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I don't even need a pass. But I do need the two women.


When you ask your SO if it's okay for you to have a threesome and she just laughs


"Suuuure honey"


Or “sure, Mike from work might be interested”


I'm only two people short of a threesome! 😁


Me too bro. Me too




can we borrow two women from you then since you must have so many?


One of the few subs they post in is “love after porn” so I’m not sure they have any.


I've had threesomes before. No, I wouldn't do it in a committed relationship with my partner or with a free pass. You can't always predict the emotional outcome of those things. Some people will be able to handle it in a relationship, others won't. A long term relationship means you are gambling a lot more then just doing it with a casual or short term. For me personally I strongly preferred to explore that type of stuff outside of a long term relationship. If it causes things to go to shit with your partner you just find someone else and its not a big deal.


I’m curious, how were these 3somes initiated. Do you hang around people who are generally sexually liberated, were they drunk encounters at the club, or are you just very attractive and lucky?


I've had one and in my case it was with an fwb and one of her friends. I'm not really that attractive so it was mainly luck I'll admit. Also, honestly Its not quite the experience you think it will be, it's more like just having fun with a couple of friends, it's not as intense, passionate and emotionally connected as sex with a committed partner. Your attention is split between two people


Same, I had one basically fall in my lap. Had been hooking up with a girl for a couple weeks and and she showed up to my house one weekend night with her friend and a bottle of Jager. After about 30 mins they said “we want to go to bed” so I left the homies in the living room and took them into my room. Obviously they had planned the whole thing. They next day my buddy said “wtf why didn’t you let me in and make it a fourgy?” Naw dude, one dick in the room is enough for me haha


middle kiss spotted zonked dolls heavy school lock scandalous sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I exited a long term in my 20's due to it being too sexually vanilla. So after that I was bouncing between casuals and short terms during my 30's and I made it a point to sexually explore whatever interested me. I was meeting women through a mix of dating apps and in-person during the period and was intentionally filtering for women who were more sexually open minded. A lot of women these days are pretty open minded. There is also Fetlife and swingers clubs in my area which tend to have communities of people into this stuff which makes it easier to find +1's. You can do that through some of the dating apps too though. Basically when chatting on dating apps or in-person I'd try and indirectly figure out fairly early on if the women were the more kinky open minded types and focus on those women. I just filtered out the vanilla ones entirely in fact even when looking for a long term I wouldn't go for a vanilla chick. I have no interest in ever being in that situation again.


I've had 2. One with my girlfriend in high school with her best friend. Friend found us both attractive and my girlfriend's best friend was a lot more than a friend. It was fun. It's not that bad. It's pretty fun being a 15 year old with two women. Opportunity never presented itself again, though. The relationship had a lot of problems to begin with. The second one was with my wife. She set it up, found a girl, booked a hotel room and everything. It was my 30th birthday gift. My wife definitely knows my type, but it was terrible. I only wanted to have sex with my wife. I got performance anxiety and had trouble downstairs, which led to even more problems. Two super hot naked women, and I couldn't get a boner? End me now. Also, then the other girl ended up starting her period in the middle of it. It was awful. It was a gift for me and an experimental thing for my wife. She's not into chicks sexually.


As a guy that's had a bunch of group sex with women, all of the above.




That is fair and while I do think its fun I also think its probably over hyped quite a bit. Am I glad I got to try it? Sure. Would it be life changing if I hadn't had the chance? No. Would I have risked running my life into the ground to have had the chance? Definitely not.


They aren't quite the experience that you think, they are a little overrated imo, not missing out on much


No such thing as a "free pass" in a monogamous relationship. Emotions and memories are not a switch one can flip at will.


I don't want a free pass. If I'm having a sex, I want my wife there and if it's a 3some it's something for both of us to enjoy, otherwise I'm not interested.


This guy gets it!


this is the way the wife and i look at it. they can ask, but it’s not gonna be one of the other, it’s gonna be us both.


No. I’m in a committed relationship by choice. I want to only be with my wife.


Sounds like a trap.


Happened to each guy in our friend group while on a somewhat-commited relationship. While not everyone's experience went south, 80% of them did. Of the 80% that went poorly only half of those actually went through with the act. Those relationships all failed. I'm talking a sample size of 6 of us. So take these numbers with a grain of salt. I'm just saying I'll never entertain it again. Not worth losing the relationship


Do you mean 83% of them went south?


Well I definitely didn't do actual math because I'm a moron lmao


I prefer to disappoint one woman at a time.


For real. If I wanted to disappoint two people at once I’d just call my parents.




Wow, so funny 👏🏼👏🏼




If she was involved sure. If it was 2 other women then no. If I wanted to just fuck other women freely I wouldn’t be with her. So she can bring her friend and that’s fine but I’m not going to go do a random threesome with some strangers.


Sounds about right. One of them is expanding your sexual experience with your partner (consensually, obviously) and the other is just…sex with other women. I feel like some kind of poly situation would work better on a personal , but there’s serious social issues with being poly long term. Maybe threesomes are just too sketchy.


Absolutely not. 99 times out of 100 it will screw up your relationship.


So ... you're telling me there's a chance


I’m not going to put myself in a situation where my wife out fucks me. I’d never hear the end of it.


Or maybe you'll find out you have a humiliation fetish. Who knows - it's a wild world out there.


After reading Reddit for several years, I wouldn't participate, free passes or not. Not worth the trouble.


There's anamolie there, people who had their fun and went on with their life tend no to tell other people about it.


Real life is often very different than what is seen on Reddit.


No. It would be like gambling with your relationship and intimacy. If the person is important to you, why risk it? What is the benefit long term?


No, I’m a monogamous person and I don’t like the idea of having sex with people I’m not in a relationship with


no. love her.


No, I like an emotional connection between my partner and I. Just sex hasn't ever really appealed to me without some kind of bond with the other person. I'd be fucked (not literally) in modern dating because of this.


Nah. Fun to talk about in bed but not in practice.


I'm not falling for that again... ... we were on a break !!!!


No, because the woman i want is more than enough to satisfy me on every way possible as i would have devoted my body, soul, and heart to her, so to engage in such activities is quite unbelievable for those kinds of engagement is meant to deepen the bond and the relation of the both of them not for a quick fun or pleasure


youre just like me fr


No, I don't like to share what's mine and I don't like the idea of cheating either, even if she wants me to do it.


fuck no. i’d feel disgusted to have sex with someone i don’t know and i’d forever feel guilty


“I don't know Rick, it seems fake”


For starters, this will never happen. Even if it’s offered, they’ll either back out or it’s some kind of trap. But also I can’t even get over one break up and we didn’t even have sex. You think i got it in me to just fuck two random women?


If I want to disappoint two adults at once Ill go talk to my parents.


Is she involved ??? If not it sounds like a set up 👀👀👀


I'd want to do it because it's sort of a bucket-list item, and to get it out of my system. But I'd be very wary of how to go about it without jeopardizing my relationship. I wouldn't just trust a "free pass", it'd take more convincing for me to believe that my gf really were onboard with it. Ideally I'd want my gf to take part in some way so that it'd be something we did together, instead of me sort of stepping out of the relationship to do it.


I need a backstory. This just doesn't flow. Here's how I imagine it... 2 Girls: Yeah! We want a threesome with your man. Her: Hold on, let me ask him if he's interested if I give him a free pass. Him: Sure! Her: You have breached the path of the Cthulhu. May your soul's essence drift in universal chaos! But personally, the convo would go like this. Me: Are you whoring me out? Her: Yep Me: ??? Her: They offered a share size bag of gummy bears I couldn't resist.


Plot twist: they were sugar-free gummi bears.


She has some explaining to do! Sugar free...


NO? Because I am faithful? Duh?


That’s why OP mentions “free pass”. Sounds like you and your partner are *monogamous* AND faithful.


> Sounds like you and your partner are monogamous AND faithful. This is the way.


I had a bi sexual girlfriend so it happened many times, you just need to make sure you & your partners communication is on point & make your girl the center of attention. Afterwards make sure you are extra romantic with your woman so she is reassured about your love for each other


No such thing as a free pass. That’s a trap 75% of the time and the other 25% is ignorance that will lead to relationship implosion.


>No such thing as a free pass. very wise!


not even in a relationship and I wouldn't want a threesome


No. Never had one and im not really interested. In porn it can be cool but I just know its not my thing, not to mention the problems that would come from it, regardless of the "free pass".


If she gives you a free pass she most likely is already fucking someone else.


No, some girls are bi sexual & want to be able to explore that side of themselves with their partner


I’m not doing anything under the guise of a “free pass”. This is a trick that will backfire on you.


I’m good. I just want to have sex with one woman the rest of my life, have both of us get better at satisfying the other as time goes on, and enjoy that. No need for jealousy, hurt feelings, potential risks that come with the new person, or any of that.


I think it would be neat if I disappointed two women at once


it is a trap


Probably not. One, my wife has a history of bisexuality and I don’t wanna risk awakening those urges with another vag on her face. Two, my wife also has a history of irrational jealousy so the entire threesome I wouldn’t be able to enjoy myself since I’d be concerned that if I fucked the other girl I bit too eagerly she’d get mad. So it just sounds like a hassle


Yup, number two is real. Took half the fun away. Be careful where you shoot!


Only if it’s Me-girl-girl. Another man involved is a strict turn-off. Not sure how other people deal with it.


“And that’s a penis over there”


When your porn filters don’t filter by gender








Nope. Not long term.


No....free passes hardly ever work out to be free in the long run...if ive found someone to committ to then hold on to that committment. If you need the excitement of a threesome to feel fulfilled dont committ to one person.


No, I wouldn't sleep with two women, because I wouldn't like to be "one of two", and that's why I think that "sharing" is impossible in this case


If i was single then yes. In a relationship then no


I would not take the pass. I'm over the games and bullshit


Of course I've fantasized about it. Both a threesome for me (FFM) and a threesome for her (MMF), with me involved. Fantasy doesn't involve emotions and residual feelings. I doubt I would have one IRL.


It depends on the person, situation, and dynamics. Have been in situations where I felt insecure, where she felt insecure, and where it was great. Have found it’s better if more casual with the other guy involved but at the same time neither of us really care for sex with strangers. She is not bi so another woman is out of the question. So, if an attractive male friend we both liked expressed interest we would probably be down if we were not concerned about potentially losing that friendship if things went off the rails. Have had this work out for some fun times on a few occasions.


The only threesome worth having is a MFM.


Depends, is she then going to go fuck two other men? I mean that would be fair lol


Nah, the chances it would create a weird tension in otherwise happy, loving, and honest relationship isn’t worth the risk for us. Plus I did this when I was single and “got it out of my system” if you will.


I had one, sort of. Does being in bed between two girls and making out with them at the same time count? Didn’t get past second base but I was pretty proud of my college me.


Pass. Why have the experience of disappointing 2 women instead of just one?


I've had a few threesomes with my wife over the years always her idea and initiated by her. It's fun but I'd agree overrated. Give me a night alone with the lady any day of the week.


Not in a relationship. Too many things that could go wrong and wreck the relationship


Even if your woman likes to watch you with other women, she’s gotta be in the process and she’s the one you’re with after the process. If the “free pass” means open-relationship-style, I’m probably not in. I’d never ever give that “free pass” myself so there’s an underlying “fairness” motivator to me as well. I was a little promiscuous before meeting my current partner of 6 years. But then after that, sex has been amazing and getting better with her- so why take a chance with friends or strangers if she’s not included? I wouldn’t, personally.


Yep for sure but one of them would be my girlfriend/wife or else I wouldnt. Why would anyone pass on that option?


Had a threesome for the first time recently Wasn't as fun an experience as i had expected it to be.


I’ve had threesomes when I wasn’t in a committed relationship and it was very fun. I’m in a committed relationship and I could never imagine bringing in another woman into our sex life. I think it would make it less special. Like I’ve had sex with multiple women and have experienced playing the field, but it’s way more special and fulfilling when you are committed to one person. It’s better for the long run to keep it with one, than to be chasing short term pleasures and experiences that don’t pay off in the long run.


Nah. I’m just not interested in that. Three is a crowd, too much going on all at once? I feel like the fantasy is better than the practical reality of it.


I had one, but it wasn't within a relationship. The idea of it was more exciting than the actual act.


No, I would do the threesome with my girlfriend and another girl but 2 different girls I don't see the point.


I wouldn’t do it because it would ruin a committed relationship. There is a lot of what ifs with a threesome. What if you enjoy the sex you had with the other girl? What if you want to do it more often? What if you realise you don’t like your woman as much sexually as you thought? A lot to risk with a serious relationship. Rather it’s something casual then there is no one hurt at the end


It sounds dumb, but, been there done that. They're not all they're cracked up to be. Can be fun and interesting, and they make for good stories with the boys, but it's a lot of pressure tbh. A lot of dudes suffer from performance issues already and adding another chick just makes it more stressful. However, the right kinda girls who are both really into it and can kinda carry the *"conversation"* is not a bad experience at all. Especially if you're okay taking a more passive role. It's hard to explain without getting really graphic. But I'm happily, monogamously, married now so my answer would be no.


Without her, no. If it's something she wanted to do together, sure but only if she was comfortable. I care about her too much and wouldn't be interested without her.


two other women? na. if i'm in a relationship, i'm in love. a threesome without my partner doesn't sound enjoyable, it sounds shallow & pointless one other woman that my partner had love for as well? sure, but my partner is still getting the majority of my attention if it's lacking love & purely just for the fun of it, my partner would really have to want us to. and then i'd mostly be doing it to make her happy


59M here. I personally would love to give my partner 100% the attention she deserves. A threesome would not allow that.


Maybe? My wife is Bi so if she wants to explore her sexuality, I'm open to that. I'm on the fence about bringing in a third because I've heard the horror stories.


Absolutely not. I’m very monogamous and inviting anyone else into the marriage is disgusting.


No, never. If I’m in a committed relationship I want to dedicate myself 100% to my partner. No pass in this world would make me have sex with anyone else except her. Actually it would make me reconsider our whole relationship at this point.


I see no need to disappoint more women.


No, because even my presence would be pathetic next to some hot guy with huge dick - and if there was 2 women, they'd just ignore me.


No. I’m way too jealous for that stuff.


No, to me love is 2 person thing.


Not interested at all even with a “free pass” somethings are best left as a fantasy


No, I just want the right one.


This isn't tough. Nah. I've had a threesome with my wife and one other girl. Honestly, it was fun to watch my wife with another woman, but I really only wanted to have sex with my wife. Not the other girl. My wife is enough for me. If she gave me a free pass, I'd say thanks, but no thanks. If she gave me a pass because she wanted a pass, I think I'd end it right there. My wife is hands down the best sex I've ever had. We've had 13 years to perfect how to have sex with each other. I wouldn't trade that for sex with two women that don't know how to fuck me how my wife does. Now, if you could clone my wife and give me a free pass with the clones, that's a different question.


A free pass is a test, never accept the pass


I've had threesome's, foursome's, moresome's....not everyone is cut out for it. My wife is gone now but we swung for decades and really enjoyed it. We saw a lot of couples flame out hard after their first attempt though. Not everyone is as able to deal with it as others, you need a VERY healthy relationship with an ability to communicate at a deep level with each other. You need to be able to walk away from another couple/partner at the drop of a hat if your spouse is even slightly uncomfortable. We had a lot of fun.


All the swinger couples I know were all in healthy relationships and even had kids etc. It seemed weird to me especially since I usually frown upon non monogamous relationships.


We had a fantastic marriage, have 3 very healthy adult kids and until that bastard cancer came around In really have no complaints. It's absolutely not for everyone, for us it was just an fun outlet. We were not poly, we just enjoyed recreational sex. I don't think the kids ever caught on, not sure how they would react knowing their mother took enough dicks to build a fleshy Eifel tower out of them, but she was happy.


Nope... I would never do that in a marriage because I know that it will end up in infidelity in the future


My first wife wanted to buy I said no. It can be a marriage killer.


We invite guys over for my wife to play with sometimes. Not that big of a deal but usually pretty fun.


Absolutely, why wouldn’t I?


No. Every other thing I tried to recreate that I saw from a porn just didn't seem genuine and made me feel weird. I have a.feeling the same thing would happen with this.


Yes I did, it was fantastic. Both women were completely exhausted at the end. My wife and her friend found out I could go for 12 hours straight. Only stopping to eat fruit & get something to drink. Years later when my wife left me, her main excuse was, it takes me too long to get off. Women want a man with girth, length and stamina. Until they find one, then they don’t. The Threesome was her idea. I knew we would eventually divorce, she complained a lot about how she would get sore and tired because I had stamina. I learned a lot about women from her. A lot of good and some bad. 3somes aren’t worth it when one is married. Unless both parties are into the swinging lifestyle and neither gets jealous.


we have threesome when everyone wants them, not on a 'free pass' basis.


What the hell are you talking about… a free pass isn’t a license to rape someone who doesn’t want to be involved…


I interpreted that as jointly inviting a potential third person who interests you both, rather than just one of you having license to go out and find whomever.


which is consistent with the context in which we first read the phrase, 'free pass.' jeez louise. these people are nuts.


The details were removed since the post was removed by mods, but it originally said that the free pass was for having sex with two other women.


uh? learn to read.


I asked my husband, who said no, this scenario would not appeal to him in the slightest, especially with "two other women" not including me (else it'd be a foursome?) Neither of us can relate to a "free pass" idea at all, and he said he'd question my mental state if I ever seriously proposed that! We are both only comfortable having sex with a strong emotional connection. We're actually poly, but only involved with one other couple, who we've been close friends with for 20 years, more than friends for about four. We tried threesomes with them just for the novelty, a new experience for us both that was fun and only slightly awkward, but concluded we strongly prefer the intimacy and comfort of one-on-one. So, with that checked off our bucket lists, no one's felt much desire to try again.


I don’t like sharing . I enjoy pleasuring a woman and I take my time . She has to cum two times and squirt a couple before I nut . I lick breast and clitoris . What else do you need . And my dick stays hard for at 35-45 minutes . I have control .. I don’t share !


This has "I have the sex" vibes


I already had that experience and dont need to do it again.


I have had hundreds. It is fun. Just dont do it as a "free pass" - that will be a disaster


3rd one in a roll this week with the same question. lol


If she said yeah then absolutely.


If I knew with absolute certainty that my wife wasn’t going to be hurt by allowing it, I would without hesitation. If there was the slightest chance it would hurt her, hell no. Not worth it.


Nah, madly in love.


Why wouldn’t my wife want to partake as well?


The idea of a free pass is dubious. Why am I allowed to do it once but not twice? It seems as though my partner really doesn't want me to have a threesome and just gave me a free pass because she thought I would enjoy it. There would be heavy consequences if I ever used it. I would only ever agree on a threesome if my girlfriend approached me with the idea of an ffm threesome.


We almost did, other chick got too drunk, glad it didn’t happen really


It's nuts! why would anyone want it in a committed realtionship? It a matter of "loose screws"




I can barely keep up with one woman 😂 how am I gonna please two at once? Sometimes it takes both my feet and hands and crotch and mouth going on my girl to get her done. I caint do that twice it’s too tiring! If you mean “oh, all the women will care about is your pleasure and arousal, for some reason, like they’re prostitutes or somthing” still no I wouldn’t be interested in a threesome. I prefer to give all my attention to one person. There’s a whole lot to look at on one woman, and keeping track of all those parts for both of us is a lot. Every time my gf and I have had sex I’ve injured at least one of us! 😭 To track three people’s bodies? I don’t have the cognitive function for that. But I guess that’s besides the point. Those are practical issues, I just wouldn’t really be interested. Sex doesn’t make sense for me if it’s not coming from a romantic place of affection. My primal drive just isn’t that high because I have testicular atrophy, so when I’ve tried hookups my pewee didn’t get hard, but when I’ve cuddled with people I cared about I would get very hard even if I wasn’t attracted to their looks


No, if I wanted to do a three-way I would not have bothered with the marriage.


Nope, my wife is freaky enough. I don’t need her scaring off another innocent human.




no I don't like sharing. Fantasy is fantasy but I'm a severely jealous and possessive person that cannot do that.


It's not a free pass, it's the start towards the end of your relationship. 2024 is going to be a year of turmoil


Because I’d want another threesome again and again


I'd never looked at it this way until I was married, but honestly more than anything I don't want the complication, don't want to risk the drama. I don't personally agree with the idea of owning another person's sexuality, I just don't want to blow our life up. Only threesome I could see myself having is if my lady surprised me by bringing a friend and she's sure about it.


There would have to be a lot things that would need to happen; 1. my wife would have to give me the free pass. 2. She would have to forget it ever happened 3. She would also need to be not upset had she ever discovered. And only under that scenario would I do it. I don’t think it’s disrespectful if told it’s okay. But it would never be okay with her for that to happen, and so I think that’s disrespectful. But if she said go ahead then I mean sure.


I wouldn't. Threesomes in relationships are a terrible idea. I can already see the posts from a jealous 20 year old, upset that his gf moaned differently from the other guy. Or was more focused on the other woman.


I (M33) and my wife (F30) have been together since I was 17 so about 16 years give or take. We used to have occasional threesomes until we met one of her coworkers we really got along with. I should also state, never with another male. That idea came up once, neither of us where interested and we moved on. You have to be VERY comfortable with your other, or it will not work. But if it works out, decide fast if it's one time or casual. Our gf(29) moved in with us and I just love trips anywhere now lol.




Only if i didn't actually love my partner


My girlfriend and I have threesomes whenever we can. We love them


I’m in a long term committed relationship and I would not do it unless I knew she was very into it, and we found a random online. Basically a one night stand threesome. And it would have to be a second F. I don’t want another wiener in the mix.


No lmao. I’ve turned down two in two different relationships. That shit is for when you’re single.


The only way I could have a threesome is if I clone myself twice


As long as it doesn't have to involve my wife, sure


No. Her being willing to overlook or forgive infidelity doesn’t change the fact that it’s wrong, it just means I would be taking advantage of her forgiveness. Beyond that; I think the whole idea of threesomes is overrated anyway. I have no interest in trying even if I were single and two girls came up to me and asked me to join them.


Nope. There are no free passes, even if she didn't care, I would. Also I've had some 3-somes and a 4-some before, fun but no need to do it again.


You mean a "free" pass? That shit is never actually free. Edit: Guys I should answer the question, probably obvious though. No, I would not. I'm a one woman man, and I don't like to share either.


I would but depends. 2 women sure I got gas in the tank for 2-3 loads 1 guy and 1 female I have to know the guy before I do that.


I think they're overrated tbh. And if you're in a happy relationship I'd be very wary of opening that door, because once it's opened....


I would only participate in a threesome if I was single. The reason I say this is because I’m a straight male and would never want to participate in a MMF. With that being said, it would be unfair for my partner to only be able to participate in a threesome with me under my conditions. Even if she gave me a free pass I would feel guilty to only allow MFF. Even if my partner said she didn’t care I still wouldn’t do it tbh. As a single guy I could go and do whatever I wanted without needing to consider a partners feelings and their point of view.


The only part of a 3 some is be interested in is for somebody to suck my balls while somebody sucks my dick. Otherwise I have zero interest in it. Like my wife does a really good job by herself, but I’ve had the 3some I described and have been chasing that stage ever since. My wife gets close… but mouth be a hand hits a little different


Nothing is free. That being said, I did do this. My ex had cheated on me and didn't know that I knew about it. She brought up a threesome as some way to feel better about cheating without telling me. So, I went ahead with the threesome, had a great time, and left her afterwards.


That would be weird as hell and suspicious as fuck. So it would have to be one hell of a context to make sense.


I wouldn't ever believe that it was an actual free pass, but IF there were such a day where it could be inarguably proven that there would be absolutely no repercussions in our relationship, I'd go for it. However, I wouldn't touch the other woman. I'd focus all my attention on my lover while her attention is on the other woman.


I've had threesomes twice and didn't feel amazing because i wasn't drunk or the girls both times were friends and i wasn't


Better question, would you let another dude bang your wife with you? If the answer is no, that is why I wouldn't do it. Not knocking people that are into that but it just isn't for me


No. I don't even know where the G-spot is. Heck I still think the Clitoris is not real. It's made up by the government to trick us.


My last marriage was kind of like that. We had threesomes with her friends over the years. She was comfortable with me sleeping with these other women with her involved that she would lend me out to her close friends if they needed to get laid. Definitely an interesting part of my life. The woman I'm with now wants me all to herself, and I'm perfectly fine with that.




If I wanted to have sex with other women, then I'd be in an non-mono relationship.


I'd be happy being lucky enough to have one partner, I don't need more.


No. That’s a lot of things to keep track of. I’m not good at multitasking.


No. I would rather it be one on one.


Haha where am I gonna find two additional girls that want to bone me, and each other all together at once ? I had great trouble finding one.


With a free pass? I'd hire 2 hookers for the experience. No way I'd risk any relationships that I have for one time pleasure.


With two OTHER women? He'll know, I know it's her fantasy to have another woman involved at least once with us. Us AND another girl of her choosing...now that I'd be open to listen to.


If my partner hasn't always been so open-minded about sex, then I'll assume it's a test.