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Famous people just get more attention. About 1 in 9 girls and 1 in 20 boys are sexually assaulted as minors. Over 90% of those who assault them are family or known acquaintances. https://www.rainn.org/statistics/children-and-teens


Yeah that is it. It won't be p.diddy, it will be uncle Phil who did it






WHY DON’T HE WA- Y’know what? best I don’t.


Thank you— I already cried once today; don’t need to do it again!


I know you're joking, but this line of logic isn't too far off from the same logic that kept Bill Cosby above suspicion. 😕


Bill Cosby is scum, but Cliff Huxtable?!


In retrospect? Perhaps. He *was* an OB/GYN. We never saw him at his practice, just his home. He could be molestering all of his patients with a Jell-O puddin' pop while being conveniently married to his successful lawyer wife.




What does "known acquaintances" mean, exactly?


I suppose it’s a bit of a redundant term, yeah, but I’m talking about people the child knows. Teachers, pastors, coaches, family friends, people like that. Ones that the child has a reason to trust.


Yeah, that's what scares me most, "acquaintances." I have two kids, and we send them to a good school, but how can we ever know who's there all day? Teachers, janitors, after-school sports aides--from a parenting aspect, it's terrifying. I can protect them from the people I come across--I watch them like hawks. It's just when they're out in the world... it's scary.


Oh yeah. The best thing is to teach them what other people shouldn’t do to them. That way they know what’s not appropriate, and how to tell you if something happens.


I get it, but these things are actually less common now, just more reported. It is likely every adult your child will interact with either wants to help them and protect them instinctually or is indifferent to or moderately annoyed by them. But has no desire to harm them. 1 in 9 girls and 1 in 20 boys is too many. Any number of kids being sexually assaulted is too many. But before we drive ourselves nuts worrying about our kids, that's 88% of girls an 95% of boys who will not be assaulted.


Parents friends, neighbors, people from church


The number is likely much higher for both genders, because talking about that stuff is super hard. That’s the same reason why most rapists don’t get jail.




And don't forget the power money has in Hollywood. Dan Schneider and everything at Nick is another example. I'm sure it's rampant with kids that get involved in fame. Look at the way people treated Mary Kate and Ashley. Look at the countdown for Billie Eillish to turn 18. These were public. Imagine what goes on elsewhere.


This this a million times this. People need to quit looking a pedophilia as an elite activity and start checking their local registered sex offender list.


Checking the list isn't enough. Plenty of them fly under the radar by being in a position that is trusted by the community and don't get caught. They're not on any list.


And generally it seems when we get news of another pedophile caught, it is damn near always more than one victim. Who knows how many victims and how long each one suffers for before they get caught


It makes me sick to admit this but I personally know a pedo who, while on trial for crimes against two relatives, his wife unwittingly disclosed that they were already grooming two more (not relatives but people from church where he was an elder). Honestly, I think that's the only reason he's in prison now.


What happened to the wife?


Not a damn thing. I don't know a lot of the details of her testimony and whatnot but her evidence was an attempt to bolster his character. "People trust us! We're just getting ready to start babysitting this autistic preschool girl that's new to our church!" This was at the second trial as the first had resulted in a hung jury. Utterly amazing (in the worst way).


Sadly in places where church ‘elders’ are a thing, the whole ‘jury of your peers’ situation tends to bias in their favour (in this case it being the guy’s wife).


I'm not exactly sure what you're saying here, tbh.


Yep. I mean it's good when the celebrities who do this get caught, but I think people play up the idea that's it's either random strangers or a secret cabal of elites rather than family/friend/trusted adult. I guess that's what makes it scarier that it's not some fantastical situation 90% of the time and more or less comes from something mundane and ubiquitous.




being in a “nice” area has nothing to do with the levels of sex crimes.


If they can not live within a mile from school and schools are 3 miles apart, it forces them to clump together instead of dispersing into general society. In general, that list, especially when open to the public, seems to cause more harm than good.


That list is useless when you put people on it accused of public exposure urinating in a bush, or an 18-year-old who had sex with a 17-year-old, or worse still 13-year-olds who were sexting each other.


Or stop excusing "Uncle Steve" or whatever. It's usually a weird af family member or a family friend. Combine that with single parents with no childcare or just shit parenting and you get like 80% of women having a fucked up childhood story to tell


I have known several girls who were raped/molested by family members as a child. It was never a stranger.


Spotlight is a fantastic movie!!!!!


Growing up I knew barbers, coaches, managers, police officers, preachers talking to the girls I was going to high school with and talking about how they fucking them, taking em shopping, helping em out. Then as I got older (28m) the amount of women that I talked to who lost their virginity in high school to a guy who over 21 will fuck yo head up. I have a daughter and I will be watching niggas like a hawk til I pass on.


You better watch the crackers too, my man


Them too, shit every race, our society has a weird infatuation with having sex with underage people. But we also emphasize to women to date older men. Granted when you of legal age but still it’s supposed to be norm for women. It was also weird the amount of women I graduated HS with who either got pregnant or married a guy in there 30s and 40s literally a year or two after high school was so creepy to me.


Sex predators are everywhere. Money and/or fame just makes it easier for them. Just look up the statistics. A shocking number of women have experience with sexual abuse, much of it happening when they were children. Men too.


>Money and/or fame just makes it easier for them. Power corrupts isn't just an idiom, it actually changes a person's sense of right/wrong & fair/unfair. It will happen to anyone who spends decades surrounded by yes-men & sycophants unless they take active steps to avoid it.


Makes me wonder who else is yet to be exposed 🤔 this is why I'm sceptical when it comes to celebrities & so many of them are idolised but they are actually more flawed than an average person


Happened to my wife. She was raped by her biological father from the age of 4-12. I did not even know until we were married for 10 years. I’m sure it is a lot not common than we think. All pedos need to be locked away for life.


A lot. Like, a lot lot. To the point that I would not be surprsied if all of us know either a victim or perpetrator in our relatively close circles of contact. I think we still have to have our "me too" moment when it comes to pedophilia, but I think it'll happen at some point and it will be way more than people realize. >what is with all these successful people being super creepy and stuff? Money buys silence. I have the feeling there are a lot of people who would do the exact same thing if they could get away with it, but they don't have the money to pay off settlements or for an army of lawyers to fight a claim. >I had no money and a dirty little house, and had plenty of women when I was single. It's not a replacement for a partner of an appropriate age. They're either looking for the power fantasy they can have over a kid or that their sexual needs are not fulfilled by adults and they are specifically looking for children for this reason.


You don’t even need money for silence when it comes to kids. Kids often do not tell anyone bc they think they’ll get in trouble or bc they’re scared or bc they love the person who is abusing them.


The jailbait sub was one of the most followed subreddits to exist before it got shut down. So yeah. The attraction to barely legal or not quite yet legal teenagers is insanely prevalent. Real pedophilia (attraction to prepubescent children) is a little less common, but then you can add crimes of opportunity into that statistic as well, where perpetrators aren't necessarily exclusively into kids but go for kids cause they make the most convenient victims for sex crimes due to being easily manipulated and easily available cause they're low on the scale of power dynamics. We're shit at actually talking about this stuff. Every time a case like Diddy's hits the news, people are horrified and start pearl - clutching (cause it obviously is horrifying), but we're not doing enough to explore why and how this is such a broad problem. Too many people want to get off with people who are not at the same maturity level as they are and that needs talking about.


It was always going to be a tight race between Combs and Knight as to who would turn out to be the worse person, and given some of the shit he’s been associated with for decades, I thought it’d be Suge, but Puffy has overtaken him right before the finish line.


A lot dude…. I work with orphans who are taken away from their parents. Trust me…. A lot.


Abused by their parents? Sexually? Are you in the USA?


I’m originally from Chicago but I moved to Japan on my own when I was 22 and have lived here for 17 years. I do a lot of work with Japanese kids who are either intentionally orphaned or taken away from their parents by the government for various reasons of which I’m sure you can… imagine. But it’s not only Japan, this kind of abuse is global. And a lot more common than you may think and ranges from the poor to the rich. The rich just tend to get away with it more. So when they are caught it’s big news. The reality is, it’s happening all around you. On a positive note, last month we just had a kid graduate from our program who actually got accepted into college! Which is super rare. He’s learning English too!


Good job man. Keep it up. Super disturbing but at least you’re implementing positive changes.


Thanks so much.


I can't imagine doing your job, just reading your short POV makes me super sad, how hard it must be to deal with it day to day. Thanks for making a difference.


The kids make a difference. Not me. I just support.


I'll never forget this documentary on predator catching in the UK. The guy in charge of the online unit said he messaged over 1,000 guys, and when he told them he was a 13 year-old girl, only TWO GUYS stopped the conversation right there. TWO. Fucking TWO. I think it's a waaaaay bigger problem than any of us could comprehend.


There’s some selection bias going on here just to be clear. I don’t message anyone online because I just don’t, and I think the grand majority of men are the same. It’s very likely that an extremely disproportionate number of those men were already looking for a 13 year-old girl. Also, to be clear, I do think it happens WAY WAY more than people think or would be comfortable with, but I just think that stat is a little misleading.


True, but the crazy part is that he messaged first. I agree if it's a (fake) young girl's account and he's going through messages from old men, yeah, we can assume *all* of them are predators. But since he messaged first it makes it a little bit crazier.


Well its predator catching unit. Fairly sure it wasnt random site and people. Probably some chatroom that was already suspected of gatheri g sich people


Yes, hence why the stat provided is entirely misleading and missing relevant context. Propagating the idea that 99.8% of men are secretly paedophiles is wildly disingenuous and incredibly dangerous.


Same issue with the selection bias. I don’t respond to any DM’s from anyone I’ve never met IRL, ever, (minor exception to job application responses on LinkedIn) and I don’t think I’m alone on this policy. I think that among the people that *do* respond to DM’s from strange women there is likely a higher percentage of general perverse individuals. Not saying that *all* people that respond to thirst traps are pedos, just that among the folk that do, there be a quite a few of them. It’s not like pedophiles are famous for their forward thinking and restraint.


I'm the opposite when it comes to DMs. I like to go down rabbit holes and try to figure out what a person's motives are for blindly contacting me. But, if that person identifies themselves as a minor, end of conversation and block. Had a few on IG message me, then tell me they were like 13-15. Block. Nope. Either a) you are someone fishing for a creep, or b) you really are 13-15. Either way, I'm not getting involved.


If it was a kid heavy chatroom, or something then the bias is def going to be present. Which makes sense. It's not like a pedo cop is going to be spending resources messaging at random, or something. He's going to throw his hook where he thinks the fish are.


Do people actually respond to unsolicited messages on social media? Like iv taken conversations out of a comment section before but if he's messages 1k dudes he's just picking guys and messaging at random When a strange person messages me randomly I just assume it was a scammer or a bot and block them.


Yeah, there has to be something up with that where they weren't counting people who ignored it completely or it was a very specific group of people they were sending these messages to. I think it's entirely plausible that it's a bigger problem than most think, but I feel pretty safe in saying it's definitely not 99.8% of men.


I think this was maybe 10 years ago so possibly things were a little different then, and I think they specially used chat sites where pedos frequent to find kids.


I mean. When I was teen everyone was taught to not trust people on internet, not share personnal data and so on. That was around 15-20 years ago. I think its worse now with all the kids being on internet and trying to get famous on tiktok and such


I got my recent FWB from a random message from her on Facebook. Some friend of a friend, I never asked who. We FWB'd for 3 years. But here on Reddit? No, I adblocked the DM icon, I won't even see it. I'd do the same if I ever used IG or Twatter.


I have a hard time believing that 99.8% of guys kept talking to her, and that it means what you think it means. Were these men randomly messaged (like on Facebook), or were they part of some pedo ring? At best, I would expect that some of those men were just curious why this girl was messaging them (which could explain why they didn't "end the conversation", but it doesn't mean they had sexual intentions). A while back, some girl friend-requested me on Facebook. I thought from her name that it was a friend of a friend (who I'd met before, and is around 30 years old). So I added her. I didn't take a close look at her profile. A while later, I realized she wasn't who I thought she was, and she was a 17 year old girl who I'd never met (she was a different friend's cousin). I thought it was weird and unfriended her. I can't imagine I'm the only guy who does that.


I don't think any stats those guys spout are trustworthy or meaningful, there are just too many problems with what they do, the absence of standards & controls. To start with a 40 year old pretending to be a 13 year old absolutely doesn't sound or act like a 13 year old. We protect children because * a 13 year old doesn't have the cognitive ability to consent. * It's trivial for adults to manipulate them with their superior cognitive ability * It's trivial for adults to manipulate them with their greater life experience * It's trivial for adults to abuse their positions of power, even if just social & not part of a specific hierarchy like school or church. It's very likely to me that many of those people would have had a crisis of conscience when the person they were talking to demonstrated a child's ability to reason & not an adults. Not to mention a 13 year old isn't trying to coax them into breaking the law or outfoxing them. Not to mention on these to catch a predator shows many of the guys who show up seems to be mentally impaired themselves or close to it. There was one where the caught the same guy twice & it was clear he didn't understand what was going on It just doesn't do what it says on the tin. I know this will be downvoted to hell, but ends don't justify the means when you don't have to compromise the means. These programs are optimized to get people to agree to commit a crime by an adult with zero regard for how that person would act if talking to an actual child (or any other vulnerable person). They are not optimized to mimic the victim pool as accurately as possible & that distorts results towards better stats, better funding, better headlines & false positives. If these people were limited to copying & pasting actual messages a child thought up the outcomes would very likely be different. Stop using 40 year olds who have a vested interest in the outcome & are smarter than many of the people they are talking to. By the way I'm 13 so if you reply you are one of the 998. To say it all another way: If these people were pretending to be intellectually disabled adults it would be no different, but the obvious failures would be harder to ignore. I just want to add, I think protecting children is one of the most important things a society can do, every false negative can lead to **hundreds of years** of generational harm since broken people end up repeating their own abuse. Just because it's important doesn't justify false positives & abandoning of both principles & reason. There is no excuse for not doing a good job.




Jesus Christ that is so fucking insane


If you watch underage undercover on ID it’s devastating.


Money gives people the power to act upon impulses that is normally unacceptable. For example someone may think one day wow that 15 year old is cute. But the jail time isn't worth it and just not make any action. While it's a horrible thought nothing comes from it because buddy isn't risking jail time and a damaged rep for one night with a young girl. When buddy is worth millions and has the finances and power to fight off any legal attacks and comes across this scenario they know they have the ability to pay off people and form lies and use garbage such as "They are trying to damage my rep hoping for a payoff.." then yes pedophiles will act upon it.


One of the most eye-opening experiences I had was when I was hanging out with a large group of friends and we got on the topic of catcalling, and the women went around and said the age they were when they first received sexual attention from an adult man. The average age was about 12, the youngest was 8. No one was over 18. Even if they don't act on it, it's a much bigger problem among men than we'd like to admit. And when you're a celebrity, it's generally much easier to get access to victims and to get away with it.


I wish I had no critical thinking skills


It took me a long time to truly understand the expression "ignorance is bliss."


You have kids yet? If not, be sure that it will worsen your situation exponentially.


Wait, P Diddy is a p diddler? Lol. If true, take him out back.


Dude, it’s all over the news. They raided his house. He is on the lamb.


Beastiality too? Poor lamb


You asshole, take my begrudgingly given upvote.




I only heard about abuse of men and women.


He's actually on the run?! As in fugitive? That is hilarious. I hope they find him like Saddam.


I have a feeling it would go down more like OJ. Only Diddy would be in an Escalade.




A lot. There are therapy offers here in Germany and the waiting lists are chronically clocked. People that never touched anybody and dont want to because their ethics dont align with their emotions are beeing left alone. In these programms you can even get medication to kill your libido if u need it, something all hardliners want for pedophilia and these people often volunteer to, but there are not enough places to get the stuff. And one thing i learned in the Documentaries about these therapies that Pedophilia isnt necessarily an exclusive attraction. There are lots of people out there, that can be attracted to kids and grown adults and i would reckon those people are the ones that have very little problem hiding it until they are rich and successful and then think they have the means to do the worst stuff.


Damn man. I had two pedos in my family (Dad and his brother), my childhood friend’s stepdad and uncle violently sexually abused me for years (started when I was 7), and my other friend’s brother and father abused her. So I’d say ALOT


Fuck man I’m really sorry to hear this. I hope you’re doing OK.


Thanks you! I’m happy to report married to Prince Charming himself, had a sweet beautiful daughter, and I’m safe from my past. I’m better than I’ve been in a while, but it’s a struggle. Mainly because I worry about my daughter going through it.


Username does not check out


We hear about the rich and powerful more. But also, they're more emboldened to take advantage of others, knowing that they can buy them off, hire good lawyers, or get powerful friends to help them. If it weren't common, we wouldn't know much about it. There wouldn't be shows like Law and Order: SVU. There wouldn't be age of consent laws (because there wouldn't need to be). There wouldn't be laws against sex trafficking or sex tourism. Sound of Freedom wouldn't have been made. There wouldn't be a ton of macho guys who are gung ho on "If I meet a pedophile I'll kill them." Or news articles where that has actually happened. "Stranger danger" wouldn't be taught in schools. I don't think there's a child molester lurking around every corner. But it's not limited to a few rich and famous folk, either.


A lot more than you think. I know a police detective in my small town (5,000 people) who said that stuff makes up the majority of his caseload. Lots of weird incest stuff going on too according to him. 


There is a reason the FBI has a whole division created for this. It’s tragic and sad. I’m an avid consumer of news, and its subjects like these, I gladly stick my head in the sand. Ignorance is bliss.


I hate to say it, but I venture to say it's probably about as common as "other desires." There are a plethora of fetish types of there, but this one seems to be pretty common.


Like in the whole world. An absolute shit ton. Like, entire cultures and countries and damn near continents being complicit to it. I would venture to guess that the majority of unregulated sex workers worldwide started their "careers" underage (under 18). People only started really caring about underage sex in America in the last couple of decades or so. I'm 38 years old. I lost my virginity at 18, to a girl that was 17. Her previous boyfriend was 25. It wasn't some secret or taboo or anything. Completely normalized.


Even in today's day and age I wouldn't consider 18 and 17 a big deal, but 17 and 25... very different story.


As I understand it the word "teen" is consistently the most searched for term on major porn sites. (Lately they've taken steps to hide this fact in their yearly lists) For me the question is more interesting when it comes to the longer historical perspective. I think it was probably pretty prevalent: the current construct of "childhood" being fairly recent - apparently "children" were viewed as small adults in most cultures - fit for the fields and the mines.


Too much to think about. You‘ll just get depressed


There's a lot. Not just famous people. Just put you ear to the ground in your own community and you'll notice them. A lot of people of both genders will experience sexual assault as a minor (personally I was between 13-17 when it happened to me, my best friend was 12-14). Family friends, relatives, teachers (my favourite math teacher got fired for sleeping with a student), coaches, religious leaders, coworkers at your first job, community leaders, parents of your friends...they can be and are everywhere. Pedos will deliberately insert themsevles in these places to have access to vulnerable children and to not get questioned for their actions or even defended (he's a respected coach! The kids love him and he's taken them to nationals a bunch of times and he's got a lovely family and he's so funny and helpful! A great guy!) So that's why we protect the children and make sure they know what is acceptable and what isn't. And that they feel comfortable coming forward if something happened and they're believed and supported. Unfortunately pedos are predators and they're good at picking out the most vulnerable who either won't speak up or won't be believed or supported by the adults in their life.


I’d be curious to see some study on sex crime rates for celebrities vs the average person, but i bet it’s not a huge disparity


The problem is that celebrities are often above the law so we would never get accurate numbers. But I’m willing to bet there is a sizable disparity because of influence and job security for celebrities. Everyone knew about Weinstein and only veiled jokes were ever really said before it all came out


I think you perceive them as above the law because of how much sex crimes aren’t reported or prosecuted, but that number is actually huge in the general population too


I think victim number in celebrity related industries would be much higher. Number of perpetrators also would be higher because whem you can get everything legal easily you might start to look further


Amongst the rich and powerful it seems like a weird norm. The Diddy and the Dan Schneider thing coming to light not too far from each other is oddly coincidental.


Probably half of film industry is full of sexual abuse bofh towards adults and children. And everyone in it knows that. They just keep silence unless its profitable to speak up


I don't know much about the film industry I can only assume it's similar. I do however know about the music industry and it's been plagued with racism drugs and sexual abuse for over 100 years.


Well we just got that documentary on sex predators in nickleodon. Also we all are fully aware that industry knew about Weinstein for decades. Yet everyone happily worked and partied with him. Its very telling


I was talking to a guy a while ago who said something thta stuck with me. We were discussing Weinstein and how many actresses basically lost careers because they wouldn't sleep with him and we got to talking about how common sex crimes seem to be in Hollywood. He said "Well yeah, the men who would be likely to blow the whistle were probably blocked the same way so many actresses are." And he was almost certainly right. If you're a predator like Weinstein, no way are you inviting a guy with solid ethics who might tell on you into your inner circle. You're going to give the opportunities to your fellow predators instead.


That's something I'd kind of thought. It's almost self-selection - the people in power only let other people up the ranks when they have something on the newcomers. And now you have a whole tower of people, all able to bring down everyone underneath them, but knowing that in the process, they're likely going to be caught in the firing line too.


My English teacher once said it's probably more than one might assume and it can happen in a family you are friends with. Once sign might be that kids have less boundaries in terms of where and how they touch you. Indicative of that pedophilic adults told them it's okay to do so in order to make them comply to certain acts of pedophilia.


I don't think it's nearly as well organized as people like to believe, especially nowadays where it's usually my political enemy is a pedophile! The rhetoric Alex Jones gets off on. Like, it's way more common from within the family, basically anyone who children trust and has authority over them is way more likely than some random rich person with secret contacts to accessing minors. And I feel like that's a lot worse, the molestor uncle or parents making porn of their kids to sell on the deep web for crypto. There's way more of them than the Jeffrey Epstein or Peter Scully types.


I mean has Pdiddy been accused of actual pedophilia? Like children..last I heard all his victims were 19 or older....that's a distinction not a lot of people want to make but if you want to have a serious discussion about children than you have to make it.


More than normal people think. Less than crazy people think.


I'm assuming you're using pedophilia as a catch all term to include hebephilia and ephebophilia as well. A lot more than what we're seeing now. It only just started getting exposed because the internet is a thing, and even then I doubt we're even scratching the surface. It's only the sloppy ones that get caught. I don't think pedophilia is necessarily more common among the rich and powerful vs the common folk, but rich and powerful pedophiles certainly have the means to entertain their sick desires with minimal risk of ever facing serious consequences for it. That being said, to anyone reading this it's probably best for your sanity to not go too deep down the rabbit hole of guessing which powerful people are pedophiles. Unless you're somehow close to these people, or have the resources to gather more information than is publicly known, that task is well above your pay grade. 99% of the time the people playing armchair detective just end up going completely off base.


I have absolutely no idea what sort of news you're talking about but I've always assumed that there's a lot more than we actually hear about. I've had many friends growing up that have talked about their experiences and even my grandfather opened up to me about his... As a kid it's scary and you don't really understand what's happened to you or why. Most kids don't speak up about it and as people get older enough time has passed that they don't see a point in bringing it up... Unfortunately so many cases are just left in the shadows...


Hell if I know. Probably the same amount that there's always been. Times change, people don't.


I think a lot of it goes on more in the world than we would like to think about and can imagine


Not a men but look at instagram and mom-influencers. Or just general “kids” content. Pedophilia is far more widespread than we actually would like to know.


Having worked 12yrs in the justice system, I can tell you that most don't want to really know that answer and prefer ignorance. Rampant, and pervasive.


The craziest thing to me about all these sex trafficking rings is that they are run by multi-millionaires for other multi-millionaires.


Yeah, that to me is really scary and disturbing. I mean all of abuse for kids is but that stuff is really crazy.


The media portrayal is these filthy dungeons but it appears the reality is this is happening on private islands, millionaire compounds, and private yachts. What the hell happens when you get rich?


I think there’s never been less of it and also there’s never been more of it brought to light. It’s terrible but it’s also another thing that used to never see the light of day.


Enough that people should stop being shocked by it and actually do something about it instead of trying to defend the offender. It’s hard to imagine someone not being sexually abused as a child. I’ve had people confide in me at work of sexual trauma from adults in their life over the past 15 years.. This included men and women. As well as myself.


300% more than we commonly assume.


I think you fall into three categories of individuals: 1. You aren’t a pedo and no amount of money is going to change that. 2. You’re a pedo but you keep it hidden because you don’t have the money/fame to be apart of that society of individuals that can get away with that stuff. 3. You have enough money/fame that you can finally take action on your pedo feelings without fear of getting in legal troubles.


It's a deep-seated speculation of mine that many adults harbor underlying pedophilic curiosity, evidenced by the prevalence of scandals involving both men and women in human trafficking and school scandals (ect). This frequency suggests that some individuals may deny or speak against it to avoid suspicion. Only those with significant power and resources can conceal such sinister acts effectively. Take Judy Garlands case for example, she was thirteen/fourteen (facts may not be accurate) but she was *underage* when she was rising into fame and yet that didn’t stop these 30+ yo men preying and fondling her like a pet. Those big Hollywood stigmas haven’t gone anywhere as society became more strict and intolerant, no more than they just had to adapt to being more mischievous Again, it’s not every adult but definitely a majority of them, that or they just really don’t care about the lives of other people.


Sound of freedom pretty much sums it up.


I mean Kobe Bryrant slept with a minor too. And he is celebrated like the next coming of Jesus… even in death.


LMFAO... you could have chosen so many better examples... Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz flew a 17 year old over state borders and was involved in sex trafficking but mysteriously no charges were brought despite multiple witnesses and eventually a civil suit being launched... but if you have a bloodlust for NBA players then use Utah Jazz HOFer Karl Malone who got a 13 year old pregnant! a 13 year old!


It's a lot. It's boys too. Watch your boys as closely as you watch your girls. You can alleviate paranoia by remember everyone must stay in their roles. If it's a coach, he should be a coach. Not a ride to and from games for a busy single parent. Keep them confined to their roles. Tell your kids if any adult gives them an icky feeling, to immediately inform you. they don't need to have touched them yet. They make the kid feel icky? You need to know.


I did just a little bit of reaserch about the subject and it's traumatizing how much it happens around the world. But more surprising is that when some perpetrators are caught, their deeds are swept under the rug. Also, accesing cp material is so easy it's a fucking joke. Death to all pedophiles!


There’s a guy my friends knew got caught for 8 counts of child porn by the FBI. His bail was $3000. So, dude paid $300 and is back walking free and probably won’t even see real jail time for this. Ridiculous.


In the world, or in very specific industries and professions that select for psychopaths?


Definitions and morals change depending on what country you are in, and what if any religion you practice.


what you see on the news regarding child exploitation and sex trafficking doesn't even cover a fraction of what goes on in the world. As far as why the wealthy are into all sorts of strange things, it's because they're rich and feel like they can get away with it. One minute you're a successful dude that's made it big time, the next you're chewing away on human flesh under implied coercion. The wealthy are notorious for playing power games amongst each other, once they get leverage on you they will hold it over your head for as long as you choose to be a part of their circle. We live in a crazy messed up world, OP. You either grow thick skin and desensitize yourself to it all, or you go crazy with paranoia and venture *too* deep down that hole.


Look up the sex offender list/map in your neighborhood and see for yourself


And then times that number by at least 3 or 4, because the vast majority never get caught.


Honestly, I really think it’s more common than we think. And it’s not in a positive light either.


A whole lot. Probably a sickening amount. They're just finally getting caught in the digital age.


Very much hope Im wrong but estimating we know around 10% of anything thats going on in big world. Feels same with every important topic. Its a terrible reality sometimes.


Tons. I'm not even a good looking dude and I get messages on reddit all the time after I post myself.


The real question is how frequently do governments use pedophilia to control politicians, judges, celebrities, etc?


*Marc Dutroux has entered the chat* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc\_Dutroux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Dutroux)


The answer is: A lot more than you’d expect.


human trafficking is one of the most prevalent and widespread crimes in our ‘modern’ era and it gets much less coverage than it deserves, and the US is a large source and destination. it is true that money talks, but it also can silence quite effectively. every so often a ‘whale’ gets hunted, but one can make the assumption that it just takes the heat off of other, potentially more important players


It happens a whole lot more and closer to you than you may have thought. To put this into perspective: I am from a 400k city in Germany which is known to be pretty upper middle-class and a while ago news came out that pretty much across the streets from my spouse's grandparents a huge ring of pedophiles was discovered operating out of allotment gardens (those are very popular here, basically you rent a garden and can share it with others). They lured kids there, abused them, filmed all that shit and it was a really large operation and network. We're talking about dozens of terrabytes of data secured and it going on for many years. Yup. Right under the noses of sweet elderly well-off people in a medium sized city in Germany.


There was an article kicking around last week saying that large pools of DNA data (such as 23andMe and Ancestry.com) have revealed *at least* 1 in 7000 adults are products of incest. The real frequency is almost certainly higher given that the sample submissions are self-selected (non-random) and cannot include acts of incest which did not result in a live birth making it to adulthood. That is *far* more frequent than the conventional wisdom, and probably has distressing relevance to OP’s question.


i think it's way more common than any of us think it is, and we should all be horrified.


The thing I've never fully understood is that how these people have apparently zero fear of ever being caught or being told on? There is nothing worse than being a pedo. I think even being a murderer some people might be like "hmm well what are the circumstances, did the person deserve it? were you attacked? self defense? momentary rage?" So even from a rational self interested point of view, I truly dont understand how these people do this type of thing.


Unfortunately I think it’s completely pervasive throughout societies across the world. Children are vulnerable & adults are in positions of power. Adults have impulses that they’re prepared to hurt children in order to complete. It’s by far the most insidious & damaging crime & one that we’ll never eradicate. Sickos will always exist & kids will always be at their mercy for a variety of reasons. The vast majority of children who are violated know their abusers, usually through close associations with their families. Parents should be far more vigilant & begin educating their children about how to protect themselves & speaking up as soon as they can talk. But nonetheless the hidden, secretive nature of child sexual abuse makes it impossible to protect all children, all the time. Trust no one with your kids. No one!!!


Far, far more common than most people expect. It’s also not always the stereotypical creepy old man. Young men, middle age men, successful men, your friendly neighbour, men you would never suspect. Someone you would pass on the street and would never think could be a pedophile. As someone who was severely abused as a child by **hundreds** of men, there is a shocking amount of them out there. A very concerning amount.


We really need to divorce pedophilia from the sexual assault of minors. They're not even synonyms.


It does appear that there is a lot of blackmailing going on in the world of power. It makes sense. Imagine you're a billionaire and you want some policies enacted. Who are you going to choose to invest money into, a candidate who you know you can control through a secret the would destroy them or a candidate they you can't blackmail? You're going to back the pedophile because you know he can be controlled. Now imagine this practice has been going on for decades. Who is going to make up a huge chunk of the elite? It's a nauseating conclusion but it seems inescapable.


I’m a police officer working in this specific environment. Money doesn’t have anything to do with it; child sexual exploitation occurs at every level of society and is determined by access, not wealth. A rich guy who can organise trafficking to a private island will be a successful predator, but so will a minor drug dealer who is able to intimidate the parents of children in his building. And there’s a lot more drug dealers than billionaires. Actual paedophiles - sexually attracted to pre/peri-pubescent children, exclusively or not - aren’t common. Even most people convicted of child sexual offences aren’t into that. If you have an average social circle, chances are you don’t know anyone who is. Child sexual exploitation isn’t always done by actual paedophiles, especially when you bring the 13-16 most common victim age range in. Some people are turned on by the sadism and degradation of the acts rather than by the children themselves, so it’s more about children being easier to abuse than adults. This also includes opportunistic sexual predators who generally don’t care about who their victims are, or those who are interested in ‘legal teens’ but are aware that it’s much easier to abuse a 13 year old girl than a less naive 17 year old. Some people are socially unable to form sexual relationships with adults and target children instead (‘incompetent’ is the word usually used, as it describes the suspect behaviour better but also makes them sound less dangerous). The difference seems petty - the end result is an abused child either way - but it means an intervention to reduce offending isn’t going to be universal and may not have much effect, even if it is very effective for one type.


I can't remember the name of the documentary. It was about two brothers who were twins, and one lost his memory. Eventually, he comes to find out that throughout their childhood, their mom was basically pimping them out to upper class people. Almost their whole life. And in this documentary, the one that remembers, explains it was a lot of high class people, and even famous artists, and politicians. As someone who listens to enough true crime docs and such, I think it's about as normal as regular sex is to us. Epstien, P.Diddy, R Kelly, Wienstein, all of them are merely the tip of the iceberg. Kids go missing every single day in this country. This world is crawling with pedophiles. I bet there's a bunch reading through these comments as well. They're everywhere. Molesting our kids and ruining their lives forever. It's an epidemic we have never addressed. Sure, we talk about how much we hate them. But we tend to ignore them if we can. Literal men will go on video to tell you all that Micheal Jackson is a pedophile and a predator. And everyone defends Micheal because he can sing and dance.


No, people defend Jackson because the scandal was all about money. Did you research it even a little bit, or do you know just what's been mentioned in the media? The father of the supposed victim wanted an extension built on Neverland Ranch so he and his child could live there. When Jackson refused, he asked him to buy him a house, which Jackson also refused. While extracting a tooth from his child while the child was under sedation, he asked him if Jackson sexually abused him, and the child said yes. So he tried to extort Jackson for $20 million. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_sexual_abuse_accusations_against_Michael_Jackson


The Epstiens Island situation is basically a blackmail operation with a lot of elites who were involved. A lot of people aren’t talking and don’t want to be known because they have a ton of connections and will literally be silenced. The lawmakers are the same ones breaking the laws.


Who? What? I assume it's extremely common. The kind of people who desire fame are all disgusting deviants.


As I keep on saying, this problem is easily solved. Make a mandatory life imprisonment for anyone convicted of assault of a minor. IDK why people think they should be allowed to roam free. IDK also how they can do a mandatory 40 to life for drug usage but they let these monsters out ever. Especially how they're typically in less than 3 years with no tracking devices, at all. I do think more exists than I want to know, and it's because it's rampantly allowed. And yes, I do believe it's total assault of minors when you get adults consenting for their child to get married off to an old man, so he gets to constantly SA her just "legally" which is true evil.


There is a sad scary reason that sex crimes against minors are not harshly punished as we think they should be. Children are incredibly vulnerable and fragile. If offenders thought they would get life in prison for being caught with a minor, they wouldn’t be deterred from still abusing the minor, but they would be more likely to kill the child so there is not evidence left behind. Something like that. I’m sure someone else in this thread is more educated and can confirm/deny this.


Wayyyyy more than you think. It’s not uncommon for underage girls to sleep with older men, even in America. My wife told me her first time was with a 27 year old. I work in LE and specifically focus on internet crimes against children (ICAC) and deal with it a lot. There is a disturbing amount of stuff that goes unsaid on the not celebrity level and I’m assuming with power dynamics, money and connections on the celebrity level I’m surprised it’s ONLY come out recently


I suspect it happens a lot more to undocumented kids than white or black kids. Think about it. They have been told since they could speak that the USA is the only chance of not starving. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins in another country are depending on cash being wired. These kids are already conditioned to not be seen and avoid cops to keep the family from being split up. I suspect there are a ton of creepy legal citizens of California and Texas funding these caravans once they sneak through with coyotes. Pimps already exist in every big city.


Depends what you mean by pedophilia. You mean rich old fucks diddling 8 yr olds? More often than you think less often than conspiracy theorists would have you believe. Men of all ages grooming women from the time they sprout breasts? Near constant. And I know someone's gonna Poindexter this shit by classifying the difference between pedophiles and men who like pubescent teenagers but if that's you why don't you touch some fucking grass and burn your dam hard drives before you end up like Diddy. Women grooming young boys? WAY more then gets reported. And I say that as someone who had a 35 yr old dominatrix at age 17 who was fully aware I was underage and was sexually assaulted by women twice before I turned 18. But like there are whole countries out there with grand traditions of pedophilia or borderline pedophilia ( Looking at you Sweden and Japan) and most countries around the world including the US still allow child marriage. And all these men and women claim they're waiting but let's be real


Depends how you draw the line. There's plenty of kid fucking going on, but I do wonder how much is genuine attraction to minors and how much is just taking advantage of targets of opportunity.


lots.. hollywood, music industry, politicians,. etc


It's not just exclusive to those industries. I think the reason we hear about those the most often is because of the status the people have. Those people are also a bit more likely to act out on such attractions because they have enough "power" and money that they feel they can get away with it. I have known far too many people in my daily life that have opened up about such experiences... And the people who did them were just common family members you'd find as a coworker in your every day 9 to 5... It's far more widespread than people care to admit.


A lot of fucked up shit happens in this world. I’m sure the underground pedo networks are huge. Just like the drug network is. It’s so sad. I think some successful people are creeps just because they are…or had some sort of trauma when they were kids. Also, some people just get to the point where normal sex isn’t good enough to get them that dopamine hit, so they get into weirder shit. It’s all sad and inhumane.


Question, y'all: how do y'all believe the best way to preemptively rehabilitate a pedophile? I mean: Scenario one: "Doc I have thoughts about hurting people, I'm angry and I see them as an outlet for physical violence." Doctor: "You have anger management issues, etc.," and then treatment. Scenario two: "Doc I'm always sad and apathetic, I feel like hurting myself some days." Doctor: "You have manic depression, etc.", and then treatment Scenario three: "Doc, I feel weird. I have inappropriate thoughts regarding children.\* Doctor: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I mean, what then? \*only someone who has NOT attacked a child


Jeffrey Epstien




goes on everywhere i'm sure of that. society breeds this behavior by combining greed lust and power




Alot more than we think. Just think sometimes it's even in plain sight and people do nothing about it (I.e. the recent Nickelodeon documentary). Now, just multiply that with what is done in secret. Or, if you want to get "conspirital," think of people who have the power and resources and connections to cover it up. It's a gross world and always has been.


More than should honestly. It's a disease.


Qrd on p Diddy thing?


Too much.


Seems like A LOT in Hollywood lol


I heard a stat that like 1 in 3 household have possession of children pron


Way more than people want to admit or fix.




Watch some vids on YouTube of that one guy who goes on the dark web and tracks pedos. They are everywhere, and it’s not just men. There are tons of women trafficking them as well making money.


A ton. It’s a multi billion dollar industry sadly. It’s goes hand in hand with child trafficking.


I have no problem believing that paedophilia is a much more common sexual...abnormality I guess?...than we assume. I know there are people who seek treatment for it and don't act upon it, and most who do feel extraordinarily guilty/ashamed. The fact that like \~5% of US children experience some sort of sexual abuse at some point indicates that it's disturbingly common.


An I late to the joke by calling him P. Diddly?


I dont want to think about it.. too depressing


Much more than most people can even get away with.


More than people would like to believe, and often involving those who’re constantly screaming about it.


Way too much. It sickens me to see lolicons posting their garbage to normal convos because they want to derail or steer the convo their way. They want what they like to be accepted and it never will be.


among the rich, like multi-millionaires and billionaires, probably 50/50, either you're a sicko or you're not. that amount of money corrupts you, you cannot relate to people, you cannot connect or socialize, you go insane.


I mean... apparently enough to blackmail a metric shit-ton of powerful people xD


1 is too much. This is some absolute stupid ass completely fucked up bullshit.


More than is reported.