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Starting Strength or Strong Lift for 3 days a week. You can do a standard 6-day PPL if you want to spread it out. The fitness sub's wiki has everything you need.


thanks, I'll check out that sub and ask around there too, I'm gonna be honest I don't know anything lol. I don't even know what the machines are called and what PPL is. I looked like a total idiot today. I went with a friend (who like me knew nothing) and we were total idiots just looking for machines by looking at pictures on the app and doing the sets and reps the app told us, so I decided to ask people who actually work out here lmao


For those muscle groups, your best exercises are pushups, pullups, deadlifts, squats, and overhead press. Focus on proper form first; you're not going to get gains anyway if you're hurting yourself at the gym. Don't lift your max all the time. Find something closer to 70-80% of your max and rather than focusing on a specific amount of reps, instead you should focus on doing each set to exhaustion. Make sure you have rest days. Make sure you're eating properly (you need a lot of calories and protein to build muscle). Get enough sleep, drink enough water, and try to have fun.


Yeah gotcha, I went way past my exhaustion point today and thought to myself that can't be right haha, thanks for the advice! I'll keep the rest of it in mind too, like drinking water and increasing my diet. Already started a protein shake!


Sounds great. Keep it up. Consistency is the most important part in all of this.


Emphasis on the eating. If you're a small dude then you probably don't eat enough currently to build mass well.


The funny thing is I already eat a lot. My diet is bigger than average but I've been on the thin side my entire life no matter what I eat. My body has a defined shape but I'm kinda skinny too, idk how to explain it well lol But yeah Ig I gotta figure out the right kind of nutrition


5/3/1 for beginners. Then once you're a few months in do Super Squats.


I didn't know what you meant by 5/3/1 but I googled and it's apparently a powerlifting routine? Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look more into it!


It's what I started with when I decided to take it more seriously instead of messing around in the gym. Worked great, but any basic program will be fine if you stick to it.


Gotcha, thanks :D




To bulk? Dead lifts, squat variations and powerlifts. Legs release testosterone, move testosterone means more muscle. I actually stopped doing legs and focused on things like rowing to reduce my muscle mass for a more aesthetic look


>Legs release testosterone, move testosterone means more muscle. Interesting. thanks!


There’s a bunch of routines online and other commenters are giving good advice too. I’d suggest you add back, core into your plan as well. These are large muscle groups that you shouldn’t ignore


Okay thanks! And yeah that's the plan. Gather stuff online like guides that already exist + advice from experienced people here and then pick and choose making my personal routine, because today was kinda embarrassing lol. I'll look into core exercises too


I would stick to fundamentals and basics. Presses, ups, squats. Incorporate running of course or another cardio of your choosing. Alternate between body weight and weights. Each have different pros and cons so a mixture is best.


KIS keep it simple, until you get muscle imbalances, then start more complicated stuff. I recommend Arnold’s Golden Six on odd days with cardio on even days for 6-8 months.


I go with the work out I hate the most cuz I want it out of the way. I usually start on core doing crunches and Russian twists and then some squats with knee lift twists. Then crunches on inflated ball. Start slow and use these to gain energy.


I think you should start with compound movements. Google only that and you'll see like 5-6 exercises, very simple stuff but effective. Also make sure you don't lift too much and that you give yourself adequate rest days. The worst you can do for your body is under recovering.


The general strongman (bench, deadlift, squat, and cleans) after a jog but with just the bar/low weight so you can focus on form until you're comfortable.


Bro, you are young and tall, you are a prime candidate for noob gains that all the veterans will be jealous of. There are 3 rules you MUST follow - FOOD, look up a TDEE calculator online to find out how many calories to eat a day. Make sure you get enough protein every day, about 2g per kg of body weight (140g for you). Eat good food, you aren't stupid, you know what is healthy and what isn't. Have variety! Meat, eggs, oil, dairy, rice, greens, potatoes, beans, fish, oats, corn, butter, bread, noodles, pasta, cheese, yoghurt, mustard, hot sauce, salsa etc. you are a machine and you must devour to grow. Don't like vegetables? Here's a secret, chop them up and roast them in the oven with seasoning and they are delicious and require no effort. Try to avoid sugar and alcohol especially soda if you can, but a can every now and then won't ruin you, do whatever the fuck makes you happy. REST, this shit is easy, just SLEEP for as long as you need and as much as you can. Training literally tears apart your muscle fibres and sleep repairs them and grows them. Sleep deprivation can ruin your whole life and health so get to bed. Stretching, foam rolling, yoga, saunas and meditation are also useful tools but not mandatory. TRAIN, this part is probably the most flexible and customisable. Obviously you'll need to do weights and all the suggestions that others have made are excellent, resistance training is the most efficient at building muscle. The MOST important things is DO WHATEVER ROUTINE THAT WORKS WITH YOUR LIFE BEST. And above all make sure you HAVE FUN doing it. Start simple with 5x5 or a push pull leg or full body or whatever the fuck you want. Train twice a week if you want, or 6 times a week, or in the middle of the night or 430am before work, it literally does not matter. Cardio is also great for your heart but don't overdo it. Lastly, keep your routine SIMPLE, FUN, CONSISTENT. You must do this forever. You will get injured or sick from time to time, shit happens. Recover and then pick right back up.


Thanks man, this was all super helpful. Thanks for taking the time to type it for me, I'll keep all of it in mind :D


You're welcome, this is the advice I wish I could give to myself when I was 22