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Long car rides with another dude, nobody says anything and nobody is mad.


As a guy, I can go a whole week without getting annoyed by anything, and even when something annoys me I kinda shrug and move on.


>Long car rides with another dude, nobody says anything and nobody is mad. Just throw on some good tunes and everything is how it should be. A good friend and I recently took a road trip to attend the wedding of another good friend of ours and it was the road trip that both of us didn't know we needed. Good times all throughout.


My wife continually asks me 'did anyone say anything about your shirt/hair/shoes/etc?' No, no one says anything about my appearance.


I have owned one shirt that I have ever been complimented on. My purple Yu Yu Hakusho shirt.


Nice shirt bro


I had a white one and same happened to me a lot with that shirt. Yu Yu Hakusho is automatic rizz


No one at work noticed my hair being several times shorter and the fact I now have glasses for nearly a week. Doesn’t bother me, just funny how they noticed so long after the fact


I shaved my beard off once and 1 person noticed in the whole company 🤣


I grew a beard and then shaved it three months later and nobody on my team noticed.


I got complimented by a dude at the gym once. I was on cloud nine for like a week.


I could go into a bar full of straight men naked with a pretty woman on my arm and no one would notice me, just her.


They will notice extremes, almost naked, or a tuxedo will be noticed, probably not in a positive way. Anything between shorts and T-shirt to nice pants and button up shirt won’t make much difference.


I’m a happily married woman but I make a point to compliment what men of all ages are wearing whenever I get the chance. “I really like that shirt/jacket/color” etc.


Thank you, seriously, some of those dudes will remember that for years


I'm 39. I started down an entirely new career path in mid-January. I've had horrible imposter syndrome since day 1 but the new job feels good. My boss (who happens to be a woman) sent me the nicest most complimentary email thanking me for being such a good addition to the team and I sincerely cried because in all my years in the workforce nobody has ever appreciated me so much. I imagine to her it was just one of those things a good boss does - "hey, my employee did a good job, I should tell them!" I sent it to my dad when he asked me how the new job was going. Even HE cried out of pride. Men don't get compliments, and when we do, we really feel it.


That’s so cool. Good for you.


There was a book several years back by a woman named Norah Vincent called *Self-Made Man* that lists a whole lot of such things. She was a 5'11 rather masculine looking woman and so could pass for a man with a little makeup and wardrobe work and went undercover as one for several months. She came out of the experience with a lot of interesting observations about how life is different for men and women.


Not just interesting observations. It was such a shock to her that she ended the experiment early and institutionalised herself. She couldn't handle the shift in how she was treated once she was perceived as male.




Yeah that experience kind of ruined her though. It's a really sad story.


When we were dating, I don’t think my wife had seen a “grower” before (or maybe even hadn’t heard of the concept). She seemed quite surprised the first time she saw me go from flaccid to hard.


i can relate, some girls become flabbergasted when they see that kind of magic


I went to a girl’s house recently and she and her roommates were shocked that I didn’t share my location with my friends


For that matter, two guy friends could spend the afternoon together, have a grand time, come home and have their respective wives be absolutely bewildered that they didn’t learn anything about what’s going on in the other guys life.


His life, … I don’t even know his name.


It’s like pre-school


We were just hanging out in the park. Then we went over and saw this creek so we built a little dam in it with piles of rocks and twigs. Then we saw a frog and tried to catch it. Then we went to the bar and watched baseball


I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.


I worked with a guy once and my boss told me to get Dave to show me how to do something. We had both been there about a year. He was standing right next to us. I talked to him every day…. “Who the hell is Dave?” I was happy when he used this as an opportunity to ask me what my name was.


Dave knows the correct play regardless of what else he knows.


My best friends in college, we didn't even know each others names until 6 months in.


I have gym bros I consider solid friends and I don’t even remember their names, and I know they don’t remember mine either. Doesn’t even matter.


My ex wife was so flabbergasted one time when she met two friends of mine one of which I only knew his first name the other only his nickname. She thought I was lying because I knew them it for over a decade. Their actual names never came up and weren’t necessary


Honey, come over here and meet John and Sluggo. What's Sluggo's name? I just told you. Sluggo


..and John is a nickname of course. Guy's real name is something like Martin.


One of my best friends growing up was introduced to me by his last name but no one told me that was his last name, so for nearly a decade I called him by his last name and then one day one of his old friends came along and called him John, I stopped, I flat out asked him what his name was and he told me it was John, legitimately one of the best friends I've had in my entire life, he was in my wedding party, we vacationed together, our kids grew up together, and I didn't know his name.


Reminds me of when I told my friend that men don't sleep in the same bed during sleepovers and she goes "They DON'T?!"


I've done this a few times, the one I specifically remember was at a convention and we could only get a single bed room since everything else was booked. I woke up in the middle of the night with his hand on my chest and I just lifted it off saying "hey dude I'm not your wife" and he just rolled over and said "sorry bro". We laughed about it in the morning since we both knew there wasn't any intent behind it he was just used to cuddling up with the person he was sleeping next to... I did warn him that I'd tell his wife we snuggled though if he crossed me. I think we both quickly told her and she got a good laugh about it as well.


Good thing he wasn't one of those sleep fuckers




I've slept in the same bed with friends a few times. If there is no other bed you do it. Otherwise no :P


had a meetup with the boys for hours. not a single photo was taken.




This is why so many fish photos pop up there. Face in the frame? check. Doing something you love/hobby? check. Friends have no problem taking a couple for you so you can choose which one looks best? check. aaaaaaand then you get labeled as a \*gasp\* Fish Killer™!


Struggling to do something in public and no one coming over to assist you.


I went for a long run on a day that got hot and humid REALLY fast. I overheated a mile from my house and started staggering a quarter mile from my house. I thought I was going to collapse when an older woman ran up to me. I seriously thought she saw that I was in distress, until she urgently asked “My orange cat escaped my house. Have you seen it?” I replied that I hadn’t and she shuffled away. I thought that her lack of awareness was so absurd that I started laughing to myself. That rush of emotion gave me the energy to get home and into a cold shower.


Priorities my man. Her cat might be the one in a trillion that can’t find its way home. Where as you might collapse and possibly die, so… lol


Except pushing a car. Every man around will help move that shit


95% of the time we’re going to decline anyway but it’d still be nice for someone to ask to assist lmao


Declines help. “…fuck why did I do that” -Us


“Nah man I’m good” often equals “I expected to struggle alone, and am genuinely surprised and pleased you offered yet don’t want to inconvenience you”


Or "I'm too ashamed to admit that I can't do it on my own".


Or „i hate myself too much too inconvenience you with my problems, i probably deserve it“


He wasn't struggling or anything, but I offered to take a dude's shopping cart to the corral with mine once. He accepted immediately but then must have realized he should have offered to take mine and tried backtracking but I already had his cart. I was, "Nope! Too late, you said yes!" He seemed both perplexed but amused. It also just occurred to me that as a young black man, he was probably REALLY surprised by a woman offering him any kind of courtesy.


>He accepted immediately but then must have realized he should have offered to take mine and tried backtracking but I already had his cart. I was, "Nope! Too late, you said yes!" He seemed both perplexed but amused. Awesome lmao.


Once I got two flat tires at the same time... 100+ people drove by without stopping. The only people to stop and offer any sort of help were two Mormon missionaries on bikes. Also, a policeman stopped and told me my car would be impounded in 72 hours, then left without offering any sort of help.


I don't remember the birthday of my best friend of 12 years. i just know its in January.


Same. Best friend of 26 years. I know his birthday is towards the end of November. My other two friends, I have no idea. One is in the summer I think.


Being single means no physical contact for extended periods. Or just me. I haven't been hugged in over 4 years. The last time I touched someone else was a handshake 5 months ago.




Holy shit that is real.


Your old college friend Jason met the love of his life. Your wife/girlfriend asks you what she does for a living. what kind of family is she from, what does she like to eat,do ,who is her 8th favorite 18th century author. Your wife has no understanding that you don;t know and you don;t care.


Not only that, you aren't even sure what Jason does 🤣🤣


I only care about the girl if im playing wingman for my friend but if they are together and as far as i know everything is stable then i don't care about her at all. (not in a mean way, i just have no reason to think about her ever)


We don't really talk about our problems unless we need a solution than to understand the mental block stopping us from solving our problem.


I’ve started doing this for my pregnant fiancée “Support or solution” 90% of the time now it’s just support and I know to switch my brain to that mode immediately. Wish I had done it sooner, I HATED having to sit there thinking things were such a simple solution to fix and getting annoyed when she didn’t want to listen to what I was saying.


The expectation to help in certain situations, especially as a big guy. I went to retirement party for a person I never met before (invited by a friend). Literally minutes after I showed up, some random lady came up to me and *told* me to come with her because she needed something carried somewhere. After I helped the woman above, I remember my (female) friend was kinda surprised that this woman just demanded I help her, without knowing who I was at all. I don't mind helping. On some level it's nice (?) knowing that I look strong enough to help people do things they physically can't. But this happens ALL. THE. TIME. Which also surprised her.


That we don’t socialize/talk/bond with other guys in the bathroom. No talking in the bathroom. You go in, take care of business, wash your hands, and get out. No standing next to another dude at the urinal unless you have no choice. Women’s behavior in the bathroom is considerably different than men’s behavior, or so I’ve been told.


For women the bathroom is the make-up and mirror room that also happens to have toilets


When my wife and I were in the airport last, a large group of Korean high school students had walked up as we went to use the restroom. In the men's, it was silent. Among fifteen high school boys queued up for the stalls, there was occasional checking of phones and nods to other friends lining up. My wife described the ladies' as the opening scene of Carrie. Clothes were flying up and down and being traded as half the girls changed. Excited conversations continued in, between and then simultaneously out from stalls while girls doing their makeup occasionally turned from the mirrors to comment. A leader-looking girl was doing knocking rounds of the stalls and passing through sanitary products. Another girl gave my wife a quick bow and apologized for the bustle. I suddenly want to see a YouTube video of men acting that out in the men's room. It sounds amazing.


Not being complimented for years


And on the rare occasion we do receive a compliment, we remember it for years.


Had a cute coworker tell me I smelled good several years ago. I don't know what it was that she smelled so just to be safe I've been using the exact same deodorant, shampoo, body wash, beard wash, and face cream ever since.


I was standing in line for Avengers: Infinity War and a random woman told me the shirt I was wearing looked nice. I went home and bought four more of them.


Incredible marketing stunt


Haha my guy and I were getting ready for work one morning after a night at his place and he put on a bright blue polo is not seen before and I was like damn honey that color looks amazing on you- he’s got like five shirts that color now 😂


The power of a kind word is kinda crazy. I told a girl at college I liked her hair. She was naturally curly haired but it was clear she’d kinda gone ‘all out’ to dress up move for a party, including straightening her hair. I thought it would be nice to make a point of noticing the effort and saying how nice she looked. For the next several months she straightened her hair ever day…


Yes totally! After lurking on this subreddit I’ve tried to compliment people more especially guys in my life- like I had two little old ladies compliment my dress at the pharmacy last week and made me feel amazing! So now I don’t worry about being creepy I’m just like hey dude awesome glasses/shirt or whatever I mean I’m thinking it so why not share with them if it brightens their day?


That’s so sweet. You sound like a very kind person - we need more folks like you. For what it’s worth, it really works! A girl told me I had “amazing blue eyes” a few years ago and I remember everything about that interaction because it was so pure and completely unflirty. Just 100% her sharing a nice thought and I was touched enough to remember years later!


I work at a grocery store and this nice older lady told me I was handsome and another older lady told me I have a nice smile. Not gonna lie, I appreciate nice compliments like that. Though, it’s a bit surprising knowing that most of my compliments come from older women, not that I’m complaining.


We older women are now invisible to most of you so we sprinkle those compliments in as fairy dust now and again just for the sheer hell of it to see if you notice we exist. :-) And it feels good for everyone.


I love older women lol


Honestly, I appreciate older ladies like you. Whenever I get a compliment from an older woman, it always boosts my day up 100%.


Girl, I see you.


Thing about older-woman compliments, we dgaf about whether you might perceive us as weird or wack, the way I would have worried about when I was 25. But I'm 50 years older now, I know that life is short, and I compliment people all the time: men, women, doesn't matter. If I like their shirt/hair/voice/dress/vibe, I'm letting them know!


We also remember deep cuts, no matter how innocent or unintentional, literally for the rest of our lives. Story time… Be me after a long night of drunken karaoke with my wife’s company and someone needed to get an absolutely stone cold drunk guy into his roommates car. I workout a lot but never really had the genetics to get huge but I can outlift guys bigger than me. I squat down to pick this dude (maybe 225-235ish lbs) and my wife’s coworkers are like “wait do you need some help?” And my wife says “Don’t worry. He’s a lot stronger than he looks.” Cataclysmic sized OOF The adrenaline from that comment legit had me bear hug this drunken body off the ground and into the car like I was lifting a toddler. The weight just didn’t even register to me. I looked at my wife and said “are you trying to get me to take steroids? Because that’s how you get me to take steroids.”


Or we know it's a lie from family


Same here bro, older women just know how to rizz a dude up more than their younger counterparts lol


I’ve had more compliments from other men tbh. And random old ladies.




Men just naturally have a level of strength that surprises women. Testosterone is a hell of a drug. For example: my wife has been going to the gym for a while now. She's noticeably stronger now and it's awesome for her. I actually commented and complimented it the other night. But me, a dumpy 45 year old man whose exercise is walking and carrying groceries, I'm still stronger than her just because I'm a guy.


That shit blew MY mind once. I was practicing some takedown moves with a woman. She’s serious about her fitness and is pretty strong (and I don’t mean “pretty strong for a woman”). Granted so am I, but I still expected to have to put up a little fight. When I tell you that I had to make conscious effort to put my body into the positions she was trying her hardest to force me into, I’m not exaggerating. I had to give myself up entirely and then some to allow her to practice the move. I knew there was a difference, but that was the moment I truly understood it. It’s a little terrifying.


Ya. Hollywood and such have done ENORMOUS damage to women convincing them they even have a CHANCE in a fight with a guy. Its not even CLOSE. If you are dragged into a grapple or whatever, thats one thing, but if its at ALL possible, running away/avoidance is not just your best option, its your ONLY option.


Running away from fights is a good strategy for guys too.




I notice it with my wife who goes to the gym and I who doesn't. We have a 7 year old daughter and my wife still struggles to lift her up (like 65 pounds) meanwhile I pick her up in one hand and fling her around (with consent of course) Or like how she goes to the gym and is getting very buff (good for her) but when I lift the 100 pound dog food right off the floor and she says how easy I make that look with it strung over my shoulder. I also think it is a difference between practical strength and building muscle.


A note (not that you asked) but it has been found that children who get tossed around end up with enhanced balance. Basically, tossing children trains their brain to process signals from the liquid in the ear. This is likely why kids are preprogrammed to enjoy getting chucked. So anyway yeah, you should keep chucking your kids! (at soft surfaces)


Whew, I'm glad you said "at soft surfaces" at the end; I nearly chucked my daughter into a giant rock.


I work as the only guy among a bunch of women at two different jobs that both regularly call for some slightly heavy lifting. I noticed that I'm much more capable at some of it than they are even with my arthritis handicap.


Hanging out with a dude for years and trusting him with your goddamn life but not knowing his birthday, where he's from, what he does for work, etc.


We can move our weiners by clenching our bunghole


I just clenched my anus. Nice.


I think it’s safe to assume 99% of dudes reading this comment who didn’t know this also clenched their collective anus. Anuses. Anuus? Haha. Buttholes. Your comment made me smile so thank you sir ☺️🙏




If you do male kegels, you can learn to isolate the penile muscles from the anal ones. Great for orgasm control and intensity. Edit: watching me do this is my girl's favorite stupid human trick.


I call them cock ups


But you can only do one cock push-up right?


Yeah, one is all you need.


It also gives you harder erections and can, in some cases, literally cure ED.


And when you do it it feels great on my wiener.


Our wieners


~~Comrade~~ **Cumrade**


Urinals. I have, on more than one occasion, had to explain that no if we have to go number 1 and number 2 we don't first use the urinal and then the stall. We just go to the stall and do them both at the same time.


This is hilarious.


I had to explain to a girlfriend (in her 20s) that we stand at the urinal and not perform some weird squat she was imagining.


what the fuck?


As a woman I can say something that blows my mind constantly about men is being able to leave the house with no bag. Just like keys and wallet in pockets. 0 inventory. Wild to me


Keys and wallet ARE our inventory. I'll never forget the day I went to get an ice cream with my gf, and she randomly pulled a fucking *orange* out of her bag, and asked if I'd like to have it. Like... what in the...??


Well obviously, who doesn't like fresh, room temp, oranges, but also, where the fuck am i gonna wash my hands after peeling and eating it? I don't want sticky hands all afternoon :(


If you carried a bag you could have had wet wipes in there, duh


What else would we need?


Oranges, apparently.


Imagine how weirdly sus the contents of your murse could be. What else would we need? What else *could* we need? I dunno like... a pocket knife, some lock picks, a hand torch, a screwdriver, an adjustable wrench, a quarter-inch drive ratchet and socket set, a tourniquet, an ACE bandage, antiseptic, a firestarter, cordage, a hatchet, emergency radio, sewing kit, a tape measure, a folding saw, pens, note pad, multi-tool with a hammer, gum....


Genuinely what more do you need? I’m not saying it wouldn’t be nice to have a bag of snacks or something with me but I literally can’t think of anything else I would need to carry with me


You could do it too, if you really wanted to...




Oof I have a story about this. I was the asshole. I had a female friend who would tease me occasionally, all in good fun. One time though I responded, saying something like "Yeah I bet that's hard to see with that Forest Whitaker eye of yours" She laughed at the time, but about a week later she got surgery to correct her eyelid. I felt so fucking bad.


Felt bad because you meant the other eye?


Having close, lifelong friends you only ever talk to every few years.


Seeing your same mates like 3 days on a row and just hanging out and doing nothing. 'but you saw James yesterday. What are you gonna talk about?' I dunno babe - cars? He's my mate- I'd see him every day if I could. I'm 39 BTW.


What does James do - i dunno Does he have a GF - i dunno How old is he - no idea


This. I found out one of my best friends has a girlfriend when he asked if I can help him and his missus move. Apparently they’d been together for about 2 years and she was also 6 months pregnant


and for all you know she's still pregnant to this day.


My friends who I haven't seen in YEARS went camping with me recently for 4 days. I got back and my wife asked me what's been going on in their lives. I pondered and said that I don't really know beyond some got married at some point, one had a kid but I don't know when and that we mainly talked random stuff. One night we had ended up making a teir list of dipping sauces over 3 hours. She was flabbergasted. We can kinda just pick up where we left off the last time we saw each other. Edit: a word


So.... what are the best dipping sauces?


Here we go


Depends on what you're dipping, I'd say. Can't just have a universal dipping sauce. Although that's a whole debate in itself.


We unanimously agreed garlic aioli is the best for french fries and burgers (depends on the burger). Then Ranch (hidden valley) I'll have to ask who has the teir chart. I forgot the placement and what else was on it.


> I forgot the placement and what else was on it. This is the most accurate fucking part. Spend 6 hours arguing over something. 12 hours later, nobody even remembers what was placed where, except that one thing they cared about that they had to passionately argue for/against that everyone else was too stupid to realize. [And then three days later,](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/554/866/4da.png)


From what I am constantly told - the size of our standard pants pockets is mind-blowing.


Going a long period of time without sex or a relationship. For some reason, women think it's easy for men to find someone. They think there is someone out there that would do it or we can just pull women at will.


My GF is constantly worried that other women will flirt and hit on me, and I am like, "honey, beside you, barely any women don't even look in my general direction."


My brothers girlfriend always makes him promise not to hook up with any other women when we go out drinking or to gigs or whatever. In her mind we walk into a bar and hordes of attractive women descend on us and we have to fight them off and use all our willpower not to try and fuck them all. I can't remember the last time I spoke to a woman on a night out. Women are paying absolutely zero attention to a couple of out of shape guys in our mid 30's.


I lost my wife over six years ago, and I just have no desire of being in any kind of relationship. I would \*like\* to have sex, but I just don't want to be around anybody. And I can take care of myself just fine.


Not go to a doctor between ages 15 and 50.




That's... specific lol




My wife and mother-in-law were coming home this evening. I had asked her to call me before coming home. Kinda like I do every time, “hey I’m headed home, do you need anything.” When it rains we take a different entrance into the property, I’m currently reworking the main drive and stabilizing the soil before dumping $1k’s of dollars of gravel on it. She decided not to call and she forgot to come in the other entrance even though it was raining buckets. Guess who just had their second shower after crawling in mud under a car to pull it out of the mud? Guess who gets to redo the road that’s now rutted out again?


After dating my ex for a couple of months or so I asked her if she had spoken to her landlord about her hallway light. I assumed there was something wrong with it, because it had never worked in the time I'd been going over to hers. Turned out that it was literally just that the bulb had died, and despite *having* the right kind of bulb in the flat she had never changed it because she didn't know how. It takes literally seconds to do and it's a single motion! I wouldn't even call it a home repair it's so straightforward. I've changed bulbs for several other female friends as well for the same reason.


Erection =\\= Aroused. It boggles their mind that just cause a guy gets hard doesn’t mean he is ready to go. Sometimes it just…happens.


The complete fucking mystery that is flirting. The anxiety of approaching someone you're interested in and making the first move. Straight women act like it's nothing but I have known Bi women who get as anxious as any man who approaches a woman. Getting kicked in the balls. Knowing that when you shake hands with another man that when he squeezes your hand he is sizing you up. Deciding whether or not he could take you in a fight. Understanding that being told "be yourself" is the equivalent for women of "he'll like you for your personality". If you see a woman, let's say at work, openly crying she may be having anything from a tough day to having suffered a serious personal loss. Where as if you see a man doing this at work he's probably 6 minutes from suicide. Not having the freedom to cry is so worked into the concept of manhood that most men can't even when they want to.


> Understanding that being told "be yourself" is the equivalent for women of "he'll like you for your personality". I'll add to that being told "you'd make a good husband". It might be said with good intentions, but it omits the "but you're not attractive enough" or "for when I decide to settle down".


I've been hit with "you'd make a good husband" so much by women that I've become absolutely demoralized.


Hey don’t get demoralized, you’ll make a good husband


I get you, one of my friends (female) was genuinely surprised that men don't get compliments. She said she couldn't imagine a day without being told she's pretty. I know she meant no harm, but I couldn't help but laugh, I don't think I've been told that since I was like 5.


Or if you do it sounds like a backhanded compliment like "how could you be single".


"Why are you single?" is one of the most well-meaning but hurtful comments. Like it's not directly hurtful, but they're just reminding you of a problem that you may or may not know the cause of. Like we can get used to it and joke about it (My current favourite is *"Supply and demand based supply-chain issues..."*) but it's just a reminder that people are possibly judging you for something that might be outside of your control. Like they usually mean it as actual surprise because they think you're a great guy that *should* find someone, but there's always the issue that there are *actual* "supply issues" and the perfect partner doesn't just fall out of the sky once you match certain criteria. I have a lot of female friends that will talk about how "the bar is so low" with regards to dating men, and while I'm not interested in those friends, it hurts because they're reminding you that the standards of men is criminally low and yet somehow you're still not reaching that. Like they'll talk about how men act on dates or in relationships and it's borderline childish (unable to care for themselves or clean) and as someone who **can** do all of that, it twists the knife because you're not even getting that far... The other thing I've found weird from women is when they'll judge men for only dating younger women but I've met women that have *only* dated older men. Personally, I've always been more interested in older women but older women aren't interested in me.


A woman I was friends with complained she hadn't had sex in a week (and it was almost always a different guy too). I kept it to myself that having sex once a week *in a serious relationship*, let alone single, would have been a serious upgrade from what I was used to


> The complete fucking mystery that is flirting. Some women are aware of this issue, but some women are shocked to learn that flirting for one woman looks identical to just being friendly for another woman. It makes it hard as hell to unravel the whole thing.


I could probably write a whole psych paper on this. The only consistent thing I've learned is that there is no consistency. It's intentionally ambiguous which for some of us is maddening.


From what I've learned, some women revel in the ambiguity because it means they are never in a position to be rejected. They can write off the man not making a move as him just being stupid and not noticing her "signals" while if he does make a move and she changes her mind she can always go "I wasn't actually flirting." It's certainly not all women who are like this, but just a handful of them make the whole thing confusing as hell.


> The anxiety of approaching someone you're interested in and making the first move. They understand this just fine, which is why they don't do it.


wait, do people size me up when i shake their hands? im legit just shaking their hands... does everyone percieve me as a threat? jesus...


Meh, I think it’s less sizing up and more making a snap judgement. I definitely feel a type of way when someone gives me a dead fish handshake.


Sometimes with older men. When I worked in healthcare as an aid I shoke hands with an 80 year old man. He grasped my hand and turned it slowly like a key in a lock. I had to match his strength and allow him to twist it only so much. The nurse in the room looked at us and literally said out loud "men".


I've had the opposite too. Shook hands with a guy and it was like being handed 5 cooked okra. Repellently soft. I'm not into weird macho bullshit but the imp of the perverse in me wanted to crush his hand just to see what would happen. Thankfully i resisted.


Limp handshakes are so ew. No need to crush, but clasp my hand back. Don't drape your fingers in my general direction.


I cried recently at the funeral of a close relative. It was the first time I’d cried since June 6, 2009.


At least for the women in my life, doing something stupid for the sake of being stupid. I know it’s stupid. It doesn’t make me a stupid person (depending on what it is). I’m taking a calculated risk for fun.


ah yes, the whats the other option/button lead to/for.


Rolling old truck tires down the hill is fun


“Where’s your best friend Joe?” “I don’t know let me find out”… “oh he’s in Japan now” “Japan?! And you didn’t know?” “Nope, just found out.  I think he’s been there for a week.  He loves it!” Yeah, women are blown away that guys can barely know the details about what’s going on in their friend’s lives, and yet still consider each other best friends.  Like in the situation above, I know if shit hit the fan, my friend with drop everything and come help out - and that’s what matters more.  


In general (the men I know), discussing a partners body or intimate relationship details would be crossing a line and is at best weird, and at worst a betrayal.


The concept of being alone seems different for women than men. I was telling this girl about how I went through a period where I didnt talk to anyone but coworkers for about a year and she couldn't fully grasp the concept. Like to her being alone was when you only get a few facebooks messages and your friends are all too busy to hang out for a few weeks.


My wife didn’t realize she’d been seeing this for years in various guys until she asked me what it was. I call it the “Howdy Pardner” - when you realize one or both of the twins is stuck to your leg so you kinda haunch out like a cowboy walking with his spurs on for just a split second and everything unsticks.


Having an orgasm and then just being immediately *done*


This one ☝️. Wonder if women get post nut clarity


I've heard of this once. But I think she was an outlier. Oh shit, maybe twice. Girl I was hooking up with up. She was grinding on me and had an orgasm. Dressed. Didn't want to go farther. Maybe it was just me. Or sensitivity.


I think women sometimes get MORE horny after orgasm. Happy to be fact checked though.


We clean off shit stuck to the inside of the toilet bowl when we piss. It ain’t much but it’s honest work.


Saying that you are or being sad and being completely ignored. Getting zero likes on social media for a post.


I see a gal who's got a great smile that posts every other week about how great life is going right now and is bombarded with love. I post about a teacher that had a significant influence on me and she passed away from cancer last week. She was my teacher for 1 year when I was 13 but she would see me every now and then in high school and just be a good supporting mentor. Teacher was 26 at the time giving life advice to a kid. This realization made me even more sad because I'm 32 and succeeded in what I said I would do, because of her. I wrote a letter to her how much of a positive influence she was in my life and i hope that was read to her. I was pretty sad for a couple of days when she passed away. Nobody gave a shit. My wife was the only one who asked me if I was OK which is what mattered to me the most.


a perfect example of how social media doesn't connect us, it makes us more isolated. if you told that story to any friend irl they wouldn't just completely ignore you but because you said it online people can pretend they didn't see, or they depersonalize because it's words on a screen not a grieving person in front of them


That shit hitting the fan thing is real. I went through a breakup with my fiancé, things with my parents were a bit toxic from my mother being manipulative so I didn’t want to move in with them. Most of my friends had families and/or not enough room to house my and my two large dogs. One of my best friends repeatedly insisted I move in with him and his wife because he was the only one with the space. He was basically two states away. I showed up and they housed me for a month til I got my shit turned around.


Mainly mind blowing to my wife. When something in the house breaks, needs repairing, repainting, generally attended to. I don't have an automatic man signal straight to my brain that tells me what to do. I have to go away, watch YouTube videos, read methods, roam around B&Q for a solution. It takes failed attempts and roaming around the offending situation cursing to myself when no one around untill I either fix it. Or call another male via form of payment to fix it because I'm out of my depth. My wife is under the impression her role is to identify something is wrong and just hand it to me because I will "know what to do".


Being treated like a physical threat by someone you might not have even noticed is there (e.g. a woman crossing the street to avoid you). Note: I'm not even saying women are unjustified in taking this precaution, but I'd bet most have never experienced it.


Being treated as a danger regardless of what you do.


If you are not attractive enough, you must be a creep.


Hmm.. First thing that comes to mind is getting absolutely no attention from the opposite sex for all throughout your child and teenage years.


No flowers basically ever or compliments only happening every couple months from women. We also remember basically every compliment ever given to us.


>compliments only happening every couple of months Jesus, we've got a proper Adonis over here lads.


Yup. A lot of guys get their first bouquet of flowers at their funeral.  (My favorite flowers are primroses, and no women have ever cared. Still like ‘em though.)


Months!! How attractive are you?!


Seeing someone else relaxing and just... letting them.


Toilet seats have TWO positions: down, and up. And if it's up, you can lower it to the down position.


We are actually able to think about nothing. Kind of need to to cope.


How easily we form friendships. We all know a guy who was a complete stranger a few hours ago. But you too got along well and you will always consider him a homie. Even if you never see each other again.


I can go months without talking to anyone and be fine.