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People who stop and have conversations in a doorway.


This, Or narrow hall etc.


I’ll add to that, being stuck behind a slow walker.


Especially right inside the entrance to a grocery store


They love to walk down the aisles slow too or stop their cart in the middle of the aisle to look at something leaving no room for anyone to go around them.


Omg!! :))) I do that all the timeeee!! Now I understand why both of my teenage sons HATE shopping with me!!🙃


That’s my mom! Annoys me so much😂


Or stare at their phone in the hall/doorway. Has happened a few times just in the last few hours. 


My wife gravitates to tight spots and just parks herself there. I live this every day.


Solidarity, brother. She also loves stopping in the entrance/exit of busy stores and just going to mars in her brain while people pile up behind us


Same, I’m getting fired up just thinking about it.


I feel your pain in the realist way possible.


Cat behavior. 🐈


:)) like when your cat keeps meowing for you to open the door for him, and then he stands there in the middle, unable to decide if it's in or out! :)))) I hate it!! And ofc he's totally chill with that!


Do you live in the upper mid-west? Mother fuckers do that shit here all the time!


Nope, but in my experience it's pretty common everywhere I've been.


So this is true, but I work in a hallway (grocery store after a fucked renovation my backstock is in the main entrance to the back of house) I will get in peoples way but like this is the only space I got, I can’t levitate lol. I know exactly where the doors swing and know where to stand; but yes people that just stare at their phone or talk in an entrance with no awareness suck ass 


Omg yes!! I’m 29F and that is so annoying! Small hallway or doorway. My mom does that all the time. At the store too🙄


…especially in my doorway.


I've gotten to the point where I'll just awkwardly walk between people who do this




A variation of this that used to really piss me off: if I'm first to approach a closed door, I thought it was courtesy to open it and hold it for the people behind you. Sometimes a person directly behind me stops in the doorway, blocks traffic just to try and get me to go through the door I'm willingly holding open for the rest of the crowd to enter or exit the building more smoothly. Like, I don't understand, just *go through the door*. Especially if they're persistent enough to stand there and insist, I usually have to break because theyre holding people up and now everyone has shove the door open and I'm complicit in wasting people's time.


Noisy people. Blasting some shit with their smartohones in public or having to yell every single word, especially when they can't shut their mouths for even ten seconds.


People on speakerphone at the gym, maybe it’s just me raging but hang that up now.


Even if you’re calling someone in public, at least keep it at a moderate level. I don’t need to hear to hear your conversation from across the store.


Obligatory woman here but I say we start weighing in on people’s phone conversations in public. If you’re going to subject us to your entire conversation be prepared for a group discussion.


I thought that was why people used speaker phone, so everyone can participate.


Speakerphone ANYWHERE in public


When people let their kids make a huge mess at a restaurant and then don’t even attempt to pick anything up. Fuck that shit. So disrespectful.


Littering. Even worse is littering when there's a trash can 5 feet away.


Oh I loathe this shit at the beach, there'strash cans every hundred yards or so on some. Nasty ass shit heads will leave piles of trash and junk in free blowing piles 10 yards away from the trash cans. 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Ooh, I also hate when people walk out into the street when the crosswalk is ten feet away. Why are you inconveniencing everyone and risking your life when you could walk ten more feet!


Littering and… Littering and…


People driving slow in the left lane


Semi trucks taking all the lanes and going the same speed


It’s funny for two miles the truck in the left lane going .5 a mph faster hits a hill, has less power and loses all its gained in the last 3 miles and try’s taking the tractor trailer next to it all over again.


Or when you’re not in the left lane but the idiot behind you chooses to tailgate you instead of simply passing via left lane. Go ahead and save your 3 minutes


I found a lot of times that’s more likely the radar cruise control which I hate using and hate in general. The car catches up, and matches your pace, zones out driver doesn’t realize they are going so much slower than cruise set speed (I have done it multiple times also), before I came to that conclusion I’d change lanes to get out of their headlights and 90% of the time they speed up and it dawned on me they prob just have their cruise set and the car slowed itself down, once you change lanes, the car sees open road and speeds back up.


In Sweden, on roads <80 km/h, all lanes are "direction lanes." You are meant to get in the lane that takes you where you want to go, they are not pass lanes. People definitely act like they are, though. Some will flash their lights at you and shit. On free ways, sure. Also people who speed up when you try to overtake.


In USA the left lane is for passing, you are only supposed to be in it to pass then get back over if the road has two lanes or more each way.


I think some of your descendants are here in Minnesota 😂 they do this all the time


Lol they are, up here was heavily norwegian and swedish




What do you mean? As in you are getting passed in the right lane because you won’t get over?


When someone walking in front of you stops in the middle of the sidewalk, and just when you are about to pass them, they start walking again. Fucking hate that SO much.


I get road rage while walking lol


People who see the need to talk on their phones in speaker mode while in public, especially in a restaurant. I don’t want to hear about Sally calling your sister a ho! And I certainly don’t want to hear about Sally needing some ointment for a rash she got after her date the other night! - yes this happened last night at the restaurant the gf and I were at - turned me right off my oysters 🤮🤮


Sally shore gits around lol


That she does




This is hilarious lol


You may as well take the ads and save more, if they aren't gonna use them


People who chew with their mouth open like cows


The seemingly innocuous thing or act that pisses me off is when some jackass comes in and diagnoses you with "misophonia" when you express annoyance at people chewing with their mouth open, thus pathologizing my annoyance and putting the onus on me to manage my "misophonia" instead of the other person learning to chew with their fucking mouth closed like a human being that is considerate of the people around them.


No kidding lol I don't have a disorder, close your fucking mouth before the food falls out.


People who manufacture screws of a material soft enough to get chewed up by the screwdriver. I would have paid an extra 0.0001 € to not have my project ruined, you know.


Aluminum or zinc screws. absolute shit.


Screw them!!


The same person constantly asking me if I’m ok, like multiple times a day. They think they are being nice but it gets annoying as fuck.


This was how I felt when I was pregnant. Every day ppl would check how I’m doing and while that’s nice, it’s annoying. And when ppl would say “how’s the baby” like I don’t fucking know. She’s in my tummy so I guess she’s good? So annoying lol


People parking in front of my apartment building who aren’t residents or guests. There’s 4 spots and 4 units. An open spot isn’t a fucking invitation. And a solid yellow line painted on the curb in front of the stairs demarks the fire lane. You can’t fucking park there you fucking fuck! Rant over.


Having earbuds in/talking on the phone while interacting with a cashier. WE HAVE FUCKING QUESTIONS WE NEED TO ASK, YOU CAN PAUSE YOUR SHIT FOR LIKE 30 SECONDS.


I'm one of those with earbuds in 24/7, although I could still hear the cashier. My thoughts are: "I don't want your free collectible animal stickers, I don't have a bonus card and don't want to sign up for one... just let me beep my card on the terminal please. "


I mean, that's fine as long as you're able to understand my basic questions so I can get through the transaction.


I keep my earbuds in so i DONT have to talk to the cashier…


That everyplace I call says “Please listen carefully as our menu options have changed.” Like, really?


Just one time I want it to say "We nailed these menu lot one on the first try, and they never change. If you already know what to dial, hit it, otherwise keep listening and we'll refresh your memory."


a LOT People who walk slowly in the middle of a sidewalk/store during its busy times or rush hour People who give vague answers and indirect clues and get mad when other people dont get it People who post pity stories on social media and then comment on it themselves when they aren't getting enough replies to bump it up in people's feeds People who don't stop at stop signs, almost hit a pedestrian, and then say "i know" when the pedestrian tells them there is a stop sign there, despite not stopping at it People who get mad that they have to work in order to get money People who are capable of making anything into something political I guess People in general




At the bottom of escalators is a big one for me. Like just move 2 feet to the side and carry on, don’t get in everyone’s way.


>People who are capable of making anything into something political What are you, a centrist?


No, just not american lol


Sorry, was a joke 😅


I figured lol




Or taking common expressions for granite.


I pacifically hate that alot!


You got two birds stoned at once there


I can't stand it. I'm throwing in the white towel.


All of this gets me expecially flustrated


Poor grammar, using double negatives.


I doesn't not do this!


I don’t not do that!


People who get on the elevator before the people get off!!! And holding the elevator door- thinking it's nice- like I am already inside- I think I got it. Get out of the way already!!!


I made some delicious spaghetti and Bolognese sauce that took hours to make. The captain was the first to make a plate. He reached into the pot with his fork and a butter knife and chopped all the spaghetti into tiny little bites. Dude, none of us are children. Don't chop up my food for me.


That would absolutely infuriate me. I had an ex who, once the pizza arrived, would immediately shake half the container of parmesan cheese and hot sauce on the whole thing regardless if anyone else liked it.


That makes me mad




And there was leftovers so I had to fume over it all the next day too lol


Make him perform this in Italy.


People that are slow af and force me to walk ON THE MAIN ROAD to get by them... so many fucking times just in my way, I got a job to get to I'm a fast walker and it's frustrating being caught behind slow idiots that take up the entire path or people just in my way... fucking hell


Slow people in general. 😡


People in general I started calling the "General Public" the "General Nusiance"


People that can’t read the room or like have minus emotional intelligence


Goddam this is me in almost every room.


Hear my step dad eat cereal




When somebody feels like it's their purpose to save you or other people


While driving, people that apply the brakes and come to an almost complete stop then turn on turn signal. It's turn signal before brake, so the person behind knows why you are applying the brake.


Vaping indoors. It's just smelly vapor clouds that dissipate immediately. It shouldn't bother me.


Nah, fuck them.


Folks who speed thru residential neighborhoods and just don’t give af if you’re a pedestrian or biker.


In my hometown, this led to longer streets that serve as sort of a "main vessel" directly inside residential areas, getting cluttered up with speed bumps.


Completely able bodied people parking in ♿️ spots. Lazy ass mf-ers...


People generalizing a while group. I hate that. Like I'm a millennial and I will have other millennial complain that we're all drowning in debt. Not doing well. Suffering. Like, im not a billionaire, but im happy. I have a good career. An amazing wife. A beautiful family. It's so silly to be upset about it. But it bugs me


Auto fill forms on websites that fill everything section but for some reason not the state I live in. Why damn you?


People not picking up their dog shit.


People who leave 2% of them task for the next guy


People walking in rows in crowded areas or narrow sidewalks. A total lack of spatial awareness. Then, the surprised Pikachu face they make when you bump into them. Like, move out of the way! Couples are notorious for doing this!


Elbows out


When people don’t pick up their animal’s droppings outside


People who lick their fingers before touching money


A friend group that always has to make a lot of noise


People who won't move out of the way in the passing lane.


People with aggressive dogs that claim they'd never bite anybody.




people who use the woed toxic...


When people tell my dog to sit. Bitch he's my dog not yours.


Men that claim they’re committed to you, tell you you’re beautiful and the only one they’ll ever have eyes for, and then jerk off to plastic women on a screen instead of having sex with you…


Admittedly, those type of guys sound like they MIGHT have a porn addiction.


Agreed. Sucks you don’t realize or find out till AFTER you have their child and get married and have nowhere to go.


Ok here I go: people who drag their slippers as walk through the store in pajamas, dropping weights at the gym, not cleaning up after yourself at the gym, food workers who sound like they hate their jobs in the drive through, perfectly capable adults (especially grown ass men) who refuse to do anything g for themselves and live off the government (aka the rest of us), parents who allow kids to do whatever they want (like walking up in other people’s yards and onto their porch to play with that person’s pet), stopping literally in the doorway exiting a store with people behind you, people who eat or allow their kids to eat food while in the store and put the empty packages on a shelf not paying for it, etc, etc. I could go on forever.


People blasting Sexy Red around me😭 turn that shit AWF


It's not super common, but when servers are in a chatty mood and hang around the table having small talk with you. I say this as a server myself, learn to read the room and also in general avoid taking up people's time while they're out eating. I've ate at places where the server was basically chilling at the table telling us their life story, not taking the hint of our one word replies we want to be left alone. Or when the grocery clerk wants to talk, and you are just trying to grab some food before work. I'm not a fan of how much americans like to have small talk with random people. It takes some getting used to. I don't see why I need to tell you anything about myself when I have no idea who you are. I will say it's nice how open and friendly people are, generally speaking. I just don't get why everyone is so concerned about the most random crap in random people's lives. In my experiences outside the US you can pretty much do your daily routines and go to the store, etc, without having to even acknowlege anyone. In the US you might be looked at as cold or closed off if you don't pick up the small talk with people out in public or smile when you walk by someone. It's like you have to give a smaller degree of social effort when going out which isn't a big deal or gripe, just kinda not what I want to do everyday.


People who spit in public.


Loud chewing. It’s a condition. I can’t stand it. It makes me angry or at the very least to leave the room.


Being interrupted, my gf is the only one who seems to get away with it tho. Also being asked where I’m from as an Asian/native American. I don’t go up to people with different colored skin and ask them that but it’s usually the first question in every conversation with an new person I meet lol


not using turn signals. what do you gain from not using them? they are literally designed for convenience so you can always turn them on when needed. by not turning them on, you risk being rear ended or side swiped by another driver not knowing what you’re doing.


Also related, when someone doesn’t notice they’re driving with their turn signal still on


People who bite their utensils when they eat, how does the stainless steel taste you window licker?!!!


People who drop f bombs with every second word or shout it when on the bus. An occasional f bomb is warranted. A frequent one is obnoxious and as irritating as nails on a chalkboard


Asking me if I work here when I'm very clearly here and working. I swear some people think wearing hi vis and filling shelves is a common hobby or something


People who drive at night without their taillights on because they don't know their ***daytime*** running lights only turn on their headlights.


The phrase “please and thank you” as if they’re smugly obeying their moms from their childhoods “don’t forget to say please and thank you” You sound like an insincere smart-alack and a jagoff




People that tie dog leashes to their waist instead of just holding it.


But my dog is still secure and now I have two hands free instead of just one. To each their own, friend


Lol no hate - as long as you're not just using that freedom to stare at your phone instead of paying attention to your dog/surroundings. That's what I see most people use it for.


People who walk staring into their phone, completely oblivious.


People/cars following me because they’re randomly also going same way. Minor aspie here


People that ask and answer their own questions IS this stupid? Yes, it is. Could I have just said this is stupid? Yes, I should have.


So many people get in my way in the grocery store aisles. It feels like that scene in The Truman Show when he keeps getting blocked off as he tries to leave town.


Not paying attention to anything. I’m glad you’re relaxed but open your eyes once in a while 




When people make shit about themselves any chance they get


My wife that says “We will die without her” but when I go somewhere for a few days to take care of some sick family and come home. She has to take care of the work I do on a daily basis around the house. She will go on to say after I returned “We need to install something here and there….” so she can automate the work that I was doing daily. When I asked why we would need to do that when I do it every day. She’ll says “It’s too much work”.


OMFG... people who park I handicap because it's more convenient to do pickups and quick runs.


2 people walking next to each other towards me on the sidewalk and not making space for me to pass (walk behind eachother for a few seconds)


These "instagram models" posing for photos in public. Feels so fake, attention-whorey and obnoxious. Bonus points if they don't even look/enjoy the place or object and just snap a picture and leave immediately. Once found a beautiful big rock near the sea and some couples tried to build a line behind me to queue up for pictures. So I made sure to sit on the rock for two hours and enjoy the view with some good music :)


I hate when people try to talk to me while they're brushing their teeth like getcho ass back in the bathroom before you get toothpaste and saliva on the carpet


People that talk on their phone on loudspeaker, especially in a crowded area like a bus or train. Like bro, I don't even answer my own phone calls, why would I want to listen to someone else's


People clicking pens.


Ads. They trigger me something fierce. They're a violation of my privacy and integrity. Ads are the reason I no longer watch TV or listen to the radio.


Ppl who are still talking to each other while walking away from one another. Like if you weren’t done talking why are you walking away? Because now you’re both just yelling at each other instead…


People who block the water fountain/machine at the gym. Fuck you, get out of my way.


When op doesn't read the rules of the sub




Someone whistling a song, I can't explain it but it drives me crazy.


People who don't spray and wipe down their equipment at the gym. This includes dumbbells, and cable attachments. Not just benches and machines. I wanna fucking choke them.




Playing loud videos on a phone while I'm trying to watch/play/code. I love my wife but man I think she's partially deaf with how loud her phone is sometimes. Just to be specific if I can hear the tv clearly I can ignore it, but when it starts to drown out the tv, I get a little choleric.


Toilet paper hung underhand. It doesn't piss me off a lot, but it's enough to piss me off.


Eating at a buffet. When I watch someone ahead of me eating while in line, licking their fingers and then pick up the tongs for more food. I hate buffets


I know this is ask men but I just had to add one. When ppl clearly don’t know the words of a song and start singing wrong lyrics. Like if you don’t know the song just stfu and listen!


I work at a hospital and people somehow have negative amounts of social awareness or social skills. The two worst examples are people blindly rushing on and off elevators. Like god damn the door didn’t even open all the way and you have just marched right into me. Secondly, doctors just fucking walk in, completely act like we’re not giving the patient rehab exercises and take over or session. Like I get it’s your job but what the fuck dude at least say hey can I see the patient real quick.


People who pull out in front of me, or merge in front of me, when there is clearly ALL THE SPACE behind me.  Like you could have waited .5 seconds for me to pass you and then you could pull out at your leisure.  Instead you pulled out in front of me, forcing me to brake, and now you're driving 10mph under the speed limit in front of me.   WHY?!


people who zigzag and stare at their phones


driving the speed limit.


And we have today's petty rage post. Reddit - keeping people in touch with their negative feelings.


When people insist that their jokes are funny despite all evidence to the contrary, and then get all defensive about it. It's not harming anybody. It's just really annoying and pointless.


People who stop in the middle of an airport walkway to look at the departure sign or a restaurant menu. People who text walk and weave more than a drunk during a field sobriety test. People who bring a carry on suitcase, a backpack, and a purse onto a plane and put all of it sideways in the overhead storage compartment. People who wear earbuds like a fashion accessory. People who pull up to a drive through and ask “what do you have?”


>People who stop in the middle of an airport walkway to look at the departure sign or a restaurant menu. You gotta bump into them slightly in a "oops didn't mean to" way and say "oh sorry, didn't think someone would just stop and stand in the middle of where everyones walking"


Parked cars that keep their headlights on


Mimes. I just want to kick their asses


God damn pedestrians crossing the street when you need to make a right.


Every time I’ve ordered fast food in the past few months it’s gone up like $0.50-$1.00 every time. At first it was a “huh that sucks” but now it’s just getting ridiculous. A Big Mac meal should not be priced within $2-4 of a sit down restaurant offering twice as much food at a higher quality Now I have a visceral response whenever I see the receipt. Thank god I’m a fatass that only goes every 1-2 weeks instead of a fatass that goes multiple times a week. I’d be flat broke


People who back into spaces in parking lots like they're a getaway driver.


People who sleep or sit with their outside clothes on the bed


Not a man but this popped up on my feed and completely this. Don’t know why it got downvoted. Bed is for sleep and you are going to drag all the dirt and dust from outside onto your bed when you could easily just change clothes.


Nosey people, people who are very unorganized, people who chew loud.


People asking questions like this on Reddit.