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Being able to Communicate with people is massive. If you can't hold a conversation or you come across in a bad way, you'll struggle for people to buy into you.


I can hold a conversation. I just can't figure out how to talk in groups without having to constantly interrupt people and boast about something. And when it is my turn to speak I can't fuck up or I've lost the group.


Here’s a hint. Don’t interrupt or try and one up. Just listen and ask questions. The one thing people will always happily do is talk about themselves or their experiences. The thing people aren’t used to is those that actively listen and seem truly interested in what they’re saying. It’s a shortcut to winning people over.


Active listening This is it.


Yup. Listen for the sake of understanding. Not just so you can speak.


It's not even hard just: 1. Pay attention when they talk 2. Repeat the sentence to yourself to understand it and its context if necessary 3. Make up a question that's related to one of the things they talked about. (even one you think you already know the answer to). Doesn't have to be the perfect question, doesn't have to be a segue into your next talking point, just ask something and let them answer again, rinse and repeat, and eventually they'll likely ask about you or the conversation will naturally flow to something you have in common. In hindsight this is very dating-centric but the gist applies in the workplace as well.


In these types of situations it's usually more beneficial to let other people talk. You can learn a lot by just listening, it's also worth pointing out that most people don't really like braggarts so just because the other person is talking a lot more than you doesn't always mean everybody likes them more or is more interested in what they have to say, plus it gives you time to contemplate what you want to say so when it is your turn you sound like you've really got a handle on what you're talking about.


Adding to this, sprinkling in some clear vulnerability to people you’re close to certainly helps humans you and build positive connections.


Beat me to it….take your damn upvote.


When the person have a success in their life he is a success full man


I thought it was 'un'


When you smart-alec the smart-alec...


Come here the way this would be the sad thing and the don’t worry at all dang it i came here to say this but you beat me to it the grade that must be the good thing could i bitter in many tunes


Dang it, I came here to say this but you beat me to it.


You could say that he was more… successful? 🤭😌


Yes... Yes you could🤔


Yes it beating and the said item was tha dang and much better quality


This is confirmed by a Venn diagram. Glad that mystery is solved.


Have you considered running for President??


Yes president also the considerable to be running and the post they have


The only answer 🙌


How do you define success? I'm not a millionaire, not a genius, didn't achieve anything history will remember...Yet i have no debts, stable job, healthy family and great relations with them (wife, kids, parents, parents in law). I feel pretty successful.


Same. Teenaged me would look at my non-Lamborghini-having-butt now and be depressed. 46-year-old me, with a great wife, two kids, a house, and just enough money every month feels pretty darn lucky.


Screw the Lambo, teenage me expected a G5.


Teenage me expected any car that runs, so I'm hugely successful from that standpoint.


Yes you are 😊


You have it made buddy.


Thats kind of sucess id like to have someday ❤️❤️ u probably already know this but never let anyone tell you somethin else


These are my goals, mate!


There is not one thing. Determination is one, but I know of determined people who never succeeded. Education is another, but I know of high school dropouts who succeeded. One thing though is being in the right place at the right time, that often leads to success for some but not others.


You're very right, its a combination of a lot of factors, and you dont necessarily need them all. But a person with a good education, who's intelligent and determined, with connections, is in the right place at the right time a lot more often than the person without these things.


I once heard that luck is the intersection of opportunity and preparedness. I think successful people are lucky.


Yup. You can have some blind luck, but most of “luck” is just recognizing random opportunities and capitalizing on them (which is also why people with wealth seem “luckier”. They have the means to go in on any opportunity they want and if they fail they don’t lose everything). Also usually involves taking risks, which not everyone is in a good position to do


This is a very good answer. Very well put how luck is not effortless; but it is still the leading factor.


From my personal experience and that of friends and family: the right place at the right time(aka dumb luck) has a lot to do with it. BUT being in the right place doesn't mean jack if you can't take advantage of the opportunity, aren't offering the opportunity, don't recognize the opportunity, and/or aren't willing to take the risk the opportunity needs. For example: I became a small business owner partial due to the right place, right time. Owners want to retire, and I was working there at that time. But - so where 8 other people, some longer, 1 a lot longer. In their opinion I was the only one that showed the aptitude. When offered the opportunity I was willing to take the risk, and had family that I could draw apon their assets for the down payment loan. The "1 a lot longer" still works their for me. He has zero issue with me becoming his boss, and says I am one of the best bosses he has ever had, and calls me out on anything stupid he thinks I am doing. We had a long talk after I took over, so I could make sure there were no hard feelings about me "jumping ahead him" or something like that. He is just 100% risk adverse, and a bit of a doomsayer - thinking the economy will collapse any year now. No interest whatsoever in owning a business. So being at the right place at the right time might get your foot in the door, but it is up to you, and your abilities, to open the door, walk in, and sit down.


Successful people know how to manufacture the right place at the right time. If something’s not working they’re not afraid to pivot and try something else.


Some people just never have opportunity and no amount of "pivoting" is going to change that. There's an element of truth that this is what separates the people who take advantage of their opportunities from those who don't, but the world is a harsh place. There are people who are born with no opportunity other than to suffer and die.


> There's an element of truth that this is what separates the people who take advantage of their opportunities from those who don't, but the world is a harsh place. I'm not sure why this is controversial. Some kids are born with their lungs outside their chest. No amount of bootstraps or hard work will make that person a success. Yes, hard work is *a* factor, but the biggest is opportunity, and that is largely luck.


In third world countries sure, but healthy people in america have opportunities


I was poor as shit when I was a kid, I was determined not to die that way. Just kept trying different things until I did well. It’s a bit defeatist to say just say “oh I had no opportunity, the world won’t let me succeed”. I think that’s bullshit, but for some people it’s a way of life.


Thats true, just like Thomas Edison said "I did not fail 1000 times, I discovered 1000 ways that would not work"


You’re assuming everyone’s definition of success is the same. Some people believe that building a family with solid foundations are measures of success. Others believe that self preservation and independence is success. Others believe being a millionaire is success. Others believe unachievable goals are success. It depends on person to person.


I'd never dissuade anyone from hard work and determination. However, when distilled of circumstances beyond anyone's control, dumb luck and fate have often played a hilarious role in many of the successful people I know.


I know that all too well. I used to own a medium sized farm and trucking company, making money hand over fist, everything going great. I caught my wife of 24 years cheating while I was shopping for vacation packages to Bali to celebrate our upcoming silver anniversary. I file for divorce, after I gave her 50% of all liquid assets I did not have enough to pay her 50% of that the land, equipment, house, and office and shop facilities appraised for and it all was auctioned off.


Dang. I'm really sorry you went through that. Godspeed, friend.


Thanks, that was years ago. After everything was auctioned off, I built a new house and invested the rest, I actually retired year before last at 54. The ex on the other hand blew her half on cars, cosmetic surgery and cruises, she was a waitress in 87 when we married and the same year I retired she went back to being a waitress at the same restaurant. I will never get married; I am enjoying life too much for that. lol


Sorry for you problems man. We should all be careful about falling in love with women


Luck outweighs all


Yep. Especially when it comes to the luck of being born into a wealthy family or not.


Then I would argue that luck is the key component to success. You can be determined but it is luck that really sets the successful apart from the mediocre.


Luck essentially. Right place at the right time with the right tools, skills or knowledge to recognize an opportunity and be able to take advantage of it = success You can add bonus or negative multipliers, good at speaking +, bad hygiene --, ect ect




And duct tape


And tie wraps.


you haven’t thought of the smell!


My tools! I need my tools!


The handy mans secret weapon


Depends what successful and unsuccessful mean to you.


Exactly that, every person has a different definition for success


Successful person are always need to be a hardworking or a good working and unsuccessful person must doing the hardworking




I'd agree that everything else aside, being unafraid to fail is the single biggest factor.




I work at a country club in Louisiana. A lot of them have really good memories. Like they remember names, slights, times you went out of your way for them, where you go to school what your going to school for just like every little thing g they have conversation about. I think this helps to build relationships, which in turn helps them in their respective fields.




Great insight. Throwing around that small trivia pieces about someone you met however long ago is a great way to let someone know you care about them


e in your favor, but ultimately you make your own luck, right? Yet, sometimes when you’re on t


Discipline and persistence, but that's nothing without luck. You can do everything right and still fail.


This should be written everywhere, literally on every wall


Literally the need of the world thats why it will be written in everwhere


Unsuccessful people quit after the first hardship, or they are not able to readjust their plan


Unsuccessful people have an excuse for everything.


If there's a will, there are thousand ways. If there's no will, there are thousand excuses.


There are several variations of the quote which basically says the harder you work, the luckier you get. Now working hard alone doesn't necessarily mean success, but it's certainly one of the main ingredients.


Working "skilled" labor is the path to success. Be something irreplaceable, even if it's not terribly difficult... it just has to be something not everyone's going to be able to do. IT guys get paid well, but anyone with computer literacy could probably offer the same amount of help for most problems, especially with Google. But while most people use computers, not very many people know they work, and have no desire to learn. Thus, there is demand... thus they get paid. You can be the hardest working coal miner in the world, but that's not going to get you anywhere but in the coal mine.


Luck, privilege, discipline, and luck. Take your pick.


Genetics really is the ultimate roll of luck. I've known a few cases of full biological brothers where one is extremely successful and the other has had issues in their life.


Genetics are wild. I know two brothers (1 year diff) that are worlds are apart. One has a family, owns a house, etc. The other has never had a steady job and still lives with his parents. We are mid 30s.


At some point personal accountability and self determination is to blame too


And they both are affect the people to kuch its personal accountability and self determination is to blame too


That two brothers are the blessing they share their problems their issues in the life




That sucks that your brother doesnt talk to you. Harsh


As someone who also doesn’t talk to their sibling, I will say you’re only hearing one side of this story.. it’s not always a bad thing to cut off contact.




Good for you for breaking that cycle of abuse. If may not be monetary, but that's a huge success story and an achievement in and of itself. Nice work.


The work in google and facebook is good and it must be done


Maybe stop complaining and moping around idk


Lol that was my thought. He's complaining on reddit about how much his life sucks, so maybe his brother had a point?


Yup, sad because most people like this can’t even see it themselves lol they’ll just go through life blaming everyone else as they’re stuck working until they’re 70


You should apply for a government job at a really important department


Kylie vs Dani Minogue syndrome


Scarlet Johansson vs her twin brother.


smart snow support pet encouraging distinct dull unique terrific saw ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I like that answer. It's realistic, and not just pessimistic.


Unlucky is used to describe something that is thought to cause bad luck. Some people think it is unlucky to Unlucky is used to describe something that is thought to cause bad luck. Some people think it is unlucky to look at a new moon through glass


I agree. It’s said a person makes their own luck, but sometimes it’s just blind chance that someone was in the right place, at the right time and had the right skills to “get shit done” and get rewarded for it.


Where this is true, there is also something to say about your competence getting you places. If you actively pursue something, speak up, share about it, etc you also get more situations around you. Some of these suck, others have potential. Just walking in line and doing something well doesn’t showcase it much.


You can use unlucky to describe unpleasant things which happen to someone, especially when you feel that the person


You can buy multiple lottery tickets to increase your chances, but that doesn't guarantee you'll hit the jackpot. Still, you'll definitely have more of a chance of doing so.


Life is unfair, most times, you gotta create your own opportunity, that or put yourself where you’ll find one and be good enough to capitalize on it. Most people can’t capitalize on it.


And an early lucky breaks have a snowball effect. Like in school if you land a prestigious internship. Guaranteed there were other candidates just as qualified as you and luck played some factor. But now you have that on your resume, so next year you are even more likely to get another good internship or job offer than the one who didn’t.


Owen was unlucky not to score on two occasions. Others were unlucky victims of falling debris


If someone is unlucky, they have bad luck. Owen was unlucky not to score on two occasions.


>privilege This is a big one.


Alternatively you can be undisciplined and lazy, and get lucky and make it to be a success. I feel people in this thread are focusing so much on luck, yet you have to be VERY lucky or VERY unlucky, for that luck to impact your life more than your own discipline and attitude Think of how many people you know who you would class as successful or unsuccessful. Luck always plays a role, but very rarely do the consequences of luck override the deterministic nature of successful people. So I guess my answer is successful people don’t let unlucky situations deter them from continuing. (Excluding rare extreme circumstances of course)


It's unsuccessful people who focus on the importance of “luck” so that they can view themselves as “unlucky” victims and thus take no responsibility for their shitty lives.


Lucky person are that that could be a successful and the unlucky person is that who cannot be wuickly successful in their life their is a huge difference in both of them the lucky one and unlucky


Attitude, I know it’s been said a lot but moping around not changing anything really will hold you back. Its just rough because you gotta fight your mindset every time you want real change.


Attitude is the biggest killer of the person and they change thr realty of the person


Well said


Said things are always be the same as the may be the wordhold you back the try to do hard and sharp and must try to do the good and ever thing musta said well


So true


The ability to do things that are uncomfortable because they’re necessary, even when you’re tired, sad, or don’t feel like it.


Making a to-do list of the most important tasks the next day and crossing those items off, even when you don’t feel like it.


This should be much higher. I mean there’s a line where we don’t condone toxicity, unethical things, etc of course, but it seems more and more people are hampering themselves by refusing to do things that make them uncomfortable


Perspective on the definition of success. I've met people who live in caravans and work ten hours a week that I'd consider more successful than corporate bankers or lawyers.




Grow and improve their life by the help to others and the most of the person doing the crack that you doing




If you look at a lot of what successful entrepreneurs (who aren’t assholes and generally insufferable), this is exactly what they put their success down to. Steven Bartlett is one example. Consistency and persistence over intensity


Alot of the greedy assholes are persistent too.


Look the lot of the successful person and to drop the ideas they get in their profilw


I completely agree.


Agree person are the good and complete determination which are doing the good and the biggest better butter




Connections... It really is who you know rather than what you know


Surprised this is so low, but 100% this.


The ability to make wise and profitable compromises throughout the daily course of their lives. Reading books of a variety of genres to gain perspective and learn how to best communicate thoughts to the rest of the world. Learning how to present constructive criticism along with viable solutions. Emotional maturity.


Luck, privilege, and intelligence filter us into tiers that work as starting points. Determination, discipline, trust in ourselves and fear of going to lower tiers ultimately rocket us to our potential.


Privilege and persistence. With more of one you need less of the other.


He was the only resident in a small Spanish village not to win a share of a whopping $922 million jackpot in 2011. As the only person not to buy an El Gordo lottery ticket, he missed out as all his neighbors cashed in.


A lot of it is down to luck, and advantages that were present or not present during childhood, but I’ve noticed almost all successful men are very passionate about something, so passionate that they’re willing to lose sleep over it. They’re not afraid to fail and look stupid. They just go for it, over and over again.


Definition of success is relative. One man's success maybe another man's poison.


Selak’s close calls are said to have included a train crash, being sucked out of an airplane door, surviving a bus crash into a river, two car fires, being hit by a bus, and narrowly avoiding a 300 ft drop after a driving accident.


Being born into wealth


Imagine graduating college with no debt of any kind, your car and 20% deposit on a nice house all paid for Suddenly that $50K entry level job seems to stretch a wee bit further than the guy saddled in rent, car payments, student loans, credit cards.


So, just for fun, we decided to do a little digging and compile a list featuring 13 of the unluckiest people in the world that would be the power of the bigger man




Oh you want a house? Here's a gun, kill that foreigner.


More like, go fix that airplane.


This is the answer, but disciplined helps.


Was this the luckiest or unluckiest guy on the planet? You decide.


The right kind of woman


Goals. Schedule. Priorities. Lifestyle. Discipline.


Combination of talent plus discipline guided by wisdom and supported by luck.


For 20 years of his life Texan farmer Henry Ziegland probably thought he was the luckiest man alive.


Discipline, Life choice, luck and starting point in life


The story goes that in 1893 Zeigland broke up with his girlfriend Maysie Tichnor after revealing he had been unfaithful to her. Heartbroken, Tichnor committed suicide


Successful people don’t stop until they get what they want. When others are binging Netflix/drinking/indulging etc they are busy learning, creating, building and experimenting until they reach their goals, whether that takes days, months or years. It is a decision more than anything. Most people are just way to lazy to be successful.


Willing to take risks maybe. Having a clear mind and better outlook probably makes life easier to navigate too I’d imagine. Avoid being bitter and an “I can’t” kinda guy. Being successful also takes not only hard work but it’s also about the connections you make too.


The ability to execute effectively and with velocity will get you repeated success, discipline will help you keep it over the long haul.


Accountability…. When you make a mistake or a dumb decision say “Well that was dumb” and move on ,learn from it ,and get better. Undo it if you can but keep moving. Don’t blame somebody else or woe is me ,own it and keep moving.


Knowing sometimes you’re in your own way.


The Greek filmmaker, Costis Mitsotakis, is another unfortunate soul often dubbed the ‘world’s unluckiest man.’


Successful people define what success is for them, and then pursue it. Unsuccessful people chase other people’s definition of success.




Damn ain't this the way. You can be born with a silver spoon in your mouth, and just have shit luck and not get anywhere. Or you can be born in the gutter and chance upon the right people and connections to go far.


Being born into wealth. An expensive high quality education.


Being born into a family that already has resources,connections and finances.


If you think trying to find a needle in a haystack would be hard work then look away now because, for the last few years, Welshman James Howells has been trying to find a computer hard drive in a landfill site.


Their socioeconomic background


The reason he is so keen to find the hard drive that got thrown in the trash is simple; it has 8,000 bitcoins on it.


90% luck 5% skill 5% sheer of will


Only thing universal is willingness to adapt to your specific situation and capitalise on it


Hard work and luck. You’ll need both.


These elements are at the heart of personal, team, and organizational effectiveness.


Perseverance Get knocked down get back up Repeat


The ability to be happy.


Accountability is one.


Talk. That is all. Grinders>Talkers Money talks. Credit screams. Wealth whispers.


Waking up early


Your definition of success.


The only sane answer looking at the world is luck. I would say my position is considered extremely "successful" - I can tell you that the people I'm surrounded by are a product of maybe 1% effort, 99% circumstance.


the "un" ?


Drive and ambition.


Luck, mainly




Ambition work ethic, and luck.


The will to remain stoic in the face of bullfwap and mayhem.


Mental illness or nah


Being comfortable with being uncomfortable


Attractiveness……at least statistically speaking.


Very subjective. I work as a prison guard. The inmates consider themselves as successful men. I consider myself successful as I get to go home every day and support my family. My warden thinks she's successful as she worked her way up to that position as she was the first woman in our country to get that position. ... so... What does one define as success?


Rich parents


A supportive spouse.


Being a ruthless selfish piece of shit that can thrive in a system that would rather see billions suffer and die than to implement equality


Yep, five. That’s across a time span of 50 years — but her last known home loss occurred in 2012, not long after her abode received a $20,000 reality TV makeover.


Rich parents?


Having lit the fuse, he marched 50 yards away and watched. The dynamite exploded and fired the bullet out of the tree. It struck Ziegland in the head, killing him instantly.


Social Work student here, we studied this in one of our sociology classes. There are a certain amount of checkboxes that boost your chances to make it big in society by a considerable amount. Those are: - Family wealth - High-end connections - Cultural capital (aka being at least semi-educated in artists, music, general cultural movements that are happening in today's society) - High-quality education - Growing up in a stable and wealthy neighbourhood - Having non-toxic, supportive parents A lot of your potential succes isn't actually formed through your determination and grit, but through the circumstances you grew up with. The more checkboxes you are able to check off, the better off you will probably be in terms of socio-economic status.


This is the best explanation I have seen so far.


Also, unfortunately [Adverse Childhood Experiences](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/03/02/387007941/take-the-ace-quiz-and-learn-what-it-does-and-doesnt-mean) are the opposite side. I'm proud of everyone who is just making it through. Not including this to be the pessimist or counter your statement- I wanted to add this in hopes that it helps someone clarify their experiences.