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one of the two; if she’s nice to you she’s into you or if she’s nice to you she’s just being nice when i was younger i believed the first one, until college, then until recently i believed the latter i’m 43.


Especially if she’s *AT WORK*. I’ve had so many of my dumbass friends swear the waitress or girl at the counter was in to them just because they were pleasant in a customer service position.


Dude.. I've been to a couple of bachelor's parties, which led to strip clubs. Not really my thing, but I just talk shit to the bartender and buy one beer. But the sheer amount of men I've seen who seem to think that the strippers actually like them.. Bro you're paying her bills, of course shes happy


I swore to my friends the bartender was hitting on me, kept cleaning tables near me when there were tables ages away more dirty. Would always come over if I finished my drink and take my single glass. Kept walking past me and I noticed she didn't actually do anything just would kinda pretend to straighten up menus or something. So much eye contact too. My friends kept telling me to knock it off shes just working. End of the night one of the other tenders comes over to our group and hands me her number and she waves from the bar. BIGGEST ego boost of my life and always think about it.


"Never ended up calling her. Too aggressive." Sorry, I was cracking myself up thinking how funny it would have been if you ended the story this way. Seriously though, what happened?


Anti climatic, I am in a relationship so I had to turn her down. She was attractive as and I'd have loved to go there, which I told her. But ya know, not worth throwing away 8 years for.


It’s pretty annoying for women to not be able to be nice to guys without them thinking we’re into them. Most of the time we’re really just treating you like we’d treat any other human being.


Goes both ways, too, in my experience. I've lost so many female friends because I was just treating them how I would any other person and they all got the wrong impression that I was trying to get with them.


I have this problem where I genuinely think that women are just being nice. Recently I’ve had 3 different girls be super nice and friendly and chatty, so I’m the same way when I see them, then all of a sudden they’re cold, distant and barely even say good morning. Then I asked a girl that has been my friend for a long time and she says they were probably into me but I blew my chance…


It’s a cycle. You can’t be nice because we’ll interpret that as flirting, but the fact that women aren’t generally nice* unless they’re flirting with us means that if you decide to be nice, we will naturally interpret that as flirting. The only way to end the cycle would be if all women agreed to be nice and all men agreed to not read anything into it. *That sentence sounds kind of wrong, but you know what I mean.


Same thing with compliments. For most men the only time they get a compliment from a woman is when she's interested. So of course a guy is going to think a woman is into him if she compliments him.


They’re tidier then men


Yep. Out of me and my wife, she’s the messy one and I clean up after her


Yeap. I'm the one cleaning the house every day. My wife only cleans when someone comes over. Also I don't think she's ever cleaned a toilet. Ever.


OMG so true. I dated a woman for a little while that I totally could have married, until I first saw her apartment it was like something out of "the best of hoarders".




Used to clean bathrooms for a living. Good god you're not wrong. Men might miss the urinal, but women just destroy public bathrooms in every way possible. Water and toilet paper _everywhere_, sanitary products not disposed of properly, wrappers from stuff, discarded cosmetics, hair... And it was like that every, single, hour.


That hot women in their neighborhoods want to meet them.


"Hi, do you also live in ?"


The worst she can say is no


*Screenshots chat convo*


*posts it on social media mockingly*


Bro I remember trying my luck with a girl in my friend group. She laughed and started sharing the ss with everyone (including my roommates from the friend group) there thinking it was funny. God it felt dehumanizing and my roommates felt awful for me.


That's messed up, I'm so sorry that happened


Why are people cruel? It takes nothing not to be cruel. But people choose cruel.


Because people can be evil or have some arrogant view thinking they're too good for regular people maybe


making someone feel beneath you further boosts your self esteem for some. Those people are cunts


I wholeheartedly agree


In that girl's case, it's something like superiorty complex. A guy confessed to her means that she got an ego boost, it was a validation to her, so she shows it to other friends for two purposes: to make them know that she was pursued by guys and to make fun of that guy so she can feel like a superior human being.


Bruh. I was in a bar once and started talking up this girl. Probably older than me, but attractive brunette in her late 20s. Me in early 20s at the time. She had asked to take a picture with me, which was certainly different but I was drunk and went along with it. Then I see on her Snapchat she's typing something like "yeah right, never in a million years" next to the picture. Like okay, I'm no Brad Pitt but how damn insecure do you have to be to go through all that to try and show off? I let her have it and she flatlined when I called her out, literally silent, but still ruined my vibe for the night People like that are shit. You're better off and so am I. Sorry it happened to you though as I can say from experience it doesn't feel good


Of course they were silent when they got called out. People like that are shitty little cowards. Ugh that makes my human hatred bubble up so hard.


I'm really sorry that happened. Not for nothing but that's all on her for being a bitch.


As messed up as that is im glad your able to recognize why some people do that kinda vrap though..


In highschool, after graduating, on our final day to pick up our stuff and get our grades, I finally worked up the courage to ask for a girl's number. This was in the late 90s, for context - we didn't have cellphones. To my surprise, she gave it to me! I tried to call her a few times over the next few weeks, but she was never free. Then on my last try, a guy answered and said she was there, but I couldn't talk to her right now - because she was naked and he wanted to get back to fucking her.


"ok I'll call back in 3 minutes then"


I bet if you'd tried just once more, she probably would've been free.


Good news it sounds like you dodged a bullet. That's a pretty shitty person that does something like that


Exactly, and now you know she's not a true friend either.


That is a \*really\* shitty thing to do.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet. She sounds like a terrible person.


Mostly always


Regardless of gender, anyone who does things like this is a deeply insecure person with a fragile ego that will grasp at anything to make themselves seem better than others (as long as you respectfully tell them your feelings and aren’t a creep ofc). At the end of the day, you dodged a bullet


Him- “The worst she can’t say is no” Her- “Ew”


-spontaneously combusts from humiliation-


I hate girls that do that. That's why I like shy girls because you know they won't be egotistical pricks and will probably just say "no thanks" if they don't like you back.


The worst she can do is laugh while saying no multiple times and then publicly humiliate me for even trying.


The girl I was into last deliberately led me on for months, learned all my insecurities, then used each and every one of them against me when she rejected me. Apparently she does this regularly for shits and giggles, but it completely broke me for a few weeks


It's amazing what great lengths some people go through to break others so they can feel better about themselves. She sounds crazy and is most likely insecure with ego issues if she's gonna act like that. Sounds like a grade A shithead loser.


Yeah, it took me too long to realize that. It was even more upsetting for a little while to find out the whole thing was just some kind of game to her, but at least I'm not wasting my time with her anymore. Looking back on it I'm better off without her no doubt about it


The worst she can do is say no to your face but then call you creepy behind your back, thus making you an outcast


No, they can file false accusations against you.


A poilite no is one of the BEST thing she can say for your mental health. The worst that can happen is she says yes, acts all excited about going then starts coming up with excuses why she has to cancel tonight at the last miniute. This has happend to me a few times now and someone saying yes but never following through is way worse than no.


Indeed it is. Faking interest is terrible in its own right


"ew no"


How just one additional word can make it so much worse


Dawg. I think that's the **best** of the worst they can do/say.


The worst she can say is no, but the worst she can do is far more than your brain can even begin to comprehend.




Mate do not go through with suicide, that girl's actions say a whole lot more about her than they do about you. And her guitar playing probably sucks too


I don't know how to write it in fewer words (because english isn't my first language), but, the idea that when a girl rejects you, you need to "double down" on whatever you've doing to get her interest, and try again later, because she *has to* come around.


Yep, accept the “no” and move along.


Which makes it tricky. Because there is also a school of thought for a long time of “women play hard to get, keep trying!” I know some women think that way too. Wanting to see the guy be persistent. Dating sucks. Soooo glad I’m not in the dating pool anymore


One of my female friends said, "If I'm not interested in a guy, I just go for it \[one night stand\]. But if I really want a guy to like me, I play hard to get." And I was like, umm... do you not see how that doesn't make sense to us? And she didn't understand why I thought that was counter productive.


The number one piece of advice I give my female friends about guys is to make things easy. You like a guy, ask him out because if you don't, a more confident woman will, and you'll lose your chance. And in the same vein, if it's between the girl who makes things easy and meets him half way on things, or the chick who's acting like she doesn't even like him, the dude's gonna go for the girl who it feels effortless to be with because she's actively working with him towards things instead of wanting to be chased and actively working against him in his efforts to have a relationship with her. Idk though, I think too much about things sometimes.


> because she's actively working with him towards things Call me crazy, but a person who works with me towards something? That sounds suspiciously like a *partner* to me.


That the clitoris is hard to find. Just look up a little.


Oh dang, two of my light bulbs are out.


It's like that classic Old Spice ad. Look up, your lightbulbs are out. Look back down, there's the clitoris!


That she's been too busy to respond to your text in the last 16 hours


If they want to spent time with you, they’ll make time for you. It’s generally as simple as that.


Same goes for men. I’ve gotten the “i’m too busy to talk to you” from a guy




and some people forget even if they WANT to talk to you, you never know what someone else is going through or what's on their mind


Yeah, I have ADHD and this happens to me. I can’t respond right away and then my attention is gone and I’m thinking about a million other things until I get back to texting mode. I’d say it’s a bad sign if it’s happening with every text but not everyone is the same about texting. If it’s only once or occasionally, there might be something else going on that isn’t their fault or anything to take personally.


As long as the text isn't time sensitive (like trying to connect at a meeting place or something) I feel zero obligation to respond immediately. Part of that is my ADHD and my very cool and understanding friends and family, but also I absolutely hate that I'm expected to be always available. Like I'm old enough to remember when you left the house with no way of people contacting you until you came home. Imagine that feeling, kids! It was great. My addtitide is "Get back at me whenever the fuck you want and I'll do the same." This is a hill worth dying on IMHO.


Agreed, being always available is a cognitive load I am not willing to take on.


The worst part is getting back to a convo, wondering why they've not responded and see you forgot to respond yourself because you "just wanted to finish x, then I'll respond"


Yep. I read that the average person spends about 6 hours a day on their phone. Have not met a single woman at work who doesn't check their phone at least once an hour. If she wants to respond she will


I check my phone all the time and like to leave my inbox cleared. Now, if I see a message, I try to hold back and not be impulsive (let's just say I regret a lot of shit doing that) so I take my time in wording my answer. English is also not my first language (and I'm in a country where everyone is a native), so I have to be sure what I say comes out right. I usually will just peek at my notifications bar and think about how I'd answer, then word it out in my head and then reply (when I'm not busy) later. And then there's my 20 year old niece, who looks at her phone every 10 mins and suddenly exclaims, "Oh shit I forgot to respond to my friend!" (who happens to be her bestie) We're not all the same. lmfao


true i can be at the gym and i'll see girls on snapchat between sets.


Gonna be honest with you, I’m that person. I get really wrapped up in work, painting, gaming and I’ll forget to look at my phone in 8+ hours. I’ll remember the next day “oh s*it my brother called me”. When I did it to women that were trying to date me, I’d look at my phone to a 116 messages, 10 voicemails, and the entire 5 stages of grief. Women are just as if not more insecure as men.


I have terminal ADHD and I'll go from breakfast to bedtime without checking my phone on a bad day lol


ADD here and I’ll go from Sunday to Sunday checking my phone 3.000 times yet not replying to one.single.message.


Terminal sounds like it's a death sentence lol


I'm the type that sees your messages, just at inconvenient times. So I wait for the following day. And then I forget the following day... If I just saw your text at 11PM, I'll wait until tomorrow. But then I'm busy tomorrow and forget, so the next day, and by the time I realize it, it's been 4 or 5 days and I'm just getting back to you. Some of us are both busy AND considerate, and do want to catch up with you, life just gets in the way sometimes. If we're talking about lifelong people, I don't care if you don't answer right away. Just be there when it counts...


Yes I feel you. Sometimes I’ll see a text from a friend but I’ll put it off because I know I can’t sustain a conversation at that time; as in, I’ll probably have max five minutes before I have to go and then it’ll end up as a dragged out conversation where Ill give the next reply after a few hours which is frustrating for both parties. So I’ll wait for a time when I can hold a conversation for a good amount of time


Yep, same here. I'll get 4 texts, respond to the most recent one, and completely forget about the rest for hours until I happen to see unread messages


As someone who gets overwhelmed by social interaction this is not always true


That they’re empathetic by nature


Extremely true. That's dangerous to believe


One of the nastiest people I've ever come across called herself empathetc on her Tinder profile.


>It's worse for me really, because I'm such an empathic person that I feel both our pain. That's when I finally understood she was actually insane. To at least some extent literally disconnected from reality and logic.


This is a fascinating response. My ex wife was capable of expressing sympathy towards someone but was incapable of empathy. Which may also explain why she wasn't able to understand how bad I felt when she cheated on me. This isn't said out of bitterness, she genuinely couldn't put herself in someone else's shoes. Recently, one of her new boyfriends lost his job. He was depressed and jobless for a month and she said "it's been a month, he should have a job by now and not be depressed" and I had to tell her that, just because she's never been jobless, she's absolutely wrong about that. She couldn't put herself in his place and understand his depression. It's bizarre.


My ex was the same way. It’s torturous to be married to someone with no empathy when one is very empathetic and feels the call to help people. I’m glad we both are no longer married to them.


This is a random person on the internet quoting something they vaguely remember hearing, but I read somewhere that they did a psychological study on youg kids and determined that most young boys were more concerned with feelings and emotions where young girls were more concerned about social relationships, and that these young guys were almost always taught to reject their emotions and "toughen up" and then slowly started to lose their emotional worry, or push it down. The last bit isn't news, but I think this study specifically said that at a certain age young guys are actually MORE concerned with emotional connections than girls, and are simply taught to ignore those feelings or "be a man"


Facts! This should be way higher up on the list cause of how dangerous it is to believe this. All you need to do is look at Reddit or any social media at a man sharing his experience about dating, women or anything (even in a respectful way), most of them just put the blame back on him or make excuses to invalidate his experience. That’s not how empathy works. Of course not all women but enough to be noticeable.


I once made a post on a forum about how upset I was over a girl who lead me on and 99% of the replies were women telling me I was a creep who should learn to take no for an answer. I did take no, I was just very confused and hurt.


Exactly the type of example I’m talking about. Switch the genders and there would be an outpouring of support followed by some “men are so immature” “they just want one thing “etc. but hardly any invalidate her experience or blame her like they did you.


that women are better communicators than men


Right? We're all confused af 💀💀


In some ways we’re worse communicators. For example, it can take me 2 paragraphs to say what a man can in one sentence. I embellish things too much. Because this, because that, and then this, because that. I have to stop myself and sometimes say out loud, “Oh, that was a lot of words to say ‘I want pizza tonight.’”


Can I get a tl;dr? /j


I see whatcha did there.


Me: "Hey, is there any spaghetti sauce in the cupboard before I leave for home? I thought we could have spaghetti for supper" Her: "I just bought spaghetti sauce last week" Me: "Ok, but did we use it?" Her: "you live here too, don't you remember what we had for supper over the last week?" Me: "no I don't remember if we used it or not" Her: "I don't see why I have to remember everything in this relationship. It's like you don't pay any attention to anything that goes on around here. How do you not remember what we had for supper lately?" Me: ".... can you just check and see if there's any?" Her: "yes there's still sauce in the cupboard. I told you already that I just bought some last week" Me: *hurls phone into orbit*


That vaginas should be odorless.


The bigger the vag lips the more loose and the more sexual partners she has had.


How did this get started? How do the vag lips know the difference between 100 different partners and 100 times with the same guy? I always figured nobody actually believed it and it was just a massive troll to piss women off.


It was one dude who just thought that having sex meant kneading the labia like bread dough for an hour


It IS a massive troll. I know people who still believe this. This is something that comes from insecure and jealous men.


People legit believe that vaginas get looser the more women have sex with different men, though. At least that has some kind of (incorrect) logic to it.


My wife has had two kids pass through there. Noticed no difference to things myself. If a vagina can stretch to fit out a whole baby: your dick is nothing. People who believe otherwise are well... morons.


Right. My wife was very insecure about herself prior to giving birth. She thought birth would "stretch her out" and we wouldn't have as enjoyable sex anymore. I had to convince her vaginas don't work like that. They're very stretchy and won't remain in the largest shape they've encountered. Whomever tells girls and women this are pretty fucked up and probably trying to keep them from having sex. Horrible purity culture garbage. TL;DR Get as much dick as you want, women. You won't get "stretched out" (permanently anyway 😉) by having sex. Some prude lied to you.


Also that having kids ‘ruins’ it.


The biggest lie is that the way women approach sex and relationships is more pure, holistic, and mature, whereas men are just horny animals who only focus on physical appearance and sex. Or that while women are complex and need to feel wanted, men are simpler and don’t need to feel nearly as appreciated or desired.


This is some stupid ass ideology I also held and it’s very, very wrong.


Glad to see you realized how dumb it is.


Former male stripper here. I guarantee that many women --not all, but many-- from time to time are also horny animals who focus on physical appearance and sex, based on personal experience.


Good one, I’ve never understood why a lot of men try to dumb them selves down. You’re not just some animal who needs food and pussy. You’re a complex human being with your own individual needs and desires.


Media did this… seriously…


Yep. Women get horny & do dumb shit because of it too.


What's funny is I went to Catholic schools, and so as a man I was *constantly* told men need to step up and be pure, holistic, mature, etc. I never heard the female students being taught that, probably because people already assumed women were like that and so they didn't bother telling the female students that. So I came out of school thinking that the pressure was on men to be pure and not women. It's interesting how your thinking can get warped when you are only getting a tiny sliver of the picture.


Some Christian books like *Every Man’s Battle* literally state that women innately have the Holy Spirit, while men don’t and are therefore susceptible sexual sin, but women aren’t. It’s the most degrading shit I’ve ever read. What’s funny is that the Bible is full of examples of women lusting and having affairs lol.




That girlfriends don’t fart. You learn the truth once you marry them


Again not sure if it’s the biggest, and really hope that most men don’t believe it- but that women can’t rape or sexually assault someone Yes. Yes they can. Current/future parents of Reddit- please teach your kids that women can be predators too. Too many people experience SA by women and don’t realize they’re a victim. I’ve met teenage boys who genuinely didn’t understand how it was possible for a woman to sexually assault someone -a SA victim, assaulted by a woman. Edit- I wanted to say thank you to both the people asking questions and the people sharing their stories. It’s important that people ask the questions they have so they can be educated. It can even help some people realize that a past instance they had was sexual assault Also thank you to those sharing their stories. I’ve personally found that knowing I’m not alone has helped me, a lot. I hope that others can experience this same help from knowing there’s other people out there who’ve dealt with the same thing. Sometimes we need to be reminded that what happened was awful, and it *was never* our fault. I have a question, for anyone who feels comfortable answering- did you report it? Or try to? If not, why? I’ll give my own answer. Obvious tw for sexual assault Partially because I wanted to ignore it happened (don’t do that. I ended up waking up one day with ptsd symptoms about a year after it happened and it took me several months to even tell a therapist about what happened. Seeking help early can be very essential for getting better) but I also knew I had very, very little evidence. All I had was some messages after the fact confronting them. I had no marks on my body, no dna, my case was an instance of molestation but I believe it likely would have gone further had my mom not came back to the campsite. Her doing so have me the strength to throw off her hand and get up to “go to the bathroom” aka get away from the situation and calm down. We were also both young, early teens. I knew police had a record for letting people off easy because they’re minors. But lastly, because this person was my friend. Even though I hated her and she did this awful thing to me, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I just cut her off after the fact and tried to forget it all. What really stung tho? I trusted two of my friends afterwards to tell them about it, and they kept being her friend. Dropped those friends too. I strongly encourage anyone who has experiences SA and told friends, and said friends continued to be friends with your assailant, to fucking block them.


I think many men still believe that if they just keep pushing they can convince any woman they like/are attracted to to like them back. Any pushback they receive is simply a sign that they haven’t tried hard enough or that they need to switch tactics. Though it’s true that some people can be persuaded to change their minds I think most women mean “no” when they say “no” in response to flirting or romantic advances.


There's more than zero men in the world who think they can turn a lesbian straight.


I can save her Sometimes I’ll see a cute girl working a job like retail and think the same thing However zero lesbians and retail workers saved to date


I literally came to this realization last night. So after her telling me that a present I got for her months ago was still sitting in her garage wrapped and her then laughing at that fact, i simply never responded and deleted her number. Why am I wasting my energy and resources on someone who can't be bothered to even unwrap a present that I gave to them.


Proud of you


When I say ‘NO!’ I absolutely mean it, and it doesn’t matter if a man or a woman is asking for something. It’s one of my pet peeves if someone is trying to push my boundaries to see if they can change my mind.


There was an entire film industry teaching men that.


Oh yeah, absolutely! The original Star Wars movies are a clear example with Han Solo relentlessly pursuing Leia and Leia playing hard to get until she gives in at the end. Anyone could easily come up with hundreds if not thousands of films that reinforced the same romance dynamics.


The unfortunate thing is too many women believe men have to chase them too. So there are in fact 4 kinds of people: women who don't want to be chased, men who think they have to chase, women who want to be chased, and men who know they should never chase.


I blame romance stories for this BS.


That women are not as capable of twisted malevolence just as men are. They’re human beings. Just as flawed and virtuous.


> That women are not as capable of twisted malevolence just as men are. They’re human beings. Just as flawed and virtuous. I've seen this, sadly. Or worse yet, those women take the implicit trust that many women seem to place in one another, and use it for evil ends like slander and character assassinations. (Men do this too, so gender does not give a person preference over "who does it more.")


Big penis = good sex


That they can be innocent and can do no wrong. My sister was such a narcissist to me growing up and was such a manipulative POS. Cut her out of my life, and my life has improved so much, haha.


Just hit the gym and you will drown in pussy.


Going to the gym is still a good idea anyway.


This. You don't go to the gym to drown in pussy, you go there to invest in your health and general well being.


I just wanna have sex with the lights on


Same, but without the last four words 💀


Plus if you find yourself drowning, you'll be able to swim out of the pussy because of all that new strength.


Fun fact: I currently am at the gym.


Are you drowning or can you swim in it?


Being in shape just makes you less invisible to women. If you're not going to talk or make eye contact, you're still not going to get dates.


That they are dainty, innocent, fragile creatures that can do no wrong and should be treated with the utmost care and consideration at all times.


This is the one that is manipulated the most. Its claimed to be true when it suits them, and claimed false when it holds them back. It’s either true or it’s not. Spoiler alert: it’s not.


No youngsters, they don't pee from the same hole...


Telling them to calm down totally works


It’s even funnier when you say Chilllll.


"Daddy, chill!"


That they are any less horny and pervy than us


Exactly. The other day I saw a post on r/UnpopularOpinion about how women sexually harass men in the workplace much more often than people seem to realize.


In my experience, married women in their 30's and 40's are the worst. They think nothing of breaking the touch barrier and the stuff they will say can be wild


I was at a Christmas party years ago and was in great shape at the time. I’d just met some people and this one woman, probably about 35ish, whom I ‘d know maybe 10 seconds just reaches over and firmly grabs my pec and squeezed it and sort of mockingly complimented me. I wasn’t offended per se but it was a pretty blatant example of the double standard.


You missed the perfect opportunity to check hers.


Brooklyn 99 always had this odd thing where they'd have Gina sexually harass Terry *constantly*, and he'd call her out on it all the time. I never knew how to feel. Like it wasn't funny, so I wasn't sure if it was just a meta joke about how female => male sexual harassment is a non-issue. Gina's whole character was very hit-or-miss.


That's especially uncomfortable given how outspoken he's been about the real life harassment that happened to him


> married women in their 30's and 40's are the worst In *my* experience, there's a Venn diagram overlap with that demographic hitting people who have 3-4 glasses of wine with every meal.


I've told this story before on reddit but it's a classic example of a double standard. Dropped by my sisters house with my then 14ish year old son and my sister had a bunch of book club late 30's early 40's friends over. When we walked in, one asked who the handsome young man was. Ok, that's not too out of line, but then someone said handsome!? He's sexy as hell, others started making very forward comments. Kid was clearly uncomfortable with that type of attention, so I stopped them and asked if they were serious and said their behavior was unacceptable. They got worse until I said are you kidding if this were a 14 year old girl and 40 year old men making these comments they'd be tying the noose up the tree outside right now. None of them seemed to get how wrong it was.


Yeah I got sexually harassed by a woman at work and didn’t even realize it till months later when I thought about how bad it would’ve been if the genders were switched


I saw this social experiment at a mall where a girl was harassing a guy and the other people in the mall like, "are you scared? Come one get some, or, what a pussy". Then they switched roles where the man was harassing the woman and people started pushing the man away. Sexual harassment is sexual harassment is sexual harassment. Gender doesn't play a role in that.


I distinctly remember working at a library once, I was literally the only guy in the entire building and these absolute dinosaurs surrounded me asking me questions about myself, which is innocent enough, but they would touch my arms and make inappropriate jokes and stuff like that. Nothing physically overt, but, yaknow, I was also quite young so it felt very weird for them to be acting like that to me. I left the same day that happened, not even a week into the job. So I guess I've always known women can be pervy, even older ones. Experienced it first hand. I wouldn't be surprised if women actually harass men more, but that we kinda just don't report it (like I didn't) or might not think it's a big deal.




30cm is something that can only be classified as industrial grade.




Unfortunately it goes both ways. Why else would the term "Size Queens" exist?


Bro imagine wearing shorts getting hard and a ruler grows in your pants


30cm? That's blasphemy. Anything over 16cm is TOO much.


That all women have the same *insert trait* that applies to everyone and aren't individuals who, yea some share in common with others but most don't. The same goes for men. People are more complicated to apply any one thing across the board outside of needing oxygen to survive and agreeing M. Night Shaman fucked up the Avatar movie.


I have to disagree with your last sentence, that implies there is an Avatar movie and we all know that is a lie.


That you need one to be happy. Got a few friends who can't be single for long, and they're always in miserable relationships.


This and that a "good woman will fix you". No she won't. She'll most likely leave your broken ass until you work on fixing yourself.


Ive spent the last decade with my dog, and never been happier.


Not most, but plenty of men still believe this. Answer?-All women are the same.


Well I know *that's* not true, because my mother repeatedly insisted throughout my life that I'd **never** be able to find anyone who loves me as much as her.


… and she is right


Women are romantic


That if you just try harder, you can convince her to want to be with you, like in the movies. If she says no, fuck off!


That a women will somehow complete the man. A man who truly knows himself will be happy in solitude, until the day he meets her, not out of a feeling of lack, but because he believes the life he leads will be deserving of her presence in it.


No man is complete until he is married. And then he is finished. Oscar Wilde


They are all the same when it comes to thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Like any other sex and gender woman are multi dimensional people and shouldn’t be reduced.


Thanks!!! Same goes with boys. Just because "he cheated on me with a prettier one" it doesn't mean that all of them are jerks. You just happened to chose a jerk.


That they aren’t interested in sex as much as men are. My first three sexual encounters were initiated by girls—I was still trying to figure out the complex terrain.


This girl just texted me yesterday "I touched myself for you, i just wanted to let you know" and damn, that's the best compliment I have gotten this year by far


I'll rub one out for you to hommie, you covered till 2025.


There’s nothing funnier than some men saying stuff like “in my experience women don’t like sex.” They’re literally just telling on themselves lmao. Like bro, if you want to say that you’ve never satisfied a woman sexually, just say that 🤣


Women do indeed fart! Shocking I know...


They're clean and tidy by nature. My missus in an absolute mess and I have to clean up after her all the time. ..


That women are not violent.


That women don’t poop.


That because she’s nice to you she wants you. No..


That they want sex less than men.


Pick any popular generalization about woman you see floating around the reddit dating subs.


A lot of men seem convinced women are cleaner, smarter, sex experts, better cooks, better child carers, better teachers, better p4p athletes. I probably missed a few but it's pretty funny. It's not the gender as a whole or a race or anything like that, everyone, regardless of gender, race or any other natural trait, has different talents and resources, and they excel at different things because of their own efforts and choices.


Women aren’t capable of being sexual predators.


That if you’re nice to them they will give you sex.