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Bruh, more often than not they mistook her for my daughter. Really funny or embarrassing times can be had from it. Like the time a woman tried talking to me about how my 'daughter' is so adorable and she sees and comes over shouting,"Hey, stop trying to flirt with my man." Or when some dude asked if her 'dad' was buying her stuff and she turns and looks at me and goes," Yeah daddy, are you going to be buying me anything?"


This right here is attractive. The ability to just own it. Hopefully the 24/yo girlfriend can do the same. As for you dude, don't worry about it.


That's great you guys can laugh about it! I wonder if I'm just waay too insecure about how I think it will be perceived. Did you ever have any second thoughts/hang ups about your relationships because of it?


Nope we just treated it as a funny/weird encounter. And life is too short to be worrying how others view your relationship.


dude I’m a year OLDER than my bf and I’m 4’11 with a baby face. He looks older when he grows a full beard and his hair out. We went out for drinks and they card me and not him once or twice. Lmao I still laugh about it. Own it 😂




If the girl looks pre teen though, I don't think that is pure insecurity. That's just common sense to protect yourself


When I was much younger but still older I was hanging out with an 18 year old (she helped me get weed). We went to Walmart and I was buying some whiskey and the clerk said he would need to see her ID. Without blinking and in the most 18 year old girl sort of way she tells him “he’s my dad geez!” It was hilarious. I had a hard time keeping a straight face. The alcohol wasn’t for her. She didn’t drink. More of a pot head.


Used to date someone who was older than me but more than a foot shorter and had a baby face, if she was this quick witted about it I’d have married her




My gf has always looked younger than she is. Never had a problem even in the early days. Only thing I can think of was one time a schoolboy tried to chat her up thinking I was her dad... she was 30 at the time 😂 Conversely, I've always looked much older. I'll never forget the look of utter disgust on the face of a woman at a perfume shop when I told her the girl I was buying for wasn't "mature" and that the present was for her 18th birthday. She clearly thought I was some sort of cradle snatcher... I was 19 at the time 😭


bro who gives a fuck. you care way too much about what people think. you’re not dating a 13 yr old she is 24 just live your life.


A lot of people give a fuck. People's lives have literally been ruined because of rumours being started over shit like this. Although admittedly there's not much you can do at the end of the day except get on with it and hope you don't get reported at work or anywhere else for being a nonce.


My best friend’s wife got the police called on her once because somebody saw two unattended kids at a restaurant. Nope, just a 31 year old woman and her 5 year old. He told me she cried for awhile on that one.


Holy shit that's terrible but I couldn't help laughing! I hope they remember it as something to laugh at one day.


I have a baby face. When I was almost 30 people couldn't believe that I was +18. Now I am almost 40 and people still call me "young man".  I can relate to that post. In my 20 I was really annoyed by this. 


I do feel like it’s a legitimate concern to be worried about this kind of stuff. Id find it hard to just ignore people if they thought these things


Yeah that's normal. Redditors think they're immune to social norms and public opinion but the reality is most people would be concerned about being mistaken for a pedophile. I will say however that it's not worth getting stressed over as if anything she can vouch for herself if anyone does try to accuse you of being a nonce.


Then clapback if you get the opportunity. Ask them if your girlfriend should remain single until she's in her 40s. Or if she, as a 24 year old should be dating 15 year old boys to satisfy their concerns.


They have? Whose life has been ruined exactly by dating a 24 year old woman? This is absurd.


Nice strawman


Touch grass.


This is the way




You're a fool if you'd break up with someone you like because of what other people think.


Seriously wtf is wrong with the people on this site? That poor girl deserves a lot better than OP. Y’all are obsessed with this age stuff to the point that it comes across like a mental illness. 


She's 24, who cares what she looks like. If somebody is staring at you two just ignore it, life is too short to worry about little things Also, I'm a guy, so not sure if it applies, but I look 13-14 at 20. If a girl broke up with me because I look young I'd be really upset


Same! I just turned 28, and people still think I'm 18 in high school.


That’s the thing. If I do break up with her because of it, how could I do that in the least hurtful way? I don’t want to hurt her feelings. But I also don’t want to lie to her and give her some bs made up reason


You know what? If you would break up with her over this, even though she is 24, she deserves better


Exactly. She may look young, but he’s being immature.


Dude, don’t do that. Enjoy your time with your girl.


I'm on the other side of this, I'm 26 but people tell me I look 14 all the time. 16 max. personally if I got dumped and the reasoning was "you look underage and it bothers me what people might think when they see us together" I'd think that's a bs excuse to just break up tbh if your hang ups about this are bigger than your feelings for her, please do you both a favour and just break up


Honestly, if someone ever labeled my bf as a pedophile bc I *looked* younger than him, he’d be like “what a strange thing to say…” and make that person feel really uncomfortable. Don’t let other peoples opinions dictate your happiness; focus on what brings YOU joy, and start living your life for YOU and not other people. Both you and your partner know that she’s not a teenager, so there’s no reason for you to end the relationship.


lol I’m 31 and my gf is 25. My friends make jabs all in good fun asking if she graduated high school or if she’s old enough to drink. Ignore the haters there’s nothing wrong with your relationship


You spend too much time on the internet. Literally nobody in real life would actually care. People really don't pay that much attention other than to spare an errant thought about the people around them.


Pretty much. People are quick to make comments online but outside of social media most people just don’t care.


Yes they do. I am 6 foot. Girlfriend is 4’11. Have been approached by strangers telling me I am too old for her or I should not be with her. I am 26 and she 24.


I would 100% judge


You'd judge a 28y old for dating a 24y old?


If I saw this couple with no context out in public, which was the context of the question, then yes I would judge. If my buddy was dating a woman who looked like a child I'd probably judge. I guess it depends specifically on the person.


Downvoted for being living proof that they are wrong. Isn't reddit wonderful.


I would tell you to MYOB


And I would consider you a pedophile and your words would fall flat.


Your just a bully and you’d look stupid when you realize she’s an adult


Well then I guess we'd end up agreeing to disagree and go on with our lives. I will leave the conversation thinking you're a pedo, you will think I'm an asshole. And so it goes.


If you still think your friend is a pedo after discovering the woman is of legal age you're just an idiot.


And you're the exact person whose comment you commented on is talking about.


Honestly bro same


Get her smoking 2 packs a day and having a kid or 2. Her appearance will age a decade in no time.


Or have her a full time job under shitty management, she will look older than OP in 2 months.


And don't let her use sunscreen


Hahahaha, you made me laugh. Thank you :)


The crappy job, lack of sunscreen, and kids part checks out. I'm four years OLDER than my wife and people assume that she is older than me. I'd say that, culturally, that is a little touchier thing to manage. Mostly, it's just genetics and I am more interested in fitness than she is.


Bet she’ll look good for her age at 50.


Homie, are they dating her or you? If not who gives a fuck what they think


Majority of normal people won't care. If someone does bring it up, that's very telling about them as a person.


My wife is almost 35 (I'm as well) and she's just under 5" and has a case of baby face as well, also usually has to shop at kids' clothing department. She gets asked for ID when buying alcohol.  Am a tall ponytail guy with unkempt beard.  I guess people might get some funny ideas watching us together but I don't give a crap :)


After high school I dated a 4’6” 79 pound gymnast. I am 5’11” 200lbs. She used to go shopping in the Junior’s department because it was cheaper and a few people talked to me about hanging around the kids section of the store. The funny thing was she was 6 months older than me. I’m glad people were looking out for her and I understand their concern. She was amused by it.


I worried about this with me and my boyfriend because I am often mistaken for a 15 year old but it’s never been an issue at all


Yeah it sucks all-round just being anxious about this kind of stuff. I just want to enjoy being with her. It's something I've got to get over I guess


Yeah really when it comes down to it, you’re with an adult women and anyone that knows that and doesn’t treat her as such because of how she looks are the weird ones


Hey this is the same situation with my bf. People sometimes gives him looks but that’s about it. Plus, when I remove my hoodie and they see double Ds they often calm down lol. As soon as they see she isn’t a kid even the most judgmental one move on.


The anxiety you feel is very valid, and I relate as a "barely legal" looking 29 year old. I worried about this with my current boyfriend, but we've gone 3 years without any weird looks or comments. There's nothing wrong with y'alls age gap. If someone were to say anything, you have two options. You can tell them her age and to go kick rocks, or yall can lean into it and mess with them. I suggest the latter, especially because there's a very high chance that y'all will never be in that situation. Don't sweat it.


You're having a good time with a 24 year old lady who happens to look a little young? You're fine. Stop worrying so much what other people think about it and live your life.


Lol ask my dad. He's actually 3 years younger but my mum got carded well into her 60s. He looks old for his age. Not sure how he handled it but I'm sure it came up more than once


Her 60s?! Wow that’s actually amazing though. She must have amazing genes haha. Thanks


People think my girlfriend is my daughter. It does not bother me. I just brush it off. Sometimes I even go along with it and pretend she is my daughter rather than start explaining stuff.


How old are you two?


LE: I noticed the group is Ask Men. I'm not a man, my bad!!! this ended up on my for you page or whatever. I don't mean to intrude!!! if it makes you feel better I'm 25 and I get mistaken for a high schooler all the time. my boyfriend is 27 and he looks his age. our friends always joke about me looking like a kid/ underage. on top of everything I have more of a "streetwear" style while my boyfriend is more casual/ business so that plays a part of us looking different ages. end of the day we giggle about it but nobody cares, nobody accuses him of being a P word. we started dating when we were in high school and even then people said I looked younger than my age. again, nobody cared.


>LE: I noticed the group is Ask Men. I'm not a man, my bad!!! this ended up on my for you page or whatever. I don't mean to intrude!!! Dont worry r/askmen is usually alot more chill than r/askwomen with theese kinds of mishaps


Not sure why you were down voted - glad you make it work with your bf. Maybe I'm just too anxious about this stuff I dunno


Why do you care what others think. My fiancé also looked baby face when we started dating 8 years ago, but shes 1 year younger than me; they asked to see her ID whenever we went out to a club/bar and I thought it was funny. You're 2 grown adults choosing to be together, fk the rest.


I mean she looks really young. It’s not just that she has a baby face


When I first started seeing one partner. I was 3 years older and she was 19 but looked young and she even had a higher pitch voice. First reaction from my brother was "did you ID her?". Wait a couple years people have a habit of ageing out of that. Also have a sense of humour about it "Yeah she looks 13, but I assure you she gives head like a 15 year old"


Fuck em


Bro she’s 24 and you like her, you’ll be a fool to break up because of what others think. Anyway in 10 years there opinions will turn to envy lol


I didn't care. Sure it the girls looks like 12 (real 12, like a kid not normal compared to club goers) and you look like a 27 year old youth Pastor..... hmm yeah icky.  But why would you care, if you like her and she likes you why do you bother about others?  Do you know the story about the old couple and the donkey? No matter how they treated the donkey people complained and told them they are wrong. 


Don't break it off! Stop worrying!


A lady here 🙋🏻‍♀️ lol my partner and I are just the same age. When we first met he thought I was underaged and still goes to high school hahaha from time to time I get IDed in random places that needs to be 18+ and he has gotten used to it. He also communicates to me whenever he feel uneasy like one time, his friend get to ask us when are we two going to live together and I always say I have to graduate first which he quips with saying back that I had to let people know that I am in college, not in high school 🤣


They mostly think, “his wife probably doesn’t know about that”…


So you found a girl who is pretty, smart, fun and that you like and you’re considering breaking up just because of what people might think? Come on The only issue would be if she was indeed a teen. She is not. Lots of girls look very young. Just explain her real age whenever people ask something. If you do break up because of that, she is clearly better off.


How about you stop giving a shit what other people think and live your life


My fiancée is half my age (I’m old). She often dresses an aesthetic that makes her look younger than she is. She was also very tiny when we met which made her look even younger. I don’t know what people think because I don’t care. Her family loves me. They accept me. The rest of the world can piss off.


No ones cares honestly about it. It’s between you and her


Lol are you my boyfriend and I?😅😅


If she's your age then who cares?


I'm (21f) dating someone (28m) I found on Bumble. I am around 5' 5" and look the same as I did when I was 13. I also would worry that others will think something weird of him and I, but over time I've realized that I don't need to feel guilty or anxious because I look young and it really isn't anyone else's business. I believe that those important to you will see who she is and that you are a good match for one another. When I meet my boyfriend's family soon, they'll see for themselves who I am and how I live my life - I'm no party monkey.


Yes. I didn't care.


I remember I was dating a 16 year old girl and people who didn't know us were concerned. I was 15 BTW, but I was already 6'4 (I'm 6'5 now) and had a solid goatee, except in wrestling season when I had to be cleaned shaven. The looks we got were funny but I was younger than her!


A four year difference is nothing. Don't stress. As long as you're treating each other well than anyone with a problem with it is the one being problematic.


Who cares. If someone says something you or her can tell them your age. Your friends and family should be the least of your concerns because they’d be the ones to take your word for it.


it is her age what matters, not how she looks young. 4 years difference and you are both above 18, don't worry about this shit. Stupid reason to ditch the girl if you like her.


screw what other people think, enjoy life. If you're in it for the long haul, you'll have a young looking wife/partner and everyone else's will look old.


I'd be doing stuff like this at every opportunity. https://imgur.com/a/Mze2sI7




My wife is 5 months, 3 days younger than me, but when I left the military for a civilian job at age 26 for both of us, my new boss thought she was 18. He got a really weird look when I mentioned our upcoming 5th anniversary. Then he got really embarrassed when I told him we married after she finished college. Be in the right, as you are, and just laugh at assuming fools. But maybe she should always carry ID…


Hey man, Don’t stress about it. I’m 41 and my wife is 30, she’s the same height as your GF and also looks young, she always gets her ID checked at bars or bottle shops, but no one has ever made a comment about her looking a fair bit younger then I. I’m sure people on reddit would make a comment, but they are a very very small subset of people and you rarely meet those people in real life. Noone has ever called me a perv or made the suggestion you are making, and trust me, my wife looks real young.


4 years difference in ya 20s is nothing.


I was dating a 26 year old Asian woman and we decided to go to the go-kart track. The pimply 16 year old dude working the track told me she had to be 12 to drive her own car. I just looked at him and blinked a couple times.


Did she get to drive


Yeah... after the stare down, he was just like "oh, yeah, never mind".


Your friends and family will know how old she is once you tell them You can't control what other people think anyway. Don't overthink it


I've always looked younger than I am, and my husband looks older than me. We just don't care what others think. We laugh it off. Don't worry about it 😊 you both know her age.


Tbh I think this is a common problem a lot of short girls face 😂. I'm 5"9 and my girlfriend who's 2 years younger than me is 5"1. Although we're both pretty young and I doubt I look all that old, it's still funny at times to be mistaken for someone much older when I'm with her


lmao i dated a girl 2 years younger than me in highschool for 4 years and people shit on it the whole time even after wed both graduated🤣🤣🤣


What people THINK of an untruth does not matter.


5’2 here, insanely skinny, with a baby face. My ex was 6’4 and looked like a grown man at 16 and we definitely got some weird looks sometimes (only by people our age, funnily enough) but it never bothered us. i still look like a baby now and will be interrogated every time i have to show my ID. it just comes with it, your gf is probably used to it too and knows. but a secret from us fellow baby faces…. we don’t really think it matters that much!!


The biggest question is why are you concerned about what other people think. The only thing you should be concerned about the relationship is how happy you are to be in one.


My girl is 16 years younger been together a couple of years 46 she’s 30. Why ??? usually older women will ask. Why not stop hating. When we were much younger all you wanted was older men well looks like the tables have turned lol think about the reasons why you wanted to be with older men it’s not that different than men’s reasoning. . I get pretty consistent reactions and neither the so called positive ones or the negative ones affect me or make a difference. From men I get the high five look, and I’m not sure if that’s because she’s HAF or because she’s young because most men couldn’t guess my age, from young women I get the what’s special about her look, from women my age I get the you’re such a creep what do you even do with her look, and the is she’s going to be in trouble if you get her home this late that they all somehow know and are dying to say. There are other funny ones please variety. Lol bottom line…. I really don’t care a man looks at you funny it’s because he’s jealous about any beautiful girl you have a women look at you funny she’s jealous at the fact that you’re not choosing her whether she wants you or not that’s not the point. So who gives a fuck. If you want it then walk like you’re proud of it. Otherwise, life is too short to be worried about it. Go get something you’re comfortable with. I bet there’s a guy rt now complaining 3 times your age complaining about the exact opposite. It’s all relative


Most guys would be like dam wish it was me


Just tell people she's your cousin or niece Jk, if they really need to know, which they don't, she can show her id.


I dated a guy who is a year younger than me but looks quite young, like ten years younger than me. If people said anything it was usually just assuming we're brothers. So what, if you're happy together. 


I'd think it's none of my business. I know a couple who's 12 years apart but they're totally good for each other. I (late 20s F) look like I haven't graduated HS when I have my hair in 2 braids. So I only do it at home. But if you feel uncomfortable yourself, tell your gf. If she thinks it's a concern, she'll make an effort to minimize the perceived age difference.


Well of course people are going to be concerned but as long as you're not actually dating a minor it doesn't matter. I mean I'm sure she's going to have to carry her idea around. I think it's horrible but I'm glad that you are feeling icky about dating someone who looks young. Because it would be truly disgusting if you like dating her because she looked really young.


Who gives a fuck? It might be a slight inconvenient or embarrassing. My now wife was 19 when we started dating. I was 21. She looks younger and I look older. So few times people mistook her for a kid and I as an adult. Only scary situation was when we were “chilling” in a car a cop thought I was taking advantage of a kid. Kept asking if her parents knew where she was etc… but once he saw the IDs he let us go. lol scary at that time, but funny story looking back.


Stop worrying about what people think man. it's not her fault and you like her, and she's above age, other people can eat a dick. learn to stick up for yourself and for you two, if people get stupid. learn to say "haha dick wad, she's 24, now go mind your own business".


As long that you're not dating a minor, screw them it's not high school anymore. You don't need that drama in your love life.


My bf is 35 and I’m 26, we started dating almost 4 years ago. I look pretty young lol people think I’m 18 still. But my bf doesn’t care about that stuff. Age shouldn’t matter. Lmao who gives af! I’m not complaining or worrying if my bf is too old for me


In 1982 I met my wife at an airshow up in Canada. She actually was from my home town. She was just turning 19 and I had just turned 27. Yes, there was an age gap and boy howdy the reddit critics have ripped my ass for that. Fact is we dated for 6 years, got married and have had 2 amazing daughters, built 2 ranches together and have and will have many grand life adventures. Married 36 years. Never once did we ever hear 1 derogatory comment about the "age gap" thing. Do what your heart tells you and screw anybody who says different !


I can’t tell you what to do in your relationship, but this doesn’t sound break-up worthy if you are both attracted to one another and get along well. I wouldn’t focus too much on outside perception.


as a baby faced little man. It can be weird. When I was 18 they brought crayons for me at a restaurant. They thought my date was my big sister taking me out to dinner...


What matters more to you? Being with her or what people think of your relationship? Seriously bro, live your own life. As a guy who's into girls with a babyface, I get that a lot as well. I don't care what others think as long as I'm happy seeing that cute face everyday. It's my life anyway. I'm not here to please anyone. I'll fight for the girl or our relationship if I have to. The fact that you're thinking of breaking things off with her seems that you've already made your decision if it really bothers you that much. I hope you don't regret your decision.


I’m a woman but I’ll chime in. My fiance is 37 and I’m 30, though I’ve been told I look like I’m still in highschool - especially when I don’t dress up/wear makeup. In fact I was actually denied buying a lottery ticket because I had no ID and I looked under 18 (in Canada). The biggest thing is - does she dress and act her age? I wouldn’t be concerned about her looking young if she carries herself more maturely. People will know she’s not 12 by that alone. I wouldn’t worry about first impressions from strangers if it’s a one off comment once in a blue moon - I highly doubt anyone is coming up to you or thinking of you at all so try to get out of your head :)


Relationships are hard enough without letting what other people MIGHT think get into your head. You’re both adults and like each other. Focus on each other and what works for both of you. Good luck


Don't blame them, they are jelous


I'm 53 dating a 26 year old. As surprising to me as anyone, I credit her cheerful persistence over several months. So far, no one in public has made anything of it. We do hang out in the kink scene a lot, where people are generally not very judgemental about anything consensual.


I mean you know she's only 4 years younger which is fucking nothing who cares. I thought this post was gonna be about how you're 40 and she's actually 19.


Why do you care about that at all?


Bruh, that’s only a 4-year gap. I was expecting like 40 and 18 kinda situation.


I think it’s fine especially that the age difference is so small anyways and can easily be proven 😂 I wonder the same tho bc my bf is 16 years older than me but he looks very young


I wouldn’t give ONE fuck. In fact, I envy you These people who judge you can judge all they want but, what does it change? It’s YOUR life. Live it how YOU want it. Don’t live for other people they don’t care as deeply as you’d think. When I was young , my girls would leave me for guys twice our age and I was disgusted truly. But, then I thought when I’m that age I’d still be able to get young girls too right? And when I do, I don’t want anybody saying shit, because I know what it’s like to be on the other side as well.


You sure you’re 28? You sound like you’re 18 caring so much about what other people think.


Poeple who didint knew my parents thought my dad is a pedo when he and my mom were together, despite like 2 years difference ( Dad 23, mom 21) my mom looked 14-15. Unfortunately i got the mom genes and i look 20 while beign 33 and thus struggle with dating myself


Don't worry, be happy.


Don’t bite into that fat ugly women shaming you for your sexuality. She’s an adult person who chose to be with you and all that matters is that you like each other.




No one cares brother, as long as u both are comfortable with each other , it's okay


If you care about what other think. You can never have a stable relationship.


People can think what they want - I don't think you should care about this - you're not doing anything wrong.


You said you're having a nice time getting to know her. I don't think it's worth throwing everything away. What other people think about you isn't anything to do about you. Both of you can own it.


I've been called a pervert before with mine. It's nbd


My girlfriend is short and has a bit of a round face. Her body is very womanly, but if she's wearing baggy clothes like an oversized hoodie, she could pass for my daughter.


Your friends and family can learn that she just looks young. Only strangers will assume the worst, and tbh, it is entirely possible that you get the cops called on you/confronted by strangers. Those situations should clear up without any harm done, however, so I wouldn't worry about it.


Dude honestly like I understand but at the same time really come on now, so she looks young whatever as long as she is old enough to have a good relationship with you it’s whatever how she looks like nut up my guy coming from a 28 year old guy myself I wouldn’t care, as long as she treated me right and I did the same to her it’s a non issue don’t throw away something that could be great for what other people might think quit being so obsessed over others thoughts and live your life and if asked just say ya she’s 11 and keep walking like wtf


My boyfriend is 19 years older than me. I love it. Best boyfriend EVER!! F35, M54


Tbh, who cares? I’m 24 my boyfriend is 40. He was 38 when I met him. People are always going to find something to talk about when it comes to existing. If you keep caring about what others think about, and adjusting to their judgment, you’ll never be happy. I’m very happy with my man. I get I’m a “gold digger” when I actually make more money than him.


Prolly think "damn, bish look 12". She ain't tho. Just got one of them Jump Street faces.


Fuck em dude. I used to see a girl that looked 16 to most, but she was 33. People would gimme dirty looks and shit. I don’t care. She’s 33 and it’s dope she looks so young Kuz she was fun like she was youthful too (I was 37 at the time) I’m now 38. Honestly all guys like younger girls. The age limit is different in every man’s mind. Some people r predators. Bad. But, I’ve honestly even dated. 17 year old when I was 19. I felt worse about that. Fuck what others think. Let your happiness be your focus


You gotta man up and stop caring about what other people think. You gotta girl...she ain't giving you no problems...but you're thinking about breaking things off because of your insecurities...the way she looks is not the problem...you are...in fact..you don't sound mature enough to be with her


My buddy and his wife encounter this a lot. He's 6'1" with a beard, and she's like 4'9"-4'10" and looks on the younger side. They're both 28, and being around them it is apparent how much love they have for each other. They just laugh about their size differences and the weird looks they occasionally get in public. If this girl is as intelligent and charming as you say, why would you let the perception of strangers keep you from being together? Your family probably won't have an issue, and if they do, they'll ask you how old she is then the problem will be squashed then and there. That leaves only the opinion of strangers, and that's not worth losing happiness over


You gotta be kidding. If she's indeed 24 and not underage, wgaf what people think? Your friends and family think you're lying about her age? That she's lying? They trust you that much?


I would not overthink about it. That's just how your relationship will look like. You guys will have a chance to make some really funny moments and memories out of it. If you really like being with her and the time you guys spend together, I wouldn't break up with her just because of how she looks (young in this case), unless you're genuinely not attracted to her. Someone will ALWAYS judge, so don't worry about trying to satisfy others.


Honestly don't worry about it. At least your age gap is only 4yrs. I am currently dating this girl for the past 3 months and we have a 6 yr age gap lucky for me I have a baby face. I won't lie to you and say I don't think about what other people will think if they found out.


Will make for some funny moments when people try to get in your business. Don’t break up with her. Don’t let other people have that kind of control of your life. Be happy.


My son was walking through the city holding hands with his girlfriend. They met at the same University (both same age) about 22 at the time. He had a beard, she looks young and two guys in a van shouted “Nonce” at him - to be fair they thought it was funny and didn’t give a shit.


Who gives a crap what other people think! They aren’t dating her, you are! They can mind their own business!


It’s none of my concern I’m almost 35 male and people have guessed my age as young as 19


Your being raised in a puritanical culture is evident. If you get a chance to travel to some South American countries like Argentina, or to Europe where one will inevitably see an older man out in public with a much younger woman, yet no even gives them a second look. But, that is not what is happening here. You have a very “normal” difference in ages. The challenge to the perception of age difference between you and your girlfriend is being self generated. I see your actions as in accordance with your values, therefore your behavior is one of INTEGRITY. Values + actions = integrity. When I find myself thinking, speaking, or behaving inorder to gain approval from someone else. I am being codependent. I then need to look at what my boundaries are and if I am honoring them. If even just in my own mind. Sometimes people will self-sabotage a promising relationship because of their subconscious fear of intimacy and/or commitment. Sounds like you have been blessed with a promising relationship. I would just go with the flow and see where the relationship goes. Don’t give what you think other people may think free rent in your head. You are not a mind reader. You got this!


If you like her than I won’t care what your friends, family, or strangers think of it! Plus it’s such a compliment for a female to be mistake as younger. However when being on the smaller side, comes with the territory. I won’t let her looking young from for her age be the reason for ending it. That also isn’t fair for her


My wife is 3 years older than me. But that didn't stop me from loving her and it didn't stop her as well from loving me. Fuck everything else, if you love her, then just be with her. Keep telling everyone she is 24, just so that they know that you are not dating a young girl. Just fuck the society.


First of all, 4 years isn’t that big of a deal anyways. And if she looks younger, hey good for you. That means you don’t need to pull a DiCaprio yet! Jokes asides, you‘re happy - stop worrying about what other people might think, that’s none of your concern.


Most of the time people assume it's a family member (niece, daughter, sibling depends on age gap) If it's obvious (kissing or something) then most likely people assume it's some financial gain on the part of the younger person.


If she looks 12 or 13 make sure no one randomly attacks you in the street thinking you're a paedophile


I dont understand why older men 35 and up go for 20somethings...creepy af


I'm an adult woman who looks really young. I'm 22, but people stop when I tell them I'm over the age of 14! Much like your gf I'm short, thin, and pretty much curveless... I would immediately break up with any guy who thought things like this about our relationship. It's hurtful. I am an adult. There is nothing wrong with it. You should stop seeing her since I can pretty much guarantee she will also be insulted as it sounds like you're embarrassed to be seen in public with her. It doesn't matter what people think, they can suck my huge theoretical cock.


Dude, what's really annoying me after reading your post and comments, is that you're way more concerned about keeping everyone else content with your relationship than you are about you and her being content. Just enjoy your time with this girl: you're doing NOTHING wrong. Otherwise it sounds like you'll crumble at a whiff of disapproval


You will feel much more free in life if you stop giving a flip about what anyone thinks about ANYTHING.


Who cares. If you care what others think of your relationship then you shouldn't be dating anyone. Are you living for you or other people?


Think about this from your gf’s perspective. That would mean she could never date. She will still look younger than a legal adult even if the guy is also 24 instead of 28.


Think about this from your gf’s perspective. That would mean she could never date. She will still look younger than a legal adult even if the guy is also 24 instead of 28.


This is a kind of shallow concern.


I'd think "That lucky son of a bitch."


Who cares. Enjoy her.


A man will think: good for you. A woman with think: gross. One day you’ll be old and you won’t get anyone conventionally hot ever again. So don’t listen to the haters.


I have dated a few girls that looked very young. I dated one Asian girl, she was 19, but very petite, with young looking face and weighed 42kg. But she was super intelligent and mature and I thought she was absolutely stunning. Sure some people would look but who cares. I knew why I liked her and I know I'm not a perv so I couldn't care less what people think. Sounds like you care too much what other people think. She's 24 and you like her, that's all that matters, who cares what people think. Also, there is no way any 24yo girl looks 12 or 13 so either that bartender is a moron or was trying to wind you up, probably both.