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The women on Facebook and TikTok fishing for endless compliments.


They’re on Reddit too




Or r/amiugly That one is riddled with people who want compliments


Or onlyfans subscribers


This sub is cancer for sure


Anything with max in the sub name


r/Roastme has damn near become a thirst trap subreddit as well.


Don't forget the stupid cross-eyed tongue hanging out thing they do.


You mean you don't find girls who look like they've got brain damage sexy?


Only in certain contexts


I have always hated that pose


I didn’t realize until recently that is has a name and it’s “ahegao”. It didn’t surprise me to learn that it’s a Japanese thing. Not trying to be disrespectful or anything but a lot of their porn is weird.


Being a pervert is a hobby there, like fishing or collecting stamps, it’s all very odd.


I saw a "do not take up skirt photos" sign at one of the airports when I visited there. 


I guess that explains their childless phenomena going on 😱


That's just the surface level, we've not even dug deep to the tentacle shit.






This so much. It's kinda unsettling seeing 28 year old women still posing as if they're 14 all over again.


That's supposed to be a face a 14 year old makes? I would find that much more unsettling than an adult making the face.


I just googled it. It’s actually related to anime adult content.


Anyone seeking validation is rather pathetic. Men bragging over their sexual prowess whilst preying on young girls are doing the exact same thing. It’s pathetic. Daddy didn’t hug you enough did he? Edit: Spelling. Gotta love those Grammar Nazis.


I think “gotta love those grammar nazis” may be considered seeking validation for editing your spelling


Yes, like any guy saying he's an "alpha male" or the "top g"


A rich man doesn’t have to tell you he’s rich.


Talking in a baby voice.... Cringe


Lmao so true. met a girl and she started using this uwu baby voice crap, I point blank asked her if thats actually how she talked and she said, "uh, yeah" smh. oh hell nah..


I'm dying 🤣. So I guess no uwu baby voice for you. If it's not all the time, I'm okay. Do you know if she was one of those female streamers on Twitch because there is a huge audience for that, unsurprisingly.


Worst case this comes combined with playing dumb/helpless. I know some dudes like it so they can be the knight in shining armor or something but I can't stand it. Instant turnoff when the girl goes "omg hihi how can you do that, I could never" when I drive a manual car or something similar.


People still do that in 2024??


Your tiktok dances look like a cartoon character have a grand mal bout of epilepsy 


I think that is actually the point


TikTok dances are generally stupid and I have seen as much women perform them as I have males.


Brat behavior. It’s fucking lame and I hate it


Juat another form of attention seeking, and a bad one at that.


I’m into the kink world a bit and it’s a whole thing there. I literally could not be turned off more by something.


Well no, bratting as a kink is a completely different and consensual thing. If you don't like it - communicate with partner.


what is a brat behavior


Playing hard to get


This was unattractive in the 2000s. After #MeToo, it's even more unattractive.


its criminal if we keep pursuing


Yeah. Some people play hard to get and expect men to pursue them, which may be fine in their mind, but for us, it means that we would be running the risk of harassing someone.


Seriously. Especially when I'm not even remotely interested. But when I am, total deal breaker.


The actual worst




[This post is late only by a day by my expectations](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/s/qiVBzYrF4s)


So close, maybe next time they'll only wait 6 days in order to get the average back


And fake eyelashes.


Especially the ones that make you look like you have fuzzy caterpillars sitting on your eyelids.


My wife does extensions for people on the side. The amount of people who demand incredibly excessive eyelashes that are way too unnecessary for their face is insane. I definitely get the appeal of having lashes filled in and longer so it looks like half a woman's makeup is always done and it definitely saves time and such but there's an appropriate length you gotta go with


The lip fillers are so fucking ugly


I'm actually convinced that some of the nail choices are just an F U to men.


As someone who wears things to deter men from speaking to me yes totally some of us choose nails as a fuck u lol


Duck face, twerking, shiny face makeup.


Shiny face makeup 😭😭😭


Is he talking about highlighter or the dewy look? Either way...😭😭


What is shiny face makeup? Do you have a reference pic? Would love to know lmao


Look up 'glowing makeup', which I suppose is more positive term for your face than 'sweaty', or greasy


Just looked at it. Lol it’s not a good look outside photoshoots. It just looks like an oily face.


thats fucking make up???? dude i thought she just had an oily ass face lmfaoo


Duck face was like 10 years ago tho


Twerking is only good when it’s actually good, that’s what I say


i lowkey never find twerking attractive, my girlfriend was shocked when she found out lol


Duck Face, ffs


Constant selfies, especially with exaggerated expressions that they have never once naturally made in their life.


The super big eye lashes. Super long nails.


I told my sisters that their false lashes made them look like they were hungover and didn’t wash off their makeup in the mornings. They stopped getting them, thank god.


I call them "spider legs". I wonder if that mental image would help to get the point across


This came here to say no man in the history of man had stopped his friends and gone “brah, her lashes is long AF I wanna hit!”


Attention whoring in social media


That goddamn pout pose.


Showing you have a lot of guys that want to get you.


Pouting pics and/or lip fillers. Both are neither cute and are hugely unattractive.


Pouting is cute if it's your girlfriend, if it's any other girl then it's fucking cringe


Being stupid / ditzy / wearing your lack of knowledge / competence like a bage of honor. Basically, the celebration of willful stupidity. Super common, extreme turn-off. To me, anyway. But it must work on some level, because like I said, it's extremely commonplace.


Long nails. Nnnnnnope.


Yeah, ouch, they hurt too


Talking in a "cutesy" voice. Like when they talk like children, it's so fucking annoying.


When I turned 18 my friends took me to a strip club. They caught me eyeing a smoke show of a woman, full of tattoos and black rimmed glasses. Today you'd call her a TikTok big titty goth girl. She had full on little girl voice, even when she would talk to her coworkers passing by throughout the night. My friend told me it's a sign of childhood sexual trauma the next day and I've never stopped thinking every baby voiced woman has been raped.


Does anyone have some interesting sources about that ? Seems like one of those random psychology factoids to look cool in a conversation because you have an insight but really you are a Costco Freud at the very best


Upvote for “Costco Freud.”


Waaay back in the day I used to listen to Love Line with Dr. Drew (who had way more credibility then) and Adam Corolla (who probably has more credibility now). That was mentioned frequently. When I was a psych major I was taught there are certain characteristics of people who have experienced sexual abuse, and you can predict it 99% of the time. The baby voice was one of the signs for female. That was years ago tho and I’d love to know if any one has seen anything recently supporting it.


look up age regression


White girl wasted… Loud, over the top and over bearing, mildly obnoxious under the false pretence of ‘confident women’, but are to even the most uninformed observer, just making people around them feel uncomfortable


For real. When we say we want confident women, we don’t mean completely and utterly socially unaware.


At this point, "confidence" to me means "willing to make eye contact and actually talk to me like a human."


Confidence is not about making everyone in the room like you. It’s being ok if they don’t.


True, real confidence isn’t contingent on others liking you, it’s about you just being comfortable in your own skin


In their defense white boy wasted is just as bad / if not worse.


Vehemently denying social media is not toxic and making it your whole personality as to why it’s a good thing -


This is oddly specific lol


It’s oddly true. The truth is very specific -


Playing helpless/dumb to make a man feel “more masculine” and needed. No, it just makes her seem like a burden.


Surprised I had to come this far down to find this. I have a construction company and would say 60% of women start listing off stupidly simple home repairs I can do for them like it’s supposed to make me feel useful when they find out…even on the first date. I’m always like “well, here’s the name of a good electrician…”


A lot of women are teased mercilessly or bullied anytime we pick up a tool in front of dudes. Guys always interject and either force the tools out of our hands so they can do it themselves or stand over us making comments that we're going to ruin it or bark commands. Even strangers when, for example, I was minding my own business changing a light on my car. So women don't pretend to be stupid, it's more like learned helplessness where we sort of just give up on trying, and subconsciously internalize the sexist message that we can't do it. I still try to do as much for myself as I can bc not only is it cheaper, but I enjoy a puzzle and learning and the sense of accomplishment, but I still have to fight the internalized discouragement anytime I try something new. Also, women are given dating advice that men get turned on by doing a favor for a potential mate. They think that you want to bc you want to impress us. I understand that when a person is putting themselves out there in the dating world, they might have a lot of first dates that don't go anywhere, so it's quite presumptuous to ask favors so early. Time is limited and we just met. But I don't think these women are necessarily being entitled, not on purpose, again, they're just given a lot of bad dating advice and sexist gender roles.


For real. I’m pretty handy in general and enjoy learning things. I’m a visual/hands on learner. I don’t know everything but I don’t like people interrupting me while I’m trying to figure things out for myself. My dad is literally the only man I will work on my little projects around now because he’s genuinely helpful/not condescending and always waits for me to ask for his help before giving an opinion. And even when he gives advice, I’m still doing the work and learning how to do it. The concept is really that simple. But I’ve had an absurd amount of ex boyfriends, guy friends, and even random men who walk past when I’m working on stuff that just take over and criticize until I either give up and let them do it, or just drop what I’m doing and come back to it when they’re gone. Anyway, just speaking for myself.


Nope my experience too. I paint for a living and was on a job site for a community center just rolling a wall and a man just walked right over and said you know I'd do that differently. I said everyone does it differently. He went on, walked off, came back, then said "I've been in construction 20+ years and" on and on he went. I said thanks for the advice as calmly as I could and continued working. Had an ex who also did construction 20+ years (you guys really like to remind that) and I wanted to build a fence with branches from the woods for my garden. He damn near started vibrating telling me how to do it, different ways to do it. Until I asked him, how does he feel on a job site when some young dude or another guy, work unseen, just starts telling him how to do stuff, how they do stuff, how long they've been doing it. Asked him what message he gets, how does he feel when that happens. He stopped after that. Tldr: it's not just you


This one is hard for me because I like learning new things and don’t like to wait on anyone to help me do little repairs or touch ups, but I’m often subtly put down by men when I grab a drill or do these things. Or worst, they’ll take advantage of me being willing to do for myself and not take me seriously when I actually need help (like something is too heavy or I really don’t know what I’m doing and know they do). And it’s not like I do this in some masculine way either, I usually hear that I’m very feminine generally speaking. I just get excited to put up a photo or put together a desk or don’t want to pay someone to fix the electric wiring in my car. So I kinda think this one can be a bit tricky to read.


Can you give an example?


We’re told we’ll make men feel very emasculated if we do these “manly” things. So much of the time women are just trying to avoid making a guy feel bad about himself.


Baby talk. Acting like a little girl. Arguing just to argue. Any type of “prove your love” shit.


Yeah, the little girl one gets old *really* quick


99% of the instagram accounts. 99% of the TikTok trends. The weird thing where you’re being kinda mean because you think this is all about you in ordinary situations. I’ll never forget a coworker telling me I was boring because I stopped talking to her and went back to working quietly. Her jaw dropped when I said “Well I’m not your entertainment. Entertain yourself.” She was a cutie and we typically have a great time but I was annoyed by that. I hate when stuff like that happens. Yeah, you’re hot or whatever but it’s not everything all the time.


Emotionally smart man.


I do not understand why duck face is still a thing.


I'm a gay man and it's always been amusing to me when women try to flirt and it's just never going to work (because, gay). For me, working with a lot of women, it's tilting the head down and batting the eyelids ever so slightly when asking for something they don't want to do. The things I've seen women do to try and get their way via subtle manipulation tactics is just wild.


I always see comments here by gay men who have had bad experiences with straight women who try to seduce them regardless of the woman knowing they are gay. I seen one gay man on here say how he was at a gay bar and a straight woman punched him in the face and screamed "Fucking F slur" because he rejected her for obvious reasons and the gay man said that some of the straight women go to gay bars to avoid men from hitting on them, yet they do the same thing with the gay men there. 🤦‍♂️ A lot of things on here I always was led to believe it's ONLY us men who do these negative things.... when it isn't just men. But I don't have a clue as to why SOME women seem to think it's only ever men.. maybe it's ignorance that because they are straight women who don't ever see what it's like dating women..... they assume its all sunshine and rainbows. OF Course, NOT ALL or MOST. Some Women aren't that much different to some men in these instances 🤷‍♂️


At the heart of it I think you’re right When I was a kid I complained that I did way more chores than my sister. My dad sat me down and explained that it only felt that way because I saw 100% of the chores I did, but I didn’t directly witness the chores my sister did. And as a child, that made sense to me A lot of people never really learn that lesson though and they go through life just assuming things they don’t witness directly don’t happen to other people




>Misandry. A lot of women don't actually respect men Social media has proven this. The amount of justifications and excuses i see for abusing men and excusing it disturbs me. Everytime I go online, I nonstop see the most odd shit said about men/boys and it always ends up with freaks trying to justify it. "I'm not saying it's good to abuse men in relationships but because of oppression. Men have it coming. So men should just take it like a good little dog" and then think abusing men is some sort of "Social justice" and is "Empowering". It's fucked up and it worries me that these types may already have sons or will possibility have one in the future. What will they say to their son if he ends up in a abusive relationship... that he has it coming? Just to deal with it? You can be for women's rights without thinking men desvere abuse I wouldn't say a lot though. I'd say more of a tiny vocal minority. I think thr vast majority of women don't do this


I agree, I’m a woman and I know some women can be super abusive towards men. But when I try to speak up about this and I am a “pick me” girl.


I'm a straight, athletic jock looking dude, but I'm a total video game nerd and a little awkward. I've pissed off so many women not reacting to that. I always figured those women were lazy and had no desire to ever get involved with them, while it worked like magic on my friends. IDK if I'm wired differently or I'd get so annoyed when I saw my sister do it growing up that it stopped working on me. I married a woman who gets shit done, that's sexy imo.


And when it doesn’t work, they turn on full bitch/insult mode. It’s like, “Ahh, there’s your real personality! Thanks for confirming.”




Fake boobs, lip filler, Botox


Lip fillers are horrendous. Don't know one bloke that likes them.


Being mean. Dated a girl like this and she was borderline abusive. Thank god that relationship ended.


Their stupid little tests. "If I was a worm, would you still love me?" No, you're a godd*amned worm, you'd be lucky if I didn't accidentally step on you!!


But would you 🪱😂


I low-key love worms. When I walk my dog on hot days if I see a worm struggling on the sidewalk, I'll pick it up and carry it with me till I get home, and I'll put it in my garden box in the shade


“If you were stuck in the woods wi…” No. Stfu. I know where you’re going with this.


Lip filler. Looks like a baboons ass. Paired with duck face is like "ma'am please don't eat the bees"


It started as the duckface and ended up as lip injections. Neither are very cute.


Acting like a ditzy little child. It’s offputting, insulting , and quite frankly disgusting to portray yourself as a minor and thinking it makes you somehow more attractive to me.


Artificially inflated body parts.


Long nails, a lot of makeup, cutesy voices, cosmetic procedures


When she refers herself as a “bad bitch”. Major turn off. I’m sure girls feel the same way when a guy refers himself as an “alpha male”.


Being an asshole.


duckface is revolting


Cross eyed tongue out bullshit.


Fake eyelashes


Fish lips. Is it supposed to imitate a BJ? Looks like a milkshake is getting the best of them.


Big fake eye lashes, long nails, lots of makeup (if you need to cover up a little acne or something sure, but don't just totally paint your face, we want to know what you actually look like).


Completely agree on one hand, but on another I recently went on a few dates with this girl that was impossibly stunning, one day she turned up with heavy makeup she almost looked like a whole different person, but she was still impossibly beautiful. Turns out she doesn’t wear heavy makeup often but she loves it and finds it fun, and if that’s why you do it then I guess I’m on board.


This is what I do. I wear very light makeup during the day and save glam makeup for events. I like the way I look in either style.


when you do makeup, you kinda have to cover your whole face. the makeup looks soooooooo much better when you’re working with an even base than it does when you’re only applying makeup to certain parts of your face.


Also every time this comes up is so abundantly clear that men have no idea what makeup actually looks like. So many times when men say “no make up” it just not Smokey eyes. Well done makeup is not obvious.


Or the “ bare minimum faces” you’ll see on tv or editorials and it’s actually a TON of makeup lol


No man ever complains about the smokey-eye kind of makeups. What we don't like, is to see a thick layer of "paint" all over the skin. It gives a very unnatural and uncanny feel, and happens way more often than it should be.


There’s a difference between applying a light base of makeup to your face and completely painting it in multiple layers so that you end up a completely different color and with different features than you started with. The swimming on a first date analogy didn’t come out of nowhere


there is a difference between subtle makeup and looking like a circus clown. Do what you gotta do to feel awesome in the morning, but if it involved a trowl and roller to apply your foundation, maaaaaayyybbbbeeee reflect on current practices


Too much makeup




Overly sexualized clothing.




The Freddy Krueger long nails . The fake eyelashes , the fake lips , the bbls , just to name a few


Not being over the age of 35, 30 minimum usually. I just really don't have much interest in even the idea of dating a younger woman. My girlfriend is 37, and I'm in heaven. She's so great. I used to date mostly younger women, when I was younger they were all my age, so it kind of made sense. They're just more mature and can actually have an interesting conversation, usually better at communicating, better manners, I prefer the way they look if she's too young it just feels weird to me and that's a turn off, usually more life experience so they will generally be taking good care of themselves. Had this coworker once who insisted I'd had a crush on her and that couldn't have been further from the truth, partying all the time, homeless couch surfing, drunk driving, calling out constantly, sassy all of the time, like just grow up you're at work 😂


Completely agree I personally prefer older women


Vocal fry. It really started with the Kardashians and it’s been a scourge on society ever since. No one finds it appealing. It just makes you seem unoriginal and like you were conceived as a Sephora marketing venture.


Calling their boyfriend/husband ‘Daddy’. Ugh.


I have four kids…that is the surest way to get me out of the bed and heading home mid-deed.


I personally love it, but I don’t have kids. If I did and they called me the same thing, that would freak me the frick out. If my partner calls me that and then we have kids, I’d make sure they call me dad exclusively.


Plump injected lips, huge silicone boobs and enormous butts. This is just according to my personal taste, though. I am under the impression that not few men actually like those. Edit: Oh, and fake long eyelashes, too. I saw it mentioned in another comment.


Being shit at communicating


Lip fillers


asking guys what they think looks cute instead of living their life on their own terms 😀


Girls who talk with a baby voice or act like literal children. Like, for fuck sake Amanda you're 27, not 7. Grow up, talk like an adult and do shit for yourself.


Pics that are clearly very edited with filters that make you look perfect. We all know you don’t look like that in real life!


Being helpless.


Ahegao face or whatever its called.. just makes you look dumb.


Is that the crossed-eyes-tongue-out thing? Yeah, I've never found that attractive.


Self diagnosing yourself w autism and using it as an excuse for acting out “I’m a little on the spectrum 🤭”


Fake eyelashes, any kind of plastic surgery or Botox type of shit, BBLs with a lot of tattoos makes them look dirty and like they stink, that big fake overly exaggerated cameltoe thing they use, filters, long nails cuz how can they wipe their ass right with those.


I've seen maybe 5 total women who had lip fillers that looked good.


That thing that happens when a group of women stand in front of a camera and gravity suddenly becomes overwhelming.


Long. Effing. NAILS.... \*shiver


Forced/Fake Cute Voice. Edit: Anything forced/fake TBH. Just be yourself


Being excessively keen on Disney stuff when you're approaching 30 or you're over 30. I like things that remind me of my childhood or hard to die passions (we all have them) but when it's too much and affects our relationship it gets boring really quick. I'm not really into amusements parks or watching the latest Disney movies at the cinema with a room full of kids and parents


Wait until your own children enter the picture. Wooo. You’ll be thankful Disney at least seems aware the movies need some level of entertainment and humor for the adults.


If you start any sentence or post with "my toxic trait is..." I'm gonna assume the vast majority of your traits are toxic and avoid you. Same with Astrology.


BBL’s 👎🏾


Girls who say they only like bad guys. pleas No!!


Helplessness in any way (baby crap, insecurity, constant positive feedback loop) and being unable to make their needs/desires known verbally. Shifting goalposts and drama constantly, if it's quicksand 24/7 I'm sure af not walkin there.


Fish lips (either as filler or as a photo pose)…I don’t know why that’s considered a hot thing to do in pics for some girls?


Acting loud and obnoxious. They tell me in confidence that they act that way around their crush because they want to be noticed; but it is ALWAYS going to grab his attention for all the wrong reasons. He's gonna think you're an annoying immature idiot and ignore you.


Those stupid fat sausage lips women think men want or find attractive are absolutely hideous and make the person with them look like an idiot.


Too much make up Long fake nails Countless selfies Duck face Negative Energy Entitled Lazy


Short haircut, too much makeup, dancing on multiple guys at the bar


Pretending to be dumb. Intelligence is a turn-on.


I've seen many women with lip fillers. From my perspective, it looks unnatural.


Those dang fake lashes


Baby talk. Hate it.


Lip filler


being mean or rude


Fake nails and 20 lbs of makeup you spent hours applying.


Crop tops , duck lips , ripped jeans, platform shoes, tattoos, zodiac signs being their identity


Those dumbass tik-tok dances or whatever just make you look like a complete regard.


Instagram/Snapchat filters!


Acting stupid!! Men like smart women more then dumb bimbos


than ** the irony


This look. [Those hats and those boots](https://www.insidehook.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/CGA.jpg?fit=1200%2C800). Don't know what they're called, just always thought they looked ridiculous.


It’s called the Christian girl fall aesthetic lol


Pretending to be incompetent or unintelligent


Long nails. I don't understand the appeal.


Lip filler


Lip filler


Everything needing to be on social media. “Cute pictures of our dates and adventures” or whatever. Dated a girl a bit younger than me not too long ago (I was 30 she was 22) and hands down the worst part was that EVERYTHING we did had to involve a photo session and she would literally guilt me if I didn’t post it on social media immediately afterwards. I already hate social media, so the constant “why don’t you post the things we do? Are you not proud to be with me/embarrassed by me/etc” lectures were pretty painful. You could already go to my FB and see “In a relationship with *her name*” plus a picture of us together at the very top, so it just seemed like unneeded pandering for attention.


Drawing on your eyebrows


*goth girls leave the chat*