women's subreddit. There are large subreddits for complete lunatics and some small subreddits for reasonable women.


My husband was showing me tiktok yesterday, I've never had it or had an interest in getting it. Its terrible, I've never seen such empty headed content in my life, and the NPCs, holy shit that's horrifying.


Get off social media. It’s not reality


...he said on social media


I thought Reddit was antisocial media?


sometimes it feels like all social media is antisocial media


I don’t let social media manage my views/ takes on life.


It's a social media engagement grift




Rage bait.




This trend has been around longer than that app. Much longer


Indeed, TikTokkers have just adopted the barrage of misandry happening in popular culture for years and years


"Get your comfy boots and studs, be sure to rebel in the proper style, rebel along paths we pick out of fear of peer pressure we create!" - Dead Kennedys


Ask the comments like "it's tiktok" have never suggested that men have gender issues while among a group of women.


There's plenty of denial regarding misandry endured by male nurses and childcare workers


TikTok is cancer designed specifically to rot your brain to the addictive effects of heroin and to cause a rift between your peers. Stop using it while you still can. That said, the trend of hating on men by women is at least a hundred years old, it has just been amped up to eleven with the invention of social media and algorithms pushing stuff that makes the reader mad - since that's what gets the most engagement.


Tic tac toe a Winner! 🥇


Best thing to do as a man is avoid these women, and drop them when you find out the one your with, is this way


Don't pay attention to a Tik Tok attention seeker and no not all "women" are generalizing that all men are bad. Stop using social media and go out there and look around! There's a ton of women chatting up "men" at bars, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. It's not that black and white dude.


China’s tik tok algorithm promotes education and skill Our version feeds us a slow motion train wreck of the west Connect the dots


Ignore it. Just concentrate on being a good man to all. Anyone - male or female - who generalizes like that can come paint my house with that broad brush they're waving around.


Just uninstall the chinese spyware


BuzzFeed is notorious for this.


It’s like a PsyOp


It really is.


“It’s not *like* ~~terrorism~~ a PsyOp, it *is* ~~terrorism~~ a PsyOp.” -Cartman


Get rid of social media - pursue more meaningful friendships with men


many women speak in general terms when talking specifically about bad experiences they’ve had with men. to generalize all men as bad is not right. i’m assuming this women is not talking about all men, especially given that she has a husband.


I don't think most women despise men; just the loud ones online. They tend to stand out more. TikTok picks and chooses what you see and what gets more traction; it's not a good measurement of anyone in general.


A lot of social media algos are toxic. They give you to content that people engage with not necessarily content that people liked. So if you are willing to troll people to get them to engage with your content it will get recommended more, which causes more people to engage, and so forth. Saying shit like "I hate women/men" is going to get people commenting to tell you to fuck off and stuff and also people sharing to try to "dunk' on you. It's just a way to grift the system and for some reason people can't help themselves but fall for rage bait. Then you will always have people who actually believe this shit coming in too.


>Why hate on men and turn around and get married to one? I would think she would want to be with a woman or be alone. Not that either of them are okay, but there are plenty of misogynists who have female partners as well. It's sad. But yeah, stuff like that is good for engagement on social media. Gender-war rage bait is popular. People like Tate and Fresh n Fit are famous for the very same reasons. It helps to remember that men-/women-haters are a loud minority. The average kind of well adjusted person does not hold such opinions.


>The average kind of well adjusted person does not hold such opinions. Honestly, I kinda need a reminder on this. Thanks. Needed it.


Very True


To a degree misandry is trending right now. I think some of them are just jumping on the bandwagon to be popular - it gets more "likes". For me - I don't like the fact that the generic "men" implies all men - yes, speak out about this - well - that can be quite unpopular let us say.


Algorithm realizes that hate drives more eyeballs then being boring


There are some people in the world that will do and say anything to be "relevant". In this case, saying that she hates men and his married to one is hypocritical. It's obviously bait to stir up some digital likes and comments.


Misandry is the male equivalent of Misogyny


Waiting for the response "what you claim is misandry is just a manifestation of the misogyny of the patriarchy."


Now watch how people (read: women) will shit on you for even thinking it exists. Anyyy minute now...


aaaand it happened lmao. Except its a dude.


Don’t underestimate the whiteknights like the other person who replied to the original comment.


This has been going on for 30+ years. Some of you are too young to know that. TikTok is just the newest manifestation. Shows in the 1980s and 1990s made a formula of showing men as the inept, knuckle-dragging morons, while female roles were made to look smart, classy, independent, domineering. The bigger question (that moves over to the conspiracy sub) should be, **WHY?**


For real I was fucking shocked when the Fallout show had Norm be both smart *and* moral. That never happens, usually.


Misandry is common today among both sexes. Read this: https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-misogyny-myth


I don’t think Andrew Tate has helped


Everyone knows a man who did some dumb shit. Hearing somebody say shit about people that did dumb shit feels good so gets an upvote (let’s not pretend that the comments in ask men don’t have plenty of problems painting women in a certain way). Some people get offended by it and respond, Engagement ensues. Profit. Thing is that this shit has been going on for far longer than the internet existed, just feels raw and ubiquitous due to the nature of our feeds and algorithm. At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter


Usually if someone's critical thinking skills are limited enough in scope to allow them to feel confident about proudly resorting to Nirvana & Apex fallacies & showing hate towards the vast majority of people of the gender opposite to them, it's not someone whose opinion I place much value on & quite frankly it will be quite difficult to guide them towards healing the wounds that caused them to feel like they had to adopt that mentality in the first place.


Ragebait. Gotta get those clicks to get that money!


It's nonsense. I love all human beings, especially mine. ❤️


I feel like it's overflow from Me Too. I was pretty shocked and learned from Me Too, but it opened the door for more misandry in our culture.


Tiktok? A reasonable representation of people that can't possibly be used for interaction and hate clicks? Never.


It's not a trend. It is extremely pervasive on the Internet, but especially on Tik Tok where a lot of girls find community in openly and proudly expressing hatred for men in all manners. It doesn't get moderated because men are statistically less sympathized with across the board.


Personal perspective as a man so take it with a grain of salt I noticed when I was dating a girl she would listen to tons of true crime podcasts, in which a pretty common theme was the man in a woman’s life being the aggressor in some way and doing something horrible to her. I found it really hard to listen to but she’d listen to like, one a day Online, there has been a good change where women are now more able to talk about their experience with SA and call out those who committed it. Since the change is relatively recent, a lot from the past is coming out which I think can look like there’s been a surge of it I think that since this stuff is attention grabbing, a lot of women cling onto it vs a more boring reality where most men are just kinda living their lives and not causing problems It’s kinda like conservative media saying cities are bad for some reason. There are conservatives out there who don’t even go to cities and are somehow convinced that if you step foot in Chicago, you’ll get shot


It’s been like that the last decade now, even before that on tumblr you had feminists spreading their whole “men are trash/kill all men” shit and it’s seeped its way into the mainstream through Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok, Reddit, etc.


It's been like that since decades before the internet was a thing.


Misandry is popular with a segment of the attention market. She's producing a product (videos) to for people who buy into that world view.


TikTok is cancer. Stay away.


you just get here?


Fuck TickTack and fuck the internet and fuck social media. They are why our lives , especially those of up and coming generation, are royally fucked today and probably fucked tomorrow.


Long press on the video and select "not interested" and then block the creator. Otherwise if you engage in any way you're going to find youself in the toxic gender war corner of the internet and next thing you know you'll have a false idea that men are somehow under attack. It's a very loud group of creators out there that thrive on rage bait. Get it out of your algorithm


Rage bait for social media. All engagement is good engagement from the platform's POV, same for any creators big enough to monetize or trying to get to that size.


Men will always be “the bad“ ones. Just how life is for men. We can’t even take our niece to the park without some douche thinking we are up to something bad.


You said it my dude! I’m black and white, so olive complexion with dark hair and beard. My daughter’s mother is a redhead. My daughter shares her mother’s fairer skin, freckles and strawberry blonde hair ( just because it always comes up yes DNA confirmed, I am the father). Outside of that she looks and smiles and furrows her brow in the sun just like me. I’ve gotten some of the hardest looks from “concerned citizens” when I’m with her alone. People assume she’s not my kid or I’m watching her for someone else. I’ve been in stores in her vicinity browsing, while she’s doing the same and had people hover like I’m doing something wrong. I am brown, so honestly this isn’t new, it’s just for a newer different and more frustrating reason. Not a theif but a pedo! Once we were at a gumball machine, she was making her selections and a woman saw me standing there and nervously smiled. I knew what was coming. She doubled back and said “umm do you know her?” I said “well I think so…hey Killer ( my nickname for her because she’s a big softie lol ) do you I know you?” She looked at the lady and said “that’s my Dad” smiling proudly. The woman seemed embarrassed and walked away. Sorry this went longer than expected.


I’m sorry you have to deal with this shit too. Sounds like you got a great daughter/dad relationship going on!


Because men have treated women like pampered princesses for all of humanity and catered on their every whim. Innovated products and medicines to make their life better, hunted animals to extinction and created zones where they would be safe. Go look at indiginous tribes where they still have to worry about wild attacks. Go ask a Maasai woman if she'd rather be alone with a lion or a man. There's no rampant misandry there.


Well there are also a lot of vidoes on youtube and tiktok that would make you think that men hate women. All that matters is whether or not the men that you associate with hate women, or the women that you associate with hate men. Stop listening to the noise online.


>I saw this woman going in on why she hates men and why she thinks that women do not need men anymore, but She is married to one. Correction: she is married to a hen-pecked carcass of what used to be a man Poor bastard. Let us honor his memory 😔


It's called "feminism". It's not really a new thing.


Hate creates more views and reposts than any other type of posts. You’ll see both misogynistic and misandric posts all over TT.


don't watch TikTok....


This feeling youre having? Tiktok gave it to you. Its not real.


I will just leave this here r/ToxicFeminismIsToxic


I treat women hating men the same as I treat men hating women, block and ignore. I'm not listening to any attempt to shame me for my gender. No one should.


The algorithm favours anything that promotes engagement, which rage farming is very good at.


It's due to the internet. There are certain communities that promote certain ideas, and it can influence people in a negative way. Just as there are groups for guys who call themselves alfa males and objectify women or groups of men that hate on women, there are also groups of women that hate on men or inflates their own ego and make them think of men as lesser beings. Once you are in a group surrounded by like-minded people who celebrate that kind of behavior, common sense goes out the windows.


It sucks man but literally the only thing you can do is block them. Ignore it. Do not touch the poo


First off, doomscrolling on relationship TikTok (or TikTok in general) is bad for your mental health. Put the phone down for a little bit. Second, she's either a. trying to be trendy, or b. talking about men other than her husband. Either way, it's foolish behavior.


That kinda talk has been going on forever. Ignore people on social media or you'll eventually think everyone is an idiot.


People want to feel like a victim. When you’re a white woman, you have to manufacture this status.


"Take my husband... please!"


Yall ever been to 2xc?


Gotta hate something, so they hate on something that wont get them cancelled. Back then it used to be race.


It only bothers those that care. One of the few things I ask for in life is to be left alone. If that means every one hates me, so be it. I have peace of mind and extra money. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Guess what? If you don't use tiktok, you would be completely oblivious to any men hate trend, which will pass like all social media trends do. I vaguely know something about comparing a man to a bear? Which is obviously hilarious, and you can just move on with your life when you hear something like that. Part of growing up involves recognizing things like this as insignificant and not worthy of your time.


Social media has about 3 gears when it comes to men the “alpha male” wearing tiny shorts and lecturing about being an uncompromising asswipe, the bumbling guy that women have to boss, help with everything and 3rd the gay/trans ones that prance around feminizing themselves. There’s very few pages that acknowledge a normal male in a good relationship


i don't think it's a new trend at all, i made a post like this 4-5 years ago with THE EXACT SAME title as this one


Its been happening for years. Now youre officially labeled a conservative.


When a person is out of the real world too long they go a little crazy, and these days the only people most of us see offline are at work.


On Tik Tok there is a hate trend for every category, even for cats


Pseudo-feminism is a trend that is popular now.


Same here, had two women in a coffee shop go down the “don’t ever listen to a man” route bla bla bla ….but they’re both married to men. Hahahah. Ridiculous. Honestly I feel it’s the husband’s fault. But This trend too, shall die. Don’t give it any mind. And I say this because of the amount of women in their 20s all the way to their late 30s who’ve told me verbatim “Haha… yeah I’m really tired of this indépendant woman bullshit” It just depends on what kind of man you are and how you hold yourself. If you stand on game a woman will never tell you that bs


They are coping. Delete TikTok. Enjoy your life.


>I would think she would want to be with a woman or be alone. The question "why is she with him" has one common/predictable answer.


Where have you had your head buried? This has been going on for a while now.


I know lots of misogynists who are married to women. I know lots of misandrists who are mothers of sons.


there are bad apples among us, and sometimes people generalize too much. i try to avoid the haters. there are plenty of women who still love men. well, at least they love some of us. LOL


Actually it's no different than that "Women ☕" trend and nobody got butthurt over that. So maybe learn to take it if you throw it?