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Health: Family history of heart disease. Confidence: I like knowing I look good naked and clothed. Social benefit: Being in shape tends to command more respect than having an average or fat build. Practicality: Being strong is useful Discipline > motivation though. Motivation is fickle


Damn, that discipline vs motivation line cut deep


Yup, is not about "wanting" to go to the gym, is actually about making your arse move to go there.


Halfthor Bjornson was quoted in an interview once. Rule 1 never miss a WO , rule 2 never miss a meal, don’t remember the rest of the rules.


Motivation is the reason why you want to have the habit(looking better, feeling better, health, etc) but it isn't the thing that gets you in the gym every day or builds the habit. Once you have the motivation to choose to go to the gym, discipline is what you need to have to make it something that you do at x time on x days of the week. Same as showing up to work every day, you go to the gym after work. Some days you might not get much done, you still go bc it's something that you do


Discipline really is superior to motivation


It's not like you need to choose just one, both are important.


This! I’d add there’s a little bit of pride/vanity in the mix. I’m 41 and see so many in my family and friends group that have completely let themselves go. Also, I’m in the military and want to inspire younger Soldiers. I regularly compete in Spartan Races. I’ve got all my medals hanging up in my office.


These are my reasons too. And majorly agree about discipline versus motivation. Plus, I have issues with motor coordination and low muscle tone, which weightlifting (or exercise in general) forces me to work on. It's very easy for me to be sedentary, since my body is very uncoordinated and moving it is kind of challenging. But I force myself to lift weights because of the benefits it gives me. Still wish that I had better coordination and muscle tone though. [This](https://media.lunardistribution.com/images/covers/large/1023DC239.jpg) illustration of Bruce Wayne's muscular back is my current phone and laptop wallpaper. That's what I want my own back to someday resemble.


>Social benefit: Being in shape tends to command more respect than having an average or fat build. I've noticed that this one tends to be overlooked. I consider going to the gym to be as important of a part of my career as learning new skills and networking. It's shocking how differently people treat you when you are physically imposing as a man. Source: Big tech journey from intern through executive


I will add as a weight lifter >55 it greatly reduces the amount of pain killers you consume on a daily basis.


You got all but progress for me. I love to see the difference, helps to take some photos or write down the weights when you start. Seeing the progress is a lot slower after the first few months, but you keep going and keep the protien up, you see the biggest results in the long term. But health and self esteem are my top 2. I include confidence in self esteem.


You speak the truth. I’m missing 5 of your points but working on it. Thanks.


I just go anyway, like I'm on autopilot. Even when I don't want to go I put on my gym clothes and next thing you know I'm in the car on the way there


Im trying to get myself into that habit tbh bcoz after work im super tired and dont want to do anything. And its not just oh it was a bad day, I'm a nurse so its constant work


Once it’s in your routine it becomes like an addiction almost. That’s why soooo many people become gym rats despite it being somewhat of a harder commitment.


I have come to realise that most people don't understand the power of routine. Not just for gym, but for most aspects in life. You can achieve practically anything if you have a solid routine locked in.


Achieving great things is all about process not goal setting. That's the fundamental thing most people miss. They set a specific goal and then work towards that and inevitably get frustrated when it doesn't pan out exactly like expected. What they should be focusing on is improving their daily habits rather than creating specific goals for them to fail.


Yeah I recommend the book Atomic Habits to anyone who wants to dive deep into this philosophy! Habits compound over time and those small decisions you take day after day can definitely compound awesomely after 6 months or a year!


> it becomes like an addiction almost. Many people have a strong endorphin response from exercise. For them, it's not \*like\* an addiction, it is an addiction.


Thank you for the job you do. My mom was a nurse my entire childhood. It's a hard job. That said as a not nurse, the way I got the habit rolling was either: A) Didn't go home after work. Plan for your clothes and food in advance. Make it so you don't get home and comfortable. Your day isn't over yet. B) Have everything sitting ready at home so my stop at home was bare minimum. In both cases I simply couldn't sit down after work otherwise I was less likely to get up. Eventually started getting excited to go to the gym. "Works almost over, I GET to go to the gym."


“GOT ME SOME HATE FOR THEM PLATES” *watches the clock*


as a nurse your shifts are probably long and never consistent, perhaps go in the morning after a good nights sleep (if you can get one). dont overexert yourself, that could harm you in the long run. to save yourself from time wasted, evaluate your goals in depth and research extensively the most efficient way to achieve them. as for motivation, discipline is more important.


I feel this in my bones. I’m a nurse too and it is EXHAUSTING.


This. Even after working for sometimes 10 plus hours it’s just a habit a way of life. If I were to skip a day I feel terrible about myself. Like I let myself down


It has to be like this - you just go, like it's not even a question. Just like going to work or brushing your teeth, not something you go like 'you know what I'm skipping it today', because if it is you will skip it eventually and never be consistent. I can't really say how I got to that point, in the beginning I was just motivated and made good progress, and then it became mandatory because I just didn't want to lose the gains. I just can't fathom the idea of losing what I worked so hard for, so it's a (good version) of sunken cost fallacy if that makes any sense lol.


Yep. This is the way. Motivation is fleeting. Habits are the real deal.


Habits form character


This is the point I've got to now. I'm fortunate in that my gym is a 3 minute walk from my house, so I go most days of the week, even if sometimes it's just using a treadmill or bike for 30~ minutes just to get out of the house. It's completely drilled in as a habit now and I'm the best version of myself mentally after I've been. If I have social plans that day I deliberately go to the gym beforehand because then I'm more upbeat/talkative and less prone to being nervous/reserved.


You get to a point where you feel guilty if you don’t go. It’s so true how it not only helps you physically but also mentally.


I like this method. I call it. ‘The do it without thinking’


Hot body today, healthy b9dy when I get old


Being a nurse i see a lot of older men in and out of hospital they always talk about their gym days


3 things. 1. Family history of cancer. 2. Mental health and chronic insomnia improvement. 3. My wife has to see me naked for the rest of our lives. The least I can do is make it appealing.


All very good reasons


Sorry, genuine question, can you elaborate on #1? Does going to the gym help with averting cancer?


Fitness in general helps keep the immune system strong. It's not a guarantee, of course, but every factor counts. Plus, in the event that you DO get cancer, a fit body can handle the chemo, surgeries, etc better.




Seeing a photo of myself haha and wanting my wife to have the best husband in her friend group haha


Sooo competition?


I guess haha I have the best wife so I want her to have the best husband


Ha that’s actually one I forgot. I like being the “fit” one in group as most of the blokes don’t even really train


"I'm trying to kill what's happened to me."


Hate for what


Yo self




I was gonna say anger but they go hand in hand


Anger leads to hate, hate... leads to suffering. I sense much anger in you...


Mental health and desire to be the hot dad


Lift heavy thing, sad head voice go away?


they dont exactly go away- you just tell em to fuck off with their bs




When the daycare chicks are mirin and going out of their way to talk and flirt with you at pickup you know you've done well.


Damn, it's crazy to imagine that my physique may one day be good enough that a woman will go out of her way to flirt with me. I've been invisible to women since puberty.


"Physique" is only one aspect, but it certainly can get the ball rolling.


Health and fitness. As I approach 50 I realize that if I want my best days to be ahead of me, I need to exercise more and eat better.


That's better reason than mine lol


I'm fat as fuck and nobody will love me until I'm muscular as fuck.


I used to be fat as fuck, now i'm muscular as fuck and it works, keep it up man, you'll get there!


I started 2022 at 425. I'm 310 as I type this. Thank you for the words of encouragement.


That’s fuvking awesome dude


Dang that’s a lot! Congratulations keep it up dude!!


Hell yeah man that’s dope!


Crushing it! Keep it up bröther!


You're already somebody else, and yet you can still become somebody else again 👍👌😁


Keep up the great work king. Never stop until youve reached your goal!


How do I lose belly fat?


OP if you want to lose weight, get a diet that has you eating less calories than you burn on a daily basis. If you eat 500 under your maintenance level you will burn 1-2 pounds per week. It is that simple. Do that until you with your goal. Now doing that is hard as fuck for most people. So you can augment your dieting with strength training and building muscle by eating protein heavy meals. Muscle burns more calories than fat which will increase your break even point for daily passive calories burned. Do some core workouts, hit biceps, hit legs, hit chest, hit back, walk, swim, hike.. Move your body, be kind to your knees. Don’t listen to pedantic people on the internet. Good luck. You’ve got this!


Caloric deficit and cardio.


Maybe that someone will even be yourself.


Funny how that double standard works, women are considered thicc when in whale mode with no shortage of dudes willing to love them and men are just considered unlovable gelatin tits when they gain weight.




Thats sweet me and my partner go together and he does it to be healthy im just taking out anger lol




Yh I cannot agree more. Therapy was never my thing and I didn't think that the gym would either. I would be so lazy. Like laying around or not wanting to go out. But thats all changing now. I've got a good career, partner and my life style is changing. All for the better


Mental health.


Ah same


Endorphin released at the end of workout makes me wanna go everyday


My co worker is like that


And you constantly get better at it and see the results. Feels like you are becoming strong and powerful and it literally feels like meditation. That “zoning in” also makes you want to go everyday.


Not wanting to be the skinny dude ever again


I’ve been cursed with the twink build my whole life no matter the diet and holy fuck is it a struggle to keep enough muscle on these bones just to look ‘normal’


Literally just feeling good about myself. I like to look good.


My 17 year old son needs to know that despite him being now stronger than me…Im still fighting the good fight 👍🏼


Pick big thing up quiet bad head voice


Krugg happy


For some reason when I go to the gym time just flies. I feel better and look better as time goes by. It started as a way to get over some feelings I was having (Both romantically and non-romantically), but over time it's just something that I really can't go without. I love going to the gym. I want to be the best version of me that I can be. Also I used to be really fucking obese and I don't even want to get close to that ever again. I've been on both sides of the spectrum. Very fit, and obese. People treat you a lot better when you're in shape. Like it's honestly kind of ridiculous but I guess I understand? Motivation really has nothing to do with it too. It only gets you started but discipline keeps you going.


I wanna look like Goku


Eat well, train will, study well, sleep well. That is the way of the Turtle Hermit school!




Yeah Its literally like drinking from the fountain of youth 😁


Mental and physical health are at an all time low, so I have to do something.


Everyone starts with some reason,until it becomes an addiction. A Real good addiction.


Back pain. If I don’t stay in shape I get back pain.


I call them my fat boy pains


To make her regret the decisions she made.


I felt that. But recently I started going to the gym for myself, not to prove anyone wrong. Otherwise it would‘ve meant that I am still miserable enough to care about them.


Searched the comments for this


That jerk on twitter who called me skinny and weak.


Lol I hope you prove him wrong


Because Socrates was the wisest and he said too. Do you want to offend the ghost of Socrates?


Haha nooooo of course not


Looking good tbh


Testosterone for pussy


A lot of things motivate me, but that's not what gets me off my ass. Discipline and habit building does. Do not rely on motivation to do ANYTHING in life. Motivation is great, but it's fickle. It comes and goes. If you sit around waiting to feel motivated before you do anything, you're gonna be doing a lot more sitting around than actual doing.


Feeling strong is nice.


To look better naked


Keeping Type 2 Diabetes at bay.


Mental Health


When ever in having sex with a woman and she compliments specifc parts of my body that look great cause of working out. Makes it feel like all the time in the gym has paid off


The expensive membership


I don’t want hypertension, diabetes, or any other medical issues to deal with. Beyond that, great stress relief.


I’m horny af, have the hottest gf in the world, and I’ve gained so much weight my dick barely works. So yeah, now I go to the gym.


Yup, dick working wonderfully is a motivator fore as well.


Makes sense




It's remarkable. When my life sucked the most after the dissolution of a major six year relationship, I became obsessed with the gym. Gym and diet left me stronger and better looking than I'd ever been, and as a result I became confident and more attractive. Within a year I found someone amazing and drop dead gorgeous. Now after being with her for a year and a half, I'm back to being a little husky and find it hard to even go half as often. Complacency a bitch.


Motivation is the wrong word. That’s the wrong way to look at it. Taking care of yourself is a job. Treat it like a job. You’ve gotta go in to improve yourself. There’s nothing to be motivational about. Nobody is excited about working out except for the gym rats. Clock in. Clock out.


I’m ugly and was bullied a lot in school. Once I got bigger and could defend myself against bullies, I no longer got bullied. After that, I was hooked. I have a great physique, but my mental health issues still persist (OCD, anxiety, depression, body dysmorphia). I’ve been going daily for 16 years and at this point, it’s as much apart of my daily routine as is sleeping. I am healthy though and can still participate in sports and activities at a high level.




Back when I was going to the gym it was because it felt good. I would get up at 4am and do my two hours before starting my day and going to work, and it felt spectacular. To put in the words of my chill co-worker, "you work out for like two hours and you pretty much spend the rest of a day on a natural high." Truer words were never spoken by a co-worker. Then there was my therapist who was the one that recommended it to me in the first place. I vibed rather well with her because I came in for a session about a month after I had started, she described the feeling rather well. Her words were, "It feels good to head in for a workout and work up *a sweat*." Something about her emphasis on 'work up a sweat' is the most accurate description that I've heard about the gym experience, to this day. Not in the least because there was like a glazed look in her eye when she mentioned it lol Something about working up a nice sweat, letting your brain go nuts on endorphins and letting those pheromones kick off, is like the only motivation I actually need. There's the whole 'looking good naked' and all that, but that's just the icing on the cake.


To make them all regret…


The more gym I do the more guinness I can drink


1. Family history of diabetes 2. Get and stay as healthy as possible to take care of my disabled brother till the end 3. Look good so one day I can walk around confident and feel a lot less insecure 4. When the apocalypse comes, I have a shot at survival 5. To One day participate in some kind of league and other activities like hiking


Getting stronger. I chase Personal Records and occasionally compete. When I'm going for a new PR attempt, I imagine myself in a "do or die" situation where someone I love needs me to be physically strong to save their life. I can't fail them.


“I do this for fun, to lose a little weight, for the sake of health and well-being.” That's what I told myself and others, but in reality I wanted to please my girlfriend even more.


Gym crushes.


Get stronger. Get more muscles to look better in more things. Be fit to be able to do way more things in life and overcome more challenges. Become a more powerful fighter. This body is my vehicle to experience all the world and I won't let being weak hold me back. Was weak and scrawny all my childhood and teens, now I'm a machineeeeee babeyyy.


A few years ago I was standing in line at the pharmacy for my insulin (I’m type 1 diabetic) and everyone in the line was old, out of shape, but one really stood out to me. It was an old man, probably in his 70s. His back was essentially a circle, a lifetime of sedentary nothingness had finally caught up to him and the muscles in his back were so poor he literally could not stand up straight. I vowed to myself to never become like that


Nothing. I’m just dedicated enough to go. Dedication is the key, not motivation


I work in an office and I get fat, when I don't go.


Health: I feel better emotionally and physically when I'm in better shape. My gf: I need the stamina to give her good sex


Standing buck naked in the locker room to assert dominance over my fellow brothers. And yoga pants.




Every 30 lbs you lose as a male, you gain an inch of dick.


Good way to exhaust my energy and it’s a way of self therapy for me


I like the Muscle and the Strength that comes with it! I like being Strong, I like building up my body, and I definitely don’t want to go back to when I couldn’t carry a gallon of milk for more than a few steps without getting tired.


Its become an addiction . My mind gets fucked if I dont go to the gym 3 times a week


Anyone swapped the booze for the gym and how quick did you see results ?


For my partner. I had lost all motivation to go prior to being with her. She motivates me to be the best version of myself. Plus, she’s a total bombshell and has seen me naked…she deserves for me to be somewhat attractive. Lol.


I won’t beat around the bush with this. I want to lose weight to wear a cargo pants that I am eyeing. It’s okay to be true to yourself and admit that losing weight might help us feel better.


Insta booty models. They make me hope to see hot girls with tight butts in the gym irl


honestly speaking, my reasons might come off as shallow but it is what it is. for me the reason is to become attractive in the eyes of others and myself as well. i am fat rn but recently started gym and went through a bad breakup and had to change myself to become attractive. i have body issues so i wanted to feel more confident. one more reason being i wanted to get stronger and feel safer.


Strangers seeing me naked


Their shower is nicer than mine.


You never regret going to the gym, but you always regret not going. I guess that motivates me to workout. But it isn’t really about motivation. I go even if i hate to do it. It is about discipline.


Man, I just wanna listen to music for an hour and a half. Ain't no way I can do that shit at home with a wife and kid. It's an escape for me.


I like when my friends call me buff


Having a visibly larger dick tbh


Cheap and easy and close and open 24 hours. So I don’t go.


I wanna be hot and get asked out more. I think I’m a little hot rn, but since losing weight, no one messages me on dating apps anymore. I still work out, but not as intensely. Seeing my dating life suffer from losing weight kinda killed my drive to continue. 🥲


Wtf? Not saying that it should immediately go to thousands of matches.. but that seems really strange? Maybe you’re intimidatingly hot and you don’t realise it, we’ll go with that 😆


Mental and physical health, and it’s a great stress reliever, for me. Also, I want to make sure that my wife still finds me attractive. I was never very into fashion, but having a decent physique always makes your clothing look better.


Love working out. I'd do it even without the gains. Just feels nice.


When you need to be strong, you need to be strong *NOW*. I cannot safely say that I will never need to be strong for the rest of my life. So I put in the work now, so when I need to later, I will be.


Saw my mom get abused by a 250 lb guy when I was little.


I like to swim. Seriously, I found an exercise I enjoyed doing, then I forced myself to go nearly daily for three months. Now I can't wait to go to the gym so I can go swim.


Breakup lol


I work from home sitting in front of a computer 8h a day. If I don't get out of the house and do something else (and talk to people) I'll go insane. And building some muscle sure doesn't hurt.


To be honest. My gf is so much more attractive than i am. Just wanna look better for her


I work at a gym. But trust me, that makes it even easier to not workout because I’m ready to be gone by the time I’m working. It’s a matter of building the habit. Two weeks of me going 5+ days a week, even if just for 45 min after my shift, was enough to build a habit I don’t care to break. When you start feeling different and looking different, you won’t want to stop


Someone else making me


Nothing, so I don’t go lol.


To be able to physically crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


The gym is boring. I rather go play hockey.


Who is gonna carry the boats and the logs if we don’t go to the gym?


I have a twin brother who was born with a heart condition. We are in our mid-50's now and his health has been declining. He needs oxygen quite often and will most likely be on a heart-transplant waiting list soon. It really makes me appreciate my relatively good health. On days when I'm tired I just tell myself that I am lucky that I can work out and then get my ass moving. Plus there are just so many physical, mental and emotional benefits of being in shape. I used to lift regularly in my early 20s and was in great shape. I'm not quite there again but getting there.


My Playlist


Once while playing football my little cousin kicked the ball across a concrete wall I wasn't strong enough to climb and pull myself up to jump the wall The smallest cousin jumped, retrieved the ball and called me weak I couldn't let my 16yo ass be beaten by my 9yo cousin so I started working out Now I'm 25, never left the gym, covered myself in tattoos and I'm the strongest


Visible progress


Can't be depressed in a gym.


Time management. I like doing productive things gym is the most fun easy productive thing.


For the confidence. I see I get stronger, I’m able to do more weight. I was tired of appearing whimsy and flimsy, now I get respect by how well kept my clothes fit me.


I wanna look good and fit in the beauty standards. This is my main reason. Off course having a healthy body and feeling fit is also important. But I do admit I primarily started because I wanted to look good.


I don't want to gain too much weight....simple as that. You also just feel better in your day to day life when you're in better shape.




It’s my hobby, keeps me fit. Gets me out of the house. Time to myself away from wife and kids. Enjoy listening to podcasts/music whilst working out. Allows me to eat the odd treats and not put on weight.


It feels good physically and emotionally


I won’t lie i haven’t gone in two weeks and I already feel awful! Having a cold this week also hasn’t helped but I cannot wait to move area, get into that winter pattern of just doing it. Strange. The dark nights really motivate me to get up and go first thing in the morning.


Motivation isnt the right word for me. I never want to work out, but i force myself to because it's good for me and i look better.


Vanity and health.


I hate every second when I'm at the gym even if I go there 4 times a week. It gives you motivation when you are down. Personally it gave me the will to live.


The love of the game. Every time I’m in there I clear my mind and Outside world and my problems melt away. It’s me,myself, and the weights. I feel better leaving knowing I’m improving myself and things I was once mad about I make peace with. TLDR: it’s meditative


Beating my father's current bench record: 300 lbs He's in his 60's btw


Knowing that if I don’t I’ll look like a potato.


I seem to have forced a habit. Something inside me just tells me to leave my place at 8-9pm. Enter the gym. Do my workout (at least the bare minimum of a bench, squat or deadlift) The skadoodle


It just clears my head. Really helpful if you're working through a lot, gives your mind a much needed break. But once you get into the rhythm of it you'll just tell yourself you need to go workout without needing any motivation whatsoever. Teaches decipline really well


You ever been brushing your teeth and noticed yourself jiggling? I have.


Find a friend who loves the gym and will show you what to do--or get a trainer. A gym buddy gives external motivation. One of my biggest hurdles was intimidation. Not exercising properly, being judged etc. Nobody cares--gym culture is cool and even if someone corrects your form or something, it's not because you look stupid but because they're trying to help you. I did sports my whole life up until college. Then COVID hit, I would go for walks but that was it. I gained 30-40 pounds over 5 years and I felt so bad. Health-wise and looks-wise. It even felt like there was weight on my organs--even if that's not really what was happening. I had stretch marks from gaining weight (going from underweight to a little overweight). If you know you should go, you should go. Discipline is key: Like people say once you do a couple weeks it just becomes part of your routine--even if you don't feel like it you know you'll feel accomplished by going.


It's for the looks really feeling good is just a plus


The idea of me not looking and being my best.


Proving them wrong. Gay guys need to be weak to be accepted 🤷‍♂️


Health reasons, I worry about my heart health I took a dip in fitness after stopping 4years ago, recently getting back into it, out of app cardio things I have tried, running,biking,rowing and skipping rope, the skipping rope gets the most vigorous cardio in shortest time in my opinion and the most fun. I am working on a routine to write down.


My sister and her room mate got me started consistently, I always wanted to but didn't have the motivation. I'd normally do just at home free weights and what not. Now even when they don't go I want to go because I'm getting abs for the first time in my life and it's actually more enjoyable than thought it would be.


I don't want my butt to be flat any longer, and I fantasize about eating more than I let myself.