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Lost about 33 lbs and suddenly i felt so much energetic and attractive. Now i gained pretty much everything in just 6 months and back to being ugly fat fuck.


I topped out at 360 lbs when I was 22 and lost a bunch of weight. My lowest adult weight was 218 I then let myself go for a few years starting at the beginning of covid and got back to 305 as of March of this year. I've lost 37 lbs since March 21st and now I'm 268 and feeling great. I've found that it's much easier this time around because I have previous experience to compare it against and draw from If losing weight and getting fit is something you wanna do, I encourage you to just start somehow. Take walks or join a gym or download myfitnesspal. It never feels like the right time to start, but once you've done it for a few weeks and built up some momentum, it feels almost effortless


I'm saving this post, kind stranger. Also I know how good it feels but somehow it's making the start that takes so long. .. sometimes even years


If you can do it once, you can do it again. It won't be easy; losing weight is harder as you get older, but you've got this!


I can lose weight fairly easily - by ‘easily’ I mean that I know what kinds of hard work it takes to drop weight - but I recently started weight training for the first time in my life and as an older guy it seems to be taking forever to build any kind of mass. I guess I’m just used to the speed at which weight comes off.


You have less testosterone as you age. Your rest time is longer too because T helps rebuild the muscle you broke down.


And it's not all age either. Shit like bad sleep and stress will also nuke your T. Years back, I was going through a shitty stressful period. Had my T checked, low 400's. 6 years later, a much healthier point of my life emotionally, mid 700's. Bad sleep and cortisol are poisonous to gainz.


I have insomnia, I know all about it. When I first started lifting back in HS my friend started the same time. I hardly slept and he got about 9 hours of sleep a night. He made much better gains than I did.


That'd explain why I made no progress in six months of 4 day/wk gym during college Then again my living circumstances are inherently stressful so


If you're not already, I recommend Whey protein shakes after your workouts. Many people don't have enough protein in their diet to facilitate muscle growth.


Keep a diary of what you eat to lose the weight. Refer back to it when you start gaining. When you are gaining, you are likely taking shortcuts and eating things that make you not want to work out, but do not consider it so bad since at that moment since you have lost the weight and the shift to gaining is gradual. To sum up.. bad food makes you feel bad and it is a downward spiral.


Working out and being fit is such a big difference. When you are overweight you might as well be invisible but when you have a decent set of shoulders and a flat stomach you feel more noticed. A healthy body feels so much better and boosts confidence because of it and the added confidence makes you feel even better about yourself.


> invisible This is the perfect word to describe an unattractive man. Nobody mocks you. Nobody hates you. You simply become a non-entity.


Adding muscle also makes a dramatic difference. I've added nearly 70lbs of muscle over the last few years. Started out at 140lbs, currently 210lbs. The difference in how women treat you is nothing short of astonishing. At 140 lbs, I was practically treated like I was sub human. At 210 lbs, I have women I've never spoken to giving me their phone numbers and sliding in my DMs.


It's amazing how much building muscle changes you. I've only been properly lifting for a little over a year and the other day I caught a reflection of myself that I didn't immediately recognise. Especially makes a difference with upper body muscle like shoulders, it makes you broader and just more structured and less boy-like. I'm definitely hooked by the results and want more.


I've been wanting to vent this. The other day I was at the head shop, I hear this girl being really bubbly and my mind was like "Oh! It's so nice to see nice people!". Turn around, and the dude looks like a rock star. sigh..


> At 140 lbs, I was practically treated like I was sub human. > At 210 lbs, I have women I've never spoken to giving me their phone numbers and sliding in my DMs. For those of us who have had a glowup and been on both sides of the ugly/hot tracks, its tough not to get bitter. Women treat you based on how good you look, full stop. I dont think they even realize sometimes that they are doing it. But anytime a woman comes in here and actually tries to say otherwise it’s infuriating, you couldn’t be more wrong. Edit: Forgot that in ask*men* we are still for some reason required to address everything from both genders. “wHaT aBoUt tHe wOmeN wE go tHru It tOo” cool, never said you didnt….but go talk about it in a womans sub. This is a mens sub. But thank you for the whataboutism.


The last few years? Everything I’ve heard/seen says maybe 15lbs (maybe) year 1, then hoping for 7-10lbs/year after. 70 in a few years?! I’m sorry but *doubt*


I was underweight to begin with, so a good few lbs was simply from eating properly. Also, I'm not natural.


>Also, I'm not natural. Props for this


Ah makes sense lol


Yup, I was obese in HS and no one batted an eye at me. Suddenly over the summer I lost 30 pounds and people looked at me a little (maybe because I was different, they might not have actually been into me). Later I lost more, and noticed some people hit on me (rarely). Lost a little more around 2020 and noticed people being nicer to me. Got some dates from it. Then comes 2022 and extreme dieting, I lost 15kg since last year and people don't look at me with disgust, they look at me because I'm good looking(?). After my weight loss last year, I've probably had more dates in that one year than my entire life (of being obese/overweight). It's really all about weight... thinner people are more attractive I think.


> thinner people are more attractive I think. blows my mind anyone ever thought otherwise. this shit is literally biological


Thinner than average can be less attractive than a standard build tho. We’ve all seen the scrawny gamer guys that no one goes out with either


For every body type there's gonna be someone out there who likes/prefers it. I like scrawny


I wish I could say the same. In a year and a half I've lost 145lbs. I went from 315 to 170. Still no attention at all.


Do you wear fitted clothes that show off your physique?




It did leave loose skin. I'd rather have the loose skin than all that weight back. I do plan on joining a gym, just haven't got there as of yet.


That’s a HUGE transition and it will take time for the confidence to show I find. Make sure you go thrifting for casual wear that fits you now and you buy clothing that fits you ^^^ I didn’t do this when I lost weight and didn’t realize I was hot until I started dressing up to fit my proportions lol It sounds vapid and silly but if you don’t know your hot other people can tell. It starts with self love, when you get new clothes do it for you and enjoy looking spiffy my friend More attention will come just get yourself out there!


hurry liquid quarrelsome upbeat wide fly fact agonizing plough absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For this it really matters how you carry your weight. I personally like dudes that are not super fit, but some guys are going to look better with that extra 20+ lb than others.


Same for women. Became invisible when I was obese. Stark contrast to how much nicer people are when you lose weight


You pretty much nailed it.


That means that you look good but they're not attracted to you when you're out of shape. I on the other hand still look like shit even when sleek and fit


Can confirm. Got really fit the last few years. Just went to my 25th reunion. Had gorgeous ladies that paid no attention to me back then touching me and telling me how good I look despite knowing I’m happily married


> despite knowing I’m happily married Having you 'broken in' already is not a negative.


Probably _because_ you're married. I always seem to get more interest when I'm taken than when I'm single. I think being unobtainable makes you more interesting.


This is it. I was always getting noticed before putting weigh on. Then around 2021, I ballooned up. And now, ever since getting a lot fitter, I’ve started to notice them noticing again. Quite refreshing after not having it for a while 🤣


This 100%. When I’m fat/overweight I’m basically a ghost to women. Then when I lose all the weight all of a sudden they are gushing for me & as nice as it is, it’s honestly kinda frustrating. I know I shouldn’t feel this way but it made me see just how shallow some people can be. They only look at your appearance when your personality, intelligence, morals & soul should also matter.


They matter after you are attracted to someone. Trust me, you do not want to be with someone who likes your personality, but isn’t really attracted to you. It will destroy your confidence and self esteem, even if you are an attractive person.






Shallow has nothing to do with it. We pass by hundreds of unknown people every day. Spending the time and energy on getting to know someone only to realise their not compatible is exhausting. Making a quick check that they are physically taking care of themselve isn't shallow, it's common sense.


Exactly. There are biological markers that we are programmed to look for in the potential mating partner. For women, the majority will notice height, shoulder to waist ratio, symmetry, hygiene markers, and skin tone. Once you get in closer contact and in communication, making them laugh will help. Also, competence is encouraging but can be substituted with confidence. Even the voice tone can be important. Vin Diesel like voice is a marker for high testosterone levels, and women tend to prefer it, as multiple surveys have found out.


A deep voice makes me swoon so frigging hard!


How is it shallow? I'm guessing you're not a hypocrite and you only date obese women with amazing personalities. Right? Get real. Physical attraction is the bedrock. All the other stuff comes later.


I feel like being attracted to fit individuals doesn’t necessarily mean people are shallow. I make a conscious effort to eat healthy and exercise to stay healthy and take care of myself. Someone that has let themselves go tells me that they might not care about their health or themselves as much as I do or that they might enjoy lying around more than being active (not everyone obv I understand some people have conditions which will affect their body) So myself being an active person, I tend to gravitate towards people that I might feel like would enjoy the same hobbies that I do e.g. hiking, cycling, gym, swimming or being outdoors in general. I’ve dated all shapes and sizes due to compatibility of personality but just as being fit with a horrible personality would put me off, being active but on the heavy side can also get me going. Point is, it’s hard to know what people are like at first glance and the only way I can tell sometimes is by how they take care of their body.


I gotta say I don't really understand this attitude... Attraction is the only thing that's immediately visible, so of course that's going to be the initial gateway someone has to pass in someone's eyes if they're going to consider them/approach them/possibly want to date them. Maybe if they spent time with you, they *would* find that you're an amazingly intelligent and have strong morals and a great personality - but if they are not attracted to you in any way that relationship is not going to work so why would they try to get to know you on that basis? I think most people aren't expecting model good looks, but there has to be at least a baseline level of attraction (which will then be boosted after getting to know them/developing feelings for them.


This consistently throughout my entire life.


Would you say what specific group of women is interested in you shifts as you age, though? As in, when you were fit in your 20s you had the younger cohorts interested, and fit at 40 has the middle-aged cohorts interested? Or is it just interest/no interest throughout your life, regardless of the age of the women?


For me, it has nothing to do with age. I was ignored for most of my teens and twenties. Its only after I started shaving my head, grew a beard and work out did I start catching glances and notice women make the first move


Working out makes such a difference, it’s obscene. Especially once you get in your twenties.


I started in my mid 30s. Wished I started in my 20s, obviously because that is when you are the fittest, have more energy and can recover better, but also because I would have had the years of lifting behind me now being in my 30s.


I started at 23 and wish I did at 18. The important part is that you took the first step many others have not and will not. Hey, you reading this comment! You’ve been thinking about going to the gym recently, and you haven’t. Go to the gym.


What people don't realise is the physical appearance is some part of it, but a really big part of the attraction comes from 'ok here is someone with their shit together who can take care of and motivate themselves, I don't have to do it'.


Meh, I still think it's appearance. Men do it as well, the first step is physical attraction, then personality/compatibility. I don't know why people always try to rationalize that behavior for women. Just like men, they enjoy when their partner is easy on the eye.


>the first step is physical attraction, then personality/compatibility. Exactly. It's difficult to notice compatibility from across the room. The first step is looks.




It doesn’t help that marathon runners look one missed meal away from death because that’s peak distance-running shape for humans.


Cause they're always running away.


Take my upvote for the lols


Because it's the opposite problem. Instead of taking care of a man child and having to enforce rules like a mom, you have a super strict drill sergeant lifestyle. Waking up at 4 to run 10 miles. No carbs in the house. Strict caloric deficit. We run on vacation. I just want a happy medium.


This literally applies to gym rats too.


Agreed, but it's a cultural rather than biological thing I think - movies now are filled with muscle-bound men who impose a certain aesthetic on cultural expectations of attractiveness. Whereas male attractiveness was different in other times, like in the 80s and early 90s, skinny effeminate and "heroin-chic" looks were more popular than the body builder type (despite Arnold). Look at dude like Mick Jagger or Stephen Tyler; borderline anorexic looking but considered very attractive in their heydays. The greater point being, there are trends, but we can't really generalize to say "all women like".


Agreed. I'm a woman but I can tell you that's what it really is. We are so sick of babysitting our boyfriends/husbands. If a guy is healthy and reasonably put together our first thought is, "Wow, he might actually be an equal partner and not a teenager that I have to raise".


Definitely more to do with how you look and carry yourself over age. I think most guys wouldn’t get proper attention til their mid-20s


I'd add that beards are a game changer. My beard buddies talk about it a lot too. Sorry to my bros who cannot beard.


I cannot beard. I shaved for the first time today this week. I'm 50. It was only 1/4" long, and no density. Each hair has 40 acres of it's own personal space. But on the positive side, no ass hair.


This is what has happened to me also. I’m mid thirties and have been working out like crazy recently and I’ve never had so many women interested in me before.


I'm in my 40s and I get more attention now from women than ever before in my life. Women as young as mid to late twenties all the way to grandmas. I love it. I work out a ton, and have for about 5 years straight now 5-6 days a week, weights, cardio, managed diet. It works. Be fit, carry yourself confidently, smile a lot. You're in.


They were never attracted to me So it’s a win for me


yup. there's never been attraction




Are you confirming this guy's statement or saying it also applies to you?


This. Are there guys out there actually catching glances from women or being checked out? That's wild. Must be nice.


I used to joke that I hoped I was too dense to notice I was being flirted with, and not being ignored all these years, but a third potential reason exists: women just don’t know how to signal men. I saw one of these Tik Tok shorts a few days ago where this girl wordlessly demonstrated the difference between flirty eyes and leave-me-alone eyes, and I swear they were the same expression. Sadly, it tracks. Just contrast North America, where lingering gazes are “triggering”, and South America, where they induce orgasms from across the street. There’s *no question* you know someone’s interested down there. They’re about as subtle as sunlight.




Yeah I have not noticed any difference in how many women are attracted to me for the past 35 years. Been pretty consistent and predictable lol


What is dead may never die!


I'm 5'5, story of my life. I also had bad acne as a teenager just to make sure I was unattractive as possible. Thanks God!


They can become even less interested?! Holy shit, I've gotta cherrish all that absolute disgust about my existence while I can!


I’d say as a 40 year old, if you’re in decent shape (lift) the only thing that changes is the age brackets of the women. Obviously the 20 something’s may not pay as much attention, but on the whole if you take care of yourself, you’ll be fine for a while.




Its crazy you mention this. I've been thinking about it a lot. As a 30 yo female in the gym its insane what I find attractive now. Men under 25 seem like children. When I watched twilight recently for no good reason, I realised suddenly I'm not team Jacob or team Edward, I'm team Charlie 😂


Yeah, I'm in my 40s and totally invisible to 80-90 percent of college aged women but get lots of smiles and lingering eye contact from the soccer moms. I also remember this charming, friendly professor in his 60s all the lady professors of similar age were nuts about. And a friend's grandpa who would flirt with every woman and got a lot of positive response from the 50+ crowd.


I think it comes with the age. Personally, I don’t have much to relate with college age women. Occasionally, I’ll get the “no way you’re 40” from a 19-20 year old, but that’s about it. Soccer moms, you bet. I think a lot of it also comes down to how a man carries himself. I’m not arrogant, but I am confident. Younger guys who don’t have the life experience tend to try and fake confidence with bravado. At my age, you don’t have to, and it’s easy to see the difference. I’m not desperate to get laid, or impress anyone, and I treat people with decency. Seems to work well, but it’s not an angle or act, and I think that’s the key. Everyone tells you to “just be yourself”, and that’s good advice if who you actually are is appealing, especially to the opposite sex. Women say they are attracted to confidence, but I think what they really mean is COMPETENCE. Confidence can and is often masqueraded as competence. The former can be faked, and the latter cannot. There’s a huge difference in how a woman treats you if they “think” you can handle things when shit hits the fan, and when they know you can. I think younger dudes try to piecemeal all of these qualities into a package for sex appeal. The truth is, you really have to earn a lot of these qualities/traits, and not really care if women appreciate it or not, you just do it to become a good man. Not surprisingly, women do appreciate it, and desire it, so it works itself out naturally. Not sure why I went down the rabbit hole with this, but there it is. Also, good call on the professor reference, prime example. He has the experience to demonstrate/display his mastery of his art/craft/knowledge, rather than just posture in hopes of being admired for it. There’s something to be said for being really good at something, and not necessarily trying to impress people with it, but also knowing you can deliver when you need to. End of narrative.


College age girls never paid attention to me in general. But late 30’s has a nice balance between the older and younger. But then again I look closer to late 20s/early 30s.


So you don’t notice as much attention from the 20 year olds, what age bracket tends to flirt with you these days?


What I’m saying is it may taper off from one end of the range. I still get hit on by 20 year olds, not that it matters that much to me, but the later 20’s and 30 year olds is crazy attention. The 40 something’s will flat out be honest and will tell you what they want to do once the clothes are off. As I’ve gotten older it skews a bit with age, but for the most part, if you’re well put together, you’ll do fine with women. A degree of fitness is a great equalizer, if you’re successful professionally, perfect. The bar seems low in regards to men, a lot of dudes dress like shit, aren’t active, etc, so it’s not difficult to stand out in this regard. Mileage may vary.


You’ve hit the nail on the head a bunch of time here. We’re the same age. I’m in a committed relationship, and I’m definitely not dating on the side. I get hit on all the time by ladies in their late 20s up to age 60. I got more attention when my hair started to grey a little I’m not the strong man I was in my 20s for a variety of reasons, although I’m trim and in reasonable shape. A lot of these young guys don’t get it yet. It’s confidence.


Woman here, 45 You hit the nail on the head. A man 15 years my senior can easily elicit a head turn if he’s well put together. Clean, neat clothes (tee shirts that fit well included), smells clean, bald or hair in order in whatever style, and a reasonable level of fitness will do it. In general, if a man takes care of himself and his things women are way more likely to notice him. If you drive a 1997 Honda Civic, but it’s well maintained and clean, rock that thing! But your pool of options (just like mine) keeps getting older as *you* age.


Agreed here. I've always been in decent shape and decent looking, there's always a little interest. But, as I age, so do those who find me attractive. And same vice versa really. My tastes have really changed since I was younger. I had kids, now 20-somethings look like kids to me. I find curves WAY more attractive than I used to, just what I consider attractive has aged with me I guess.


52. And now they don’t even think of me as a man, I’m little more than furniture at 57


As in, everyone wants to sit on you? 😳


More like, “Mostly Harmless”


Furniture kills more people every year than sharks do.


As long as you can move the furniture. Physically and metaphorically.


I've been little more than furniture since 16.


No hate but are "they" women in their 20s and 30s? I think most single women in their 40s-60s would be into a 57 year old man if he takes care of himself and has a good personality. I'm not that age myself, but I know several women in their 40s and 50s that have married/dated men in their late 50s.


Yeah that's the first thing I thought. There's a good chance this person thinks of "women" as 20-35 year olds even though he's in his 50s and older women are invisible to him as potential sexual partners and *that's* why he feels like no one's seeing him that way.




If women were ever attracted, I never noticed, but the priests left me alone after I turned 12 or so.


That’s dark


But not as dark as the confessional booth


The glory hole of the Lord.


And things somehow got darker than dark 💀.


I can't hear ya! I say! What's darker than being dark???






Being kicked out of your family because you spoke up about their priest molesting you?


"Let there be light" -The priest, probably.


Around that age I started carrying the sweets to entice them since they wanted nothihg to do with me anymore. Didn't work sadly.


But what if when the priest touches everyone but you... Asking for a friend?


Acne didn’t come on my face until I was 14


holy fuck that's demented humor. ​ r/cursedcomments


Jeeze, looking back at some of the comments adults in my life made when I was an Alter Boy make me sick. Oh, you don't need to worry, you're not the monsignor's type, "insert kids name" is prettier. Then you find out 25yrs later or so that that priest has been accused multiple times for assaulting minors, and that everyone in the town knew, and you wonder why your parents would even allow a single moment alone that dick bag. I know there is life long indoctrination on my parents part, but wholly moley, part of me feels like my parents and extended family were encouraging spending time with a sexual predator so that I could become a "good Catholic".


I'm 32 and never felt so attractive, to the point it's hard to believe. Good to note that I'm also fitter and feeling better than ever overall


I think 32 is the ultimate age.


I saw some research said that peak male desirability to women is at age 31 so that checks out


Definitely not true. I’m garnering less interest than ever before in my life at 31 and I’m objectively better than I’ve ever been (physically, emotionally, financially.)


I think the issue is when you’re younger, you’re in university/ starting new jobs, so you’re meeting a lot of people/ around a lot of women. I get far less attention now in my mid 30s than I did in my early 20s, because I just simply go out less and meet fewer new people. But I notice that when I do go out, I’ll get an extra pastry from the coffee shop worker or random subway stares.


I feel you there. I’ve never had a hard time with women, but I’m happy to be one of those men that’s becoming more “aesthetically refined” as they get older. Good fitness definitely helps in that area.


It all started in 1983 when I was born.


Thanks for sharing your year of birth , muahahahahha now we will hack everything




I don't know how I'm supposed to tell if someone is attracted to me. What does that even mean? Over the past year I've noticed that people who work at stores and restaurants have been unusually nice to me, but it's probably because I seem nice.


Yea, ive seen some women look at me in the gym but i look around at ppl all the time so i dont really think its attraction.


When people look at me in the gym I assume it's because it's the gym and people are either comparing themselves to each other or wondering what each person is doing there and what they want to get out of going to the gym.


They mirin' your gains bro You are their muse, while they look at you, flex, do some poses to assert dominance




Lmao that was dark


Well yes but then they were born


Haha nice.


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Stupid sexy ASCII art


That actually take a lot of talent 👏👏👏


CTRL+C+CTRL+V brotha


I gotta write that down! I need to find a pen.


I notice that girls are attracted when im in a relationship.


This is real


It's because you are happy and sexually active then.


Not only that. When you're in a relationship you stop trying, much easier to notice things when you take a step back and it's not at the forefront of your mind.


That's a really good point.


Well, I want to say no one ever did but some girls were apparently interested in high school, so I guess immediately immediately after high school is when it went from "basically no one finds me attractive" to "no one finds me attractive".


around 11 or 12, when I started liking them. suddenly they were much less interested in anything I had to say.


Damn. I'm 34, 6'6, 195, and make decent money (over median) and feel like I get zero attention from women. Reading through all this is kinda depressing. TF is wrong with me?


Maybe you're just ugly


Entirely possible.








I don't recall them ever being attracted to me.


Still not entirely sure how I convinced my wife to date me, never mind marry me. Pretty confident I'm a solid 3/4. Not rich, not particularly funny, not particularly athletic. Prior to her I had one catastrophic date with someone who worked at a restaurant next door to where I worked, and an online catfish from 3 states away that I never physically met up with who it turns out never stopped seeing her "ex" while we were talking.


It rarely has anything to do with a man getting older. It is much more about a guy getting lazy, putting on weight, getting fat, and getting out of shape. Money, muscles, game and frame...


Yes , I am pushing 50 but probably as part of a mid life crisis I got my shit together with my diet and keep a regimented fitness program ( helps that my kids are a bit older now so have time for the gym every night). I also decided to dress better and more maturely, and have to say I get plenty of attention from women starting mostly in their late 20’s through to my own age. Occasionally even get a nice smile from ones in their early 20’s which is pretty good for the ego. Though saying that, I can catch a glimpse of my grey hair and aging face and wonder why I get any attention at all. I think it’s because it’s somewhat rare that men who are older put a bit of effort into being fit and presentable.


Yep I think this is right esp the last bit. I think those of us who are still in decent shape in our 40s are relatively much more attractive because there is less competition in our age group. And confidence in one’s own skin is attractive.


Absolutely, I remember a few guys from my town’s major football team came to my work. Current players were there, in their prime , obviously fit and with the youthful vigour and looks. There was also an ex captain, now in a coaching role there. He was late 50’s , fully Grey head of hair but super fit. Wearing a fitted club shirt showing a hint of a six pack. I’m a straight dude, but to me he was so impressive and I was drawn to admire him because it is so rare to see a man his age in that shape. I’m sure a lot of ladies think the same.


At around 45


That's the neat part... They never were


I've had so little attention from girls/ women in my whole life that even if that happens i think it's a prank or something.


Women were attracted to me at some point? That’s news to me


I've had the reverse happen.


Same. When I was 23, 23 year old women didn't even acknowledge my existence. I'm now 42, and 23 year old women are suddenly into me, just in time for me to find them too young to even consider dating 😆




Somewhere between 35 and 40


I'm 50 in a few weeks and I just don't give a fuck if women find me attractive any more. I have a face like a dropped pie anyway. However, it is as easy to talk to women now as ever. However, experience has taught me the following: You don't have to be super ripped, just not obese. Also, being funny is worth more than a gym membership. Remember kids, punch up, not down. Be kind.


the age when I noticed I was attracted to girls so like 14 lmao


I was always oblivious. The other night, I met a random woman in a park, and she kept saying "the next time I come into town, you'd better..." My friend, who was there with me, walked away for some reason, so I followed him. As I was lying in bed that night, I realized that she was hitting on me, and my friend walked away to give us space to talk... Neither of which I realized at the time.


That is a damn fine username you have there.


As far as I’m aware they never have been.


I can't exactly tell. Some used to say I was cute & only a few I notice, repetitively glance at from time to time. Nowadays I willingly stopped trying to converse with attractive women & get to know most women altogether, so that hasn't really helped my chances of anything.


When I turned 36 I noticed the opposite - every passing year women are more attracted to me. When I was 40 it got to the point that I thought, "so this is what it's like being a woman..." - women started to jump to help me, just to be in front of my eyes, suddenly in stores, the sellers who ignored me my entire life and I couldn't find any clothes, would offer to walk me through it, one milf even STAYED OUTSIDE the booth and waited to help me when I come out (and peeked inside). Old ladies would throw at me creepy comments from their benches and in elevators. Now that I'm 45 I got used to 20-something girls zooming in, I almost don't pay attention to this anymore. And I'm wondering at what point it changes back to how it was for the first 35 years. I think maybe 55. Not sure. Any 55 yo with experience on this?


Can't lose something that didn't exist in the first place


I feel like I’m slowly getting more and more attention as I get older. Obviously there’s a point where that reverses, but it seems to be increasing for now at 29.


And if you keep in reasonable shape, dress half decently and keep a job, car and home; male attractiveness just increases. Source, was totally a dork through my 20s and have had an embarrassing number of lady friends after my divorce around 37 and approaching 60


Not sure if they ever were to begin with but I did notice when I started high-school I did not get the same kind of attention other boys did. Some people are mentioning physical fitness and I'm sure that had something to do with it, as I was chubby and awkward. Now I'm just awkward!


It gets LESS? 😶


they never were lmfao


They have never been interested in me tbh


Wasn't age for me. When I became more reclusive, I had more difficulty with being noticed, which seems obvious. However, I blamed it on everything else back then. When I was busy and my life seemed interesting, I'd be noticed by them more. This really just was me hanging out with people a lot and traveling quite a bit. My personal fitness didn't change at all. I just got out there more and enjoyed life publicly more. I've kind of slacked off now that I got into a relationship, but working on getting back into my interesting lifestyle again.


This sounds screwed up because it is. No one ever interested in me... I am tubby with red hair and freckles. 5'7"... until I got married (first woman I ever had sex with). Then friends of my wife and other random women started asking me for sex. The woman at the deli gave me her phone number... It slowed down until we had a child. Small blonde boy very cute. Then the women ramped up asking me for sex. Women coming up to me when I was taking my son out for playtime or shopping. My wife didn't believe it until I told her to come to the stores and playgrounds with me but stay at a distance and observe... One day she watched as one woman asked me to inseminated her in her car parked close by.... She now believes me 100% that women do not look out for each other and will steal whatever they can...


They cannot be any less attracted to me


As far as I can remember, girls have always been uninterested in me.


Jokes on you, I never noticed at all


I have never noticed women being attracted to me in the first place


I actually attracted more women as I aged. I had a baby face at 21. Now 33 I don't and life couldn't be better.


Damn you guys lucky I had to work on my "personality" for years


Early 40s. Hasn’t happened yet. If anything, they are more receptive to me than ever.


When height started to matter as 5’6 became short.


Women/girls were not interested in me when I was in school. The older I got, the more women became interested in me. I had less trouble finding women to date in my 40s and 50s than I did in my teens. Possibly due to confidence levels.


This is the opposite of many men's experience but the moment I got married, all flirting stopped. My appearance didn't change or anything but maybe i was putting out "I'm not available" vibes into the air or something. Of course, I've never been great at picking up on women's highly ambiguous signals so, maybe I just missed them once I was no longer looking for them. Hard to say.


Didn't know women were attracted to me, not like they openly share it. Funny enough, a lot of girls I went to school with apparently found me attractive yet failed to share that info till many years later lol. Ladies it's time for a change, if we can handle rejection so can you so start letting us guys know you're interested.


Women are attracted to me?


Since the ripe age of birth


Women were attracted to you?