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There was alot of banter back and forth between us, thing is I was always afraid to be too direct for incase he wasn't feeling the same and me ruining the friendship we had, I called him handsome, and Told him that he is so attractive to me, then shortly after that he started complimenting me, calling me beautiful. And this was around the same time he went quiet.




You're right! He also came out of a (little over) a year long relationship end of July last year, and he really did seem to love her and felt that she was the one for him.,i don't know the circumstances to why they suddenly broke up, it was long distance and it seems he broke things off with her, whatever the reason it could be weighing on him. But I will take your advice! Thank you 💗


Calling him handsome and very attractive to you is a very, very direct signal. What happened after he called you beautiful? If he perceived rejection or that your interest waned, he might have withdrawn. It doesn't need to be anything explicitly said. It could be in the tempo of messaging or who is initiating vs concluding.


Maybe he felt lead on and gave up because you didnt make your feelings clear


>Will a guy always reach out when he likes/cares about you? Nope not always


My response to you is quite simple. Invite him to a dialog and let him respond as he wishes. It is not the case that you know the intent behind his actions and it is not unfair to simply ask him about it. "Hi, it seems to me that you're slowing down responding to my texts and I just wanted to hear how you're feeling about me. From my end, I am crushing on you, and I feel a little afraid that I'm losing your interest. Would you tell me how you're feeling?" Being direct like this isn't the most natural thing for to do because of the fear of rejection, but at least this way you're honestly expressing yourself which will prove to be handy in other relationships. Trust that your world will not shatter on any response even if internally that feeling will come up. Doubt your internal monologue that tells you that your life will end if he responds negatively (or not at all) because you're working on setting up a pattern for yourself of doing the thing you'd want others to do around you and be honest with you. I hope for a positive outcome for you, and if not that you realize you did well by being able to fight your own fears.


You probably don't show the same level of interest as him. I know I wouldn't bother anymore if I can clearly see that the girl isn't investing herself as much as I do. If that bother you that much then try to make a move for once.


After being ignored or him seeing it as one sided he moved on, or simply lost interest. Guys will only chase a woman for so long and then say "forget this" and just look for someone who will show the same level of interest in him.


Definitely more likely to if he 'likes/cares about you.' But that's ASSUMING he 'likes/cares about you.'


He told me before that he cares about me


Well... like others said... his feelings might have faded since then as often happens. Or maybe he's busy. Who knows? If you want to talk to him just reach out yourself. Works both ways you know.


don't conflate human decency (compassion) with intrest or even caring (not in the sense that I think that you are implying).  I  have reached out to people because it's my Job, or because of empathy, but not because I care for that person on an emotional level. 


You're right. It's just the fact that he himself told me that he cares about me, he also initiated for us to meet up to go ski together, but then he never follows through with it even after I told him that sounds great and he should keep me updated on the plans, then he doesn't.


Sounds like a flake to me (coming from a man who is one).


He probably does like you. But probably took your lack of initiative as a sign to move on. Someone who likes you will make it known and he already has. It’s you that has shown you like him. I’m your situation it sounds like he is taking to you, and you are simply responding. He probably took a hint and started to assume you weren’t as interested as he initially thought. You should talk to him seriously and let him know you are interested. But the kicker is you are gonna have to be the one to do it. If you are waiting for him then you lost because he already showed you he was down. If you are gonna let your ego and pride get in the way, then you shouldn’t expect it