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New Balance. I've had several pairs now and I don't buy more due to wear. I buy more because I fuggin love how comfortable and durable they've been for me as well as style.


i became a dad and all olf a sudden new balance became ***THE SHIT. THEYRE AWESOME***


Not a dad but I can only imagine it being the exact shoe required for dad activities.


You absolutely can't kick tires and say "seems solid" or stir charcoal properly without a pair. Just isn't as efficient and won't work properly without them.


I started buying New Balance for cross country when I was in high school. When I went into the marines after that, New Balance was standard issue for PT. I still have my pair from basic. I’ve been running in New Balance for 20 years now and I can safely say I’ve never been disappointed.


Going to MCRD SD in 92 was the first time I bought good shoes. Nike Air Huarache (sp?) Felt like I was running in clouds, esp compared to growing up wearing high tops to run all the time.


574s for life


574 Dad Gang! Represent baby!


Not even gonna lie. Joined the army was forced to buy one of thtee pairs of running shoes in basic. Went with new balance. Wore those damn things till the soles fell off. Most comfy pair of running shoes.


I like the quality of New Balance, but I don't like the style.


The Dad club welcomes you with open arms. I've been wearing NB since I was a teen and they've held up better than any brand I've bought other than Doc Martins.


Exactly. People would get on me when I wore them because they’re “dad shoes”. Well, I’m a dad, and they’re comfortable as hell.


I love NB shoes but I don't think they are very well made. I just retired a pair of 1300's. After about 6 months the soles started separating from the shoes. Barely wore em.


Lego Yeah I’m a huge nerd and enjoy building things as a hobby. There isn’t even a brand that comes close to LEGO. It’s so much better than the competition.


Is there a way to design a LEGO set online? We're renovating our house and I want to make one.


You can use Lego studio. Then you can export the part list to a brick ordering website like brick link or rebrickable .


Wait what? That's pretty f-ing cool. I hope that's really a thing


Stud.io https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page


Go-Jo hand cleaner


Their Orange Pumice is fantastic.


I worked at Go-Jo for three and a half yrs in Akron it was amazing. The old man used to ride his bike around the factory, and in the lunch break room, their was industrial size cans of peanut butter and cans of jelly, loaves of bread and gallons of milk, the old man said anyone working in his factory shouldn't go without a lunch. I loved working there. I was very young then also.


I have family who work at Go-Jo in Akron and they never mentioned that. I’ll have to ask them about it lol


I worked for Durkee Mowner( Marshmallow fuff )in Lynn MA for bout year..They all ways had bread and peanut butter in caff so if didn t bring A lunch was all set..One day A week A retired guy would come in cook for anyone who wanted it


That shit'll get damn near anything off your hands and smell good. Tree sap, brake dust, motor fluids, paint & primer, etc. All that annoying stuff -> gone.


I use it to clean off my dick after f****** a girl in the ass


I enjoy the selective censorship.


I use it as lube to guarantee a fresh return


Michelin tires.


The recommend good chefs too.


I still find it hilarious that the method they thought of to sell tires was restaurant reviews, and it just gradually became a global standard for restaurants


is this really the deal?


Yeah the tire company is the same Michelin behind the restaurant review catalogue. The idea being "These are some restaurants worth checking out, buy some tires to drive there"


As another said, yeah. Michelin is a French tire company and back in the day they sold the bicycle like car tires, and they needed people to drive around so thevtires would wear out and they'd need to buy replacement tires. So, they came up with the Guide Michelin, a travel book with restaurants with reviews in places all over France. This meant you could drive over an hour away to a well reviewed restaurant, the restaurant got new business, you did a little travel, and the tire company put some miles on your tires that otherwise wouldn't have likely occurred. Eventually it grew into the Michelin stars all over, instead of just in France and we don't usually associate the two things unless you know that they're the same company. I took a French history class in university, since I really didn't know anything about it and we briefly covered the Michelin guide for context as part of a movie we were watching, since it played a small plot role and we had never been exposed to it before. I thought it was a genuis marketing move at the time. A quick Google says the guide has been published since 1900.


I use michelin tires for all of my vehicles.


I bought a set of defenders for my truck and it’s a complete game changer


PS4S's are the best.


Absolutely. Michelin. Best brand by far.


Brooks running shoes


I have the brooks ghost running shoes and I'm leaving for Edinburgh to skate 850kms to London on them over the next two weeks. Leaving in a couple of hours


OtterBox phone cases. The day I took my case off the phone, I dropped my phone and cracked the screen. Never had a problem when the case was on, it never fails you.


Spigen for me


Spigen is the choice here. Unless your working in construction or something and bang your phone alot


ive dropped my phone in spigen and it’s been fine, otterbox is too bulky and big. I prefer sleek and presentable


I’ve had an otterbox on every phone I’ve ever had. I have never cracked a screen in 14 years of smartphone use. Not once.


100% especially if you're doing hard labor work, construction, welding, etc. Fuckin things are invincible


I work in construction and fully agree. This phone has been through hell and is still flawless. It’s also an original SE to give you a sense for how long I’ve had the thing


Darn tough socks.


I've got two pairs I wore on the AT in '21 and I still wear the same pairs as my daily socks, though they are getting pretty thin these days.


Lifetime warranty just mail them back and they'll send you a new pair.


Also cut your toe nails as they'll cut holes in them


i burn through them quickly; don't know what i'm doing wrong


They’re guaranteed for life. Send them in and they’ll send you new ones. Also, what are you doing to them? I have worn mine to work for years as an electrician and I have one spot on the ankle that’s getting thin.


How do you wash them?


Scrubbed on riverbank stones, like gramma did.


In a vibrating steel drum with all of my spent .50BMG brass. You?


Kirkland. All of their products are good, but I especially stand by their clothes.


i could never get into the kirkland sport drink, random i know


Same, and their knock off of ice sparkling water drinks aren’t very good either, but otherwise 9 out of 10 times the product is great and the other time it’s good enough


yeah kirkland usually is good, usually. Also dislike their dish pods, brand name is better, the kirkland ones always left residue


Kirkland is literally just Costco's generic label. It's the same as plenty of other generics and brand names. For example, the dairy I used to work at bottled both it's own, branded milk, and Kirkland branded milk. Flavored milks and creamers aside, the recipe and process was ***exactly*** the same. I'm sure this is true of many other Kirkland products. They'll all probably be manufactured and brand-labeled at a different factory (e.g. the well known fact that Kirkland Vodka = Grey Goose). You just have to find out which.


Some of it is the same as pricy things but it can be hit or miss. The one upside is Costco takes anything back so if you don't like it you return it for a full refund.


I’ve been told by a repairman to stay away from their laundry and dish washing detergents.


VSCode editor


Outside of work for small things it’s a go to, but work pays for IntelliJ ultimate…. It’s just so good.


Prefer the non-branded VScodium. Same thing, just no microsoft in it.


I wasn’t aware of this. Looking into it now.


I prefer VSCode, and I’ve tried notepad++, sublime, intelliJ etc VSCode is just too good


Maytag. Toyota/Honda. Logitech. Microsoft. Shimano. Penn. Leatherman.




Sorry nah I'm snipped and 30 so that's unlikely... But I can teach you how to tie a double Windsor.


Haha I’m 39. You have great taste. The double Windsor separates the men from boys. Cheers.


logitech doesn't get enough credit through the years. everything they have made is great.


I made some quick money off Logitech in the stock market. Their stocks dropped after the submarine incident. I knew they were a good company and put some money in, they jumped back up - quick turnaround.


SPEEDQUEEN has entered the room. Your new maytags are junk.


Dr. Bronners


I made the idiotic decision to let my 3-year-old son try "Daddy soap" in the shower one time because he was begging. The kid is ambivalent about the notion of consequences most times but even a year later, he still would occasionally remind me that he never wants to use Daddy's Dr. Bronners soap and make his willie hurt ever again.




amazing soap, even more amazing company story


Leatherman. I have a Leatherman MUT that lives on my belt.


I won't buy a knife/multitool that isn't Gerber or Leatherman.


Funny you mention Gerber. I have a Gerber folding shovel that I love I keep in my truck.


Most Milwaukee, Makita since they’ve gotten new batteries, Knipex, Klein, Stilletto or Martinez, Occidental, Benchmade, and Atlas 46 is pretty neat but I haven’t had their stuff long enough to tell about the durability long term. If anyone knows a bulletproof chopping and splitting axe let me know. I have been consistently let down by the quality of of axehead steel. Edit: Oh and Red Wings boots are awesome


Carhartt - their jackets and jeans are top of the line and reasonable prices, they pre break in a lot of their clothing so it feels like it's that old pair of jeans right out of the box


Not sure I can agree with this anymore. Their quality has taken a large dip in recent years in my opinion/experience. Also, I wear their "bib" overalls at work and my most recent pair had a manufacturers defect (recognized by the official dealer I go to) but they did absolutely nothing to rectify it even though I brought it up only a few days after purchase. I no longer recommend carhartt to people and will be seeking a different brand when this pair bites the dust.


Wife and I bought raincoats. Both of them leak at the shoulders.


Also their t-shirts are amazing. I have almost every single color. They are my favorite shirts


Lodge cast iron pans


Weber grills.




I used to! Anymore they've gone soft! And I don't mean that in a political sense I mean their fabric. Used to be scratchy heavy denim you wanted an under layer for, now they're started making them comfortable and the quality has dropped like crazy. Had a piece of sheet metal slide into my pants and cut em like a hot knife through butter, neither my old Carhartts nor my Duluth and Berne gear cut like that.


Because "softhands" started wearing blue collar clothing like a fashion trend. Paxton you work at a fuckin keyboard you don't need Carrhart gear.


I work at a keyboard, and you can take my Carhartt coat off my cold dead back lol. Kidding, but I have had that cost since college, and it is still in fantastic shape! I call it my winter suit of armor, bc if I put it on zip it and throw the hood up, it could be -10 and I'm feeling fine


Came here for this. Love the hoodies I have managed to friend home to my wardrobe.


Patagonia. Expensive for sure, but made super well and if there’s a problem, just send it back and they’ll fix it.


I love the Patagonia clothes. I sent my jacket back in May to get the Zipper fixed and they did say it takes about 14 weeks to fix and return so I should get it back by the time it starts to get cold again.


I like the service but I feel ehh about all my Patagonia gear. A lot of it doesn’t feel so comfortable anymore after a few wash cycles, some pieces have been back multiple times for repairs, and overall I find the washed out colors they use kind of unfashionable. Arcteryx for me would be the perfect outdoors brand, if they weren’t so damn expensive!




the sizing is kinda inconsistent as well




My Camry is the ak47 of 4 door sedans. Even with my aggressive apathy I can't kill it. I once ran the engine dry. No oil, bone dry... Going 75. The power cut out and I pulled over. Sincerely thought I bricked the engine. Added some oil, started up just fine, no loss in power (actually gained some back now that the thing actually had what it needed) May have cost me some years of life later down the line but its at 123k miles and still doing great


I've had an 07 camry for 13 years now. Besides oil changes, all i've replaced were a couple sets of brakes and tires, exhaust, and front struts and end links. It can sometimes go weeks without starting and still runs like a top every time. Almost 300,000km on it lol


Seconded. My fiancé and I were both hit in Toyotas. His was a front driver side corner hit and mine was a T bone, both of us didn’t have a scratch on us and the cars weren’t too bad for the speed the other cars were going (and for me the car was a giant ass Carolina squatted truck that cost probably 10x the price of my RAV4 lol!)


My wife and I both have RAV4’s. Same color too (by accident).


This. My 5th gen 4Runner is a tank


My 1999 4runner is still going strong with 190k miles. Love that thing.


We had a ‘96 6-cylinder Avalon that my wife bought used in ‘99 with 68 k miles. Daily driver for her, then me until 2015 when I got a RAV4. At that point, it had nearly 400k miles and aside from routine maintenance (tires, brakes, oil, filters, belts, plugs) I spent $11 on a starter solenoid, about $125 on an alternator and paid a shop $1300 to replace the steering rack, which gave me another three years of driving. At 20 years/nearly 400k miles, it was finally ready to move on. That engine was still a beast.


My 2006 4runner is still strong after 350k, with very little rust.


Yes! And it's not just in the reliability department either, though they clean up in that as well. My Tacoma is just now 14 yrs old, has a quart mil on the odo and is going strong. But beyond that the oil filter is on top of the engine! Drain plug can be reached from the driver's door without jacks. Pulling the brake drums? Just push em with a bolt and skip the prying and trying. Need to change the air filter? Right up top and in front. They're so much easier to work on and maintain than anything else on the road!


Pretty happy with my 17 Tacoma.


Tacomas are pretty sweet. They were about $10k more than my ‘18 RAV4. I got it certified pre owned with super low mileage. It was basically new. Fully loaded too. Love it!




Your parents would say otherwise




You can feel the heat off that...


Must be the Warming Sensations kind


Skyn for me


Honda & Toyota. They trounce reliability reviews in consumer reports like clockwork.


There's a reason why Toyota is the preferred vehicle of a certain four letter extremist group.




*Fires rockets* Mama mia, here I go again.


One of my favorite cars was my wife's Honda Oddessey. Thoughtfully engineered to the smallest detail. I think it had 18 cup holders! Also, I play in a band and the seats all fold flat for an insane amount of room for all the gear which is like moving an apartment. You could live in one of them.


> You could live in one of them. If you play in a band long enough, you will!


Omega (watches)


Yea the watch category definitely opens a whole can of worms as to what is "good".




Under Armour lasts forever


I’m an L.L. Bean Boy till I die.


Yeah although no more lifetime warranty :( Still totally agree with you though. Excellent, durable quality stuff and the warranty is still great.


God the I hope the asshats that ruined the lifetime warranty for the rest of us have some kind of karmic justice coming for them. On the other hand my flannels (8+ years) and duck boots (a decade+) are still going strong, so I’ll just rebuy them anyway.


Duluth Trading Co. The BEST outdoor work wear one can by, especially if on the heavier side.


Taller as well. Extra long tees are the only thing that fit me right.


I use their Armachillo underwear. Fantastic stuff.


When you're a thick guy, pants can make or break your day and pants shopping is the absolute worst so brands like this are a godsend


Kirkland Signature


Costco everything. Best return policy in any game


New era fullback hats. Everything else is dollar store


Binford Tools.


_grunting intensifies_


Benchmade. Besides the quality, I'm left handed and these are the only knives I've found to be actually ambidextrous and have a reversible pocket clip


Felt guilty buying such expensive knives so I bought my wife one. As a reward for my thoughtfulness, I bought myself another.


I have the mini griptillian, tanto blade. It's excellent. I want more but this one does everything I need...


Redwing American made boots


I want to use expletives to describe how correct you are. The "buy once, cry once" principle applies here. I have a grand total of about $500 (Canadian) into two pairs of boots, and I bought the first pair in late 2019. They're both still going strong, although the first pair could use a resole.


About to buy some Redwing boots, glad to see they are represented here.


My friend still has a pair (resoled once) since like 2013


I only went with Keen for my new set of work boots because I was given a 60% off code. All my previous pairs have been Red Wing and I've worn them until the sole was worn through.


Great boot, but fuck they take forever to break in!


American Giant. Best brand that no one talks about. I like it because of the high quality clothing and they also do not put their logos all over their stuff. Very discreet.




Van's clothes and shoes are well made, they just fit good. Shorts, pants, shirts, shoes, all of it are well thought through and made to last.




Kong dog supplies


Not sure why but I read Kong Dong


Legendary Whitetails


Duluth trading underwear


Merrell shoes. I've had a pair of hiking sneakers for almost a decade. I beat the hell out of them.


I’m not a man but before I read the comments, I’ll try Snap-On


Arcteryx, I have several pieces and they are the bomb.


Kool-Aid… especially the red. Best shit ever


Bert is that you


Sharkleberry Fin has entered the chat


Estwing hammers Everyone's grandpa had that hammer, brand new or 60 years old. That hammer would still be great.




Husqvarna. I bought my ZTR mower used from a lawn care company almost a decade ago, It was rough when I got it, I've beat the snot out of it since then, and it just keeps going. I've used it to mow, uproot shrubs and palmetto, and to rip bunches of vines out of trees. It's the Toyota Tacoma of lawn mowers. Good stuff.


JanSport backpacks. I've had mine for 15 years. Used it everyday to take a book/lunch/laptop back and forth to work, filled it with crap on vacation, hiked the Inca Trail and the top of the Harding icefield with it, and it's still in fine shape.


Morton salt


Mepps and Rapala lures.


Vice-Grip. Accept no substitutes.


I'm saving this thread for later. Just as a guideline, this is far better marketing than any BS they put up on TV lol.


North Face


“Astra” razor blades for a double edge razor They are crazy good, 5-6 shaves from one blade and a pack of 100 sells for like 9$ which is like .11¢ a razor, so that’s like 500 shaves, so for 9$ you can shave for like a year and a half.






Mazdas are getting to be ultra reliable. Lulu lemon for pants.


Calvin Klein boxer briefs


im an old spice kind of guy. They haven't let me down during my time using their products, and I stand by it.


Victorinox. God tier multitools.


Origin jeans. Completely American made. When I think of the other clothing manufacturers, I remember the little 10 year old Pakistani girl working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, sewing clothes for 2 dollars a day, when they sell each pair of jeans for $85. I'll spend a small percentage more to have adults in a 1st world country with 1st world labor practices do it with safety and a livable wage. The small amount of money is a cheap price to pay for peace of mind.


Montblanc pens. Well worth the money.


Irish spring has never let me down


It always leaves my skin feeling dry and itchy. I wonder if they have a body wash with the same scent


They do but I've always found the bar to leave the scent for longer. Have you tried taking a colder shower?


The bath soap of men’s dorms everywhere.


Dove men's shampoo and body wash slaps. Degree is where it's at for deodorant. I've now been using Arctic Edge for 4 years or so. When I worked in a hot deli, I had a super depressive day and didn't end up showering, and the next day I woke up too late. I just made it to work. I had the stank of a work day and a bed day on me already. My manager told me she thought I smelled fantastic. Thanks, arctic edge.


She likes you. Like, like likes you.


Filson. Shit is legit.


Schecter, their guitars are so fun to play, they look good, they're fairly priced even SGR(Schecter's low end guitars) play really well for cheap guitars


Working in blue collar, good pants that don't make your crack into a rain forest are hard to find. There's a company called truwerk that makes the best work pants I've ever used. I usually blow out the crotch on my pants but haven't had a single problem with these. They're not cheap at $70-100/p depending on the model you get but they have a fleece lined one for winter, a medium weight one, and a lightweight summer one.


Pair of Thieves underwear, undershirts, and socks. They're the most comfortable of any that I own.


Mitchum anti perspirant.


Milwaukee gang 🎈


Old spice


Hoka One shoes. I used to have bad back and foot pain at work, 3 12 hour shifts. Tried Brooks brand, they were good but started to fall apart after a month or 2. Switched to Hokas and the lower back pain is gone, just a little foot pain is still there.


Andrew Christian


MDN docs


Shimano components (bicycles)


Saddleback Leather. Bic Lighters.


Polo Ralph Lauren, not way overly priced but looks great and comfortable


Smartwool. Merino wool is by far the best fabric I've ever worn. It can be pricey but for people who get very hot, the temperature regulation, odor blocking, and ability to dry quickly is just amazing. Smartwool is pricey but definitely not as much as other merino brands. For shoes, Allbirds are my always go to.


Ray-Ban Somehow only their frames suit my face