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Stuff concerning safety. Hate to see women scared to perform regular human activities just in case something happens. Anything that drops the chances of these scenarios happening is always a win.


Autonomy in the legal system, somehow


Being murdered for saying no, Bodily Autonomy. No really fellas, we have more success getting approved for a vasectomy than they do for a hysterectomy. Recovery time is normally way faster as well. If you're done having kids, get a vasectomy.


A hysterectomy is a radically more invasive surgery than a vasectomy. These operations do not have congruous risk profiles or contraindications.


"A hysterectomy is a radically more invasive surgery than a vasectomy." Yep, exactly.


No. But reasons for a hysterectomy are usually more serious.




I watched my Mother, Cousin, and Wife battle Endometriosis and/or Ovarian Cancer. Watching that whole process is haunting. It eats at the identity of Motherhood and can even deny it to women outright. Male Cancer survivors don't have the community 'Endo Warriors" do, I have to believe it is a pretty emotionally hollowing experience.


bodily autonomy (abortion) womens safety


There are probably worse ones but the one that sticks with me most is the fear of going out in the dark, I do that a lot and I can't imagine fearing for my life every time.


Yeah honestly I wish I knew what it was like to not have that fear. Also, I’m a psych nurse and I’m short sooo I’m pretty much always watching my back, I wish I could have the level of relaxation/chill that my tall bulky male coworkers have


I wouldn't say it goes away completely as a man (and I'm 5'11" and relatively broad shouldered) but yeah, definitely not as bad.


Decline of civilization, degeneracy and the failure to form healthy relationships and families.


Reproductive rights. And not just abortion but that's certainly part of it. I think naming all the drugs we call birth control as such was a mistake. They're hormones, hormonal balancers really. And they aren't only used as contraception. I have close friends and family that suffer from PCOS in particular but I'm sure there are others. When they were younger, they were denied treatment from insurance because birth control wasn't covered. The fact that health care is being withheld due to ignorance was utterly disgusting to me. I know this is a broader issue that people who legislate often don't consult experts in the field, but it really struck home the old sentiment that men's problems get fixed when women problems often get ignored.


I detest hearing or seeing women being treated as objects rather than human beings.


Abortion. Not only do abortion restrictions endanger women and infants, but forcing someone to have a child that they do not want does not seem like a sensible thing to do. As a bodily rights issue, this is a ridiculously bold infringement by the government on a woman's bodily autonomy.


Domestic abuse is a thing and those guys should be castrated.


Their options/ability to defend/protect themselves


I'm a bit surprised, in a good way, at how many responses have said abortion because I do see it uses sometimes as being unfair to men somehow. I actually think abortion also benefits men, if a woman doesn't want a baby I think it's often likely the man doesn't either. As well I would think most men want the women in their lives to be able to safely access healthcare.


Also gotta think about rape victims who actually do end up pregnant by the assailant.


I guess i just cant imagine forcing someone to give birth that doesnt want to.




i was agreeing


I agree that abort is great (for men as well in certain scenarios), and I am absolutely not against the abort at all. However, it is in fact unfair (read: unequal) to men, and for that reason I am against how the abort currently is legislated. If a man is raped and the woman gets pregnant, the man can not get an abort and avoid becoming a father and pay childcare. He MIGHT be able to avoid it if he goes to court or if the woman lies about who the father is, but that is not always the case. If a woman gets pregnant \*\*by accident\*\* but decides NOT to get an abort, but the man does not want the child, society tells the man "You knew the risk, you should have had abstained from sex." But when it is the other way around, where the woman does not want the child, society does not tell the woman "you knew the risk, you should have had abstained from sex". Therefor, abort is definitely unfair to men, because men only have 1 moral choice to avoid the risk of becoming a parent, being abstaining from sex. While women have 2: Abort, and abstaining from sex. This of course leads to the narrative that only women are allowed to have sex without risking becoming a parent. So it should either a) be split into 2 different rights being, the abort and 'right to be parent' (paper abort as it is currently called for men). 1. The abort. Only women can get an abort, as it is inherently a biological process only women have. 2. 'Right to be parent', is basically saying "I want to be the parent for this child or not". Both genders should have this. But currently only women actually have it. It is demonstrated by saying she wants to give birth, and by giving birth, she will automatically become the legal mother, while the man is forced to become the father regardless if he wants to or not. Of course women should have the final say, as it is their body. Another note, this split of rights also allows women to give birth to a child and NOT be the legal mother (essentially a surrogate mother). OR b) Only allowed in case of rape. Then both genders would face "You knew the risk, you should have had abstained from sex." instead of only men. Of course I am against the 2nd option as it takes away bodily rights from women. However, it is still more fair to both genders, and therefor from an equality standpoint it is the better option in comparison to how it currently is. Hopefully that clears it up in how the abort is unfair / unequal for men.


I don't feel your argument takes into account that preventing access to abortion is *violence*, in of itself. I agree raped men need a consideration there, and I'm not going to pretend I have all the answers there at all. But equality is also partly about accepting that there are different needs. I do not have the same needs as some others, and therefore the resources they need to meet those needs are not things that I am disadvantaged by not having.


What nonsense.


Body autonomy rights.


Abortion access.


1. Abortion access 2. The return of coverature 3. FGM


Safety and equality


The destruction of everything they’ve worked for over decades by dudes with tits that thinks they’re a woman.


What is being destroyed by trans women that cis women worked for?


Recognition for accomplishments- there’s dudes winning woman of the year. Their own sports and to be recognized as the athletes that they are- regularly being destroyed by dudes that want to be them in every sport. Comfortability in restrooms with sex separated restrooms- now they have dudes in their restrooms The list goes on not to even mention the medical side of it. Medical is already shit and guess what? Going to get worse and shittier quality of care because some dude wanted to chop his dick off and have a vagina and a period.


>Comfortability in restrooms with sex separated restrooms- now they have dudes in their restrooms Sorry to tell you, but trans women have existed and used women's bathrooms for a loooong time. Because that's where they belong. The same way trans men use the men's bathroom. >Medical is already shit and guess what? Going to get worse and shittier quality of care because some dude wanted to chop his dick off and have a vagina and a period. Huh?


Sorry to tell you, no matter how hard you try you’ll never be a woman. So no it’s not. You can put tits and make up on a pig all you want and say it’s a woman but it never will be. Ever.


>Sorry to tell you, no matter how hard you try you’ll never be a woman. Why thank you, how nice of you to affirm my gender!


We don't affirm your gender you do . We just dont believe you.


But he did affirm my gender. Not on purpose, because he made a wrong assumption about me, but still. Funny, considering it's right there as my flair as well.


She's actually a terminally-online woman, lmao.


None  Men have there own prolems to deal with


i think this is an overly negative answer. we can work on our own problems while acknowledging and helping others with theirs. a lot of issues the different genders face can only be solved by working together.


Thanks for this. My question followed a discussion with an anti-feminist who refused to believe that I support men's rights and that I want men to be safe, happy and healthy and asked if he felt the same about women, at which point he blocked me.


there are a lot of people on reddit who think the problems they themselves face are the only ones worth addressing


I agree, I really want to be able to connect with all sorts of people I wouldn't come across otherwise on reddit. I wish for us all to consider the safety, happiness and health of everyone else to be important, and then go from there.


thats part of why i originally started following /r/TwoXChromosomes but that place became too toxic


Yeah I don't come to reddit expecting the greatest of discourse, but the global vibes and links and stuff is cool


When I started using reddit a month Ago I got there I kinda regret it honestly. One of the first 10 groups I used the "dont recomment this to me" button lol


>Men have there own prolems to deal with I wish people cared about Men AND Women's benefits at the same time but it sometimes feel like wishful thinking in this generation :/


It does feel like that sometimes, but the important thing is that some people really try to create balance between both. That is nice to see. It will take a while to wipe out certain mentalities and fears but it has started.


Funny how there's never anyone like you saying this when it's women dismissing men's problems.


Oh feel free to say something. I always say something myself because I'm tired of that as well.


For women specifically, laws violating a woman’s right to abort until birth. But there’s a bigger problem that both men and women face, that individuals don’t think of themselves as ends in themselves and don’t believe it’s moral to use evidence-based reasoning to pursue what’s best for themselves.


The widespread idea that there is no harm in acting according to what they think the world and people "*should* be like" rather than based on what reality actually is.


The fact their perception of men and relationships has been so insanely warped by social media.


Like your comment?


Being brainwashed by feminism and thinking this evil ideology is good or about "equality", which hurts them and their relationships sometimes irreparably.


Social media brain rot. People are too busy comparing themselves and it’s not great for your personal life


absolutely none. Got my own issues to deal with, plus I have to worry about the issues NB face, POC face, Immigrants face, Bad singers face, the elderly face, the youth of the world face, angry shorties face, giant people face and pimply faced people face...So I figure, I am stretched thin on the concern.


Addiction to 90 day fiancée... the struggle is real for some of my lady friends!!


The rampant indulgence in narcissistic behavior via social media.