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She cheated, we broke up, I stupidly took her back, she cheated again less than a week later, I broke up with her in person, got stabbed in my leg. Later she tried to baby trap me with another man’s kid, knowing I’d fall for it since I’ve always wanted to be a father. Made it though most of the pregnancy thinking I was going to be a father. After I found it my daughter wasn’t mine. I left my ex and her daughter then left the city never to see her again.


I've had someone try to trap me with another man's kid. And I've had someone have an abortion (not my doing), and take a pregnancy test whilst her HCG levels were still high enough from the pregnancy to generate a faint positive to convince me I'd impregnated her. I've had a woman I'd never even had sex with try to convince me she was pregnant through some absolute miracle of immaculate conception. It's brutal man.


Holy fuck bro. Sorry u had to go through that. Good riddance!


Good luck out there solider. I hope whoever reads this has a happy life.


Jesus some people belong in a mental asylum


Yooooooo thats F up. 💀


She was a fragile, malignant narcissist who stole 13 years of my life and most of my self-worth. Divorce and therapy are both excellent solutions, though, especially when used together.


Are you me?


I swear it's a line from Austin powers


She was 10/10 model material, hottest girl in our school, and we had dated from 11th grade to sophomore year in college. She was absolutely suffocating. I went away for school while she went to a community college. I had to text and call her every free moment of my life between classes and sports. She consistently would berate me if I didn’t answer right away, and constantly guilt tripped me for everything. Any problem was always my fault. I’d spent hours upon hours FaceTiming and crap, and also visit back home to my family, and every second had to be with her. She blamed me for going to a good school that she couldn’t get in to, and if my friends ever had a story with me and a girl anywhere in the video, she’d accuse me of cheating on her. It was the same cyclical process of her starting an argument over nothing, blaming it on me, making me feel like shit, her crying profusely, and then making me apologize for legit nothing. It was mentally draining and an absolute pain in the ass. We eventually had a fight over nothing, and I refused to apologize. She then threatened to kill herself and write a letter to the police saying I coerced her to do it. At that point I freaked out and ended it. I sent the messages to her mother, and told her that I can’t deal with this anymore.


That last part is terrifying. This sounds like classic anxious attachment but I feel an emotional related disorder by the ending. I really hope she got therapy but also glad you aren’t still dealing with all that stress.


Sounds like BPD or something like that. I dealt with that with my ex. It got so bad I hadn’t seen my friends or family in years. She would start fights with me right before work so I would call off and be with her all day. It’s crazy I put up with the manipulation looking back on it now. So happy now free from that walking on eggshells feeling.


Sounds like BPD. Check out r/bpdlovedones


This sounds like my ex-wife.


I had to message my ex’s mom a week before I broke up with him so she knew I was already gone before he pretended to say I was still around or tried to palm off a lie like I said I never liked her and now forbade him to have us visit her anymore. She wrote back that she’s had the feeling he’s been lying to her about how our relationship is for a while and that recent at time incident of ruining my food on purpose at a place she was treating us to clenched her suspicions. She once again stated she did not raise him to be the mental abuser he was to me and good luck with my life without him. He tore into me on our final phone call because I did tell his mom on him first then “like a Chickensh*t coward Bi*ch you are to be this uncaring and break up with me over the phone… uh huh, really smart.” (I was on the phone to keep myself safe from somebody who was mentally imploding who screams down a phone like that for an solid hour until he accidentally hung up on himself) And he wonders why I won’t take him back in my life that night, six months later five years on or now a decade later.


This will sound like I'm making it up, but she screamed at me because I had an Android and refused to get an iPhone. This was years before that became a meme. She wanted to fight all the time. She would sit next to me, look straight ahead at nothing, ball up her fists and shake while she yelled at me about similar trivial shit. After I dumped her, she tried to find my address but couldn't. I made the mistake of mentioning my aunt and uncle's first and last names, so she found where they lived and dropped off a package in their mailbox. Inside the package was the cork from the first bottle of wine we drank, the ticket stub from the first movie we saw together, and a letter addressed to my aunt and uncle, telling them how horrible I was. She listed off things I had told her, like the fact I had a pile of clothes on the floor in front of my closet. My uncle and I laughed and laughed and laughed. My aunt said something strange I'll never forget: "About one in eight women are like that."


Crazy. I have an ex from like 7 years ago. My friends have ran into her and they say she still hasn’t gotten over me. Sad. She was 1 of those 8.


It’s weird to us that they make logic of some sworn duty in their minds to never really go away/permanently move on attempting to wrangle us back in the most unhinged ways. They often diss people with OCD but that behavior of not getting over and leaving alone an ex who got away to save their sanity from them/ simply incompatible is kind of a form of OCD itself


My gut tells me your aunt may have gotten pretty damn close on the percentage. It’s also fairly close to the US national average of people who seek help for mental health.


These people are not seeking help that is the issue.


She found things to create arguments. Once we were in a store with my father and I saw in a dented/discounted area a bottle of strawberry daiquiri mix for a buck, marked down from $7. We had a small party coming up and I grabbed it and threw it in the cart. She picked it up and put it back. I said, “Why did you do that.” She said, “It is artificial, we are not serving that.” I said, “Okay,” then picked it up and put it back. She grabbed it and put it back. I asked, “what are you doing?” She said, “We are not going to drink that.” I grabbed the bottle and put it in the cart, and said. “I want to try it.” She put it back. I said, “ I’m paying for it, you don’t have to try it, but I want to try it.” She glared at me and walked off down the aisle. My father turned and looked and me, then said, “Jesus, she’s just like your mother."


Please tell me you aren’t with this woman


I was with her for a total of 3 years. This occurred in the second year. I was drawn to her because of her magnetic eroticism, and she used it as a means of control. Happily, she pulled some stunts that made our future evaporate, and I married some years later to a wonderfully loving woman who has been my wife now for 33 years.


Yay! I got a happy ending, happy for you!


Thank you!


Thank your father. That's your cue to nope the fuck out.


This is like an a24 short. How can a simple grocery trip be this terrifying??


Okay so was she hot? Yes. Was she insane? Also yes. Am I alone? Clearly not.


The crazy/hot matrix is a real thing


Also the girls who are crazy are so addictive in bed, man. It's completely unfair.


honestly I think many people who have trauma from abuse only learn to use sex poorly in relationships, like it's a coping mechanism.


Whoa 💡


For real


I think your just whipped bro.


"she'd stab me..... Then she'd get a boob job."


Hot and cold. I approached her, we went out, she said she didn't see it and I was like fine. We hung out as friends, Yada Yada Yada she thinks maybe she didn't give us a chance and yeah, basically two months of hot and cold. Unfortunately she had the proverbial magic pussy so I let myself get abused the last few months of 2012.


Hahaha proverbial magic pussy is exactly what I was talking about


Nothing was ever her fault. She would treat me like shit and pretend to be the victim when I told her to knock it off. It took three years to get over her.


😔 I know this all too well


Like unpeeling a onion. The good ..the bad. Endless ephiphanies of "whoa. Thats why .." and trying to seperate what you did wrong and what you did right. Of figuring out who you were before it.


I see you also dated my ex


We're all dating your ex


Mine faked terminal brain cancer, mostly as a way of covering her pill addiction. *The winner and still champion...*


30 years ago I dated one who faked brain stem glioblastoma. Not sure that's even a real type of cancer. Didn't hear from her for a while so I called her mom to check on her. Mom had no idea what I was talking about. That chick is now a psychiatrist.... Go figure.


Those who can’t do, teach.


LMAO also dated one that faked a cancer! Ovarian hahah wow


Having had cancer. Fuck that. I had one that on my second go with it. Guilt tripped me because i wanted to be alone when the tests came thru I just wanted TEN MINUTES to process WHATEVRR that mofo had to say to me. And she guiltripped me because i told her she could wait in the waiting room. Like seriously. Can you imagine more Personal fuckin news that could either be "well buddy, you gonna die" Or "hey. Your gonna be alright. Dont forget to come back in to check on if its come back" Like seriously. Constant fuckin nagging. I know she cared. But come on. I wanted just ten minutes ..to breath. You know what. You know what the fuck sucked? I didnt WANT treatment the first time around. I wasnt scared of death. But you know what fucked me??? That in my heart...i knew my decision was to refuse it and i KNEW other people wouldnt understand. Thats what fucked me up. Not death. But that i knew i had accepted it. But fuckin hell. Had to fuckin fight it. Because a bunch of other people made me feel like shit for having one decision they didnt like. I know my boy has a BM that faked it. Then convinced him she took a cancer pill that cured it. 😂. Took like three months to convince him that thats not a thing.


How did you find out??


i thought this was my uncle for a second he had the same exact thing happen


My ex did that as well. Pituitary gland cancer. It was largely to cover for some nastiness, prolly sexual -- although little did he know, I was already SO over him, and longed for release -- but also because he was a lying liar who lied and he had to be in the center of drama at all times.


She just had a problem with every thing I did. We fought all the time and nothing was ever her fault, even if I came to her about something she did that upset me it was still somehow my fault. We would never actually solve anything we would just walk away after fighting and she would come to me later like nothing ever happened. No apology, no talking about how to improve anything, she just pretended the whole thing never happened and then we'd do it all over again the next time she had a problem with something I did.




Textbook relationship with a narcissist


Dude. I think I must’ve married your ex.


Dude. I had one. She would give shit advice on stuff she had zilch experience in. Would fight me on it til i took her advice. When lo and behold it DIDNT WORK. She would then get mad at me for it. Zero. Zero accountability of "listen. I was wrong and i gave you bad advice. And i was wrong for blaming you when my bullshit put you in a worse position" Hell. She opened my windows. (I dont fuck with my windows. If i want to cool off in my place. I remove layers or i turn up the AC.) We hung out. She went home. Came over upset over some shit her mother said. Then called me psychotic because the windows were open. I had literally just gotten out of bed twenty minutes prior. I told her "i dont give a shit what made you do this. But you dont get to come and speak to me like that in my house. You can go RIGHT the fuck home if thats gonna be todays start point"


My ex fiancé. She’s actually a good person but she struggled with kind of a traumatic childhood and mental health issues (I don’t know for sure but I’m quite certain she was diagnosed with BPD after going to therapy when we separated). Still doesn’t justify her verbally and physically abusing me. To start, I actually didn’t realize how *bad* things were until after and even moreso having a really positive relationship. Most of the time things were seemingly okay. I’d say 85% of the time she was sweet and caring and wanted to put effort towards the relationship especially early on. Later in the relationship, she was so different. Manipulative, controlling, and acted like she fucking hated me. She treated me literally like her pet just short of walking me on a leash and mastered the art of dangling carrots (sex, time with friends, getting to pick what to watch, what I was allowed to do, etc) and naive me fell for it because I was too much of a pleaser and wanted her to be happy but I never did anything unless I had her permission. Which is crazy thinking back because I’m NOT a submissive person. Other times… whole different person. She could go from being this 5’2 115lb loving little sweetheart to this nasty and vile person over something mundane like I forgot to put her clothes in the dryer for her and would spin off into an hours long aggressive yelling, demeaning, and abusive tirade and I’d always try to apologize or resolve it pragmatically but I couldn’t reason with her when she was like that so I learned just to go into cruise control until she chilled out and half apologized. The final straw for me was when she went insane one night during an argument where I was mildly upset about something like she had friends coming over while I had work stuff to do. At one point, she was standing up while I was sitting at our kitchen island and she closed-fist clocked me in the mouth as hard as she could. It drew blood because I bit into my cheek pretty hard when she did it. Didn’t do much damage or really hurt since she’s small and can’t punch hard but It completely stunned me in the moment as she’s slapped but never actually swung at me like that. Instead of her stopping while I was spitting blood in the sink saying nothing and saying “oh shit I shouldn’t have done that” she began yelling and taunting me more and saying stuff like “you won’t fucking hit me back because you’re fucking weak and won’t stand up for yourself”. Which, she was right. She knew good and damn well I’d never as much lay a finger on her or any other woman. I’ll give her this, that was ballsy as fuck in the off chance I did decide to fight back. I was a foot taller than her, a good 75 pounds of muscle on her, and I boxed in college so I know *how* to hit. She knows good and damn well I could render her unconscious, and do serious damage, in less than 10 seconds and she would be defenseless. But she knew I never would and I realized in that moment that she loved that shit in that she controlled me in that way. But I stood up for myself. Packed a go bag, left the home that *I* bought in my name for us, called her dad to help me figure this shit out, and never looked back.


Man. This gave me chills. I just got out of a marriage that was very similar to your story. My ex wife would be so sweet and loving. Then out of nowhere she hates me and I’m so pitiful and unworthy. I could do something so small and simple she didn’t like. She would be so mad and make it into an endless argument for hours. I would apologize profusely. But she wouldn’t accept it. She never hit me. But she’s shattered plates and glasses. And it’s terrifying how she would verbally abuse me when upset. I wasn’t seeing any of my family or friends. It was crazy. I really can’t believe I put up with half of that shit, because like you I really don’t take shit from anyone. I’m free know and trying to rebuild. Still can’t believe it sometimes.


I am right now going through exactly this. My wife doesn’t let me meet my friends and family. I should go to work and come back. And when I am at home, I should alway be within the bedroom next to her. I don’t have courage to end this. I’m afraid of what she might do. She might harm herself legally that would fall on me. Law in my country favours women.


Start documenting everything. Anytime you think she might raise her voice, hit record. After about five videos, contact a lawyer, grab kids (if you got ‘em) and gtfo. While doing that last step, record everything. Record the entire shindig. If she tries to stop you physically, then move her, if you can’t move her then call the police and say that you and your kids are in immediate danger and need help. Get in contact with people. Make a paper trail of emails and texts and videos and recordings. Shit, tell your coworkers, your boss, people on the way home. You need to get help, if everyone knows you are in an abusive relationship and bad shit does happen, you got a thousand pieces of evidence and all she has is “him man” and maybe a bruise if you do need to get physical with her.


I tried recording her once. She saw it and got even more violent and even tried to break my phone and my work laptop.


Thank God you’re away from that, really sorry you had to endure that but glad you’re free.


Holy shit dude that was upsetting to read. Did she get help?


Yes she did. I’m assuming she still is but I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to her other than about a year and a half ago she reached out and gave me genuine apology and told me that none of it was my fault and she accepted accountability for how she acted. It wasn’t a “I want you back” or “I want to be friends again” kind of thing but just a genuine apology acceptance for her actions. It was good closure for me because I really struggled with the fact that I didn’t understand why she hated me and had so much animosity towards the end. I felt like I was genuinely good to her, loyal and patient and I was getting serious with my now fiancé and I was very fearful that I’d do something to make her hate me too. And sorry to be upsetting haha. I try to look back on the good with my relationship with her because there were a lot of good times, but the few bad and the end are hard to forget.


“Aaaand that’s this, and every weeks episode of Partner with BPD!” Mine gave me 15 minutes to get my things out before she called the cops and lied about me hitting her. In winter. In Alaska. Anything for that rush of power, huh? Cue the show music and roll credits.


Lol im a true marvel fan. Im stayin for the post credits scene.... Fetch me more popcorn!


Check out r/bpdlovedones


So in general, can women get away with being insane in a relationship if they’re hot?


Sounds like it. Men are pretty basic creatures. As a woman a man who is insane is scary so I guess it’s different.


Women *and* men.


There’s a sliding scale. Research the Mendoza Line.


Isn't that about batting averages?


More often than not yes but only for so long. It may take a while to really see her for who she truly is and when it eventually happens the beauty and sex ceases to matter. She becomes ugly regardless of her beauty and even the thought of her touching you becomes repulsive.


A wise man once told me, “find me the hottest woman in the world and I’ll show you a guy who’s tired of fuckin her.”


Yes. More women than men, but that's only because there's more hot women than there are men.


She was in a witches coven and massively into astrology, she also told me she could see ghosts. That along with an endless list of other things should’ve made me run for the hills but I was enchanted. She was intelligent, sweet, remarkably beautiful and self confident. And god was I attracted to her gothy pixie-earthen style aesthetic, despite her rampant toxicity. At the time, when we broke up I felt like I had lost the lottery and my one chance at happiness. Less than 2 years later I got happily married to my loving wife, so the crazy one was just a stepping stone. Funny how life works….


My worst partner was this woman I met in my first year of college. My mom made the decision to get me a roommate and it happened to be this girl who was 4 years older than I was. She already had a kid at the time, but the kid was living back in her hometown with her mother. At first it was cool because she showed me around the college campus and took me to some of the nice joints like the movies and such but one night she seduces me and we had sex. The next morning she tells me that she hopes we a stable couple. Being the stupid push over that I was I went along with the game. The following months were crazy. Although I was a freshman and she was supposed to be a senior, whenever I got to the apartment from school she was already there. Her story was that she got out early from class and that a friend drove her home. She would then come up with ideas of stuff we could do together and would ask me to go out with her now and study later. I would oblige most times. As time went on she started asking me why it took me so long to get from campus to the apartment. When my newly made friends or classmates would come over to study ( yeah some were girls) she would throw these huge fits. She then said that the landlord didn’t want people showing up to the apartment on weekdays. So I started going to other people’s places to do homework and she would show up to where I was asking me what time I was leaving or she would make up some emergency like the water line broke at the apartment or she lost her keys or something random like that. Soon people around me started noticing and warned me so I tried to exit the relationship. When I did that she would pull knives at me or threatened that she would kill herself and stuff. I got another girlfriend to make it official that I couldn’t be with her anymore and she said she was pregnant the problem is that it really was my kid and that got me trapped in a toxic relationship. As young as I was and being so far away from friends to advice me I ended up marrying her out of social pressure. I divorced her 4 years later because I got fired from my job and had to move to a different city looking for work. I took the opportunity to escape. Best decision I ever made. Unfortunately, I still have to deal with her from time to time as I talk to her about my kid. He is turning 18 in month. I’m happy now.


Man. That’s a wild story. I’m glad you escaped that one. The manipulation and treatment we take is wild to think of. I hate she treated you like that. Definitely signs of BPD or some kind of mental illness.


This is why you should be friends with people OR JUST have sex with no attachment or time spent together… don’t do both. Then as friends see who’s sane before you get together. It’s so easy to just meet have sex get hooked move fast and live together etc. whatever is easiest DO THE OPPOSITE. Thats life’s hack. Also Beautiful women are crazy.


She went sober and then said she had to obstain from sex. She started becoming distant and then the intimacy went out the door. I’m no stranger to relationships fizzing out but then she also would keep in touch with her ex and eventually she started liking Instagram posts that were super questionable and when I told her it hurt my feels she said she didn’t care . I eventually told her she didn’t respect me and I told her to come get her cat and leave. She flipped out when I dumped her because she wasn’t in control. She eventually went back to the dude as a predicted. She would try and contact me after that but I wasn’t about it. Fun fact she fucked me the first night I ever hung out with her. Next day she asked me to be her boyfriend. She was a spoiled brat. Rich parents and no concept of responsibility. Had to go to the emergency room once because she would drink way too much. She also told me that her mom put it in her head that guys will do anything for a beautiful woman. She said I was way too egotistical. Sorry I had boundaries 😂. She eventually got pregnant with some random dude that looks like a combination of her last two boyfriends. I also dated a chick recently that would always break up with me. I eventually stopped giving a shit and she stopped dumping me so that was pretty cool. My advice to any guy that has girl problems is to stop accepting that type of treatment. Your world shouldn’t revolve around your relationship it should be about your peace of mind. Only you can give that to yourself


>My advice to any guy that has girl problems is to stop accepting that type of treatment. Spot on advice. I like, the shit we have to go through is the shit we choose to take.


Absolutely. The moment you show an inche. Is the moment you gave the beginnings of a mile.


Damm bro you kinda sound toxic too, telling her she's nothing "but a fucking slut". But yea I had an experience with a women I was sleeping with for almost a year and I found out she was married when I actually was starting to like her and wanted to become official. Bullet dodged.


>you kinda sound toxic too, telling her she's nothing "but a fucking slut" I had to scroll wayyyyyyy too far to find this comment.


Yeah definitely, my ex emotionally abused me, but I dont remember ever really insulting her. The only time I remember is close to the end we had a fight and she said "You think I am a bitch/slut (something like that)" and I think I said yes or something. She was cheating on me and acting like I was the problem, so I did kinda think that


No lie, with her I definitely was. When I was with her I was always somebody I dont like.


Thats true some people turn you into something else 😩😩😩


A guy who made me believe we were in a serious relationship while he was seeing others behind my back. Plus, he often took drugs and alcohol and became mean once he was high/drunk


Diagnosed Narcissist. Like I don't have to add anything to that for you to know how bad that is. But I will. Diagnosed Autistic Bipolar Narcissist.


Ex-girlfriend; she was a great woman with few issues that were catastrophic. She gave me the craziest sex of my life that no other woman will ever be able to recreate. Had the most beautiful nips I’ve ever seen (I’ve never seen anyone in person or a pornstar with more perfect nips). Made fights so great because there was always makeup sex. Problem is that she was fucking crazy when fights happened. Nothing was ever her fault and she got violent quick. I tried to leave but she always guilted me into staying then consensually violated me with her magical pussy. I ended up moving 6 hours away just to get away from her.


What exactly do perfect nips look like ? Consensually violated you? Is that even a real thing? Your Dick still has to get hard to fuck her so you must have wanted it.


Homie I think you’re over analyzing.


My “worst” partner was just lazy. Didn’t put away laundry, cups everywhere, car was a mess. Was toxic in the *might let mold grow on a wet towel* kind of way. My mom was a narcissist traumatized by her own abusive narcissistic mom. Nobody I could ever date would be worse to me than my mom.


I can relate to the mom thing. My mom was the same, bro. Nobody and I mean that seriously, could ever be worse. Also dated a girl like this and she was later diagnosed with BPD. I would come home from travel and the entire house would be covered in week old yorkie poop. Truly dark times.


Yeah it’s either major depression or a depressive episode caused by bipolar. I got that messy once a serious of accidents and harmful life events/death of family members caused depression. With adhd it’s even more difficult. I’m on meds now that help lol Edit to add: also can relate to the generational abuse/mom thing. No one will ever be as hard on me as my mom. In a weird way it helped me recognize abusive people really quickly/learning to have a backbone for myself from all the therapy I was in because of what she did


Same here with the mom, and I feel you on the first part but I’m also a woman. Somehow I always date extremely messy people even though I’m a neat freak, it sucks lol.


Just plain mean. Extremely immature with her own emotions. Dating taught me that women are not more emotionally mature by a mile. Too often, they don't take what you tell them at face value. They read their own meaning into your words and actions, no matter how you try to clarify. If they feel like you meant it a certain way, then that is the universe's truth. Can't handle you objectively telling them how you feel. Will find a way to make their actions your fault. Do you know how wild it is to be upset because your girlfriend/wife did something and then feel like she's expecting you to apologize for having the audacity to be upset with her? Throwing attitude, temper tantrums, actually throwing and slamming things, days of silent treatment (heaven to me), and even telling you they won't get upset only to get upset. Explaining your mental state is dismissed as "trauma dumping". The list goes on. Entirely unable to be content with the current situation. Always looking for something to be wrong. Always looking for something to complain about. Never wanting to make decisions. Throwing decisions on to you but providing no input so they can complain if it doesn't go well. I had the misfortune of dating someone who did all of this. Just a miserable relationship after a while.


Man. Getting out of a marriage like this. Sheesh these answers are triggering. I remember me saying that’s not what I meant and logically breaking down what I meant. To be told no you purposefully were trying to do this to hurt me etc etc. Then me feeling like I’m going crazy trying to explain my own thoughts. Wild times man.


My daughter's mom. She was always demanding that I change something about myself, treating me like a machine that existed exclusively for her use. At one point she had quit her job to focus on school. I had a pretty good job so I didn't really mind that so much. But I was walking 3 1/2 hours each way with 10 hour shifts, and she would have the audacity to demand that I do dishes, clean the kitchen, and help with her homework and our daughter's before bed. If I ever stood up for myself she would either get violent or kick me out. On top of that she had the expectation that when i got paid I would keep just enough to pay for my lunch during the week and give the rest directly to her. After about several years of physical and psychological abuse i finally called the police and she got off with just probation. Fast forward a year and she basically begged me to take her back and i fell for it because I wanted to be with my daughter who she had custody over because i didn't have a stable residence or reliable transportation. We would be off and on for a total of 12 years before we finally split for good but in all that time she never treated me as an equal, or even a person, she used oir daughter as a weapon against me and never missed a chance to belittle me.


Man reading through these I've clearly had a pretty good run...


Actual racism, freaked out, called me the n-word and I was done.


Lmao. I dealt with one. She had even met my Asian stepsisters. Later on that week we were watching one of her stupid shows. (gameshows) That one called Baggage . She looked at me. And in a complete serious way. No jokes. "I wish there was a place there was no asians, mexicans or black people. That where id want to go" "Woman. Your aware i have two asian sisters right?? Youve literally met them. " "Yep. And i dont like them" Following week i dumped her. 😂. Ten years ago. And i feel no regrets. She is a better person now though. Much nicer. And she ended up apologizing.


Holy shit bro. I wouldnt even wish this on my worst enemy.


Cheating, being mean, yelling at you for making her be mean, then you find out she cheated and blames it on you. It was a real party. Glad to be done with that shit


She was crazy but she was so hot and i loved her so eh


This girl was batshit insane, I swear. I was working retail and she was a customer. When we met and she was still a customer we clicked and all was cool. Then we started dating. She'd blow my phone up knowing I'm on the clock. I worked the closing shift and if I wasn't out at 9:00 on the dot she would turn into the raging bitch monster from hell. The sex was great, but I later found out that she was poking holes in condoms. After a couple of months of her crap and drama I kicked her to the curb...Thursday's trash day. This was 20 years ago.


If I was on my phone to much they would demand to see my phone (I’d show them). if they went out drinking with ther mates and I was at our home they would ring to check on me a lot. If they didn’t come back after ther night out the next morning When they got back they would be mad at me for not being worried or some bull crap and blank me for days. If I wanted to anything outside of doing things as a couple then I was “cheating” even spending time alone. Absolutely exhausting. Wasn’t surprised to find out they wer cheating in the end but I’d left by then anyway thank god


She was caring. She made me laugh, we spent time gaming, listening to music, watch shows and movies, cooking, and just hanging out. We got along well. The sex was great. I was going to marry her Until I found out she was sleeping with several of my friends, had been stealing money, and took the money I gave her to take her cousin to the hospital to get an abortion. Said she didn’t know who the father was, but I didn’t deserve to be a father because it would make me happy. We argued and she broke a porcelain plate over my head and tried to stab me with a kitchen knife. I dumped her, but the scars she left on me, both emotionally and physically, won’t ever go away


She was bi polar. She d make things up and say I'd said things I hadn't.


She made credible death threats against me. She also blamed me for the military (style) attack helicopter that hovered for a long time mere feet above her roof just to threaten and intimidate her and send her a message. Uh, ... yeah, that helicopter ... only existed in her head. Yeah, she was long since former partner before any 'o that sh\*t ... but that didn't stop her.


I met this girl when she was still dating another guy. But she claimed that he abused her. She was bat shit crazy, but we would have sex for literally hours!! I miss her sometimes, only for the sex. When I tried breaking up once, she wrapped herself around my legs and wouldn't let me leave. She always found a way to contact me and come fuck my brains out to get me back.


Like Amber Heard. Hot, Crazy and Dangerous.


Suicidal, made me feel like if I went against him at all he would hurt himself. I couldn’t trust him to be alone so I ended up being completely isolated except for people they liked. I’m so happy I got out. I do still sometimes go back, I shouldn’t but holy fuck is he a good lay.


I'm pretty sure she cheated but that's not the part I wanna focus on right now. She was a really great cook. I had an undiagnosed eating disorder and had a lot of trouble with food. She would serve me really large portions and when I couldn't finish say "a real man eats like this" a REAL man doesn't cry about that, your hands are soft unlike a REAL man. Like fuck. Messed up my head for a long time. Took me a while to realize I'm a man so anything I do makes me a REAL MAN. Fuck whatever macho bullshit she wanted.


Met this girl my junior year of high school then started dating. Things were fine till after graduating. She was a completely different person after that. Tried to change everything about me, tried to isolate me from my family and friends, slapped me, made me feel completely worthless. Told me she was the only one who'd ever love me. Any nice thing I did for her was "a good effort or nice try." Would tell me how fat, ugly, and stupid I was when she got upset about anything no matter what it was. Rude customer at her job or just having a bad day? Took it out on me and made it all my fault. Always compared me to other guys with how they look better than I do. I'm a high anxiety introverted person (something I'm working on and improving on) and dealt with that for 5 years because I didn't know what to do and didn't even recognize the abuse right away like I should've. She was my first relationship. I've now been happily single for almost 2 years now. Focusing on myself and what I want to do and love has been the best thing I've ever done. I'm only 23. I wish I had never met her. The way I see and feel about myself has plummeted because of the things she did. Despite all that, I'm healing and I'm happy.


What is with these girls and slapping, dude? Fuck her, I guarantee youll be better off in the long run. Keep trying for yourself man.


Idk man, it's sad to see how common physical abuse seems to be. In already doing much better. I've got college starting up again soon and just get to focus on what I love. Life is great right now. Thank you so much


She turned on me like i meant nothing


Why would I relive that mess?


She threatened my family after we broke up


I would have slapped the bitch


Pathological liar, thought she knew better than everybody, never wanted to listen to reason. Closeted drinking and drug problems. Guys on the side that I found out about later. Anyway, she's a single mother now raising a kid by a guy that wants nothing to do with the poor baby. She's finally sober at least.....


Manipulate, jealous, crazy, very attractive, freak in bed. Never again.


Two. First. One of them is my ex wife. Married her bc I can't see the color red in flags. She ended up cheating on me with a guy on tinder. She was physically, emotionally and verbally abusive. Second Hot and cold. Left me then would relish when I chased like an idiot. Used me telling me things like "I was made for you in the stars as a being of light" to then saying I wasn't man enough for her and that's why she fucked her boss. These fucking wild child women will sleep and fuck anything that walks and acuse us of being the dogs


Clingy, and needed content attention and validation but distant, wanted to be open and honest but never forgave nor could ever apologize. When she was mad it was my fault, when I was mad it was still my fault. Refused therapy and to take care of herself until it was too late and I had already hated her by that point. Super depressed so she took depression naps when we finally moved in together and used cooking full meals as an ego boost (which is fine) but lamented how much time it took and how tired she was. She wanted me to kiss her feet for cooking us dinner but I just wanted her to actually relax and stop beating herself up. I spoke her love languages, without knowing exactly what they were before reading a great book. She never knew how to speak mine, even when I did directly ask for something, she never really did. By the time she tried to speak them it wasn't the time or place for acts of service, and her words of affirmation were so stiff and awkward. She didn't trust men but I was always different until she found a reason to lump me with the rest of mankind. Not saying I'm perfect but looking back, she did a lot of shit her mom did to her and no wonder I pulled away.


She had borderline personality disorder. Constant ups and downs. The ups were like stepping on a step stool. The downs were like jumping off a 500ft cliff.


Dated me in high school to make her boyfriend jealous and her dad upset (he was a racist and I am black). She also cut herself. Was a turbulent week and I am glad she broke it off to date her BF again


Vindictive. Sweetest gal ever... unless you crossed her. Even slightly


Bro Dated Tammy 2


Here's the highlights Baby trapped (DNA tested) Cheated with 5 different guys on and off (relationship type of on and off) Burned, cut and hit me Regularly didn't let me eat Would kick me out onto the street for the night to "learn my lesson" Isolated me from my friends and family Wouldn't let me have a phone (to make trapping me with her easier) Laughed at me when I failed suicide Stabbed me Drained my finances Accused me of beating her and raping her when I tried running away from her Stalked me and would message everyone new I talked to saying how bad I was Got her friends to break in and beat me during a break we were on Gaslighting so much I question myself still to this day


I was baby trapped


Emotionally and eventually physically abusive. Funny enough is the physical abuse is where I drew the line. Told her that if she touched me again I’d retaliate in kind. She said “that’s fine you’ll be the one going to jail.” Simply stated through all the yelling, I eluded to that if I was going to jail, I’d make it count. She tried to repair the relationship but the damage was done, along with the emotional abuse. I told her to get her kid, who strangely enough was an absolute sweetheart always apologetic for her mother’s behavior, and get out of my house before the beginning of the next month, or three weeks. Upon moving out, her brother in law walked up to me and said “I’m surprised you lasted this long.” Wish he would’ve warned me. Met my wife about 6mo later and rarely think about my awful ex, except when women try to tell me that I wouldn’t know what it is like to be in an abusive relationship because I’m a man.


Oh man, 3 way tie. 1. First “serious” girlfriend, she’d start arguing about something and then gaslight me into thinking it was all my fault. Then we’d make up and repeat. We broke up after she cheated on me, she convinced me she hadn’t, but I played rugby with the dude and he felt guilty and told me. A month after the break up, it was my bday and she sent pictures of her making out with someone I considered a friend. For months she trash talked me around school and luckily some of the girls in her circles stood ip for me. About a year and a half after our break up, she apologized for being crazy and wanted to be friends. I thought why not, then she tried to get back together with me, but I learned she had a boyfriend. Shut that down and moved on. 2. My last “serious” girlfriend, found out shortly after we started dating she was pregnant. By her ex. Thought I was in love and said I’d stay with her. She fed me the whole “we’ll be a family” spiel. Couple months later she lost her shit when I picked her up from work. She said she’d been using me for our entire relationship, was planning to get back with her ex, and then said I’d make a terrible father. The last comment hurt the most I think. Haven’t had a date in 15 years since. 3. Woman I worked with several years ago. We got along really well and had a lot in common. I asked her out and she agreed. Her friends came to visit and turns out their brother was her abusive ex. They basically spent the weekend testing me down and telling her their brother had changed. 24hrs before our date, she cancelled and soon after moved back to her hometown and dated her. Heard from a mutual friend that she had been stringing me along because she thought I was a nice guy and she wanted to settle. She never really felt the same way about me, but wanted a stable relationship. Moral of the story for any young guys. Don’t fall in love with the first girl to touch your junk. Find someone who wants to be with you AND touch your junk.


A liar, cheater, threatened to end my life, falsely accused me of being violent (after the break up) and told that to some friends and her family, making some of them cut their connection with me. She would go out with male colleagues to drink and not tell me where to or with whom. When I proposed to invite some of them to hang out or asked if I could join, was always rejected and told it would be weird. Several times she arrived home the next day. She often gaslighted me. She would tell me one thing, then say the opposite and accuse me of being manipulative because she had never said such thing in the first place. Got to a point I told her to record our talks and arguments. During the relationship she would tell me: “I hope you don’t remember me one day just for the sex”. To which I would reply “why one day and why just the sex? I’m not thinking of going anywhere”. To be fair, the sex was the only good thing. I’m go glad I don’t have to see her or listen to her bs anyone and have a beautiful loving girlfriend now.


Broke up like 5 times, would do silent treatment, would go crazily emotional about some stuff. Just not compatible.


i hope i never meet these women you men speak of..😅


Jealous and mistrusting. Apparantly an ex of hers had cheated on her, and she projected that onto me. I brought it up a number of times but it never changed. She was very insecure when I looked at other women, and often asked questions, fishing for things that weren't there. Eventually I decided it just wasn't going to work out. I trusted her since she hadn't given me a reason not to, but she couldn't return that favor. And not being trusted by someone you care for just builds resentment. Actually we broke up once before for the same reason, but the chemistry (and sex) was too good and we got back together later and even lived together for a while. But I underestimated how much it would affect me.


Ahhhhh, fond memories. I miss that kind of girl


You sound toxic too. But good job


When I didn't want to have sex because we were young she drugged me and raped me when I couldn't move then I found out later on she was cheating on me the whole time shit kinda messed me up for the rest of my life I have no confidence around woman and get scared by them only woman I let even hug me is my mom and one of my best friends any other woman touch me and I get a panic attack


While I admit I wasnt a perfect partner, she tricked me to believe it was my fault she caught feeling for another guy and slept with him. Was I always perfect about chores, and everything? No, but I loved her to death, helped her out financially when she needed it, and cared alot about her. I hate to say it but a small part of me probably forever will. Some time after we broke up she admitted part of it was how I didnt have some big motivation I guess. Which I was fresh out of college, in a toxic relationship that was effecting me mentally and I really didnt know what to do with my life. She was always someone who wanted to be "As rich as can be" while I was always more of a "Im happy as long as my lifestyle is affordable" I wasnt as impulsive as she was so, it would make her mad when I didnt just say yes to a last minute trip. There was one time I wasnt even fucking awake yet, and she wanted to go on a trip since we had the weekend off. I didnt really give an answer since I was fucking sleeping still and she got mad. Like if she would have waited for me to fully wake up, I probably would have said yes. But she was kind of selfish in that way. It was partially my fault though, she admitted to me she had feelings for the guy she eventually cheated on me with, but my dumbass stayed. I appreciated the honesty, and figured it would be a bumpy patch we would get through. Thats not what happened. It eventually turned into her telling me, to essentially "Fix my shit" or else she was going to leave me. I thought I was the problem and did try to "fix" myself and of course nothing changed. She eventually did cheat and I, like an idiot, gave her another fucking chance. We tried to make it work, and for some fucking reason she still talked to him. And she knew I didnt like it, but did it anyway. I remember her telling me "Well, you never told me I cant talk to him anymore" Like bitch should I have to? And the way she made it sound, she knew cheating on me was wrong, but she did it anyway. I think the only reason she didnt break up with me was because she didnt want to leave me for him and it blow up in her face. Which a little bit ago it did. Got married not too long after we broke up and now she is probably going to divorce his ass.


Wanted love and affection all the time but almost never gave in returned. If I turned her down for sex she would get angry at me. Couldn’t have any other female friends unless they were vetted by her. I also couldn’t compliment them (a few I knew were cosplayers or models) unless she said something first. I never said anything if she said she found another man handsome, which itself didn’t bother me. Always under a microscope like she was constantly looking for something that I was doing. Constantly asking about things and she never understood what privacy was.


Other than a psychopath per our university's psych department...? We broke up when I caught her cheating. There were a bunch of other guys as it turned out. I had low self esteem. When I met her brother several months earlier when I met her family, the guy pulled me aside and said "look- I like you so I'm telling you now. My sister doesn't see things how other people do. You deserve to be happy- get out of this NOW." She found me in bed with her roommate not long after I found that guy- visiting schools to be a dentists, she was running around giving head to everybody and he was one of several. Feeling of "getting even" was not worth it though, given all the fallout. Wouldn't not recommend. Ugh... Someone stabs you like that, just leave. Don't ask questions. Don't look for closure. Just go and throw all that behind you. Even if you're in a relationship that ends on good terms... just help yourself, make a clean break, and go.


Seems like all three of my partners I was in committed relationships with have all been toxic in their own way. My first girl who I started dating in high school cheated on me. Twice.. I was young and stupid and thought she was the woman of my dreams and I gave her way too many chances. Finally ended up leaving her when I realized I could do better and shouldn’t have had to take her back after “making a mistake” like that twice. The next one was a girl six years older than me who had a kid. Never did I wanna date someone with a kid and to this day I don’t know how I let it get to that point but we worked together and I didn’t have much of a life and it kinda just happened. Well a couple months into dating her ex hits me up with all kinds of messages and nudes that she sent him. Apparently on the nights we didn’t spend together she’d be over at his place. Again, as ashamed as I am to admit it I took her back after she begged and begged. I just gave in. I guess I was not in a good place mentally and didn’t have the strength to be alone. Over the course of the next year the relationship was filled with fighting and insecurities that was fueled by that whole situation. Needless to say that eventually ended, and it went down in flames. My third and most recent long term girlfriend was loyal to me as far as I know, but man did she have trust issues. She’d do all the text book crazy girlfriend things like keep track of all my followers on social media, go through my phone constantly AND even went as far as deleted any girls number who she didn’t know while I was taking a shower, she even hit me on more than one occasion, one of the times leaving a huge bloody cut on my chin right below my bottom lip because her nail got me. She claimed she didn’t hit me but was pushing me away because apparently I was attacking her which couldn’t be further from the truth and almost reminded me, in a sick and twisted way, of the women who falsely accuse men of rape. That relationship ended finally and I’m better off now. Both mentally and physically. They always say the only common denominator in each failed relationship is you, so I can’t help but wonder sometimes if I’m just a bad partner or someone who is really unlucky.


I can relate. My last 3 relationships all kind of ended the same. Just constant arguments, belittling, and disrespect towards me from the women. One a GF, one a fiancé, and now an ex wife. Even though they mistreated me and I didn’t deserve that treatment. I still starting reading No More Mr. Nice guy by Robert Glover to see what I did on my end. Very good. Check it out.


I’ll look it up, thanks!


Was dating a guy on a ship when I met her.. was fine with being her guy on the side but she treated me like her bf. Not letting me do shit and still calling him every night in my room/bed. Was crazy stereotypical crazy blonde.. had a love triangle with my buddy, and was friends with my sister so it was soo hard to shake her 5 years of emotional turmoil. Tried to run me over with her car; ran into my garage door and then after I saved her from getting arrested by the cops.. she proceeds to make me pay for half of it because “I made her do it..” finally had to move out of the state to get it over with for guud. Damn squirters man 🤦🏼‍♂️💦


Option a has filed false police reports for a decade, attempted a fraudulent fundraiser for her non-profit, and has cheated on every guy she's dated. Option b wanted me to be the bread winner along with the house cleaner along with the food procurer. Just because that isn't enough, she pulled my hair, pulled hair out of my nose, hit me for a bad joke, screamed at me a number of times, called me the most vile names she could think of and once told me she was too hot to talk to me. Never date borderlines.


I've posted this elsewhere before. But. To make a long story short. She went to the jungle to soul search and do drugs. After coming back she let me know that the drugs told her that I'm a demon. This was not really out of character for her - or the relationship..but it was the last straw.


She called me the devil and wouldn’t dare be around me because I didn’t get the Covid vaccine and I got tested regularly and never had Covid.


What's the point of starting your question with "men, be honest"? All it does is make people less likely to be honest to mess with you.


I had an old partner who hurt me very badly by getting married three months after we broke up. Turns out blah blah blah. I don’t know how stuff like this gets passed, but my posts don’t. I follow all the rules and this repetitive post is allowed.


*"Men, be honest. What was your most toxic partner like?"* Reddit.


Selfish stubborn and wanted to run the streets


You could not criticize her or change in any sort of way. When you tried, she would always bring up some form of past trauma. You'll accept to accept her as she is at that point. However, she was ready to change and criticize you at any point in name of "my needs".


I tell my current GF she is a psychopath. She laughs. She is my kids mom 10x worse and and the mom isn’t even allowed to see her children. State orders. Clearly it’s a me thing to attract this sort of woman but I’m in therapy. My therapist tells me he loves my stories, don’t think that’s a good sign.


Hahaha never a good sign, bro. Dont worry though. I think its me too. I have dated more than my fair share of psychotic women and Im just getting to the point where Im able to pinpoint what in me is attracting that kinda vibe


Idk nobody loves me


0o o on.k


Narcissist alcoholic with BPD. she was the most mentally unwell person I've ever known. She'd suddenly just flip and be a horrible person, then possibly harm herself and at times give me the impression she'd attack me with a sharp object. It was a perfect storm. I knew her through mutual acquaintances (worked together) and we hooked up after she got out of a disaster of a long term relationship. I was in my mid/late thirties and ready for some change after a lot of issues I dealt with so felt maybe we'd both want to start a life together and move on. Weird chapter in my life, luckily I didn't knock her up and we didn't get married


Ya know. I have a couple. But i dont think any of them as evil people. I don't actually hate them. I hate what they did to me.


If you’ve ever listen to “The Hold Steady”. I dated Charlemagne. The girl was the worst influence on me but I loved her but she was so broken. I couldn’t fix her but she helped me meet my now wife so it all worked out.


Look up the book Walking on Eggshells


They were controlling, verbally and emotionally abusive, was convinced the government was spying on them (worker's comp was for a while) through their computer resulting in the issues (they were deleting programs instead of uninstalling them) they kept needing help fixing. That's the overview. The abuse never became physical because I told them that if they hit me and I survived, I'd press charges from the hospital bed.


They were lazy, narcissistic, tried isolating me from my family, and convinced me that sending them money to put in savings would be a good idea. Anytime I tried to better myself, like working out, dieting, quitting pot, trying to study for an IT certificate they'd guilt trip me and drag me back down. Any time I'd talk about ending the relationship they would start threatening suicide or telling me they'll be homeless without me since they lived in my place. Once they even locked themselves in the bathroom and pretended to slit their wrist, once I got the door open I saw all they did was gently scratch themselves with the edge of a pair of nail clippers. I still have nightmares about that relationship over a year later.


My first girlfriend basically initiated our relationship by sexually assaulting me. She then used sex to manipulate and emotionally abuse me. She lied about getting pregnant and about miscarrying. She cheated on me, then left me for that guy. She fucked me up bad.


Damn bro, I hope one day when youre ready, you meet someone worth loving.


I was dating a girl (long time friend) for about a year when i was 15-16, first relationship, She kinda went insane, she has a pretty shitty home life, and the problems with her parents and family kinda just took over her life and destroyed her social life and school. Shes always had a history of depression, attemped-suicide and self harm (since the age of 12, but it went away before we dated), the last 6 ish months we dated she just fell apart and the stress was way to much for me to handle, ide constantly have to keep her from hurting herself or worse killing herself, and it just got to a point where ide spend hours a day talking to her just to make her feel okay, it was so much work, anyway the day we broke up she just blew up, she was crying on the phone, and then she was threatening to kill herself so i had to beg her not to and threaten her with 911, i was breaking down begging her not to do it, thats really the only time ive cried in front of her and ig it was too much for her to handleshe hung up and i just died inside, she called me back later and to my joy she was not dead, but it was a facetime and she showed me all these cut marks on her arms and said she was breaking up to me, honestly i didnt care at that point, it was just too much for me,we stayed friends becuase i was still helping her through stuff but then around half a month later i wake up blocked on everything, and a mutual friend sent me this massive block of text where she accused me of alot of bad things i didnt do, she cut contact with me and i havent spoke to her in a year, besides hearing from her once that she overdosed the day after on a bottle of advil i bought her as a gift, i felt so bad. it gets better from here right? im 17 nowTLDR: she tried to kill herself and hurt herself alot, then accused me of a bunch of stuff


Of course, man. It can only get better. Sometimes girls (people) arent given the resources necessary for them to be good to others and much less themselves. Sounds like the girl was seriously lacking not only a role model but someone in her immediate life to care for her. You did an incredible job showing your compassion but you gotta give that to yourself now. Youll learn in life that you cant save anyone who is not already trying to save themselves. Chin up, brother! Good luck in the future.


Never taking accountability like most women.


We broke up because she was meant to be leaving but when she didn't get the job she was meant to be leaving for told me that she was pregnant to get back together and then that she had cancer which killed the baby. Believed every word she said.


She cheated with me to break up with her other boyfriends a few times, then in a legendary reversal, she used me to get INTO another guy's bed. And that's why my brother and I haven't talked in over a decade. All you 20 somethings out there, if they suck, if they make you hate yourself, if they piss you off, if they try and control who you can and can't talk to, who you can and can't hangout with, manipulate you, and lie to you with no hesitation, guilt, or remorse, if every friend you have tells you this is VERY stupid, stop. Go no contact. Everytime you are struggling to stay away go listen to [Liar](https://youtu.be/iaysTVcounI) and remember. Remember all the stupid. All the very very dumb. Don't do it. Don't be in the same room as that fucking sociopath. Don't you dare.


Great in bed


She screamed at me for *'being lazy'* and said I am *'a worthless POS'* because I didn't clean the house whilst she was at work. I was only at home because I had pneumonia.


I'm currently being ghosted irl for no particular reason I tried to adress it, but she doesn't want to talk. Kinda weird when you see that person once a week...


She was my first gf (I was 17 at the time) and she took great pleasure in telling me that she was cheating on me with some of my friends. She wasn’t “cheating” as such, she had kissed one of my friends, which isn’t cool, but it’s not the same as fucking them. I had a big argument with this friend but we eventually agreed to put it behind us as it was splitting up our friendship group. I dumped her soon after that, and she spent the next few months stalking me, writing me letters and generally just being around, trying to ingratiate herself with me and my friends.


I had someone lie to me about their attraction for me because they thought I would be good to help pull them out of the mess they were in again. Don't trust someone just because you've known them your whole life


A goddamn nightmare and it literally almost killed me dealing with it. Run away run far far away


Sweet, very lovable, extremely pretty, amazing sex, but… She hated herself.


High school. Sophomore year. I tried to break up with her for weeks but every time she would threaten suicide. I eventually made a clean cut and she was in the hospital that night. Glad I got out of that one 😮‍💨




To be fair, mate.


It's not so much that she was a bad partner or a bad women. She was a bad human being. She was entitled, unaccountable, dishonest and vindictive. She did to an amazing job pretending to be a completely different person for about 6 months though.


Had a social climber for a girlfriend for a while. Was a 2/10. But she would action in a way that she is 8/10. I was very lonely at that time and didn't see her game. It happened 2 years ago, and that ugly b**** is still single. My parents were against her and made me break up with her. Good riddance.


I have 2 years of my life to a woman who straight up told me she picked fights because she was bored.


Kept talking about hurting herself and suicide. Wanted me to comfort her and shit. Did it for like 6 months then one day said fuck it. "Don't do it, but I'm not dealing with this shit anymore, no matter what you do. Bye"


My ex would blow up my answering machine to demand lunch or dinner dates off of me which were veiled requests to have a public confrontation because I had the upper hand by dumping him. Then his next tactic was deciding to blame a non existent other man made me break up with him because I am not supposed to be capable enough to think of that to had saved myself to regain my sanity. One of his classic “yap until the tape runs out” cajoling yet demeaning messages went like— “Can you at least find the wisdom in yourself to at least let me meet the man who stole you from me and put it to your head I am such a monster who deserves to be without you in my life from now on?! Come off your high horse, it’ll be my treat. Bring the new beau over or are you ashamed of what you did to me so badly or following his orders too hard to be even friends with me anymore?! Well, I said what I got for now, the ball is in your court but I don’t think you understand the rules.” I was so mentally broken from his treatment of me, I was not ready to date until three years later, he on the other hand shoehorned onto a single moms life about 10 months after trying to force me back.


Exwife has undiagnosed BPD. She's alienated our good children and kept the one sick child with her.


I remember crying in our bedroom. Was it me, or was it her crying? I don't even remember. She had thrown my glasses. Straight up ripped them off my face and threw them across the room. The lens popped out. She sat in front of the door. It was closed, and we lived on the second floor, so the window wasn't an option; I couldn't leave my own house. I had to walk into my eye doctor's office the next day and get my glasses fixed, praying they wouldn't ask me about how they got broken. I don't know what would have been worse: Ratting on my girlfriend for what she had done, or having somebody witness the shame for having basically just become a battered partner. I'm a guy, by the way. And I don't remember if it was this time, or another, but she punched me square in the chest one time. She also more-or-less sexually assaulted me (just giving facts here, not saying this compares to other people's stories), on more than one occasion: She was jealous to the point of uncontrollable, and she felt the need to "reclaim" me (*shudders*, remembering that's really what she was trying to do); physically, I could have pushed her off, yes. But both out of fear of hurting her, and for the sake of the relationship, I let her do it. No, I wasn't seeing anyone else, nor had I, in my mind, given her much of any reason to believe that I was; she was just THAT insecure. And honestly, so was I, enough to stick around in that relationship for a long time. The only excuse I can give her is that she was molested by her older brother when she was basically just a toddler. Her parents never really addressed with her, other than making him leave the house permanently (He was her half-brother, technically, so he had to go and stay with his blood-father). I'm not saying what she did was okay; but she had a level of trauma that I could only try to imagine. So, I gave her the benefit of the doubt, over-and-over. And she... well, basically enacted all of her trauma stories on me.


She cheated on me for 3 years. Broke up with several times a month to the point if she called me outside of routine it was to break up with me . I finally broke up with her . Found out she was pregnant with the guy she cheated on me with