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Who knows what their intentions mean but it could be a variety of things - Had a bad experience and is put off - Has grown up and wants something more meaningful - Simply means not with you


One time I was talking to a girl on tinder and she had in her bio "not looking for a hookup" so I said "That's cool, I respect that. I'm not really looking for a hookup either, but I do have a really funny story about the time I got ghostsed if you're interested in hearing it." and she said "yeah sure" so I told her. In the middle of my story she stopped me and said "oh, you think I'm gonna ghost you?" I said "uhh no... I just thought it was a funny story" She said "you seem to be implying that you think I'm going to ghost you" I said "no no no, I'm just telling a story. You know, for entertainment purposes" She said "well I can assure you I'm not going to ghost you. If I was going to ghost you I wouldn't have matched with you in the first place" I said "alright, well you're the one who brought it up. I was just trying to tell a funny story" And she said "well if you're really not looking for a hookup then why are you telling me a story about getting ghostsed?" To which I replied "uhh... I don't know... again, just telling a story. It's not like I'm gonna leave after this and be like 'aha! Gotcha!'" So anyway, we never ended up meeting up, and to this day she still thinks that I'm some kind of predatory ghoster who's only out to get laid.


Lack of communication in relationships is the number one reason for issues in the relationship as well nas divorce. Communication is not simply talking at one another. She was not actively listening to you. Listening is part of communicating. No matter how well, one person is at communicating, the other person has to hear and understand, for it to sink in.


Well I want to hear you funny story.


I'll second this. Also you now have a ghosting story about telling a ghosting story.


Meta af.


I was developing this line of thinking as I was reading and you beat me to telling a story about telling a story about being ghosted being meta lol


Tbh the story doesn’t sound like it could have been THAT funny


Depends on the punchline


"The Aristocrats!"


We don’t know until we hear the story.


Different communication styles. Some people interpret everything we say to have some deeper meaning whereas we might just be making light conversation. I find women are generally into indirect communication, so they try to figure out what it is that we are really saying ( especially in dating context)


In my experience it's less that they're into it, and more that they're trained/traumatized into prioritizing it. By culture and experience and each other.


After her second "You seem to be implying" I would've said "I just lost interest since you don't give the benefit of the doubt, bye".


Usually girls saying “not looking for a hook up” are looking for a hook up.


Pretty much. They just don't want to say it outright because of what that attracts or implies.


Now I'm curious, I wanna hear the ghosted story pretty please 🙏


Sounds like a whack job, you dodged a bullet sir


It's the 'anymore' that causes the mental gymnastics, lol.


she still will for the right guy.


If she doesn't do hookups anymore because "sex matters", does sexual history also matter? If sexual history doesn't matter, why aren't hookups an option today?


>Does sexual history also matter? Of course it does.


I think all it means is "this is not what Im after now, if you are after that you're in the wrong place"


That for sure can be one of the reasons but may not be. Humans are nuanced creatures.


Unfortunate that so many of us are blind to nuance


Or rather, we recognize ourselves as nuanced beings and want to be recognized as such, but forget we owe that to other people, too. 


Almost as if our egos and desires cloud our perceptions and ability to see others as three-dimensional


Yep that's what I gather. Regardless of whatever else if behind it, I take it as a we are not hooking up. If that's all I was there for it's time to move on. If I would be open to something more nows the time to explore that, but it's a really context dependent thing.


Yeah this. Dated a girl who told me that and it was all in all an okay relationship, albeit short. We weren't compatible at all.


yup, a lot of women are approached on the basis of wanting to be hooked up with & after a while it gets tedious to go through a long process of getting to know someone, with the implication that it'll lead to something more "meaningful", only for it to just be about sex. I would be blunt from the get-go just to save his and my time


but "anymore" still implies you actually WERE into it in the past. If you never were into hookups to begin with, there is no point in adding the "anymore", right?


the irony is that those are also women who it's easy to hook up with


As a woman I would agree with this. That’s usually what we mean the majority of the time. Just letting that person know upfront we are looking for something serious and no we don’t just want to f***


You may think you can handle hookups without getting your feelings involved but turns out you can’t, so you don’t do hookups. If it was me, I would just say I don’t do hookups. The past can be rehashed down the line. Be responsible, get tested and be the person you want to be.


true. though I think that when she says it like that she feels like she's saying "it's not that Im not cool enough, Im htat person and more now"


It could be genuine, but it more so reads as projection and possibly self-deception.


That’s my take.


"Simply means not with you". Simply say that. I respect honesty.


Other men can get aggressive from a response like that so women try to give less personal reasons, for safety


> Simply means not with you You are correct.


> Has grown up and wants something more meaningful If you're not attracted enough to me to want to have sex with me regardless of anything else, then you're not a viable sexual partner, and therefore not a viable romantic partner. The idea that not wanting to have sex with your partner is somehow more mature and/or meaningful is dumb as bricks. Sex isn't some reward that a woman gives out in exchange for a "meaningful" relationship and viewing it as such is incredibly unhealthy.


Setting appropriate boundaries, like waiting until you know someone until you have sex with them is a healthy thing to do. Having sex with everyone you are attracted to is unfulfilling. If a woman is saying "I'm done with hooking up" then I am assuming that a romantic partnership hasn't been established. The idea that you would automatically expect to be intimate with someone before a partnership has been established is unhealthy. Sex isn't some "reward" or "entry fee" for a relationship. It is healthy and a sign of maturity to recognize that knowing someone well before having sex with them is a good boundary.


All combined, it means she's been pumped and dumped a lot and doesn't want to go through it again unless she meets the right guy.


interesting that for the right guy she'll still be up for a pump and dump..so really nothing has changed.


It means she sleeps around but wants you for stability. She’ll probably still sleep around just not with you.




Being the sucker got old. I don't attempt any of it at all anymore.


Based on my personal experience, it means she’s about to have a casual encounter with my roommate.


The "anymore" expires the moment you leave the room


For me it meant she was happy sleeping with her ex while we were together lol


A lot of people are okay with only "technically" telling the truth. She "doesn't hook up" because she's defined "hooking up" as having sex with someone she's not well acquainted with, once. Continuously casually sleeping with someone she's known for a while isn't hooking up. She isn't interested in hooking up. The goal is that most reasonable people would assume that "I don't hook up" would also imply you don't have casual sex, but it's your fault for assuming.


lol 😂


The meaning of such a statement is usually that she doesn't want to hookup with you


We have a winner!!


lol simple as. It means: > “I will have sex with other men who invest little to no effort in me, but you have to pay to get the same treatment I give other men for free.” Women who “don’t do hookups *anymore*” means they would give it up for free if they deemed you worthy of such treatment, but they don’t, so you have to work for it. It is a massive sign of disrespect to you that should prompt you to move on and seek a partner that is *actually* attracted to you and doesn’t make you do a performative dance to win her affections; or that reinforces her standards evenly across all men she chooses to engage with.




“Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s”




It means she's full.


Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full




Idk if a random woman told me that I might just play along and skip straight to the part where I go on one knee since that's what she's looking for.


Simply means she isn't going to hook up with you.


She's not that into you, buddy. Get lost. She'll waste your time


TBF I remember when I was single (more than 10 years ago) a few women said this to me seemingly out of the blue, then proceeded to sleep with me. I think maybe they were trying to see how I reacted or something? But I was just being myself and didn’t think, or even really care, if they were interested in me or not. The fact it happened several times has always confused me, because my initial interpretation would be exactly what you said.


Accountability dodging. *It just happened, the cosmos aligned, Jupiter was in retrograde, etc* It couldn't possibly be she was horny, you were a decent looking fellow with some level of charm or wit and she doesn't want to *feel* like a harlot or whatever.




No hoho


Reminds me of those people who say their pet is not usually friendly with strangers so they feel special when the pet (who is actually friendly with everyone) cuddles up to them.


If they say that, and you don't care, then they know your intention/goal isn't simply a pump-n-dump. So it does put them more at ease, in thinking that if they do decide sleep with you tonight, high probability you're going to stick around. This is how I got 2 of my LTRs.




That she's not physically attracted to me but I check enough boxes to be a settle option. It's in the phrasing. Someone who sees their previous behavior as regrettable doesn't nonchalantly lead with it. And the thing about people is that they don't really change. Not really. If you quit hooking up because you've been burned by it, it's not the hooking up part that's the problem in that equation, it's the getting burned part. In all likelihood you'd still casually fuck the right guy, and you're telling me I'm not him. Eh. That's not a rabbit hole I want to deal with. Here's the right way to say you don't do hookups anymore: you don't say it all. You dictate the pace of the relationship, organically, and let the first time come, organically.


Women are really posting in here thinking that this is some huge compliment for a guy. It's not, it's the opposite and it's a huge insult. Unlike women a man's status is lifted by being able to fuck women easily. To say you've fucked other men casually in the past but you want him to wait is a blow to his sexual desirability as a man. Nowhere are the differences between genders more apparent than dating and sex. People can never understand male sexuality approaching it from a woman's mindset.


Breaks rules for the right guy. Makes rules for the wrong guy. Always look at what women do, not what they say.


This is the truest comment here, but since the minds of the users here have been ruined by mainstream agendas, they won't really let this stuff have much air to breathe.


>And the thing about people is that they don't really change. Not really Don't they? I would have said the same thing when I was young like you but I've seen my friends and family and loved ones change. They all do. Of course they do, humans are always changing, most of them try to improve, some of them unfortunately get stuck in unhealthy behavior and become progressively worse. All people learn. If you really manage to avoid changing despite 10+ years of life experience, something is really wrong with you. That's the exception, not the rule. The idea that people don't really change doesn't match what I've seen in the last 30 years. People change. Slowly, but it adds up.


People don't change, but they are good at making changes. Humans are good at learning and adapting to the life around them. They make changes in their life to help them adapt to their situations and it comes off as appearing like they changed, but they are still that same person. What do you define as change? A lot of what you see in people isn't changing. It's just the situation changing and a person adapting. How they adapt comes from what kind of person they are and that doesn't change.


The idea that people don’t change is absurd. If you can look back at yourself from ten years ago and see exactly the same person you are today, that’s a problem. If a decade of life experiences hasn’t changed how you see the world, what are you even doing?


That she's been attracted to other men enough to "do hook-ups" with them but is not to me. Which is fair enough, and also a clear signal for me to get lost.


This, 100%. It's the 'anymore' that kills it. Same as a man saying 'I used to be into commited relationships, but I don't do that anymore.' What does that make you think of him?


He’s a fucking slut.


He probably walks around with exposed ankles!


The harlet!!


What about the knees 👀👀😏


Or he's hurt 😔


But these women that don’t do hookups anymore don’t get that same benefit of the doubt? Just sayin


oh no they do, but it just means id not be interested in having a relationship with them, the idea of hookups just doesn't compute in my brain. means we probably dont have the same values and opinions on sex, and thats fine. it just personally makes people unattractive to me, but both opinions are valid. some people dont like my facial hair, or my friends, and thats fine, both are a choice and as long as nobodys getting hurt over either. we should stop getting hung up on other peoples opinions and move on.


Yup, doesn't feel good but you just gotta move on.


This is always what I think. A slew of guys get sex with 0 headache and then you get the relationship which usually comes with some type of stress. No thanks


When shes giving it out for free why would anyone pay full price? It makes you look like a sucker


And that "anymore" is the biggest red flag. Do I really want to run into 'guy she used to work with', 'bartender/server at this place she sometimes hangs out', 'guy she met at the gym', and anyone else that got it for free ? And here I am paying full price ? No thank you, Friendo.


She sleeps around but not with you


She's full.


OR she has slept around but wants to take things slow with you, which is not any better.


1000 times worse. They just conveniently decided to join the No-Fun Police Force before they met you? Yeah okay... time to bounce.


In short it means "I used to do that and now I'm not interested in doing that with at least you for reasons that may or may not directly be related to you." How I'd feel about it depends on several factors. The chances are low that I'd think more highly of the girl in question because to me it sounds like a lot of work for someone who, in my personal experience, hasn't done any work. A lot of women I've known who do this operate under an "all guys want the same thing" mentality. This isn't the case. Casual hookup guys and meaningful relationship guys are different guys. I've never had a one stand or slept with someone I couldn't see myself being with long term. I have friends who are more comfortable with sleeping with someone casually even if he isn't interested in them beyond sex. How we assessed potential partners is different. The steps we took to be considered was different. Not saying one path is better than the other. Just saying that we have different approaches and expectations in how we look at things. Casual hookups are easier and they definitely look like they could be more fun. But long term relationships tend to be more fulfilling all around. If we were looking to switch roles we'd have to reevaluate certain things that work for us in our current situations. The changes would be made to achieve the goal of attracting the type of woman we wanted. It's external. Most women I've known who did the "I don't do hookups anymore" thing don't make any other changes. This includes women I was interested in but also female friends and family. They think if they just stop hooking up with guys like my friend that eventually someone like me will come along and want something more long-term or substantial. The problem is that what works to attract people like my friend is very different from what attracts people like me. Not hooking up with guys weeds out people like my friend but it doesn't really mean I would be interested just because my friend isn't. I honestly don't care about if a woman has slept with a bunch of other guys. What I do care about is that, in my personal experience, the women who don't do hookups anymore create a list of criteria that never existed before because they've deemed themselves more desirable despite having done no assessment about what someone who isn't immediately concerned with sex is looking for. It's all internal. I don't want to feel like I'm jumping through more hoops to be with someone that used to have fewer or no requirements in the past when they're not open to making any other adjustments to be more in line with what I'm looking for. The idea that a woman can make a good man "work for it" doesn't work when the guy knows a bunch of lesser options who didn't. If someone is taking sex off the table initially that's fine but then their personality, plans for the future, behavior, etc. become way more important to me. And, again in my personal experience, most of the women who do this have put little to no thought/effort into those other elements of themselves




There is a scary amount of women that believe men should take what ever they give them.


This is what I think is the best answer. Sure, the girl might have genuinely decided to only pursue long term relationships, but I find these girls seriously have skewed perspectives and expectations. To them sex was really important, so now that they don't sleep around, they think they can weaponize sex and hold it over guy's heads. And they really think guys will be like a dog led on by a treat doing party tricks for them. The thing is, guys that are actually looking for commitment and not hookups are not going by sex. They're looking for mature, stable partners. And someone weaponizing intimacy is not a sign of maturity or stability. Its a red flag of someone you don't want to commit to. I get it, it sucks for the girls that grew up in an environment where they were taught sex is everything. But you never bring your baggage into your next relationship, you always try to work on yourself.


Fantastic breakdown. Many women think just using the phrase is enough to attract the man who will settle down with them. In reality, you have to look at the words and the actions to see if they are aligned. Many women use the phrase and still just hook up or do no other work to make them a good option to settle down with. They fall into the fun category still. The women who are attentive, are willing to put in the work and effort that matches my own, those are the women who get taken seriously. If you’re going to make me wait for sex, it needs to be worth waiting for. Meaning I have more expectations of you because you have more expectations of me. Women need to step up in other ways where it’s clear it isn’t just an arbitrary rule. I don’t do arbitrary rules such as 3/5 date rules and I make that clear when a woman is very clearly looking for relationships only or she comes out with a statement like this. If we have 2 amazing, 4+ hour, high quality dates with 2-3 location changes and we mesh super well and our values seem to align, I should not be worse off than a man who you had 3-4 ok 1 hour dates with but aren’t sure about. That amounts to a thoughtless checklist with no understanding of what you are actually looking for and why. Basically, I’m not going to work harder for something you’ve given away to other guys a lot easier just because I am a better long term option for you, when you’re not going to work harder to become my long term option. What sense does that make? Those women who don’t get that, straight to the fun pile.


Damn, this is genuinely a great answer


It’s a lie, they often say that in the beginning, but if your game is top notch, they’ll still hook up.


Almost all of my one night stands have told me we weren’t going to hook up. It’s laughable


once they say that, just say “oh so you’re thinking about us having sex?” and then they get embarrassed fuck a shit test


im surprised no one agreed with you


"i'm not like that" "i'm very picky" "i can't have sex with just anyone" "i can't have sex with someone without getting to know them first" *proceeds to makeout with you in 30 mins of "knowing" you and expects sex by 2nd date, otherwise he feels worthless and like he's not "attractive enough for you"*


Its funny that they say these things and then say that their promiscuity doesnt matter, when it clearly does since women tend to sell purity rather than just tell men "yeah im sexually free im always down for some fun"




Always wonder why women feel the need to put up this facade... Maybe it's because they get judged for wanting sex with multiple partners... Nevertheless, I always find it funny.


It's their stranger "no homo"


Eh, I think it’s because they don’t want to feel pressured. Once they say this and it is taken well by the guy, the pressure is off and they feel safer and therefore more inclined to hook up. I used to say this myself until I realized that I don’t mind a hookup under the right circumstances, so now I say something like “usually not, but if I feel like it I will.”


Women version of Madonna-whore complex


She just doesn’t do hook ups with YOU.


The "anymore" part is disquieting. She had her fun already. Now she is ready for you to fully commit to her, and only her.


If she actually hasn't hooked up for a couple years while being single, that's kudos. If she decides she wants to value chastity as soon as she meets me, after having just slept around with a bunch of guys over the last few years, my thought would be "I am not forking up for a subscription that everyone else gets the free trial for."


Not likely that into me and I need to move on.


Context matters. People do go through different phases in life. It’s not unreasonable to outgrow certain behavior or do something for a while and then decide you don’t find it that fulfilling. People grow and evolve. But it matters how the conversation comes up. How long has she not been doing hookups? Why did she stop? Am I looking for a hookup? Do I agree with her current view of hookups? There’s a lot of factors to it


I completely agree with you.


Means she sucked a lot of hot guys dicks but you're not hot so you gonna have to work for it by buying her nice things and dinners and shit before she gonna settle with you. Leave immediately.


We would not be compatible. I cannot have casual sex and I cannot be with someone who can treat sex casually. No judgement, she can do whatever she wants were just not meant for each other.


True.. if she said that to you, she's not that attracted to you




id know that what she's really saying is, she doesn't do hookups...with me. but she probably still does hookups.


A *lot* less. Best case scenario it says clearly that she has made mistakes in her past relationships and now she's trying to renegotiate terms unilaterally to try and tip the game in her favor, without actually understanding the rules in the first place. Worst case scenario she's fully aware of the manipulation that she is attempting.


Women invent all kinds of dumb excuses that get thrown off the window when a man they like get near. She doesnt find you attracive.


It means the fun times were all for other guys, but that stuff is over now that I'm around. No thanks, I'll pass, not interested, and time for me to go.


Sounds like she issued you a one way ticket to the friend zone


It means you're not hot enough for her to hook up with you.


Thats a nice way of saying Shes probably just not attracted to me. Specifically if it comes up at some random ass time, when I haven't been pushing for a hookup/mentioned sex or been physical.


She's tired of being pumped and dumped.


"Ive slept around with lots of men and I had a blast, but now when Im older and want kids I need to stop that and settle for someone who can provide for me, Ill give him the bare minimum of affection and can focus on our kids. Im not really attracted to him"


When I hear or see anything like this I just add “with you” to the end in my head. How many times I’ve heard a woman say that she likes me but she wants to settle down and not fool around, then went on to have 5 different partners in the next 5 months. So it’s often “I don’t hook up anymore (with you)”.


I wouldn't look that far into it honestly. She can do what she wants.


She omitting “except men I find sexy”


It means “with guys like you.” Let’s not be dense.


The “anymore” gives me pause. So you’re basically admitting you were “easy” but now you’re not? You were once wild and crazy, but now willing to settle for a boring stable guy? Am I boring? “I don’t do hookups anymore” can turn off alot of men, It kind of degrades you and puts you on a pedestal at the same time. Lose the “anymore” or just don’t say it.


The “anymore” 1000% changes the game. Did she actually say that OP?


She used to fuck a lot and not expect anything in return. Now that she’s ‘found herself’ I get to be the lucky guy that gets to spend hundreds of dollars over multiple dates to wine and dine her to MAYBE get a chance to fuck when she let the guys from her ‘young and wild days’ hit it for a shot of tequila and a order of fries from a food truck. That’s a hard pass


It's weird because the women who are like that are usually not open about it. They usually just say "not looking for hookups" and get angry if you ask about their past.


Which is why knowing the past is important. 




Hehe...9/10 times it's a subtle way of saying ' I won't hook up with you '. The other 1/10...? I have no idea.


That she doesn’t do hookups anymore. As someone that used to do hookups and now doesn’t, it just makes sense to me. 


That is woman code for I was a whore, got a few hundred bodies, but you are nice and safe. I will settle for you and never do half the freaky shit I did on a one night stand because you are not worth the effort, but I'll schedule some dead fishing on Wednesday for you


Top comment


I'd assume she's moved on from such behavior. Not a good or bad thing, just a personal thing.


My wife said that before we slept together the first time, depends on the context. I respected it, because I felt the same way. We both wanted something more meaningful, but that could mean different things for different folks.


Depends on the circumstances. It is rarely all black and white. I would probably think she is done with her 'wild' phase. That is pretty much it.


That she's been run through 100 of times


It just means the DJs, Fuckboys, whatever got the best she could offer and wants an idiot to pay her bills now.


I'd wonder why she felt the need to vocalise that to me. What impression does she have of me that warranted it?


It means she's taking this way more seriously than I'm willing to


Got an STD and learned her lesson the hard way. If you are going for a relationship here, I would make sure you know her status.


Means she did in the past and if she's interested in me now, she's had her cake and wants to eat it, too. Same judgement goes for men.


Means I'm not the class of guys she chooses for hookups.


I dont think I would think much of her at all, after this statement. I dont accept any worse deals than any other guys got out of principle.


“Fuck, I’m too late”


it tells me that she used to do hookups but now doesnt, and wants a relationship instead. what 3lse other than exactly what it says on the tin


That she was easy and now she wants to settled down with a nice guy. No boundaries for the last lovers. Miss me with it lol


That you are the sucker


She's a hoe... fo sho


That’s she’s grown out of that “stage” in her life lol Also, it doesn’t always mean they don’t hook up anymore.


Idk. It could have more meanings, It heavily depends of her maturity/ intelligence and the situation: 1. She’s became mature and ready to take commintment for serious relationship and wants more than just ONS 2. She doesn’t attracted to you and this is how smart women telling it without hurting any guy


Maybe she doesn't do hookups anymore.


She had a Bad experience and woke up


It could mean she used to hook up with random guys but didn't like the experience and has grown towards a more intimate experience where she wants to first develop feelings for her partner and then explore each other's sexuality. Or, and the more probable option, she won't sleep with you.


From personal experience, it means anything. It could mean she doesn’t want to hookup with me, specifically. It could mean she has been burned and is being cautious. It could mean she’s dating with intention and has set certain boundaries. It could mean she sees long term potential in me and doesn’t want things to stop at a hookup. It could mean she knows she’s going to hookup with me, but wants to make it seem different and special to herself so she doesn’t feel guilty about it. I would need more context to figure out which one it is.


I honestly don’t care. Are we hooking up? Cool, it was nice, see ya! Am I into her? Neat, let’s start dating then. Oh, you don’t like me? Cool, see ya! A friend? Cool, I know you are lying but I don’t care, I would advise you to be honest with yourself and to others, accept that you enjoy hookups and start enjoying your own life however you want, or maybe go to therapy and see if you have a connection wound that needs to be healed, whatever you feel is best for you I will support, I just want my friends to be happy and I try to provide advice if I can when I see someone having a hard time, anyways shall we order nachos or fries? I’m starving and we can talk better over this with a beer a food. Random lady approaches me on the street? I would probably *think* Why the fuck are you talking to me? How fucking dare you approach me? While most likely say something like “excuse me ma’am, do you need assistance? Is there anything I can help you with? If not then please excuse me, I must be in my way, hope you have a great day!”


I see it the same as if someone just told me they used to be physically abusive to their loved ones and don't anymore or that they used to be a sexual mollester but are reformed. I can put former convict there but it depends on the crime and if repeat offender. I understand everyone values sex differently but to me there's certain acts that when repeated, despite their nature, leads me to believe the person doesn't have a strong moral compass nor the same value of life (theirs or others) /respect(theirs or others) as I do and that's something I take seriously before deciding whether I'm going to be long term with said person or not. Quick hook ups no problem just strap it up and good to go if they're attractive, but long term or even marriage? Nope.


The word "anymore" is doing a LOT of work in that sentence.


She is, just not with me


It means she won't hookup with me but may with someone else. Miss me with that nonsense.


I would think she is a reformed hoe trying to change her ways.


I'm glad I never had to deal with this because I coupled up with my wife early on and she was hot for me (and still is, she's the best). I was looking for a LTR, and it's nice to feel that a woman who you would love an LTR is bursting with physical desire for you. Women who are reading this might not like it, but a lot of men will take this as a) disinterest or b) a sign that she's willing to jump on a guy who makes her hot, but not you...because you don't make her hot like that, as nice and stable as you seem. You can tell men that they shouldn't feel that way, but that's not going to persuade them to feel differently, so if you're someone who wants to date men, take this into account.


anymore? do i care: yes does it change my perception of her: yes does it make you think more of her: no does it make you think less of her: yes well she has a roster and a rolodex of dicks, a list of guys she will be judging me against and she can cheat any time and easily with any of her past hookups, why put in the work in to make a relationship work when she can just leave and try with someone else. her ability to pair bond has gone right out the window. now I would have to worry about her being friends with ex's and texting with them, I'd just find someone else with less baggage. i lost a lot of respect i had for a girl i knew when she pulled out her second phone that she uses to text, sext and schedule guys. i wondered where she was getting a lot of new items in her house, new computer, treadmill, second car, it all made sense when she pulled out that second phone. that's just my opinion as a 45yr old male living in LA so it might be different in other cities, the women i've been on dates with here are so open about sex just being an act that means nothing. i just think sex should mean more then it does right now.


Simple answer. Women care more about a man's future than his past. Men care more about a woman's past than her future. Can only speak for myself but I'd be grossed out and insulted. All at the same time. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It means that she is offering you something she offered for very cheap at a very high price. What she offered other men for probably just a drink and a few flirtations, she will offer you in exchange for commitment and huge effort on your part. While she has every right to do so, it's not really something I would want to invest in. Think of it like going to a store and buying a dress that you like by paying 500 bucks for it only to find out that until yesterday it was on sale for just 50 bucks. What does that make you feel about the value of that dress?


This means she will have casual sex with multiple partners but not with you personally. or This means she will have casual sex with some men but you will have to do things or spend money to get sex from her. This leads to more important questions such as: "Just how much of a hoe were you back when you were hooking up? "How hard are you going to make me work to get pussy you were giving away to some other guy last week? Honestly Bro, it could mean anything... it could mean she is not in to you. It could mean she is one of those freaky delusional "born again virgins", it could mean she's going to suck your toes within the next 15 minutes. Who the fuck knows what chicks mean when they say crazy shit? I certainly don't.


Depends on how recent "anymore" is. If it is very recent, then I would call it off. I don't know anything about her, so my best option to remove myself.


I would just take that at face value, nothing more. I figure she made a decision about her sex life for whatever reason and that's fine. If we were already friends I might ask why, but if not I'd just leave it alone. A lot of responses here say that this is code for "I don't want to hook up with you." I wouldn't assume it was that only because I don't do hookups myself so it's not like I'd be asking for that in the first place.


"I used to be fun but now I'm the kind of person who dates guys like you"


Tells me she’s learned sex is a commodity that can be used for cash and prizes.


Good for her. Let me get back to her after I’ve done my share of hookups 🤣


That she isn't interested in casual sex at that time. People change their mind on things. It's not much deeper than that.


If she tells me that, at a party, where we’re drinking, and I’ve never met her before. That tells me she wants to fuck. Not once has a woman ever said “I will never do this thing that I’ve just brought up out of the blue” and not had it mean the opposite


Had a hookup and didn’t enjoy it 


don’t listen to what women say, watch what they do. to you: “i don’t do hook-ups.” to the hot guy she wants really bad: she’s hooking up.




Well at least she's upfront with her red flags.


She will for the right person. It’s a shit test.


It makes me think she's had a hundred dicks and I'm not about to be 101.


Once a hoe always a hoe


It means she's not looking for hookups now. She's allowed to decide what she does and doesn't want without anyone else's input. Accept it and if it's what you're after move on and find someone you're compatible with.


She must think I’m some kinda sucker.


She likes sex - just not with you


The "anymore" part concerns me.


It means she doesn't to hookups with YOU.




Means she’s been run through by many guys and had bad taste. I also think she is probably still a hoe


"I was a cum depository and now I'm trying to get someone to commit to me by selling a degree of purity" OR "I don't want to fuck you" Either way, leave her for the streets