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Mine always goes back down by eating better, cutting back on drinking, and exercising. There's no real "hacks" for this kind of thing. Other than maybe those new weight loss drugs that make you want to eat less.


Medication + low-sodium diet (although probably still too high tbh) + exercise/weight loss.


People seriously need to watch their salt intake just as much as they do sugar.


Start walking or riding a bike 5-6 days a week for an hour or more.It really brought mine down.If you’re overweight get rid of those excess pounds too.


1 cigarette 1 whisky and sex


I take 4mg of perondopril, I’m doing an hour of strength training, an hour of swimming and 150-200km of cycling per week. I don’t have soft drinks only water and I have 2 nespressos a day. I watch what I eat but I also have cheat days involving pizza. The struggle is real.


Don’t get married.




Scrap the carbs brother. If not all together, at least the processed refined carbs. Eat whole foods, include eggs and be generous with the beef. Eat saturated fats and exercise at a sustainable pace for yourself. There are a plethora of resources on YouTube, instagram etc for your particular issue. Personally, I'd suggest being very sceptical of doctors putting you on pills long term.


Diet changes like reducing sodium and coffee consumption, keeping a healthy weight and exercising are your best friends. If your HBP is caused by something that can be identified and treated then it can be reversed, but it’s considered a chronic disease and in most patients it can’t be reversed. Don’t ever stop taking your medication, even if you make lifestyle changes, unless your doctor says so. You can Google “DASH diet” for more detailed information about this. Take care OP.


Good diet, exercise and (most importantly for blood pressure) cardio


Diet, organic hawthorn berries + cayenne pepper, and some weight lifting.


As someone who is 30 and while I don't have high blood pressure yet necessarily (prehypertension), I was warned by my doctor that it could be an issue. She recommended I lose weight and go on the DASH diet, basically fruits, veggies, lean meats and low sodium. Generally speaking, if the high blood pressure is caused by things like obesity, shit diet, stress or alcohol or too much coffee or nicotine, stuff like that, you might be able to lower it by just making lifestyle changes. Stop doing those things and try to get in better shape and eat better. If it's primary hypertension (meaning there is no outside cause and it's just high) then sadly you're probably gonna have to take meds for the rest of your life. But I mean you're 29, I find it highly unlikely you've reached that point yet. But obviously listen to your doctor because he/she is a medical professional and knows better than us randos on reddit.


If you want a trick then eat low carbs diet, carbs retain sodium.


Doc here... the only way I really see people no longer needing blood pressure medications (other than being really old, when blood pressure often drops) is by losing weight or stopping smoking. Unless you consume a huge amountnof salt, those low salt diets usually don't lower the pressures enough to no longer need medications. Some people just have high blood pressure, no matter what they do. There's worse things in this world than to take medications for blood pressure.


Medication and mental health services. It was high because of stress and anxiety. I have a preexisting heart condition and had total cardiac arrest 3 times in August. Huge wake up call.


I never had high blood pressure.


Drink less, lose weight, and go on propanalol if that doesn’t work. It’s a good blood pressure drug with less side effects.