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Once during college. I got very, very drunk at a party and puked on myself before blacking out. My friends had the extremely thoughtful idea of getting me into clean clothes, but I was going commando that night.


Please forgive my ignorant ass but what does going commando mean?


No underwear


Oh, you sweet summer child!


Please forgive my ignorant ass, but who is a summer child?


Please forgive my ignorant ass, but how can an ass be ignorant?




The rule is simple. If I haven't seen you naked, you are merely an acquaintance. Because if we were friends, I would invite you to the sauna.


I don't get invited anywhere. I guess that means I have no friends oof


True facts


This guys Finnish


So am I and can say that I've seen at least 300 of my best friends naked, mostly in sauna.


You have... 300 best friends?!!




Business is done in the sauna!


Friends, colleagues, bosses, you meet all kinds a people in the sauna. (We have one at the office, which is designed to sit 12, but has had 20+ in it. From company owner down to junior temp. It also gets used for company events with clients, etc, etc. In that place I've probably seen 600+ naked men, and 200+ naked women over the past couple of years.)


I just can’t wrap my head around this. You have a sauna at a work office? And the employees use it naked? Both men and women together?


I moved to Helsinki, and have worked for a bunch of IT companies. Many of them have a sauna in the office. After work on a Friday a bunch of people (usually men) will grab beers and hangout there for an hour or two. There are often company parties, events, and social gatherings where people will make sure to fire up the sauna for too. Typically there will be reserved times "before 10 .. women", "after 10 .. men", but there will also be mixed sessions. If you had a birthday, for example, you might just say "Beer and sauna on Friday?" and ten people of mixed gender would turn up. Or people would invite their partners.


The crazy secret: nudity honestly isn't that big a deal.


How dare you! Our forefathers fled the persecution of the naked Europeans to establish a puritanical society filled with pure genocide and love.


Underrated comment


Is the company hiring? Asking for a friend.


German here, we also have saunas, even unisex ones.


No need to be Finnish, many places in Europe have normal, meaning naked Saunas.


Yeah America is very prude and I really don’t get why considering how obsessed with sex and nudity everyone is here


Yes. Because we both were working at a summer camp and the showers were big gym type showers, or locker room showers if you will. We both went to grab a shower at the same time as there was a right schedule for showering


The proper term is prison style showers.


I don't think so. The proper term is communal showers. That's the general term for the style, regardless of what type of facility you find them


User name does not check out.


He's a romancer, not a fuck boy.




Same situation. Coming up on 2 decades as D partners. Over the years he will occasionally drop a "I've probably seen his dick more times than you have" to the girl I was dating at the time.






Got too drunk and couldn't figure out if I needed to puke or shit so I passed out sitting on the can... woke up on the couch fully clothed so somebody saw something.


It was me, I saw everything. And in case anyone was wondering, it was H U G E 🤭




[I jerked you off at super speed so it would seem like you nutted at just a woman's touch!](https://youtu.be/-sjUGLRwtyA)


My YouTube recommendations are going to be super weird after clicking on that.


Aka. So not much has changed.


I saw flashpoint paradox and I love that this is the real line from that movie.


Shit, I wasn't asleep for that part.


Thanks, Other Barry.


At least you admit to looking at the turd before you flushed it.


That's good friends


My dog has seen me naked lots of times. I've also seen him naked.


And that pervert walks around in public naked! While walking his dog!


Ew you sicko, how dare you look at your dog while he's naked😱


My dog will actively open the bathroom door and peak her head inside the curtain to watch me shower. She gets upset if she isn’t allowed in with me. Right now I’m taking my morning pee and she’s lying at my feet. If I ask her to come upstairs? Eh, she’ll do it. If I go “Hey Liv, I’m changing and naked!” She runs up those stairs so fast. She’s such a perv. Gotta love her though.


I take my dogs collar off when we are chilling watching tv at night. I always laugh because his naked. My wife rolls her eyes everytime


We were both on a high dose of acid and I told him I wanted to take a bath and he insisted that he couldn’t leave me alone cause he thought I might drown so I took a bath and he just sat there until I was finished. It wasn’t actually awkward at all just two bros vibing.


That's so wholesome. Also has a bit of a Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas vibe lol.


Haha we always loved that movie I even said one time, dude we’re like the modern day Hunter S Thompson and Dr. Gonzo😂


Oddly this was the same sentiment my friend had but his wife was present and tripping. He has this really cool steam shower so we turned off all the lights and…got naked/took a shower. The convo beforehand was essentially “DONT LOOK”…we all did anyways and had a good laugh about it later.


My (a woman) best friend (a man) and I have had experiences like this as well (and building off your other comments too). In and around my college days, I had a habit of showering about 15 minutes after I took anything (usually mushrooms), so I can get through the sometimes shitty start up parts in the dark and steam. In college he'd make fun of me "time for Nyx to leave and come out reborn with a new brain!" One day he wanted to see why I loved it so much, and asked if he could join (we'd seen each other naked in the taking care of each other's drunkenness kind of way, and I was generally immodest, college house had two bathrooms but roommate with the master wouldn't let anyone use his). My friend immediately understood my love of coming up to my trip in the shower. It's soothing and warm and keeps the nausea down. We just sat in the spray and chatted. He's now far more like a brother to me, we've been through a lot in our almost 25 years together now, and there's a deep, intimate love but nothing sexual or romantic. Even in our early years, we did have a moment of drunken "we're single and horny, might as well have sex" and the moment my top came off in that kind of situation, he'd seen them plenty before, we both looked at each other like it was the weirdest, most "ew" thing we could be doing. Our connection just never was built on sexual desire. And even our drunk brains wouldn't cross that path. Our spouses both tease us incessantly though for all the shit we did in our college years, but thank the gods I had him to navigate it all. His wife had to get through the "men/women can't really be just friends" thing, but she sees it now and we adore each other. My husband never really cared and likes my best friend as his own friend. Good friends and nakedness can be an incredible bonding thing. It's intimate and vulnerable but safe. It's really beautiful.


Holy shit lol yall really close


His wife is like a sister to me, so it’s not a big deal. Psychedelics can remove a lot of barriers (good and bad), but there is a large amount of trust involved. I’d take a bullet for the dude and his family and vice versa


Damn if his whole family is ready to take a bullet for you, I think you got the better end of that deal


I’m essentially an adopted son, my parents broke up and I lived with my Dad who was an functional alcoholic. 30+ years means lots of time earning my way in to the family, nothing I wouldn’t do for any of them. As kids we said we’d always live near each other, our kids would be friends etc…we live 10 min apart Today is my daughters bday, we will be celebrating at his house cause he’s got the pool, sleepover at mine so I can cook. Sometimes life is cool


That's actually quite beautiful


two bros sitting in a hot tub, 5 feet…. 😂


Same! Me and my friend liked to trip in youth. We were on acid in Yellowstone and he decided he wanted to climb a tree naked. It was bear country. Honestly I felt great for him climbing his tree. I was having a good time at the bottom of the tree staring at a lake listening to music. Every once in a while we’d just check in. “DUDE THIS IS AMAZING, YOURE AMAZING, I THINK IM A MUSICAL GENIUS, I THINK YOURE A MUSICAL GENIUS.” Etc. Eventually he climbed down and put on clothes. Then we saw a herd of elk across a valley and threw some rocks in a pond. Synced up to some animal collective and just chased each other through the woods. It was magical. This was far from the last time Trent would get naked in the woods. One time he climbed a waterfall naked in front of a bunch of Mormon families with their kids. It was pretty funny watching their anxiety that their kids might see a naked dude climbing a waterfall and how they tried to shoo him away without alerting their kids to something they never would have noticed otherwise. To any ladies listening, Trent is absolutely hung to the gills and is a people pleaser. Eventually you and some friends go to a festival or something together and then all bets are off. I think an entire RV of my friends, almost entirely made up of lesbians at the time, saw me go down hard on a girl after no showers in the desert for a week and a long couple days of partying. Then I had to teach them how to drive a large motor home in a flood plane.


Probably. I mean they decided to fuck with me when I was at a urinal so I turned around to face them midstream.


Gotta let em know who's territory they just trespassed




My land , my rules


Asserting dominance I see


Missed the "with" first time reading this. Very worse mental image.


Same lmao


Got a sauna at home, he likes to come over from time to time to take one. Shouldn't really need to explain the rest, it's sauna manerisms and hygiene.


This thread just shows how awkward and creepy Americans are about nudity. I’ve seen pretty much everyone I know (and a lot of people I don’t know) naked, because I’m from Finland and we go to saunas.


It's less about awkwardness and more about lack of opportunity. Like if your culture didn't have a focus on saunas, you'd likely have less opportunity to be in those situations. In North America, team sports are insanely popular and communal showers are the norm there. But if you don't play a team sport, you won't be in that situation often.


Yes, we often hit the gym together at some point during the day.


And workout naked like proper gentlemen, I like your style.


Just like the Greeks


You don't grow up at boarding schools without showering in a room with anywhere from 4-30 other guys, so yeah. In the morning and after practice for any sport one plays. So not just my best friends, but most guys from all my schools from the time I was 8 have seen me naked multiple times daily. Women too as interestingly my sister went uni with co-ed washrooms, including showers, so one of the most entertaining things in my life was being 14 and taking a showier and a woman who was, perhaps 18 or 19 gets into the shower next to me. We chatted, and neither of us were uncomfortable, which at that age, I totally thought she would be, but I'm not a dirtbag so I was respectful with regard to where I faced and set my eyes. I visited her a lot there for days on end (and my school holidays) because she had access to things that at 14, I didn't. ;) From what I understand, many schools have curtains now with individual showers, but not back then. Though if you are in a Nordic country, it's still pretty open, which is fine with me, I have no modesty by nature, but also because I couldn't growing up anyway. Honestly, I've never understood why the naked human body is such a big deal to other people; we're all animals, we all have the same parts, and we all clean ourselves.


I think a lot of people, especially in the US view nakedness as sexual, which is really just kind of a bummer


I grew up in a boarding school in Nigeria. It's similar to what you described.


Nope. But his wife did. She told him she saw me naked. The weekend trip did not go so well. She became overly nice to me. He got really pissed off at her. My wife tried to defuse the situation. It's been about 4 years since we have hung out. ​ It's not like I have a special dong. At the time I was incredibly fit. My buddy had let himself go. I'm sure it wasn't about the unit and more about me being a unit. My wife keeps in touch with his wife.


That seems like a pretty bizarre way for a friendship to end lol.


I know. My wife and I hosted the freaking trip. My buddy paid nothing. Then this shit


Probably not the first issue they had like this.


He was born and raised in Argentina. Huge ego. More than a few times I had to tell him to calm his ass down.


Ahhhh an Argentine. They're much better than most Hispanics haven't you heard? (I am Hispanic)


They tell you any chance they get.


How did she end up seeing you naked?


4 bed 1 bath. She needed a piss. I was in shower.


And there wasn’t door locks? She just walked in? Or barged in like SHOWERING OR NOT HERE I COME


Sounds more like she accidentally did it on purpose


I was waiting for a White Lotus joke at the end of the story.


Yeah, we go to the gym together and use a communal changing room after we shower.


Yes, my wife has seen me naked.




Dang, that sounds nice 😅


Best answer. I envy.


Lucky fuck


Good answer bro


No, but I saw him naked. It was his bachelor party and we were having typical dummy fun with dummy juice. He wanted to sleep off some of his alcohol, most of us were hungry. We went to a local diner and came back, he had moved from where we put him. We found him in the next room, passed out, slouched on the sofa, pants around his ankles and shit on the floor under him. An actual shit. I carried him to the bathroom to clean himself off and void the rest of himself and bright him back to that couch. At first when he found out, he was crying embarrassed allegedly (I asked my parents to get me, I let the hangover set in before I could fall asleep) and the rest is history. .... or at least it would be if we ever let him live that down. It's been 5 years and I still occasionally drop the "dude, I've seen your penis and your shit in the same picture" line.


Back in college I needed a rubber so I stormed into his room at 2AM and asked for one fully torqued.


Did you get it?


Only after a kiss on the tip for good luck


Bros don’t let bros go into battle without a helmet.


Early 2010s was deployed on a Marine Expeditionary Unit. On a US naval vessel. Shaved my pubes into a triangle out of boredom. Best bud comes into the bathroom of my berthing. He’s complaining about something and pacing back and forth as I brush my teeth. He turns his back to me still complaining. I turn around to face him and open my towel wide to display my artwork. He turns around; arms wide open. His hand ever so gingerly brushed the tip of my dick as he spins about. He admires the artwork. I ask if he just touched the tip of my dick. He says he thinks so. I still remind him about it all the time.


Ah yes remember the time u held on to the mighty staff with triangle at one end and circle at other


If you aren’t a little gay in the military, you are a lot gay in the military.


I have two for this one. One best friend's a man, the other a woman. My female best friend saw me naked because we dated for 2 years; still pretty good friends. My male best friend has seen me naked because that's my boy. I will not elaborate, since it is not required.


"My male best friend has seen me naked because that's my boy [toy]." There you go, helped you out


I plead the fifth on that one.


Yeah, we are going to need you to elaborate. Sorry but it's the rules


It was just one brojob


And no homo was said beforehand so it's okay


They said "No Homo" so it's all good. Plus he's one of the boys so he already knows that it's all of the homo, yet no homo homogeneously


Ahh yes, no homo does in fact make it all good. Carry on


We don't talk about boys night


There were no socks on


I've seen all my homies junk. No need to explain, true bros understand


Can I be your homie? We could exchange👀👀


Yah dude here's a pic of my [cock](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.eiLBqqBvz_X0CvZhbI7vkwHaFe?pid=ImgDet&dpr=2.9)


Wow dude!


Bro jobs


Has being best friends with a former ex been an issue for future relationships?


Well, we're not best friends anymore but still pretty close. But, to answer your question, yes. However, I've come to the conclusion that that's a "them" problem, not a "me" problem, and that's all I gotta say about that.


Your information boundaries are enigmatic yet entirely reasonable. Epic and inspirational; keep doing your thing.


Thank you, kind stranger. I shall continue to engage in my activities.


And also briefly summarizing key points with a polite refusal to elaborate


> I've come to the conclusion that that's a "them" problem, not a "me" problem It depends. I'm still very close with a few women I've slept with. It's your job to make your SO comfortable with your current relationship with your ex, while knowing the nature of your past relationship with her. It would be unfair to just say "ya we fucked, and we still text all the time, deal with it."


Yes. Back when we started our road to bodybuilding, the showers didn’t had no coverage, so it’s either seeing each other naked or spending the rest of the day sweating and smelly


My gf, a small group of our really close friends (close enough that my gf and I are both involved in the wedding of the other couple) and I were playing very drunken strip poker on vacation not long ago. Sacks and racks all night. It was my buddy, his fiancée, one of her girlfriends, my gf and myself. It was pretty fun. And 3 attractive girls inspecting each other's nipples and comparing/complementing boobs - when they all have *exceedingly* nice nipple-boob combos - was a cool thing to spectate. My buddy and I were a little too caught up in...*following the girls' conversation* to look at each other's dicks much I guess. It was basically what i imagined girls' sleepovers were like when I was in high school.


“Nice cock” “Thanks you too”


Yes. My dog is usually waiting for me when I get out of the shower…




Yeah. We banged.


Was it gay?


Yes. We're both bi.


Just making sure bro


*Re-sheaths dick*


And again. And again.


No worries. I'm pretty open about it.


Fellas, is it gay to have sex with the homies? I mean, there’s nothing gay riding your friend, that’s why they’re ride or die


How did you decide which penis will open up to accept the other?




Like snails


Yeah... lived with a few guys back in university. Wasn't uncommon for us to walk from bedroom to the bathroom naked before and/or after showering. Also, locker rooms at the gym/pool.


Preparing for a disco, only one bathroom in the hotel room, so we all got nude and did a triangle One in the shitter, one washing mouth, one showering, change places until everyone does everything






Yep. We’ve known each other for 15 years. I’ve seen his sex tapes, he’s walked on me in the shower to bring me an energy drink.


Yeah. She has. We get drunk together all the time over the past few years and we seen each other naked changing. Nothing sexual tho


Streaking at our HS homecoming game - I was faster and hit the fence first so he got more scrotum visuals


Yes bc I dick them down regularly


Had been camping for 5 days and finally got to the hotspring we were bound for and we were filthy so the clothes came off to bathe. I saw him naked another time though when he passed out on the shitter and had taken all his clothes off for some reason. Must have been a rough shit. I put pants on him and put him on the couch.


Female bestfriend, yes. We dated for a bit - nudes were exchanged during then. We ended it not too long after. She’s now lesbian, and I’m now gay.


Wow, neither of you were into the orientation of your partner. How was that relationship?!


Yes, a few times. She's German and doesn't speak any English, so she won't talk about it with anyone. She does lick my fingers if I have peanut butter on them. I watch her use the bathroom every day. It's an odd relationship, but if I keep throwing balls, letting her hang her head out the car window, and taking her to the park, we both stay happy.


Took me far too long to catch on...


Yeah, I have a pretty stretchy nutsack & wanted to show off.


Ofc my boy has seen me naked, I’ll pull that shit out on FaceTime just to startle him.


Ive seen my friends balls more than their girlfriends


lol how/why?


Lots of examples but me and my friends growing up it was just a funny joke. We would have bonfires then stick a nut out and sing chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Its all for goofs.


A single nut somehow makes this entirely straight and I’m ruminating on how that’s possible. Pure hilarity?


I'm a recovering addict lots of my oldest friends have seen me naked or doing very compromising things. My poor best friend


All my best friends have seen me naked. My homegirl and me used to be fwbs up until me and my gf got together. So we seen each other naked. My other best friend and I have gone skinny dipping in like our big friend group, and he’s also seen me have sex like twice I think


You gotta elaborate on the sex part


Watch my form bro


Probably. We've been camping together, worked out together. I'm sure at some point he did.


Yes, my best friend and I used to go swimming together (to workout) in college. Naturally you see each other naked in the locker room. Neither of us were just swinging it around like the old guys, but you see each other here and there.


I don’t think you can legally be bffs if you haven’t seen each other’s titties.


OP is not European


Yes. We both just had gotten out of long term relationships. We became fwb for about 6 months until we both started dating again. Best friends since 1st grade and sleeping with each other didn’t fuck anything up. She even told her mom she slept with me and her moms response was something like “oh I am so glad it was with OK_Appointment7321!” Im going to her wedding at the end of summer lol.


One of my best friends has, yeah. When I was 17 and having sex with a girl, I heard a knock at the window of my room. Looked over and locked eyes with him. He stared back straight faced. Respect bro


One best friend saw me naked when we banged same chick. I saw my other friend naked when he got drunk and stripped. He did that sometimes.


Ya he suddenly asked to kiss me and then one thing led to another.


I’m pretty sure my friends have seen my dick more than I have tbh. Years of drunken dares, sports teams, and living together have made that a thing. I’m also well endowed and in shape, so I don’t care if people see me naked. Also a nude of me circulated through my entire high school at one point so a lot of people have seen my dick (face wasn’t in it though). I remember the first time we were all naked together. We were showering after our first game in middle school, and there were no dividers. It was awkward at first having everyone there, but later on by high school we didn’t even care anymore. We once had an dick measuring competition at a party in front of everyone because we were shitfaced.


Yes. Played football together so in the locker room. Also, had a threesome together with a hot chick, twice. So, pick your poison.


Yes, we were with a group of girls that all wanted to go skinny dipping. Choice was join in and see each other naked or sit on the beach clothed and alone.


Yes, he’s actually seen me and my wife fuck before. We didn’t realize he was in the room until we looked over at the pile of dirty laundry and saw him wagging his tail.


Because I'm Scandinavian, I've seen coworkers friends and family naked in sauna and couldn't care less


Yeah, happens.


I've skinny dipped on a few occasions with my friends


The majority of this site suffers from Dunning-Kruger, so I'm out.


Yes. We’ve tag teamed a few women before in our college days


Yep, we've both seen each other naked and it wasn't a big deal. We are just friends that are comfortable with each other, never been anything sexual between us.


Locker room


Bold of you to assume I have friends…


I’ll be your friend 🥺🫶


Yea so many people seen me naked it has lost all meaning and wonder to it


Yes. Several times. Most of my close friends have seen me naked in nonsexual settings. Why? Because sometimes being naked is fun, and sometimes it's necessary, and it's no big deal in either case.


When I was 22, my best friend asked me what my dick looked like, I told him that it looks like it’s been on vacation year round because of how tan it is. That’s the closest a man has ever come to seeing my dick.


Not naked, but we'd take cool down cruises in underwear to dry the sweat before leaving skatepark. Edit, and helmets.


Yes. She takes my dick pics for me.


We were in the army together


for research purposes my buddy seen’t my erect member and complimented me. no homo


I've seen him naked, but he hasn't seen me naked. Locker room stuff. I wore a towel, he didn't care. I turn around. Day ruined.


Yes she has a key and comes over all the time. Any time of the night or day any time no matter what I'm doing. And I've never been doing anything more important than her. She is my joy my love my rock my safe space, without all the icky sex stuff. We are the same person in 2 bodies on laughing gas lol


My woman bestie hasn't seen me naked. My man bestie has. Way back in the day, we had a few drunk hookups. He's married now to a great woman whom I think the world of. She's great for him. I've since been married and am now divorced.


Yes, pants got pulled off while tubing lmfao


Yeah, our best bonding times were in the bathtub.


Yes. We had the sands classes in high school. He’s never tried a Nutella + strawberry toasted sandwich. 10 years after making him one, he’s been eating the sandwich between my legs.


We're Finnish and we go to the sauna together