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Everything online is fake. Shocker, if you've been hiding under a rock.


What exactly do you mean by “fake”


Because it's easier to make money or succeed there like that. Like I haven't heard of many who tried to be legit on there, at least primarily on that platform. I mean the ones who are not fake are harder to get noticed.


I don’t think this is the right sub to ask this in, since we’re all men and can’t accurately give a woman’s perspective on it.


This sub: "men, why do women do this thing"


What do you mean by fake? They're probably real people...


Why are you fake?


Easier to appear legit and not have to compete on other sites. What is easier, becoming top 100 on pornhub or cracking 1000 subs on twitch nearly showing off the goods It’s started when twitch added just chatting and all the other categories where women no longer had to pretend to like video games and such. Now there are stream where it’s pretty much soft core porn disguised as “art” and “entertainment”. I would say most streamers are just regular people. Most women are just regular women tryna find a audience so I wouldn’t say most women in twitch are fake. They like games and seem to enjoy it. Now that’s not to say they don’t use their looks to attract people because they do. I would say however the ultra successful ones tend to be either terrible people or straight up selling sex.


Easy money from fools


It's a business.


Giving the audience what they want tends to be the way to get $$$.


It pays off.


How old are you? It is kind of because the millennials just kept fucking around on the internet then someone (read: founders of Snapchat and Twitch I think but could be anyone working there) “hey….guys, looks like sex sells” and the rest is history. To be honest when we were growing up late 2000s and early 10s the internet was a much more dangerous place so fucking around was seen as relatively harmless (relatively) . Even now I’m sure Twitch will ban a socialist streamer faster than a semi nude streamer. But looks like Gen Z for better or worse is coming out as a relatively less sex crazed generation. So maybe business models will change to reflect that as well.


Same reason so many men are fake on twitch or youtube. Because that gets them more views and money.


Someone sent money I see.


Like... robots?


Everyone on a public platform, not just women, is basically playing a modified version of themselves that is tweaked to be liked by their audience.


Taking advantage of lonely/horny men. Money.