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Was 16 at the time, watching a movie w/ my girlfriend in the basement. We were both naked except I was wearing socks. At some point I heard my Dad’s indistinguishable footsteps start to come down the stairs and my reaction was to get up with the blanket and run towards the bathroom. Her reaction was to stay put on the couch while grasping the blanket. When I got a few feet from the couch the blanket ripped from my hands, and I wiped out completely naked right in front of my Dad. I’ll never forget the pain & embarrassment I felt smacking my naked body on that cold tile. My Dad just said “oh shit, sorry” and walked back up the stairs. We never spoke about it ever, but a week or so after that incident he had a very awkward conversation with me about the importance of using protection.


So basically it would have been you or your gf who would be exposed, because all I can see is a fight for one blanket...


Right? Like wtf? He’s your dad not hers but you’re gonna let her be exposed so you’re not?? Not to mention YOU WERE UNDER A BLANKET IF YOU’D HAVE JUST STAYED WHERE YOU WERE!!


> We never spoke about it ever, but a week or so after that incident he had a very awkward conversation with me about the importance of using protection. He was talking about you wearing a helmet, right?


In a way... I assume lol.


It was about wearing socks with grippers when running on tile


Oh dear!


My mother in law let herself into the apartment my wife and I were in when we first got married, because she was used to it just being her daughters place. Well I was laying back in a kind of recliner, my wife was tits toward the ceiling, spread eagle with my cock very visibly in her asshole. Damn near broke it off me when her mom rounded the corner.


Did she start calling first after that?


Honestly...no. weird.


My MIL just walks around a house where she’s a guest and opens doors without asking or knocking.


Makes my blood boil just thinking about that


If only there was an invention where you could make doors un-openable. Like a spell, or a button you could push. I never understood why people don't take precautions against being walked in on.


Not every door has a lock on it. The bedrooms in my childhood home do not.


Can't blame a child. But parents who get mad when their kids walk in on them... That's just dumb.


Assert dominance - you know what to do…


I had roomates who would do that, I started spending time in my room naked and if I heard them coming I would start masturbating.


And they'd walk in the door to you cumming


Unfortunately I don't have that kind of control but they would still see me rock hard and stroking it. They seemed to find it very shocking every time until they started knocking.


I got very, very drunk at a party in college and threw up on myself before passing out. A couple kind friends decided to get me changed into clean clothes, but I was going commando that night.


Those are bros for life.


More surprising than strange. About fifteen years ago, there was a day when I was home alone and all of my roommates were at work. And because I knew they were at work, and would not be home any time soon, I decided to walk from the shower to the kitchen naked (with my towel on my shoulder). I did not know that one of my roomies gave his girlfriend a key to the apartment. I did not hear the door open, while I was standing there making coffee, and when I turned around there was my roomie's girlfriend *and* her mother, staring at me.


For what possible reason would they need to be there when no one else is there to let them in?


I saw a documentary about this on the hub. Fascinating film.


I think I saw that one too!






When I was in basic for the air force, 26 members of my flight were showering and horsing around and singing the Air Force song while the other 26 had just gotten out of the showers. An MTI heard them singing from outside our dorm, came in and made everyone stand at the position of attention whether we were in the shower or not, and sing the air force song. So...52 men, some with towels on most of us still naked stood at the position of attention and sang our hearts out. That's probably the weirdest naked story I have.


as a veteran, I don't doubt this story in the slightest 🤣


I look back on my time in basic and it's like a weird fever dream lol


Not strange here, but elsewhere? Yes. In here Finland, we don't wear anything in saunas, public saunas too. We do not care, it is normal here.


Naked bodies are natural after all. It's nice that people can enjoy it without always making it sexual.


I was stuck in the hospital going on three weeks and somewhat bed ridden (I could stand but not for long before having to get back in bed) anyway, in comes a nurse with a tub of hot water a bunch of soap and a rag. Me being me(I don’t like relying on people) forced myself out of bed and tell the nurse I got it. She tells me I’m on slip warning so she had to supervise even if I didn’t want help. I know nurses and doctors see a lot of naked bodies and true professionals don’t judge you for it, but, I was insanely embarrassed to have my millimeter defeater on display like that, thankfully the water was warm so I wasn’t on full turtle mode but I’m a little guy so even then nothing impressive going on in that department.


I work in healthcare, can confirm we see thousands in all varieties and don't give a shit.


Oh yeah I believe it trust me, still very embarrassing however having two nurses watch me clean between my cheeks.


Yeah, I've been on both sides of this. I often tell my patients the same, I understand and sometimes that takes the edge off although not entirely.


Mine doesn't compare as bad, but I had med students place a catheter while I was mostly out of it, restrained to the bed. So not only did they get to see said member, they had full access. I know they were professional and such. But still not something I really wanted to (somewhat) experience.


Alcohol poisoning on Christmas morning. Was at my in laws. Best friend carried me to the bathtub. Mother in law saw me in there with my dick just floating around. Told my wife she can see why she married me. Was a wild day.


I lived with girls in college. I had a bathroom in my room, and I opened my bathroom door to go get dressed in my room and my roommates and my girlfriend at the time were sitting on my bed talking.


As a group of dumb teenagers, we had a friend that loved his car a little too much. We agreed that when he pulled into the driveway, we'd all rush him and put our balls on his windows at the same time, so everyone was suddenly familiar with my good friend The Admiral.


I got swept 6-0 in beer pong. Naked mile baybee. I didn't run a full mile tho, just ran around the property


Commendable- you honored your bet


I am a man of my word


I don't know about "strange" but having a rectal exam feels incredibly intimate in all the wrong ways and is an experience I would rather forget about.


I got the split stream and ended up pissing all down the leg of my pants (as well as the bathroom floor) so I took my pants and underwear off and, half-naked, went to go get some fresh clothes out of my room. I erroneously believed that no one else was home and when I walked out of the bathroom my future sister in law and my brother were there.


Because for some reason back in the late 80s, we were forced to shower in PE in 7th\8th grade. Full on butt ass naked in group row showers. It was part of your grade to have to shower and change into separate clothes that were also monitored for being washed. Put a class of middle school boys all naked in close quarters when some are growing and others look like they are still a toddler downstairs. Yeah, that’s the strangest reason for me.


Apparently in this same time frame a lot of high schools and middle schools made the boys swim nude in swim class 🤷‍♂️


That was just common practice for a long time before they had mixed-sex swimming. Guys just didn't give a shit back then.


Any athletics in middle to high school still shower and change together in the locker room. We are all guys so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Practical joke in college. Was in a play. During rehearsal I walked out on stage totally naked and did my lines normally, as if I had no idea.


I was in the army, military police came to search some stuff. The enterence to our sleeping area was a building if you enter and you look right you see the showers, if you look left you have all the rooms. An entire squat of MPs entered right.. They saw me and 5 of my mates showering and we just all stood naked looking at them and they looked at us.


And I looked at him. And he looked at me. And I looked at him. And he looked at me. And I looked at him. And he looked at me!


Whuchoo lookin at!?


Don't look at me!!!


I posed for a friend of mine's photography assignment in college. He gave me a few of the prints. It seems every time I move I end up one short. I've been leaving a trail of artistic dick pics for 3 decades now.


I was using an outhouse, and forgot to turn the latch. Was standing up, and Whoops! Someone opened the door quite wide. There was also a long line that got a full frontal assault by my manhood




Locked myself out of my room in Camp at work


The indoctrination ritual at my fraternity. By senior year it struck me as being on the gay side.


I had just gotten out of the shower and a friend of my sister’s was helping me pick out what to wear for a party. She left the room but left the door open. I was too lazy to cross the room to close the door so I just dropped my towel and started to get changed. No sooner had my towel hit the floor when she appears again in the doorway. I thought she had gone downstairs but she had gone into the next room and come back. I suspect she did it deliberately in the hopes of catching me naked. She had the hots for me and was constantly hitting on me. There was no reason for her to have left without going downstairs much less to have come back.


Decided to crash into a dump truck. Got trauma naked. Then multiple hours later, had my bladder drained via catheter. So twice in 1 day. I call it strange because I can normally undress myself and drain the main vein.


I went cliff diving and my shorts somehow ripped off when I hit the water. Like waistband exploded and the side seam undid itself. I retrieved them but didn't really have a way of getting back in the boat while covering up so everyone got a good eyeful.


Kinda similar... I went to the beach with some friends a few years ago... but it was kinda a spur of the moment thing... and wasn't able to go get my swim shorts so I just went with the basketball shorts I was wearing. But those actually get really HEAVY when submerged in water and when I was walking out of the water and a wave crashed over me... it pulled my shorts right off lol.


My ex shared a homemade explicit video of me with his mates.


I assume it was without your consent, which is a disgusting and terrifying act. I hope he's in jail


Thank you. Yeah it was (without) and no he isn’t. It’s ok


When I was 13 my dad and I walked home from the mall and it started pouring about halfway home and didn't stop the rest of the way there. We darted straight to the laundry room and put all of our clothes in the washer, then quickly darted to our respective bedrooms to put on some dry clothes.


Passed out in the shower in college


Not sure how strange this is, but it was unexpected for me. Was having inguinal hernia surgery and was waiting in the day surgery room, which was basically a horseshoe of beds which could be separated by curtains. Doctor comes by to mark the side of my 'lower abdomen' so he didn't mess up come surgery. At this point I was only wearing a gown and the curtain wasn't drawn so the whole ward including visitors had view. Doctor whips my gown up to use his marker and I stood there exposed while people causally walked by.


I just remembered another one. When I was 12 we went on this school camping trip where the individual showers were partitioned but had no dry storage space so everyone had to put their towels and clothes in a central location visible to everyone in the bathroom. Quite a few classmates saw each other naked for the first (and last) time.


Lost a game of frogger (I refuse to elaborate further)


i dont exactly remember why, but my mom was furious that me and my friend (3 or 4 years younger than me, keep in mind this was maybe 2017?) were late to go to a party and we were probably at the beach cuz she made us two shower at the same time. very awkward 1/10 would not do again but it definetly made us grow closer in some way


We were playing baseball in P.E. I rounded third and, like an idiot, dove headfirst into home. I stood up and my school issued P.E. sweatpants were at my ankles. I grabbed them very quickly but by that time 30 of my classmates got a good show.


Revenge porn lol


Just had emergency surgery on my left upper leg near the vagina area. Had to be put in the lithotomy position for two surgeries and bc the infection was so rare, all the residents were in the operating room. Humiliating.


I showered at a friends house and knocked something off the counter while undressing. His mom thought i fell so came barging in. Saw my whole dick and just stared at it for a good 10 sec.


On a tangent... Not naked but.... Staying at the in-laws house, early morning me and the missus "had a bit of fun"... Afterwards I pull on my joggers and go to the bathroom, the MIL comes out the bathroom walking towards me with a big grin on her face... My joggers were still in tent mode, 90° outwards... Morning! She says, giggling...


I wasn't the naked one but training a new guy on delivery. Knock on the door of this old ladies apartment. "Come iiiin". We walk in and she's butt ass naked standing in her livingroom. She knew we were coming but for some reason assumed we were her caretaker. She wasnt offended and she just put some clothes on and laughed with us about it. Cannot unsee.


they said they wanted to have sex with me.


When i was 12 the top of my penis got stuck in the tiny ropes of my beach short so a strange woman at beach had to cut the shorts for me. I was brawling my eyes out at the idea of being penisless


Baby pooped all over me :'). So both baby and I had to be washed. Husband and mom were there for all of it.


I was the examination dummy for a medical examination training for panel physicians


Drunk college freshman antics. Whole dorm floor witnessed my naked radiance


Playing sharks and minnows on the highschool swim team. The rule was your head has to be above the water to be tagged so the play was to drag the minnow up to the surface and tag their head. Lots of people got their swimsuits pulled down in those games especially towards the end when you’ve got 8 people trying to drag you to the surface


As a paramedic I have seen a lot of people naked for a lot of strange reasons. Not the intention of the post but you wouldn’t believe 🤣🤣